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hey can you send me pics of your father's feets because I want to touch the feet of the man who helped to make such a beautiful woman hi creepiest texts ever episode 5 uh-huh how are you beautiful hello I'm good how are you I'm great I was actually just wondering if you've ever had a master before considering how young I am no well would you like one once again considering my age not really at least not someone who does stuff like this hey if I can ask who are you and how did you get my snapshots I'm a sophomore at Harvard and I found your insta and I kind of added you because you're hot I don't remember putting my snapchat insta whatever what kind of pics like boob pics Oh No thank you I have a boyfriend sorry it's nice that you found me attractive though that's actually at first your boyfriend won't know and I don't live near you still I didn't do that in general heck I don't even know what you look like sorry but I have to say no just one that's it I swear and I will never bother you again just one I promise on my heart's just one I wish I was there right now so I could walk up behind you and grab you by your waist as I give you necklaces and hold you tight then I spin you around and push you up against the wall as I give you forehead and kisses then we make love all through the night how does that sound me uncie juice big sip wow that really hurts so I guess things happen for a reason right Clem ow I'm just bored out here just broke up with my ex-boyfriend staying at my sister's here looking for anything to do this is me by the way what you even look like I'll be honest with you right now I'm not even old enough to use tinder you have the wrong number take care I could get into this it could be a lot of fun what kind of girls are you attracted to I'm all natural by the way mom I'm underage and I do not know how you got this phone number so you sat in the cinema watching a film after a few drinks and suddenly you need a wee however you're wearing a skirts and sat at the back where it's really quiet do you a just subtly have a we in the cinema without anyone noticing or B Trek all the way to the loo and miss some of the film okay I'm definitely leaning over to the option of a seems pretty fun hey I'm rupert's I'm a 28 year old paramedic from the UK I bet you'd look great tied up in my ambulance haha good morning I just started my roots I hope you're well question for you I just started doing this what do you think about me wearing a man foam red black gray or white which one makes you feel sexy oh I guess you must be just really busy what are you doing I'm going to lay down for a bit all by myself Hey I've been thinking about inviting you over sometime hello what are you doing are you free on Friday at all not desperate never mind Oh you wouldn't understand anyway sorry for being so extremely alone my bad sorry I never mind baby girl forgive me someday maybe I won't bug you no more extremely sorry for intruding and having a life fulfilling request imma just dreamin go seems dream is all I'm ever gonna do anyway with anything anymore Merry Christmas my sexy ebony queen one lung non-functional half my heart isn't working correctly kidney shutting down that's why I'm desperate but please no worries I'll go not finishing my list after all it's just a list sweet dreams Happy Holidays and be safe please imma go way down kind of feeling weak sorry hey may I ask you something man I was just wondering don't be mad no disrespect have you ever seen a skinny white boy with a big fat horse yeah I knew it was a bad idea to respond to you hey I know I'm your dad's friend but I've always thought you were cute and you're finally legal and I've watched you grow up into such a fine tender sexy woman your breasts have been developed always want such a turn-on but I have a question don't be scared baby doll can I please have just a taste of that dress so succulent I'm blocking you now just a taste please baby I'll pay please don't block me baby doll ah nice pic of you and him on your story nothing of you on his though hmm and is any of your business how just an observation seems to me he's using you but you've fallen in love have fun getting your heart broken you don't know the slightest thing about my life or my relationship so crawl back into your hole and stop messaging me oh I love a bit of attitude on a woman now I've got your attention do you fancy that date I'm gonna offer one more time and one more time only you act as if this is an opportunity I should snatch up after the way you've spoken to me do you seriously think I'd agree come on you're lost sweethearts I've read message again because I pity you but that was my final offer don't come running when mr. perfect breaks your heart I'll be with a girl ten times more attractive than you and you'll have to sit and watch answer my question do I sound legit you mean whether I trust that you're actually going to come now to watch your movie I mean yes that's the whole point that yeah I am sure you are coming if only I give you my address from all you've assessed fuss father do i sound legit but that's freaking weird just a disclaimer only legit people can articulate like this rule number one no woman would lesson unknown man into our home at nights or in fact any other time of the day there are rules absolutely and as someone who has grown up with women all his life I echo your concerns however and as ever rules come with exceptions otherwise there wouldn't be rules you have to assess the situation okay let's assess the situation an unknown man is inviting himself to my home at 10 p.m. what are my options thing what are my motives here is it me coming over yours that's important or is it me having a chance to talk to you and spend time with you given the conversation we're about meeting up numerous times I think the latter is more plausible me coming over your house is just a medium for a greater goal and that's is completely rational secondly I'm not inviting myself would never come uninvited to anyone's place not even my family most psychos can't articulate like this I assure you okay I don't know in what world you live but I don't have people in my home whom I don't trust not suiting my own horn but it's true trust me on this one you're so wrong here sometimes Kate see you gotta assess the risk well I guess now you can see I wasn't joking what I said I'm bad at texting the most important question to ask is do I seem trustworthy I for one objectively am no and I would never hurt you or do anything to you I like you in fact and I wonder what your movies are in it oh my god can you not see how creepy this is if you're gonna interpret it as creepy then that's really sad Katie please see it as a casual way to chill together yeah an entire world will interpret this is creepy why does the platform matter I could see you in a trench in the middle of World War two I wonder why people just wouldn't have first dates in each other's homes why do you think that is look we've met before it's not like I've known you just yesterday there's a context here I've literally known you for five seconds it was 15 minutes which isn't long also we spoke on the phone - oh yes sure let's watch Grinch now I know everything I need to know about you there's people out there who sleep on the first nights I'm not like that oh really well that's a shocker but Sam you're so freakin sexy cool want to have some fun ok let's play uno nah I want to play with your juice it's going to be a no from me I'm still up for uno though how can you still be up for a game of uno after somebody says they want to play with your can she juice what hey I have a weird question can sniff your panties oh my god sorry that was my dad sorry and I was the dad to be honest I apologize if I creeped you out I'm gonna leave it there for this video I really hope you did enjoy those texts man really really creepy hide yeah you can just click on the screen if you wanna watch some more and it gets subscribed so we can get to 1 million subscribers have an absolutely amazing day and I'll see you all in the next one much love peace
Channel: Fainted
Views: 617,753
Rating: 4.9568534 out of 5
Keywords: creepy, texts, creepiest, creepiest texts, creepy texts, chats, funny texts, funny chats, facebook, twitter, instagram, social media, funniest texts ever, funniest texts, meme, memes, fainted, creepiest texts ever, creepiest texts ever #5
Id: kjUeV051WOs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 44sec (644 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 20 2020
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