The PREVIOUS OWNER DIED And Left All This Behind

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the previous owner died [Music] robbie just called us told us there was an emergency we came out we drove about an hour and a half take a look around take a look around okay now there are a lot of people here i honestly don't know what we've gotten ourselves into look right here no trespasser but we got about got about 10 people here and we happen to be one of them robbie's coming for me you're going to tell me what we're actually gonna tell us what the hells we're doing here all right here's what happened there was an old man who gave me babies and reminds me of you exactly exactly he had a belly like this and what would happen is he loved him he had a bunch of animals and he took care of him you know but that was his life purpose and then he became ill and he couldn't take care of the animals anymore yeah and because he was hospitalized and then he passed away so the animals got left here my neighbor was taking care of them the best she could so we got to get everything out of here we're going to take all the turtles take him back to the farm robbing him you know a lot it's an obsession i love doodles this looks like look at all the animals all the aquariums i mean this is like an outhouse for the uh an outbuilding for all the animals wow i gotta admit it definitely smells like animals i'm holding my breath okay there must have been birds up here look at all these tubs i spot turtles one is that a turtle or is that a rock okay you can't tell from that angle one two three four five six seven eight nine hi buddy there's one two three four or five six like i've ever seen this made turtles nine oh they're gonna go to an awesome home three more in here hi guys anything in here more more tubs robbie what do you what do you need to put the turtles in um i was able to grab two of the crates in the back of the van he's right there i'll go grab them oh do you think there's any way oh my goodness these are all the other animals that they're they're taking there's a kitty i see a kitten another kitty another kitty you think we'll be able to take the chickens they're either gonna give them to robbie tell them we'll take them yeah hello they're beautiful oh one just laid an egg it laid an egg we got to take these back for the turtles that's that's gotta be where all the food was oh yeah all right we gotta we gotta get these around i got him robbie we're coming here you told me two i'll go back and get a third i knew i should have brought more than two where are the chickens going i got them you taking the chickens you want them i do i wanted some do you i figured robert robbie if he doesn't want him i'll take them no you can have some of them because you need some but i only need like two chickens for our roots okay we have a total of five there you go okay all you gotta do is sign adoption papers all right you what kind of turtles are these they're just common snapping turtles but they do have a good bite so you do have to be careful with them and uh common snapper not an alligator snapper but still take your finger off at this like remember our alligator snappers how they have the three rows these have like a slight robe but nothing like the alligators these guys heads are more flexible so they they're longer necks they're longer necks they can actually get back and they they would be able to take my finger oh yeah easy well you can see the size of that one's head right you see his head right there now i can't point too close because if i do he literally can come right up and thank your fingers three feet up again he's not gonna strike like a dog i won't be picking my nose see how the ridges run they run back towards this way that's how you know his tail is right there you want me to get a third crate just in case um you can't yeah they were you didn't starve them how much do you think he weighs ah that's a good bit he's probably 45-50 pounds oh there he goes he saw him stand up like that you don't think he'll go for the stick well he went for it pop goes the turtle now you saw how i did that right jeremy yep all right you're gonna get in here get the smaller one [Music] one more turtle in here that we can't see where is it we don't know but there's the big one so that's the one you're gonna grab okay and then you might have to get another crate because this one is close to that size but so his tail is to be which way back there so tails going to be back here look at the shell which way do the scoots go go back they go back the tails towards the back where the spikes point to like so definitely back here does it feel like it you know you know my fingers are callous from playing guitar i'm not sure so you think tail is i'm going to say tail is right here right here so we want to go oh look there's the tail grab the fat part of the tail then now slide your other hand up under the shell no not from the side from straight back now stop right there let her let the turtle grab your hand and hold your wrist like right like i did like with her feet yeah okay now support okay so pick her up in support like this yep and no get your hand on the bottom of the carapace the shell there it goes there you are whoo now see this turtle's actually got something going on in the head he's got a little funk right there yeah looks like she has a sore what we'll do is we'll put some betadine on there and put her in the lake yeah these guys are great you know they've been around for so long their antibodies in there are so strong oh she's got a big sword yeah she's got a big chunk it looks like another one bitter probably and uh that's probably what it was but they're they're in good health and you don't normally see where the thankfully i didn't get it they've been bad you have all eight fingers yeah you could tell this guy loved these turtles because all of them looked real another set of eight that well to be honest [Laughter] there's supposed to be another one in here but it must be really small because i don't see anything there's one more in there i think i thought i saw a third one well jeremy's using them definitely let me see get that out that's a box turtle [Music] i thought i saw something else move next to the other one so we'll find out go this way right here right along this edge nothing but leave so far see but the turtles love that because they can they mess around no they feel more secure [Music] looks like it might be too [Music] it might have been just that one's head moving around well you know what the reality is those two are so big what if the tail just kind of went up a little bit and then that looked like movement and then that could be it that could be it maybe these two were a breeding pair uh it looks like two females one two three four five six seven ninety one of them he said he wanted them all and jeremy's gonna deliver except i can't see where i'm going george [Laughter] make a hard right make a hard race uh-huh keep going there you go you're doing great snapper looking over here snapper snapper what are you talking about all these snappers there's just cooters what cooter everywhere apparently there you go there's cooter everywhere look here's some different cooter over here look at this see look at that and look at that size does matter that's that box turtle is it a box turtle no it's a cooter another cooter yes okay so there were oh the shells are different cooter is just like the computer but it's a it's a cousin species so look at that hi buddy you're okay you're going to an awesome home at robbie's farm where cooters are welcome i like turtles too remember the old story i told you about finding a giant snapper almost took my arm off yeah so much bigger than this one robbie wants me to get it out to the road but if i put my fingers in here for the for the crate i'm gonna lose my fingers so i'm gonna have to do a little something oh it just went where my finger careful all right i gotta do it like this george yes they're so big they're mixed black and white you know why we got to have them right because it reminds you of us yeah it's me and you that's me and you right there they're so mild mannered too look and what about okay now robert these two robbie is gonna take these two here okay so he's got a pure black one and a pure white one you know why because it symbolizes our relationship it symbolizes our relationship and robbie can't forget about us okay so it'll be a reminder of us i'm the black one definitely this is george right here the one in the black that's true are you calling me a chicken he's calling you a chick what chicken butt exactly or turtle butt yeah in this case it'd be terrible you love turtles so much we're gonna get you in there we're to put three crates in here well two crates two crates one for the big one two and the other one what kind of turtles are these these are sausages soft shells florida soft shells they look amazing i've never seen a florida soft shell this is gorgeous tried to grab a florida sausage no you're going to tell me how there's a first time for everything oh boy now i'm going to tell you something all right you put your hand in there when their heads in there they can't put their head out or bite you okay so see dog looking a little nervous there buddy you okay how many fingers let's do finger check i'm done i'm done that's seven i count seven see how i got him yeah you got right above his head though i'm trying to hold his head in there but they're so they're fine yeah remember do not do it remember remember if you put your fingers in there it won't bite you 10 feet tall he stacked them on his toes carried them here i think i think they will get you yeah they will how about oh my goodness how about i just grab them from the back of the shell and i don't mess around with their hair all right they'll reach around i gotta ask you are you okay ah this is nothing for you right it's it's just a flesh wound just a battle scar that their their neck is that long they can get to the back of the shell yes holy cow so you're gonna they they got fat necks so they can't fit their whole head in their shell jeremy's down to seven fingers can he watch you do another one and then he'll do the last one because i'm gonna throw the baby one back in and eat that one soft shell okay that's the back of the turtleneck see how slippery they are though because they're soft shells it didn't look like he wanted to bite you he didn't try at all that's good that one looked easier i'm gonna i'm gonna try the big one and i'm gonna try that method robbie just did without putting my hand in so the second method you're gonna get any more blood he's definitely bleeding definitely bleeding why'd you leave the big one for me because you're the one who says size matters that's true own up to it no he kicked right out don't quit don't get me i got him i got him i told you they're slippery who's stacked he's ten foot tall okay all right i dropped him but the good news is he does have a shell and i'm sure this will be all over social media because there's like 10 cameras on us right now it'll be everywhere [Laughter] all right captain fumble nuts robbie robbie i got a plan this time you got to be careful these bite worse than this awesome but here's the plan what's the plan you're just going to set it up like this i'm going to chase them all over so they come so they come in he's going to try and hurt them he's going to try to hurt them okay those ones aren't moving okay you do that jeremy come on jeremy go ahead heard come on you heard come on what are these called again come on oh come on what are these called these are all different types of cooters i got some good cooter over here just say just say release the cooters and they'll go release the cooters keep going jeremy all right i got you i got you so far rodney's got three they're starting they're starting to go the right direction come on guys i think you're helping out a little come on guys z how do you think he's doing let's go for it jeremy you're good at this come on come on let's go he's more like supervising than rescuing him robbie's running circles right now come on come on come on let's go let's go come on i'm almost there excuse me i'm almost there come on come on that's a good boy three in this group and we got room come on for one more and this is great part of me and that that my friends that's how you heard that's how you heard turtles that's how you do it good job good job oh my god that's a that's up in pennsylvania's uh friend of mine who lives in columbus ohio knew larry this is larry's wife colleen terry wilkinson and he used to work for columbus zoo and uh he owns a big reptile breeding place in columbus ohio and that's not a reptile no that's a giant annie that is a giant those are one of the coolest animals it's wait so if you look at that thing you you'd be like how could that be mean they have claws like this big yeah they're crazy that's one of the animals that actually spooked me one time so you knew of larry right and now all of larry is so weird all of larry's loves and his passions and his animals and you guys moved to florida going to get swamped 31. i moved here 26 years ago wow that is that's wild that's insane that is wild that is so we have no clue that you knew him before we were right no clue at all wow that is amazing it's george and jeremy this one's gorgeous it's got green black new their new home green kisses look at them kissing on camera wait wait yeah they are kissing on camera they're besties for the rusties this is their new home there we go this is where robbie will keep them robby you'll keep them in here for a week we'll keep them in here for a week then we'll let them out with uh mr deville and then we'll have little chickens they'll do great here the other ones that look like these everything that looks like that yeah wait everything that looks like this yeah everything that looks like a snapping turtle but isn't a snapping turtle right okay i mean even their even their feet their tails everything's so fat everything looks like a snapping turtle on these guys everything does okay let me see what i can find their shells are interesting hey how do turtles how do turtles get themselves back up like this oh just like that okay like that okay now robbie why we're here on turtles we can tell male and female by this part of the shell right wrong no underneath okay we know about here no no water turtles are there so water turtles you look at the length of the tail if i can grab its tail these guys are so fat that he's gotta be tucked up do we need some butter or some wd-40 all right look at this tail see how short that is female okay and the vent is so close there that's a female okay and see how long her nails are uh-huh that's for digging okay nails have shorter nails and they have long look that's a male see how long and curved that tail is and his vent will be way out here that way he can mount the turtle okay okay we've got quite a few more what's that put us at these are these are a type of wood turtle wood that's what she said we're good where are we going we're in the cayman pond we're gonna let the wood turtles go how much wood would a wood turtle would if a wooden hood would would that's a very good question i'm glad you asked z dog he's actually he's got the lookout for any cayman and the cayman won't bother the turtles they're perfectly fine right these cayman are so well fed do you think they want to go after anything alive they're like please people bring me my food [Music] how many total did we have seven number seven going to heaven right here be free friends be free watch this turtle slide big on bagel now these guys have a nice big pond and they're gonna be really happy in here they're sharing it with damon but the gay men are gonna not mind them at all do you recognize him robby [Applause] he's a big boy good no snacks for you fella let's see one two three four five z dog just said to me whatever you say rookie whatever you say i'm gonna show you how to do it see z dog is getting him now his sweet spot you got that i see the piggies and the spy one two three four there's mama six six six seven six sorry i had soft shell turtle oh there's a soft shell loose in the dam no there wasn't no there was two small ones there was right soft shell loose in the van go find them what's it look like um it's about the same size as this one i'll figure it out it looks like it's twin you're so odd looking [Music] like part turtle part something else alien yes part alien part turtle no and the alligator won't bother it right well once they're in here they'll be fine the third soft shell in the water see how flimsy their shell is jumped in with the snapping turtle once they go out in the water they'll be fine because the alligators won't mess with them did you hear that watch all right you've been assigned to release the first snapping turtle oh it's going for that's the third time it's gone for me okay you gotta grab it by its base of your tail base face and then slide your hand underneath all the way underneath everyone let me come on come on literally is fighting against him because his legs are because the legs are clamped well so it makes it it's better than the jaws being clamped on yeah all right come on come on wow okay there we go all right they waste no time that's the first release okay and as soon as as soon as that snapper gets under the duckweed well it's pretty much a game of duck duck goose and gators will never find it all right what should he do next robbie go with the little saw shell put that in there soft shell okay uh where's the head on the snapper okay soft shell here we go there we go there you go buddy now the saw shells are super cool because they'll bury down in the sand and their necks are so long they'll reach out to breed we're gonna go for another snapper right here yep doesn't want it but it's gonna get it here we go all right oh here we go get on out there don't hesitate keep going she's digging down with her claws yeah they dig down in the mud too george yes don't worry but you're right by a soft shell and almost tried to bite you tried to bite your butt forward it was the big one here we go soft shell look how cool that is i was just saying they look like part turtle part alien so amazing z okay there we go okay you're gonna do this look at that soft shell look at this thing look at it they're also called the pig nose do you know why because the squiggly joint kind of slinky tail joint no not the tail but look at the nose it looks like a pig's nose get your finger off close there it's okay he'll go for your finger yeah he will he literally you're only down to seven what's another one look at that it's just digging down it's digging down right there all right i'm gonna give this soft shell a little more see there you go skip all right and you know what i'm actually i'm going to give it a love push yep this one's digging down is it premature to dig down yeah you're not deep enough yet should i grab her grab her tail again yeah looks like a painted turtle from ohio a little skippy there oh digging straight down okay you see all the mud uh-huh all right um so they can hold their breaths for a very long time i don't know if that's far enough okay oh there she goes she's good now going now yep okay turtle number boy i don't even know we lost count how they skip yeah the skippity dude jeremy's out here skipping turtles this isn't skipping rocks this is how many skips i can get on this [Music] it took a hard left the goal keep that keep that shell up a little bit i need to give that one some encouragement is it easier with gloves on um yeah much easier because you've got the little grippers on the you've got grippers on your rubber grip no don't come back don't come back he wasn't ready no regerts said no don't put me in here i see a big gator there that one get out there that one's surfed nicely okay one more one more crate one more crate wait can i see his face before you throw him in hi buddy you're okay yeah you're okay okay we'll try and get this one out there a little further that's a good one that was that's a good skip two more to go and then we have to go check for baby lemurs okay we gotta check for baby lemurs then we gotta catch all the big tortoises and put them up tonight that was a good skip that was good it was going to be out there having fun okay okay last one opinion you know how much all the turtles most of them are getting out there now all right here we go my grandma taught me this move this is the old granny move okay isn't that how you bowl i'm pretty sure that's how you roll at the bowling alley too now you see robbie's keeping the gator away so they can get out in the marsh and get established get a territory they got so much room out here oh my goodness so much room do the turtles eat the duckweed the turtles that we threw in here willy duckweed and there's a ton of duckweed we're talking duckweed for days for them here in other vegetation water vegetation which the turtles love that's what they eat they're not meat eaters except for the snappers and the soft shells are meat eaters so they're actually going to probably dig down right in here and they'll learn our routine when we're feeding the gators they'll wait for all the gators to eat and go out and then they'll come up and start eating so they are like the cleanup crew in the water they're gonna have it made here jeremy just made a new friend i have a lot of friends they're right there what is that they're all portly just like [Music] bubble gum chicken there you are there you are hi mort hi i missed you too buddy yeah it is i don't i don't see any babies no sign of baby lemurs yet no babies no babies you wanted babies so bad but if you feel pregnant soon soon soon soon hi baby there she is there she i know you're having lemur fever too i got me some chunky monkey fever so the mama lemurs are expecting any day now right yeah she looks like she's ready to pop that one right there yeah and then once the the mama has her lemur where do the babies hang out on the chest oh so they just hang out and hold on for dear life yup which we'll pull these bamboo out probably tomorrow or so so it doesn't risk knocking the babies off when they hop through here uh-huh and when the babies get a couple weeks old they'll start riding on mom's back on her chest oh that's gonna be so cute and then they'll start venturing off as well look at jeremy until they get just like baby over here come on baby she's like where's my treat i'm not falling for that i need a treat are you seeing all this george look at this look at this finally a kiss on camera okay robbie robbie how many how many animals do you think that you actually help rehome every year literally hundreds okay hundreds upon hundreds robbie just showed us this huge nascar collection that he scored two totes worth george had a genius idea number one she said she would auction it off sunday night to help pay for all of the animals that robbie reed homes that get swamped number two you can actually go to what's your youtube channel again get swamped and you just did a video showing everything that you did and we we said we're gonna take it to george and jeremy all right and have you guys auction it off because this will help us feed animals it'll help us build housing for animals and everything everything if you want to see what's inside all of these two totes this is a huge amazing nascar collection swing on over to get swamped watch the video he shows not everything but almost everything and then this sunday night 9 p.m eastern standard time we're gonna have an auction yes oh she's a beauty last of the three you know why i got this one why because it's mixed like you and me so what are we gonna name her should it be jerorge or should it be georgia me georgie jordan georgie georgie yeah georgie uh-huh all three of them are in here now they just need to learn where home is look they already found food they already found food [Music] you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 104,742
Rating: 4.930994 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 9sec (2409 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 20 2021
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