Using EVERY TRICK in the Book to Fix This City in Cities Skylines?

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just let your eyes feast on all the red roads that there are in this city there's roundabouts but there's red roads everywhere if you're excited to see me fix this don't forget to hit subscribe and also every light that you leave on this video means an extra sip of tea for me and recently I've been able to get lots and lots of sips of tea because of you guys and girls leaving all the extra likes so I do appreciate that yeah we are pretty much chakra blocks in your Park scent in the city of Lockwood we're gonna try and fix it up the outskirts over here I mean this side is okay but it's empty there's like hardly any buildings up here but down here right so what we're gonna do is we're gonna try and sort of follow where this is all going um I don't know whether you're gonna be able to do that but let's let's take a look let's take a look so which way there these guys are going this way over the bridge then they're going this way this is also going this way then these are going this way they're all heading up to here so as we go along I'm gonna check the roundabouts all the giveaway signs are fine all that our look that you go through bit not quite salt light on here particularly dealing with lots of traffic when there's not a lot of traffic keppo for those on when there's a lot of traffic you want to do this so it just keeps things moving then it's going up here and I'm wondering whether this one doesn't have anything set up so if you're on the roundabout you can go on that one is oh so we've got a bit of fog you're walking this with the setup of the if the roundabout so that's going to be something that we're gonna have to look at as we go so these are coming down these are coming in so they're going out sections okay look they're moving what is going on oh my goodness me I feel like I'm gonna have to go around every single roundabout and check all of these things out there is 15% and it's getting worse right okay I'm gonna do that we're gonna go and all the roundabouts do all of them correctly and then I'll be back with you and we'll see what sort of a difference that makes [Music] okay so that's about 10 minutes of working on the roundabouts and we can see I had to reload the game as it was sent to me it was even worse traffic it is 15 percent let's see what we're up to now 33 percent okay so we've got a lot of these roundabouts sorted that is something really you want to do if you're using a lot of roundabouts make sure you've got them all set up correctly and you probably noticed in some of the little montage there that as I went through and changed some of these they instantly start letting cars through which is fantastic so yeah there was quite a few that weren't sout right but we've done that let's just have a quick look what's going on here I'm sure you've done your lane management and things yes you have so mmm let's follow this and see what's going on okay so we've got this hit in here which is backing up a load of traffic you just know what we're gonna put in here it's got to be done even a little two-lane roundabouts in here ping ah i juice up the TMP it's not done it the right way around let us check so that should all be done yeah let's check these yes that is the right way around excellent I've switched to the labs version because a new user Labs version on here which meant if I didn't use labs then your traffic manager stuff that you'd set up just wouldn't exist for me even though it wasn't all done accurately well that's fine and then we've got these guys here see what's gonna happen here is I bet this Lane is straight on and left so they're all using that Lane yeah so we're gonna have that Lane is left this Lane is straight on so now some of these cars here are just gonna come straight through and stop blocking each other up we're also gonna say don't lane switch there don't lane switch there don't drive through the tree there we get and we're gonna say pick a lane back here so as you come into there there we go come on this white you can pick a lane so they're gonna pick either lane they want and then hopefully stop getting in each other's way and I think you've got it set up here that these go into the junction when it's blocked no so they shouldn't be doing and I'm also just going to do the same lame trick here so we've got one for left one for straight arm and we're gonna say if you come down here you pick your lane not over there which probably would do anyway ker there's no nodes but just to help them out you pick you pick and we'll do all of them there we go so once these are the bonus move out the way police can't be gone another police car be gone you be gone you've got what are its traffic lights that's why let's take the traffic lights off and people can just keep on moving and we don't want these blocking up there but they're doing it anyway so yeah give those a chance and these will keep go he's going on up here 40% we're creeping I'll tell you what we're gonna do we're creeping up I want to check your mass transit now I know you do have some so let's take a look so we've got bus lines all over the place obviously not a huge amount of people using them but there's traffic everywhere so that probably explains why no trams metro lines we've got three lines here with nothing and then with God's come here some lines I've got a lot let's just take a quick look at where your metro lines I got a loop they're leaving their loop their loop here a loop there this is like a one-way line linking those two together oh I see yeah another one my line linking those two together loop here loop there and it looks like every single loop has got it going in two directions stops knew each other yep your metro perfectly fine that's all knew each other this is probably near each other ish can they walk from side to side let's just put a little path through here just to help these guys and girls out all go like that so they can now walk over to this one yeah this one's connected all of your metros have got stations nearly Challis they can use one loop go to the other loop and you've got connections everywhere so that is a really good metro I'm actually very impressed you're a couple of train lines which go around the outsides so now we need to look a little bit deeper and try and sort of work out what is going on 43% just going up just by fixing those roundabouts right let me just use me eyeballs and see if we can try and work out what's going on here okay so back to your roundabouts again now the roundabouts that are like this will encourage people to walk from one side to the other because I believe there is a path built into these I'd be surprised if there isn't and but ones like this down here so you've used a motorway highway type roads or some of these are down to two lanes as well which is a bit yeah you want to keep these as three lanes as much as possible don't unwound about stone so keep all the lanes the same all the way around that really helps things moving I hadn't noticed that if you've done that might as well be three lanes around here as well yeah I do there but yeah where you've used these motorway type roads people can't walk on them so you need to be at across from one side to the other so walking paths will definitely come in handy so I'm thinking I'm just because she got mother whale set up I didn't think you had any monorail and I completely missed it at the end here you do have monorail lines not really used okay fair enough yeah so I'm gonna go around and put some piles in as well over the top of any roundabouts where you've used the highway road [Music] okay so I'm pretty sure I've gone round every round about where there's no crossings and put some paths on hopefully some people will start using them very soon I mean oh look hang on I need to put some actually on could connect that today good no and then I could also bring that one down over here and we go pop that in so connect the other sides that yeah look at this roundabout here people are walking over it these people before would have got to here had to jump out of their car and drive across and there's quite a few little roundabouts like that like this one in the middle of a built-up area and there's no way to cross over the roundabout and now these little peeps there they are look could walk from one side to the other wasn't a dog in the road it was a dog in the road each one off to Andy's so 62% it is going up and as always we have D spawning it turned off so we're doing it the hard way now just looking at your road layouts you probably could do with some parts that connect areas to each other so we've got this area here if anybody wants to get to work I've got to go out here go all the way around yeah so I'd bet a few let's just turn that off a few well-placed paths even just a little path like this connecting that to from that to there people can now walk from there to there and even perhaps one over here let's just go like coming out of there and then a cross oh I thought that was a load there it isn't to do what forget that one forgetting that one will delete it let's pretend that one never happens there we go so we've got the connection across there now let's have a look anybody walking across here yet not yet I'm still undecided if there's walking paths on these roads you know yeah there we go see people walking along them so is this person here I'm gonna use this path no but anyway we've got that connection there and I'm just all gonna work my way around and see oops any places where we could just add in like a little highway path let's turn these on and like this over the top of a highway stay a little bit further back and then connect up to an area there we go and that's gonna help people get around much better so I think that we've already got a little crossroads over into this area over the top of this main busy road you've already got a connection there yeah let me have a look around see if I can add any more of these little quick routes in and we'll see what we can do your trains or what's happened to your trains which why are these trains go in your trains have all blocked up because you've got probably super long trains that are taking up too much room okay which one do we need to delay here yeah I mean delete that one to get him moving so he's coming that way that means the others are going the other way let's delete here Messire there's any passengers on board so what's stopping these trains going on the top where are you going let's have a look sheĆ­ll going straight on but they're in the way they're in the why you're blocking up all of this being blocked by that this guy can't get through here what is he doing down there he's like stop okay where's this guy going yeah he's going that way he's in the whoa it's just I've blocked up everywhere what's up blocked are locked out so none of your trains work in then you're I'm assuming he's going up man this way yeah is just double check in yeah and they're all going down this way and you're it's why my life where's this guy going straight on but he can't because these guys are all here and off the edge of the map okay why is it let's just put that camera mod on and we can turn this on and go out to the edge of the map and see what's going on that is weird so all these people heading out they are but it's all gone chock-a-block that is very strange might just need a map through your load to fix that what are we at 62% we're done I probably haven't done all my pars let me just check all the paths first then I'll be back with you a little bit of time has passed we are at seventy percent seventy one percent it's sort of going up and down and things are not looking too bad you know even loads that are Reds I just have a quick look around they're just red because they're busy I mean there is a little bit of traffic building out I mean these junctions are quite close together here which is gonna cause things like that this is just going a little bit slow I'm just wondering whether we could take a look around some of the junction I mean they you're highway ones you've done the lane mathematics three lanes one goes off down to two which is fantastic have you got here a little bit of slowness going on here maybe I've missed that roundabouts need to make it a little bit bigger ya know give way signs on this one let's do the giveaway signs let's do that you can go through you can go through you can go through and not you but you can go through and instantly let's just speed that up a bit things should start going and all that can't despawn these point is not on sometimes they go oh you've changed something I don't know what has to do so that should keep that going so a lot of these guys are going up and over a lot of these are coming down there I'm just wondering whether we could just help these by giving them a couple of little extra ways to go in and out made things worse we're gonna add a little lane coming across into there's some can go that way into this and not all of them have to go down to there and it looks like there's two lanes here as well anyway so we could say you go into they're gonna connect you go into there and then you come here now you go into there and there there we go that'll just help a little bit more keep things move in [Music] [Music] okay is recording that time-lapse on there as you saw and I noticed something here I think we can fix you notice I have 99% of the traffic is just using that one lane there and only the odd little cars coming out it's because of this thing here look we've got two lanes one lane going right and straight on and this one going straight on it's the same effect as when you've got like a junction I can't find one you know what I mean well you've got two lanes that one of them goes straight on and lights and one goes straight on so we do that little quick fix don't we and we're gonna do that here and before everybody starts going oh you can't do that because they can't switch lanes were gonna fix that as well so we've got one for coming off one for going round and then over here I'll be that you know it in the middle there one for coming off on the going rounds they can switch lanes they're the coming round here they'd be stuck there's no nodes between coming in and going out so what we need to do is use this little tool here and say when you come in pick a lane pick a lane pick any lane we'll do the same there we will do the same here no because they can switch lanes there and you're not likely to add a road on so that should now if we just speed that up with it and turn this off already you're getting people switching lanes and what we're gonna do as well is we're gonna stop them switching lanes right there I want them to pick back in look they can pick all the way along here plenty of spaces and that would just spread that out of it and then when they come on see there these are doing a silly Lane switchin thing up here that's the only node does free I might just stop them from doing that and then say to these guys pick your lane when you come in there you go and that should work better already know already this is all gone down there they're thinking about would do the same thing over here look we'll say don't Lane switch right there don't lane switch right there you've got all this long road to decide where you want to go and that should work much better yeah we got the same situation here look all of these cars all coming along here and it sort of blocking this up a bit as well but we can we can do with that separately and they're all yeah they're all going into this lane look and then switch in there to go round there I'm not sure I bet yeah we've got two lanes going off because you've got two lanes down here and this is one of those situations where you could maybe do it a vanilla way you could use the load that comes with the mass transit DLC everybody the five lane asymmetric roads you have to unlock it as well if we change that no that's not the one I want I want this one no I don't want that one where's the one I want I want the one that's got this one yeah the other way round Oh what there's only one lane coming down here minutes oh forget it tell me what that was just gonna change the one go yeah I think you saw where I was going with that I didn't do it so I'll have one for going off and then we'll have two for going straight on and I might just do this all the way around so one for all you've created Lane arrows in here yeah okay I tell you what I'll just change it there and I'll see if that makes a difference and then we'll say everybody coming on here pick a lane is there any other nodes in between no so they're not gonna do any whole cube or Q Lane switchin and let's just see whether that helps these guys spread out and what all yellow already they're coming down the outside and then diving in there it's good that there's a junction here because we can help them with that we can say don't lane switch there pick your Junction there so if we're coming through pick a lane pick a lane pick a lane so they'll come down here and go okay I want to go up here and it was stopped and switched it look at that look they use in 1 2 & 3 March better and then quickly that should go down because a lot of cars coming out I could even make them do it further down so I could say don't lane switch there don't lane switch there don't lane switch there must be a tunnel underneath don't lane switch there oh that's a tunnel under me okay forget that one and then here pick your lane coming in so they're gonna pick their lane now all the way down there and it should just mean if I say don't Lane switch there but go through but don't know whether this Lane turns left down here or not yeah it does there's a limo so just going straight on and that should get that it's what going down it's all going down it's just a lot of traffic coming down here I am wondering actually because there is so much delicious way this is where you can do things yourself analyze your roads there we go look is going down a bit quicker because this is making it all back up up to here so there's a lot of cars coming down here and we've got three lanes on that roundabout and I imagine most of those are probably going straight over but what I was going to say was we could upgrade that with three lane road just a soak up use the one with the trees because you've got the one with the trees just to try and soak up all that traffic is that undone all of my Lane switchin malarkey it has let me just see how that ones for a minute there we go look it's not backing up up here so much as it was before it's still very busy but we've got more lanes now to hold to traffic and they're using extra lanes at the end depending on where they want to go so yeah not too bad I mean it is still quite busy but yeah working much better than it was before so we have exactly the same problem on this roundabout it was backing up all the way up this road up here so I've done the same thing one lane for going off two lane for going on I've allowed the switch in let's have a look when they come in switch and pick a lane and it's all working out really well I can I've also changed this road here so we've got an asymmetrical roads you've got a lane for going off to four on these by the way you get the network extensions two mods will give you a lot of these roads also things like this if you don't Network extensions just look on the Steam Workshop a lot of these roads are on their search asymmetrical I've also used it here asymmetrical so we get a turning lane for up there and two for straight on yeah it just really works out well just think you know where our lanes going what do I need to do if this was real life would an extra lane there help and do all that sort of thing so let's just have a look at this you know this is backing up so far it's going around this roundabout and causing problems elsewhere starting to back up here so let me just do the same on this one and also connect that path as well no I'm actually thinking we can just turn this into a dumbell roundabout because they have all queuing up and causing all sorts of problems here yeah I'm going to change this [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what do you think we are up to let us take a look at the percentage we are at 81% that is not too shabby considering how bad this thing was at the beginning 82 percent it's still going up don't forget leave a like every light means I can have another sip of Tears everyone quit you now oh I love that York should see subscribe and check out the next video on the screen as well I will see you very soon for the next episode thanks for watching everybody take care bye bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 949,051
Rating: 4.919755 out of 5
Keywords: biffa plays, biffa, biffaplays, cities skylines how to fix your city, how to fix your city cities skylines, cities skylines fix traffic, Cities Skylines, city skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, city fix, cities: skylines, how to fix traffic, city planner, cities skylines tutorial, cities skylines roundabout mod, cities skylines expert, roundabouts, cities:skylines, cities skylines roundabouts, cities skylines traffic management
Id: IH-jtgu1IqQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 46sec (1426 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 18 2019
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