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one of the neighbors is having a dispute with another neighbor which happens to be one of my neighbors the suspected individual lives in front of my 70 acres and there's explosions going off at night a 1 000 cash reward out of our own pockets for any information for as long as we've been on this great big blue planet foolish people have done foolish things here in the county we now live in levy county if you look at the history of rosewood florida a bunch of foolish people did a whole bunch of horrific horrible things and even though many many years now have passed still bad things are happening to very good people back in the 1920s a white woman accused a black male for assaulting her which led to this huge massacre the rosewood massacre in my personal opinion almost 100 years later not much has changed in this area of florida bad things are still being said and done to good people and people are being ostracized for being different we're all different that's what makes us all so beautiful and unique we're going to show you footage of what has happened since we've been here in florida and it's important that we point out that everyone is innocent until proven guilty with that being said we here at what the hails are offering a 1 000 cash reward out of our own pockets for any information that leads to the conviction of the individual who did this crime one of the very first things that we did when we got here to the town of otter creek we attended the town hall meeting and oh my goodness george and i both left thinking what the hells did we just witness it was one of the most dysfunctional meetings we have either seen in our lives you all approved for the minutes last month well they're somewhat accurate and they're biased because they're somewhat accurate he said they're bias be somewhat accurate i make a motion when frozen for minutes we learned really quick that apparently the old mayor this guy had a pretty big beef with one of the council members this guy one month later we went to another town hall meeting and this time i had to record i had to see what was gonna happen this time by the way it's public record so all my accounts will be done under my member number so because the credit union is not like you can't just go in and open up five different accounts that all go under the same mental number so yes i do have multiple accounts under my member number here now that ain't what the state says you have to do you open a specific campaign account they print you checks with campaign accounts i went to suncoast and tried to open a campaign account and they do not do campaigning that's what they told me often so then what happened did you come in and pay the twelve dollars he brought a 12 cashier's check supposedly drawn from that account which if there was twelve dollars end up with there are a lot of laws that nobody knows even on the books there are a lot of laws that all of us don't even obey speed limit for instance if twelve dollars is the issue for a candidate to run for mayor in this town if twelve dollars is the issue town of otter creek i'll pay it you know what i'll pay 24 how about we get together and actually do some good instead of trying to tear each other apart there's absolutely no doubt in my mind we have the perfect piece of property here in otter creek florida but even the perfect piece of property can be spoiled by the imperfect neighbors and boy do i have a doozy of them i'm headed over to confront them now they've got stuff all over my property there have been bombs going off in the middle of the night let's go talk to them this is not a public road this is private property get the truck off my property now i'm going to back up i want the truck off my property all right don't come on my property again [Applause] i don't want you on my property and i don't want you blocking this public road either do you understand okay you want to tell me what you're doing on my property yeah don't ever park there again why are you parking there i i needed to get to the backyard whose yard is it you don't go through my property to get to susie's backyard all right i don't ever want to see you there again if i see you there again i'm going to tow your truck out all right do not block this road [Applause] so here's what's really happening drugs are happening here on my road that's what's really happening and they're using the access road that the tower company has leased to access the drugs here's just a glance of my property this road being oh geez this road being leased by the selk tower company you see the garbage just everywhere everywhere this is just absolutely insane this is beyond hoarding this is my property this is my property this is my property this is insane no if i find any more vehicles parked on here this is not her driveway this is not her access at all she doesn't rent this she doesn't lease this no this is the uh this is my property this is my property this is my property okay the tower leases it from me anything on this road is going to be hauled off i want the garbage off immediately i want the garbage off of my property immediately i just you're going to relay the message you're going to relay the message i want the garbage off of my property immediately a survey team is coming through a fence is going up i don't want any more vehicles parked here if this road is blocked i'm going to tow everything i want this moved immediately so that the tower has access this is not on her property this is not her property this is my property right here is her property have you had this survey it will the survey team is coming through survey comes then i think this i want it out of my property well when when the service so i want to be very clear look i'm going to get her son over here that's why i'm going there next week i'm going i'm going to him next so i want to be very clear i want nothing on my property there are fences going up around the property but you don't even know the property line i do know the problem i didn't buy a piece of property without knowing the property okay then maybe then the fences are going up well i don't want anything until she knows i absolutely can it's on my property how do you i don't want anything on my property whatsoever michael one more thing there will be cameras all over my property already here there's going to be cameras all over my property i don't want any trespassing on my property um let me just call myself i've got some fancy i've got some chinese things because i'll take care of it you're not the property owner i understand you're relaying it this is unacceptable i'm not gonna put up with it this is this is a mess my property isn't her public dump okay i will talk to michael later and you clarify if there's another vehicle here it's being towed at her expense if there's a vehicle here in the road blocking when i try and get through i'm told there's a guy here named jeremy who's by who bought property and i'll talk to him tomorrow he's telling me i got to get this everything i can't wait to move this well i look forward to this because i was going to have it surveyed i just got here i'll take care of it okay and i do have some chain like fans your fella who's been working on it i mean this road every day i go down this road this road is blocked you didn't know that guy was in your house what he said what is the property line he can talk to me later i'm getting ready so this guy was squatting in your house working on it not really squatting is it was kind of an agreement between him and susie do some work for her he's been he's been pulling he's been pulling electric lines from susie's house over here blocking the road now he's been on a generator the past couple nights my equipment because now they've gotten into an argument between the two of them and i'm in them sitting in the middle of it and i just got here that's why i came down here because of the argument yeah and i find out that that house is packed full of junk they've got a wood burner hanging out the window it'll be straightened up in my end okay we'll definitely be straightened up i'm all for you all right i appreciate it uh the goal is to clean the whole road up clean the town up clean the road up so get on board with me let's clean it up because this is unacceptable this is not a way to live i am on board all right appreciate it thank you one of the neighbors is having a dispute with another neighbor which happens to be one of my neighbors police are here somebody went on his property and started a fire and they don't know we're coming yet and this is an individual i'm definitely going to have a problem with holy cow and the uh suspected individual lives in front of my 70 acres and the suspected individual lives in front of my 70 acres and there's explosions going off at night and we think it's all related so police are here this is a massive massive fire so power lines up above so police cars here i cannot believe somebody would have done this so these are all neighbors of our 70 acres so the same individual suspected who's setting off bombs you know we were listening for the explosion tonight so since i've been here in florida the explosions happen at 8 00 p.m and 10 p.m on the clock and uh there was there was no explosion at 8 pm i have a feeling i know why now [Music] and then the trailer in the middle and then and that was just some test things he did that was just a little short usually when these explosions happen and it may not happen tonight and if it does not that would be a telltale sign of who it is because every friday or saturday evening around this time up until about midnight you'll hear some big booms that shape windows i was sitting up there at rehearsals yeah i went over to the guy's house to try to make contact with him but nobody came out i made contact with some of the other neighbors there he sat in the town hall meeting one time and told him that i called in on him since then i said well i may never make contact with anybody first off you don't go to someone on the complaint and go over and say with mr pads that was uh your neighbor over there that guy yeah right yeah i mean that's the reason why people do it that way so we don't try to avoid the losers yeah we we always say you know an honest person called in whatever we've had calls whatever i knew better when you said it yeah at first it kind of like what really no no when i call in the complaint gentlemen you make sure you tell them who it is and i'll give you the video footage of them doing it frankly i'll probably haul them into you certainly that town hall meeting was something else spell it again for me okay how old is paul how old is he i would just probably like 30 yeah 37 38. yeah okay kind of heavy set bearded look like a linebacker kind of dude he talks like he's a bully but he's a true he's really so what's the whole deal they're like he's upset because he's getting voted off the council i don't even know why he bought he bought the other council member off and got his spot back so what's he upset for because they won't stand up against him oh really he can't do it right using town resources for political purposes and then he's uh just spent the last eight months trying to use the si town resources trying to find some kind of criminal thing on me trying to do something though everything i've done i'm gonna interject for just a minute we are gonna have a fire department come out for multiple factors one power line yeah and secondly they can kind of give us um a little bit more insight i've already got approval from the power yeah we just have to make sure you know what i mean um so because the power lines are there it's no big deal we're just going to come out and and also because we're not we know nothing about fire obviously and i'm going to see their professional opinion if they believe accelerant was used even if they can advise of that okay so um if they can advise great if they can't okay i did take pictures of it you're right in the report okay so he's writing the report um we'll attach those photographs of it to that report and also fire will just make sure everything's okay because that's okay and also maybe they can help us advise the accelerant was used okay i'm gonna have to get out of the way and the real question is can they catch the person that set the fire here tonight we're back at the property where the fire was the owner of the property has his bulldozer out trying to bring down the fire still see it smoking a great razor but it's uh doing this was it michael michael yeah michael just did that michael just did here like five minutes ago put the gun back on it was he driving an atv yes yeah that was him back there yeah we just drove past the property and saw we went last night trying to find his truck it wasn't there last night i was back there this morning it's there this morning i'm gonna have cameras on him and frankly if i have to i'm gonna put people on them it's a shame you can't feel comfortable in a yard now this is michael right here this is him he's right there there he is and we're going to take care of the problem um
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 147,173
Rating: 4.9310598 out of 5
Keywords: cops called, live pd
Id: 9YX-EL8WsKk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 56sec (1196 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 16 2021
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