We run out of fuel, food and tyres – do we make it? THE KIMBERLEY FINALE

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one of the wildest most remote adventures you'll ever experience we're just over halfway and 11 days into this epic track this is loose as we fight against conditions breakages and dwindling supplies so the final jerry in camp everybody is running out of fuel ahead of us lies 180 k's of tough low range and with fuel running low and barely a spare tire left between us our mission is simple make it out whatever it takes how did this happen oh my goodness the journey so far has been some of the most insane four-wheel driving we've ever attempted pushing through a track that hasn't seen a vehicle in two very big wet seasons this is as sketchy as it gets we forwarded massive rivers lost the track time and time again we lost our guide and nearly lost a vehicle right now we're parked up on the rocks of the berkeley river where we'd hope to meet up with ronnie who's bringing much-needed fuel and spares but we've learned that he hasn't even been able to make it onto the track yet and that leaves us with a few challenges the berkeley river offers some amazing fishing spots that rarely see a fisherman and with the fridges running pretty low we're taking matters into our own hands and seeing if we can catch us some dinner the kimberley is teeming with life and the berkeley is no exception the river is chock-a-block full of bearer and you can barely drop a lure in before it gets smashed and soon enough shawno snagged a good one this is a beautiful little saltwater barra and i'm absolutely stoked with that that's a good sized fish in anyone's language i just heard on the two-way as well it rains up a bit further he's got his pb barra and the good news is we're just starting to run real low on food so much appreciated by everyone in the crew i reckon look at that look at that with some much needed supplies to stash in the fridge we get ready to cross the berkeley river between us and the track exit at the clumbaroo road lies a series of big river crossings including the berkeley the king george and the drysdale rivers and of course the spaces between them are filled with countless unknown bogs marshes and tributaries to keep us busy yep this final leg is gonna be a huge adventure well mate the berkeley the infamous berkeley mate ever since we came there that time or six years ago i've dreamed about coming back to this place mainly for the fishing mate and it certainly lived up to expectations yeah you slayed it mate you slayed it you've done very very well when you came walking across here this morning i thought crikey mazes it's uh something like a pinup show over there hold on to a fish it's good advice to be nice to the bloke with a bunch of barrow fillets in his fridge but another bloke that needs a clap on the back is jesse who's donated a couple of 33s to me and the d-max he's now gonna have to tackle the rest of the track in two-wheel drive he's a little bit trickier now i've got the 35s on the back obviously because they're a bigger size tire we can't run full drive anymore because obviously the transfer case spins the front and rear diffs at the same speed and the back is going to be going at a different speed at the front now that they've got different size tires so we can't even use low range because it's not your conventional full drive with three wheeling hubs i've worked out how to turn the locker on in too high so that's helping a bit but yeah it's a bit tricky after so many days pushing through this unforgiving track the rest of the convoy is looking a bruised and battered lot too tim and harry in the midst alloy 79 are fighting locker issues that's proper yeah it's a good one well i've exhausted all my spare tyres and then some meanwhile rocket is dealing with a leaking turbo and has to engage the front diff lock every time he wants four-wheel drive which makes navigating the tight track an extra challenge but our biggest obstacle remains the same as it has for the last 10 days and that's just staying on the track itself hey graeme get a copy back there mate yeah i'm trying to hold on mate steer at the same time well i know i thought this would be a lot easier going mate i thought the other side of the berkeley once we made it there we're on the home stretch but uh that's not exactly the case no mate i had high hopes i i mean i wasn't expecting a highway across this side but i kind of thought maybe you know a few of the guys from colombo might have popped out here and the track might have been far more discernible but no not the case mate we've still got a fair old road ahead here i don't know the last car sort of come down this track but even so there's been obviously a big wet season and this is i think the track and it's been like sort of washed away yeah and it could go like this for 150k mate oh that's slow going first year low range and crawling 450 days i don't want to think about it too much we've still had a long way to go no spares low on fuel i'm down to under a quarter on my fuel mate so uh uh yeah i'm not even thinking about it yeah right let's get them all done and um hope you don't come across anything that stops the show now there's such a thing as famous last words and up ahead is a very suspicious looking crossing even with the drone up we're struggling to find where the exit actually is and with the murky water being the perfect place for a croc to hide itself no one's keen to wade in and find out the mitz boys have been following a gps line with great success over the past days and tim's decided to follow the suggested map route into the creek this is exciting somehow though i think this is not the line very soft no no there you go that's hard and then forward with the benefit of hindsight this other crossing point to the right is suddenly looking way better oh this is a good path but first we better get the boys unstuck one of the perils about going first is you've got to try and find new ground it's usually in hindsight you see a better way it's not good for tim right now jesse soon got shawno's rumba hooked up to the big 79 ready to get the boys out that is way softer than you think guess it just goes to show that maps do have their limits and with the track changing every season you can't entirely rely on any of them out here while we can see a better entry line the exit is still something of a mystery with a number of spots that could be the track so while we really don't like the risk shaun's decided he's got to get his feet wet now crocs are a real threat out here so it's not something to be taken lightly and sean is suitably apprehensive i'm just scaring the crocs away for you mate that's deep john soon found the original exit it's a nasty little pinch out of the river and given he has two sets of lockers over the mitts 79 we've decided it's better to send him through first this watercross i just walked it which is not a great idea in crop country but let's see the bottom the boys are all cropped look out i just don't want to get stuck in here that's the key [Music] yeah that's definitely the crossing the exit speed there you go just quite a steep little exit with the aid of both lockers shawna was finally made it up and over yeah it feels good to be this side of the river here he comes second attempt redemption ready harry this is it mate i reckon false start on the last one so far so good oh i'm gonna tune my tongue on this [Music] he's getting a big thong slapping run up okay time for rocket and the big auto radio rocket this is a uh fairly daunting crossing with a camper trailer mate it is all i can do is do me best front diff locks on hard to steer but let's give it a go there's a bit of maneuvering required here to line up the maverick camper to the climb pretty firm under you there rocker it's more than you think rocket has to give it a few big cracks i think i'm gonna have to call a safety and call it from here trailer's in a ripper spot mate you did well to get that there do i i love these automatics it makes it so easy to just drive without spinning your wheels nice and easy let the winch do the work and up i come with a bit less fanfare than the toyotas i've got the d-max up and over and behind me jesse puts in a huge effort to pilot the goodyear truck [Music] through [Applause] [Music] oh right inside after every river crossing the track seems to open up for a little bit while we make faster progress but soon enough the track narrows down again and gets lost in thick grass sean is still up front and doing a great job seeking out the track but just as we start to get some miles down things go pear-shaped wait yeah i'm nearly on my side [Music] how did this happen how's that i'm just pushing a track through and um i was leading the charge and the track literally just fell away you couldn't see it through the grass so so i just i just came through this hole and the whole vehicle just rolled shawn is sitting on an absolute knife edge here and if it wasn't for the ladder rack on the 30 he'd be parked on his lid right now as quick as possible we've got the d-max in position and the runner is hooked up to secure the rig and prevent it from rolling any further need a blanket boys nice and easy there [Music] right [Music] soon enough the dirty 30 is back on all four wheels but now there's another problem just keep it on just until keep it on until i'm getting about this bit yeah i'm sure [Music] oh yeah a lot of things happened is i've just been on my side for just a little bit too long and i think the fuel has run away um so i just need to pump it up hand prime it up you see the pump that was real loose it was very very loose it was a really abrupt as well yeah it just went it just went oh there's a hole there and then just went big now this could be a real problem if we can't get the 30s started we're going to be in a world of hurt here it's electric fuel pump yeah well i shouldn't have right that's that's pretty odd if it ran out right there wouldn't be much in it he didn't have a lot of fuel in the car because of the big angle and trying to start it it looks like it's pulled up a big heap of air so we're just trying to pump it through manually let's see if we can get it up the angle he's on now it should should work but he is under quarter of a tank they're [Music] one of your more insane lines mate oh wow looking at a moment in the shade i can't believe that just happened so fast it wasn't funny we just tapping out of the blue you can't see the grass is sort of eight foot tall you're driving along or next minute you're in a hole and i wanted to stop the car and just get out for a bit i think well i reckon we can all be thanking our lucky stars after that because that could have gone a whole lot worse i wonder why mate that had me so shook i just that was unbelievable oh beers are okay i didn't even bust a beer that's good to see i was so concerned about that that's uh this is what saved the day it was literally sitting on the mic pullman and there's like a rack that had broken the fridge i'd have been gutted saying that it busted your fridge as a word of wise put the fridge on the other side next time and it counter balances you won't roll over from now on i might decide a row on the other side not this side that's a great idea protect the fridge at all costs are you good are you shook it you're right um can you keep going yeah it might go a little bit slower this time i think it's a good idea and then you took off yeah all right ain't no place for halfway crossing yeah i'm sure after that little incident it's only fair that shawn and the 30 take a bit of a break from the head of the convoy so it's time for the mighty d-max to step up [Music] something you might have noticed is the build up spinifex and grass seeds on all of the vehicles it's across the bonnets it's underneath the vehicles it's just about everywhere and one thing you've got to be really careful about here of course it's not letting that catch fire getting too close to your exhaust or just about any other combustible means that might catch that a lot it's a real possibility and as has happened multiple times to people throughout the years now we're all carrying fire extinguishers in the car key to a fire extinguisher though is being able to get it when you need it lickety-split not buried under a mountain of crap in the back of your vehicle so what i've done in the d-max um cap industries they're a company that make a bracket that goes down there and mounts to the seat mounts that before we'll drive and your fire extinguisher sits in there and you can get to it with one finger you undo the clip you can grab your fire extinguisher and you're good to go it's just a really good way to make sure that you've got that situation in hand should the unthinkable happen and some of these grass seeds or spin effects goes up with the day getting on it's almost time to find ourselves a camp but there's still a little fun to have along the way rocket's been absolutely pummeling the camper trailer but so far it seems to be more than up to the punishment jesse's been pushing hard all day in two-wheel drive but this soft sand is just a bit too much for him i just stopped as soon as it started to sink luckily the maverick camper has got some handy rear recovery points and soon jesse is hooked up and winched out thank you hey rocky you got a copy mate yes mate how's the auto going mate it hasn't got too hot is it ah we're well set up in this thing mate this thing's never going to get hot how do you do that mate obviously if you've got an aftermarket cooler is that the key because these days are what 40 degrees you're towing through some pretty heavy country well look obviously automatic transmissions are all about heat if you can control the heat you've got a great transmission it heats the greatest nemesis of an automatic in the case of the conversions you know we ought to obviously put big massive genuine oil coolers in when we do the conversions i actually already noticed that jesse has actually got one of our actually transmission coils one of our big dual cooler kits in the car so you don't have to be towing to actually need a cooler if you've just got you know you've got a 200 series you've got a dual cab ute or any sort of modern vehicle with an auto can you just get a kit that pops straight up yeah we've got a massive range of all australian made oil coolers we've got them for everything you can all buy them all online you know they're easy to find good advice isn't it cheap insurance mate little cooler up the front and then you don't have to worry about your auto too much you can drive tracks like this tow do whatever you like and you won't burn it out with the sun dipping below the horizon a perfect camp spot has presented itself right on cue off the side of the track it's been a big day and we've made some great progress and i think we're all ready for an iron jack or two and a good feed how's this i pull it up to camp light is just about perfect we're gonna fire going pretty soon i'm gonna get a cold beer it's about that time of day and have a go of that i've got a stack of baro fillets in the mic almond here so the boys well they're gonna eat well tonight i'll tell you what and i'll remind them quite a few fish today i reckon this is about the perfect sort of campsite it's just off the side of the track nothing too spectacular but anywhere in the kimberley is like this just magical [Music] [Music] now one of the things i absolutely loved about this trip so far is the fact that we've just been off the grid for such a long period of time every single meal nearly that we cook is on a fire on an open fire which is unreal you know you've got some pretty good mates along for the journey cold beers fresh barra and a kimberley campsite i reckon it doesn't get much better than that in my opinion soak this up get some coals tim's making some chips to go with the fish tonight kidding me fish and chips out in the bush it's the little things folks there's the little things pretty bloody good if you ask me stick a fork in me turn me over i'm done now of course you might be thinking fish and chips is a big ask for the bush but tim is an expert chippy from way in his younger days and he and sean have put their heads together to come up with a solution first tim parboils the potatoes while shawn mixes up the barra with some salt pepper flour and a pinch of curry that's my idea by the way then everything goes on the hot plate with the chips shallow frying in oil trust me this doesn't just look good it's gonna be damn delicious have a go boys mate i've had some fish and chips around the world literally but that takes the cake it tastes like the kibble it's got that fresh super clean just cooked too not overcooked soup but moist inside let's not take anything away from timbo chips those chips they have some boob i've cooked a hell of a lot of camp meals but this one will go down as probably one of the most memorable ever we got to catch a batter in the morning have it on the on the fire by the night time that's goes down as all time i'll put the question out to you guys what is the most memorable camp cook have you ever had i'd love to know chuckling in the comments below i'll go through them and hopefully get a bit inspiration too right guys i hope you're enjoying part three of the kimberley talk about adventure hey this really was a trip of a lifetime now i just want to grab your attention just for a second because at the moment at full drive 24 7 we believe in giving back a little bit now we want to give away a stack of prizes we've got a price full of over 35 000 worth of prizes making this competition that i'm about to announce the biggest in the history of our channel now we're going to be choosing over 80 winners so your actual chance of winning a prize is pretty darn good now to make it really easy for you you only have to do two things subscribe to our channel which is going to take you about two seconds to do so and also there's a link below in the description you've got to follow so you can enter this competition i'll tell you what there's so many prizes up for grabs i mean this really is the biggest competition we've ever done so good luck after a few weeks in the heat of the top end your sense of temperature can get a little skewed and a morning chill of almost 20 degrees celsius has gotten us scrambling to light a fire like most mornings the maverick is being put to good use as a camp kitchen and rocket practically has to fend off the morning crowd see what we've eaten like kings on this trip boys over here right now having barramundi wings for breakfast i'm going to have bacon eggs a little bit more traditional but i guess it just goes to show how well prepared you can be we've all got fridges some of us got freezers we've had things frozen we've had steaks we really have eaten extremely well on this trip there's a little bit of preparation before we left and of course take the barrel buster 5000 with you and you'll always have barramundi bacon eggs camper trailer kimberley sunrise tell you what if you're sitting home right now thinking geez i wish i was there stop wish and start doing it is as good as it looks beautiful now despite a big push yesterday we made it just 20 k's from the berkeley to our current campsite and with supplies getting thin we know that we really have to pick up the pace our biggest concern at the moment is of course fuel which we're chewing up at a fair old rate in those big sections of overgrown country well this right here this is the final jerry in camp everybody is running out of fuel i've got the last jerrycan here we've got 160 k's to go i just don't know if we're gonna make it honestly don't um cross our fingers but this right here the magical last jerry can now you'll remember that ronnie is trying to push in from the other end of the track with top-up fuel for the convoy but word has come through on the sat phone that he's waiting for the water to go down at the last major crossing the drysdale right near the end of the track so it looks like we're gonna have to get to him and today's objective is to make it to the king george river about 40 k's ahead we know that between us and the river is some big marsh country and thick scrub but we're determined to make it the camera crew are up front today and the big gu is taking a bit of a beating it's also uncovering some big sections of hidden mud which only really become visible once the lead vehicle has pushed through a bit of mud on this track i want to give it a go in a second and see what happens [Music] after just two or three rigs to go through all traction just disappears and the back of the convoy is having to give it a real nudge to get through this is a quagmire once you take the crust off it's just a boggy mess underneath i was able to just idle through jimbo had to give it the berries to get through and rocket is about six ton in total what are your bets at home [Music] [Applause] speaking of a challenge spare a thought for jesse who has to give it everything he's got not to go down see the roast all right i thought i was done man the mud from your hot wheels things just get more spicy a bit of mud up the front mate it looks um pretty boggy boys it's not too bad on the bottom to be honest boys but you don't want to slow down second gear low range you want to go in a bit easy though because i don't want to get too oh hang on i'm going to get into this i'm going to get into this go son go get through it there goes a mirror that's why you choose clear views and out we come the other end victorious victorious oh what's the point all right let's give this a go here we go watch me mirror that game both be mirrors once again jesse is not hold back drive it like a rental mate [Music] it might look dry but this entire plane right here is made up of treacherous black soil and you only have to slip off the track line by a few meters to be in real strife so what we thought was going on here is this was the exit it really is a matter of meters it's literally just there he's gone this way and have a look at that ground it's just a marsh [Applause] deviating off the track can obviously have some dire consequences but sometimes even staying on the track is not much better with waterlogged creeks like this presenting a real challenge all right little bog hole here it's actually quite a big one and the camera car just got stuck in it and i'm gonna have to give it everything but if it doesn't quite work out just put some max tracks underneath i reckon that's a ticket just don't get suctioned down into that hole easier said than done mate that looks as stuck as well you know what to velcro i've got a tyre half way up oh should i give it one more go yeah let's even go back a bit just this one here if we put fast track did you nearly get it give it a go the hope here is to at least pop sean's tyres up to the top of the lip as that little extra distance will make the recovery a lot easier nearly getting the front tires off my opinion is a big win because as soon as you get the front up you'll be winching down into the bank getting that tire just up is going to make the winch so much easier it's a little tip as well if you've got max tracks don't be afraid to use them in a winching scenario because you'll take a lot of load off the winch so it'll basically make a ramp those front tires instead of pulling at the end of the bank it sort of pulls it up and out which is a lot safer now if you're going to use your max tracks in deep mud it's a good idea to attach some lanyards so you can easily find them which let's be honest sean has completely forgotten to do soon enough though the maxis are back in position ready for me to have a crack right i reckon uh look if you can get it as far as those max tracks you're doing bloody well there's some big holes unfortunately some some vehicles with bigger tires went through and sort of turned it up a little bit who could that have been this will have a note here we go here we go yes no no way i'm not getting out of this one on my own steam but on the plus side my tyres are sitting right up against the max tracks so i've got a ready-made ramp to winch up ticket it's all about the right amount of throttle control yes tim i reckon your best bet mate is to give it an absolute hiding honor here thongs up in columbus all the slaps solid effort just on the max track santa lou very soft well that is a 10 out of 10 effort but this mud hole is not giving away prizes jesse you can't drive this you're not even a winch truck driver mate this is easy you're a winch truck poser mate exactly what's he gonna do here i should get it away [Music] and would you look at that he was a whisker from making it through yeah this wheel's off the ground i think but don't worry about the drive thank rocket rod for making a boat ready for that side i reckon whoever comes in after us is going to think this was manicured [Music] so close well that was a lot of fun but nonetheless we're thankful that up ahead the track heads back into dryer country and with it the possibility of actually making up a k or two you know it goes without saying that tyres are probably the most valuable asset on remote tracks like this when you're miles from anywhere your tyres as we've found out the hard way and some instances on this trip they are so important in fact it's probably one of the most important things got you got going the kevlar sidewalls and those mtr's that i'm running are just absolutely superb they've been doing a fantastic job they give me a stack of grip but more importantly i've got the confidence that i'm not going to get our puncher and i'm not going to be stranded out here the other thing to keep in mind as well jesse he's been rocking a set of the goodyear mtr's on the back now he's in two-wheel drive because the different size tyres between front and rear and he's been doing most of the hard challenges in two-wheel drive those tyres offer so much grip yet they're also really strong they've got a tough sidewall and they can handle the punishment that you're likely to get out here as so often happens on this track no sooner have we got a head of steam up before conditions close right down and up ahead the track just seems to disappear into dense undergrowth two years of growth is a lot of time in anyone's book but in combinations with a couple of big wet seasons that can drag entire trees across the landscape it can feel at times like the track hasn't been driven in decades keep coming keep coming you keep steering up the bank a little bit that's good this is loose there's some sort of vague resemblance of a track right here but it's unfortunately covered in a lot of different sticks as everything's falling over the track plus there's a heap of new growth as well so we're just going to try and forge our way through graves at the front with the chainsaw having a cut all the boys hands on deck just move and broken branches away and team of course trying to blaze a track doesn't sound great but that's progress it takes us nearly two hours to push in this hundred meters of track but with every vehicle the going gets slightly easier oh that was full on yeah good luck boys make it very slow and steady [Music] by the time the convoy is through this section almost looks like a track again but all those sharp branches aren't exactly forgiving on tyres i've been running a heavily plugged front left for the last 100ks and like much of the convoy i've had to plug and replug every few k's just to keep running but this tyre has finally given up and so we're forced to use our final spare in the convoy one of the pilford 33s from jesse's rig i really hope that no one else plans to get a puncher because we are now officially out of tires but we're not out of the game yet we're getting quite creative with the fixing these tyres at the moment i think the record we're up to about 30 plugs in the one tire trying to hold a bit of air but i suppose when you're out in the bush you've got to do what you can do to sort of get out of the bush that means thinking outside the box it means basically chucking the rule book out the window does whatever you can do to get home it sort of begs the question and i ask you guys this one because i guarantee you guys no doubt would have done a fair few bush mechanic fixes in your time i want you to let me know in the comments the craziest bush mechanic picture you've ever done in order to get yourself home i'm going to pick out the top five comments and you're going to win yourself 100 snatch gift voucher let us know in the comments below your best bush mechanic fix to get you home [Music] as the day gets on we finally catch a break and are able to cover some ground towards the king george river using our eye in the sky to help us scout out for the track ahead and refined it when we stray off and then right on beer o'clock it looks like the king george is within striking distance mate we are about oh a kilometer two kilometers from the river crossing i don't know what it's going to be like but i do know that on the other side is an old mining road mate so she might get a bit better we'll see how we go well i reckon we keep fighting on this track hopefully get to the river imagine a campsite right near the king george river that'll do [Music] and that's just what we've found a perfect spot near the crossing with access to fresh water and a flat bit of ground to roll out some canvas today represents the most caves we've done of any so far on the trip and ronnie and our resupply is perhaps just a hundred more k's away she's going to be tight but we're making progress we've got our camp set up pretty dialed at this point and soon we are all set up for the night i gotta say today has certainly tested the big dirty 30 out i mean there's no show pony anymore have a look at it there's mud all over it there's grass seeds all through the intercooler and up over the windscreen we've even got mud if you look up on top of the rooftop tent you know you're having a good day when you've got mud on the rooftop tent and i reckon that the dirty 30 has well and truly been tested i'm going to say i'm absolutely stoked how this is handled i want to go check the camera trailer though because if you think this one's had a hard time on the tracks the camper trailer let's go see how that fed rocket how are you mate good mate yourself big cheers what a day an absolute cracker been a massive day today that's huge today i just wanted to make sure that camp trail is actually still attached to the big 79 here mate some of the traps we did today let's just say i saw the camper trailer airborne a couple of times you've really towed this thing pretty hard haven't you we were talking today about the hardest track that we've ever done in the history of this show and this actual track was mentioned yeah obviously we're pushing it through hasn't been open for a couple of years so it's much harder than normal but yeah by the time you finish it's going to be 15 days of some of the hardest track certainly the hardest track i've ever driven in my life and we've dragged the maverick along with us and she's here she's made it to the other end virtually we've got another couple of days to go it's still plush inside mate i know it's good it's still my home i'm proud of it no that's gold mine but the fact that she's here she's still running we still do our meals and everything it's actually a testament to actually how well she's held up well it's looking good mate look i'm going to go sit down and by the fire but a bit later i'm just going to go check in the fridge and make sure that all the beers are still cold because that's the real test of the game at this point of the trip the fridges are not exactly what you'd call bursting with food and we're finally nearing the end of our dinner supplies it's time to get creative and chef whale has just the solution well folks it's that time of trip i mean this has been an absolute epic one for the ages mate it's been probably my best in since loretta springs i'm going to say it it's been tough in so many ways but so rewarding i mean we've we've gone through some amazing countries the kimberley this time of year this is the part where i need to cook everyone to feed and as you can see as you can see i'm i'm running really low on a lot of ingredients we've got iron jacks so nothing under there there's not there's nothing i've rated a lot of things in my pantry and there's uh not a lot going around mate so what i've got here is a couple of fishing rods so this is how we roll we go foraging 100 and gathering for food it is now past seven at night half past seven the bite is on i reckon well mate if it's okay with you sure i'm going to call this desperado dinner you say we're out of food yeah we've been going for 15 nights straight 100 so it really is it's whatever we can hunt and fish i think we're on to this that is uh what tonight is going to be all about i don't know if you saw there's a good bank over here yeah let's go overcast over here done let's go all right all right mate we're going to pop this up here just one second well the first snag that i wanted to hit yes is um look just the common ones that's that's the key with fishing i think basically you want to hit the common snags just see what we've got in here all right well have a rummage mate he hasn't got my oh hang on i've got what have we got yeah i got pay dirt mate we got noodles oh i was going to say river i hope he's got something i'll give you some of them yeah take the noodles or show the boys that i can catch as well all right let's get out of here that one that snags done let's go up to the next bank move on hit the eddy this is fishing i love this i know catching great this is a good looking bloody couple of mangroves you want to put a lure straight into probably oh we've got some i'll take that yes that's fantastic mate that's a good catch what else we've got let's open this right up look out oh yeah we're supposed to be in here's all right yeah yeah get that get that give me that take [Laughter] [Applause] sometimes when you're fishing it's all good to come back to a known point i don't really have this is a terrible snag i've fished at heaps there's not much in here let me have a quick go there's not much in here oh there's heaps of stuff in here what are you talking about what's this one that's tofu got some veggies as well grab that what's that there there's some sweet potato sweet potato that's all right yeah we'll take that one all right this is not my fridge oh chili sauce okay that's that devil's tears that's mine that's good for you yeah you've got four eggs [Laughter] last little stop here not much in here mate i'll tell you that for free well what do you got in here can i have a look there's some barra but yeah well we've had a lot of barrett and no to your credit dollar marty's what are these they're over nice mountains they are little little naughty boys we don't need those no we do not need those well they stink no i should be glad oh i see what this is what we need what do we need no no no that'll do me put that down i'll see you back in the kitchen just one last stop just want to check the camera crew and see what they've got this is sour squirms can't use those what on earth hydrolyte they don't work that hard baby corn spears all right any partner storm that'll do well believe it or not there's actually quite a few ingredients here i've got one entry that's all the camera crew had was it it was a battle well let's have a go of these i've got the water on the ball just wait a second that's not going to work what do you mean i can't have noodles and eggs and well i can make it work where's rock it'd be nice to have a bit of protein where's rocket rocket that's about the fire is near the fire you probably oh he always has lots of meat he's he's one of the best meat eaters on earth he is oh come here come here come here come here come here look at this oh it's a gourmet face in here take that oh yeah [Laughter] he's really fighting me for this [Laughter] that changes the whole game i'm gonna go and put those in the barbecue mate that's a good idea if you can get on the barbecue yeah i'll keep this mince that's mince i believe yeah i'll keep that i'll do something with that later rattle you do the vegetarian side of things i'll go and look after the man side of things i'll see you in a minute [Music] yeah we looking mate quick question yeah how long do two minute needles take to cook three minutes exactly right and that's just taken there i think they're done there's a lot of noodles there's a spaghetti monster we need to get the water out of there and i want to transfer them into the litter baduri all right i can get the get the get that right i'm going to get that this is going to be a disaster no you need a bigger oh this is oh don't come back just get it quick hey okay go to go oh wait wait wait wait don't steal the noodles come back up rockets come back up wait okay go go go go go further it's right at the bottom of your stick it's a moisture oh wait wait wait that'll that's exactly what we wanted all right we're basically going to pour these now oh there's a really small set of pliers the things you do i'm just going to pour them straight away let me help you with this look at that that is a lot of noodles what are you doing no we finished second get rid of that thank goodness i need that actually all right what's the next tiger right all right right this is where things get a bit hectic in the kitchen right a little bit of olive oil in the pan bingo that's what we're talking about get on the go it's like it's like when you're a band you just know what each other's playing meta garlic thank you where'd that come from three and a half shakes of garlic four actually put all the garlic in because there's the esperanto dinner at the end of the day you wanna put it all put it all in have you got any uh spices condiments what's this now's the time to help put them in throw it in the pan we're going to salt a bit of salt a little bit of onion put a bit of cholula in this is the time for it i mean it's never a time in a young man's life where you don't want a bit of cholula exactly right and i've got some special sauce here too what have you got devil's tears oh gee let's put it in there just a tiny tiny bit tiny bit tighter it's not that bad devil's tears that can't be good for you yeah that's a go oop done with that double down he's actually gonna guys except for this this is actually gonna be all torn i think it will i've got that feeling you know you know you start cooking something you're not real confident how it's going to go down all right what are we up to baby spears corner they can go in last baby corn spears i'm going to put them in now seriously when you're discarding the water find the last place you put it and put it back there just tell rocket that rocket what's your first step it's a doozy give that a stir mate it's looking absolutely scented it really is it really is we've got the mints it's all gone with the veggies and all the other bits and pieces what do you got here not too much oh here's oh that's what you wanted superb imagine that thank you so much i'm basically gonna put all of the two minute noodles that's it that's it that's it that's what we wanted to see it's a lot of noodles but look look at the end of the day mate when have you been at a party where someone said there's too much noodle here never exactly you're not white i've benefited never yeah it reminds me of my childhood we've got it's all the beef or pork mince we don't know there put them in also we've got pork pieces ah that is the best put them straight in i'm just gonna pour that around casually that's a massive food right not too much soy soy goes a long way all right what i'm gonna do like any good bake up is make a well in the middle boom oh they're half frozen mate that's it get them in there where's that one it's like an ice cream ice cream there we go there we go it's a desperado meal i'll tell you what oh look at that there's a frozen yolk that's okay you can stir that through guys get your plates out we're on i think it's ready that hasn't even made a dent in the pork bun you're gonna need him you're on little bit of a taste test eh yep let's do it it's a big piece you know when the noodles taste like that it's just the right amount of spice it's got a little bit of protein in there a few little bits and pieces that is that is what i like about this it's a combined camp effort everyone has contributed this meal keep the toilet paper at hand because i reckon this is going to go through like a dose of the sausage little number i reckon go sit around the fire yeah chuck another log on it and um mate there's there's enough for seconds and thirds i hope you like this it's actually really good because it's really good we're gonna have this for the rest of our trip [Laughter] well it's shipped all right luckily the trip's coming to an end no it's good it's really good it's really good [Music] there's more than last night's dinner weighing on our minds at camp this morning we've still got nearly a hundred kilometers to cover to get to ronnie and the crossing of the drysdale and even if conditions improve fuel is going to be a big concern [Music] well what a stunning morning this marks just over two weeks at bush living out of the old mits alloy canopy i had no problems coming into this trip knowing that i had a brand new canopy on the back because of course i spent four weeks in wa living directly out of the back of the older style canopy and when tim came to me and said he's made a whole bunch of improvements with this one i knew he'd nail it now there's two things i look at when it comes to canopies i'm not going to go into the specifics that's up to timbo down there he's the bloke with all the brain power i'm just that nugget at the end that uses it there's only two things i'm interested in one can't fall apart on me out here if this thing starts to crack and fall apart like those cheap ones do there's no point in bringing that here i don't want to be worried about my canopy i need to be able to just get out here do the job do the work go on holiday whatever it is second thing of course it's got to be livable there's no point just having a box on the back you throw everything in when you're at the door it all falls on the ground you've got to be able to live out of it look at this thing it's just the most livable canopy i've ever used so together now i think i've lived out of a mixed canopy probably more than anyone would you agree so with all that experience i can literally say this bad boy behind me here is built for exactly what we're doing out here i'll tell you what we're nearing the end i'm a little bit sad about that this has been probably one of the highlights of my time doing these sorts of trips soon enough we're packing up camp and getting ready for the final push to the drysdale with a lot of miles to cover it'll be our biggest day by far in terms of kilometres and of course we'll be coming in on the fumes of an empty tank then of course there's the crossing of the dryersdale itself probably the deepest river of the trip but that's a problem for down the road well mate another epic camp and i'm surprised everyone's faring quite well after last night's cook up because um a little bit of a head count with uh everyone's still here it was a rough start of the morning i won't lie mate well mate this is uh what king george river yeah she's flowing a bit too there's still a bit of runoff happening at the moment then we got a a lazy 90 clicks down to the drive down mate i'm sort of got my hopes up that she's going to be a pretty good run you know it's not going to be mate don't get that yet you're right you're right but i'm living on hope yeah nice hard bottom so far i think this is the entries and exits we're gonna need to worry about in this creek crossing as we've seen so often along this trip the track is hardest to find coming in and out of the crossings with exits washed away and the undergrowth hiding any tyre marks this is uh there's no way there's a track quad here eventually though sean's found a line forward that connects up with the original track further ahead this is nice rocks in here otherwise i would have sunken by now what a tricky way to go croc invested borders all the way with the river behind us we found what we were looking for the remains of the old mining road it's not exactly a highway but at least we can see where we need to get to up ahead the camera boys have come across some quicksand that looks suspiciously boggy this has been one of the biggest trips i've ever undertaken in the d-max and after weeks of deep water rocks and punching through scrub well she's held up a treat aside from some punches and a fairly empty fuel tank i've had zero mechanical issues you can't come up here without a reliable rig and i'm stoked how the d-max has gone that's fun tim and harry have been driving this track like heroes paul tripp and today is no different around for that one no no no you've got to hand it to rocket opening up the umbi track with a camper trailer is one heck of an ask but both the big auto and the camper have come through so far with flying colours and look jesse might be limping in two-wheel drive but he's piloted that rig like a boss good on you mate up ahead is something we haven't seen in weeks an open stretch of track and the chance to stretch the legs a little bit after averaging less than 30 k's a day so far 30 k's an hour feels like a motorway well gotta say fellas this is the smoothest road i have driven in probably about two and a half weeks without a shadow of a doubt it's uh almost unnerving i know i just checked i had to look down at the speed just before i was on about 40 50 k's an hour which is well that's a land speed record for the last couple of weeks it felt a bit uneasy going that quick straight away as the road opens up and the k start to drop away the fuel lights are coming on across the convoy and for some of us the gauge is literally on empty after making it so far it would be gutting to end up stranded on the side of the track lucky for us an angel of sorts has appeared up ahead well this is pretty exciting um just heard over the radio it was pretty muffled and mumbled but ronnie is i reckon only a few k's away he's coming the other direction down the track oh is that you ronnie ah rip up ripper you might even make it graham mate i'm coming literally i'm not even putting my foot on the accelerator i'm just coasting behind in your dust trying not to use any fuel at all well sounds like you're not too far ronnie um oh there we go i can see some yellow max tracks there's a light bar oh yeah i'm going to do it i'm going to make it good bloody read about it people you run into thank god for that because i reckon i was within k's of running out nice hate it hey good to see you mate thank you you're mad bugger how are you brother good good to see you hey here we go how did you guys like the track wow wow i i can tell you ronnie is a welcome sight right now and better yet he's brought gifts not only has he got jerry's full of fuel strapped on the back but also a bunch of spare tyres enough to swap out our plug tyres at the end of the track before we start the trek back to civilization soon enough the deliveries are underway and the umbulgari track is almost conquered but of course this adventure well it's not quite done yet and ronnie is soon leading us to the final hurdle of the umbulgari track the mighty drysdale river she is running a brimmer i've never ever seen it this wide last time we're here it was about a quarter of the size maybe a quarter about an ankle deep we're actually camped over there on that rock on that rock over there so it's changed a heck of a lot well just so we're not taking any risks what we're going to do is for all the lighter vehicles in the convoy we're actually going to attach them to a heavier vehicle if the lighter vehicle starts to float the heavier vehicle should be able to tow them on the right track i tell you what shawno if we were a band this is a song we've rehearsed many a time we're now going live in front of 90 000 people at the auditorium mate all right well i'm going to concentrate on following you and keeping the strap taught and giving it punchy when bunji is needed yeah copy copy let's have a go away here we go this is exciting yeah just checking in mate so far so good wait for you looking at these fitters already i'm nervous i'm nervous i'm nervous did you fight a bit then oh fully floated yes well done mate well done that was proper deep in the middle a yeah yeah look at the high tide marks on my car i can't believe oh no no there's water inside all right i may not talk much here because this is a little bit different it's got a bit of pace get ready here we go and on the berries oh that's the i love this car holy oh it is a little daunting this is loose mate he doesn't even need me yes yes we bloody done it finished the truck we done it we got it to the end we got to the end the last crossing the biggest the fastest the widest let's see here we go only one way to find out onwards oh he's starting to move a bit he's gonna hit that big hole oh she's deep all right oh that's a pucker moment scrabbly oh my lord she's stepping all over the place the camp is staying behind me though yeah he's all he's all business but now he's on the way pakistan and with that folks the umbulgari track is done and dusted 15 days countless challenges and some of the most stunning remote touring you could ever hope to do and folks you can do it thanks to the tours ronnie offers across the winter season well ronnie i've got to say mate massive thank you for allowing us to come down up here and uh have a go go this track it's been a wild adventure mike oh mate it was my pleasure i tell you what you guys did really good at to come through that track being the first guys to uh push it through and uh you know no matter where the track was you made it you made it right good on you put on your fellas cheers ronnie mate that's my third time on the umbi track and i've seen it in three vastly different every time been totally different mate absolutely blowing my mind i'm gonna tell you ronnie i can't thank you enough for inviting us back i never remembered it ever been as difficult as what it was this time and i've had an absolute blast so i do thank you again yeah ronnie mate thank you from harry and myself it's been a real eye opener and an absolute honor to be able to crack through it and do it the first time was was happy yeah thanks ronnie for uh leading us through and letting us uh letting us loose from the rest of the your land for the rest of the time i'll tell you what it's probably the most epic four-wheel drive slash camping trip i've ever been on had a ball learn a heap saw a heap and yeah i'll definitely be back one day i reckon welcome buddy you're welcome well there you go eight this has been an absolute epic i mean the sort of adventure that dreams are literally made of i mean we've seen a lot we've traveled so much traffic forged their own track through some of the toughest country in australia i mean the sense of achievement is absolutely huge the boys have done so well i mean to be out of trouble with a good group of mates like this you could have asked for a better bunch of blokes to come and experience this adventure with i reckon i might be shouting the first beer when we get back to civilization [Music] for tonight ronnie's found a spot just a little bit further down the river giving us one last chance to soak in the kimberley this really has been a trip we'll never forget cheers buddy cheers mate ronnie cheers boys good on you nice ones what am i saying what a trip i tell you what we've been doing this together now i'm not gonna go and get all romantic here but it's been better part of a decade and i'm going to put this trip i mean last year covered it was a bit of a slow year but this to come back and do a trip like this and we've still got a couple of big ones planned yeah this has been probably one of the highlights of my career oh without without there's so many individual things from catching two one meter barrow right through to epic calves it's awesome i've been going on about that fish for some time and so you should say you should lose absolutely just for me and i think every single bloke here is in exactly the same boat yep this is proper adventure this is what 100 percent this is why we build four-wheel drive that's why we dream about this sort of stuff every single day of the week for me absolutely folks look if you ever get a chance i honestly recommend coming up to the kimberley i mean do a tag along with ronnie he's got some of the best tagline tours going in the country but at the very least get up here and experience this for yourself get up before the crowds get up when it's nice and warm like it is right now and see what i reckon is one of the single best places in the world i'm gonna say it i'm going to say it it is the best four drive destination in this country you just heard that it's coming from the sean m whale yeah just made the end up i'm not sure he's got everything fishing for driving camping it's just amazing i mean you guys saw it for yourselves but come experience it that's the next step it really is it really is this time tomorrow night if all goes according to plan we'll be in the cannon our apartment for the first time in my life i'm not looking forward to going to the pub i'd rather be out here yeah i really would i really would folks we're gonna have a couple of beers fire gun we're gonna try and catch some cherubim tonight yeah we go on that one and uh we'll catch you guys next time all right 24 7. cheers guys cheers boys good on you man yeah cheers ronnie good on you brother folks we really hope you've enjoyed our kimberley adventure but if you need more then tune in next week as we delve into the untold stories of the trip go behind the scenes and answer your kimberley questions so leave a comment or a question below and stick around because the outtakes are coming up but first let's look at some of the gear that got us through this track well guys now we want to reflect on some of the gear we've used to make this trip possible and i mean this has been an epic and the gear we've used has probably helped us get right through this trip to immensely immensely yeah i want to kick off with one of the most important things i carry my forward drive you're probably thinking a tool kit spare parts i think a beer exactly right keep your beers nice and cold i'm talking about the michael and friday of course yeah like we've run i've run two in the back of my vehicle i've had one out in the elements the whole time we've had freezers we've had fridges we've had fridge freezers about just about every single microman that is out on the market i'll tell you what we've had beautiful meat just about every single night we've had cold beers but i'll tell you what having those are the luxuries when you're out camping especially in remote destinations you need to make sure they're reliable and they're going to last in some of the toughest conditions where now it's 40 degrees plus yep every single day it's been warm those freezers have not skipped the beat it's a game changer now it might come as a surprise to you folks out there it won't come to surprise this bloke here but i'm a bit of a grub i just went down to the water then i had my first wash in about eight days and i've been pretty unpleasant to be fair i've been fairly unpleasant haven't really cared for myself too much but i have cared for my seat covers and that's because i've got razorbacks in there and what i like about the new razorbacks is that we've got a bit of fancy stuff done we've got a bit of embroidery you know it's a big word you know one thing i've been i've been loving about the razorbacks is i've got some fancy seats in the dirty thirty yep i've been disgusting i've had no air con i've been sweating more than i should he's feral and um i know that my seats are protected underneath so it's just one of those things you set and forget really just put them on you don't worry about them if you've got yourself any sort of car doesn't matter what it is get a decent set of seat covers raise your backs put them on never think about it again yeah exactly right rock and roll exactly right i'm going to say one product mate that i think you can definitely agree if we didn't have this product we might not have gotten out of some of those bog holes i'm talking about the max traffic oh yeah yeah yeah we use the maxtrax in so many different ways not just in the sandwich everyone knows you can use them for that's their number one yeah the thing i really learned on this trip is how valuable they are in the black soil especially when you're trying to winch they'll minimize the load on the winch so you get one of those front tires so you can break the suction of the vehicle get the vehicle up and only then does it make the winch easier so many other things too you use them as a we used them to put the jack on so the jack doesn't sink into the sand i think rocket used them one night to level the camper trailer it's i mean little things you don't even think about i reckon max tracks get yourself a decent mounting system shawn's got to mount it up i like how i've done that super super slick i've got a really nice one up on on the d-max here and get dry nice and easy they're a bit like carrying a shovel well there you go guys there's a couple of the items that we've used to get us through this trip now don't go anywhere because coming up next mate we've got the funny bits and let me tell you we went a little bit on this one we really did there could be some weird stuff going on yep most of it will be him i'm sure of it i'm sure hi welcome to the tibbett harry show 6-2 60 cairns to colombo roof rocket got a flat grain did too 60 kids to colombo road that'll wake you up don't hit a head ant-man like that graham i believe the crossing is that way as any as any good chef knows you always go first oh oh there are you going jesse you're taking up the i can't say [Music] okay ready yeah there you go jesse you're enjoying um i'm coming getting out of the way stream it's two clocks [Music] day 14 to the bush i've gone unhinged that's right well what's happened here is that timbo thought this was the exit but in actual fact i made a stew and it made it run poo 60 cans to columbaroo okay little disclaimer here if i was to do this at home and i'll try to impress a young lady or something like that i'll get those eggs and i'll put them in a separate pan and make an omelette i'd bring the omelette out because everyone knows how to make an omelette what's she doing why are you doing this um she's washing me pensively with her little eyes and can't use that i don't know when was a long time like i'll tell you a dream i had the other night just start again there you go oh forgot to turn you off again like subscribe put the bell on 60 cares to colombo 60 cancer columba roux we've just finished the umbi track and now it's up to you 60 cans to glumbaroo see you next time [Music] you
Channel: 4WD 24-7
Views: 1,525,694
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 4wd, action, 4x4, offroad, outdoors, travel, overlanding, toyota, nissan, hilux, patrol, landcruiser, adventure, camping, fishing, diesel, petrol, surf, shaun whale, graham cahill, australia, dirty 30, shorty, gq, gu, 80 series, 40 series, 60 series, 79 series, troopy, 4wd action, 4wd 247, 4wd 24/7
Id: 3etMOIo9eW8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 17sec (4337 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 15 2021
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