COPS CALLED On Neighbors ... Protecting Our Property ... I Bought An Abandoned Ranch

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you're gonna get me off of my own property no it's just all gonna get moved right behind me is one of otter creek's finest dump sites it's kenny glidwell's home right here there you go you got trucks you got trailers you got garbage we can't see it all right now because most of it is on my property everybody has a defining moment in their life and sometimes it's a defining person for example george before jeremy worked for a company now she's unemployed jeremy before george was thin now i'm a little chunky for our neighbors up front we all know the entire town tells the same story again and again and again and again she was a wonderful she was a beautiful woman until kenny entered into her life and as you can see we've been told again and again and again this property wasn't completely and totally a dump trashed hoarder place until kenny came along and started dumping more here and more here and more here let's do a little rewind if you don't recall it wasn't all that long ago that we had an incident with kenny right here but kenny wouldn't even know his name was kenny i mean this man is so messed up it's ridiculous and everybody in this town knows he's the one to go to to get messed up this is not a public road this is private property get the truck off my property now i'm gonna back up i want the truck off my property all right don't come on my property again [Applause] i don't want you on my property and i don't want you blocking this public road either do you understand you want to tell me what you're doing on my property yeah don't ever park there again why are you parking there i i needed to get to the backyard whose yard is it you don't go through my property to get to susie's backyard all right i don't ever want to see you there again if i see you there again i'm going to tow your truck out all right do not block this road [Applause] so here's what's really happening drugs are happening here on my road that's what's really happening and they're using the access road that the tower company has leased to access the drugs here's just a glance of my property this road being oh jeez this road being leased by the celt tower company you see the garbage just everywhere everywhere this is just absolutely insane this is beyond hoarding this is my property this is my property this is my property this is insane as you see these next clips we understand you're going to be asking the question why and what you need to understand as well is all the history and all the background and that we are fighting for the 99 of the good people that exist and live in otter creek the people who have come to us and said we feel like a hostage on our own road we can't even go down the road it's always blocked we can't go anywhere near that part of the town the people such as the bus driver who's complained to the town over and over and over again i can't get through north otter creek the town who's actually gone and said this has to stop immediately stop blocking ourselves who have said get the drugs and get the problems off of our property and off of our road we're fighting for the ninety-nine yes this is my property yeah i own this property [Music] get out of the road how do you expect us to get through when you're blocking us let's play a little game we're gonna show you kenny number one and kenny number two you let us know in the comments which one's messed up kenny i don't want you on my property and i don't want you blocking this public road either do you understand okay you want to tell me what you're doing on my property [Music] you calm your dad down you stop taking up a public road you get out of here then this is for the people not for your vehicle all right get it out you're good five minutes [Music] this should never happen this is a public road ever your dad makes it a habit to block the road he can't do that this is a public road not for parking this isn't a parking lot this is not a parking lot for the public moving are you are you just moving around you you're looking for reasons trying to you got five minutes before i'm over here with my tractor so so i called i called oh yeah he ran already so what happens is they continue to block the road they're dealing drugs here they already know we know that block the road i can't get my vehicles and my equipment through so i gave you the courtesy of calling you this time and saying hey this is what's going on next time i told him i'm pushing it with the tractor so that's where i came over i got you all righty what what is it you got to move this here with the tractor and all or did you just i have i have all kinds of equipment i have an oversized truck i got 20 foot trailers their my property goes around their property the whole road they block that's what it comes down to well if they're blocking the road i mean if we get here and it's blocking the road we can either make them move it or have a toad so it comes down to that i can just push it so they ran already uh i told them i was coming with the tractor to push it and i will and i gave you the courtesy of the call but i mean that basically what happens is they come out here they do drugs they deal drugs and then they're running in and out and the rest of the community yeah exactly is trying to make contact with this or that person and nobody ever answers the rest of the community can't get through now not everybody has the size equipment that i do or size truck but nobody should be blocking the public road it's not a public parking lot contacting code enforcement on them in otter creek who do you contact uh that's the city that'd be the commissioner city commissioner's question but it might still be the county code enforcement i'm not sure does that include her dogs off of the leash that would be found her dogs on our property going after our chicken and i'm not okay with that well you're allowed to defend your your your animals and your property from a nuisance animal and if somebody's animal is off their property that are offered off the leash i understand that's what i'm saying you're allowed to defend your property and stuff like that i mean basically you're saying we can shoot them yep yeah i mean we know that we have to do this all you have to do is keep them on a leash yeah you are required to keep them on your property which is why if they're off your property they're considered a nuisance yeah got you um i'm guessing that's gonna be one of them right there there'll be one yeah yep isn't there supposed to be like an old lady that is here as well one down one down so it's it's we'll just say grandma daughter okay yeah yep that's what happened yeah you guys can always try to uh try to get a hold of animal control i think i think levy's animal control might control this area still okay um you can always give their office a call and see if you know they do because then they can come out put traps out for the dogs or whatever's need to be done yeah because then they'll have i think 72 hours or something like that to come pick the dog up pay the fines if they don't the dog is either uh you know adopted out or tested somewhere else yeah okay all righty all right appreciate you coming out no problem you all have a good day okay i'm gonna go talk to these guys real quick guys i don't mean to make a scene but it's a public road it's not a public parking lot we were kind of in the road too you guys were actually okay you were off so it's a public road i got too much equipment too many things going down here i've told them time and time again not to do that so i've told them already if they do it again i'm going to push it i'm going to haul it with the tractor it's unacceptable the whole public has to be able to get through here without any issues for years for years they've just died when i come here after i've been gone to michigan for six to eight months i come home and they got everything in my yard it's not okay it's not okay it's not acceptable it's not okay it's ear it's irrespectful of the rest of the community if they're parking on their property that's not an issue when you're parking in the road and blocking the rest of the community that's an issue so i don't mean to make a scene that's not my goal i've already talked to them all and none of that's supposed to be going on anymore and so that's the issue is when it's going on and i'm being blocked when i got 20 foot trailers coming in and out of here there's no way i can get my trailers through there while i could sneak my truck through my trailer would have taken the truck out and the trailer is what's going through next so again don't mean to make a scene enjoy it oh if you're from michigan this is the best thing in the world so apologize for the scene didn't you want to we're mean on it mine's a whole lot worse i promise you well i've got it drywalled i've got the drywall sanded as far as you're further than we are don't even inspect now is this true i'm sure you've been looking at the rules there has not been electricity here since 2011. okay do i have to have a total total total inspection on the property before they'll turn my electrophone you're gonna have to talk to a general contractor in levy county because we don't know all the codes yet because i went and asked if i could get a temporary pole set and they told me no they didn't do that anymore they didn't but you don't know i don't know you have everything you need you just need to so i guess i would move a generator in here all right we'll get out of your hair sorry about that again nice to meet you we we tommy we we've we've met but you know that's not our goal is to to make any issues of times but then and then it did continue to be an issue that's an issue so blatantly being rude and disrespectful and inconsiderate of the rest of the town so we apologize for the scene i apologize for the scene it's not hurts me so enjoy your day i'm sorry all right thanks guys and you were okay this was all right uh [Music] so foreign you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 331,856
Rating: 4.8820181 out of 5
Id: JdbHDAdEsic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 48sec (948 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 12 2021
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