BUDGET 4WD CHALLENGE! $1000 ute takes on Fraser Island!

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[Music] [Music] if you love four-wheel driving love the outdoors and love idyllic camping then you'll definitely also be in love with fraser island with its long stretches of golden sand turquoise oceans magical inland lakes and world-class camping it's no wonder this place attracts the attention of any right minded formal drive enthusiast you'd be mad not to come here and that's exactly why Sean and I need to check out what's going on with our make job here is Hey Joe you got me and Sean I were you might we're supposed to be making it for Preiser yeah look funny story but don't think I'm gonna make this one ah sorry analyze the how axis is currently doesn't have a drive line it's just a Chevy at the moment good my vehicle yeah it's just a sled you reckon yeah hey joko what if I said we'll look after the vehicle for you you just get up here mate yeah that sounds pretty good where you got in mind my Luck's yep it's a yeah we're gonna got a ute mate it's the highlight you'd you've got a highlight so yeah it's pretty much the same as yours mate that's exactly the same as yours is that right it's almost it's almost a picture Pitts pretty heavily modified no yeah it's a single cab not a dual cab though don't you worry about a thing we'll look out for the truck you get up here here's a sound yeah it sounds good well any excuse to go to phrases good one so uh-oh get up it Don microboy locks you get up here alright talk to you soon alright getcha my when Trust is ago I sure crap that off the 79 make your morning for use a perfect accessory I hope you didn't thank you guy my Alex we got Eva Horlicks that's as close as it's gonna get anyway we're gonna meet Jacque at Rainbow Beach and take the ferry across from inskipp point to fraser and from there we're planning on heading up the east coast taking in the sights and then diverting across to the west and worrell in creeks then we're going to return to the east coast and head north to the ultimate four-wheel-drive camping location sandy Cape right she should be just to be around the corner as Sean I said he made us up here somewhere I'm excited made driving highlights on Friday its Sun yeah I'm gonna like it if you're really really gonna like it in fact it looks it looks absolutely fantastic here it is mate check this out what is that that's your new hole that's my friend is a very limited issue whatever corn ya missin TT 27 Toyota Hilux that was the special edition one I must admit I love you I'm in Australia yeah I shouldn't be and the keys the keys are in it it's sort of start sometimes oh look at that it's one of those yeah I can't hold this be careful jumping turn it on you dip starts we don't work better than my current one let's do it that's Dorothy's what a weapon starts come on I think it's fair to say that Jeff loves his new adventure machine and why wouldn't he it's gonna take him all around Fraser Island and back well that's the plan at this stage anyway first we've got to get there we're gonna join the queue right here at in skip and jump on the manta ray ferry now look a really big tip is make sure your ear down before driving onto the sand and either skip because it is ridiculous and soft the trip across only takes a few minutes it's a really narrow passage of water [Music] before you know it you're off mainland Australia and you're on Fraser Island [Music] she'll aren't Lulu the fries are all night rakia frother the best time but you know love Fraser why claim the new bar is already too rusty to worry about sea water I think I've gone down to 18 psi if I need to go down lower I won't even hesitate buddy I was just thinking to myself then I live next to the coast so you'd think I'd get pretty blasé when it comes to Coast driving but you get me up here Fraser like all over the places yeah might just pop come in a phrase there I've got to say it's one of my favourite destinations in Australia I come up here a couple times a year you never get bored of these sites right now it's the middle of December and the weather is beautiful this is gonna make for some champagne for driving and camping for now though we're making our way north up 75 mile beach you're gonna see why so many vehicles get swamped up here yeah okay boys that tides right up this one there's actually waves right in front of me here now we can just about scared our way up here but if the tide comes in too far there's an inland road you can take on this southern section of the island it's worth bearing in mind because remember salt water is not your friend if you're in a four-wheel drive driving through seawater is goes against everything I know we've managed to push a few miles north but we've come to a halt right here because of what's up ahead let's come across the tides are right up there king tides at the moment and I saw the beach has actually been taken over by the waves we can't get through writing it right now but it's the boys that is having a look right now just to see if we can get a vehicle story but just from looking at it from here we have to wake that tide to come down so might be an early lunch sit down wait for the tide to go out we continue up the beach you just wouldn't do this if you love your four-wheel drive at all this is off limits you know you can see those waves starting to come in now you got stuck here waiting to try and get across you just flood your entire vehicle with salt water fresh water who cares salt water absolute enemy look at it right now look at this this is where you'd cross up here unbelievable no way very an early lunch boys wait for to let it go down when you come camping in the summer months don't forget to bring something to create shade and shelter from the heat of the midday Sun because it can get brutal just an hour of waiting and that tide has dropped tell you what an owl makes a big difference yeah so save your vehicle what are we getting here we go you want to go first I'll go first I want us to sit there and just watch it for another five minutes the dry sand up or just way as soon as I get it on you paste apply it's safe on Fraser Island beaches folks let's give this a go actually bit nervous going first I don't blame you made that nice shiny 79 you wouldn't want to get our too covered in salt water I reckon not mine I'm just gonna take it pretty slightly and just try and see what those guys are doing for a second I'm gonna I'm gonna skip across the surface like a stone on a river look at that difference in our bikes there we go sorry boys jogo copter oh well she got through just a little wet but although Frazer is a sand on you will come across the odds section of this stuff right here called coffee rock which is formed from ancient river sediments or something like that boys are again um that tide still up a bit to my tomorrow big are those rocks are I can good idea made a big thing to see how that six meter long brother goes who Daz may have to reckon he's gonna belly out front wheels to be on the other side rear wheels you on this side the fronts up the bottoms down the bottom still at the back that thing is so long I tell you what it's got the wheelbase of a freight train to be rigged yeah that's too bad plenty of traction on there look this size are there that's redonkulous Sean I don't think even noticed it was there that truck I tell you what what a beast [Music] as the d-max up and over absolutely zero problem get into a dog I have a look at the grooves that have cut into the rock because it's obviously a really common crossing point she's walking up jocks first real challenge in the little beasty he looks like he's made it look easy well done mate plenty attraction even for 30 year old Bulldog right pretty soon and we're in sight of the infamous maheno wreck it was washed up during a cyclone in 1935 this disintegrating wreck can still pull a big crowd strewth boys I was thinking of awesome too busy on Frazer but it seems as a party it's the maheno a lot of crowd hanging around it and probably for good reason - I don't reckon it's got many years left it doesn't even look like a boat anymore what other night on our bank IV for bet 15 years at least now and it was a proper ship you could almost walk around but I started coming up here and yeah you know you'd struggle Toronto recognize what it is I've seen so many photos of it I'm excited to actually finally be driving past it I bet the photos now look quite like that man she's well she's seen better days look at that you got to get a photo with your former driver fire that I reckon nothing says phrase I like the maheno wreck and backpackers we've got both right here on the right answer I know look at him others Lots [Music] hey joko like what's got more rust Mike mihaylo well-heeled Navarra well I wonder if the Marino's got holes in the floor cuz I'm pretty sure I can almost turn this two bar into a Flintstone car it's not honestly as bad as you'd think I mean it's got the power steering and a 5-speed gearbox ago it's this slow very very slow besides the fact that you can get into a full drive for what yeah real cheap I've under at the outlet box perhaps and you can fight you know cool places like this we have Nicole what does it look like it says four hundred and thirty thousand but it hasn't worked at all since we bar since we picked it up so I don't really know probably more oh well she's got a bit of life left in any old girl it's apparent it's not blowing smoke I mean you've kept up this far I've got high hopes for her to be honest yeah me too I have high hopes if she keeps this pace up but we'll see I [Music] thought here is a olive seesnake these guys are actually super venomous we started washed up on the beach but what you'll find is that they've got very very small things they can't usually pierce the skin so so yeah you don't get a lot of a lot of injuries they're very inquisitive sort of snakes they'll come right up when you're in the water dive and have a look at you this one is the very bucket I think he's had a rough night out at sea and he's are coming here for a bit of a relapse but well I'm putting back in the ocean and yeah you still you still very much alive he's not very good on the land a lot better in the seaside is putting back see you later buddy he's back at it's a pretty better get back out to the cake everybody pretty soon and we've booked a left off the beach and onto the inland track that will take us across to the west side of the island I check that out boys platypus by in front the west coast of Fraser yeah what is it three words for you mate three words for you one is West the other one is the last one is best I'm feeling you'd say something like that mate but I think in this case yeah you're pretty right the tracks actually in remarkably good condition for this time of year there's some soft spots but that's to be expected I said to someone here that I we're gonna camp up the sandy Cape all year and they said I'm gonna take you to get this auntie Kate I reckon it'd take you three to four hours and he couldn't fathom it yeah it's bad like he were to drive across the inlet one it sort of take a couple of hours it's only about so the 30k is wide I can't wait to get to camp tonight because I reckon it's gonna be one of the better camp so ever done Fraser yeah we're gonna we're gonna catch dinner first bite but yeah and that right there is the benefit of camping on the west coast limited crowds and you get to see the sunset over the ocean you know sometimes less capable vehicles really can't offer plenty of fun and excitement on even some of the easiest tracks I guess what it comes down to is all about having a challenge [Music] no no so close so close I think I'm just trying to climb through different I was it one see yeah you are don't be just to give you a bit of a top the hill yeah I think so mate sounds good Raji come on come on back mate now you haven't got much in the bar work on that thing so Allah will do this nice and gentle I think yeah I don't particularly want the front end to come off so I need a tow then that's good now back to Mike so close so close all right let's go are you all going anyway my during you Jesse Jesse huh quick snatch that's the guy what Nate machchar Ian hey Mike what I've done here is I've used a tree trunk protector to essentially become an equalizer between the two jazzy rails he's quite stuck here I just want to make I suppose the safest sort of recover you can and put less stress on the vehicle gonna copy their jobs in yeah mate on you LD max didn't even notice you with Beck name for really good if they break a sweat night love it and that's the pulling power of the d-max it really made that snatch recovery a piece of cake boys having driven through the ever changing scenery of the inland track we're just about to pop out onto the west side of the island at Worley Creek here you go Joe hold on to the sterile eight with both hands because it's a crazy crazy senior at to come across it's 100 percent some sort of hidden secret hidden when I say it's right in the face and everyone you can see them I'm out you know you can come here but you just don't get the crowds I reckon it's the best part of frozen you get a load of this look at that water absolutely picture-perfect now what I really want you to take a look at is the sand you notice anything that's right no tracks nobody's been down this Beach in a long time and that means we've got the whole western side of fraser island to ourselves we're going to point the four be Seth and head to our plan camp at control freak [Music] what a man that went up on the left there short truly doesn't have a look at this for a cracking campsite plenty of shade from the Melaleuca trees here we've got a bit of a river on one side and that magnificent ocean on the other camping permits are needed for the west coast as well as the East Coast much easier to get on the west coast however of course because you get so few people over here make it to the west coast though I guarantee you'll have the place to yourself the fishing is unbelievable and the sunsets over the ocean whilst you're sitting having a cold beer at your campsite well that just can't be beat one thing that might beat it though is a decent feed sure you're up mate but down here a Fraser Island a new campsite actually stayed here before kundo Creek now stoked to be here it's a beautiful campsite got to make a beautiful meal to go with it now you can see a few veggies and stuff going on here don't get the wrong idea we're doing a fish and chips with a bit of salad and all that sort of stuff so look it's a sort of meal if you were to impress a lady with cooking something like this chances are she'll be very impressed now first thing for fish and chips is it a bit of fish you know coming to the waco does you can see a lot of a 75 lead up jewel zone to the compartment so you can run want as a preach one it's a phrase and focuses of fridge buttons and fries that's really up to you cool thing is though there's a lot of space 75 litres heck a lot more beers fit in here but you're so a lot of what a grease you know there's a fish acquire back this one before it actually caught this fish don't weigh about 50 K is that way just off the top of Fraser so an unreal a bit of dogfish that'll look what else been here the automation going to do with the fish is I'm gonna make a lemon but up to go with it so we're gonna do it first is make the lemon butter hello boys fish and chips these chips all right where the potatoes I'll start them up got it no no no no I didn't I want to be here or what yep drop boy you're in there mate yeah you grab the chips here just do my beers right I'm ready to cut no no no Teddy this is cook this is smart what you're gonna do just put into the barbecue look down I reckon I can cook I've never tried this before so favorite about it is water yep we're gonna here might squeeze a couple of these bad boys in maybe you can even do it for their fitness a bit like four cloves was only something like butter lemon gallon that's what you want might you want to pour that lemon bother to go for about 10 minutes on the heat it sort of thickens up a little bit that goes with the fish and use play of a fish I here you go this is gonna work it's gonna work right yeah no tears with that it is labor-intensive but I've got this sorry just want to open this one up ever look at this look at that right it is nice job for joint fish so no it's nice white like she use any fish this is a this is a Fraser locally caught bit of fish what we're gonna do with its mr. Joby right yep is we're gonna put it into like a camp oven or something like that put the lemon butter on it little bit of alcohol the bhaduri camp up in here it's gonna chop the fish straight in alright so just got all the fish light up and might just drizzle that throw it over the top that's drizzle little bit 'space Chuck a bit of chili Graham's idea of course just gonna put a bit of chili in the top there I look in businesses the bit with fish you know even chuck a few flavors but this don't put too many especially not with the speech like that that is yeah some people kill it a little bit well put too much flavors in put a bit on top hopefully what that does is steams a little bit you know that on top all right Chuck this one straight on now as you can see we're cooking with gas normally up with this straight on to the coals but phrase are on of course you can't have fires there's only a couple of ways you can in in fry pizzas some of the campgrounds but stop I know you can't have five there were all the fishes cool gun there's going to throw a quick salad to get up pretty much let's get everything out of the way cow a bit of lettuce bit of cucumber mangoes we've got the whole kit food with chili bit of lime toss that together and it'll go well with the fish right now this meal not bad like I'll do look see if it is one of my special needs I reckon and it really it really is an easy meal to cook as well just lemon butter garlic salt and pepper fish in the camp Hartman for a little bit make a salad get some frozen fries and Chuck on the barbie yeah you've got yourself a meal but my goodness that's one of the single best the best ever has been sandy cake track and tap York million pizzas for your house favorite ever yeah yeah you this however I'm gonna put it on the tune I'm just gonna give it to it's the West Coast it's the West Coast this place is superb absolutely I'm gonna go see the end of it and if you haven't told my it's take two on Fraser Island wake up here Fraser kick her off that's for sure it's like it's dynamite or something is it worried about the more you look the more yummy tea kettle yeah yes I do is one I prepared earlier exactly right from there it's gonna say if you can't fix it with a hammer Bobby not not worth fixing is what you want to do actually here the whole reason we were using the hammer is to try and hit the side of the starter motor because the brushes sometimes don't have enough contact there's a little bit of mud sent me to grime in there give it a little tap as you trying to start and that something's gonna free it up and we'll kick it into the life hang on a sec mate just get in here you won't need this again nights right time to make a mile tonight we're heading back across to the a stands without a boat it's the only way to reach sandy Cape and that's exactly where we're goin to the tip [Music] the beaches entrees are littered with wash outs now often they can be quite hard to see and that's one reason why you do need to keep the speed right down up ahead we've got a predicament boys can you see what I can see at first I didn't at first I just thought must be a bend in the ocean just continues around but it's nope that's the river yeah it's the top is obviously right up I think I've become a scuba now through that up ahead we've got a predicament yeah I was gonna pull up right in front of it to have a quick look and see how salty that water is pretty salty imagine good lord that is impressive it's probably a mayor and a half two meters deep in the middle there it's super deep super salty so this is one of the good things about Frazer you know get the tides wrong yes he's stuck in paradise yeah good this stuck in paradise now well I guess we can wait it out a game perhaps Shawn shouldn't have used that tide chart to steady our wobbly table in Iran or maybe it was all part of his plan boys are gonna be sort of hot this Bank we might um be out across our there looks a bit shallow anyway hundred percent 9 percent but this looks like this shallow is probably spot to cross but if he can see the other side of the bank it's really quite safe now that's the adventure cosmic of course the main rule of thumb when driving any Creek like this one right here is making sure on first and foremost let it's shallow enough to cross my thing about notes have to provide bulldoze up you know a bit forms right over right it can be a bit deceiving because the water is so clear sometimes you think it's quite shallow but it can be alarmingly deep secondly where you've got bottle creeks such as this you've got a running out time but waves are still coming in timey across yeah she looks a lot steeper than these when you get there but maybe wait for the way to dissipate and for fresh to run down the creek come on nav that way you're only crossing in fresh water and you're not risking any salt water ingress easy damn Fraser Island is massive in fact it's the biggest Sand Island on earth there are heaps of inland lakes which holds some of the purest water in the world one of which will be visiting before we leave but for now it's back over to the eastern beach but no sooner had job sang of phrases and he's in a spot of bother yeah so our funny story then that dog was just getting a little bit warm just then so I've just stopped you know soft section and I think I'm stuck feel like coming back and if I will come and get your jock out over hating that's a bigger problem though you smell cool it at all yeah like it wasn't overheating but she's definitely getting on the warm side of things I think there's the soft part matron won't be getting to a bit so I have to definitely keep it on and I reckon yeah probably might call you mind while you can pop that home and just have a quick quick check over it now there is ah what was the main I wreck it first night but I'm nuts don't go can't leave that on the beach mate the nature is a free what's all that it's like cool a smells like cool what's up it's been raining in here raining green it's coming here that hose [Music] all I can say is you know is a good thing when he season Rio that that doesn't help me much though mates Hey Jaakko or he can write everyone again you have one of those cracking ideas and this might just be one of them yeah look I tell you what I'm pretty happy with myself driving this nice new d-max it's a bit of a change from the Navara and plus it gets a gram in strife so it's better than nothing in the bit of aircon a bit of you know reclining seats all of what cards might my it's got everything but the only thing I'm concerned about is I think Graham I'm pretty keen to get me back after this fun Souls they remember fries with you mates they say if you'll have a good time if you might only ever let me with a bucket car I'm also going to get it on Bob [Music] it's not so fun but I have got a bit of a cunning plan to get him back this is one practical joke that he's not gonna get away with [Music] they'd hang on jobs put this thing why are you doing deep in the sand looks like I've got some digging to do lucky for me I caught up with the boys further up the beach and managed to get back in the saddle of MIDI max Beauty here we go boys Indian ed I still can't see it Indian in that no I've been looking for years to mate I can't say it say what though it brings back a lot of memories of getting stuck to the boat on the back this year she's pretty easy all that Riley I don't think just my nice and hard yeah there's a walk in the park while comparisons the day we had your boat on that took hours right now as the hours since so many videos of Indian denim to finally be driving it yeah at the end of summer mate and we've had a lot of hot weather with no rain there give me a like powdered up through there and early art but today's not so easy this track really couldn't be more different to previous years right now it's got large puddles instead of soft sand doodle recent rains they've had up there generally speaking phrases annual rainfall varies across the island from about 1200 mil on the coast to 1,800 mile inland typically the wettest months are January to March so this is kind of unusual however it's a welcome wash to remove some of that salt water from the undercarriage have a go this Beach has changed since after you grab may we just assumed around the beach last year did help we got to go on a track over this engine look you can really see how much of a difference king tides make up here this is bizarre to drive up here that's quite an angle I wouldn't want to flake 100 percent to be fishing that still waiting to see you actually catch anything but you know we can't have a sandy cape so I might give you a lesson in fishing poor driving and the ladies all right yeah maybe we should change the order they go ladies first and then fishing and then for driving we don't have three weeks on the island buddy [Music] it has these tight boys it's right up there Mike we have to judge that time see I reckon I might let you get ahead a bit in case I need to gunner yeah cool mate they'll just sort of take it easy let's try to pick the way it's far they coming in right up to the beach yeah right the base in the dunes Oh timing is critical in this little now I just don't have the power to get away from away so either have to commit to getting wet or just wait that thing doesn't need any more rust or suggestion well thanks that's my plan but it hasn't really worked so far up ahead we've got another serious obstacle what we've got here is an incoming wave section and an outgoing Creek now the tide is on the way out so there are patches or periods of time when we can get across this Creek and not touch salt water at all but it's all gonna come down to timing do you count nice and smiles that aren't washed too much up hmm I walk saw brought up only when I'm in my boat knock my foot would arrive you know I mean nice and slow so we don't pick up too much salt water perfectly timed perfectly timed way to go yeah Hank five there Joe go toilet well mate all right here we go nice and slow beautiful you know then at dawn the gala rocks I'll be looking forward to this challenge since arriving on the island you're seen a gallery is one of those situations where you look at it and you think to yourself it can't be that hard and it's not but it just keeps going and going and going in the end part is actually the hardest so the steepest part and it's the part where you've washed off all of your momentum Erika anyone that's come to Fraser Island and enough times will at some point get stuck at the gala rocks let's see how we go this is the first of all you might have been in Colorado a few times now but never had to dodge way to get into the entrance of it highwayman there why is a normally down by them into those rocks they're like you can add press to fish off these rocks I've seen photos of you guys driving down there but you'd be submarines if you did that down yeah mate at low tide depending on conditions cuz it changes every year you can actually drive around and gather up sometimes I'm tipping that it's actually gonna not be too bad I've had some pretty big rains recently so auric you know it won't be too bad yeah might couple that with the fact that the school holidays haven't started yet so the traffic's been quite long yeah Roger famous last words though we'll see little water crossing here we get on the rocks I'm gonna let you boys catch up and then I'm gonna send it like [Music] and then comes the soft sand section Henshaw rows up mate I'm going to give you a bit of room through here I know the stretch and if it goes pear-shaped I don't want to be sick behind you yeah you're right mate second gear low and go go go here we go kissing sounds food copies third gear fire is quite soft good soft that's it boys that's not too bad right at the start there's a bit that nearly got me out I reckon this off to spit Oh much too much momentum on the corner burning hot Tony not momentum and tire pressures are your friends truth is your tire pressures right keeping momentum up come on baby come on wow that is soft don't back off because when you thinking through Nagata rocks you're not in fact don't stop until you see the beach he's not holding back you if you think it looks like we're having fun it's because we are second here oh yeah guy what a weapon [Music] wallet stink it's pretty safe on the left one yeah and that's really soft at the bottom here to mate so I'm don't even fight back for ending in the other Beach I appreciate Sean's positivity but unfortunately I'm nowhere near the beach because I'm sinking in soft sand right now this is entirely my fault I backed off when I shouldn't have and now tried to get young again used too much right boot and sunk down what's more another four-wheel drivers got stuck further back and we'll need to get out before we can get the camera car through surf or soft air and this is this this is the hardest bit it's just flat this is where the bit fair you think you've made up you haven't he's nearly got this he's going to get this I reckon no probably not I don't even let me toss that more not while I let me ties down just a bit more Sean and jock they're gonna help the other four be out okay I was running about 18 psi and I've dropped down to 12 so realistically a little bit of third of my tire pressure out which you can think about it from the highway tire pressures perspective it's a heck of a lot of there so see how we go on 12 to get me out of here I'm prepared to go even lower if I have to but we'll see how we go back down the track jock and Sean and getting to work they're diggin sand out and placing the max tracks under the tires I'll try crawl that forward meanwhile I'm not going anywhere fast this sand is just too soft looks like the other poor beat is that the same problem but sank down too deep into the sand well Mary here's the camera Carter pulling backwards we're both going to need a plan B here those guys I was going to use the camera cow for a snatch up and I'm having a crack at using the max tracks jocks plan B is working he's popped that for beat out of the sand good work mate and my plan has worked - that's absolutely awesome that's the hard bit done to you max tracks a little bit of hard work cut into the topping and garlotte rocks let's get the other going up now look at jockeyed go through there well yet he's lightweight carrying nothing in its prey Mike that is fantastic beloved come on that dog your baby bucket yeah what a little weapon what a weapon now I've don't love it all's well that ends well and we're all through Nagala rocks hey good work Johnny here we are the final stretch heading up toward sandy cake for me one of my favorite places in Australia without a doubt it's only the best cam and some of the best fishing and the tour were driving the gala Rob sitting to go boy as well you know Shawn's absolutely right sandy cape always delivers every way we're so close now hey sure I'll be a measure telling me something hate only that is my favorite place on earth sandy came there good this left our 10 is one of the best you'll ever do in a four-wheel drive you asked me mate this is one of the best places in Australia I'll try mate I'm so excited you really don't enter in other world when you turn this gone to that day up this corner right here is where Fraser Island meets the break sea spit which stretches some 70 kilometers out to sea good go is that fit Fraser write the name sandy Kate was given by Captain Cook during his 1770 voyage onboard the endeavor I tell you what when you break away from the backpackers and the crowds further south and you get up there it really does feel like an epic adventure of discovery every time I visit well boys up why don't you just try and find this first campsite after the during that's why favorite beer we've arrived just in time to play at the time get set up and enjoy a magnificent sunset although this is known up here this is paradise let's go to have a look I have a go at this little lush paradise in it it's quite a few good spots to camp up here amongst these Melaleuca trees the beauty of getting in underneath here of course is you've got a bit of shelter from the wind you've got a lot of shade in here too which on Fraser Island is a vital commodity conditions like these for me I absolutely picture-perfect you all know I love my beach camping but to find a spot like this no one else around TIPA Fraser Island sandy Cape I need i say more paradise [Music] we're like a well-oiled machine when we set up camp now before long the icy cold beers are out of the fridge and we're decided to head up the juice to take in the views yeah perfect oh right thank you it's like a mini desert up here with his Q system occupying a really large section on the top corner of Fraser to be able to sit up here you can't see anyone else that breaks they spit going right out into the ocean beautiful weather conditions really absolutely stunning in my urge everyone that owns a four-wheel drive to get up here and experience this at least once in your life but more if you can just as we're settling in to watch the Sun go down we get a visit from one of the locals right behind us one of the things I think phrase rather is probably most famous for one of the dingos Emmys in absolutely pristine condition and he's just parked himself up here which says to me that this has to be the greatest view on Fraser Island if not only us but the locals as well have decided to come up here you know wildlife authorities recognize that Fraser Island dingoes may become the purest strain of dingo on the eastern Australian seaboard and perhaps Australia wide they're normally a golden sandy color often born with black markings particularly on a tail and the back and they lose the black hair as they get older just like this one right here look at him I wouldn't be lying if I said this is one of the highlights of my year that is absolutely superb to see of course view what a magnificent way to end the day we're gonna say cheers to Fraser and cheers to old mate dingo for coming to say hello simply awesome how about this what a place to wake up to the sound of the waves lapping at the beach the gentle warm breeze coming through the camp what could be better I could sit here all day but we've got to make a plan for the day and get moving before the tide comes in and cuts us off boys another morning in paradise yeah goodies at night right it's just a beautiful environment up here just love it I'm just going to drop it on these web sites a back down the old today couple more spots when I check out I'm with you I'll follow you late it's a couple spots that I've never seen myself even that I might be keen on exploring today get a bit warm is it yeah makes years it's definitely something we need to keep an eye on especially this soft beige one coming up suddenly Sean spots another the Fraser islands residents making its way down the beach I think there's a turtle making its way down to the sea that's um let's check this one out that's right it's a green turtle this is such a privilege to witness such an amazing creature in its natural habitat one of the coolest experience you I can say on Fraser Island turtles come up out to sea I really want to reiterate the rules here for preservation of turtles on Fraser Island you will bump into them they're doing their own thing just leave them alone they know where to go they know what they're doing have a look from a distance and then just move on this whole beach up here is the Turtle Beach that's what they don't let you drive past the lighthouse Turner's going to be at a nest make out reason I don't know where the line is for for my drives and there was actually turtle practice right up in the camp was there must be so many many cars and yeah it's time to make a mile we better get through negara rocks again and the plan is to visit champagne Falls an old army base and end up at the Magnificent lake mckenzie yeah it's still hard coming this way as well I was gonna say I would almost fall apart again it's because you got that steep approach yeah it's really soft at the bottom till I think a lot of people don't get the rock I made and I just fall down before they ever get to the same thing nice and light so that's working for her but the only thing is she's definitely getting warm on that beach run so if she's gonna overheat oricon Miguel is probably gonna do it for her yeah just take it a bit easy give it a bit of a rest or something yeah that's the plan and then once we get through maybe we'll just start all over and have a look at us if we do anything about it first things first let's get through it here we are we've arrived at the top entrance and a gala rocks but I'll let jock explain what the approach is here I'll tell you what time the girl rocks is looking pretty softer this time of the day I told you I'm getting back to still on my BMX silly string in an air horn as much fun as you can possibly add Oh Ron that's enough goofing around for one day yeah you're fine I'll get you back [Music] boys and gala rocks and Sean's into whatever listen to that thing the first part is gonna be the hardest getting up and over the top of this little crest that's where we're all gonna need to carry momentum my whole way through that's Toronto gonna send captain for Dino it's off but not so bad now after my ordeal yesterday there's no way I'm gonna give this anything but a red-hot go ain't backing off for nobody I'm gonna be foot for the foot before the whole way through but that was half is a rough ride of course I adjusted my tire pressures yesterday which means I'm actually doing this with absolute ease I shoulda done that before coming through yesterday well lesson learned come on baby again you can hear JoJo's gotta fend in second and he's not backing off for anyone he's having a blast we didn't go yeah of course though that's got to be tough on the old nav especially if she's already starting to overheat which opal want to be keeping his eye on that temperature gauge the whole way through it come on come on he as we all suspected coming through the Garter rocks is really giving it to the nab and she's starting over hey guys the NAP dog the nav is definitely hard I think we're gonna lay to have a look at something [Music] [Music] [Music] we go might I mate oh yeah she's warming G very warm oh yeah heavy warm overheating obviously they're playin not so much more I can do so much more up and run the heat up and yep check and cooling the stuff but she's just it's this soft sand you can say it's been getting hot and blow on the call amount have you got any more caught no I've run out actually run out last resort probably said whether I can take up on it off like the bonnet off that is a last resort I've never had to do that before probably a good idea might because that toys ripping in and we've got a lot of soft sand to get to her we can't really sit around all day we're gonna miss this tide now look we're all gonna send ground the head mate get some coolant and maybe just blow up one of those water beam so we've um lots and lots of all aboard and let's rip this part off and savoured see if that helps oh I get like your attitude right now the plan here really is just to try and get as much air flow through that engine as we possibly can and dissipate as much team as we possibly can so I'm gonna take the bonnet off let it cool down and then when jock gets to drive it again hopefully we get a lot more airflow in and around that engine and just keep it a bit cooler alright back straight out of the roof [Music] ratchet strap over I made that should help the airflow anyway maybe so what it is well we've been on mucking around that toys ripping in might good good luck keeps bear float as if she stays cool tried everything else way to find out that's it Bonnie saw it mate you cruise me on the beach and I've got it on ya mate I can hear the engine or more but luckily he's getting plenty of airflow yes even that temperature might hopefully hopefully this is enough to sort of get you off this Beach yeah just for this soft bit anyway so I'll find out feels like she's got more power to ya I think it's proven actually it's about about five kilowatt pick up if you aren't at the bottom off so that brings the old TT 27 to 6 kilowatts beast here's another little creek coming down the beach and the good thing about this one is that it's really easy to spot because it's dark in color now that color comes from tannins that leach into the sand from decaying leaf matter and all sorts of organic matter in land on the island and it gives these creeks a lot of them anyway that really dark color but now jocks plan seems to be working so they got a push on south to meet me at champagne pools and that's another great way to cool off now champagne pools is actually just a large natural swimming hole crowded by a rocky boundary the reason it's called champagne pools is that when there's a decent swell like today and the waves break over the top of those rocks they create a bunch of bubbles in the crystal clear water which if you use your imagination kinda looks like you're swimming in champagne good that no champagne all over the water unreal you're coming into champagne pools suggest you getting out of here in the morning cuz it's mean absolute circus in the afternoon and try coming to high tide that's all the water is going to come over the rocks and they call it champagne pools it's all bubbly and whitewater now unreal no matter how big that tide gets ya ain't gonna get champagne pools up anyhow you know but look a little tip for the players out there if you're not the designated driver bring a little S key few beers down there what afternoon let's get in this is a super popular place on Fraser Island to cool down and have a swim everybody gets here at some point and it can be really crowded but that's because it is picture-perfect before job his chance to get his jocks back on shore nose up to no good again right the old unlock the hub trick we go Java's been doing so well on this trip it's work cut out now go grab welcome back to the Concord Mike notice anything different I don't know where that was I was in a white measure or something like that deal was I'm overheating quite bad and you may have to get some cool designs like them at the mana top well I'm glad you thought outside the square mate because I found nothing other than seawater and I don't think that's a good idea we're desperate times call for desperate measures and I'm happy to report that it's working in this fight they like it cool and that your face again that's alright little bit of water top it up and boil it off that not be the cake made for your Fraser Island adventure if I have to recover any you blokes it's a beard away alright yeah if Jacque recovers me it's a whole carton it's got on jumbo speaking every country Babel it's not long until Sean's little prank has caught up with jakka but you stopped a synthetic food what's happening here poor old jock the oldest trick in the book unlock 1/2 he's fallen for it didn't think he would have thought he was a bits part of that turns out he's not right unlock your hubs yeah that's a wall accusation Mikey because I came here and I stopped I was like oh that feels weird I'm into drive and I was like I'm in for Drive you unlock looks like it looks like you found tiny damn bug bite it looks like why do you guys fight about you're out no junk what we wouldn't do that deal might be the latest night bees off you might I think this is gonna get out of hand soon look at the difference forward job max I wonder why it felt like I didn't have Drive oh that's that's one be it for me alright doc whatever you see out night look I like anything that's told buddy come on guys let's get moving we've got a lot more to see yet boys you'd wanna keep that little navara goin because Jocko this one's gonna be right up your alley mate and I'll world war two bass yeah mate sounds good it's nothing to do with that special unit or something back in the day wouldn't exactly rot I've never been there myself and I've always wanted to and just never had time every time I made a phrase I'm really keen to try and find this track it's not an easy one define you I've never even heard of this place mate so just looking for it'll be fun enough pretty soon and we're up on Eli Creek we're not gonna stop here unfortunately but if you have more time than us make sure you do and bring some inflatables to float your way down the creek trust me it's awesome only just time that one I reckon oh I'm gonna follow you [Music] the fan spray and cleaned my wince great teamwork mate that's what that was now we've followed the VMS for a while and it takes us inland because we've got an interesting way point to get to boys this inland track here it should be I guess the track that'll take us down to that little Zed for space I need to find a little sort of goat track that leads off but that's about as much information I thought my mate told me about this one certainly one of the tracks on it doesn't get driven grow up and you can set it straight away mate yeah throttle but wouldn't actually told me about this track he'd actually been hit three times before I found it and he sort of roughly knew where it was but um yeah I've never even heard of it until the other like no I may know that I'll be real keen to sit here may do anything to do it history on cane and the fact that we're driving down something and not many people could go down that much is pretty cool you see Fraser Island has a rich history it's not all leisure and frolicking here in fact some pretty hard graft has taken place on this island this right here is an old abandoned army barracks and training ground and it's really not a very well-known landmark on Fraser Island must definitely be here boys walk in is through dense rainforests amazing walk just in its own right I believe not many people know about this as well this is the Zed base back in World War two they brought a bunch of special soldiers out here before the SAS was actually formed they call them Special Operations Australia and those soldiers were trained for some of the most high-risk sort of activities at the time the soldiers didn't even know what though training for all our told was it's highly dangerous a lot of espionage and behind enemy lines sort of stuff for the Japanese so it was calm lady how big it was there's a lot of evidence around here suggested it was quite a big sort of Canada sort of guys run up that hill up there but there's over 900 people here no one really knows this is here oh it's great what's amazing you know have a look around and um yeah get a reminder of the past good obviously this pair has seen better days and that some long since been pulled down obviously it would have been used to bring supplies in and out probably to the army base back in the day when training was taking place out here there would have been some large ships moored directly off this pier today there's not much left of it but it is a really good reminder of our past waiting in towards the barracks right now through some thick rainforest it's pretty easy walking across the sandy base through here back in the day it's sort of been swarming with troops training for some pretty gnarly exercises offshore I'd say so we wouldn't have n a different time back then mate they would have you got the sandy on here to mix the concrete tough work 900 people this would have been a private camp absolutely nice even these barracks are just an amazing reminder of the history there's so much out here from old machinery to bits and pieces that would have been used back in the day there's even almost whole cars out here engine right here this is wood around an old truck and I just love the fact they use timber as part of the main structure of the vehicle where that I'd room like this anymore Mike probably probably great reason I know there's just stuff scattered through the bush here jock records he found a trench down there some ways he's gone is easily you know it's probably in that night he loves this stuff if you ever get a chance so I really recommend you come down here and take a respectful look around and are really important and not much known part of Australia's history we've got one more place to visit on a hit list and it's a cracker say hello to lake mckenzie what a beauty there good is this place Mike McKenzie is one of the many perched inland lakes here on Fraser at peak times and this one is by far the most popular it's not hard to see why right now how cool is this this is the jewel in the crown if you ask me this is actually the water-saving Australia yeah it's definitely this is superb a well that as far as I'm concerned is one the best phrase of trips we've done right see the dingo the sea snake the Turtles yep yep these Lakes Eastern beaches northern beach from Westers but we've pretty much cover the entire off all best bits at least I reckon we have listen folks I'm not gonna bore you anymore and the reason I'm not is because I want to get in there if you get a chance to stick it to the top of your bucket list Fraser all I reckon Joe be back and I'll be back every year for the next will you come back three or four times you how are you you know it's my favorite place your to bring them back look I will say it was a thousand bucks or so you know it can take you to places like this you're gonna need to clean that radiator and put that back on before we get off the yep and the driver seat but yeah folks you will definitely catch us some time with Rosalyn cuz I'll be back dropping back Sean's about Lucy if you don't you catch us next time on jock rice ten-four drive action yeah I'm getting there yeah I'm gonna do it take off my everything I have just a gobby boy little the devs coming down Romy's me ain't happening [Music] the fries are all I'm like wouldn't you bang yet little bit canal smell that [Music] fine let it hey Reuben is your fancy floating boats stop you show them a little bit of love they are they'll go easy on you talk yeah look I'm going to straight in with respect and love and care I'm gonna send him off and you don't have to me tell his mates it's too late got bit me just as that doesn't work kill them all [Music] either I'm right Sean while I love fishing so I'm up for Walker yeah couple saw flashes of these prey - yeah get a few Tyler bring me one tell you what hop near I have a shock I yeah Oh shivers I forgot to tell you all right my name's game Graham Cahill I'm really short and I down here in the South mr. W am got my - you told another cool you down here in southwest WI beautiful by Logan Chancellor's WI oh yes I am a cook boy you
Channel: 4WD 24-7
Views: 1,453,094
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 4wd, action, 4x4, offroad, outdoors, travel, overlanding, toyota, nissan, hilux, patrol, landcruiser, adventure, camping, fishing, diesel, petrol, surf, shaun whale, graham cahill, australia, dirty 30, shorty, gq, gu, 80 series, 40 series, 60 series, 79 series, troopy, Fraser Island, beach, sandy cape, maheno, Four wheel drive, 4 wheel drive, 4wd cars, car, 4WD Fails, 4WD build, 4x4 fails, 4wd action, 4x4 action, 4 wheel drive action, 4wd action full episodes, 4x4 24/7, 4x4 247, Jocko, Shauno
Id: 9VRxuRa44tE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 42sec (3642 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 10 2019
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