SHE ROBBED ME / I Bought A Jewelry Hoarders Secret Stash

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because you robbed me of one two three at a minimum you've robbed me of three pieces you ready i'm just warming up for what what are you warming up for those competitions all right this thing is huge look at this that was our buyer 402 that was a lot it was an estate lot so she probably passed away she was hoarding her jewelry there were a ton two-day auction look at this so much jewelry and we were able to get one for 95 there's my guard hog beast keep the lookout boy and then one for what was it the other one went for a little bit over 200 215 i believe all right what's our goal today uh i think you should pick a jewelry chest drawer i should pick one and uh see who gets the most profit um profit's going to be hard to tell because we can't look these all up i'd say points based on gold one point for gold one point for silver no points for anything else so two points for pearls gem so you're saying you would pick one yup and you could i would pick one you go through a drawer i go through a drawer and we see who wins yes which one are you gonna pick uh you wanna do rock paper scissors yeah let's do it rock paper scissors shoot rock paper scissors shoot look at your delayed rock paper scissors shoot i guess i'll be going because uh you do like to cheat i think i want to go on the left you're picking the left left i'm picking the right if we're gonna look for gold and silver and precious gems we gotta have the right tools we got our magnifying glass check got our olights check they have a huge sale coming up we'd like to teach you how to make money how to save money all right april 15th and 16th april 15th 8 pm starts the sale we'll put a link in the pinned comment in the description the best one i already got it it's the laser wherever i aim and you know you know how good my aim is i'm gonna have a laser sight right on it and i need it here in otter creek so basically ladies first ladies first and no points for you you're checking there's there's nothing hidden anywhere nothing okay so you see the sunday sticker that's because it was auctioned on sunday there was a bunch auctioned on saturday we only went on sunday all right you're going to pull that door right there yep holy oh my goodness i hope i picked the right one okay she's coming around coming around the bend when she comes in she's coming around the bend when she comes she'll be coming around the bend she'll be coming around the bend she'll be coming around the bend when she comes there's a sharp watch okay but that doesn't count now we do have we have these little felt things here to help if we can't see anything very well can i quickly go through it and pick what i don't think is real i suppose you could now we also have this amazing magnifying glass and we actually found this in a storage unit in ohio and we love this and then we also have the olight they have a big sail coming up this is going to take us a few days to get through all this so they got a big sale coming up so here is uh here's a monet bracelet which i know monet is one of the higher end costume jewelries but unfortunately does not count okay no points for george there although points oh look how cute definitely those little holland the little shoes i wonder if the actual hoop part of the earring is silver i don't know but getting a little concerned what are you concerned about well this all looks like silver rings to me that's what i'm concerned about oh you think you're gonna lose no i mean i already won once at the auction right yeah what do you think all these pieces are okay she's just putting them out i don't see any markings on these you think those are asian that's a little dove with some holiday cheer in the background now lots of people would be thinking right now where's your magnet it's in ohio no no we actually have one we do have magnets here we do we do i have to go and grab it is that a manatee that's gotta be real silver that is a silver manatee oh my goodness love it love it already look at all this this has to be silver are you gonna check the manatee or are you gonna check later uh i do wanna check now okay well here you go what's it say uh it looks like gerald burke gerald me gerald burke 925 i didn't see a 925 hmm interesting but i think i just found the 925 right there on the manatee there it goes definitely all right so do you get do you get one point for the so far earring set or two points a pair of earrings is one point all right george has one point just based on the manatee those things are so cool okay actually i might declare you winner just based on the manatee because it's manatee and silver it's pretty amazing i'll take it what do you see all right still don't see any 925 but i mean this looks this looks and feels like silver i just have to find it you think it's right so let's put the questionable ones right here in the center all right so you're saying this is absolute this is absolute question this is questionable and this is why are you putting all the gnome on there why not gold is that marked i don't see any markings on that what is it we can't see it it's a little dove a little religious dove mm-hmm there's the the other dove so you got doves and manatees look at everything she has in here oh that's the i loved this thing when we saw that at the auction house this thing was so stinking cool the little pew puke knife yeah that you were good that you claimed that you were gonna start using but we all know you're not gonna use it we find so many knives and storage units but um i'm not sure we don't ever have any readily even available i wonder if that's a gold ring okay okay so that's definitely not that there's a costume there oh some vintage perfume now i know i don't get any points for this but if you look at that if you look at the ebay sold comps some of these vintage perfumes go for penny what's the bottom say we can't tell skinny that's tuscany right there so it's tough and skinny tough and skinny sounds like beef jerky tough and skinny yeah there's another piece there all right some more costume jewelry size 11 this definitely isn't real it's too too bling blingy i should wear that to the storage options this would fit you this is a size 11. that's i think my hair let's see let's see yep i thought it was a 12. you may approach me thank you storage father storage unit father this definitely is not real gold so we're gonna set that aside you're sure you didn't even look i could tell by looking at it apparently george can tell now if anybody remembers in any of these competitions in the past jeremy goes through it after george and then pulls out her silver and her gold that she said i can tell i do the same thing for you don't forget to mention that don't forget to mention that jeremy have no idea what she's talking about no reality guard hog come here boy come here beast that's my boy you make sure daddy wins you make sure daddy wins that's my boy oh were we doing something anyways okay george is looking at all right so here is another name brand costume jewelry um there's a marking on it traferi would you just call me i don't think this is real gold but i don't know what she just called me but see the marking back there she and i are gonna have words another higher end like monet so i'm gonna leave that there let you examine that for later since uh you're the the jewelry doctor here's a pair of earrings uh labeled nile it's engraved nile lotus you think they're from egypt uh could be now these look they're starting to fade so i know that it's not real gold so it's placed it might be plated so i'll put that in the question you know what's not fading what some of them sparklies there all the blingage there's a lot of blingy there there's more jewelry here's more this is costume jewelry you could tell by the backs um i couldn't tell at all i don't know she's talking about but i think she might have some competition for her here i'm gonna go for that first what you got there here is a stainless steel ring it says stainless steel right there inside the band okay so that'll go in with the costume jewelry pile look at the little is that a sunflower or sunshine you tell me what is it it could be both it could be both is it silver don't see any markings so i'm going to say no and if it is for those keeping count george how many points do you have right now just right now one so for those keeping count george has one point but don't worry i'll go back through it and we'll find out if she has more than one now she won't get credit for any that i find i will i'm going to get credit for that's fine i hope you win you are such a liar i hope you win okay so if that's a real pearl pants on fire unfortunately doesn't count put on your teeth there's markings in there there's definitely markings in there you see a lot of scratches i'm not seeing markings no you see just a bunch of scratches for real i thought for sure that was the real deal we'll put this in the questionable pile now this one let me see the front of it that could be something don't you think i don't know all right she's gonna check it she's gonna check herself for she wrecked herself i don't think so she's trying to make the money well i don't think so but i'm going to put this in the questionable this is all over questionable pile right now that's her one point what is that is that a dragonfly nope it's gross grasshopper she's got another ring i don't think this is anything either but i'll put that in the questionable just peek why george is looking let's just oh man there's so many things to go through little personal boxes little compacts little oh man look at that this is gonna be amazing whoa look at look that is awesome look at all the watches you already know that's money right there that's gonna be that's gonna be tough to beat that's what that's gonna be and oh wait there's another drawer down there more boxes for her how we doing i just broke a nail are you oh competition's over you give up you just broke a nail do you give up all right so this i picked this ring that one right here that ring right there now look at the back see how it's an adjustable band yeah that's like a telltale sale but it's not a sign that it's not real definitely so if you had an adjustable back would you be real or not real not real so anybody who goes to a chiropractor not real not real adjustable backs yeah she's got got another ring i don't know i mean some of these vintage ones don't even have markings well that's the thing not everything has that's why we need our magnet well i brought the light the magnifying glass the table i brought the jewelry chest you had one job george one job my job was to win you know that magnet we were talking about way earlier yeah got it guess where we found this in your back pocket we actually one of our subscribers sent it even better should we trust these now yeah you might as well oh so see how that grabs to the magnet i do i see that that's a sign right away that it's not real okay okay okay so we could take this off and put it in a costume jewelry pot that's your costume jewelry see how quickly that one went to the magnet the dove the dubs yeah but that's because they fly they're like flying right now so that'll go in the costume jewelry pile okay see how quickly those it's like magic so these i thought it was like magnet anything was like magic i thought it was like magnet you see that yeah i kind of see it it doesn't not belong in the questionable pile anymore oh that one's out now that one's out bye byes you don't belong there but that one is this one and this one looks super vintagey so there may not either the marking wore off or there just wasn't any markings back i think that's that's silver for sure i wasn't talking about that though so gold plated we thought this may have been gold plated with it sticking to this magnet right now it'd still be cold plated gold over any other type of so we'll still leave this in the questionable pile okay oh look at that ring not moving look at that scallop so this will stay in the questionable pile and so much good jewelry at this auction i look at that oh scallop but we thought maybe this would be this is questionable this is like finding a pirate's treasure chest let's hear your best pirate joke okay holy moly uh what's a pirate's favorite restaurant wendy's i knew that i knew that all right well she got it all right another ring another one now this that looks like aluminum it is definitely aluminum that dinged like a little bit so you go there now here's another ring remember that backing i was telling you about the adjustable backing yeah i mean that's a dead giveaway that this isn't really and there's confirmation right there okay i can live with that oh look at this pretty piece what are you whispering i don't like it when you whisper you know i'm sitting right here what do you have to say for yourself lord help me hog lord help me beast help a brother out help your master even beast won't even come and help me wait he's coming back to help he is coming back to help that's my good boy all right i just found the 925 marking inside the band oh absolutely yeah we knew that one was gonna be silver so the 925 marking is right in there if you could see that i want to see the head of the ring now show me inside yep we can see it yep so that'll definitely so that's two points two points for george two points more than you because i don't have anything yet i haven't even looked at mine yet but i still like to say that i'm ahead all right here's another piece doubt that this is real or is it or is it or is it that very well maybe some i don't know it looks funky it's definitely plated see all the uh the black behind there i don't see any markings jeremy we can put that in the questionable pile all right all right there you go here's another one of those rings with the adjustable backs this one this one i think is real silver see that i like it yeah you think it looks like it from what i can tell through viewing it through a camera a small camera come on baby mama wants three points show me yourself mama tell me that you're 925. all right let's use the magnet you know questionable this is questionable so this will go in that pile my questionable pile is growing and growing that's good for me all right here's another ring see that yeah that's really pretty let's do the magnet test right away didn't stick what do you think oh i see markings she sees markings i see markings what's it gonna be what's it gonna be it says i think it says sterling 925. sterling she's got a third point thailand she's got a third point thailand broader the third point that'll go right there look at that she's got three points so far okay did the magnet test right away on this ring and i do see a marking in here i just saw it there we go this one i see a number nine two or a six it could be a six flip it upside down then it'll be a nine and then there's a u with an arrow going through maybe it's uh you arrowed my six i don't know this this is this is a unique one we'll put that in a questionable pile another one for the questionable pile all right here's another ring oh this definitely looks like gold definitely looks like gold see that does it taste like gold what does gold taste like you tell me no i don't want to taste it this one i see 2 000 or 1 20 14k nice gold-plated though gp okay what is rgp gold-plated is still a point because gold is gold right yeah so you've got four points we're still gonna count gold-plated because we just said gold and gold is gold regardless of whether it's plated all right so 14 carat carats you think you think you got enough stuff in this little shelf oh yeah over here i see a market i see a marking there's a pair of glasses i call these glasses earrings but i did see a marking over here it's okay i think everybody knows you didn't grow up with english they know you're still struggling to speak it so yeah they'll let you get by with glasses i'm only human i'm not perfect that's not what you say to me when the camera's off excuse me nothing 925 right there what see that let me see man so that's the fifth point this is just one earring though oh there's the other one there's the other one there's the other one all right she now has cinco five points i haven't even gotten into a drawer yet uh-uh look let's save us some time i just gobbled it up with the magnet i don't even know what it is earrings what kind of earrings looks like some type of stone all right some other earrings okay apparently earrings don't count she's got five does a pew pew or a knife count no here you go jeremy you may have this oh that's for me here's a gift from me to you what am i supposed to do with it use it when you need it i'll set it there and forget about it here's a ladies pulsar watch show me the watch here you go oh nice that is a nice little ladies pulse there is some really teeny tiny writing at the bottom it says japan movement i don't think this is gold-plated yeah i don't think this is gold-plated at all i'll put it in the questionable pile another questionable which i will go through all of this with my bionic eyes once george is done and then we'll get to my drawer all right here's a pretty necklace that just means the clasp you gotta check everything else here's the that means the chain oh nothing's happening for the actual charm that could be good that could be bad there's the marking moments like this i wish i had bionic eyes okay so the marking was a false alarm no marking this is some type of this was plated at one point so it was the plating part that came up that wore off so do you get a point for the plating did you see 14k anywhere or 10k all right so she can't see the markings she's still at one two three four five points five you see these earrings right here yeah we'll see all right let's see if i can scoop them up bam there's a little ray of sunshine oh there's a little jeremy your sunshine curious what what that is right there interesting a decorative pin that'll go in this pile remember when i took you to a glassblowing class for your birthday yeah every time i see a glass blown item it reminds me of that time it's a really cool piece reminds you of the time or of me well the whole the whole experience interesting me you all right you gave me the pew pew knife here i'm giving you for me yeah a glass don't break it thank you thank you very much why did you put it up here with the pew pucca knife because we're still we're still trying to gain points five to nothing all right so it's it failed the magnet test these are a pair of monet earrings are they worth monet money they are so this will go in the costume jewelry here's a pair of earrings a pair of jingle jangles yeah definitely magnetic you got a few things left i see some markings down there i do i see it too i definitely see a marking so that failed the magnet test but it says something right it does it says george is in the lead jeremy can the rest was worn off probably best that was worn off and then let's do the magnet test on these it looks like so far five to nothing george still has five points but i do have here at what i believe are diamond studs i think she has diamond studs we could test them with the diamond tester but really the diamond tester isn't all that great you really got to take them to a professional i'm keeping my winnings right here all right and i'm gonna go if you went with the top i'm going with the top unfortunately mine doesn't come out like yours did so i'm basically i'm just gonna have to i'm just gonna rally it up in your silver and gold silver and gold do you remember how many points you have oh look there's me hey everyone look at all of this all right it is quite a bit that's going to go bam right there on this remember the swan i had you put on there at the auction no no i do not remember i do know that holy swan remember robbie put that on you holy swan whenever you say swan what are you looking at swan okay there is that's gotta be gold there too look at all the there's loose gems everywhere but those don't count okay all right those gems don't count but which one of these did i pay more for 95 was 1 2 2 2 15 was the other i think the the this one right here was 95. so the one i'm in right now is the 95. i think so okay we do have a little tangle here a little tangle dangle and because that's a really pretty piece this is a whole another look at this that should be five points right there that should be five points right there i gotta check yeah nothing there okay so my my swan piece nothing nothing nothing going there although it is beautiful you get zero points all right zero light i'm getting mine how come i wasn't allowed to use that light um you didn't ask oh here we go this i already believe is going to be look at that piece right there what's it look like to you it's made in india you know this stuff okay i think i see markings and some days i do know how to read how the very first piece i pick up nine two two five did i just very nice nine two five all right so five you don't wanna put on this pretty uh sure yeah black jewelry piece that i nine two five now it's five to one i actually have something going now that's definitely turquoise or is it okay maybe not you're gonna be like that and right there right there right there there's markings there are markings okay confirm because i can't see through the viewfinder it is it's mexico and you know what that means all right so the indian the indian jewelry typically the silver is not marked and look here's a break right here that's silver is a is a soft metal and there it is right there and that's turquoise so i it's made in mexico i'm willing to bet 100 that this is silver are you willing to actually give me the the point though it says made in mexico but it doesn't say silver you want to do the magnet test all right let's do the magnets gotcha nothing nothing that was a joke that's definitely silver but it's not marked so let's put that in the questionable pile really are you really going to play that game and then you could take a closer look made in mexico all right there there is no doubt about it it stinks like silver but george won't give me a point for it next piece i think that's copper base right there you see all that yep so that's definitely not silver but i do think it probably goes with this over here yeah it matches you would bling it like that bling it with the ring it uh-huh all right let's see what else we have in here definitely it's five to one right still five to one yes sir okay it's a nice ring that is pretty this is a nice ring and that's a nice ring that's a pretty one as well day night but markings no markings no markings there you wanna do the magnet test just to be safe you should always do the magnet test jeremy always all right you ready it went away that's the point oh i almost had a point that was so weird i kept pushing away why is it doing that because i'm not grabbing it now this i have to look in there um i'm not seeing any markings in here but this is a this is a pretty piece uh-huh this is a questionable that's the question so we're going to put that in the questionable pile all right here is another ring and no markings on that a nice ring but no markings and then we've got here's another ring again a nice ring but that is a beauty no markings you would think this one would actually be sterling but i'm not seeing anything there so that's not going to help me get anywhere here's another sparkly but no markings anywhere here is a mask like that like that still no markings i'm going to just put that mask in over there okay and pretty piece but no markings i can't see any markings in there either man this is this isn't going too well for wait wait there's something in here you see that uh-huh oh you've got to be kidding me i think i see what it says you've got to be kidding me you know what it's marked what do you see mexico it's marked it's marked mexico again it's 100 percent silver george will not get let me see them let's see please look at the magnet test really you need the magnet yes see see it's it's you know it's silver let's put that in the questionable pile okay here we go again i've got 100 mexico silver and it's going in the questionable pile are you mad why have you done this to me okay this is a 100 1000 1000 1000 what do you think do you think we can get a thousand points do you think we can get 1000 likes on this video yes there that would be it don't forget to give this video a thumbs up let us know that you enjoy this type of video because we got a ton of jewelry hoarding to go through yeah i think that's cubic zirconium don't you yeah it's so pretty boy it's it's bright okay i don't think that one is real oh no i already know what this is gonna be you know what it is too it's absolutely this is absolutely silver such a cool piece it rotates this is absolutely silver so on the days you feel turquoisey you put it on that side and the other day where you feel this is silver and it's not going to be marked 925 because it's it definitely looks silver i'll give that to you this is going to be give that to you this is gonna be this is gonna be indian silver again let's try the magnet test there's no need we know it's silver yeah but i like to do it anyways okay yoink it's sticking it doesn't matter you're not going to give me the point that is absolutely silver there all right let's put it in the questionable pile here we go again and so there's three points we'll come back three points that i haven't gotten so far so one confirmed right here one two three three questionable this is a nice one here it says ati made in china this one absolutely looks gold but it lost whatever it was holding in its setting and unfortunately oh no wait wait you see that where right there okay it was plated it was plated but again not marked so therefore this one this one's going in the questionable pile questionable pile another point i will not be getting now do you think i can maybe make a little something with this wedding band can we get a point can we get a point show me that marking show me the marking there is you've got to be kidding me no marking anywhere nothing nothing none of these rings here uh y'all you know what look at this look at this this is something else i will not be getting a point from because it's from mexico i can guarantee you that have you ever been to mexico no all right let's go and we'll ask them there all right i'm cool with that so this is definitely a mexican piece uh probably the indian reserves and it's not going to be marked but there is silver in there but it looks like it's tangled with a bunch of other stuff too see if i can untangle it yeah that's a lot of tangle that's a lot of tangle and dangle right there all right i'm gonna set that aside okay look at that there's tiger's eye and that's usually in 14 karat gold all right let's find out for sure though look at the back okay i think i don't think that's the original tie clip all right the original backing yeah they're two different colors all right i don't see any markings on this so another one that i don't get a point for even though i think it is the real deal over there questionable pile okay i got i got a bunch of rings here bunch of bunch of rings so this one has got to be that's a wedding band with a diamond please please please you see this here wedding band right looks plated not march i mean from where i'm standing marked it's marked there's something i see something okay what do you see tell me captain what do you see i see dirt that's what all right false alarm on that one check that that's the beauty right there that one is pretty and no markings okay this is getting harsh i mean i should be tied with you right now but this is just getting downright harsh looks like here you want that for your belly button ring huh you sure no thanks you pause it because look that one comes that screw unscrews right there i think that's a nose ring um you're right you want that for your nose ring well technically the part the part in between your two nostrils i don't know you want that for the part in between your two nostrils ring nope okay nothing i appreciate the offer but no this is gonna be the real deal isn't it look right there right there right there okay hold on a second look at that india this is another indian one nine two five where right look it's right there it is it's right there i know you can see it don't play dumb that is two confirmed points that is five i hope you can two no you don't i really hope you catch it five to two five to two there's a dolphin ring let's see if i can show you a dolphin that might be a toe ring okay i don't see any markings there here's a heart no markings there come on i need some more okay this one says china mm-hmm and oh oh oh oh what what are you talking about where i would be in the lead right now if it wasn't for mexico stuff prove it right there five to two five to three five to three there's the three confirmed and questionable stuff five to three this says that's got a marking in it but it might be just the maker's mark this definitely looks like silver all right i'm setting that aside okay and here take a look at that one that one's really pretty that one's pretty too but i can't find a mark this one that one's stainless steel we know that are you gonna do the magnet test and all these ones that you haven't done the magnet test on i mean that'll save you a lot of time well basically man that hurts didn't save much time didn't save much time how's that faster than me looking oh here's another tagged one here is another tag one's also made in india and oh my goodness i can't believe it i can't believe it nine two five nine two five five to five i didn't see the nine two five so i won't make you prove it this one out check this one out and there's markings inside there are markings inside and that one's over nine two five it is now five to five so we're tied if you counted this we would not be tied how many pieces in this pile one two three four you're counting this one i thought that was questionable we got everything untangled i'm gonna use your test it's five to five even though we both know i should have way more okay that definitely that's a solid you see that in there solid copper okay so this is solid copper that's a copper piece that's obviously beads and this oh that could be real i would hope but nope no markings this ah that's definitely not and oh cowboy hat okay cowboy hat here not your day-to-day cowboy hat now we did get this beautiful mexican piece actually indian piece uh untangled as well nowhere nowhere is it marked so george do i get a point do you want the points for the mexican pieces i think you already know the answer to that let's hop on a plane and fly to mexico really we have to go who's paying you or me yeah exactly i see how it is all right i have one more chance one more chance do you want to win or not one more chance one more chance and these are not labeled i cannot believe this it is literally five to five because you robbed me of one two three at a minimum you've robbed me of three pieces there's your confirmed pieces my confirmed pieces that's round one let me guess you're gonna claim you're the winner we're either gonna do round two or fly to mexico foreign
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 45,455
Rating: 4.9219632 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 4sec (2704 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 15 2021
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