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everyone it's been an emotional rollercoaster ride this week of ups and downs the highs and the lows i wish i could say happy sunday fun day but it hasn't been fun for us so officially we do not have a home yet we were given a date we'll get into all the details but um officially we we are in florida homeless still in all reality um but before we get into all of that we've got a lot of other things to tackle number one no music opening no music opening that's just we're not going to be able to do that tonight no we've got no viewer mail with us tonight no so we don't have that going with us either no but um we do have we do have a lot of other good things going for us so we will get into into the aspect of the the abandoned ranch and uh why we are currently homeless but uh before we do what announcements do we have tonight george i don't even have the i don't have the hulk fist no you don't we're just gonna you're gonna have to be you're going to have to beat the hulk we're going to try and stay positive for this live and it's been beyond frustrating it has been it really has been but we will we will we'll we'll dig into it we'll dig into it we'll dig deep into it a little bit of a cough you still have a little bit of a cough yeah we actually we have been in the ocean for the first time the red red tide a red tide spania lorenzo sent two dollars thank you so much red tide and if you don't know about red tide i didn't know what a red tide was until i experienced algae bloom and what it will do is it'll actually get into your respiratory as well so uh it just irritates you a little bit so if you see george and i go coughing yeah that's because we have been we've been exposed to the right side so the good news is it's shortly lived so as long as as long as we're not close to the water then it's not as bad as symptoms aren't as bad i've been in the water for two days straight yeah are you getting are you getting red tide uh residuals from me no here try this no a lot of people that have experienced the red tide have said that the red tide is really bad it's pretty bad it's uh we both got onto the beach two days ago we went out on the beach two days ago and we both started hacking and we were both looking at each other and we're like what is what is going on and then we went duh there's a red tide warning uh all over and we figured it out that it's actually it's the red tide yeah and that we weren't going crazy with all of a sudden just both of us like again it shortly lived i hurried up and hopped online to do the research on it to find out what the long-term uh effects were but it's there are there are none it's all short-term which is good for you because you're short anyway so even better right you know i don't like it when you talk about my height you know i have short girl problems why you always wanting to cut me down at the shins so i'm shorter you know i got the big guy probably guilty i have been saying that since we met that i wish i could just she wants to literally saw me off at the shin yeah like file his shins down when we met she was like i don't date tall dudes sherry just said 25 have some breakfast on me aloha from hawaii i enjoy your videos stay strong wow sherry pronounced cherry biryam thank you so much cherry we appreciate it we truly do appreciate your support yes so we're gonna get into a little we'll get into the aspect of why we are not on the 70 acres yet and uh and the frustrations that go along with that but i thought before we actually get into that um maybe we were coming up well number one we did not go live on christmas as i said that we were going to and there's only one reason why we didn't so that means instead of going live we didn't promise that we're gonna go live we did say maybe we posted a merry christmas so for hours i said george we told them we were going live george we told them we're going live george we go no we didn't make a promise we said maybe and i said can i get a day off can i get one day off it is the holiday red tide we did do a pop-up thanksgiving with my family yeah we definitely did yes and i wanted i wanted one holiday off so i thought before we get into the frustrations of why we're not on the abandoned ranch yet before we get into the kind of the uh owie or the negative things that we can kind of look back and go over the year of some of the most amazing things that have happened and then we can go into uh what's going on yeah is that fair we should definitely still count our blessings so even though 2020 has been a hectic year for all of us 2020 has probably been you you guys are going to think this is ridiculous the most no it's the greatest year i've ever had my life it is the greatest year hands down i have ever had hands down it was amazing it was amazing so uh now most people are gonna be going what the hells are you talking about but before we get into looking back over the year uh what about what about christmas do you want to share everybody what you got for christmas for christmas we got to just spend the day together we didn't go live i got the day off where did we go we were we were on sanibel we were on sanibel we were we were on santa bella it was freezing it felt like we're in ohio so cold that george actually went to the truck she's like deuces i'll see you in the truck yeah i was bundled up a lot of people were on the beach not not too many people were on sanibel and then i was there with my speedo walking around the entire i mean i pretty much had the island to myself not sure if it was because i was in my speedo or because of the cold could have been either and i just want to emphasize anybody that saw me in the speedo it was cold it just freezes it was freezing it was freezing it was absolutely freezing everyone will tell you it was freezing we did get to see dolphin we did we did get to see dolphin although this time i didn't jump out and and try and swim with the dolphin no one was in the water no one in the right mind would have went in the water it was it was way too cold on christmas but today do i look a little tanner a little manor yeah got a little sun do you think so you did get a little did i get a little sun today yeah might have got a little sun today might have got a little bit of sun today but um we were we were actually we did see dolphins today this time the jumping out and doing flips and i've never seen that before that's only one of the bonuses on the show yeah we were at a we went to a different beach and yesterday when we went on the beach it was it's called um it's called barefoot beach but there was a woman that was just completely bare on barefoot beach and that was my first time there and i looked and i was like did you she goes she goes did you bring me to a nude beach i went yeah i did um i don't think that was uh was legally allowed but it definitely it was going on wasn't it it was it was um yeah she had no shame and it was cold yesterday it was freezing i looked at george i was like what'd she think she's panning i was like there ain't nobody getting the tan i don't even think the sun was out the sun wasn't out it was cold it was so cold yesterday and i was in the ocean i mean i literally was in the ocean chasing shells and it was so cold it took what 12 hours for me to thaw out yeah i was so cold that you know when you know when you get numb and and you can't really bend your fingers that's those are start of the start of the faces of hypothermia you lose muscle control i was so cold i lost muscle control in my hands it's not because the ocean was cold the ocean was actually warmer than the outside air temperature but then when i had i had the water on my hand the wind was blowing and then the cold temperature and then brett and teresa let us use the uh the metal shelling it's like a metal catcher so the metal it's uh it it takes all the heat out of your hand i mean if you ever touched anything that's cold there's a transference there there's a transference from the heat from your body to the cold thing so the metal was cold because of the outside so my hands literally were i could barely even get shells but we got some shells yesterday we didn't score big big i was shocked bigger than we have ever scored before which is why i was like you know what if my body goes numb it's worth it it was worth it well i was telling him that like if anyone did research on where the best place to go shelling in the world is and sanibel come pops up as first and they planned a trip to come out to santa ball to go shelling they would have been highly disappointed so our plan to not go to santa barbara for the following day and today and finding this new beach was definitely finding the new beach was was absolutely there was hardly anyone there there was barely anyone at all and so we got first dibs on there were monster shells coming i mean the the ocean was literally going here's some more viewing it out here if you ever watched our videos somewhere on kelly's island where those getting the potassium where the lake was just spitting out potassium zones that's what the ocean the golf was doing today with with the shells today and yesterday so literally i was just like all right whatever i'm getting in i i have to do it yeah but i did some research on the shelves that you can find on barefoot beach versus the shells you can find on sanibel sanibel has a larger much larger selection of shells for sure uh versus where we were but where we were was still an abundance of shells and beautiful shells oddly enough the uh the naked woman on barefoot beach didn't even have like starfish like mermaids i mean i was i just thought maybe a starfish or two that's that's what i was thinking something else we found on barefoot beach versus santa ball are the little coral pieces so much cool coral so much yeah but there will be a video coming out of that before tina wants to know can you show us some of the shells oh you're gonna see a whole video there's an entire video coming out on it there's an entire video we have an entire tote of shells for a shelling tree right now if we ever get a home that would be nice but again we'll get into that we'll get into that shortly so but uh you wanna do you wanna do you wanna share with them just a little bit of what we did before we got into fort myers what are you thinking uh tell me what you think that we're allowed to share uh what bonnie hooked us up with oh yeah shout out to bonnie who works at pearl eats at gatorland she she invited us to come to gatorland and we had zero expectations we we didn't even we never even knew what gator land was we didn't know what gatorland was we just assumed it was some type of gator park in orlando and we got there christmas eve and the weather was perfect oh my goodness it was so perfect not only was the weather perfect gatorland is perfect it was so amazing if you haven't been to gatorland in orlando yet it's definitely a must tuesday's video will be gatorland and it's it's a video you absolutely do not want to miss should i give them just a little bit of teaser yeah all of the employees there um extremely nice people awesome people very friendly very professional um we did get to hold baby gators that were only what three months old uh if that three months old all right i'm gonna give them this long i'll give them a little teaser all right here we go this is just a little teaser of tuesday's video i'm not finished editing yet big lamar that is one big boy look how close i am to lamar he's trying to prolong the process check this out now one of the things that we learned bonnie bonnie got us all set up it was the most amazing private tour and we got to go behind the scenes like and do what the highly trained employees oh you got it you got it all right a lot of people are like no gators are bad gators have a bad rap and and surprisingly what we learn again these are highly trained professional employees that work with gators it's not even what we learn it's common sense a gator isn't going to go after a human a human has to go in and invade that gator space right if you are an annoyance to an animal in the wild the animal in the wild is going to rid itself of that annoyance so the likelihood of you getting struck by lightning is greater greater way attacked by an alligator and another thing that we learned was that the alligators are so much more gentle and friendlier it's the crocodiles that are aggressive and the other thing that we learned i said this the other night on uh conkey's cocky's live stream if you guys watched auctions anonymous it's snowing no i actually said it on their live stream in their auction so it's snowing all over the northern up in ohio and they were talking about snow falling and i shared in their in their live stream we actually have a iguana falling advisory right now and everybody laughed they're like jeremy you're so funny it's real so reptiles are cold-blooded if they don't get heat from the sun it's same as when we go into hypothermia we lose muscle control right now in in southern florida there is an iguana falling advisory iguanas are falling out of the trees no muscle control they're frozen their bodies are shut down it's they're falling to the ground so the reason being is because at night they they could freeze overnight because florida temperatures can get can drop to you know to freezing temperatures and they they refuel with the sun's energy like they they warm up and they they become they become back to life once they're exposed to sun so that's kind of like you that's where you're freezing all the time you're like this all the time me too yeah ever since i had my thyroid removed i've become a reptile i'm only happy when i'm stunning other than that don't talk to me unless i've had my coffee in the morning like a crocodile yeah i can't be like a crocodile man okay so so we did get out of the snow we are in florida uh we we got out of the snow advisory but uh we are not out of the iguana advisory we had an incredible incredible week which was really nice after the all the news and the information that we got on the property which again we're gonna get into that it's it's frustrating it's disheartening i mean i i've even told george i was like you know what why don't we just go look for other property and uh but we'll we'll get into that in in a moment first of all let's look back at 2020. what were some of the highlights what were some of the highlights for 2020 george for you for for me a couple of the highlights was the channel hitting major major milestones there were there were multiple me there were months well basically half a year for half of the year it was milestone after milestone after milestone after milestone after milestone after milestone when when we set goals we set business goals and we set youtube goals and youtube outperformed anything we ever dreamed which was actually possible very unexpected for a couple of morons a couple of weirdos just doing what we do every day still humbled that anybody would ever even watch let alone watch more than once let alone we are at last i checked last i checked we are at 82 million views which i know we're more than that right we had another milestone of subscribers when i checked we did so we're at 320 000 subscribers right now 20 000 seems like a lot but in reality we're still a teeny teeny tiny channel so we are a teeny tiny channel compared to the top one percent we are in the top one percent in regards to youtube channels as far as growth aunt combast just sent five dollars congratulations on all those milestones thank you so much so the reality is youtube is huge and there are millions upon millions upon millions that start a channel and they go nowhere it just fizzles up they get one or two uh subscribers they put one or two video out they quit so a lot of people don't realize how much time and effort is involved it's non-stop it's literally not especially behind the scenes so for a youtube channel there's this huge bulk of channels that never grow and then there are that upper one percent that do grow we are we are like in the upper half percent of largest channels on youtube now when you put us in comparison when you put us in comparison of of channels like dude perfect or if you put us in comparison to channels like mr beast we're we're tiny but that's part of the growth pattern dave schultz sent a ten dollar super sticker thanks so the fact that anybody even watches is ridiculous i mean we just we're just too ordinary people just doing what we do so we are coming up on 83 million views that stretches all over that stretches all over the lifetime of the channel the world and we we hit milestone after milestone it was like every week we were like whoa it was just we're just blown away youtube sent me some of our our milestone information for the year i thought maybe we could share some of that what do you think we got a email recognition today we did that we've uploaded 800 videos so we're officially at where there's more than 800 but 800 viewable videos viewable videos public videos all right here's what happened in 2020 when 2020 went off script you kept us inspired we uploaded 100 excuse me excuse me excuse me we uploaded sixteen thousand eight hundred and twenty one minutes of content wow do you know what that meant how many hours 16 8 21. somebody do the math 16 821 minutes divided by 60 how many hours of videos is that for 2020 all right here's some other highlights let's see what they come up with um let's see what we got here uh let's see what we got you brought the community it's not gonna pause where they at 280 hours shoot yeah 280 hours of video my goodness all right the like button the like button on our videos has been smashed 2.4 million times wow now we're coming up on 83 million views 2.48 i wonder if a million times is the smash button 4 million includes even the thumbs down because youtube considers it as it's the likes up the that's the like nailed it by monica monica five dollars we need coin pushers we are still on the hunt but we need a home first yes we need a home first okay um you brought the community to give a branch oh my goodness you're not gonna believe this yeah right now our focus is there we're getting a home first 695 497 comments comments that's not include that's for the year that's not including every time you guys reach out to us via facebook via twitter via instagram via yahoo and all of these comments are read that is 600 700 000 comments 700 000 comments every single one of them read now add in your emails your instagram your twitter your facebook and every other way that you try and get a hold of us there's well over for the year well over 1 million pieces well well over 1 million pieces of communication that you guys talk to us through and we say it so often we do not hire that out it's all internal there's no way that we can respond to everything there's just no way sometimes all you're going to get is a like and a heart a like and a heart a like and a heart sometimes your emails if the email the answer is in the videos we don't respond we don't have time with over one million pieces of communication it is more than a full-time job just to communicate with fans every day every week every month every year uh diving with a purpose congrats guys you guys rock thank you so much thank you we are hoping to be diving soon we got to get ourselves certified but we're in the perfect area for it i want to be the next steven steves steve wouldn't you be the uh georges george scuba george all right that works so communication is huge we love hearing from you guys we read everything everything and uh we can't respond to it all but we read everything that that's amazing okay with 2020 brought 156 388 new subscribers in that amazing 156 388 new subscribers for the year just for the year catherine franklin two dollars thank you so much all those people that were brave enough to hit the subscribe button that want to know when we put out another video what the hell is wrong with you people you crazy y'all crazy crazier than george crazier than you you're six foot one crazy all right 2020 brought us 45.3 million views wow that's incredible what's your favorite video that's more than half a total it's crazy you gave fans 11 oh my goodness look at this you guys won't even believe it fans watched 11 11.9 million hours i don't even know what that means somebody do the math for us 11.9 million hours how much how many years is that in one person's lifespan life so what is it is it a thousand years 2000 years 11.9 million hours of our videos got watched what is it how how long how long of a life is that how long of a life is that so if it was one person watching for 11.9 million hours how many years would that be and ant said it's 1 1385 years fred says that six million days wow and green to red said that's just way too much math wow wow we responded you kept in touch bc eagle deb five dollars hello what the hell's friends belated merry christmas happy new year merry christmas to you as well happy new year yes you kept in touch with the community rebecca five dollars congratulations keep both of you in prayers thank you we truly need it responded to 87 comments i mean this is just it just goes on and on and on it has been a hails of a year okay so youtube youtube has been fun no doubt about it what are some of the fun things that we did during the year with youtube what are some of the highlights for me it was the prank video the prank video the mystery box video that was your favorite both had to guess what was in the box where we each put an item in the box and you both have to guess sarah just sent buck 99 she says she's from pennsylvania be safe too tall vapes two dollars boom keep the faith you'll find you'll find the home meant for you thank you appreciate it so we did have that challenge that was pretty crazy that was probably my favorite when did we do that was that in we did that in march yeah it had to have been in march maybe april it was still chilly out brings me to the fact 2020 was so amazing because i bought the 1800 and the 1700 unit stuff fast ed just sent five dollars i've probably watched at least 50 of your videos an hour each that's two complete days you brighten my day thank you so much fast ben thank you so probably the best units i have ever purchased in my life those were pretty epic not only were they epic the timing was incredible because the world was going to shut down and we had three months if not more of videos because everything shut down everything in those units were filmable it was just amazing it was you open another tote you open another tote you open another token you open another box it was filled with brand new stuff for us it was because when covet hit and everything shut down they stopped doing live auctions everywhere so if it weren't for those units we would have never been able to to record unboxing videos so that unit was big enough and had enough in there to last us until they finally started everything opened up again yeah so for us it was a blessing in disguise it was amazing it was amazing but then but then going further back though well if we go further in the year devi deaver just sent 299 1358 years wow happy new year thank you debbie thank you that is literally you'd have to that's older than methuselah the oldest man the oldest man alive ever that's more methuselah if he started watching if methuselah started watching from the day he was born until the day he died he still wouldn't have watched as much as you guys all did isn't that crazy wow okay so then we got to the point where we finally shared with um we shared with the youtube world that you had cancer again yeah you remember that if you guys follow if you follow the channel you'll know that i was diagnosed with breast cancer last year in 2019 and then 2020 i was diagnosed with cancer again but this time a different cancer it was thyroid cancer so that was part of the roller coaster ride for me still going through the roller coaster ride of adjusting i'm on that train too obx picker sent four dollars says so nice meeting you guys this year thanks yeah that was that was amazing one of the things that we did and we haven't really we haven't announced it or talked about it all that much we might have glanced over it a few times but we did a uh noobs tubes and so we took some uh up and coming channels and we did some uh we did we basically we did training for a month and that was a ton of fun to meet with some other uh up-and-coming reseller training and they're not even up and coming channels they were channels that just have great content yeah and we were basically going all right let's help each other grow and that was a lot of fun and that was uh that's something i want to do again in in the future but we've got to get settled we have to get established first tara armstrong sent five dollars thank you so much thanks for the super sticker so before you went in for surgery what did we end up going to do in west virginia caving spell i call it spelunkling because i can't pronounce was that your first time ever that was my first time ever splunkling first time ever george was scared to death that she was gonna die so i took her in another environment where she would be scared to death she was gonna die but she would fight for her life so the thought of having surgery and having my thyroid removed which is what where this scar comes from terrified me terrified me and so if you see me bundled up and it's like 70 degrees out that's because i'm freezing my body temperature still it just fluctuates and when when jeremy and i first met i used to have my ac set at 69 all year round like i liked it cold like i thought her house was too cold and now it could be 90 degrees and she's freezing yeah she's literally freezing and then he gets so frustrated with me like he looks at me like i have two heads like why are you cold no you have you'll never understand you have multiple personalities not multiple heads your multiple personalities look at me and you're just like huh how are you cold right now so we did go we did go caving i got george to go caving for the first time ever then your surgery and then we actually we did a youtube meetup surgery was in august gavin dean sent 299 all the way from australia are you ever gonna do coin pusher videos again someday boom thank you so much yeah right now we're just focusing on getting a home because things are not going as planned the niche ladies sent 20 one of the things you may not realize is the impact you've had on those learning youtube ropes you've made a world of difference i've studied and learned a lot from you guys thank you so much thank you and eventually i promise you i am going to get with you and we're going to talk about how to grow your channel again before then before then just remember this you need to sell it sell your video that's a good thumbnail and then you need to tell it tell the story of your video always make sure there's a good story to tell and we just got another super chat it was ten dollars uh marcel simmons yep says george i understand about the thyroid cancer i also had breast cancer i'm a five-time cancer survivor been cancer-free five years i stay cold after thyroid cancer see i'm not the only one she is a five-time cancer survivor that's incredible that is pretty incredible yeah that's pretty incredible and we think we think and we've shared this in the past so this isn't anything new but we think we're going to have a third bout with with george and when we get to that point then we'll share that uh if we share that i mean that'll be up to you we've already shared that we think there's going to be a third bout phil's fun vlog sent 4.99 i did tour gatorland bonnie was great did you see the albino gators not only did we see them george hand fed them pearl three to six million dollar gators per gator they are the rarest gators in the world it's absolutely crazy it was crazy it was mind-blowing you'll get to see it all in tuesday's video tuesday's video is going to be amazing usually what we think is amazing gets no views but it is going to be amazing christie sent five dollars so it's fun to be a part of your growing statistics thank you so much christy and then derek dasher five dollars marry george and film it for the channel it'll hit a million views that's probably a million that we're not we're not we're not trying to get right now right you know 83 million is good maybe not 84. larry says i liked when the gator attacked the camera that was under that was another gator that was another gator these were giant giant gators carlo ratliff sent five dollars been with y'all for three years great inspiration all love you happy new year thank you so much carla thank you thank you thank you it has been a crazy crazy ride so we went caving we did a meet-up we did a youtube meetup so a lot of our fans always ask us you know can we meet and we did get to meet bonnie at gatorland that was awesome and uh there's just in regards to our schedule and and time and work and all of if you call it work we're fun employed but it is hard work it really is uh we can't do many meetups but we thought you know what so many people responded in a positive way to the caving video that we would we would do a meet up mary harper sent ten dollars thank you mary and so we got to meet some incredible people and in the cave back in bone cave through the devil's pinch that was a ton of fun yeah um one of one of the couples that joined us didn't didn't make it quite through the devil's pinch but did come back and brought their brought their kids that's awesome yeah it was holly tweety type 77 sent five dollars i always feel guilty skipping the abs does that affect you love you guys everything will work out the reality is number one you never have to feel guilty the reality is yes it does affect us the though if you watch our video from the beginning to the end and everything in between that helps the channel grow for any channel not just our channel for any of your favorite channels if you watch everything from the beginning to the end what that does is that gives youtube a signal and goes man people really like this video and so youtube will push that video to more people which means more people watch and it gets pushed out to more people which means more people watch and so yes it helps us tremendously and ads yep if you watch them the longer you watch them the more it benefits the channel so there is a reality to that but you never ever have to feel guilty about that and chris sent five dollars let me see if i can get to it chris sent five dollars it's a super sticker super sticker super super sticker all right thank you so much chris and then can you say cat's name castle with waffle did i say it right just say cats cats set canadian three dollars we love foreign money we love finding foreign money it's so much fun so much fun so we got to do a a meet up what other cool things have we done we went to florida in november right yeah we came down to florida in november but do you remember property we were going to come to florida in the spring before everything shut down you remember that nancy sawyer just sent 4.99 yeah we were please remind us how to contact you to buy uh to buy other live auction congratulations on your health and achievements oh thank you there'll be a bulk live auction right after the live q a right here and then you can also always check out our ebay store which is what the hails and that's it it's just id what the hell's that's the ebay store that we utilize for youtube viewers so we were we are going to come to florida and look at property um she said cad is fine bonus so we were going to come and look at property but then coveted shut everything down we couldn't get out to actually look at property so we finally got to a point where we could actually get away and look at property brock's zoo sent five dollars thank you so much appreciate it and then we got down here and we kind of fell in love huh yeah especially for me since i'm always cold so being down in florida where it's it's warmer even though there are cold days which we were well aware of it it helps me tremendously so what we do we're constantly working outdoors mark from australia you just sent 10 that gator you fed a gatorland crocs here in australia are big uh but we have a few that are huge we'll send you the link when i find it to show you thanks so much mark appreciate it marcel simmons sent five dollars george i'm 50 years old 31 grandchildren wow and my husband doesn't understand how i stay so cold i crochet blankets for myself wow thank you for the super chat there you should take up crocheting you should do crocheting for our asmr channel i started to crochet actually my jaw is worth crocheting my friend archna who lives in port rich in newport richie her mom's the one who taught me how to crochet i think you told me that before yeah when i was 18 i started my my very first crochet blanket yeah i think you did tell me that very therapeutic crocheting or blankets crocheting crocheting is one needle crocheting knitting is two needles but crocheting is just one so um the uh the what was i going to even say remember you read my mind all the time read it i'm not a mind reader read it jeremy seems to think that i'm a mind reader but i'm not what's up there what's up there sent 20 says jeremy didn't you use sunscreen you two are so beautiful you look very healthy he doesn't we don't use something oily skin actually i put on sbf on my face because i will burn i burn easily i think my shoulders burned a little bit yeah you do you do get a little red eileen glazer sent five dollars says have a happy new year thank you eileen so we came down to florida fell in love john phillips says people are hooked on crocheting dad jokes man i love them dad jokes can't get enough of them oh it's dad jokes for me so people are still asking what part of florida so this no was it this week it was this week right so we actually had somebody find us now i have a theory i'm just somebody a lot of bodies i have a theory that there are more than than one person who have driven through the campground and know where we're at yeah there are people that see us all the time they recognize us but they're they're not brave enough to actually say something yes frank just sent five dollars i'll buy a blanket thank you frank there you go uh but we did have we had a frank actually drive through the campground before we left on our way down to fort myers to santa barbara all the hints that we've given so far recognized the surroundings and bingo bengal boom found us he and his wife are from arkansas from arkansas and i was when he told me that i was like where is arkansas on the map i haven't memorized the map completely so i'm like trying to figure out where arkansas tim martin sent five dollars my buddy tim just sent five dollars tim you need to come down to florida and visit me with the boys and then frank chapman sent ty ten dollars here's ten for your poor homeless peeps thank you so much frank and then i saw another one come in there it is barb t does youtube premium affect your channel when you have youtube premium it it what youtube premium does is it shows you everything without an ad right it just eliminates ads it just eliminates ads so you just what you want to do if you have youtube premium watch every video from the beginning every video to the end if you want to help the channel grow and support it that way that helps all the time one of the things that we do at home we actually we will set all of our live stream like our tvs computers we will just leave what the hail's on and let it stream for hours and hours and hours so you can actually let it stream turn the tv off but it's still online streaming although we haven't done that for a while but in the early days we used to do that we used to do that in the early days but we can't even stream right now we don't even have we don't have internet debbie says george arkansas is beautiful there are so many fun things to do i feel like there's so many fun things to do no matter where you are in the world and there's just so much to explore and so much to see so much to do so little time spacexpose said what did i miss what happened to you guys we're about to share with you right here but before we do god's been so gracious with georgia's cancer we want to share with you tonight that god's been extremely gracious with mick draper and mr draper we love that mick calls her husband mr draper funniest thing in the world we got to meet them calling you mr hales you're right you shouldn't when you and you should miss george when you annoy me or when i'm mad at you i'd be like whatever mr hales so do you hear me i'm talking to you mr hill we got to meet them last year when we were in when we were in uh florida we wanted to try and meet with them again but unfortunately mick's health isn't the best right now for her to meet but praise the lord mr draper has a clean bill of health in regards to the cancer the cancer cancer-free so thank you all of the youtube family that has been praying he's cancer-free that is huge that's a big big blessing and i bet you that makes their 2020 as well 2020 has been amazing and 2020 was the year where we we decided all right it's time to go south and and i think the biggest push for me to move because i've never lived anywhere outside of ohio i've visited many states and i've traveled a lot but for me what what what made me make the move was having my thyroid removed after my cancer thyroid cancer because it helps my health so in in my opinion this is just my opinion um for me picking up and moving and and just going all right we're going to do this well that that's no big deal this is not first rodeo not my first rodeo it's no big deal for me uh because of my personality it's entrepreneurship it's new it's new vision new ground breaking you know all of that for george it's it's change and and that's not the best thing in the world for her so it was actually cancer that made you bold enough to go cancer is what allowed me to finally pull the trigger and say okay let's move hails of a year so we came down it took cancer to get george to florida now since we've been in florida every day what what are your thoughts so far i it's still an adjustment for me it's going to take a while to get adjusted but i do love the warm weather i think i'm i'm blessed to be able to pick up and and go and to be around warm weather to be in warm weather i do have friends here plus i have you with me i think another reason that made it easy for me to move is that i do have friends down here so if i ever want to get away from him then i can just get in my car and go visit my friends and if i ever want to get away from her i'm going to get in the truck and go visit her friends you going to be there they probably can't get away from you my goodness so basically in a nutshell we came down to florida in november george and i very strategically picked the location for business plan and while the move is for comfort but it is also for a business plan it is the next step it is the next direction in the growth of the channel and the growth of reselling so we'll have a northern headquarters a southern headquarters and we we lined up certain properties to view before coming down to florida and when we got on the one property the 70 acre ranch we literally fell in love with it because it was perfect for what we do with youtube that's that's just the reality of it that land isn't perfect for anybody but probably us that's that's the reality of it so a lot of times when when we tell people we bought 70 acres they're like what do you need 70 acres for they don't understand well and the viewers all don't understand yet and you won't understand until the growth of both channels what the hails and what the asmr ronald johnson sent five dollars thank you so much ronald and mark sent another australian ten dollars wonder if an alligator and croc made it what would it be called probably a crock ater that'd be my guess thank you so much so we did find what we think is the perfect property and that whole process started with um with us making an offer that offer wasn't even counter offered it was ignored it was ignored and we then made another offer and that offer wasn't counter offered it was ignored and both offers were offers that we felt were very realistic for the price of the area so per acre the area it was beyond is is very realistic for the area and that was ignored we made another offer that we felt was higher than the the growing rate for property in the area in florida and that was counter offered and we finally looked at each other and went this property we're going to overpay per acre on this property but we're it only it only makes sense to us because of youtube and what we have planned for the future and what we want to do with the property so we looked at each other and said we want to do it and george went yep and so we went all right we'll do it so we we did get into a contract on the property and um that was pretty quick so we we agreed to pay more than what we believe the actual value is and some of you may go well how do you even know listen i've been a landlord since the age of 21 i'm 43 now i think i know a little bit not much but a little bit about about real estate flipping buying selling rental you name it but um we we we paid above the market going rate and we did that because of the business plan and then what had to happen is six kids and really that's probably the hang up is six kids have to agree on everything and so you've got six kids having to agree on everything living in different states all over we emphasized we emphasized uh with with the seller's agent that this needs to be expedited it has to be done as fast as possible as a matter of fact what we tried to do beforehand was actually do a early occupancy agreement which we thought well of course you know we had to barter for extra money you know we didn't we didn't barter they i mean they did and so they wanted extra money we paid them the extra money above the going rate per acre in the in the region in the area and then we said well we'll give you extra money if you just let us get on the property early basically we're renting we'd be renting 70 acres for a month before everything closes essentially we'd be tenants until tenants until everything closes yeah and we were shocked that immediately without even going to the six kids it was all shut down it was like immediately answered was absolutely the absolute it was absolutely not and we looked at each other and we're like wait they they were holding out for this much money we want to give them more money and now they're going no and so that was a bit of a frustration for us but we absolutely needed to get out of ohio before the weather and for george's health we needed to get we needed to get down to florida in preparation to be on the property and there was another blessing just a minute around the corner is is the campground and again we will share that campground with you guys when we are on the property because no doubt there are many of you that wanna so many of you have written and reached out to us and said hey you wanna you wanna share in that experience there too and we will we will share that with you where that's at where it's located uh no doubt you're going to to visit the keys as a matter of fact we're looking here's another hint for you guys and honestly there's hints in every single video if you're smart enough to catch on to them there are hints in every single video we put out where we're actually at the keys where we're at is some of the best shelling in the world in consideration to some people who put out the best shelling spots in all the world we haven't gone shelling there yet though have we but another good reason why we're there so we were fortunate enough to find a great uh campground to to move in early to to put up with our chickens because there's no way we were leaving the chickens behind for the employees chickens were coming with us that's the that's probably the biggest thing right we don't have the chickens on property and we want them to be able to go out and and things along those lines and right now while they can move and they're you know free about to go in a dog cage is not the best thing for a chicken so for us we also we needed to get down here and we needed to prep for business for 2021 which means we had to make expenditures in preparation beforehand so now we've made all these expenditures but we were supposed to close on property december 23rd call jimmy mcgill sent five dollars janice wants to know if you come up and visit one more time well obviously we'll buy up there eventually we're we're only in florida for the winter so we're heading back to ohio we'll be in ohio in may summer and fall so we'll be summer and fall will be in ohio and then summer and spring summer and spring will be in in florida so we uh we need to prep for the business and that's huge right now we are we are very very stretched or pushed back behind where we want to be and where we should be in preparation because we're not on the property we've made we've made sixty thousand dollars worth of expenditures for preparation to be on the property we were supposed to be on we were told we were going to be on the property before the closing date in contract december 23rd the title company told us yes absolutely we know it's a rush we'll get you on there and what is it december 28th today yeah today's the 27th 27th yeah well tomorrow will be the 28th we are still not on the property and we were given a date of so so title company uh in our opinion and again you can call it the time it's the seller's title company which really is a legal group which many law offices also run as a title company as well it's not unusual so so basically the title company they didn't even send the paperwork to the kids until december 21st so with all the issues with all the issues with the mail right now they sent the contractual paperwork with the title to six kids all over the united states on the 21st so they go okay well you overnighted it you fed accident okay so let's just say everybody got it on the 22nd and then let's say some miracle happens that they actually get it and they're all going to get the paperwork back on the 23rd and then the office is going to get it and it's going to close in time no way so there was no way in hails there was ever going to be an opportunity for this property to close on time now the other thing that's going on with the property is the cell company so the self company tower has a first rights of refusal on the property now some of you guys that don't know real estate you may go what's the first right of refusal well contractually wise whenever that piece of property sells the cell tower company has the first right to purchase that property and to say no if they don't want to purchase it that's the first right of refusal now some of you right now are probably thinking well why in the world would you ever go after a piece of property that has a first right of refusal on it we did all our homework ahead of time we already contacted we talked to the the power cell company tower companies the tower and they told us the only way they would ever exercise their first rite of refusal is if a third party competitor was attempting to buy the lot to have control of the tower then they exercised their right other than that cell tower company has no has no desire to own 70 acres with one tower on all they want is that one space with the tower so that they can lease out the space on the tower they're not in real estate on the ground they're on real estate on this in the sky but at the same time they also need to know who the owner the new owner is and when the contract uh runs out who are they going to write the new contract to so contacted them again i just went you know what's going on because the title company said well there's no way we're going to be able to close december 23rd and i went all right well what's going on well they're blaming it on the the cell tower company so i call the cell tower company and call the cell tower company and i go when she even get the documentation and he goes well let me look it up in the records they didn't get the documentation december 9th which is again in my opinion way late in the game yeah because your your documentation has to go to the legal department their policy at the cell tower company is 30 days in the legal department 30 days so if they got the documentation if the legal department well the company received the documentation on december 9th 30 days you're looking at january 9th that's not taking into consideration covens christmas yeah new year's weekends so what a um what a handles of a mess right now in all reality so i feel like there's way too many hands so we came to florida early because we were promised we were going to be on the property early that this was going to move fast it was going to be expedited we would be there and here we are we are not on the property now we have no complaints being on the campground we actually we were gonna we're gonna start work on the property and stay on the campground while we work and prep on the property but now we've got all this equipment coming in we've got we've got nowhere to put it in all essence and we're being held back so jay jeff h just sent one dollar thank you so much jeff h bam so in essence we still have no home in florida contractually wise there is an extension there is a new date for closing they've put the new date as january 13th or earlier and this is this is my take on it okay the six kids all have the paperwork they probably all got the paperwork i doubt it's all come back in yet just based on christmas okay if it has great that would be phenomenal i don't know that for sure i don't know that it's not in i don't know that it isn't we don't get we won't get confirmation no we won't receive any confirmation what we will receive is when the tower company sends in their paperwork then and only then will it be a done deal tony gonzalez sent two dollars said hi jeremy and george thank you so much tony gonzalez we appreciate it very much so so we are still in a major waiting game and for us it's uh it's a waiting game that we can't wait much longer because we're here to make money to run a business we have all the dominoes in effect lined up in place to go and then and yet we have nowhere for them to fall right now because we're not on site we're not on the property so right now we looked at an extension i talked to my realtor and i said listen what if you just tell them you didn't meet deadline we're out you either you either give us early occupancy and we maintain the contract or you didn't meet deadline therefore you breach contract we're out we'll go look for more property and george and i did talk about that we talked about it with the realtor as well because for whatever reason we can't get on site but it's becoming a major frustration it's becoming a major hindrance for us because we have so much built up in preparation we have to have the property or we have to have another site one or the other so that is really where we're at right now we don't have it and with the new contract date of january 13th there's no we're not comfortable we're not comfortable right there's no guarantee that january 13th will even be the day we don't we are not comfortable we're not comfortable thinking that um that'll even it'll even happen by then i i can't foresee i just i can't foresee it happening by then but i'll tell you this if it happens before then we'll go live how's that we'll go live if it actually does do that yeah because per contract it's january you said that for christmas too it's january 13th or before so right now we're in we're in fort myers we were at sanibel three days ago gatorland day before that past two days we we've been at uh barefoot beach grammy ellis just sent 299 from australia sounds like coin pusher time then george she has brought that up on the trip she's like where was where was that they just told us to go and she's been looking some of those up but uh we've talked about well what do we do do we stay up do we stay on the road take our take our time going back up the coast to get back up to the camper or you know do we go back and continue to work on prepping to be on the property but i mean really we've done what we can improve we we have to be on the property yeah we have to be on there work get it done and this is pushing us so far behind what that means for youtube is we don't know right now in all reality because we're probably i mean we're probably going to miss we kind of we kind of do the best that we can as far as getting entertainment out for you guys and we know so many of you guys are there with us as family and so many of you guys are are you you've expressed so much emotion and how the channel has helped you get through the pandemic and and so we've we've pushed ourselves very very hard to make sure that we're there for you guys as you guys are always there for us as well and so we're concerned that we may not be able to keep that schedule of of entertainment for you guys i mean really in all reality we have some videos that we've already started and one of those is going to be with the neighbors the major fire the the arson uh we have made mention of that before bc eagle deb jeremy george i feel so sorry for you guys have been doing everything right thank you so much thank you dad we appreciate it i mean we're trying i mean it sounds silly but how much money can you throw at somebody and them say no not only just a no but an absolutely an absolute no it was even uh we won't even take this to all the kids yeah it was nope it dies right here so we we've continued to ask all right why would why would they why would they hold out for this bulk of money which is overpriced for the property but not accept more money for rental and it just doesn't understand is it is it because of insurance i mean really that's not even an insurance issue uh who just sent a dollar liability we said we would sign paperwork that we're liable for everything jeff h thank you so much for the dollar thank you jeff so we've done everything that we can do to actually try and get on the property but at this point we cannot we can't get on the property until all the paperwork the con this is high in contract there's a signed contract our names are on it their names are on it it's signed contract it's pushing the paperwork through the process to get it done now they've breached on their side of the contract because club everything did not close december 23rd we didn't breach anything they've breached contract we did we did agree to stretch the contract and go with them to january 13th and if we can't get in there by january 13th we're gonna have to figure something else out in a hurry and hopefully we get on there way way quicker amanda moore sent five dollars what happened to the lady who was trying to kick you out of the unit said she was not business partners with a business partner amanda that would be landlord for the warehouse in ohio court is may 10th court is may 10th as a matter of fact tomorrow's uh tomorrow is december 28th so so marilyn has offered me the property and the building and i countered it offered and she has till tomorrow midnight tomorrow to accept the counter offer and the offer is off the table if she doesn't and then court is still scheduled for for may 10th so if she accepts the offer no court for her remember she's suing me for 25 000 saying i never paid rent which i have paid rent i have all of the proof of paid rent check stubs lease agreement the whole deal uh when i filed counter suit against her that was for loss of income that started at 250 000 that day and that grows every single day afterwards every day and once we get to may we're going to be looking at a year of it growing afterwards she if she loses in court she will lose everything she will lose if judgment is is in my behalf she will lose everything to her name and i mean that's just the reality of it i don't mean to sound harsh i don't mean to that's just the foolishness of it all um i i can't even understand what goes through a person's mind to do such foolish things but who are we what it is it is what it is so 20 20 years has been an amazing year it's been by far an incredible year for youtube and for all of our youtube family out there it has been absolutely amazing 2020 saw some of the best units we've ever purchased particularly the 1800 and the 1700 unit that we bought up in paynesville from second sense rob margot sent five dollars thank you margo 2020 went on a roller coaster ride as george went in for cancer got george in a cave twice which was amazing twice which was amazing almost died twice we got to spend time up on kelly's island which by the way there's another video there we have an offer in on property on kelly's island that's not done yet either and the video is there but it's just not done michael moran sent five dollars jeremy and george are both great people hear my prayers everything will work out thank you so much michael we truly appreciate it but in it all in all we finally got to florida it took cancer to get george to florida and i absolutely love it love it i keep telling george i will never do a snow day in ohio again you said if i'm gonna be homeless i'm gonna be homeless in florida where there's no snow just iguanas falling from the sky all right a lot of you are wondering if we're gonna still have an auction this evening and we sure as hails will we are going to have an option we are george brought some things on the road with her for the auction i brought a couple lots so that we can keep the auction momentum going and so if this is your first time joining us live thank you for joining us frank just sent five dollars to my channel thank you frank thanks to uh frank um i will go through the rules and regulations of the auction did you want to switch these um or is that something you were just saying before we can if you want we'll see how it happens how it works out with like the setup and everything uh first things first make sure you guys are in live chat and not top chat this is super super important especially uh when we get down to the trivia question where you can win a free lot a lot of people get confused here with live chat versus top chat so make sure you're in live chat not chop chat all of the um the lots that i will be showing this evening start at 25 minimum bid and that includes free shipping if you live here in the us did somebody say free free shipping if you live outside of the us you are more than welcome to bid on the watch just know that there will be an additional charge for shipping based on the weight of the package the dimensions of the package and where you are in the world also know your customs custom laws and your country's import fees barbara hawk sent five dollars you've been a blessing to me this year thank you so much barbara our auction style is minute to win it so as soon as jeremy says go then you have one minute to place your bids in the live chat um when our moderator types sold in the chat you'll see flipping adventure she is our awesome sold mod um even get one two zero one seven four ninety nine and that was it just 4.99 when flipping adventures types in sold in the chat whoever the highest bidder in the chat is be right before she types and sold is the winner of steve's in the chat he said my favorite four-letter word free we are gonna go see steve on our way back uh from sanibel as well so so if you guys remember we went to we went to auctioneer school with steve so we're gonna go get to go spend some time with him as well so we're going to go it's going to be fun yeah um i threw you way off you always throw me off when i'm free free shipping free shipping the rules um highest bidder please send us your contact information immediately after flipping adventure says sold to what the hills yahoo.com and we'll remind you about the auction um and our awesome mods will remind you as well i'm going to throw you off again okay uh we you remember when we were talking about trying to see flipping adventures but we found out she's north enough so way north like so we were like i was like let's surprise flipping adventures let's go meet up with flipping adventures and she's like all right i'll find out where she lives and then we were like um we're down here she's all the way up here well i guess that's not gonna work this trip but i have been trying to get him to go to check out dustin and she's near destiny we'll get there nancy just sent five dollars thank you for what you're doing bear and i have learned on storage auctions and thrifting praying for continued healing for george thank you so much and angie angeli angela we'll just say angie lee angeline angelina angie praying for you all and a resolution for both the warehouse and the ranch i've been been watching your videos six days two months now wow nice you got a binge problem thank you so much anjali we appreciate it um if you are the runner-up and you want to be considered as the backup bidder you're more than welcome to send us your contact information as well to what the hails at yahoo.com the information that we need is your youtube profile name your real name your mailing address i think that you patricia patricia poe 299 thank you thanks patricia and your bid amount and then i will send paypal invoices tomorrow morning um keep in mind that everything is sold as is there's no guarantees no returns we auction items off to you as we find them in the storage units pennsylvania trucker said 20 thank you so much pennsylvania trucker and jk said who is that georgia hontis i wore my my hair and braids today because we did a shelling competition so the braids kept my hair out of my face so i just kept it in a braid you'll have to wait till wednesday to see who actually won the shelling being being crowned as the new shelling king or queen because we could not find the shelling king on sanibel we looked we were there same spot same place we met him same day christmas night didn't see him don't forget you do have a chance to win a free lot this evening based on a trivia question that jeremy will ask and that trivia question comes out of our least viewed video of the week and then also we will do a practice lot so if this is your first auction you're not sure how it works and how the bidding goes in the live chat well don't worry we'll do a practice lot um and then just a reminder please do not bid if you'd have no intentions of paying you ready to do a practice live yep let's do it all right i'm ready if you're ready i'm ready all right george is going to start us on the practice lot remember your bit here is not a real bid this is just practice so this is just to get us in the flow of things and i usually i usually use like a gift that one of our subscribers send but since we didn't bring any fan mail i'm using flow literally and figuratively so just to get you in the flow of three squares of tp so remember you will want this one way or another you will want currency of the future currency of the future during the zombie apocalypse or pandemic so 25 starting bid free shipping in the united states you got a bit fast you got a bit furious you only have one minute to win it let's go here we go this is practice we're practice bidding on the toilet paper we got mark at 25 we got jason at 100 we got i don't even know i don't even know there's so many bids in here i got somebody have four poops four poops 70 acres in florida somebody said and we got three gators i'm actually looking at the gators i like the gator idea we got ketchup we got shells we got four sheets somebody is actually offering four sheets for the three if you fold it then it becomes nine flying that's like somebody offering ten dollars for a twenty dollar bill janice is offering poop emojis gummies from lynn we got cookies and socks texas ted is offering socks oh my goodness there is all kinds of ketchup six goats i'm still waiting for your dad to offer me six goats to marry you what if he gives you a thousand gators i would accept one game no goats no oh somebody just offered otters that's always fun and linda said 2 000 ketchup popsicle 100 holy cow elvis and seoul flipping adventures said sold with the toilet somebody said 70 acres in florida you my friends you get the toilet paper all right first slot tonight that was practice now this is the real the real deal real bids only somebody just offered two back rubs if you guys saw the video where we found all of these bead necklaces i did take the time to count them not sure why you actually counted them i did there's 193 beads plus there's bead garland like for your christmas tree all right so this was from one of the units that we bought here in florida one of the first of the seven by the way there is one more video from the seventh from the seventh uh storage unit that we bought that video were released on monday gatorland will be released on tuesday shelling competition on wednesday and who the hails knows what's after that there's all sorts of colors purple green pearl red gold more green so are we showing all these or is this pretty self-explanatory yeah pretty self-explanatory you guys saw us find them in the video so many have asked for them so many have asked for them that we decided here we go it's going straight up into the auction all right so this is for real for real bidding shapes and sizes now the one thing we do want to say before you bid tonight george will send you an invoice tomorrow but we will not be able to ship tomorrow because we are not at the camper so you're gonna have to be a little bit patient with us we don't know exactly what day we're gonna be back at the camper for shipping and we may be able to find a post office and ship while we're on the road but as long as you can be flexible with all of your purchases tonight knowing that they won't go out tomorrow after payment or the next day they potentially can but we just need some flexibility and time for shipping being on the road so that being said it's 25 starting bid free shipping here in the united states these are dice did somebody say dice all right well we got pamela lins and debbie vaughn's attention now and there is if you're outside of the united states you are more than welcome to bid there will be additional shipping charges though make sure you know your custom laws you there are no guarantees there everything is as is this is how we found it we're not guaranteeing that every bead is not broke which that could be garlic okay so that's garland the only there's only one bead that was not complete all right well there you go there's what she's sharing with you everything is as is no guarantees and no returns you gotta bid fast you got a bit furious because you only have one minute to win it here we go with the beads here we go here we go with the beads you've got one minute to win it jack is in at 45. 45. conkey says this is the bead lock for africa came in at 25 jack snow is in at 45. 45 is high bid right now michelle came in at 30. and we got some more deborah at 25 we got space exposed at 25 and linda 35 troy is in at 30. i'm came in at 45 as well imra that is the tie for the top bid right now harvey came in at 50 and colin is at 100. 100 that's with free shipping here in the united states free shipping here in the united states colin is at 100 right now justin said boom chicka pow wow uh we are at 100 right now that is with free shipping all of the beads that's less than a dollar less than a dollar per necklace right now jack said hundreds too much i'm out and rosie said jumanji drums yeah what 2020 is throwing jumanji now at us all right and let's see what happens and flip it adventure said sold all right sold and high bidder was let me see here high bidder was it was a hundred colin all right colin you are the high bidder colin here's what you're gonna do you're gonna send your youtube name your real name even if they're the same your shipping address your bid amount at 100 and the lot amount it was the beads you're gonna send that to what the hails yahoo.com what the hell's at yahoo.com we need you to send that email right now so we know we got your information backupbidder was i believe it was harvey harvey i think your backup bitter at 50 colin scared everybody off harvey harvey tines your backup bidder at 50. for any reason colin doesn't pay harvey you're up at 50 you're going to do all the same stuff you're going to send your youtube name your real name even if they're the same shipping address you're going to send your bid amount dollars and you say hey i was the backup bidder on that the necklace lot do i see comments necklaces the bead necklaces apparently that means there's another necklace lot all right here we go we're going with the comics next up are comic books which are wwf comics there's a total of 62 comments in this lot and all of them are wwf and what did i learn it's no longer wwf now it's wwwe they got sued by the world wildlife federation so does that make the wwf a little bit more because wwf no longer exists some of these comics you'll see there's like duplicates maybe even triplets but maybe even quadruplets there's 62 total mary kay kim's saying wwf is older conkey says this is the wwf comic lot lone star picker is already throwing in 25 dollars we gotta just gotta wait until we get the through show and everything have you opened any of this up flipping adventure said ooh that's a really good lot i looked those up on ebay when i saw the video we have not looked anything up on ebay we haven't we did not look anything up on ebay we we brought it on the road and we said this is something that people are interested in we will go ahead and auction it off to the other resellers that watch so that they can resell as well the undertaker this is the halloween special there's a couple copies of this particular comic lone star picker says this is a really good lot yeah and the nice thing is if you plan on reselling it you can either put the quantity since there's because there's multiples or if you sell it one at a time once you sell it then you can just click on sell similar keep the photos and then that's how you can relist it with the template so it's a it's an easy sell every single one of these comics have dust protectors so they they appear like they're in really good condition because they're each in a sleeve with a dust protector again there's 62 wwf comics and there's more than just one copy of the comics in here jennifer jackson just sent five dollars we found your gummy bears jeremy we're eating them in honor of you my husband mostly eating them so he can have gummy guns like you jeremy they are so good albanese if you please they are so good the sherbet's really good sherbet is amazing the butterfly is the second best and then the bears and the worms are just as delicious the bears and the worms are the same flavors but the butterfly have different flavors i like the butter you like the butterfly like big time big big time all right we're getting emails that and i've not gotten anything on the bead lot yet there's steve austin again i got an email from somebody who wants the alf doll like crazy that's a lot of comics yeah 62. my feet are so sore i've been i've been barefoot on all these sharp shells for three days the bottoms of my feet are swollen and and red like it's not like my entire feet are like blistered like one giant blister on the bottoms of my souls lisa said mankind is on ebay for 25 for one uh service chihuahua said i asked about the alph on your video where you showed him flipping adventure said the one of big sexy kevin nash comic book sold for 55 some are worth even more all right that's the entire stack you ready all right this is the first stack of comics the www these are wwf these are all wwf comics and it's 25 starting bid free shipping in the united states everything is as is no guarantees you are getting it as we found it we did not look anything up it literally went in the truck we got on the road you're seeing it here tonight we haven't even taken any out of the sleep there could be anything in there i suppose there could be money in between the sleeves could and there could not be so that being said we didn't do anything with them there are no returns either you are gonna have to bid fast you're gonna have to bid furious because you only have one minute to win it let's go here we go this is the wwf comic lot wwf comic clock i got david junkyard in at 35 carol plan isn't that 50. we got jack snow is not 155. 155 is a high bid right now we got 50s everywhere we got a 50 from get the game verse we got a 75 in jenny dobs but one 155 was the high bid right now we got 100s flying out the the door here adam perkins is now at 200. 200 with free shipping 200 with free shipping we got 200 with free shipping right now uh gamer boys in at 900 000. go ahead and delete that yep blood sweat and sell got that one out of there thank you so much let's sweat and sell carson nolan is now at 300 hybid right now is 300. high bid right now is 300 go ahead and gamer boy you're gonna have to confirm that that's a 900 there carson nolan is at 300. 300 is a high bid that i'm accepting i'm not accepting gamer boys gamer boys bid right now 300 is the high bid with carson 300 right now 300 and sold all right so we have gamerboy at 900 he printed it three times so carson just said he was joking carson you are being blocked you never ever comment on our videos again you're gone and gamer boy is gone so now i don't know if we have to redo this or not let me see i think we were at adam perkins adam you are in that 200 it's yours so great by adam uh adam's bought so much from us before just let him have 200 we just adam it's all yours 200. adam if you would just send us your youtube name real name shipping address and what you know what to do adam so adam you just got them all for to or did anybody wait hold a second leonard wait hold a second leonard's in here at 2 25. i might be screwing up hold a second hold a second i'm screwing up i'm screwing up all right i'm screwing up so adam you are back up bid leonard leonard is in at 225. thanks everybody you guys are you guys keep me honest here all right leonard pity you are high bidder at 225 adam you are back up bitter so leonard what you're going to do is you're going to send us immediately if you would please you're going to send us your youtube name your real name even though the same your shipping address you're going to send your bid amount at 225 and then also you're going to say wwf comic lot and then adam you are backupbidder at 200 if you would send us an email as well thank you so much thanks for all you guys help let me know melissa is going no way what an amazing deal that was her that was a great deal all right next up is assorted comics there's 40 in this stack so it's pretty much every comic that we found that wasn't wwf so that's how i separated that every comic in the box that wasn't wwf because we didn't bring the other comics from the trunk we only brought the box this time around now this one we thought was a price tag it has a price tag of 117.92 or did we think that was a date i think we thought it was a little bit of both when we were maybe both we did get we did get uh an email on the necklace lot so we're good to go there clerks holiday special armageddon and then every every comic in this lot also has the um dust protector and the the sleeve in the back here's superman action comics out of the vortex derek says i want anything florida gators college team derek we're florida gators now we might have to hold on to some of that we found maybe two things so far pj kincaid sent five dollars thank you so much pj bam gave us a couple little three hippos super sticker super sticker some of these comics looked really really awesome dave schultz just sent 4.99 i live 30 minutes from albany's in northern indiana i bet you dave you can smell it like factory yeah you lose 30 minutes from the factory thank you so much david we sure do appreciate it there's a duplicate of ninja jk said oh so now you're not a browns fan anymore chains of chaos dylan brown's fan always through it all through it all chains of chaos through it all we we did find more comics in this in this um in this unit as well so there was a whole there was a mini trunk which those mini trunks that trunk used to hold roller skates roller skates used to come in trunks like that and there's a whole comic collection in there you'll get to see that comment collection most likely in the next auction we did not bring that one with us on the road we'll probably be back at the campground by sunday so you'll get to see that one then we'll grab that one this deck has uh more than just one copy as well janice said i'm a browns fan did you hear about today's game james we only heard that they screwed it up that's all we heard we don't know what happened because we were on the beach all day then we came back to the room and i was editing for five hours george took a nap and they got ready for the the live stream tonight so we took a 30 minute nap as silly as it sounds even though i want to know what happened i don't have time i will not let myself know what happened until i'm done working and i won't be go to bed tonight until after i'm finished editing you'll catch the highlight the video and i have to finish the feeding the gator video which was awesome [Music] editing takes up so much time and you don't realize how much time goes into it until you physically edit a video but it's fun brown tg16 said i'm new to the channel and i love your videos sending love right back to you brown oh thank you we sure do appreciate it all right that's 40. service chihuahua took a three hour now assorted comics all right this is what uh conkey called the remaining comics we got uh leonard's we got his email oh thank you for that bonnie fleming just sent five dollars love you guys videos if you're coming up north florida send me a message dinner will be on me love you both thank you so much bonnie we appreciate it okay so eventually we'll be all over florida it's just a matter of time before we start bidding on units all over florida we've got to have a place to take it so yeah so we got to get we got to get on site all right 25 starting bid everything is as is no guarantees daleigh just sent two dollars the booze going to the playoff hooray thank you so much for the two dollars we appreciate it thank you all right and you got a bit fast you got a bit fierce because you only have one minute to win it here we go remaining comics 25 starting bid free shipping in the united states joanna isn't at 50. we got dawn in at 45 we got brandon f50 as well we got another 50 here they're everywhere we got tiger daggers on that 25. selling tennessee is then a hundred 100 is live that right now bear kitty came in at 120. 125 bid carroll came in at 110 but bear kitty's still at 120 120 is the highest bid highest bid is 120. now brendan is in at 121. 121 with high bid right now 121 is high bid we've got 25 seconds to go 121's high bid now we got broccoli rob at 122 albert moore came in at 125. 125 is the high bid do you think at any point in time the hotel staff will come and yell at us and tell us to shut up albert moore came in at 125. 125 is the high bid bernie came in first at 126 ronald came in at 126 as well brendon right now is high bidder 126. 126 is a high bid remember free shipping 126 with free shipping and aaron breeden is now at 143 albert moore came in at 1 30. aaron brennan is in 143 143 i believe aaron breeding just got it for 143 aaron breden 143. nice job aaron nice job all right aaron breden you know exactly what to do send your youtube name real name shipping address your bid amount 143 and the comic lot does aaron know that you sent our package out you said that does she know what you put in the package okay enjoy your bonus aaron all right um she is bringing out the next one next are assorted pins assorted pins was this front oh yeah this was from the union as well no this was this was uh from multiple units oh okay george said this is multiple multiple units in 2020. i didn't count how many pins but there's an assortment of them these are all um either sarah said you guys are fabulous thank you so much sarah we truly appreciate it made in england and melissa wants to know what we use to edit we use video shop video shop is what we use to edit it's a free app that you can get on your phone cynthia says love watching you all when i when i edit i just use imovie george uses imovie on her iphone i have an android so i use video shop and for me it's the fastest thing to get the job five christmas pins in this box but even with it being the the fastest for editing i feel like i still work 30 hours a day uh cat wants a close-up of the bear pin the bear pin must be that one that one's that one needs a good cleaning david of the junkyard just said he found 130 in the car at the junkyard the day before christmas merry christmas david merry christmas to you love [Music] once you start making videos you will understand why you need to edit yes because there's times where you have hours and hours of footage and you need to bring it down to [Music] whatever whatever you need to bring blood sweat and cell just said he downloaded video shop yeah that's what we use video shop that's that's what i found is most convenient and it's the most friendly user friendly it doesn't have a lot of features but it's user friendly lee bob ross said if you come across welding type equipment hit me up lee bob ross we will probably never hit you up if you see it you'll have to message us we've got hundreds of thousands of people who all want us to contact them for something and that's not humanly possible for what we have to do so if somebody wants something they'll have to contact us and even then we usually can't keep up with the request there's a ton of frog pins so if you're a frog lover old man said good night from the uk good night old man good night this old man he played one he played this one doesn't have a bat on my thumb with a knick-knack paddy whack give a dog a bone neil wants to know jeremy do you still have the parker do full pens that i asked you a month ago you said you have some about i looked on ebay nothing there neil i have no idea don't even remember you asking there's a frog pin but it looks like it's missing something if you saw it in one of the videos and if it was in ohio you'll have to wait for patience and christian to list it on ebay so anything that was in the videos i gave them the okay to list on the youtube ebay adam perkins just sent two dollars i found the coronavirus on the 23rd two weeks vacation oh my goodness this one's really pretty butterfly oh bethany actually said i have a nice singing voice oh nice we don't usually get those comments unless they saw me singing in the cave to you i think you have a nice voice fred says which video shop do you use i'm gonna show them the video shop app that i use here's a pin this i think is a hat pin all right i'm going to show you which video shop it's the app you can see it right next to the twitter so that's what the app looks like billy marie wants to know what size shoe do i wear that's in all the videos too i wear a 13 double wide here's a nascar pen it's pineapple nancy says this is weird i'm seeing bids but somebody's lagging whether it's nancy or somebody else make sure you guys refresh in between every lot that helps simply beautiful cake says i think you have a nice voice also and you can play the guitar good too this looks like a basket filled with sewing supplies so we're fooling somebody uh that app wasn't in focus all right that's it even though the app wasn't in focus hopefully that gave you guys a good enough look to know which app that would use for editing fred freer says i'm looking to start my own channel first part of the year so i was looking for an editor going to going to be about sports cards and reviews of products yeah i would suggest fred i would suggest do everything on your phone it's the fastest it's the easiest and it is also most convenient for on the go so you don't have to log a laptop or a computer with you everywhere you usually always have your phone chris wants to know how our patient's a christian they are doing absolutely incredible all right this is the pin lot 25 starting bid free shipping in the united states remember everything is as is no guarantees and no returns you got a bid fast you got a bit furious because you literally only have one minute to win it here we go assorted pin lock assorted pin lock brendan's in at 32 on the pins brendan is in at 32 dollars now vienna is in at 35 and dragon smoke came in at 60. 60 is the higher bid right now with dragon smoke 60s i did right now bear kitties in at 44. and brendan came in at 66. melbourne came in at 6 00 66 i've been with brendan brennan as well i had to do 66 albums now at 70. 70 with albert moore fred for years in at 68 but albert marcel high better at 70. i'm trying to be quiet because i know there's other people in this hotel but if i get too excited you might have to tell me to be quiet brown tg16 is now at 80. 80 is the high bid right now 80s i bet brendan came in at 70.50 but the high bid is right now it is 80. this is the assorted pin lot says cocky eighty dollars right now with brown tg16 eighty dollars for free gaming at 75 albums not at 85. 85 right now 85. 85 is the high bid with four three two and troy's none at 86. 86.86 i bid right now with troy s and and what's gonna happen what the hell is gonna happen it's gonna go so hold nice job oh my goodness melba didn't get the snipe in time at 90. troy 86 nice job all right troy s you're gonna send your youtube name your real name i'm assuming your real name is more than just s at the end so troy we also need your shipping address your high bid at 86 and the assorted pin lot send that over to what the hails yahoo.com george will get an email out to you tomorrow as far as an invoice you'll pay that invoice george will just need a little bit extra time to get that out in the mail to you okay and then backupbid was albert said my fingers aren't working tonight backup bid was troy got it at 86. albert albert is back up bitter at 85 albert if you want to go ahead and send us uh i think he was the first 85 yeah it was the only 85. so if you want to send us do you want to send us uh email as well on backupbid that'd be great all right all right next slide are men's watches watch a lot there's some really good ones in here really really good i think you were looking some of these up on ebay weren't yeah i did all right so normally we don't look anything up but she was looking some stuff up this one we actually found in florida last year did we really i think so it's missing the other watch but there's that watch still in it i got the hiccups again you have interchangeable bands or straps whatever you want to call it and then there's a hill figure watch men's watch this one appears to be all there there are some that don't have all the pieces but i'll i'll let you know which one that is here's a nice relic men's watch here's a nice bulova men's watch this one that one i think is perfect diane said we have lobes yeah i saw that in the chat i don't see the orbs here's an any car men's watch this is definitely a vintage watch penny cole said did you change the strings on your guitar yet not yet penny because the guitar is being stored outside underneath the camper once we get it in the house and i can keep it indoors then i'm going to change the strings but i have the strings i have everything you guys sent i have it with me in florida this one says diamond the one that i just showed was a u.s polo debbie von said i think the orbs are chicken feathers this one needs repaired that's it's broke by the strap right there it's an invicta so penny said do you need a humidifier do you know what a humidifier is for a guitar huh it's a little thing that you put inside so the so the wood doesn't get warped oh this is a mark echo watch this one needs repaired penny i don't have any humidifiers if if you want to send them i would more than use them but by no stretching the imagination should you ever feel obligated that you have to send anything this is a nice nixon watch sarah says she's got to go keep pushing love watching it thank you so much sarah we appreciate it here's a chrome watch penny said do you need anything else we need to be on the property penny if you can do anything to get us on the ranch we would appreciate it this one is an unlisted watch cindy said are you getting a florida p.o box anytime soon we actually have one but our address is the same in worcester the p.o box in wooster 106 everything gets forwarded to our worcester addre or excuse me to our florida address so everything is the same you send it to the normal address and it will get to us in florida there's a geneva watch mrs i am a supermom wants to know how you're feeling george i feel okay still this is a belovia watch cindy said will they forward a hammock yeah they will afford a hammock cindy she said i got one for you remember when i saw my hang hammocks everywhere on the property quastastron watch this one's missing a band julia wants to know is the house an auction win nope the property is not an auction win but you did see right we we bought 70 acres with a house and she said why is everybody moving to florida a lot of people are moving to florida from different states because these are all timex because the governor is a little bit more relaxed a little bit more relaxed in other words not trying to control everybody's life i think this one's a bolivia brenda wants to know do i have a little bit older uncle or brother that's unmarried with a personality similar to yours not flirting just think you have a nice personality in florida you needed the humidifier brenda i do have an older brother his personality is absolutely nothing nothing like mine as a matter of fact i have three brothers three brothers and none of them are like me well what about uncles do you have any single uncles uh they're all taken but still you're not gonna get anybody with my personality what about you she can just have you all right deal brenda i'm up for grabs bidding starts at 25 free shipping here in florida all right there's all the men's watch wait unless you have i thought you were just selling me you just said brenda could have me are you selling watches or me yes watches are going up becca just bid a million gummy worms for me so yeah i just figured you would accept that regardless because it's gummy worms no debbie von just gave 25 for me jk gave negative 10 you owe him money and mitchell said sold all right all right caught picking says priceless so all right so let's get back on track any aunties or cousins with your personality neil perry wants to know there ain't nobody out there quite like mary fowler says you are so unique jeremy that's probably there's probably a lot of truth to that so unique barricade says take my wife please my personality is one of those weird ones where i am so ridiculously driven hard-working good-looking humble and a sense of humor all right let's get this going brenda's like don't even think about it you guys george already said i can have it okay so we're selling the watches 25 starting bid free shipping in the united states remember everything is as is no guarantees and no returns we have not tested any of these you're getting them as we found them so we haven't tested anything you're getting it as i found it some may just need a battery change some may be working did you see if any were working did none of them have been tested all right none of them have been tested she put them all together and brought them probably all need new batteries all right so that being said says it's going to take more than 25 to ship you [Laughter] that being said you got a bit fast you got a bit furious you're bidding on watches not me watches you only got one minute to win it here we go here we go all right here goes the watches it's not oh there we go all right mark lopez is that on 125 125 confusion at 100 as well high bid right now is 125 sean bennett is on 177 177 i bid nothing came in at 100 preference came in at 125 and nasty but then 90. i bid right now still sean at 177 177 of the high bid brenda's 129 bethany at 150. brendan at 175 high bid is now tinker clunk at 225. 225 is high bid right now 225 is the high bid on the watches that's with free shipping 225 there are bids coming everywhere 225 sean bennett came in 185 225 is still the high bid for free gaming at 175 ticker club came in at 2 45. typically came in at 220 245 and i'm not sure why tinkerclub came in at 245 but b john is now at 288 288 is the high bid right now with five seconds to go 288 to be john in three two one 288 is my bid to win right now broccoli came in at 259. it is 288. tinkerclunk just missed it just missed the snipe at 3 10. just missed it who got it for 288 um i'll tell you in just a second john somebody did it was oh sean bennett missed it too okay it was yes it was wait yeah be john all right b john you got the watch lot so it's 288 b john you're gonna send us your youtube name your real name your shipping address your bid amount 288 and the lot which was the watch lot so 288 hot bid men's watch lot apparently there's more watches there's women's watches okay women's watches are coming next for everybody who has been on watches back up bitter bijan was at 288 backup bidder i believe was tinker clunk right no wait broccoli rum broccoli rob you are backup bitter at 259 broccoli rob what you want to do is send all that same information to what the hails at yahoo.com say i was backupbidder at 2 59 on the men's watch because now we're about to get crazy with the ladies watches here we go bringing the camera down you guys just feel like you got baptized and dunked under the water here's the women's lot women's watches this one's cute this one is esta rosa kelly said i live in minnesota my husband and i keep talking about leaving for texas or somewhere i wish we were brave enough i rarely have traveled so it scares me i live vicariously through your videos geneva what my encouragement would be this one's unbranded my encouragement would be live by faith and not by fear now here's a vintage seiko watch this one's worth money it's easy for me to say that because of here's a pulse because being self-employed knowing that i can generate i can generate the income that i generate anywhere and so it's easy for me to say that so i can get it's really pretty below that some people may go well i can't make the move because i can't afford it or i'm afraid because i don't know if i'll have income but you also don't know beverly hills polo club if you don't make the move you don't know that you won't be able to make the income so you may be able to make it you maybe will make it 10 times even better if you make the move this one says times square this is really pretty mark lopez there will be o lights tonight ada said they never had a mold when they made me nothing in the universe is like me charlie do you want to agree to that or disagree yeah you're definitely one of a kind not always in a good way timex just the phase excuse me what did you just say what's the face what what did you just say patricia this is a louis raphael james says i'm moving to texas my son wants to move to texas here's about boney boy concu said what was that george what did i say i forgot already um here's a tech it must be that good memory that you have must be that incredible memory that you have and then this one is don said i moved from georgia to florida i got a fully furnished condo on the beach 1300 a month utilities included cheaper than where he was at here's a really pretty seiko and then this is just the face this is a kathy ireland red fraggle said i got my first olight it's way better than i thought it was going to be definitely ordering more red fraggle 2019 they are so they are they are we didn't think they were gonna be that good i got my first one i was like no way this is amazing yeah yeah i was i was shocked when i got my first one and now i swear by them and i don't swear they're legit that's right they are they are all right here it is women's watch lot and back to you jeremy are we on good terms again are we good are we friends are you asking if we're friends again we can be frenemies if that which is that what you would prefer frenemies you want to be my is that arch-nemesis you want patricia all right whatever you say stanley 25 starting bid free shipping here in the united states this is the woman's watch lot everything is as is no guarantees and no returns nothing has been tested doesn't mean they don't work just means we didn't test and hopefully you got to see some of those and you are looking up on ebay that being said you got a bid fast you got a bit furious you only have one minute to win it let's do this and we're not turning are we mark says orbs orbs orbs all right i don't see any orbs either on my end i don't know they're all scene orbs somehow brendan is nf42 hawaiian 45 we got oranic diva at 50 and sean bet sean bennett is now at 101 101 is high bid right now brandon came in at 103 as well 103. sean came in 102 but brandon stella 103 103 is the high bid now don is in that 104. tasha said i would love to chris powers is now 110. and troyez said jeremy you need more sunscreen less sun mary's now 105. i think 1010 is five bid right now shawn was down at 109. melbourne came in at 105. handset has 90. organic dv is now in at 50 again we got about 15 seconds to go 15 seconds to go i forget what the high bid is now it's sean at 1 15. i think high bid is drawn at 115 metal gaming at 115 as well as sean has the first high bid at 115. 115. lee bob ross said get him an ice cream sandwich george actually went out and got me arby's ropes bee sandwiches sean's now 121. sean is at 121. this is a women's watch lot this is women's watch live by conkey shawn is at 121 at [Music] trying not to be too loud because there's people although there are dogs all over this hotel all night yeah all right sean is in at 121. sean is in at wait hold a second he might have had a bid debbie said at 115 or 121. um let me make sure sean was at 115 115. sean you got it at 115. i think sean was putting in a snipe at 121 because no because melba came in at 115 but you got first bid at 115 so you didn't have to bid again at 121. so shawn won 115 for the women's watch we have sean i have the watches and the other lot that you got all packaged and ready to go so once we get back i'll ship that along with these so hopefully you just heard what she said sean all right 115 sean you know exactly what to do melba you would be backup bitter but sean's always paid so you can send an email if you'd like to but it would just be extra time on you and sean always pays all right ready for an old white light oh apparently we're going oh light now talking about the old light now we're going olight here this one i have two olight lots tonight the first one is titanium oh white we're going full titanium tonight so in this one you'll get two sealed o lights that are the i3t eos ti version these are the slim edc flashlights it doesn't say lumens but you'll get two of those and then sealed brand new in the package you'll get the the um titanium olight that's the winter too and then that comes this one i probably i probably didn't even take the piece out yet did i i don't know i didn't check so remember when you get these you see that i haven't even taken the tab out so you will you'll want to remove that tab when you get these so here's the charger you plug this into the usb or you can put it in an adapter box and then it's the magnet and the magnet sticks to the bottom and that's how you charge it these are really neat oh they're amazing the charging is incredible so you get three flashlights oh wiseguy 67 wife got me a marauder two for christmas and i love it wise guy i got the marauder too we got the marauder too because we're going to go out alligator we're going to go searching for alligator at night so we can see the eyeballs the marauder 2 is amazing 14 000 lumens it's it's like a ray of sunshine it's amazing magnet charger awesome all right three flashlights with this lot you ready all right three o lights everything and this is the titanium oh light lot everything is as is and this one does come with a guarantee because they're brand new because yeah these they're sealed so and this has never been used so we can guarantee these they did not come from the storage unit and 25 starting bid free shipping in the united states you got a bid fast you got a bit furious you only have one minute to win the olight lot if it starts let's see is it gonna start um it might it could start internet's a little spotty thinking about starting it's trying to start let's see if we can start it again they're bidding already i'm still trying to get them to 60 seconds trying to get them the minute to win it and and there are bids everywhere here we go now all right you got a little bit more than a minute to win it okay i don't even know where the bids are at but i see shirley pearl at 50 i see caught picking at 85. uh jack jack lofante is at 110 110 is highest but i see right now jenny does nothing's at 125. 125 is the highest bid we got toys at 99.95 mark lopez is at 120. lisa's in a 100 there are bids everywhere deborah's in at a hundred shawn is in at one on 120. we got alvin at 1 30. albert moore is out i think he means 130. ian's number one mom is at 150. john rogers at 250 right now 250 is the high bid john rogers is at 250 with about 20 seconds to go 250 is the high bid right now on the olight titanium lot oh light titanium lot there are a lot of bids coming in jeremy george i love you happy new year happy new year to youtube peggy happy new year brendan said 250 i am out toy says i'm out as well and theresa came in at 200 high bid is still 250 fast ends in that 141. and 250 still looks like it's the high bid right now let's see what happens sold all right let's see who got that who got it for 250 and it was john john roger you're high bidder john you're a high bidder so what you're going to do is you're going to send your youtube name your real name your shipping address and your bid amount 250 for the titanium make sure you state the titanium olight lot you're going to send that email to whatthehails yahoo.com george will get you an invoice sent out probably tomorrow and then once you pay she'll get that package out she will need a couple extra days to get the package out since we are on the road and then backup bidder so that was 250 what would backup backup bidder would have been [Music] theresa i think you are backup bidder teresa johnson i think your backup bidder at 200. so if you want to share the exact same information what the hell's at yahoo that would be great thank you so much teresa all right next lot is the red and green olight this comes with a s r or s two r baton 2. this probably has never been used either right it's all brand new and then it comes with the charger again this is it's a magnet charger so that's how you charge it so this is a pretty green and then this is the warrior mini in red same thing comes with the charger goes right down there and then you also get a brand new mitt raider plus this is also a tactical flashlight which means you can use it as a weapon because it has the edges at the bottom rosie said let me win so this one has on the back has two different modes mode 1 mode 2 and then mode 1 goes up to 800 lumens and then mode 2 goes down to 15 lumens so you get these three in the lot this one's slightly taller than the red and the green all right these are all brand new as well george is taking my flashlights she actually let me keep one we're the one though that you're letting me keep my new my new tactical one she went i'm selling these and then she she looks at me and she goes do you want to keep this one i'm like hails yes i do this is one of the tactical ones so she's letting me keep one of the tactical ones don't look at me that way i have a tactical flashlight i have weapons too you know i got two yeah but mine's bigger because size matters all right so this is another o light lot right here 25 starting bid you do have a guarantee on these these are brand new these they've never been used so you're getting personal hails olights and uh well let's just get to it you got a bit red and green o light red and green oh lights you got a bit fast you got a bit furious because you only have one minute to win it let's do this all right we got caught picking at 65 65's high bid right now cockpit and mark lopez is in at 125. 125 is a high bid right now mark johnson just came in at 150. 150 there are bids everywhere i can't even keep up the highest bid i've seen so far 150 top came in at 140. 140 is the backup bid and we have the oh patty is now out 200. petty worldly is in that 200 200 high bid right now on the red and green oh light lock 200 and i bid and there are a bunch of other bids there's 175 155 160 122 144 180. john rogers is now in that 250 250 on the red green oh light lot as well john rogers in that 250 brandon mitchell came in at 206 and paddy's 210 250 is the high bid right now with john rogers 250 with about 15 seconds to go brandon just came in 250 and 50 cents paddy just came in at 251. 251 right now as a high bid right now 251 and mark lopez said dang it with two one 252 mark johnson mark jackson is now at 252 mark jackson's 252 albert moore just came into 255 and and albert moore's now 25 and seoul to albert moore nice job albert all right albert you know exactly what to do wow all right uh you guys are rosie's win all right albert you're gonna send your youtube name real name shipping address your bid amount which was 205 and then you're going to say the red green o light you're going to send that to what the hails yahoo.com and you'll be ready to go all right next slide are sterling crosses sterling crosses derrick just wants to know albert can he buy one for 75 that's what he wants to know sterling crosses there's four crosses in this lot four crosses three have identifying sterling markers and then the other one doesn't have a marker but it looks and acts just like silver so we are not going to call it silver because we don't know there is no none of this has been tested even if it has a sterling mark doesn't mean it's silver because we have not tested it although george is telling you she saw three markings so here's the first one this is a really really pretty cross and it comes with the chain the chain does need cleaning so if you guys have that cloth that cleans it and then cross the sterling marker is on the back of the cross and then on the chain it says sterling on one of the links here's the front of the cross it looks like one of the stones fell out on this side but the rest are there we're getting a lot of emails on all of the lots we're getting just as many emails asking am i blocked in my band what did i do same as usual a lot of times the trick is just logging off your account and logging back on or they said something stupid or did something stupid and they got banned this one this is the one that didn't have any sterling markers but there's the cross we just got the email on the red and green oh light lot judith moore sent five dollars what's the name of the flashlight you bought to see the alligator eyes is it good for power outs it is the marauder 2 it is the olight made yeah any of them are good for light makes the marauder two and any of the flashlights are incredible in the lanterns every single we got lanterns we got night lights every single sterling in the back uh light that they put out we love they're in all of our videos there's a link so if you go to the video even this video right now if you go to the description there's going to be a link for the olights now the chain says sterling or 925 on it but the chain was so fragile that it broke k mccoy wants to know do the crosses say five or is it the chains this one has 925 on the back of the actual cross and it also has 925 um on the class but this one the chain is so fragile that it broke when we found it thanks for holding on to his stuff you're welcome you want to do a down look at it all right so there's the four there's the four crosses adam perkins sent two dollars he said my first account got blocked lol i'm more careful now [Laughter] we have a no tolerance policy it is literally no tolerance zero policy we don't mess around we do not mess around we are too busy to we have a lot of fun joking with with all of our viewers but negativity and all that all right so we got the four crosses nobody can see there you go okay all right 25 starting bid free shipping in the united states remember everything is as is no guarantees even though george is saying it has markings on it what does have markings that doesn't mean it's absolutely guaranteed for silver we did not do a metal test so again no guarantees no returns and you got to bid fast you got a bit furious because you literally only have one minute to win it let's go here we go fast ed just sent five dollars so did you accept that did you set their towers now based on the titles of the videos i think we're there all right iggy is in 125 that's the i see bids everywhere but iggy is the highest one that i saw at 125 brandon came in at 101 i think shawn mack is a 120 but still brandon at 125 125 is a high bid high bid is 125 right now with this with the crosses john roger came in at 150. 150 mike said i love the live chat so much fun to watch we love them too so much fun to interact with the community have so much fun with the hills family john rogers in that 150 on the necklaces lacrosses and brandon said man john rogers are buying everything tonight 150 john rogers 150. one lot so far and search chihuahua said jeremy say hi to maya hi maya and a48 said can i get blocked please one second i'll take care of that a 48 and oops and you are now yep you're blocked done deal all right uh i think albert moore josephine rivera dom just sent 4.99 thank you so much how's it going it's going incredible and hi bitter was it albert i was in the middle of blind no john roger okay john roger you are a high bidder on the crosses so you know what to do send your youtube name real name shipping address your high bid amount at 150 and then the cross lot to what the hell's at yahoo.com and then i believe wait hold a second wait wait wait wait wait i screwed up i screwed up albert moore and they're probably telling me right now jeremy you screwed up albert moore you are the high bidder at 155. so so john you are the backup bidder albert moore your high bidder 155 i'm sorry i got i got a little off track blocking the person that wanted to get blocked so that being said that being said albert go ahead and um go ahead and send all of your information and you know exactly what to do you know what to do i'm sure the mods already said conkey's flipping adventure said jeremy can i get a million dollars in monopoly money monopoly money is all yours next monopoly game i find in a storage unit that money's going to you that money is going to you all right next lot is the 14 karat gold men's lot so this one has a green uh stone in the middle and then inside is a marking that says 14 karat gold electro-plated teddy vaughn said jeremy can you mail me a gator hmm we'll have to think 14 karat gold electro plated on this one and i don't know the size size sorry it's got my thumb wears a size nine and or eight and there's plenty of room in there so i'm guessing maybe an a 10 would be my best guess john said hi guys always love your work love your business attitude thanks for the fun thank you for watching john we truly appreciate it next ring is the skull ring and the eye has like a green stone jk said debbie von you mean the lunch bites we should do an alligator lunchables this doesn't have a 92k or sterling marking on it so it's probably stainless steel would be my guess this is a really cool ring and then this ring doesn't have a sterling or 92k marking so you get those three chris wiley said they used to be able to mail baby gators my gram sent me one from florida years ago i kept it for two years oh how cool yeah i think they send them in like wooden crates just those three rings as the lot cindy wants to know are you all getting married george's dad has not sent me a dowry yet i'm holding out for camels goats and gators so i'll i'll let you guys know if i ever get that dowery uh i might need that flashlight again to poke you in the eye you very funny jeremy why you know carl why you know carl are you ready yup i'm ready okay peggy said no sheep sheep are so overrated i want peacock pygmy goats pygmy i want fainting pygmy goats all right um this is the ring lot i did not listen to anything george said so whatever george said this is the men's ring men's ring lot 25 starting bid free shipping in the united states remember everything is as is there are no guarantees even if george read out a marking none of this has been metal tested make sure you bid appropriately you can win and then metal test it but none of it has been metal tested we found it we're sharing it with you and i think the skull ring is pretty cool it does look really cool you got a bit fast you got a bit furious because you literally only have one minute to win it tina wants some iguanas here we go this is the ring lot here we go all right we got kevin vale at 25 25's i did right now brandon came in at 44 40 99 40 to high bid right now and can you read comments and sing at the same time liz i don't know if i can on nah cause like a tim is at 35 but linda said the skull is the bomb dot com all right call jimmy mcgillison at 50 right now randy came in at 51. rainey came in at 51.51 i bid 30 seconds to go men's ring lot we're at 51 dollar bill said you 51 dollars of high bid right now looks like we got 20 seconds to go john carson now and that's 60. men's bringing a lot three in the rings sixty dollars with high bid free shipping this one's not included uh the one on her finger is not included she said that was the one that she wears all the time john is on at 60 60 and no camden said hi 81 is the highest apparently i am off i got off track 81 apparently is the highest somewhere somewhere i haven't seen it all right now i gotta figure this out sean matt came in at seven foot zero we're gonna have to figure that out all right uh sing me okay you guys help me out who was it i don't even know debbie's saying to sing me a love song at 89. okay sing me a love song at 89. congratulations i didn't even see it so sing me a love song at 89 you know what to do send your youtube name real name shipping address your bidding amount 89 and men's ring lot what the hell's at yahoo.com and then backupbidder backupbidder whoever the backup bidder was you can do the exact same thing exact same thing all right next slot is women's rings before the free women's rings is next women's rings is next we go with women's rings all right the first one comes in this cute little pink box with the bow here's the ring it looks like the center gem is like a black onyx but none of this has been tested and then there's a stamping in size that says 925 inside the band adam perkins just sent five dollars today's my wife's nicole's 31st can she get a happy birthday happy birthday nicole happy birthday to you happy birthday nicole don't know what size this is i thought you were gonna i thought you were just gonna maybe eight step in with me no because it fits my thumb and my thumb i wear a size eight camden wants to know do we do sports lots we absolutely do sports lots we just didn't bring that on the road with us next ring is this becca said today's the day i got engaged to my fiance david underwood last year nice purple stone and then it has stones along this side it also has more stones along this side inside the band is the 925 marking this fits my thumb so it's probably a size 8. jamie wants to know are elvis betta tapes worth anything jamie we'll tell you the same thing we get emails and emails and emails and emails from people wanting us to let them know if their item is worth something we tell you how to do that in the videos you get on ebay look at the sold we can't look people's stuff up for them so go on ebay look in the sold and you will find out exactly what your items are worth and josh 299 do you do lego watts josh when we have lego times we'll lot them up for you there is no marker on this ring and then the last one well look at that they all fit my thumb so i wear a size eight on my thumb this one has like um like almost like a pearl becca said then on the inside actually notice me thanks and then on the inside it's marked 925. becca we didn't think you would notice us so so thank you thank you no no thank you it's much easier for us to read comments during the auction like when george is showing i can read comments during the actual live stream live stream before the auction it's impossible for us we have to go back and read everything later okay so four rings in this line sorry butterfingers she dropped one let's make sure it's okay everything's cool it's fine okay all right uh becca's saying moonstone or opal we don't know it could be a mood ring i don't know it hasn't changed yet i didn't see what she put up there so let me see that one i think she's asking about this one if whether it's moonstone it's not opal it's definitely not opal whether you would call it moonstone whether you would call it moonstone or not it's going to be too hard to focus right now not opal all right green to red is saying yes moonstone i would call it mother of pearl t-bird is the same mother pearl i would call it mother yeah it's got like a pearl like i've seen what moonstone looks like this has more of a pearl feel okay not that i'm tired but 25 starting bid free shipping in the united states and everything is as is no guarantees no returns you got a bit fast you got a bit furious because you literally only have one minute to win it come on flip on me flip flip flip flip come on all right brendan mitchell's in at 31. 31 is high bid right now vienna came in at 5050 is high bid bonnie flowing came in for d as well we got kate mccoy 75 another health keith is at 75 we got katherine katie is there one one one one one that's a lot of ones five one's an old whoa but he's number one mom it's not 120. 120 is a high bid 120 with ian's number one mom with about 30 seconds to go now aaron wood is in a 160. aaron woody is at 160 160 is the high bid that ian's number one mom at 120 and aaron what is now 160 paul flex at 115. we got ends number one moms now 161. conquer saying this is the women's rock chris this is the women's ring lot crystal earl's now 167. 167 is the high bid with about 12 seconds to go actually nine eight and it looks like we're getting down to the fives and then four and then three ian's number one mama's at 168. he came in at 168. yeah alright came at 170. okay 168. 11. it is 170 is the whoa kathy buckner came in at 170. kathy buckner wait wait no wait that wasn't cathy el corey oh my goodness i'm all over the place when i tell you hey it's easier for me to read comments during the auction don't believe me e l corey nice job you are high bidder at 170 el you're going to send your youtube name your real name shipping address your bid amount 170. and ring a lot you're going to tell george that's the women's ring lot to what the hails at yahoo.com backup bidder was kathy buchner at 168 11 i believe because everybody else was at 168. yes kathy buckner you are backup bitter at 168.11 so if you want to email uh george as well and say hey i was back up better at 168.11 if they don't pay i would love the lot that would be great all right next one is free free oh light now oh i only have giveaways for the two first people free olights rosie and mark this one says oh light friendship and then inside is another titanium olight and then the special thing about this one it says friendship 2020 and then it also says what the hell so since today is the last sunday there is of the year 2020. there is only one of these ever made i thought this would be an appropriate giveaway there will never be another one this is the only one in the package it is the only one ever ever made yes so again friendship 2020. today is the last sunday of 2020. dania said this is free she says what the hell's you're gonna have to answer the question all right this is the free lot y'all george wouldn't let me keep this one i had a custom made and she said you're giving it away i went you chose the orange one she said i could have the orange one or my custom made one and i chose the orange one so if you're the first poker in the eye if you're the first person to answer the trivia question now is the perfect time to make sure you are on live chat and not top chat and make sure you refresh first person to answer the trivia question we'll get the what the hell's friendship 2020 oh light faux free and then whoever the second person is you also get old lights but you get more like old lights oh light accessories so the first one is an olight multi-tool you'll get that you'll get this olight pouch you'll also get a sing me a love song we did get your email get an olight magnet it's like a halloween themed magnet and then you'll also get illuminate your world oh light this is probably a like cup you put your cupcakes amy wood wants to know if me and you can say hi what do you think sure you first hi amy hi amy and then you get a flip and then this hangy thing all right so if you're the third second three lots here tonight okay two olight free lots tonight remember we try to give a trivia question from the least viewed video of the week because we very intentionally want to give our super fans the best opportunity to win something free from us they are exactly what the name says they are super yes coaster thank you they are a fan they they faithfully watch the videos and um we appreciate that very much because we're humbled that even one person watches let alone all of all of the um kathy white says my finger is ready again make sure you guys are in live chat not top chat make sure you refresh because you you want to be the first one to win this albert we did this albert we got your email george will look into all of that don't worry about it all right so here's the deal uh we bought seven units just 15 minutes away from from the city where we will be living hopefully someday um we are there on the campground in the city so 50 minutes away we bought seven units this is the first location since we've been in florida in 2020 and we saved the last unit which we thought was the best unit number seven and in number seven um there was there was some pretty cool stuff there's some pretty cool stuff um no doubt the very first very first tote was filled with toys sealed so a guy like me that loves toys that was amazing but then there were trunks and not only were there trunks there were dressers as well so getting into the dressers that was fun too getting into the trunks was fun so the one trunk had a ton of ton of comics i mean like what a way to start a ton of comics that was so cool are they guessing already they are we haven't even asked the truth they're like pokemon cards batman pokemon cards comics star wars the dump might be at home um so i'm just prepping you for the question get a front load and then let it loose all right so basically i think they're they're warming up making sure that they're in live chat not top chat and that they've refreshed and that their fingers are ready to go all right you know what let's just ask the question because they're so ready to win this is the one this is the only olight in the world like this 20 20. this is pills again yes inside of the dresser there was a shirt it said the number one rule what was the number one rule on the shirt inside the dresser put your answers in the chat you have a minute to put your answers in the what was the number one rule on the shirt what was the number one rule number one rule on the shirt number one rule keep your guesses coming you have 42 seconds left to put your answers in the chat number one rule on the shirt number one rule on the shirt i'm seeing all kinds of stuff like don't be a wiener which that was there was a shirt but the shirt literally said number one rule and then it said boom this was the rule this was the rule so and then it said flip to the other side 10 seconds left remember george don't be a wiener kelly nelson put i love wieners was that a shirt a time it should be all right um we are very looking for a specific answer as the shirt said the number one rule and the number one rule for the number one the only one like it in one this world kind there will never be another like it in the world it is a what the hell's 2020 olight the answer is kelly said i love wieners i wish it was i love wieners because that would be hail's hilarious uh casey said i must have it that might go with the i love wieners um jay said magic the gathering conkey said is that what is that you see what conkey said yeah do you see what he said yeah do you see what conkey says i see what gong you see what conkey said yeah cocky said i'm always right he is right he is right cronky you just won the one and a q one of a kind wow wow the friendship 20 20 what the hell's olight there you don't even need a coa it's already engraved on it the coa is literally right there it says what the hails so wow wow wow wow cocky nice job you have been watching your videos who's our second person second person is so conkey came in first i'm always right and then chris james came in always stay safe not it but ian's number one mom said i'm always right is number one mom was right second to guess it nice job nice job nice nice job wow so ian's number one mom gets the second olight package very cool very cool i didn't think anybody would get that and yet here they are where you guys are taking me here they are you either have incredible memory which neither of us do anymore we're losing our memories comes with age or you guys literally watch the video right before the live and it's fresh in your head that might be it that might be just being right yeah it might just be that could be exactly jk says i'm always wrong apparently i am too all right what a hails of a night and what a hails of a year 2020 was absolutely incredible 2021 is right around the corner the next time we go live with you guys it'll be a new year 2021 has a lot of fun things in store and part of that is the florida adventure for us and part of that is getting on the property so we can expand not only what the hales youtube channel but what the asmr youtube channel as well we're looking forward to that we look forward to growing with you as what the hell's family and we look forward to iguanas falling out of the sky what else do we have to share tonight george thank you guys so much for hanging out with us it was fun you guys make our sunday evenings fun and you help us forget about our problems and uh we'll see you guys next sunday next sunday more free stuff same time same place right here on what the hills i swear love you guys have a good night i'm not square i'm circular adam says thank you thank you adam we appreciate it good night everyone
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 91,418
Rating: 4.8791037 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit gold, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, self storage, how to make money
Id: 2fJtEu4qh44
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 160min 0sec (9600 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 27 2020
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