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do you really want to start something right now sure all right come on what's wrong you really want to play this game yeah you you you really want to play this game it was martin luther king who said the only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing and we will not idly stand by as bad things happen to good people here we go part two was it michael michael yeah michael just did that michael just did here just five minutes ago and put the gun back on it was he driving an atv yes yeah that was him back there yeah we just drove past the property and saw we went last night trying to find his truck it wasn't there last night back here this morning it's there this morning i'm gonna have cameras on him and frankly if i have to i'm gonna put people on them this is michael right here this is him he's right there there he is and we're going to take care of the problem here's a refresher for everyone if you haven't watched our previous videos make sure you do you'll get all cut up to speed but basically in essence it's a power struggle in a tiny town the old mayor this guy had a pretty big beef with one of the council members this guy former mayor runs for mayor and the people of the town don't want him to be mayor anymore apparently there's corruption apparently there's all kinds of lies in the seat now we come in on the scene we know nothing but what we do see is bullying intimidation all kinds of things that we are not okay with so what happens is one person who was mayor is mad at another person who ran for mayor and now there's a conflict and then there's a fire one of the neighbors is having a dispute with another neighbor which happens to be one of my neighbors police are here somebody went on his property and started a fire and here we are trying to extinguish it one of our major issues is we have constant traffic coming in on an access road that is leased by american tower from the landowner it's not a public road it's private property that is paid for access by the cell tower company i've already told everybody anybody else parks here and we see lots of drugs coming in and out as a matter of fact we're pretty sure we got somebody messed up right now right beside us anybody else parks here they're going to be towed away so in case they thought we were joking we're going to make sure they have full warning we're going to go ahead and make sure make sure i can screw it in on an angle you should have brought a ladder on george yeah i think ramsay's will do think so um all right we're gonna go right in here we're gonna go there [Music] 100 left to go uh 50 cameras done 500 more to go there's the no parking sign jeremy just posted and now the camera goes up so we'll have cameras number one looking at the access of the road and then number two uh really monitoring anything that we think may be a drug transaction and we can give that all to local authorities take care of business there oh we are kind enough to warn them anybody who's foolish enough did not take heed your warning there is a fair warrant it's just looks like coconut bras i was wearing them earlier reminds me of your coconut bra well i was wearing i mean because who doesn't like free smiles smiling is my favorite smiling is my favorite too i mean if you're going to be on camera you might as well smile right you see the camera's going off right there yeah the red light yeah i'm setting it off like crazy it's motion censored like crazy yeah you think i could have brought longer screws since we don't have anything in florida we didn't break we gotta use what we gotta use but we have this is literally what i have that was easier not going above my head [Music] there we go all right got it i think we're good 500 more cameras to go piece of cake right i could use some cake right now just walking on the inside of the gate you're greeted with a smile but there are so many cameras so many places that you'll never be able to see all linked to the cell phone to the cloud even if a camera gets destroyed for some reason we always have the video footage all right fellas doing good michael who's this fella i just made it all right i'm gonna ask that you don't block the road like that yeah okay uh michael couple different things i already talked to your brothers brian right so i talked to brian already let's get out of the road so we're not blocking these people so very first thing is i've purchased the property here your mom's encroaching all all over the property so does mom know any of the property lines oh we don't know where it is okay all right i don't know i don't know but me and brian will be the one to clean it up okay so are you aware you can find all your property lines on every county's auditor site which i showed that to brian already okay so you can see exactly where that is this is not a public road this is not this is not access parking anything along those lines this is this is owned by me i lease it out to the cell tower company those are the only two people allowed on it if there's any if there's any vehicles parked in here i'm going to haul them away i'm going to tow them if if i get blocked if you've got people coming out front of this property and they're blocking the road and i can't get through with my trailers and my equipment i'm going to haul them away okay that's it i mean man you got to do what you got to do you know absolutely all right so very first thing one of the things that brian asked me is where's the property line and he he's already seen a stake and a rebar back there i'm going to have a surveyor coming in surveyor's going to come all around the property then the fence is going to go again you're going to know exactly where the property line is i can already tell you this is all over my property okay so you know you you and brian both know that already right yeah i know i know she's encroached on you okay i mean that's no big seeker and i'll tell you the same thing i told your brother that uh you know the easiest solution is that's my grandmother which one she said you pained on it so freaking hard unless you got up and scared you want to know who it was do you really want to start something right now sure all right come on you really want to play this game yeah you you you really want to play this game all right levy county at this particular point mr levy county and myself well we exchanged numbers we we we made plans for barbecue and as a matter of fact right now we are besties for the resties for obvious reasons i kind of had to edit some things out unbeknownst to me mr levy county was upset because his grandmother got hurt getting out of bed when i came to the home knocking on the door now i went to every home that has a boundary with me on my property to let the homeowners know number one i'm gonna have a survey team come through number two i'm gonna put a fence up common courtesy and respect for your neighbors but apparently uh the message was that i beat on this person's door and uh was very disrespectful so here's me beating on the door you let me know what you think i thought i was just knocking like a normal person does what it is all right here's the deal get the crap off the property i got two issues with you number one my first interaction with you was a town hall meeting there was one person chewing there who was it you i come out i sit on a golf cart who spit on the golf cart really so who spit on the golf cart more than one person you ever spit on something of mine again and my woman sits on it i'll bend you over and i'll make you eat it yeah all right number two what'd you have to do with zim's fire what you talking about the fire on zim's property you don't know anything about it you didn't go by the next day and go no you didn't do that that wasn't you no you're sure i'm positive you're positive about that i hope you're positive about that all right any other questions get the markers up and i'll move everything it's not get the markers up you just told me your mom knows she's encroaching you know mom's encroaching i do so if you know okay so i'll tell you what i'm going to do here's what i'm going to do i'm going to hook this up first the log splitter i'm going to hook it up to the back of my truck it's coming with me it's on my property right i don't know where it is okay so it's on my property so there's number one it's on my property property get your on the county auditor site like any normal person with any common sense would do and find your property line you don't want to start a fight you disrespect my property i find you on my property i'll remove you from my property you shoot a gun towards my property i'll take care of that as well if any of these things that i'm being told about you are true and i find you on the property i'll take care of that do you understand what you got to do do you understand what you got i will michael's response to all of this after everything that's happened this is a response no trespassing but apparently now it's gone now it's gone there was a no trespassing sign on michael's trailer but now it's completely totally gone after i threatened to take michael's log splitter if he didn't move everything you see anything missing here it's there you go pretty void area all right uh one item down and all these logs are stalled they're blocking my drive it's encroaching so this will get taken care of tomorrow actually tomorrow john deere arrives 500 gallons of diesel arrives and these piles disappear you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 209,071
Rating: 4.9166403 out of 5
Keywords: cops called, live pd
Id: mbnoawLeHkY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 41sec (881 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 18 2021
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