r/CreepyAsterisks · no.

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hello Luud me your uber driver what Tashi waiting outside for you are you sure you want to cancel yes how's it going everyone and welcome back to easy peasy my name is Zac and today we're to be taking a look at our slash creepy Asterix Palomas wolf I hope you don't mind the ad and BM sure so miss wolf what are you doing around these parts slowly walks around you in a circle just being in nice servers slowly sniffs you wait what what why are you sniffing me to see if I can see where you have been see if you you're a lone or a pack wolf I'm assuming you've never met another wolf what the hell sniff sniff sniff ah yeah I smell some gamer girl feet skitters towards your feet on all fours milady please I've been so good wow I hate this proceeds to bend spine that ripples the fabric of space to pleasure my own groin it's dangerous to go alone take this hugs have a lovely day or not you lovely lass or lad backs up and boughs greeting protocol success good day organic shutup boomer I'm er as I spread my trademark of smegma over your feet to give it a welcoming Kate continues playing what gets down in Neil's hello kissy emoji kissy emoji why so far this whole sub rent has just been why chuckles as he looks at the small girl he lifts her up holding the girl close to his chest as you softly squeezes her ass hello cutie would you like some ice cream I'm lactose intolerant that's that's what you're concerned about hey just curious ASL I'm not sure I understand what you mean blush is kind of throb II what blush is kind of throb II what does that even mean um don't worry about it sorry for bothering you do do these people know how to properly interact with people I I don't think they do I think the answer is clear actually was hoping we could sweat a lot hangout adjusts collar nervously aren't you the kid who got caught watching porn in the library hard pass blocked vomits passionately he kicked to the door and entered to the DM yes I enter now I will steal the food wait he look his bio that said to him with strangers makes him nervous oh crap I think I made a mistake he's not used to meet new people hmm what to do then hmm that's it I have an idea but I don't think it might be good well since he is not here I will wait for him he's down yeah I would I would just not respond at all hmm a female sweats we can do this we hmm heyyo jumps on you me that escalated quickly yeah I'm seeing red lights going off hi hi hugs your booty ooh whoo huh rubs my face between your booty cheeks so soft qwq what in the name of Cthulhu is this [ __ ] I did this in Hetalia lemons and I'm going to do it here throws a bottle of Lube stop murdering peoples buttholes I don't even I don't even know what to make of this okay mounts you is that you interact with people online gross mut okay bye throws your intestines into the river context please hey stranger ha ha tips hat how do you do milady ha ha ha I'm good how are you I'm shocked they responded I've been better ha ha ha ah ha ha joking what God this is I feel weird reading this I'm good does happy dance I would love it if you would do me the great honor of coming over for a movie night though ha ha ha ha ha I'm busy sorry ha ha ha I was joking hi starts twerking ha ha this person is on drugs that's that's the conclusion I'm coming to hi wow you're sexy and gorgeous clings naked to your smooth warm leg humping your thick thigh I don't want to continue but I must mmm so soft sexy legs Wow cute and sexy offers a red camellia flowers well like a beautiful painting no frame could hold a sexy cosplays oh they requested to chat I'm gonna assume the accept button will not be pushed today Mickey Mouse voice you should have one once you still could mouth hinges back at 180 degrees and swallows the guy called Barry next to you why Barry what did he do looks at you and wags tail ok let's stop this absolute it's cancer now barks and begs her attention I'm literally gonna flip myself out of this bus window in a minute starts crying due to lack of attention and decides to get into own hands and rub it all over my face you're ridiculously [ __ ] up yeah um so like remember that day when you asked if I was a furries furry so like only two people no actually 3 let me think hold up gets up from his desk screams dad what happened to the lotion videos he's back from that commercial what I get pushed into your room as I turn around and bang on the now locked door let me out I'm sorry but what the hell are P I boy pees and makes you hit my follow button what does that even mean showtimes eyes for red and then goes out and then runs on all fours and tackles the barrel and smiles and purrs on her and puppet pushes her off and was wiping the snow off how we don't you want to be friends please gives her puppy eyes and whines so what's got you so glum he asks scooting a bit closer to the person someone's interacting with this person squeezes your pit filled diaper cutie can I stop now in creepy voice mmm so delicious and juicy hello so huh don't hum me if you talk to my girlfriend like that ever again you'll get to see the demon inside me don't mess with me I'll ruin your life your normal mate reveals teeth showing four big fangs what are you laughing at little boy that that that's what's being laughed at hello ooh woo sits on lap you're excited to see me rip your shirt off showing big hard abs ooh me likey explodes ooh ooh sorry I couldn't kick I couldn't can your d wiki um who are you and where did you get my number is confused aren't you you my master I don't know who you are tickles you stop being a silly Billy Daddy man they don't get any better points a gun to your head to go in the room wholly fine get in the bed I don't like where this is going but okay slowly gets naked why are they in quotations aren't the action supposed to be not in quotations and in asterisks I you know what next alrighty I move my hand between your legs and spreads them a bit I am ahead out grabs your ass cheeks mmm tasty grabs butter knife and butters them cheeks will you be my GF Palissy what wait why girlfriend plants now i : P making sure you're safe with me is all that matters I don't care about looks I care about you : P slams - all the way back in you it was what sorry back in it was in in the first place then it was out I don't it just gets more confusing pouts more and snuggles up to you don't be mean I want cuddles I have a boyfriend he doesn't no tries to hide massive with hands but fails because it's too large shut up sighs it looks down you don't like making things easy do you looks back at you what's happening on the chat without me I heard blank left a girl walks up to you and grabs her do I know you noses up against you hi pers you seem friendly : three looks at lack of guilt AG my my what's this who notices be de boo boo oh my this guilt is so big I must join it cease pvp and PVE plans boo clumps invite requests PSC for info okay okay gets covered in ketchup and hugs the [ __ ] out of you pushes you as far away from him as possible no thank you takes off clothes covered in ketchup and hugs you um excuse me put what hello how are you I'm good what about you to be honest I'm lonely and my glance down blushing dark red it's okay life gets better Lowell I pull out my throbbing rock-hard 8.5 inch long and 4 inches girth fully erect because I keep looking down blushing dark red screams what do you think about my size shadow be honest please I think it just gave me chlamydia with that sentence eyes extended high speeds breaking all speed records oh that is a fine mama punches myself on the chest breaking the sound barrier on punch and impact whoa mama that's a dame mouth slams to the floor at 9,000 meters on autonomy Singh the floor below me drool spews out like a tiny hole in the dam Louie that has to be ironic hi hi rubs you tail god what a bark soft wags tail and nibbles crews arm why must you bite me tasting checking my new chew toy LMFAO rawr XD nuzzles and pokes both your eyeballs out while you scurry with gestures uneasily towards sad Minh and a pathetic attempt to be discreet source why do you want the source blank do you want to donate to her GoFundMe or something hey guys Blanc is looking for the source of this image can someone help him out I swallow saliva um flushes red pull shirt down to disguise pathetic are you one of those lik okay but why it's that gift I think everyone knows what gift for that is sniffs your hair randomly as i caress your arm no thanks I'm out can I on your toes oh my sweet Jesus sure you like it I love toes this isn't a meme is it I really love feet so no I put her toes up to my lips and gently starts sucking on them and I'm a dude my guy oh just just tell it to him straight I love anime softly licks tip of your ring finger so senpai no it gets tangled up inside your bush and trap what come here you kisses you with a tongue and pins you in the bed ah somebody's blushing pretty damn sure I'm not licks your ears quit lying I don't I don't think they're lying buddy you're pretty thank you what are you up to what I'm doing I'm listening to music you have snapchat no puts my arm around your shoulder smile kisses you on the cheek uh laughing crying emoji play along babe pokes your nose and kisses the corner of your lips silly nugget what silly nugget forever this is a fox : three but you should already know that don't shake your phone often huh poke poke poke poke mmm keep talking in this dragon we'll have to get naughtier with you gives your rear a playful slap and plays with your tail dot dot dot snickers at your silence and rubs along the length of your bovine tail not sure I'd approach that eh no I don't think anyone does uh Oh sisters vomits bull and dice hello cutie hi gave me a follow so I thought I would say hello darling thanks for the follow back then : three passes my tail on your head very softly traps your tail on my head with both of my paws giving you a smug look giggles that you going closer and then wrapping my arms on you looking into your eyes I I with this anymore I'm fifteen berola Mao it's in my bio yeah sorry for your own sake make sure to check slash asked for an age next time yeah sorry I went with it because of what you said okay that doesn't that doesn't make it any better I can do 455 400 450 499 cents for $49.99 hear me out for 30 and you got a deal sweats while in deep think nervous I movement random intends closed up from unexplainable camera angle gulps how about I take you on a date you have the time of your life you give it to me for free someone is desperate strokes your thigh would you like to call me daddy no here Pandora whistles that Pandora holds a metal bone come on was that Pandora again fed Froese the metal bone at pandora I hope she will catch the metal bone : three ties pandora with a leash you are my pet now I are these people okay excuse me let me pick it up seductively bends over to pick up femur what peels bone to reveal marrow juices stop let's play a ball now it's all about the angle hovers over you to show you how to play pool and they provided a gift what's that extra yeah it was it was extra from the very start go on say something pulls down pants by ah pulls you onto my chest and hugs you okay wow you look really beautiful oh thank you I'm very very very jealous of your date my date was myself but thanks whoa oh wow well I volunteer buys private jet ticket buys prom ticket that's how it works fellows that that's all I got a doing they're yours BRB frowns please don't leave forever I won't otay hugs you I'm sorry well I ruined it I ruined everything friends deeply and lays down in a corner okay I'm back Oh cries in the corner Jesus Christ I shall cast a spell on you waves wand boobas and largest wait a minute oh no this isn't the spell I intended to use this spell more Smee into a hair curse you Hagrid Cholula boo what that's my entire reaction hold your hand thanks puts it inside my boxer briefs grabs you by the waist and pulls you towards me stop smacks butt runs away come on you know you want it no not really since I don't roll play much anymore yes I'm a crossdresser but it doesn't mean I'm a [ __ ] goodbye pins you down too bad moves up you're ready you barely even role play well bye bye please is this almost we almost done I hope so looks to my feet shyly and then to you you're pretty smart for a girl you know that right blushes um I'm pretty sure other girls are smart eyes widen in a bit of surprise thanks to myself oh no she didn't like that well it's just biology that men are smarter we have higher IQs on average like my Q is 159 anyway let's move on smiles cheerfully I'm going to block you now looks in shock why I thought you were nice but you're actually a birch I guess all women are the same now sized and sadly blocks you before you can block me drinks tube of toothpaste like a go-gurt what are you doing ooh whoo not that walks inside your room and gets on top if you invite your neck gently what tilt your head to the side and starts by your neck harder and starts sucking on your neck gently um you'll be a good girl for me right I I don't understand the thought process behind these people but we have that last reached the end of our slash creepy asterisks I I didn't I didn't like a lot of that but thank you so much for watching and suffering with me if you enjoyed what you saw be sure to that subscribe button and the bells to get notified every time easy peasy uploads and until the next one I'll see you around
Channel: EzPz
Views: 566,994
Rating: 4.9671741 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, reddit best posts, reddit top posts of all time, top posts of all time, top posts, best posts, posts, reddit posts, reddit funny, r/, subreddit, top all time, reddit true stories, r/creepyasterisks, creepyasterisks, creepy asterisks, emkay, ezpz, ez pz
Id: bsJc29uA5ys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 2sec (842 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 05 2020
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