Fixing the LONGEST Traffic Tailback I've Ever seen in Cities Skylines!

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okay it's been a while but we finally got a city where the traffic is so bad it is backed up right to the edge of the map look at that look at that and it heads off into the distance into the city oh my goodness me this one is terrible this map was sent in by mr. six I think it was really quickly and the city is called six turn let's carry on down here and see what we can find lovely countryside while you're stuck in this traffic you can enjoy the lovely trees and everything ah this is the longest tailback ever in the history of tailbacks and the trains is why you probably noticed on the line over here also backed up all the way and look at this oh my goodness it's like backed up through here come to a junction at the beginning walk backed up through there backed up through here through there through everywhere I mean it is just all backed up you've used traffic manager as well you've done all sorts of things but we need to do a lot of fixing this is looking pretty bad oh my goodness me damn area over here I didn't see very nice and the water running down I'm liking that that is really good and it comes out the other side and this is heading out the city the other way given time this would also back up all the way it's not quite there yet but yeah that is pretty horrendous let's just take an overview look at the cities it's not too big it's about 75,000 population before I started letting the city run to see what would happen and it is just chock-a-block absolutely everywhere so where do we start now sometimes I get comments from people saying you've got to follow the traffic to see where it is all backing up for them but when it's this bad I mean it's just not backing up from one place as it's just backing up from everywhere you've got an ending here which I'm assuming at some point you're gonna use to build over here just any suggestion if you're gonna do that just connect these two bits together because it just means that me to select lats it just means they're gonna have somewhere to turn around if they want to there we go and they might you might find that people start using that a little bit white some things that jump out to me first of all is junctions too close together so you've got this junction in the middle here this junction these roundabouts this is all what'll happen is these guys are coming on I think you've got one node in the middle here yeah you got one node there where they can change it's just birds that along of it and then they're coming off again you do have some Lane mathematics three lanes you've counted that as one going off so then two going straight on to back on I don't like these double lane ones here you don't need that let me just change that while we're here so just have that as one lane coming off there and that will sort out your lane arrows as well gives you dedicated lane arrow on that one and then these two lanes go into two which is fine actually goes into three you've got like another one coming around here which you've probably done because this is so bad there we go we'll keep this as two lanes I'm just gonna do that there so we get a dedicated turning lane yeah and then we can also do the same for this one here make it one lane coming down because the idea if what what people sort of tend to do is they think oh there's so much traffic I'll make it two lanes don't do two lanes unless you need two lanes that is that is what you want to avoid doing and then here what have we got we've got one node here so they're coming in and they're now had to switch super quick so you've got two plus one let's just change this one down here to three and then you've got this one going down to two so as long as you get the lanes right and the traffic moves nicely there we go look then you got that one coming back on it can go back to three again which I think you've got four on there yeah there we go so that will work a little bit better keep people moving this you've got going into two lanes that's fine look at that already already now we've got dedicated lanes with different things already they start moving down they're gonna get in each other's way and teeny tiny bit so let's carry on with the lame maths down here three so that can be three and then we've got this one up here only needs to be one and then at the end we can change it to two so we've got the turn in there and the turn in there they're coming straight off keep it as one so then this three goes down to two and it automatically gives us this dedicated turning lane art works out so well and then going down here and we've gone down to two and then you've got one coming off and you come back up to three again I mean it doesn't matter if you go up and then also what you could do is add in a three I just want to give that a dedicated turning lane but I guess if we do this and do control click now we get a dedicated turning lane so you know it's okay to spread out like that and then spread my counter now this needs to be true doesn't it definitely needs to be too because we've got a lane coming on at the other side there we go one plus two bats of three and then we got the turnaround bit well let's go by cutting the other way and see so three minus one watch that Lane there it's doing straight on and lights being now it's only doing lines so we've got dedicated turning lanes I don't think you need this one here I'm taking that off we just don't need that that's a bit odd so that standard - oh I see that's what it is you haven't got this one joining back up here again so there and then to there that is like the worst Junction ever good there we go so now they can go up there if they want we've got a dedicated turning lane for down there and that can join back onto this road like it should do which is good do we have a know it in between there we don't so I'm just gonna add another little nodes into their just so they've got somewhere to change lanes before we come off here there we go so two plus one back to three then you've got a dedicated turn the lien for here the two goes straight on to plus one this should go back to three again so let's grab that three three and three this up here only needs to be one there we go so free and you've got now yeah three plus another one that should make this for and I think we will make that for because we've got another turning off of here or shall we or shall we no let's leave that at three and we'll see how busy this gets down there we may change it to four because what I want is this down to two again when one goes off and then one comes back on bats of three one goes on back too soon plus one this should now go back to three and that's going back out the city yeah okay there we go what are we at nineteen percent fantastic and then we then of course need to get our merge in sorted out as well look at that they're not what is going on here well I have that and this is that they can if you set up some sort of lane turning thing there no and no so they could go both ways there and not have this let's just get rid of that let's just make the end piece here two lanes so now they can turn all those straight on and here this needs to go down to twos with 3-1 down to two plus one back to three and this doesn't you know that that is far too close to all of that so that's gonna come away from there that's gonna go back to three what I'll probably do is go along this highway and I'll sort out all these roads that might be too close to each other I mean this one here that's coming off can just come off a little bit further along so if we move this out a bit like that let's just turn that around there we go yeah so this this one didn't go to answer to that's what I was thinking there we go and then you split off one lane there one lane straight on so you do have some of the maths and then this should then go back to two which it does then it should go back to three which it does then one goes off back down two to one back on back to flee and I think we're about to where we were before right take a deep breath have a sip of tea then we need to do some lane connectors to make sure this all merges correctly and also just so you know we have D spawning disabled despawn is currently disabled which means that's where you get so many cars in the city so yeah quit super T one second and I'll just save as well as I've noticed it's not saving the K so just following this highway along here and we're okay where the loads come off every time one merge is on we want to just make sure that we give these guys half a chance so they're not like whacking into each other so this is where your Lane mathematics really pays off if you're playing in vanilla up to this point you could do everything we've done if you're playing it in on your PC and you've got the Traffic Manager mod TMP e down here I've got the labs version that's what you had on this city right now we can add in the lane connects and that's gonna branch off these are gonna so this is like a roundabout here so let's use this tool for the roundabout we're gonna do you look at the hover over I'm gonna do ctrl shift and click to set up quickly the priorities there we go so every single one coming on is now give way and then we want to just quickly look at this and make sure that the end of the block Junction is okay for the ones going around the roundabout but not for the ones coming onto the roundabout that is something you can do when there's loads of traffic like this just to keep your roundabouts moving once your traffic dies down it really doesn't matter to be honest you can you can turn that off again okay you've got that going into that Lane well let's also add this one into that lane and around heave dunya merging that's good going off is fine you merging over here look you can see they're diving and now this is gonna be a problem because this is all really close together so I tell you what you've only got like one node there I used to move it modern hover over you got one node there I'm gonna move this and then we're gonna add another node in here and just draw that out from there and then delete it again so now we've got this node and that node so they've got double the space and for changing lanes and then what we're gonna do is we're gonna say you go there art you know what I'm gonna delete all of that I believe if I do it's control s now it automatically does it let's just pause again before the only way we could do this it was shift s before now it's control s and it would only do it on a straight-through now it will do it on these and not straight through junctions control s and it's done that's amazing thank you people that work on Traffic Manager okay so I'm not gonna bother about those who knows at the minutes coming offs ok moving down here they're doing a bit of walkie-talkie Lane switching right there ah there's an extra node hidden in there that's why I've moved this one up too close let's move that dancer there where they come in down L this is gonna speed things up select the nodes control s bash done so then this is - this is gonna merge control s yeah this is all fine and they turn back let's go the other way so going off there's alright we've got this roundabout so we're gonna slip that one ctrl shift click there we go lots of things added in there so everybody coming on to give Y nice and then we're just gonna check this one that one's ok that one's ok that one's ok that one's ok extra one coming in there that's going out so that's fine that's okay good that's all set up that one's fine there we go so now we're back on the highway you've got another merge point here at lanes control s I love that that is fantastic down here and now the big merge point here look at this and again we've got coming on going off let's just check how many nodes we've got one node here again so let's just move that node over I want this to be a node here whoops destroyed your house my apologies there we go we've got two nodes now so jurors to give them a fighting chance for changing lanes and we're gonna do this one control s hello control s now I say I was just gonna say I wonder what would happen if I tried to do control s and there wasn't enough lanes and it showed me here we've got three and one so it shouldn't work so it was me pressing all the buttons shouldn't this one be 2 now 2 plus 1 is 3 they one here should be four and you know why actually four lanes would be good here because we've got this going off here that'll now match up that will go off this comes down here hilarious yeah and then this down here we've got this one lane doing two things but my hoping that's not gonna get too busy and then I think we're heading out of the city good okay so that is that main road done hopefully what are we at 25% is going up losing our gaining people again which is good still lots of traffic backing out while there's gonna be all sorts of other things to look at here isn't there so let's find some stuff to fix okay so something else I normally like to check early on is the mass transit you've got let us take a look so your bosses are doing and we got lots of busses set up there they chunchun along oh my goodness so many bosses so h2 passions of 20 let's just sort this by how many vehicles you've got 41 vehicles so you will have a ton of empty buses here oh my goodness that is something I'm gonna go through and adjust how many buses you've got on your lines well wait for the traffic to die down to see whether more people want to use them first your Metro has got zero passengers now this is something I noticed that you seem to have a problem with your Metro and I think that is the problem there you have light angles all over the place in your Metro and since the Sun set half of updates you can no longer have light angles like this and expect a train to get through so something like that would work much better yeah so that might mean just basically go through and check all of your metro lines we're gonna come across a load of trains in a minute just like that there I don't think they're gonna get around that let's just move this a bit and this here look oh here we go that we're finding all the trains so there's a load of them stuck here at that station I'm looking at this angle here let's just move some of these out of it and I'm reckon with a bit of finagling look yeah they're not getting around that corner I reckon with a bit of finagle we can get rid of all the right angles and get your Metro going again so I'm gonna fiddle with this for a while and I'll be back with you yeah your main problem seems to be tunnels coming out of a station this one here was going straight across well I sort of moved up a bit and now the trains can come and go and things are starting to move again and then this train here just goes to disprove the fact that you don't it's absolutely that is absolutely nuts so we did we just don't even need that one going over there do we oh I'm gonna delete some of these that's idiotic okay I pretty much gone through all of your lines and yeah sorted out all the hiccups some things I know she's you've got all your metro set at 200% and stuff like that so I'm gonna just go through and set all those just at 100% for now because there's far too many metros on the line so that is just causing problems as well now next on the list as always is roundabouts do you have your roundabouts set up correctly it looks like you do apart from this one here the end of the block Junction which would have been fine until all your traffic got super super busy I'm gonna go through and just check some of these this one's not too busy but I'm gonna change it anyway just for just for now some of these roundabouts are quite close to each other as well which could be an issue let's come along here yeah this one seemed ok which is good this one isn't I can tell already just by looking at the cars go that one's okay I want to keep that moving again this one isn't okay as soon as you change that things will start moving instantly that's not too busy so not too far see me it's not too busy just leave it as it is it doesn't matter at all that's okay that's okay these guys will merging in down here this is all a bit of a hokey bulky mess isn't it yeah let's turn that one off that one off right so they're coming up there and they're trying to merge oh this is far too close together oh this Junction okay this is all too close together coming on and going off far too close together coming down here I don't even know what this is for okay this is for I'm loath to delete it because I'm wondering whether I'm just missing something here and this bit here we need to just sort so let's just grab the move it mods give these guys half a chance with a bit more room so now we should have space to add an extra node in he's got no nodes at all between here and here no one and that one give that as she connects no he didn't I don't think it did let's try that one again there we go mentally and we shouldn't have two nodes nodes and only one node again all right okay one node it is then you know if you just mate do I don't care anymore there we go ctrl s that's fine so they were getting there change lane and then hopefully down here what is going on with this car he's just like blocking everybody you go in that's it excellent that was just stupid that was and then we've got that merging in so then this here should get a teeny tiny little bit better I'm sorry I've meant to record that my phone was ringing but there we go look II just click we just all went you'll have to believe me but that's all gone which means this is all gone which means I'm not even gonna touch that weird cube or key thing that why these cars going so slow down here look have you got SAP or weeds speed limit thing 30 mile an hour what okay that can be a hundred why is that so slow I think that must have been a mistake good everything else is okay what are we up to let's have a look 2% okay that's not too bad it doesn't need to have all of this here we could get rid of that get rid of that get rid of that get over that get rid of that and then we could turn that into an oblong about just by doing that and by doing that Oh doesn't that look much better and then we'll do this here control chef's we're going to indicate your turning lane blah blah blah and then we'll look at that coming on coming on fine that one's fine now it's fine so that should move a lot better you've got weird lanes going on there yeah we've got it and then that's connection up to this one so that's all okay that's all right that's all right need to look at your trains as well I did notice I just paused the game and head on out here you know I'm gonna get outside of this by using the cinematic camera extended it just lets you get outside and I'm going to check this node here because this node by using the move it mods I don't know whether I'm a hundred percent accurate and light on this but it always seems to work for me so if the gap between where they spawn and where they come in isn't the same size as a train then you're gonna have problems um and it always seems that way so I move this one all the way down here let's just move some of these over a bit give us some room let's get that one that's 55 this one's now got this big long gap here which should be big enough for these trains to get in and out now all these people are gonna run down here picked up its just delete these two trains on the end which are causing the problems yeah this one going out here it's got stuck isn't it your trucks coming in here as well what oh there we go it's working now I don't know what's going on with the trucks there that is just weird because we've got the truck one down here mmm but anyway now we can see that they're moving what I never understand about this is it will bring them in on both sides which means they never get a chance to leave but you've got such a call for cargo trains that we're probably gonna have this going for a while before the one's going out get a chance to go any other outside train lines that we could fix that might possibly give us an issue nobody's going a bit nuts it I just move this node over this is the reason why I sometimes want to nodes in a section like this so got one node there all these are coming in and then any any that want to change Lane have to do it there and they get no other option if you put another node in like this and then what I would do is I would use the lanes here and say look anybody coming in that wants to move up can go along or up one lane there we go like that and then on this node if you want to change you can go along or down one lane and it just spreads out the lane change in mechanics look she they're doing it here as well there's only one node in the middle here is there yeah you can go along or up and you can go along and you can go along or down and you can go along there we go then we make it out there that's fine and it will just help the lane switch you can go a bit smooth as you're not doing it all at the same no don't always pick the first node there we go which spreads the hell that will help this spread out a bit as well but it can keep moving and overall it will stop all of that sort of bunching up look where they're doing it again here between this chunk this is why as well you want to spread out your junctions because you have more nodes for things like Lane changing so now laughing to go through yeah you've got two nodes here I think we might have put those in ourselves but now gonna have to go through and do this sort of thing okay so we're solving one problem but then we hit in another problem so these guys are coming down there and just get in charka block here because they're all coming into this ah that's what they're doing so we've got here a cargo train terminal on either city it's causing this huge huge backup because these are only at a set speed and that's then blocking up all of this how about we try this one-way road coming off of here Tempe Road obviously right so we're gonna take all their businesses off of this roundabout cuz they're just gonna slow everything down we don't want that we don't want that this area down here is not an industry area is area for your cargo transfer hub so let's remove all of that this is gonna be one way going out so that is just leaving and coming in is now down here via this other little entrance so we're gonna see how that works whether that stops all of this building up so they can come off they can go straight on they can come down there and they can join here and these can leave a little bit quicker as well which should be good okay so I've just spent about 25 30 minutes going through first of all all the roundabouts making sure they all set up accurately and then going through all of the transport options some of these vehicles some of these bus lines had so many vehicles even now it's got 23 on that line it's nuts I'm just gonna drop these down I've got so many buses they add like 30 and 40 buses on some of these lines unbelievable unbelievable so I'm just dropping them all down and then before I save the game and send it off to I'll have another look through and just see if we need any more and then I've just done the same on the Metro as well and look at that it's all working nicely now so I'm gonna go through and see if we need to add any more but I think we're probably looking okay on that oh and of course we've grown up to 75,000 and we're making a profit war what about I [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so there we go we made it over 80% traffic movement in the end which was fantastic I would certainly suggest put in some more cargo terminals around your city spread out that industrial traffic a bit more as you can see your city is still very busy but it is now moving if you enjoyed this one hit subscribe don't forget before you go also leave a like as well and if you want to send in your city check out the link in the description below thank you very much for watching I will see you very soon take care bye bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 403,148
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: biffa plays, biffa, biffaplays, how to fix your city cities skylines, cities skylines fix traffic, Cities Skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, city fix, cities: skylines, how to fix traffic, cities:skylines, cities skylines traffic management, teaville biffa, teaville city skylines, cities skylines how to fix your city, city planner, biffa2001, cities skylines expert, cities skylines roundabouts, timed traffic lights, metro
Id: WGEWgrb9eY0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 56sec (1616 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 14 2020
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