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[Music] we're back because it's sunday our favorite day of the week we're live we are alive welcome back to our sunday night live stream happy sunday fun everyone jeremy usually likes to start off with a song i got fur in my mouth i can taste it on my tongue [Music] go ahead and type it in the chat [Music] now y'all [Music] we need your wonder help the hell is [Applause] [Music] us bust someone for our son if you wanna know what that is [Music] this is the monster version i thought we would hear george sing a little bit you guys don't want to hear me yes [Music] some people love these mics as much as we do and others not so much really how could they not love them maybe it's the mode that i chose because it's so dark um dark mode i do use the the monster mode no that's like normal that's normal that is normal you okay we've got so much to cover tonight what a week uh what a hails of a week and in our reality it's still not done so much happened this week and a lot has happened all at once it overwhelmed right now we've got so much work to accomplish and to do and so little time definitely not so much to do with so little time and then we use and then we're losing daylight quickly as well losing daylight that was rough but i was out i even even tonight in the dark i was out setting cameras up so yeah but you're a light head lamp i did have my headlamp on so that was good for some of the parts i did so what a week george how many do we have on right now we have about 20 over 2600 people joining us right now wondering what the hell is going on give us an update i know a lot of you are concerned about the chicken we'll get to that a lot of you are concerned about us and our health we'll get to that but first there have been some super chats uh do you remember your super chat super chats someone uh mrs brown sent us a super chat before we went live really yes so thank you for that all right this is this is for mrs brown not for the arsonist barbara norix sent five dollars says missed you guys all right we missed you too bam and then uh i'm ready i'm ready christine sent 4.99 says love you too ah sending love right back to you appreciate it all right anything else and then i thought i saw one from chris christine christine yep that's okay so all super chats tonight every single super chat we have a thousand dollar reward for information that leads to the conviction of the arsonist that is a cash reward every single super chat tonight is going to be added to that cash reward for the information that leads to the conviction of the arsonists so if you send a super chat tonight number one we'll recognize it we'll do our best there we go you go right now there you go deborah sent five dollars says i'm switching over to my tv sorry about the brown that was sad that was sad the cleveland browns made it this far but still proud that they made it this way that was pretty incredible every super chat will go towards the total of the reward for information that leads to you got it there you go there's adam perkins adam sent two dollars says welcome back george missed you appreciated adam i don't were you gone yeah oh where were you visiting friends oh there's flash family freddie romano sent a 1.99 and then fast said said good evening george and jeremy it's a hails of a good evening look at that debbie vaughn debbie bond love you both conki's wives noreen setting five dollars and five we're gonna get a wave of super chats because again all this money right now the reward is a thousand dollars so any money that any super chats that you send which is a donation through youtube will go towards that thousand dollars and service chihuahua sent five dollars you missed my other super chat for five dollars so that would be ten dollars i'm missing you ten dollars share about 299 linda five dollars oh wait here we go we can't even all right so we're going to have a bunch of them coming here so we got that wave share we got linda five dollars still proud of the brown store we linda yes we got elizabeth i hope you get them we do as well and there's we're gonna give you a full update linda latham sent five dollars rodriguez you guys rock i appreciate it debbie beaver just said be safe prayers the arsonist is caught and prosecuted absolutely vicky just sent 25 hope they're caught and convicted doreen just sent five dollars thank you so much doreen you forgot to punch doreen sorry doreen there you go he's got violence issues uh jacob bartlett sent five dollars are you trying to be darth vader's wife maybe i am jacob maybe uh cheryl just sent 4.99 hopefully they get what uh hopefully they get caught get caught i have no doubt whatsoever they will they ain't the sm the individual is not the smartest individual in the world uh connie hoffman twenty dollars thank you so much ronald johnson 9.99 thank you so much wowzers you guys bridget five dollars you're awesome love you guys diana bridges five dollars thank you so much the niche lady five dollars i needed a xanax after watching you with those snakes yikes uh if you needed that just wait george's is next i'm up next timothy just sent five dollars get to it and catherine just sent two dollars aloha from hawaii hawaii lynn 4.99 hi from navarre florida praying that you get the arsonist yes arlene brooks five dollars keep it up thank you so much two tall vapes five dollars i'll come work security on the property if needed listen we have had so many offers we're gonna get to it yes we're gonna get to we got there are people following him or everywhere already we will we will get to this uh cynthia 4.99 go get them get them appreciate go get them oh my goodness there's going to be so many uh all right and then where did i where did i miss jenna vapes uh jeannette 299. appreciate it beverly banks 4.99 my husband and i have been praying for him i appreciate it craig wolf two dollars thank you chris watsky five dollars thank you so much thank you adam sent twenty dollars appreciate it adam you must have been looking in the background vicky sent a super sticker five dollar super sticker appreciate it vicky dragon line 14 549 hello george and jeremy netherlands good luck luck with all your work wonder what time it is over there in the netherlands probably late service to a while five dollars another five dollars catch prosecute the full extent of the wall i love you both like got my ebay stuff thank you welcome appreciate it jason webb five dollars do you come across aquariums and storage units all the time here and there yeah avery catching's fifteen dollars thank you so much we appreciate it appreciate it avery mitchell fifteen dollars gary rhodes ten dollars with the hudson's 499. see you soon can't wait to visit see the new property appreciate it five dollars bc eagle dev just wanted to support the channel peace love to you all rick j five dollars canadian five dollars that's two that's two loonies and no that's three loonies and one toony okay uh whatever you're saying hopefully fireplace behind you is not lit something there might not like that heat yeah they see the background um let's see where else are we at oh it's kind of blended in they have good eyes you guys have good eyes they do they have good very good eyes sorceress at 499. flutter by soon sent ten dollars borderline hoarders said five dollars george looks beautiful as always miss y'all hope you're doing well we are we got to see your new video thanks for putting that out that was great timmy uh sylvia sent twenty dollars go get him stay safe sheila sent twenty dollars thank you so much my arm's getting tired monica said five dollars sending positivity for georgia keep the super chat wave going oh wow nancy be careful get that arsonist nancy lisa 4.99 welcome back george missed you appreciate it lady antiques treasures five dollars show that person who the heels is moving to town adam's sheriff tell you guys what happened to the prank on george uh not allowed to talk about it jessica krueger499 yes let's not talk about it i came in like a wrecking ball that's actually your theme song i love that song cocky's wife five dollars forgot my message come on baby 4.99 get them arsonists they didn't look too smart either they're not appreciated uh marty riley five dollars best wishes on this adventure thank you marty and then let's see we got we got marty and then we've got kim five dollars thank you so much barbara tucker farting at 4.99 almost said barbara 4.99 love you guys glad you're back george you know what jeremy's got on his two dollars i watched your vegas uh coin games it was crazy crazy and cassie five dollars love you guys get the not so smart arsonist okay all right so we've got uh that was one hail of a super chat weight that was a huge wave it was like so again every super chat that is going to go towards the the reward for any information leading to the capture of the arpeggioness as well and lots of information has been pouring in we will get to that ian's number one mom sent five dollars hope the culprit is caught thank you so much michael five dollars go get him guys god bless you judy four dollars michael janet 10 number one fan jeannette you guys are incredible so uh we have mail why don't we get in the mail and then we can get into the full update does that sound fair all right i'm gonna i'm gonna pass some mail over to you okay so now i you're gonna have to kind of be careful with this one this one's a big one you're gonna have to be careful with that a little bit that one that one's a big end all right that's what we got so far and uh let's just let's get right in that my favorite song ever i'll leave this one for laughter that's a good idea [Music] stephanie just said 4.99 go get them [Music] [Music] send a little more support towards the cause and a fist pump for jeremy and the weight tcp what's tcb tcb what's the acronym tcp i don't know i don't know let's think think about that it's not clicking right now flipping adventures you'll think of it before i will you'll think of it all right let's see there's a note in here and it says it's from crazy dog t-shirts from shirley white oh and all right let's see what the t-shirt says it looks like it's your size service chihuahua just sent five dollars love it adam perkins another two dollars thank you too much bacon no one ever no one ever said no one ever that is that is your size do you love bacon yes are you bacon you get for some bacon yep yep yep all right the next box another package now be careful with that because it sounds a little rough in there okay so this box this is how we got it from the post office this box is uh from troy leske all the way from wisconsin all the way from wisconsin now keep in mind the post office sometimes can be a little harsh with boxes and this one's very harsh this one sounded a little rough uh eugene said tcb is taking care of business nice so george hopefully florida is treating you too well i recently realized that i have sent jeremy two gifts in the last two shipments but haven't sent you anything and i saw this and immediately knew it had to be for you jenny nick said five dollars thank you so much and what do you got in there i'm gonna have to stand up for this you probably are going to have to yeah you're probably going to have to i'm going to take your microphone over here i got your mic look at that is that what i think it is the king wow there he is look at him look at that jawline now can you hold that for me unfortunately yep that's what i thought i don't think oh no i think basically what happened if you look right here and if you look right here the base there's like the base shape that's all they shattered it's really cool but everything shattered there may have been two things in here do you think there were two that definitely broke as well i think that goes it was the one that's probably a child adam just sent two dollars elvis heck yeah i think he means elvis hails yeah you got a you got a candy cane yeah one for me and one for elvis okay awesome that works oh troy this even though it cracked this is perfect the haven't checked out blue springs state park in orange city yet manatees are there during cold weather we know that they're there we are going to go swimming with them we've just been extremely busy trying to get prepped here uh we definitely want to go swimming with them abnormal sent five dollars jeremy hails for mayor otter creek florida i'm not sure otter creek is ready for that i am not sure otter creek is ready for that he would you got my vote oh all right you know what i'll vote for you would my vote count uh well if i'm your significant other that's a good question i'm not sure either of our votes count for anything adam sent two dollars says hails yeah so adam said two dollars all right so really what everybody wants is the arsonist update right yes that's what everybody wants absolutely kizzy key seven sent five dollars keep it up keep it up all right there are almost there's over 4 000 people right now waiting for this arsonist update before we get into the update and we address everybody's concerns and where things are and where we're going what about what about recounting uh exactly what we walked into when we visited otter creek service chihuahua i'm doing a recap uh five dollars jeremy can you do a chicken cam 24 7 on their own channel potentially you're going to find out tonight uh mara mikhail just said five dollars welcome back george we missed you so thank you within days of arriving what was one of the very first things we did in the evening we were invited to go to the town hall meeting she's thinking we we get invited to a lot of things and he expects me to be on like the same level and be able to read his mind uh how about i'll ask the question in the background okay okay uh thelma just sent five dollars hi from parma ohio love you guys appreciate it so we go to we go to the town hall meeting now let's be really really clear the original town hall meeting we unfortunately did not record well that one that was the crazy the movie definitely didn't expect what was going to go down in that meeting pauline sent uh 28 in rubles the acoustics are perfect hugs george jeremy neither of us thought that we were going to witness what we actually witnessed and multiple times we kept leaning over to each other and going we should record this is this really happening is this really happening we should record this gee yeah and rita sent 4.99 good evening from massachusetts my husband said he's more than happy to go down and give that arsonist an irish attitude adjustment and barbie sent five dollars love your passion to make positive changes in your community thank you appreciate it tony gonzalez sent eight dollars for george and jeremy get more candy and ketchup so all right we go to this we go to this town hall meeting and it's very very clear that it's very tense and there are personal agendas and there are there are beefs with one another what the tension in the room could have been cut with a knife yeah tony gonzalez eight dollars and i already read that one didn't you okay so the ex-mayor the ex-mayor got voted out and the other gentleman that's on the council that you saw in the video he ran for mayor but there's this whole little thing in politics that if you run for office you have to have a campaign account and the amount of money to run for mayor twelve dollars an entire twelve 12 bucks so the ex-mayor makes a fool of himself in my opinion complete and total blowing it out of the proportion basically saying are we going to let him get away with this how dare he you know and this is a man that in this community is is a suspect for a lot of things a lot of things and we hear story after story after story now we can't confirm any of them at this point but this is a man this ex-mayor that is suspect for a lot of dirty downright bad things again we can't confirm anything everybody is innocent until proven guilty absolutely and making a complete fool out of himself over twelve dollars in a capital campaign account because the twelve dollars wasn't in a designated campaign account because it's illegal now here's my thing for that and by the way i have no doubt the ex-mayor is watching how about we broadcast every illegal thing that you have done how about we do that and then let's see let's see that battle in a town hall meeting that's what i'm kind of thinking and uh but we weren't at that point putting a big screen up on uh on on the wall and going look this is everything he's done and what we should go after now there's lots of obscure laws there's a ton of how many have you broken today how many laws that i allegedly broke yes oh allegedly now allegedly did you speed at all i didn't drive today bonnie just sent five dollars good old boy corruption missed you george oh thanks bonnie that and clear this said did you upset the man somebody messaged us today they're like you need to get jessie down there immediately you would have a ball oh my goodness jesse with me you would have a ball jesse would eat it up so so the reality is uh mega panda one two three four ten dollars time to clean up the town jeremy appreciate it so we left witnessing the most the most dysfunctional meeting i think i have ever been a part of in my life that was kind of embarrassing service chihuahua sent five dollars says jeremy for mayor and sheriff beyond embarrassing the individuals involved should be beyond embarrassed and as a public figure who's supposed to be professional it was complete opposite dragon lion 14 549 netherlands monday morning 3 22 out wow 3 22 in the morning so we just left shaking our heads and we both said man if we would have recorded this this would have went viral on youtube and it would have it literally i think it would have infuriated a lot of people the way it was handled and the way it was managed by it who was supposed to be a mayor it was it was you're coming from a guy who has who has employed more people at one time on payroll than the entire city has as residents i've been a part of a lot of meetings in a lot of places i've been in charge of a lot of meetings in a lot of places i have never seen something so dysfunctional so embarrassing and the aftermath of it uh the stroop stoop five dollars maybe george for mayor yeah i even said that i was like if he's there then i could be the mayor so george for mayor all right appreciate it so we witnessed this and then down the road because of this internal conflict remember one gentleman runs for mayor because of the corruption of another individual and the other individual doesn't want to give up power of a tiny city which in all reality the only reason the only reason any politics or any leadership exist in the town is because they receive government grants for water and therefore based on those grants legally they have to have a board there has to be a mayor they have to have a a governing body to actually govern those grants and those monies with those people okay jesse says it sounds like his family reunions there you go you know what florida is no different than ohio they're no different than anywhere else yeah so you see a aspect of retaliation days after as you see this arsonist and what's going on with that jk 499 this is to wear out george's arm game i love it thanks jk i love it soon my arm is going to be as thick as this hulk fist you're going to need it maggie just sent five dollars as well thank you so much so all of a sudden we're on the scene at this fire we have been in town for a mere you know few days blood sweat uh and cell just sent five dollars so proud of you guys if you need my blood to come to florida i will be there we know you would we know you got our backs we're hearing explosions through the night and there's no doubt whatsoever who it is like window rattling explosions and then you hear the dogs crying you hear children crying it's not fair to george is crying i'm crying because i'm fearful for stephanie higgs just sent 499. thank you so much appreciate it stephanie we hear all these explosions we go to the town hall meeting then there's a fire afterwards and the the the assumptions that most people have are it's all tied into the same place with the same person right same couple people and so that brings us to the point of addressing the actual video and giving you an update so you realize there's a tension with an ex-mayor who's not happy because he's being pushed out of a position that he wants and there are a lot of allegations whether true or not there are a lot of allegations against this individual of things that has happened with town money within the town with people and you name it there are a ton of allegations we don't know if any of them are true or not but they are there and then you have another individual who wants to see the town grow who is an outsider and he's he wants to be mayor and help the town grow and now you have an internal conflict you've got good old boy i don't want anything to change i want garbage everywhere and you've got you got individual who goes i want things to get better for people i want to i want to increase their quality of life and bam bam bam bam and then boom you have a fire so let's address that in a little bit with the video first of all uh as we've already said tonight with all of you guys there's over 5000 people watching right now number one every super chat tonight will go towards that reward that leads to information that leads to the conviction of the actual uh individual who started the fire uh shauna sent five dollars so there's two mics in this issue on the arson there was mike and then mike on the atv you slowed down for another mike that's not the same mic there's only one mic one mic watch watch the video over again and that should help clarify a little bit if you try and identify it's hard putting the storyline together because we were taking clips from from weeks at a different times and trying to put it all together and trying to put it all together in a quick fashion because we've been so busy yeah so guys to help you guys understand the timeline of events that we've witnessed and experienced in our short time yep fast edge just sent five dollars i sent this so george can practice punching the arsonist out boom babel so really in most people's minds i mean they're really they figure they know who did it okay but it comes down to the point of actually saying all right here's the proof so let's let's dig into the update and let's dig into the video with uh almost 5500 people watching right now number one i think this is most important george and i want to thank you all okay number one thank you for your concerns we we appreciate all of your continued support with not only the channel but us personally we understand how protective you guys are of us you showed us that when you shut down a publicly traded company in new york that was a display of maybe pure brilliance on your part uh we understand how protective you are and if you can take down a publicly traded company in new york a little town in otter creek has no idea what's going to happen karen thank you so much for 4.99 catch the arsonist hails yes karen so we appreciate all of your concerns we absolutely appreciate your concerns and and we want you to know that we're okay and we're going to dig into that and start as far as sharing with you well i we are okay and we will be okay we also appreciate all the information that's flowing in uh we've gotten information from gee so many different people there are people who are locally a dolphin two two four just sent ten dollars you guys are awesome you make me laugh out loud all the time thank you so much jennifer mclaren said five dollars please stay safe thank you jennifer so we we are receiving information from left right up down anywhere and everywhere i mean it is coming in there are so many pieces of communication coming in and you know already we get i don't know a thousand pieces of communication a day we can barely keep up there's so much right now for us to filter through we on a daily basis we already get a high volume of messages and not just on youtube but on social media as well so now pictures yeah even more the volume of the so the locals the individuals the locals in the community are feeding us information uh we not only the locals our super fans we're receiving pictures of where he's at because you people are following him you're giving us information you're feeding it to us um we've got some local pis for us uh i don't think they were local i think they drove down after they saw it so wiki girl sent five dollars hey george uh have you got your coin pushing fixed in yet and we are concerned and love you and derek sent two dollars appreciate it no coin pusher fix yet so we we truly do appreciate all the information the pictures we are getting screenshots with information from locals with text uh and the the reward is real and people want it elizabeth appreciate it elizabeth and you guys are increasing that reward right now it's me adela 499 love the scary voice when telling folks there's there's yeah there you go um appreciate it yeah i'm sure you guys are not used to seeing that side of me we we are family channel entertainment so but you got to do what you got to do sometimes five dollars never sent a super chat before i want to get that arsonist nice appreciate it jenny and amanda just wants to say hello from canton hello amanda thank you so we've got locals sending screenshots we have have so many people send us messages offering to help we've got people offering to fly in we've seen it here in the chat we've got messages in the email we've got messages on youtube we've got messages everywhere they're offering to fly in and track him and watch his every move they're offering to fly in sleep in tents on our property watch our borders watch our boundaries there i mean it's just there people are offering to drive in people are driving already up and down and watching dennis we even had the local army rangers in florida we have the army rangers reaching out to us asking if we want them to come up and take care of the business yeah and so fun to have army rangers as fans a lot of ex-military willing oh my goodness so many ex-military are reaching out to us right now uh it's it's overwhelming it's overwhelming everybody who wants to come up and take care of the issue or come down or come over it's literally overwhelming how many people want to help and so we will respond to everybody it's going to take us time to filter through to go okay the highest priority is the information that will lead to an actual conviction and then we'll get to the other parts of it as well and you just got pandera pendulum dollars said spy cam on the chickens send to the quarter house so if we put like a gopro or spikes in the chickens chrissy just sent five dollars appreciate it chrissy so thank you so much for your concerns for your information all of your help especially especially from the locals and and i really i really want to i want to touch on that because a lot of people in the comments in the videos and messaging us are saying didn't you know didn't you do your homework didn't you know all of this beforehand and the answer is yes of course we did we didn't just go in and spend the amount of money that we did nor would we ever i mean honestly i'm a little taken back that people would go hey didn't you do your due diligence beforehand knowing if you've been a fan and you watch this channel we're not just haphazardly business people we are very strategic and very logical in our planning and what we do appreciate it melissa so the oscar was streaming darlene and we knew exactly what we were getting into and we knew exactly what was on our borders and the neighbors we knew all about that going into it and so uh we want you to know island girl we want you to know that otter creek to us in our opinion is the perfect place yes it was ideal for us it worked out perfectly for our business plan plus we like to make a difference and we like to make a change so why not be a part of that cuff cut fam sent five dollars says just keep smiling appreciate it just keep smiling okay so we absolutely knew what we were getting into we knew we were going to have to address these things and we also knew we also knew that the city has been on the the the family for blocking the public road and what has happened they continue to block the public road thanks john the city's been on them already over and over again the the family have been on them to clean things up and what had happened more junk arrived and more junk garage so some people said well jeremy that's not the way to make friends let me tell you something very very clearly quite a few friends we've made a lot of friends here we've met a lot of great people here amazing people we're not trying to make friends with the issues and the issue people they've already had the grace of the town the grace of the previous owners and they have taken advantage of that over and over and over again and nothing has changed you give somebody an inch and what are they going to take a mile you give somebody an inch of your property and what are they going to take feet and then yards and then acres so the grace period has been for years and nothing has happened except the problem getting worse and worse and worse and worse so we absolutely knew coming into it what we were dealing with now we did not know that there were going to be arsonist issues but remember that's one person tied to another person out of all the people okay service chihuahua says thank you sir so that's all the people in the town this is the perfect place we are completely and totally in love with this piece of property absolutely in love with it the people are incredible the people are absolutely incredible and so a lot of comments and concerns out there are man you got yourself in the backwoods of florida and the good old boy gang and all this and all that listen these people are incredible people in this area they truly they're not all good thank you paulette and so i think i think it's only appropriate that uh we say thank you to some of the great people in the area we've had we've had shady oaks we've we've already shared this before we we're staying at shady oaks campground and they've been so gracious helping us navigate the move the transition even setting up today here just so we can have a live stream we are on the 70 acres right now yeah so if you guys notice our backdrop this is this is the fireplace that's benny boy yes well shout out to brett and therese there's the campground orders for help so many of you have asked can we come down can we help you know can we you know what you want to book a spot book a spot at shady oaks campground and you can you know you're on your own you're on your own what you're going to end up doing but um that's that's something that you can definitely do you can always you can always take care of that and come to the area you will find out real quick why this area is so beautiful why this area is so perfect and why we chose thanks buddy now we also another neighbor we've got multiple neighbors we've got another neighbor we didn't even know when we bought the property that one of our neighbors was going to be one of the kids of the parents it was from there were six kids that sold us and one of them is our neighbor and they've been incredible as well as a matter of fact they were on the property all day most of this afternoon with us and sharing with us stuff they're like well you need to know this you need to know this you need to sharing good memories oh my goodness they have okay guys they have so many cool stories about the property and you know how we like the history and we like the antiques and the old and the whole deal and we like finding that treasure they are a treasure trove of stories and they're going to find pictures and it's just going to be really really cool to hear all of that and and to be a part of that and then to build upon that too so that's that's pretty amazing because we have so many unanswered questions about what certain things are all the answers all the answers are coming in we we appreciate it and we love it we appreciate it even more we appreciate the property even more now that these these things are being answered our unanswered questions are being finally answered roger appreciate the 10 and the answer is no not yet derek sent five dollars appreciate it derek so tina and brian we appreciate you as well thank you so much for all your help today uh invaluable the the information that you're sharing with us and the history of the property so we can continue to build on that that has been so cool and with that being said i i i want to make sure that our viewers and there's 6 000 on right now we want to make sure that our viewers they understand our theme every channel has a theme and our theme truly that we latch on to is restorage the love you've seen us be that and and live that again and again and we've even shared with you the beginning of 2021 we wanted to start it right off from the get-go we have given our largest restoration love project 50 000 to a viewer you're not gonna see that video you won't see that until mid mid 2021 but i'm gonna tell you straight up it is going to be one of the most phenomenal impactful things that we've ever done in our restorage the love movement and we're going to invite you to be a part of that we also this month have been a part of helping restore somebody's eyesight a 12 thousand dollar surgery we've been able to be a part of yeah you are going to see an amazing and i guarantee you that person that is a viewer as well that person is in the chat i'm sure right now appreciate it melissa i'm sure she's not wearing glasses and the cataracts are gone and she's seen not 2020 i believe it's 2015. so we love restorage the love we love making a positive impact we love doing things that help people that's a phenomenal thing absolutely and so for us it's super rewarding to be able to help people we want you to understand as you watch the video and you see one bad person or two bad people in the town that you understand the vast majority are good people they are they really are and and you have to you kind of have to understand they've been bullied or they've been manipulated or or you know there's corrupt leadership those people are still good in the 2010 uh 2010 census i think there was like 139 or 141 people i mean really not many people again i've shared this before i've had more employees working under me under my payroll at one time than there literally are the population in ottawa appreciate it paulette and so that's not a lot of people that's too bad people in all of those people here's what i want you to get 99 of these people are absolutely incredible they are absolutely incredible now you also need to understand that in this area the average income is 19 000 a year that's the average income in this area and and i don't say this lightly and i don't and i don't say this to brag and i don't say but nineteen thousand dollars some of you viewing you you could make nineteen thousand dollars in a single day and that's their average income in a year and so to understand southern yankee flipper there's poverty in the area there's but these are good people and and with a couple bad apples and i guess what it really comes down to because a lot of people are are are really they're saying to us you know you got to get out of there you know you don't know what you got into you need to be careful you need to all of this stuff yeah but no matter where you live no matter what state you live in what no matter what city you live in you're going to have the good the bad and the ugly that's just the nature of the beast with this world well here's the here's the part that our viewers need to understand 99 of the people are good who is going to fight for them so that they're not bullied okay so you guys understand i cannot stand i will not tolerate bullying yeah we have a zero time zero tolerance whatsoever and so coming in and you didn't see this in the first video there are aspects that you're going to see in the follow-up video of aspects of bullying and the very first the very first thing that we ever saw with michael we went to a town hall meeting he was the only one chewing we went out to sit on a golf cart afterwards and all the spit was right there on the golf cart now i can tell you that brown spit i have no i have no doubt whatsoever that was michael i have no doubt whatsoever it was michael but appreciate it frank i don't have video that it was michael i promise you i will have video next time and so that's the very first aspect and and interaction that we've had with this gentleman bullying other people spitting she could have sat in it i could have sat in it you're gonna see this in the next follow-up because i confront him on it and so there's gotta be somebody out there who's gonna fight for the 99 of the good people whether their income is limited and they've gotten grown used to the corruption or if they've gotten used to the poverty you know whatever it is somebody's got to be out there fighting for the 99 and and we've shared some of the racism in the rosewood story but you've got to understand racism just isn't color i mean there's a lot of different things that people can be racist about and obviously we've shared this so often we're an interracial couple i'm black i'm darker than her you have a black truck okay i do have a black truck uh i'm definitely darker than george but really one of the very first things we talked about this coming down was a concern for racism uh one of your closest friends her very first warning was you need to be extremely careful about racism what's what did i tell you about it when we came down here well you had you had your select choice of words but i said i'm not even worried about it so far everyone's been very pleasant and very friendly but there's other aspects of it's not just color and it was something that we had our radar up for and uh and we had a plan for it as well george was to tell me that somebody said something and i would beat them to a poll that was the plan or i just ignore what they say and keep it moving so um but there's other aspects of that you know whether you're you're you're one of the boys that grew up here and you know we we've seen this in all of your comments as you guys are sharing hey be careful there's third generation fourth generation they think they own everything they don't follow the rules they're one of the boys they're one of they're one of the town people they're one of whatever versus the outsiders you know you didn't grow up there therefore you don't know i'm white chocolate there you go jacob that's perfect actually that is pretty perfect isn't it yeah you always yeah there you go you're gonna start calming your white chocolate aren't you maybe so so you have you have the homegrowns you have the outsiders and i think there's a pretty easy solution to that i mean as you sit there and you fight for the 99 you fight corruption you you fight bullying you fight racism uh or segregation of uh where you know where we grew up here versus you're an outsider the solution is really really easy number one this entire country is made of outsiders right i mean your parents came over on the boat yeah they were outsiders melting pot it's a melting pot my parents at some well my great great great grandparents came over it's a melting pot everybody came in they were outsiders if you weren't a native american you're an outsider jk says grandpa white chocolate there you go grandpa white chocolate is that what it is if you guys follow the channel you know i gave him a nickname of basic vanilla grandpa so so now it's going to be basic white chocolate white chocolate grandpa so we're all outsiders right yes so you're an outsider i'm an outsider yeah um beauty is in our diversity by the way george and i are nothing alike nothing except we both have huge noses i almost got a kiss there uh we both have new new huge noses but here here's how you take care of the whole issue of good old boys versus outsiders all of you guys who have been begging to follow us around the country or to follow us where we're at we've already told you we're in levy county we're in florida we're in otter creek buy all the property in otter creek become an outsider with us i mean really it truly is that easy that simple you have the perfect place bring in more good people you push out the bad people and guess what the outsiders here's what happens there's barely any people in this town as it is the outsiders are all now [Music] they own the majority vote on everything you get rid of the corruption you get rid of the problems and then you go all right we're going to move forward gerald just sent 1999 and remember this is the beautiful part about change a rising tide rise raises all ships and and really in all reality with us coming in town the town i think mostly is probably excited we've had a lot of towns people reach out to us for a job we bring we bring income fans are going to bring income that's going to generate revenue that's going to i mean that rising tide raises everything as far as what's in that water which we're 15 minutes away from the golf how can it get any better than that it actually is it's amazing and a lot of it reminds us so much of kelly's island back up in ohio yeah for sure so that was a selling point for us oh by the way there are cedar trees all over the property the 70 acres too cypress they're cypress and they're cedar yeah there are we do love our cypress trees and that's a big wide one you know what the big boy it's the bee's knees for the cypress knees so so if all of you outsiders come to otter creek and buy property guess what we're all outsiders we have majority vote on all issues we get rid of corruption and we take care of business and we move forward in a positive direction and we do things that take care of take care of the drug issue in town we take care of the poverty we take care you name it the actual real issues appreciate it appreciate it valerie lots of people have been messaging even in the chat they're scared for us why do you think they're scared for us george i think it's a scary situation which it absolutely was and you know i think anyone in that situation would be fearful because our crystal balls aren't working right now so we don't know what the future holds i told you how to predict the future do you remember i'm not good at predicting look at the patterns of people whatever they've done in the past they're probably going to do in the future my crystal ball stopped working years try this one try this one so many people have said hey i'm scared for you guys i'm scared for you guys latin lady just sent five dollars you're both genuine people everything will work out and george get a pew pew training training it's fun don't worry about george all right we're gonna get into why you shouldn't be scared for us okay so we really want you to kind of take that focus instead of going hey i'm scared for you guys to really what you should be thinking is you should be fearful for them guys appreciate it george it's them you should be scared for not us we are perfectly fine so let me just let me just try and try and wrap your mind around this because i know you're watching the video and you're like oh man if that was my situation well that's what i mean the 99 percent who have been bullied the 99 percent that have been oppressed the 99 percent who've been manipulated lied to in corruption i don't want to be part of that 99 i want to help that 99 in the restores the love they deserve brenda said it right said by faith all things will work out oh yeah appreciate it brenda they deserve to live freely in their town to drive on public roads they are citizens tax paying law abiding good good people and and so you know here's some of the things you need to think don't go hey jeremy george i'm so scared for you you really should be scared for the other individuals so number one think real hard who are the people we hang out with i mean really you if you're if you're a fan of the channel who do we hang out with let's see you've seen us hanging out with mma fighters okay you've seen us hanging out with uh national renowned snipers and some of you already know he's going to be here in just a matter of days uh okay so i mean do you really want me to keep going through the list i mean you just watched us with individuals who have more venomous and vicious animals than i mean the reality is this we hang out with people who could kill you in more ways in 30 seconds then you would even have enough time to even think of the ways they could kill you boom done those are the people we hang out with those are our closest friends uh so i mean really are you really scared for us because i'd be scared to death for the other people and not only that not only that i mean the reality is is you know if you've been watching the channel i always carry and the chamber is always it's always ready and so that's just a reality and george has a gun as well so so many people and again we've we've highlighted that in the past if you've been a fan for a while you know we always carry always always it's a it's an absolute and we tell you if you're going out to the auctions you need to carry always always and so all right so now you got the people that we hang out who are our closest friends who you know i mean you literally have a national renowned sniper going to be here in a matter of days yes what do you think he's coming for i think he's going to have a little fun all right so that's gonna have too much fun uh too much fun uh night vision got i this is a teaser night vision goggles and we'll just it's gonna be a blast i promise you i promise you it's going to be so much rick says stand your ground what the hell's god will protect his own always vanilla no white chocolate all right all right appreciate it okay so we always carry we have cameras everywhere absolutely everywhere there are cameras on us there are no with us everywhere now um you guys have been joking about thanks lonnie lynn you guys have been joking about the chickens okay i i am going to show this to you now i have to share this with you we we are never going to share all of our security precautions openly with youtube we never share our income with you guys that's personal we're never gonna share all of our security precautions with you guys because that would undermine what we do for security but as you guys keep joking about the chickens and the what and the cams on the chickens there are live feeding cameras all over the property and not this this property all over the property everywhere so if you want to see the chickens you are now going to be watching the chickens and not only are you going to be watching them live from the camera at any point in time we can talk to the chickens they recognize our voices so you are now watching the live stream of the chickens appreciate it nancy there are there are cameras all over the property uh if you want to see us right now fist pumping all the time now i'll show you this camera is hundreds of feet away hundreds of feet away and there are cameras all over the property so every time the camera sees me fist pump it goes off it goes off for motion so every time she's hitting that boom it goes off we have cameras everywhere there are cameras on the 70 acres everywhere appreciate it mike and there are more cameras going up everywhere nobody will be able to step foot on this property without us being immediately alerted thanks jeff and jaden there are cameras everywhere now some of you have said hey you not only need to have you know obvious cameras you need to have hidden cameras again we're never going to share every security precaution we take with you it would undermine what we do we have it covered there are cameras everywhere okay so don't worry about everywhere but er where all right everywhere and this is what i would encourage you guys as you go oh man i'm so scared for you i'm so scared for you and i said change your mentality to your you you're not fearful for us really you should be fearful for the other individuals who did it there's no consequences for us we're not the arsonist and the thank you people and the locals are feeding information to us already we can't even keep up with it with the reward that's going out there and you guys are adding to the reward don't be fearful for us the individual who did it and the corruption that happened that's that's what's gonna i mean that's i'd be scared for them who wants to go to jail all right so sing me a love song appreciate it so uh here's what i encourage you to do don't live in fear for us okay what we want you to do candace we want you to live in hope for us hope is much much stronger than fear fear can dehabilitate you okay but hope it shows you oh my goodness it's gonna get better and it's gonna get better and it's gonna get better and it's gonna get better we've shown you the one percent of the bad we've not shown you the 99 of the amazing incredible people this property is perfect thanks zoe absolutely amazing it's perfect for what we want to do it's perfect for our business plan it's the perfect location and frankly we'd encourage you look for property in otter creek make it even a better place thanks david live in hope of what is going to come what is going to happen don't live in fear for us because there's some pretty incredible things coming all that being said so many of you are messaging us so many of you want to do so much canadian gamer and uh and george made me do all the talking tonight she's like you're going to have to do all the time adam wants to know what the donation amount so far is that is a good question can we find that out um let's see i don't know tell us it usually tells us at the end we'll have to we'll have to post it in the in the chat in the end yeah again all your money is going to go for the reward the the information shout out to mia the service chihuahua we'll post the total at the end of the live stream and we'll put it in a bishop comment so if you want to continue to help and we know so many of you already are because you're sending us pictures and all this stuff if you want to continue to to follow the suspects to take pictures of the suspects if you want to continue to be a private eye and take care you know of that aspect and catch them in the act this this is this is what we would say to you number one do it legally don't do anything illegal don't follow nathan and serena do everything appropriately and legally we never ever ever encourage you to break the law ever okay thanks alicia and then this is the other thing we would say to you you need to be aware that you're not the only one following and keeping track what's going on with that suspects okay so know that going into it if that's something you want to do again we can't stop you but we strongly want to encourage you don't break the law don't do anything stupid and understand that you are not the only one all right so the update with the arsonist yeah so that's the update uh with the arson situation and there will be more there was a fight uh and it was all filmed and it was a verbal fight and uh we thought we thought the things fists were going to fly but thank you miss crimson by the way for those who might be concerned that fists fly george and i have a plan for that we we absolutely have a plan for that so george knows uh we plan for these situations ahead of time george knows she's on the camera immediately she knows the moves i'm going to make thanks she knows it's going to become an instructional video david so she knows to get on the camera she knows where to stand she knows it's going to be instructional she knows i'm going to teach all right this is how you incapacitate a person within 25 seconds and she's going to be right there and you're going to have a hails of a video a hails of a video listen don't fear for us honestly do not fear for us this is going to be the most amazing time in our lives you're going to see incredible and incredible things are going to happen uh not only in our lives but we think in many other lives as we continue to keep moving forward to restore the love and uh 2021 we've already done some incredible things i wish we could show you all the videos of what we've been able to do already there are so many videos in the works but uh we will get there in due time due time all right i got nothing else to say with all that being said you saw you tonight now it's time for our bulk auction you're gonna make me transition into a bulk auction after that yeah she's never let me have a break we can skip it and do it tomorrow or next sunday clear through says punch them through [Laughter] all right so we are going to have an auction yes um so the i only have um 10 lots tonight plus a free lot don't forget we always give out a free prize at the end of the the auction the free prize i gotta share this it's only gonna be for one lucky winner though the free prize is a very special part of what the hell's history is here on the 70 acres on the ranch it has been a highlighted thing and many people have requested it and it is going to be the free prize tonight it is a legitimate piece from the very beginning of what the hell's history you get a piece of history of the the purchasing of the burn we also found out today uh tina was telling us there was a giant bear head with a bat in its mouth appreciate it and somebody must have taken it she's like where's the bear head i was like you're telling me there was a bear head here like a taxidermy yeah i was like if and i told her i was like the moose everybody knows us in ohio because of the moose head i was like the bear head here would have been incredible she's like i can't believe you didn't get it i don't know who took it but that would have been awesome to me hopefully it was one of the children and not theft yeah yeah hopefully it was one of the kids and nobody was stealing for sure or one of the grandkids or a family member of the previous owners all right so it's now it's time to transition into the option we appreciate you guys tuning in uh to get the update of our crazy week i think we had six thousand six thousand on tonight during the live stream you know at a given time lots of people come in and now tony if i missed one of your super chats uh i apologize but yeah at the end of the live stream where is it'll tell us what the total amount is we'll include that in the description we'll put it we'll put it in we'll also post it put in the pin holy cow this thing is all sweaty and nasty my ho my hand was in there for like an hour for at least a good half hour stop stop that's some super super chat all right uh jenny sent five she literally was sweating in this entire thing this is so gross jenny just said get the guy love that's all going on with you yes my right hand is a little clammy because it was in there for a half hour a little clammy it gets a little warm in there all right all right again thank you guys so much for tuning in we are gonna go into our second segment which is our live box auction um if this is your first time tuning into a live thank you so much for sharing five dollars thank you so much if this is your first time tuning in to a live stream said with with a big enough award you think he'd be dumb enough to turn himself in maybe yeah probably probably all right i am going to go through the rules of how our live bulk auction works and then we'll also do a practice run so you kind of get an idea if this is your first time make sure first thing you want to do is make sure you're in live chat and not top chat and then our awesome moderators can help you figure out how to switch that over if you're not familiar on how to do that um all of the lots that i show you um start at 25 so there is a 25 minimum bid there is free shipping if you live here in the u.s if you live outside of the us you're more than welcome to bid but just know that you will be responsible for shipping shipping costs can vary depending on the weight of the package the dimensions and where you are in the world and i can tell you right now based on experience it varies anywhere from 80 bucks to over 100 for shipping so it's kind of pricey if you do live outside of the us know your country's custom laws and if there's any import fees our auction style is minute to win it so as soon as jeremy says go the timer will go off you have a minute to put to place your bids in the live chat and then once the timer is up whoever the highest bidder is when auction or adventures flipping flipping adventures says sold and she just typed it in the thank you so much john thanks john in the chat um if you are the highest bidder we ask that you please send us your contact information immediately to what the hails at we will display the email address and then our awesome mods will remind you throughout the auction as well if you are the runner up and you want to be considered as the backup bidder you're more than welcome to email us with your contact information as well and you're going to want to do it immediately after every lot and then paypal invoices will be sent tomorrow morning with um any lot that you have purchased or any lot that you end up getting keep in mind that everything is sold as is there's no guarantees there's no returns we auction these things off to you as we find them in the storage unit or from private pics [Music] james thanks so much for the five dollars we appreciate it thank you james um don't forget you will get a chance to win a free lot at the end of the auction and again it'll just be one lucky winner um and then just a reminder please do not bid if you have no intentions of paying because you will be banned from the channel [Music] all right we're all ready yeah there you go jk that was your i love turtle song all right george is ready for an auction all right we're gonna do a practice on the t-shirt we're gonna practice on the t-shirt yeah hold a second somebody's in my house at um in worcester in ohio now here's the beautiful part guys you guys want an update on christian and patience there they are they're in my house in ohio right now 10 o'clock at night they're shipping your packages there you go if you if you want to see them go to the front porch there you go there's there's your update on christian impatience all right okay so we're practicing right there we are practicing right there so you're going to want to minimize that screen which screen that one very good and it's been a while since we've done this format i need to add you to the screen and then i need to add just i need a haircut that's what i really need i need a hair he needs to find a good barber because the last one butchered your hair we george and i were if anybody in the in the area knows of a good black barber black barbers do the best on my hair because they they're so good at the fade because you're white chocolate well and plus i'm white chocolate you know so so if anybody knows in the area we we were talking we're like well we're just going to call haiti you have a black barber but we don't want somebody to go what are you racist we're like no we actually want a black barber so they they seem to do the best and what about saying you have a chocolate bar okay we'll ask for chocolate now george is saying we're gonna ask for a chocolate barber okay um we got that that's too much for bacon we are gonna practice here remember this is only a practice you're not actually winning the baking shirt it's 25 minimum bid free shipping in the united states additional shipping outside of the united states you got a bid fast oh wait everything is as is no guarantees no returns you gotta bid fast you gotta be furious this is only practice only practice we are getting messages after messages after messages wanting to come and help my goodness there's so many uh we we truly appreciate it deborah five dollars thank you so much i have so much on my screen right now that i have to clear out from you guys to get to this and all right remember practice this is a practice run you're not actually getting the shirt you got to bid fast you got to be furious because you literally only have one minute to win it here we go all right we're getting all kinds all kinds of different bids here we're getting a million different bids million millions millions all right we got cookies for cookie jars 100 pounds of ketchup we got sharks we like sharks sharks fire trucks look at that they're they're giving fire trucks now to put out the fire a suspect in jail that'd be good smells like that one million [Laughter] one million somebody just said sold oh we just got ten thousand gators hey now ten thousand gators is good here's actually the friendly ones it's the crocodiles that are the aggressive ones linda thank you so much for your 4.99 and bam all right let's see what happens now remember flipping adventures is going to say sold there it is flipping adventure said sold and it goes to i forget who it was but somebody sent 4.99 in a super chat the fake item goes to you that was the practice round all right you ready for your first item okay you guys have been begging for jewelry and all kinds of stuff there's models and jewelries some really cool photos here tonight valerie and paul send five dollars purple plate florida trans trespass law yep all right i'm gonna give george the full screen check these out so some of the some of these photos are from the cat rescue here in florida carol baskins i think so [Music] so these are professional photos taken at the big cat rescue look at that yoda man said hello brother hails welcome you both to levy county florida i hope you got my email yoda man we have gotten so many messages we literally cannot keep up there is just no way no way of a black panther this was taken in 2003. we we honestly don't know what we have gotten in communication and i i stay up and george stays up as long as we can but we're exhausted just trying to keep up with communication right now this one was taken in 2003 this is the attack posture i've seen you do that to me before that pounds pot yeah yeah that's you this was taken in 2004. look how beautiful the white tiger is chevelle says are those really from carol baskins it's from a tiger rescue i'm not sure if it's her particular they're not co aid from big cat rescue we don't know for sure what we do know for sure as george definitely has been in that attack pose before for some candy it's when you eat my candy and i and you find it in my stash i bought you reese's hearts tonight and you won't eat them but guess who ate the entire bag i did because you won't need them because the diet starts tomorrow because you made me cheat on my dad every day the diet starts tomorrow you made me cheat on my diet what i don't make you do anything hunter wants to know what kind of camera we use hunter has actually been sending messages saying that he grew up here on the 70 acres and hunter we appreciate you asking what kind of cameras we use but again uh we're not going to reveal all of our we're not going to reveal all of our security things that we do in our lives or we wouldn't be very secure and we have to take a lot of security precautions doing what we do this is a butterfly in the attack position this butterfly is ready to go at it go at it it's ready to get some of your candy cane i was just freshening up a little bit i just had to talk for an hour you know what happens after the live streams after i have to talk so much what i don't talk for six more days you're all right you not talk jeremy oh silly you're very funny very george does all the talking no i'm the quiet one i'm the quiet one in the relationship do you guys believe me this one's really cool look how cool that is it's a huge waterfall at night i love this one and then this one's dated 94 and then the artist signed it flipping adventure says every time i see a butterfly i think of patience and her phobia or freaking out yeah cecilia said no this one's dated 2007. cecilia you're breaking my heart can i call the auction like this george if you want and then johnny does we gotta die first move we ever watched with johnny depp in it was edward scissors hand i think it scissors that's what i said edward scissors hand okay just making sure george says i can call the auction like this yeah i'm back in yeah okay all right we got a picture lob no coas but uh we definitely have an amazing butterfly in the attack position and i think there was also a crane and if anybody saw kung fu panda that crane was nasty in that movie all right there's no way i can do this with this thing then don't do it all right here you go i'm giving it to you george will play with it instead 25 starting bid free shipping here in the united states the free and additional shipping if you're outside of the united states everything is as is no returns no guarantees you got a bit fast you got a bit furious because you only have one minute to win it here we go all right here we go this is our first lot tonight we got drake's running at fifty dollars fifty dollars in the high bid right now fifty dollars on the picture lot we also got doreen at 75 we've got gunfire bill 55 55 as i bid right now i see 50s and 40s and 75 right now catherine p is at 75. catherine p is high better at 75 with free shipping now we got it's a great area at 80 80. and then crystal haynes just said two dollars thank you so much crystal haynes i see eighty dollars eighty eighty eighty i see uh forty five and a fifty nine a fifty and a fifty 51. all right the niche ladies and 80 as well now don lee just came in at 85 dollars mitchell ladies at 85 charlie pearl shirley pearl is in it now at 100. mitch lady is in at 100 katherine p is in a hundred rosie says hot diggity dog all right it is a hundred shirley pearl whoa done it dwayne just came in at 110. dwayne is in that 110 catherine p came back at 110 as well it's a gray area he's at 110. katherine buckner just came in at dollars and 11 cents catherine just put the hammer down catherine put the hammer down 211 11. 211 11. let's see where it's going to go we got bids coming in we got 120 115 100 it's catherine at 211 dollars and 11 cents wow wow okay uh catherine the good ones in here katherine buckner there are some really cool ones in there all right katherine buckner here's what you're going to do you're going to send us your youtube name your real name even if they're the same you're going to send us your shipping address you're going to send us your bid amount which was 211-11 and they're going to tell us what the item lot was which was all the pictures you're going to send that to what the hails you can actually see that i think right there it's always opposite in the camera so even though it looks like i'm pointing to it if it looks like i'm pointing to it i'm really not because this there's nothing over here is the opposite way in the camera so you're going to send that to what the hell's at and then backup bidder this was the real thing backupbidder was was it aaron breden i mean i gotta go back up i think was aaron breed and aaron breden i think you are backupbidder at 121. so aaron you can send a message as well as the backup bidder catherine and aaron if you would send us a message right away to what the hills we would appreciate that that way we know that your lot is accounted for and we're all set and ready to go and johnny boy said hey jeremy i love the channel thank you so much johnny boy to be honest we never ever in a million years thought anybody would ever watch we are still in awe every day that you guys watch honestly i don't know why and and george and i are just talking about it you know our our lives are so it's normal to us but i mean really honestly it's kind of crazy in some aspects and the only reason why we get to do a lot of things that we get to do is because we pick up a cell phone and or pick up a camera and we record our lives and that's that's gotten us invited into a lot of cool places to do a lot of cool things to meet a lot of amazing people there is absolutely nothing special about us whatsoever the next slot is assorted uh jewelry boxes fast edges sent two dollars did somebody say [Music] okay assorted jewelry boxes they are all empty correct okay so this is they're my yeah they're they're most of them are jeans is queen bee saying initially if i screwed up back bitter send us your info yeah just send us your info if it niche lady if it was you at 125 if i did screw something up guys just uh yeah just correct me in between lots would be a good time to refresh and make sure you guys are in live chat in that order refresh and then make sure you're in live chat jk said honestly my tv just got stuck on this channel i can't change it hand carved from india this one's a really cool one there are worse things for your tv to get stuck on jk like on top of you it could get stuck on you that'd be bad remember when the garbage can fell on you yeah i got trapped under a garbage can at the warehouse i would have loved to have seen that remember when you fell through the dock in the pond i did fall through the deck and i didn't record it and i was like i really should have recorded that it happened so quickly you're so concerned for my safety that you didn't think to record it no i was thinking the entire time i need to record this but if i do she literally will kill me i'm gonna i'm gonna wish i was the arsonist so i could go to jail because she will kill me if i record this there's two pill boxes in here here's one this one's called it's uh it says austria on it then you pop it in it's a pill box i literally was trapped under a huge garbage can filled with a ton of garbage i was pulling it off the top of the dock and in our longtime fans you've seen the dock the warehouse and then you know that we work at the dock and sorting and the trash i was trapped underneath the trash can hopefully the lighting is okay and you guys can see because this is a different setup compared to what we've been doing in the camper but there's a ton of empty boxes here ton of empty jewelry boxes as well cocky said i wish you would have recorded my driving in west virginia we do too that would have been awesome if we would have known you were gonna do that i didn't even i don't even think kanye knew he was gonna do that liz said my mom was upset with the news so i got her binge watching what the hell she's happier we got to we got to meet liz's mom that was fun dream maloney gomez 4.99 dream was in the house i'm finally watching alive miss you guys we miss you too it's been a while since we've seen you in a live peter says you're just retelling seinfeld episodes it was a mattress jeremy all right that's all of the the boxes okay so this is how many but there's this is a huge lot of jewelry boxes this is all empty jewelry boxes right yep so that's what we need to know yes okay one second i'm i'm coming back guys bam and one second let me check my camera really quick so a lot of times when you guys see me what's that did you get a motion not here in ohio one of our locations in ohio oh man well guys look at this it's snow you see that that's snow on the front porch in ohio oh don't tell me that look at that okay okay this is yeah that's bad we we love the weather here it's the coldest winter they've had in a long time but it's amazing because we get to wear what the heels hoodies all the time all right this is the assorted jewelry box lot they are empty it is just a ton of lots of boxes i know a lot of you resellers use them you resell them as they are or you resell them with jewelry in them it is the entire lot 25 starting bid free shipping in the united states if you're outside of the united states you're welcome to bid there will be additional shipping fees and then everything is as is no guarantees no returns you really got a bid fast you got a bit furious because you only have one minute to win it here we go assorted jewelry lock jewelry hoard and holder lock box lot whatever you want to call it kyle says it's great lighting everything is going great all right mitch lady is in at 25 dumping bills now 45 cindy's at 30. guppy bill's not high better f 45 of captain b just came in at 50. now rosie is in at 75 75 with high bid and that is with free shipping jody judy just came in at 75 as well it's a great area came in at 75 but callum p is high better right now catherine b is high bidder right now we got kevin is at 80 and ian's number one mom is at 80 and now rosie is in at 90. rosie's high better at 90. 90. colleen says do they anybody know if they have rocks or minerals tonight colleen we don't even know georgia doesn't tell me what she gets ready i just peek erstein just is that 100 duties at 100. and now rosie is at 101. rosie's at 101 and now caleb is at 1 000 that is not a real bid we will not accept that rosie is at 101 101 and pamela lost the feed rosie is now at 120 but she got it at 101. rosie we appreciate your bid at 120 we will not accept it because you got it for 101 nobody bit against you and so rosie you are high bidder at 101. rosie you know what to do go ahead and send your youtube name your real name even if they're the same shipping address your bid amount for 101 and the the lot number which would be the jewelry box lot and send that to what the hails at and then whoever was backupbidder i think who was at a hundred first ernestine uh you were back up at 100 you can send a message but rosie always pays so being a backup bidder for to a person who always pays isn't always profitable all right the next slot is the assorted windsor collection i see models over there that we got from the motherboard oh this is mother we're back to mother nature yeah all right is that what we called it or was that well conky was calling her mother nature i don't know what we called it i don't even remember that was her nickname yeah she would go by mother nature so we probably ended up calling it mother nature too all right here's a really pretty piece given it all to you and it comes with matching earrings james wants to know do we ever get to orlando james we are in otter creek on purpose so that we can get to orlando we were in orlando not long ago right before christmas christmas eve we went to gatorland christmas eve at gatorland and we'll be at gatorland again really soon so it comes with matching clip-on earrings george is going to get to feed lemurs this week [Music] this one has a label that says gold moonstone bracelet remember how we're like is that moonstone is that mother of pearl so now we know it's definitely moonstone that is definitely moonstone this is a really pretty piece this is a bracelet for the 3651 people who stuck it out this far into the auction everybody who was concerned that there were sinkholes on the property because of the pond mr clark remember we showed you it was clark's ranch mr clark actually dug that pond out they would they would actually stock it with uh with fish and because it would dry up because the land is so dry and it's not a swamp it would dry up so there is and this is the cool part our neighbors tina and brian showed us today there's a separate well that they drilled on the property her dad drilled on the property just to keep the pond filled how cool is that and the well is working the pump's working the well is working super cool so we turned that all on today we got to see the water all filling into the pond because if you don't if you don't keep the water flowing this is the dry season and the whole the whole pond will dry right up drake says show a picture of the tractor you the tractor shows up we will share this with you the tractor will be here on the property on tuesday we just we just received the 500 gallon diesel tank and we'll get 500 gallons of diesel shipped out to the property at a time for the tractor and you will see a video shortly after with the tractor and other things but the guy who sold it to us is the one who's personally delivering it yeah he's coming out he's delivering it but we've we've got so many videos in the works but we still need we still need this piece for the video this piece for the video honestly we have no video for tomorrow yet that i've done no editing whatsoever we won't even be done with all this until 1am and we don't even know if we're going to be able to put part 2 out tomorrow with the arsonist but i promise you when you see it are you ready you're gonna flip your lid should we tell them that i kind of flipped my lid on michael spoiler alert spoiler alert all right james james five dollars i was just thinking about his response when i told him i would bend him over and make him eat it you got a flashback yeah oh my goodness all right debbie von said premature okay this is this is the windsor collection lots this is the windsor collection lot um okay i don't think this one is windsor no this one isn't windsor but i threw it in there the moonstone bracelet as we're premature in kind of sharing the next video the follow-up you guys always see george and i joking around and we are a family oriented channel and we try and share the reality of life with you and um and so we don't want you to get in the mind that hey jeremy's you know there are times where you have to put your foot down and there are lots of people going well you should help you should do this you should do that listen there's 35 years however many years that people have tried to help nothing's happened so no i shouldn't have to do that it should be dealt with appropriately taken care of so that being said jewelry here we go here we go 25 starting bid free shipping here in the united states you are welcome to bid if you're outside of the united states everything is as is no guarantees and no returns you got the windsor windsor jewelry lot you got a bit fast you got a bit furious because you literally only have one minute to win it here we go here we go we got tammy already in at thirty dollars tammy's in f30 although kimmy might have been at 50 before i said go well we're in at 50 with stephanie well now we're at ernestine's at 100. we're at a hundred dollars already holy cow bids just went everywhere and i don't even know all right we got door yeah dorian is that 101 101 nominee comes out 150. 150 earth sign came in at 150 as well nick comes as a high bidder at 150 and then door lane is back up bitter we got bids left and right we got kevin at 125 or 120 wheeling at 125. we got it's aj 135. 155 ian's number one mom ian's number one mom is high bidder right now 155. ian's number one mom high bidder at 155. stella's mom i think you need to retype that there you go uh savina is now at 200. we had grandma jay at 130. ernestine at 156. we had kimberly at 165. sabina is at 200 william is now 200. joseph mcdonald is at 400 and sold all right joseph mcdonald joseph mcdonald here's what you're going to do joseph you're a high bidder at 400 joseph mcdonald you're going to send us your youtube name your real name you're going to send us your shipping your shipping address and you're going to put your bid amount 400 for the windsor jewelry collection you're going to send that right there what the hell's at we need you to send that email over really quick so you might as well just do that right now and that way we know that your lot is claimed and it doesn't go to the next person backupbidder for that jk said everybody's mom's here i saw that jk backup bidder is going to be joseph mcdonald's 400. i saw 200 as well i think backup bidder is willy willy your backup bidder at 200 so willie you're going to send all that same information youtube name real name shipping address bit amount 200 and then also your um the lot number you're gonna send that what the hell is that yahoo so both of you go ahead send that email now and if uh you get the opportunity willy you'll get that from 200 if we don't hear from the 400 bid next lot are oh it might have been savina was 200. so savina you were 200 so i screwed that up again so savina you're gonna do that you're gonna do that savina we're we are we are we're tweaking our system we are not to our typical system yet and we're adjusting we'll get there just not yet all right here we go with the buttons assorted pin buttons i saw some um political ones in here i wish a tiger king one was in here that would be cool when he ran for governor that would be really cool we've got an email from aaron breden on the pictures rosie sent a email on the jewelry lot we got kathy on the jewelry lot or excuse me on the pictures and danny ackerman we got oh back up back up on something oh luella smith found a ghostbuster i found this in the attic and i thought of you still sealed if you're interested to add to your collection no stinking way canned ghost canned ghost contains one ghost from the ghostbusters that is super cool so i got a reply to this person she found a canned ghost in her attic and i'm i'm telling her i absolutely want it that is cool yeah it's a can it's a ghostbusters cam and it says contains one canned ghost i've never seen one before it's really cool and she said it's sealed nice that's awesome we are getting so many so many emails we can't keep up this is a huge pin button lot for all you collectors resellers or if you know someone that loves to collect pins do you like to collect pins um i do like looking at some of the pins but i don't collect in the pens the only collection i have is all of our fan mail and all the elvis stuff that you guys send me oh and all the egyptian stuff that you guys send me too i keep that what about my toenails no boogers nope hairs that fall out nope i thought you said you loved me i don't collect any of those things you don't love me what's love gotta do with collecting what's love got to do boogers and hairs look this is your oh i should pull this from the auction see that that's my motto tomorrow that's every day he says that's my motto robbie just messaged me and asked if we heard about the 25 peacocks oh i thought it was 30. i thought the listing was for 30 peacocks we one of our viewers sent us a screenshot of a bunch of peacocks that had to be re-homed and they were an hour from us facebook they were listed on facebook so we went ahead and responded we were in georgia when we got the message and we would have drove right down and got them all and we'd be set for them here because there is a large pin you have to when you're working with peacocks you have to have them in the same location for about a month and then their minds reset to all right this is home and you guys know how bad i want to have peacocks again which robbie is going to get us some some of his pee hen as well peacocks and baby you know the whole deal so did they ever respond nope i wonder if they sold i don't know if they got rid of them but you would have thought they still would have responded to me and said well they're gone yeah but they probably got so many that they're just like whatever the funny thing is just like anything else we do people always say you know they focus on something negative like the property when we love the property and a lot of people say well peacocks are so loud i've owned peacocks i love them i'd much rather have peacocks than a barking dog that never stops barking they're so beautiful they're incredible that's a lot of pins where'd we get those this is a huge lot of that's right we got a whole bag of them right there's a reagan for president now i remember this this i pulled these this was in the jewelry but i pulled it because with the pins yeah i found those in that jewelry pick that i found at the estate sale that was awesome that that that buy was awesome there's a lot of peanuts in here a lot of peanut pins with charlie brown and snoopy all right almost down here this is a huge lot huge it's so huge they're all saying peacocks are just great watch dogs they're really they're amazing pets i mean really what they are is they're chickens they're just a little bit bigger and people who say that their noise the noise that they make is annoying i enjoy it and most of the time you know they may give you an alert if something's coming but i honestly i enjoy it i love i love having peacocks all right this is the pin p-i-n lot p-i-n lot and uh we got sabina we got savina's uh email on the windsor lock but i don't think let me check really quick we did not get the winning bidder so savina might be getting that one and they're gonna send me the ghost in the can for free okay 25 starting bid on the pin lot free shipping here in the united states and uh everything is as is no guarantees no returns you got a bid fast you got a bit furious because you only have one minute to win it here we go one minute to win it this is the pin lock and initially you said you can auction off the peacock feathers when they won't yep we definitely we could do that for you guys we could do that for you guys david trotter's in at 50 dollars 50 lego man in the midwest now 30 50 still high bedroom for four years now five six five high bid bear kitty just came in at 160. bear kitty put the gauntlet down that on 160. david trotter came back at 100. david kid bear kitty knows the value of this bear kitty was in that 100 something i forget what it is now with 30 seconds to go literally put the gauntlet down and scared everybody off rare kitty i forget what his bid was but it was it was significant it was a hundred and something and he scared everybody scared him no not david trouter david crowder is now at 160. now kenneth glass is at 170. david trotter is at 160 ken the glasses at one seven 170 170 is high bid right now nick clowns gaming at 120 dave kind of glasses at 170. that's with free shipping free shipping in the united states classes at 170 and let's see what's gonna happen tina bauer's just sent five dollars super chat thank you so much tina it's so kenneth glass tennis glass 170 dollars get it you know what you're gonna do you're gonna send your youtube name real name shipping address your bid amount for 170 and you're gonna send your lot which was the pin lot you're gonna send that right there what the hell's at backup bidder backup bidder was let's find out who backup bidder was might have been who is 161. david trouter you're at 161 i believe you were back up bitter unless bear kitty was 165 instead of one you know he was 160. okay so david trotter your backup bidder at 161 you can spend all that same information right there's what the heels at that's a lot of pins that is a lot of pins why george is bundling up those pins why don't we just uh let's check on the chickens really quick okay we're gonna check on the chickens now if there's any movement any movement out there whatsoever it's absolutely it's infrared and it's motion so i'm not gonna show you where all the cameras are because we know there are locals individuals watching and we don't need to give away all of that stuff but you can see right now i'm showing you two cameras out of a ton of cameras and we're gonna we're gonna live stream in on the chickens just because we can [Music] you're hearing the outside of the chicken coop right now and the main chicken coop is behind the tree and now what we can do is here chicken chicken chicken here chicken chicken chicken we love you and they just heard us there's microphones on absolutely every single live stream camera one of the coolest things ever all right i got a click out of the chickens but one of the reasons why we use that system is so that we can actually talk to any intruders at any point in time and we can put them all over all over youtube so we can have conversation with them because hey because they understand why we yeah so the next thought is horror dvd live did you just say horror four dvds horror or horror i did check every case to make sure that the movie was in there but i didn't check to see if there's any scratches what kind of dvds poor dvds i honestly don't know if she's saying horror or we usually throw the porn away i'm just shaking my head right now are you saying horror [Music] what kind of dvds scary movies okay oh now i get it so weird i'm not the only one debbie vaughn said the same thing debbie vaughn thought you said the exact same thing and then conkey just said this is the horror dvd live you guys are crazy i think you're the crazy one they just follow your lead robbie just said don't you worry we'll get you some bro that would be cool to get them as a baby oh they're they're so cute he's getting some spring peacocks right yeah he'll have a spring go out with spring letter they're so cute the baby i think i'd rather get the babies then they're easy they're easier if a peacock grows up on your farm you don't have to retrain it to where where it belongs and where home is so if if you get an adult peacock you think they'll get along with the chicken oh absolutely yeah you know that i've had peacocks and chicken all the same and ducks farm ducks i love i love white farm ducks when they eat out of your hand so when i would have white farm ducks [Music] my kids would it was their responsibility to raise the white farm ducks i would get two dozen white farm ducks every day or every year excuse me every spring and the others is a duplicate it was their responsibility to hand feed them so they could get used to it every single day and the best part of farm ducks is they tickle when their bills are eaten out of your hands and we get we get saltines go down to the pond the farm ducks will come right up to you you lay down on the edge of the hill and you just feed the farm ducks and then take a nap right next to them on the edge of the pond this is fun can we get farm ducks too i saw you roll your eyes there's something in my eye oh is that right yeah must be the horror lot i mean i'm okay with you getting all these animals i just want to make sure someone's going to take care of them when we're back in ohio you're going back to ohio i'm staying in florida okay you're gonna hate it because it's gonna be too hot all right last dvd you ready you're gonna hate going back to ohio because you're gonna say it's too too cold she does have a heater on her right now yeah i told her i told her i would start a fire in the wood burner we haven't tested the wood burner yet but i told her i'd start a fire too close it would have melted the mic yeah but you would have been happy because it would have melted your pew pew no it just would have set the bullets off all right [Music] the horror dvd lot otherwise known as the scary movies scary movies because george can't say horror that's what i say it again oh now she said she said it perfectly that's what i said the first time i didn't hear it that way selective hearing i guess awesome q-tips 25 starting bed free shipping here in the united states everything is as is no guarantees and no returns none of these have been tested we found these in one of the stores match the case so uh understand that that's what you're bidding on we haven't tested any of them and you got a bit fast you got a bit furious you only have one minute to win it here we go here we go open adventure says i'm sure there's at least 100 of us that would take care of the ranch pets and pamela said you all right here we go we got bids coming in already sean bennett is at 77 we got miss greer i have 50. we got kevin at 150 150 is hybid right now i see a 40 to 33 85 30 and a 50 in and something was the high bid right now don came in at 100 i got to back up just a little bit just back up a little bit amy said rob can hook you up with a kangaroo oh that would be awesome and don is still at at 100 the high bid was where to go 150 kevin is still high bidder at 150. sean is now 101. high bid is still 150 sean is 101. sean is 10150 is still high bid and we got five seconds four three two one boom rosie just bid on 15 i think she meant 150 but it's sold do you think rosie's lagging rosie no she wouldn't bid 15 because it's a minimum of 25 and rosie knows that oh yeah rosie knows that uh it was rosie said i was bidding 150 and 25 cents just kidding but she would have won it if it was before the the close all right it was i have to find it again though kevin galvan kevin galvan all right kevin here's what you're gonna do kevin gallon you are the high bidder you're gonna send your youtube name real name shipping address your bid of 150 and you're going to say it's the scary movie lot because that's easier for us all to say you're going to send your info right over there what the hell's at and then backup bidder was don had a hundred shawn had 101. i think it's sean sean i think your backup bidder at 101 sean you can send all your info right there to george as well as she gets the next lot ready to roll and kevin wants to know do you accept the cash app so kevin here's the deal she'll send you an invoice you can pay the invoice any way you want so you'll have links in there and you can link things to that to pay that invoice you'll send you'll send all your info tomorrow george will send you into an invoice and then you can link whatever you need to pay all right another dvd lot coming up another dvd this time it's action by the way the uh tina the one of the kids was telling us his way she is as well she's like as long as as long as her family had owned the property here is 30 was it 35 years 35 years the the property has never ever flooded they've never had any issues with water ever yeah which was something we researched ahead of time yeah we knew that ahead of time we just have a million people watching our videos and going oh no sinkholes oh no flooding oh no you bought a swamp and this one is sealed but the seal broke a little bit that's a good movie too i don't think i've seen this one but remember you see like a 25 minute 30 minutes maybe a 45 minute video you don't see you don't see all the research in every the hours and days and weeks and months and years that go into that you see that little glimpse somebody likes scary movies all right i'm giving you full screen you ready i don't know if i need it with dvds what what lot was this what kind of movie action action action this is easier than the camper isn't it yes so much easier than the camper more room definitely more elbow room so much more room for it and the new studio so much more room for activities and auctions oh this isn't this is like an action comedy stop or my mom will shoot kombat there is some damage to the bottom of the case but the movie is in there it's a twofer you get two dvds two for the price of one we got which you this this came out of one of the chieflin units right uh-huh the skull oh the one with the skull yeah that we gave we gave that to the manager she wanted that so we gave that to the manager yeah so actually some of these movies are from the private pick oh did they get mixed in yeah we still have because i sorted it by by genre we have so much work to do tomorrow and even more on tuesday and then even more on wednesday are you excited to feed a lemur out of your hand yeah i really want to hang out with the kangaroo it's a wallaby the wallaby he's pretty awesome did he have kangaroos uh i didn't see everything but he might i didn't see everything though nice uh she said luella said i i'll give you the ghostbusters item for free because you entertain us daily that's nice of her this one is sealed oh this one's a comedy it got mixed up with the action movie maybe it's a maybe it's a action comedy yeah this is a whole lot better than the camper huh and then we don't have to clean up for a half hour afterwards just to be able to move again well we knew that was going to be a temporary situation what's our po box it's 106 in wester right no yes no yes do you want me to show you the fan mail yes please address this piece it's one zero zero six a couple of blue rays this one looks sealed yeah this one is sealed it's a blue gray and it's sealed david trotter just sent us i love ghostbusters back to the future movies i'm slowly building my collection of goodies they're so fun all right last dvd this is the action dvd lot action dvd lights camera action dvd and one comedy so we got the action dvd live okay maybe two comedies action dvd two comedy lot stop 25 starting bid free shipping in the united states if you're outside the united states you're welcome fit as well there will be additional shipping charges no returns no guarantees we have not tested them all bit accordingly because you got only trying to click the link i got so much coming through on the phone right now you only got one minute to win it let's go let's go here we go here we go and 65 bill martin 65 right now cecil yeah cecilia's individual 65 dollars so slowpoke joe's have 25. leona's at 50. we got fred free here at 55 to 56. sean is at 77 sean is high better right now 77 david cross at 100. 100. fast ed is now 101. 101 is the high bid right now with fast ed 30 seconds still to go sean came in at 101. fast ed's in that 101 cecilia is in that 75 the joe show one oh two fred free is now at 103. frederick's don't want to 103. joe shows now 125 you know sean came in at 106. fast heads at 110. joe show is winning right now 125 joe show 125 of the joe show with three two one fasted just came in at 115. i did right now still 125. 125 is the high bid 125 is the high bid and sean just came in at 126. elizabeth came in at 126. cecilia came in at 125. sean is the high bidder at 126. wow sean holy night game is on tonight all right sean you know exactly what to do send your youtube name real name shipping info your bid of 126. excuse me i don't get much sleep these days honestly i barely ever get any sleep anyway youtube consumes us and now we add it into managing the facebook page in the comments there and oh my goodness it's crazy i need to hire five people we've always done facebook now we're just uploading videos like huge facebook ah sean you know what to do with that you know what to do and here is super cool next slide are the hess toy lot and i found out today that hess is a gas station or used to be a gas station which no longer exists i guess all the marathons bottom out so you get that and then you'll also get the the hess toy truck and space shuttle with the satellite so this one was from the private pick this one has a sticker that or there was a sticker on it that says there's a 38 value but they were selling it for 20. and then you also get the sport utility vehicle and motorcycles plural motorcycles this one has a forty dollar value so you get the utility vehicle sport utility vehicle and then two motorcycles did you open them um yeah they're all in there so you get those three with the lot i thought that was full with the space shuttle and the satellite uh the space shuttle shuttle is super cool very very cool and then it comes with the truck so with the truck you put the space shuttle on the back of the truck [Music] and that's it all right we got the hess lock very cool very neat tour box one is not box 25 starting bid free shipping here in the united states everything is as is no guarantees no returns we try and represent everything as best as we possibly can you receive it as we found it it's just like buying a storage unit you'll lift open the door you got a couple minutes to look at it and then you bid accordingly you got a bit fast you got a bit furious you only have one second no momento you only have one minute to win it here we go [Music] one minute to win it this is the heslop the hess truck lot we got joe show at 100 joe show is at 100 putting the gauntlet down from the very beginning showing his authority very good very good way to actually bid we got joe show is in a hundred that's with free shipping pamela is now 30. cecilia at 50. jeff is at 79. veronica is at 75. the joe show looks like joe looks like joe actually put him off quite a bit scared him a little bit catherine is not 101. jeff is at 105. jeff is at 105 with about five seconds to go i'm not seeing it on here are you seeing it you saw it it's like the chat slowed down now i see it now joe shows at one point you got me watching it on here and so sold is it fast dead at 150 i think so i think it's fast and at 150 nice job nice job fast then we got a little distracted over here because she was watching on one device and i was watching on another so george likes to george likes to let me know when i'm off and uh i was off so fast ed you know what to do youtube name real name shipping address bit amount of 150 and then a lot of hess toys these really are [Music] super cool well this has lights searchlight flashes sound effects everything very very cool very cool all right next up are salt and pepper shakers salt and pepper shakers and my oh my george picked a ton literally probably a ton of salt and pepper shakers so this is just scraping the surface [Music] george loves salt and pepper shakers and love selling you guys salt and pepper shakers because they sell really well on ebay whereas she and i have a very different approach to it she looks at it she goes oh these are great to sell on ebay i look at it and i go it's glass there's a lot i don't wanna touch there's a lot of people that collect salt and pepper oh there is it's just for me it's just a shipping issue you don't like it i don't even want them you you want to stick with your bland diet i like selling video games and i don't want the stuff to break how bland is my diet i ate a bunch of reese's parts today that's not bland you don't like any salts you don't like any pepper baby i'm your pepper you're the salt look how cute these little corn on the cob these are really cute the white hot the lighthouses are you picking your nose they would never know if i was why does it matter look how cute these are wooden apples are you picking your nose called you out are you picking your nose where's your other hand are you picking your nose here's arizona shout out to all our arizona watchers right now that all want to fly to florida and take care of the arsonist bermuda bahama come on pretty mama shout out to all the bermuda viewers right now who all want to fly to florida and take care of the arsonist kentucky shout out to all my kentucky viewers who all want to fly to florida and take care of the arsonist viva las vegas shout out to all my vegas peeps who do you know in vegas adam perticus good point who wants to fly to florida to take care of the arsonist here's some oklahoma salt and pepper shakers shout out to all the oklahoma viewers who want to fly to florida [Music] this is that deep crimson red i thought these were cool this one's really cool this has um an engraving in the back that says international silver company this is silver plated so you get the leaf and then it comes with a silver plated pear and a silver plated apple so i thought that was really cool alicia thank you so much for the 3.99 super chat we truly appreciate it and then service chihuahua uh we saw your super chat as well she's heading to bed and jeanette crane sent 2.99 thank you so much we probably missed a few of these all of these will go towards the reward tonight yes old orchid orchard beach in maine shout out to all the main viewers and then there's lobsters on those those were cute remember when you used to think i was cute i still do that is true you're obsessed with my dad you're like how did you get a gun like that how do i contain myself you were like we don't have guts like that in my own land this one not sure if this one's silver plated but i thought these were cool and then the last pair all right there you have it salt and pepper shakers a lot of people collect salt and pepper shakers so if you're a collector add this to your collection or if you know someone that collects looks like the niche lady is a salt and pepper shaker collector oh what did i say i did not get enough sleep i was up all night just trying to keep up with comments and i finally finished your sentence i was like i can't do this anymore and then i got up extremely early to try and get back up to speed and nothing worked this morning and i was like you know what i give up this morning and just went to church like i give up all right salt and pepper shaker dispenser vicki dot sent two dollars the red glasses cranberry glass yes so salt and pepper shaker and trying to find there's so many messages coming through so many and we truly appreciate it um 25 starting bid free shipping in the united states everything is as is no guarantees no returns and george typically does a really really really good job of packaging this stuff so it never arrives broken you gotta bid fast you got a bit furious you only have one minute to win it here we go here we go all right here we go we got the salt and pepper shaker lot salt and pepper shaker lot boom and i'm trying to find my cursor and i can't find it who knows what george did with my cursor i didn't do anything you took over my cursor i don't see any beds something is up right now with the chat keeping up the roses at 125 dean's mom's at 126. all right i am not gonna watch there anymore i'm gonna watch over here and i am not the chat is not keeping up i can see on the stream yarn that [Music] basically the nutshell moderators i'm going to need all of your eyes because chat on our side is not working on both i'm going to try refreshing you guys are gonna have to call it for me because it's like rosie at 150. george is trying to call it although you can't hear her because she's nowhere near the microphone right now they're all saying rosie was it rosie all right i think ian's mom was the backup better okay i just refreshed now let me go to live chat and see if we can fix that problem youtube youtube has its little quirks sometimes okay and pamela even just said refresh refresh right now and jk said jeremy wants the ketchup shaker all right we're getting comments again we're getting comments again okay so rosie if you're high bidder you know exactly what to do and who is uh backup bitter and ian's mom if you are back up bitter you know what to do as well boom there we go getting all the chat again if we're wrong about it then if we're wrong do what the moderators told you to do all the chat is coming back now whatever refreshing fixed at all oh my goodness now all the bids are coming through it's all forward no it's not a forward it's an actual issue on our side this is everything that didn't come through it's now all coming through all the bids now on that are coming through all right next lodge we got two more lots before the free lot next one are earrings all right george has the earring lot earring lot is coming up this is from the estate sale where i got all the jewelry all the jewelry for 75 dollars yeah now there's some there's some missing pieces and there's some broken pieces so if you like making jewelry there's a couple pieces that need some tlc i didn't count how many pair there are but there's two pair in there they're all saved make sure you're on live chat i am on live chat it's just for some reason it's all screwed up right now yeah youtube has its glitches okay i'm gonna give this all these are assorted earrings there's a combination of screw back earrings there's a combination of clip-on earrings there's also just regular earrings some of them are missing the backs [Music] i did see that there were there was a couple um a couple monet earrings in here you found money monet the name brand monet you found money baby yes monet with these are really cool i think these were these are really cool you say made in the us on the back and then these are the screwback oia leah i'm not gonna show you all of them but in the egg carton there's like maybe two or three earrings there's a bunch every slot there is a bunch alice says bye for now it's 6 17 a.m in south africa trying to get time to dress for work wow that's early i loved i went to south africa and built uh what they call foofy slide which is the giant slip line zipline yeah love south africa cape town is so beautiful all right you ready that was it there's i just there's so many there's so many that's it there's so many she doesn't even know how to show them all to you so that's honestly that's the best way to do it there you're getting all that that's what you're getting all of that and then in every in every egg hole there's like three to four pairs of earrings jk wants to know if i was banned from south africa as well 25 starting bid free shipping here in the united states this is the earring lob yeah and then here's like mismatch earrings pieces you get it all you get it all earring lot 25 starting been free shipping here in the united states and no returns everything is as is you got a bid fast you got a bit furious because you only have one minute to win it let's see if i can get the bids this time here we go here we go i see the joe show at one hundred dollars see the joke yep i'm getting bids now i am getting bids now joe shows that one hundred dollars tammy's in at 35 million does 75. bill martin at 51. and bam ian's number one mom is 150. 150 is high bid right now he's number one mom was the high bidder at 150 with about 30 seconds to go we got a 60 a 50 at 25 and 55 32.50 we got a bunch we got a bunch yeah we got a bunch all right we got more bits coming in quas whiz is at 200. dnd smith said jeremy you need a nap just saying you have no idea how bad i need to nap i am exhausted joe shows at 160 ian's number one mom is at 201 201 808 hawaiian is now getting themself [Music] that's what they're doing bam done all right and sold it is ian's number one mom 201 nice job ian's number one mom 201. you know exactly what to do backup bidder is number one mom always ends up paying you won't even have to worry about messaging because it's always a done deal that's a lot of earrings yes yes a lot of earrings you should send the you should send the egg carton parts too just for fun okay yeah i'm sorry for yawning i really am tired all right next lot last slot before the free lives last lap before the free live lot if we don't get you guys a video tomorrow it is it literally is because i'm so tired and so exhausted and there's so much to do and i can't i can't keep up with editing and keep up with moving the property forward at the same time and there is a lot of stuff that we've filmed it's an aspect to actually editing it and we didn't get we didn't get anything edited today there's no way i'll be able to stay up tonight because of so many other hours lost to sleep i'm yawning like crazy even now this is a huge necklace lot assorted necklaces all right back to you if you if we don't end up releasing tomorrow that's why we're usually we usually try and stay ahead [Music] with getting on the property later than anticipated it's put us behind on on making sure that we're ahead on videos so they'll forgive us you guys are forgiving they might forgive you i doubt they'll forgive me so the this necklace lot is from the estate as well and this entire tub is filled with necklaces guys there are so many opportunities in florida there are estate sales everywhere every day garage sales everywhere every day flea markets everywhere every day it's great auctions everywhere every day it is absolutely amazing and not only is the wildlife abundant out here so is resell opportunity now you would you would think david trotter just sent two dollars jeremy take the day off arrest we won't be mad you would think that um appreciate it david you would think that i would know what the hails i was even just gonna say but oh you would think that you would think that we'd have a million videos all set and ready but every morning let's say i get up at six like this morning everything was up at 6 30 working on prepping for the videos for release for that day and usually i have to work online till so if i get up at 6 30 in the morning i'm on i'm online prepping everything for later release or for release in the morning on facebook about 11. even if a video releases on facebook roughly around nine or whenever it releases all everything else has to be done to about 11. so our normal work starts after 11 12 and then we only have four or five hours of light to work on the property and then i try and save all editing of video for night time i literally fall asleep editing video and then after it's edited have to drive to walmart and upload it which we won't have to do anymore because now we have internet yeah we have wi-fi so when people ask us oh well you know do you watch tv do you there there literally is no time we are entertainment for other people and it takes all that time to do that it is it is our life but it's nice like when we can buy a storage unit and get four or five videos out of one storage unit and go dollar price tag and go hey that's that's videos for the week that's nice because then we can focus on other things but we got to focus on a million different things right now millions everything from getting license plates for trailers to i got the i got the fuel tank two trailers now we have two trailers on the site the one that we had custom built we got the 500 gallon fuel tank all set and ready as well melissa said we'll forgive you jeremy just get some rest we are prepping prepping prepping prepping chickens seem to be happy chickens are really happy they're not free roaming yet you gotta you gotta keep them in there for about a week so they they know oh yeah that's where my home is but soon we'll just leave the door open they'll trot in and out they'll always come back and roost to the same place that bird's mind it triggers to go oh this is where i go at night done with this huge lot of necklaces and it's huge huge you didn't do bracelets tonight did you no i thought i saw you playing with them earlier yeah but i didn't have enough to auction off how late was i editing last night i stayed up until 11 30 and i couldn't keep my eyes open anymore i was way later than right that's it [Music] huge women's necklace lot all right women's necklace lot by the way being tired this is a good tire because we're having the time of our lives i love that we are doing this from the 70 acres right now and i walk outside and i can see every star in the sky you guys i just love it i love it yeah we could see the moon much clearer you can see with the crescent moon you can see the whole moon in the sky and the crescent and it's just it's if you were on the property you would get how beautiful how perfect this property is stormy hall just set five dollars thank you so much stormy hall all right necklace slot five dollars or excuse me 25 starting bid free shipping in the united states everything is as is no guarantees no returns you gotta bid fast you got a bit furious because you literally only have one minute to win it here we go here we go this is the necklace lot jk says florida is great for starry nights it is so beautiful out here jk get you and debbie vaughn out here for a live stream that'd be so much fun oh my goodness there are bids everywhere i see catherine p catherine p is i did right now 150. i see a whole bunch of bids everywhere but i'm pretty sure catherine p was the highest bid at 150 dollars each number one mom is now at 151 i bid right now is 151 harvard smith came in at 150 now surely pearl's at 200. shirley pearl's at 200. this was one of the greatest estate finds i've ever found harper harp smith is now at 250 250 is the high bid 250 is live bid we've got all kinds of bids all over the place i see a 205 a 201 to 201 at 160. it is still high bit harper harvest smith at 250. i've heard smith with five i'm robert smith with four and three two niche lady at 251 peggy davis at 251 mitchell ladies right now high bidder 251 this lady's high bid at 251 initially came in at 255. she catherine gave me that 271-11271-11 katherine buckner what's up with the 11 cents i don't know but i love it catherine buckner 271 dollars and 11 cents catherine george says no 11 cents it's 271. so there you go uh great bidding great bidding catherine so what you're gonna do is you're gonna send your youtube name real name shipping address your bid amount 271. and your lot number the necklace lot to what tails at this one this is a huge lot this stuff is so stinking cool there was a lot of great stuff a lot of great stuff a lot of cool pieces there really is oh i remember i remember showing that on camera and going man this piece would look right for you i don't know yeah but you would never you would never wear it to be allergic to it you know you know how it is i'm allergic to you no more than i'm allergic to you look at this it's just overflowing they can't see right now i took you off the screen oh what was some of the other cool stuff that we learned about the property today we learned where the septic we learned that there was feed all over the property and at one point there was like 60 deer at once surround pretty much surrounding the property which i thought was cool we also learned we found the previous owner would hand feed the wild hogs he trained them to come in and feed out of his hands and he had a hog pen over here well you're going to see some of that in upcoming videos i don't know we should spoil that for everybody yeah they're going to see a lot of that it's wild i love it i love it i should probably put you back on the screen huh do i need to be my on my own camera or can i show on the main whoa you're you're giving that away does this look familiar does this little moo cow look familiar yes it does that is one of the very first things that we saw when we entered the home yes for the very first time viewing the property now we also have been told by good condition by the daughter the daughter told the whole family would you guys get out here and get whatever you want there's so much stuff abandoned there's treasure everywhere and uh she did i did tell her i gave her telling you a lot of stuff that's going to be in videos that you're going to see so it is a spoiler alert but pretty much they abandoned everything from family to kids not everything but there's a lot there's a lot of everything like taxidermy you know there's a lot that's still here which is cool because we get to go through a treasure hunt through it which is pretty awesome but this is an iconic piece in the what the hills history because this was the very first thing that we saw when we entered into the house this is what our realtor wanted but she was just kidding so now one of you gets to actually win it do you have a question for today no you know what i don't have a question either but we can think of one real quick why don't let's do this let's pull you back in let's pull you back into the camera shot okay and what was the least viewed video we know what the most viewed video was what was the least the least feud was more than people's things oh more jewelry okay actually there was a tie between that and the gift card well let's do the more good people things for the gift card i have the question i have the question i have the question all right this is the question to win the cow the moo cow and i'm gonna bring it up here so we get it right all right this is for the moo cow and we have a lot of cow collectors out there too apparently apparently we got a ton uh this is extremely tough yes but it's also important that you guys make sure you refresh and make sure you're in live chat this is gonna be a rough one for you guys because this is i'm gonna try and throw you off here so i'm just gonna spit the question out and the very first person who gets it right is gonna win this cow as long as you're the person in the live chat so here we go mitch lady said my store is utterly good stuff i like that i like that all right so many people got offended by the term dead people stuff i buy dead people stuff who titles the videos and specifically titled that video who titled the videos and specifically titled that video who doesn't what is the answer that was the least viewed video who comes up with the answers and we have with the titles we have the answer we have the answer i saw it come through where to go okay um i don't i don't even need a timer for this i don't need a timer for this so the very first answer that we got was jennifer jackson uh maria said and then jennifer jackson wait hold on a second what jennifer jackson said you do i know that's the very first answer we got okay that said you do and that is absolutely incorrect george would you tell them who come for that particular as they get mad and go jeremy you are so you are so self-centered you are so you're so inappropriate uh george would you like to tell them who comes up with the so that sign is actually a real sign that's used and there's even a store george would you like to tell them so that's where i came up with the idea dan i thought it was more interesting than estate sales dan grisley or grizzly dan you are the man dan the man you're one so dan what we need you to do is send us your all your shipping information your name and shipping that information and say hey guess what guys yeah this is a cool piece congratulations dan all of you out there in youtube land that gets so mad at jeremy for all the offensive stuff i guarantee you it's george 99.9 if you're offended by it if you're offended by it it's generally george i'm the conservative one remember i'm pure what excuse me we got done early well then again i only had 10 10 lots early yeah i needed that we're usually done by midnight but then i've got to come up 11 30. first thing in the morning so i can use the wi-fi because why work why work at the camper we don't have any wi-fi yeah it's 11 36 p.m here in florida let us know in the chat where you're from in the time because my eyes are ready to just that might be all right off all that heat that's coming in your eyes yeah it helped though there is a space heater that we found in one of the storage units it's on right now it's doing its job [Music] um do you mind you might hold the microphone up for me sure you okay with fur in your mouth [Music] florida knights are absolutely beautiful you might even say they're georges what setting do you have this on i don't know let me check let me see mic check i don't know all the settings yet we're still we're we're still learning country music everyone's writing in the chat where they're from and the time one once we once we end the live usually i'll go back and reread the chat because i love it because there's no way we can read every single comment in the chat during the we can see all the stars in the sky here right here in florida little otter creek by the way they named it out of greek because there's no otters apparently there's one mean otter mean old otter jeremy usually likes to end the live by singing a lullaby to put you thank you so much for tuning in with us and hanging out with us if this was your first live hopefully you enjoyed it we didn't scare you off and you'll hop on the next [Music] if you don't see a video released by us tomorrow don't panic [Music] how to taste the porridge yeah this one's a furry one all right guys have a good night say good night good night and they're all saying take a day off jeremy get some sleep there is no day off there's no you can't tell this man he has no off switch love you guys have a good night be safe
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 123,640
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit gold, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, self storage, how to make money
Id: DZ3oHnemhmE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 160min 2sec (9602 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 17 2021
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