Can You Beat Pokemon Red/Blue with Just a Dratini?

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It's the return of the BADGE BOOST GLITCH

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/ShowtimeCA 📅︎︎ Jun 26 2020 🗫︎ replies

Man that Elite 4 luck was incredible! So many misses

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/ShowtimeCA 📅︎︎ Jun 26 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] hey everyone how's it going so if there's one Pokemon I get asked again and again and again to do mostly because people want to see if gastly will maintain its reign as the top pre evolved Pokemon and the Pokemon a mass to do obviously you can see by the title is dratini now Dragon Knight is a very powerful Pokemon it's known as a pseudo legendary basically meaning it's as powerful as a legendary pokemon but evolves and can be caught in the wild like dratini can however dratini stats aren't that good at all in fact they're way more similar to Bulbasaur than Mewtwo so right off the bat we can tell this is gonna be a much more challenging run than the last one and to that end I want to go right to Brock and show you what happens if you try and battle Brock at minimum battle now like in the Ekans run dratini starts with the move rap-rap is a very very cheap move the way it works is simple it has an 85% chance to hit and when it hits the other Pokemon cannot attack wrap can last anywhere from 2 to 5 turns and it just does damage the two downfalls are if the other Pokemon outspeeds you or if you get that 15% chance to miss now against Geodude it's great because we out speed Geodude and even if we miss a little bit Geodude has a 50/50 chance of using defense curl at level 6 it's going to be doing 1 HP of damage either way so it doesn't really matter however once the Geodude finally gets knocked out Onix makes very quick work of dratini not only does it out speed since Onix is actually quite fast but it took yes 1 was a critical hit but two tackles that's all it took to knock me out so suffice to say we're gonna have to be at a much higher level and you might think you would need to be at a high enough level to outspeed the Onix there is one problem with doing that however like Mewtwo dratini is part of the slow level up group now I often don't talk about level up groups because the vast majority Pokemon fall into two groups that are quite similar in the long run at least when talking about level 50 there are differences some are faster earlier some are faster later but overall they're similar enough that there isn't a giant time gain or time loss dratini however being part of the slow group does add significant time because since we can't battle Brock right away we're gonna need to level up and that takes almost double the time it would for a Pokemon like squirrel and that's very very frustrating to say the least especially because it's not guaranteed that I would out speed Onix - like level 15 or so and beyond out speeding Onix I was starting to run into the problem is that I would run out of wrap powerpoints because dratini x' next move at level 10 is thunder wave now thunder wave leer and rap are a very very good combination in generation 1 except thunder wave being an electric move doesn't affect ground Pokemon like Onix so it's useless and the only attacking move we have is rap so we have 20 power points to knock out to rock pokémon how the heck are we gonna be able to do it well funny enough at level 13 I realized something what I realized is that if I used 3 layers and I should be clear what I'm saying here not just 3 layers but 3 layers where Brock doesn't use defense curl ideally one of the tackles would miss but I essentially need him to use tackle three times wrap will do I think 2 damage or so more than 1 you can see a noticeable difference and thus that would preserve powerpoints for Onix of course I'm still not able to add speed the Onix however by does not work correctly when you use wrap it only counts the very last I believe attack in order to calculate damage which is incredibly useful plus we can use those turns to six lire and amazingly if we get good luck from the Onix meaning not too many screeches followed by tackle we can actually win with a normal move and being outspent I'm almost positive this is the first and only time with a normal attacking move we have one while still being outspent by Onix that's up that's actually pretty good for dratini but it's not exactly smooth sailing from here on out we do get the use of a TM that a lot of people forget about TM twelve water gun yes water gun is a TM in generation 1 and is available as soon as you get into mount moon on the left now honestly we don't need this TM I think I use it just a few times it's useful if you encounter any geodude's it is almost as fast just to use water gun and gain the extra experience points then it is to run away and I do battle the hiker I almost always skip because you can just use water gun three times think about it we are with the slow group so we need to level up more to try and maintain pace with other Pokemon but the biggest reason I wanted honestly is for safety wrap can miss you can run out of power points and then the battle is over with water gun at least I can still attack after I run out of wrap but one battle that's not a problem if we skip ahead a little bit is misty now remember how I said thunder wave leer and wrap are great combo well let's watch that in action thunder wave turn one star me was out speeding leer turns two and three then I use rap star you never gets another chance to attack try that again it worked so well thunder wave turn 1x defend so I have to use one extra leer star meas water moves are resisted by dratini and tackle doesn't do all that much damage and then I can just use wrap so long as I don't miss too many times it's a pretty free battle and one of the easiest misty fights that I can remember in a very long time and herein lies one of Drew teenies biggest strengths its resistances it resists water fire and grass plus the only thing is week two in generation one is I of which there aren't many or almost any before the Elite Four and with that said how does rival twos fight look well if you get sufficient luck it looks okay i paralyzed Pidgeotto turn one but it does a ton of damage I use a leer but the biggest issues that Pidgeotto and Rattata both know quick attacks and although I actually do out speed Rattata quick attack goes first so that partially nullifies the cheapness of wrap and I don't have a ton of HP going into the final three Pokemon Abra doesn't really count because it can't attack Rattata does use quick attack on the first turn but thankfully that's the only time I do out speed like I mentioned and I knock it out and then squirtle I just need to hit every single wrap and I win so as I said earlier rap is very cheap so of course I'm gonna keep it for the rest of the run right know after I finish up with routes 24 and 25 I'm gonna head to Vermillion and get body slam but why Jay Rhodes why body slam overwrap well there's a bunch of factors one is the luck factor inherent to wrap it misses fifteen percent of the time two is dratini slow speed wrap is only great when you out speed and that's gonna become less and less common although I have agility but still the biggest factor other than the luck is the wasted time wrap is really slow every individual attack of wrap only does 15 damage while body slam does 85 that means it takes six hits of wrap to do the same amount of damage as one body slam plus all those extra text boxes it really adds up it just doesn't make sense to continue using wrap yes it can be cheap and I would be able to do a couple things a little easier but at the cost of a lot of time and so it's just simply not worth it and you can see how effective body slam is when I battle rival number three now I get some pretty bad luck against Pidgeotto but not awful luck because it doesn't use sand attack it does get a crit with gust and on turn four uses quick attack but what was I doing the first three turns well I was using agility this is both to raise my speed and to use say with me the badge boost glitch I know you guys were disappointed I didn't get to use it last run but don't worry it makes a massive comeback for those of you who are new just know my attack is getting raised so I will be doing more damage so long as I don't level up nonetheless Pidgeotto still isn't a one-hit ko and I'm left with 14 HP for the final three Pokemon not looking good I owed speed the Radek 8 obviously and it is a one-hit ko ditto for the Kadabra no pun intended there Wartortle would have been arranged if it used tackle I get the paralysis but it goes for tailwhip so doesn't matter and I'm able to knock it out next turn and if you were wondering why three agility that was the number I needed to knock out Radek eight in one hit essentially what's going on is every time your stats are modified or actually to back it up just a step further when you collect badges in the first three generations stats are modified depending on the badge so the boulder badge boosts your attack by 12.5% that it's supposed to do however when your stats are modified that 12.5% is reapplied for whatever reason this is both when I use a positive move like agility or even when a move like tail whip or leer is used against me this is only a problem in the first generation and in terms of why use it I have no choice you saw Wartortle was about to use tail up there the badge boost glitch is going to come into play whether I wanted to or not so might as well just use it to the fullest advantage now after I've defeated rival number three I as you see head to lieutenant surge the only move I worry about from Voltorb is sonic boom because I have just around 60 HP so that's a third of my HP so far so good as I set up three agility however bodyslam is still not a one-hit ko and then of course I get punished with a sonic boom I use bubblebeam to knock it out because it's a quicker animation I'm kind of kidding although that is true but I need to point out that I level up here so while the booster majority are still in effect my additional badge boost and attack are no long in effect I get a generation one miss a one in 256 chance that a 100% accuracy move will miss bodyslam has laundry percent accuracy yet I miss and it hits me with growl beautiful well Pikachu's pretty low defense but it's still not a one-hit ko thankfully doesn't use quick attack and I knock it out the next turn but I'm pretty worried about Raichu and for good reason while it doesn't do anything the first couple turns it uses Thunderbolt and pretty much any attack it uses would have knocked me out thank goodness it goes for growl and I'm able to use bubblebeam and knock it out but boy this is the battle I thought would be a complete cakewalk and because I leveled up and then got a generation 1 miss it made it quite a bit more tricky but I still did win on my first try so obviously it wasn't that bad speaking of which that's a great way to describe the next section of the game nothing is really too much of a problem we have Thunderbolt so the slowpoke aren't a problem we have bubble beams for the rock pokémon aren't a problem and we can head to celadon City now as per usual I plan to do rocket hideout get fly go to lavender town and finally battle Erica so far so good but Giovanni yes Giovanni ended up being difficult why because I ran out of potions now this is something that happens occasionally Kangaskhan can be kind of difficult and I'm slow and I don't have great defense so this was an example of that and because I didn't have enough potions I would just have a lot of trouble knocking out the kangaskhan before it knocked me out even with potions that would have been a problem eventually I figured out the best way to do it was to set up three agility against the Onix yes it does mean Onix will attack but Onix has the least probability of doing a lot of damage bubblebeam easily one hit Kos both onyx and Rhyhorn and then hope for rage if you get rage it's a win or a comet punch miss unfortunately due to a mistake that happened well before but I'll talk about in two seconds I battle Giovanni and beat him three separate times what was the mistake just like in the last video I forgot to heal the celadon City Pokemon Center so when I went to dig out I didn't go back to sell it on city thankfully I healed in lavender and I do need to go there but I have to walk back to sell it on as opposed to flying and that costs a little bit of time but something that doesn't take too much time is rival number four typically the easiest battle of the rival battles and this is no exception Thunderbolt is a one-hit ko gains Pidgeotto bubblebeam is a one-hit ko gains growlithe but I actually don't want bubblebeam I would have gone to the celadon PokeMart and taught ice beam so perhaps growlithe would have been a to ação but execute got a chance to use hypnosis and not just waste a bunch of time because it's a to occur with bodyslam however eventually you wake up and knock it out cuz it's best attack is Mirage which is not very good but this was very concerning the level twenty Kadabra out sped me yikes I think Geodude was the only time that's ever happened that's that's really bad but because in part of the slow level up group I'm at a lower level than I otherwise would be I miss clique against Wartortle don't think it was a one-hit ko anyway but didn't matter it used bite I have plenty of HP left and that is rival number four now I'm not gonna show individual battles but the pokemon tower I did struggle with and this is as good a time as any to talk about this issue let's take a look at your tea knees move pool quite quickly it's best moves our special moves its special is pretty low and that's why dratini is a little bit deceptive you think it would be super easy to use because it has so many options but it doesn't have the stats to completely take advantage of that for now though we're gonna change one of our options we're gonna get rid of bubble beam and teach ice beam and battle Erica there really isn't much to say about Erica thankfully the worst thing that could happen is being put to sleep and then petal dance from vileplume or Razor Leaf from victory belt well I get poisoned on turn one by victreebel so that pretty much guarantees a victory little nerve-wracking when tangela used bind because bind + poison is not a great time didn't last too long and then I get a other generation one miss goodness I'm getting some real luck with that but nonetheless I'm able to knock out vileplume and that is it for the easy part of this run from here on out but least for the next little bit it's quite difficult I mean think about it the next Jim Koga we have Pokemon over ten levels higher than dratini and I don't have great stats to start with Plus unlike some other Pokemon I don't get psychic or Dig or anything that is super great against the poison Pokemon so if we see some Koga battles I don't even like it's not even close like we're talking several hit ko for each Pokemon and I don't even make it past buck like this was totally not gonna work and because of that I really don't have many options I mean I could go battle some trainers there are plenty of them left to battle or I could see if self company would work better and try and battle rival fybel now rival fievel is tough however I do have excellent coverage against his team so I was pretty convinced that I would win and it took a little bit more levelling up but I was correct that rival fievel was in fact the way to go having said that I ended up leveling up seven more levels which if you know how slow the level ups take that isn't entirely a quick process but there are plenty of trainers I used to fighting dojo I use some of the scientists cuz they give money and I bought some vitamins to try and max out my stats as much as I can and now it's time to battle rival fievel for the final time hopefully once again I'm gonna set up three agilities both for speed and for the badge boost glitch I've leveled up in such a way that I will not level up in the middle of this battle which is nice I don't get a Santa TAC I mean I do but it fails however I get a critical hit quick attack before I can attack which is brutal and there's almost no way this is going to be the successful but at least we'll be able to see what I'm up against growlithe is a one-hit ko with bodyslam although I got a crit I missed the range on execute and it uses leech seed not great not the end of the world but the most important thing I had speed Alakazam obviously and it's a one-hit ko with body slam if it weren't for Alakazam I probably wouldn't have had to level up at all but Alakazam is a very annoying Pokemon to face and now Blastoise it's a two at ko leech seed takes away some health it goes for bite which is the best move that could have used I still knock it out so that was pretty good on 39 HP I'm able to knock out the rest of rival files team now I'm gonna skip Giovanni cuz there's no real point very very easy battle and I'm gonna get to Koga because how do things look now that I'm at a much higher level well coughing is much higher defense than special so I go for ice beam that goes for smog and misses knock it out with ice beam that's good now I do want to boost my attack and defense so I use agility I know weird thing to say Muk does raise its evasiveness which isn't amazing but it is the best Pokemon to set up against I find and I actually got some pretty insane luck despite the fact it would have done some pretty great damage after that ex attack I'm able to hit body slam paralyze it does get off poison gas but all in all that's the best move I could be hit with then I get a critical hit 100 HP for the final two pokemon plus badge boosts this should be doable I go for body slam since my attack has been raised does about half coffin goes for smokescreen which is the reason I don't set up against coughing hits and I'm able to hit it with body slam the next turn but I'm kind of worried now for wheezing I wasn't sure which would do more damage I go for ice beam maybe I'll get the miracle freeze doesn't happen it goes for smog and misses I go for body slam that was definitely the play off oh okay okay so the badge booths ended up playing an integral part but not from an offensive standpoint from a defensive standpoint lieutenant surge gives you the increases in defense weird I know but that's how it works and because of that I I'm able to tank self-destruct on five HP not bad at all and now that I've defeated Koga I can choose whether I want to go back to saffron in battle Sabrina no or whether I want to go to Blaine and battle his fire Pokemon yes please even though Blaine's Pokemon are at a higher level the fact that I resist fire makes him a far easier choice now I do want to address this quickly as I head to cinnabar and make my way through the pokémon mansion J Rose why not teach surf against Blaine why stick with ice beam if you remember my past video on Mewtwo I talked about how ice is not resisted by fire it is neutral and we are gonna get the TM for blizzard in pokémon mansion but why not just teach surf I don't understand you're making this way harder on yourself well in any other generation that's exactly what I would do but not generation 1 because they moved a leader which allows you to get rid of HM moves wasn't invented till generation 2 so if I teach surf it is stuck there forever and although this is getting a little ahead of ourselves if we think ahead to the Elite Four Thunderbolt 4 lauralee blizzard for Lance agility for badge boost glitch and a physical move for Alakazam it doesn't make sense to get rid of any of those moves in favor of surf and thus while Blaine will be a tad more difficult we sacrifice some short-term pain for some long-term gain I hope but with that let's talk about Blaine's actual battle I'm gonna set up three agility I know boring same thing but it works I get one leer so that's an additional badge boost for my other stats the one step that is not being boosted is special that's what I get from defeating Blaine after I fully sit up i use body slam it gets a critical hit that didn't matter looking good so far and I get another critical it against Ponyta that's actually really unlikely my base speed is pretty low but I will take it think that one did matter I think ponytail was a range however my good luck runs out against rapid ash body slam does half growl that's the one move I didn't want to see body slam is now doing I don't know about and rapidash use a stomp I've been hit with leer so that does pretty good damage and I use ice beam but now Arcanine is gonna be awful I start off by using two ice beams our k9 doesn't attack I then switch to bodyslam which does a little less but I want that paralysis attack number four is a critical hit but as you can see Blaine is healing quite a bit so I haven't actually done all that much damage overall after what feels like a million body slams I finally get the paralysis at that point our k9 decides to go for takedown I was worried it would knock me out it doesn't but thanks to the recoil damage one more ice beam is all I need to knock it out and we've defeated Blaine and the significance of that aside from it being a gym badge is that I get the special badge boost meaning the badge booth glitch will also raise my special that is key for Sabrina because she has very powerful special attacks and it is not a guarantee I out speed or one-hit ko any of her Pokemon on that note Kadabra out speeds me goes for psychic but I don't get a special drop that is huge I use just one agility for actual speed and I knock out Kadabra now I set up two agilities on mr. mime it goes for barrier then double slap not thrilled about the barrier but whatever body slam does just under half damage it misses with double slap I go for another body slam it hits with confusion but I'm able to knock it out this isn't looking great now I really need to one ako the venomous I even get the critical hit still no and a critical it is more powerful than bad boosts but it gets paralyzed and doesn't attack I'm not going to complain but don't worry speaking of infinitesimal odds I get my third gen one miss what in the world is going on here and I've only even shown like what twelve or so battles this is insane thankfully Alakazam uses psybeam otherwise I would have lost but don't worry as long as I want to care with body slam I win oh great I lose beautiful all right new plan let's set up against Kadabra because I'm annoyed and whatever whatever reason after the first psybeam it decides not to attack okay great that will theoretically give me more HP for Alakazam I knock out the Kadabra I get a critical hit against the mr. mime I don't think it mattered but I don't really care now I don't get anything special against venomoth but it's sides to go for poison powder very much a fan of that decision now I just need no genuine miss please there we go Oh psybeam is perfect oh my god alright just don't hit yourself oh my god okay reflect is good just don't okay thank you thank you wow wow that for a battle where I arguably got some really good luck I'm pretty salty you know I don't know why I think it's just the fact I get to Alakazam and then just all my luck just evaporates like holy moly that was insane but I did win so maybe I should be a little less salty and you know what you know what will make me feel a lot less salty a good old easy battle against Giovanni never do I lose to Giovanni I have ice beam this should be simple alright so he leads off with Rhyhorn which doesn't have great attacks I'm gonna set up three Agility's and sweep through the rest of the team with ice beam go dratini so I do get a couple fury attacks no big deal I should be fine so this is one two three oh okay oh and now I'm paralyzed alright thankfully I still have the agility so I out speed but that's not good even with three agility I don't have speed neato King but it uses poison sting and it's also not a one-hit ko but I should out speed ride on this should be fine it goes forth rash oh my god oh my god I lost to Giovanni alright you know what whatever that was pretty insane bad luck maybe those ice beams or ranges I don't know but you know what who cares because I have Blizzard and why am I not using blizzard it's base 120 ninety accuracy like what what am i doing just use blizzard and win well I did just that I actually did lose once but that was entirely my fault fun fact without badge boosts ride on even with blizzard is not a one-hit ko and I use body slam on the second hit didn't knock it out and then it knocked me out with stomp so that was great and so I'll risk the 10% chance of it missing over the 100 percent chance I get knocked out with a freaking stomp I mean oh my god but guess what guess what in this battle I miss with the blizzard and I think body slam would have knocked it out I just can't win I just can't win I mean I did win I literally did win but like wow everyone says Jay Rose you get such good luck guess what it all evens out now is bad luck run and we're doing relatively well despite this really bad luck I mean we've made it through the regular season are almost made it through the regular season the playoffs are on the horizon and we have a great new player in blizzard to help us out the question is will our final game against rival number six be the game that gives our team the confidence to make it past the Elite Four or really makes them question whether this year is their year let's find out well I lose but not in a way that bothered me and that's why I'm not gonna bother narrating you see when you're gonna rely on badge boosting you need to make sure you're not gonna level up in the middle of battles like I mentioned earlier that's exactly what happened and the reason I lost and so all I really need to do is go battle a few more trainers level up and then try and read you the battle I'll not only be at a higher level but I'll get the boost in all my stats for the entire battle which is what I want of course I'm gonna set up three Jilla T against Pidgeot it has quick attack and wing attack very poor attacks nonetheless my defense is so bad that it's still doing decent damage and would you look at that 10% chance to miss I miss and another quick attack okay what is going on in this run come on what else can go wrong thankfully after that we got one two three and four one hit kills in a row before we get to Alakazam will this be a one-hit ko with body slam no no it's not but it uses reflect so that's pretty good now I just need I don't know I should be fine versus Blastoise well to be honest maybe I would have been knocked out by hydropump but it goes for skull bash that's a - turn move knock it out with Thunderbolts and I am just not getting great luck I am still winning in spite of that but the luck is awful but when it comes to lead for luck isn't really going to be the issue because I forgot something something really important do you know what that thing was do you know she's pronounced Lorelai I've been saying Laura lein I'm kidding um Laura Lee uses ice Pokemon yeah and they know ice moves and I have bad stats I think you see where this is going what in the world did I think was gonna happen when I tried to battle her at my current level she also will always use a roar beam because of her good AI so yeah well I have a bunch of rare candies I think it's time to do a little bit of training so I'm gonna go do that very quickly level up a bunch and then try to you know not faint in two turns alright so I used all my rare candies I'm at level 70 q ice theme and let's battle Laura Lee by this point my strategy was pretty consistent against her turn one use Thunderbolt dugong uses Aurora beam turn to knock it out with Thunderbolt cloister is a one-hit ko with Thunderbolt which is good then against Slowbro I'm going to use three agilities which will help against the final two Pokemon and hope it doesn't use growl not a big deal unless it uses two now you'll see that dratini learns hyper beam hyper beam in generation one is cheap it does not require recharge if it knocks out a Pokemon that's incredibly useful since I want to knock out Pokemon in one hit anyway but I need to be extra certain it's gonna be a one-hit ko speaking of which Lapras will not be however Blizzard should not knock me out and I should win the battle so long as nothing crazy happens not bad Bruno is really really easy and I will describe the strategy as pressing the a button a few times but there's technically slightly more to it Machamp can attack because it's not a 1 e KO but essentially the idea is choose Blizzard mist that's okay and then you just gotta use blizzard blizzard blizzard blizzard blizzard and and guess what this will shock you another blizzard hyperbeam would have been fine but who cares now we move on to Agatha and she is awful and let me explain just prior to showing you the battle Agatha's Pokemon at least her Gengar have super high special and super low defense but the only usable physical move I have is hyper beam which doesn't affect them meaning on ETS Blizzard which is a three hit ko against the first Ganga that gives a plenty of opportunity to use confuse ray and hypnosis and now let's talk about this battle I use Blizzard pretty good it uses nightshade you know what whatever not great but good enough but here I miss with Blizzard it hits with confuse ray beautiful now I recognize regardless it's gonna be a two ação whether I use Blizzard or thunderbolt and Thunderbolt can't miss so I go for thunderbolt and I hit and Agatha heals okay fine I'll go for thunderbolt again I guess the heels again now I hit myself in confusion but thankfully Agatha attacks randomly and she uses confuse ray again I decide to set up an agility both for speed and badge boosts but of course another confuse ray at this point I'm just like whatever I'll just try and get another badge boost and she goes for Dream Eater okay that's the best-case scenario I don't snap out a confusion but I get a critical hit with Blizzard so not bad all can be undone if golbat uses haze however I opted to go for the more reliable Thunderbolt I don't know if that was arranged but I get a critical hit so who cares and that's golbat down against hunter blizzard does just under 3/4 it goes for Dream Eater perfect once again I finish it off with Thunderbolt now I just need to make sure I knock out the arbok before it can use glare that's really bad seems like a perfect opportunity to use hyper beam it's a one-hit ko and now I just have the final Gengar can't put me to sleep so I should be fine unless I miss with blizzard it uses nightshade blizzard doesn't do half I get confused and I hit myself and confused yay so I feel like you guys needed to see that to understand that this is one of the best attempts versus Agatha most of my runs and at the first Gengar and there's nothing I can do aside from levelling up an absurd amount to making Blizzard a to a ko but it shouldn't be necessary it's just luck base as long as Agatha doesn't use the perfect moves at the perfect time I should be fine but because you know just everything went wrong Blizzard would miss confuse ray would hit the worst possible turn golbat would use haze auerbach hyperbeam would miss and even use glare it just always seemed to be an excuse but I'm still pretty sure at this level I should be able to win so let's try again new music lorilee take two now this battle goes identically to the other lauralee battle with the one exception being slow burro uses a water gun and I don't get any growls but if I get three growls although I can't use hyper beam and jinx becomes a to ako Lapras because of badge boost glitching will become a one-hit ko so essentially as long as Dewgong or jinx slash Lapras doesn't get a critical hit or freeze you in the case of jinx or Lapras you should win this battle every single time and that's what I like I like when I have a strategy that I have contingencies and I win now after we defeat laura-leigh I move on to Bruno and you might be wondering J Rose why even bother showing Bruno at this point and the honest answer is and I'm curious to hear your guys feedback on this I like when a reviewer or whatever shows long stretches of footage without cuts I mean it just feels like a more natural experience and the Elite Four is not a long part of the game it's a very important part of the game if I can show the entire battle of course it also proves I don't say but I just think it just makes it flow better that's my honest opinion but break time is over it's time to battle Agatha so far I've yet to actually beat her in 11 attempts so let's hope I've learned enough from those 11 that lucky number 12 will be the attempt well already I do something a little different I'm gonna set up one agility I get hit with confuse ray of course and thankfully I don't hit myself in confusion set up another one and Ganga really wants to make sure I'm confused so it uses confuse ray again but now blizzard is guaranteed to be a 2 hit ko which is the purpose of doing that once again I don't hit myself in confusion and use blizzard agatha may have a problem with her a button because she uses confused ray again inexplicably not gonna complain and the timing couldn't be more perfect I snap out of confusion knock it out with blizzard golbat should be a one-hit ko with Thunderbolts I can't get a critical hit so I'm not sure but not gonna complain about the result blizzard does about three-quarters to hunter and hypnosis wonder fall well I don't wake up turn one and confuse ray even better asleep and confused alright not waking up again and really love confuse ray do you Agatha oh my gosh I wake up on this turn and good timing answer was gonna use Dream Eater so okay maybe luck is on my side no no it's not I hid myself in confusion and another hypnosis all the good luck evaporated but I wake up turn one and she swaps into arbok okay well I am still confused and I hit myself in fusion arm puck goes for glare and it misses one in four chance that opponent status moves miss I'll take it snap out a confusion and hyper beam Down Goes Auerbach oh my god hunter is in range to be knocked out with Thunderbolt and now we just have the final Gengar please don't confuse me all right turn one blizzard and of course of course what was I thinking but it did about half one more blizzard should knock it out yes Oh at least she used dream eater please don't okay okay yes we have defeated Agatha finally this should be smooth sailing from here on in this was the obstacle this is the hurdle crown me champion I'm gonna say right now unless I get some insanely crazy bad luck this should be it I should win because Lance shouldn't be a problem whatsoever the strategy is incredibly simple use Thunderbolts on Gyarados because I have speed I can set up one agility or two I just really want to out to be that Aerodactyl and dragon air will go for Dragon rage because it thinks it's super effective despite the fact it's asset damage move amazing and now I just need Blizzard not to miss I get no misses and we're gonna move on to the champion now I have a trouble with the rival and some battles but I'm at a much higher level I have a strategy in mind that I think is gonna work really really well so no need to stall any further here is dratini x' final battle so turn one I set up an agility I need to out speed Alakazam so I really did need to use agility regardless I'd love to have set up another one but Pidgeot goes for sky attack meaning it's time to use Blizzard sky tech we'll do extreme damage I don't want that thankfully Blizzard doesn't miss and Down Goes Pidgeot now the million-dollar question does hyper beam knockout Alakazam in one hit yes yes it does it also has a chance to miss which it didn't do I think we're good ride-on should be a one-hit ko with Blizzard it is our canine I thought would be a to @ko it would have been I get a critical hit so would have been a three hit kale but won't complain about that critical hit uses roar and I can easily knock it out with thunderbolt executor should be a to ako I miss no hypnosis it misses okay good good please don't miss this one it does not barrage which does next to nothing I knock it out I win Blastoise has Blizzard but it won't knock me out in one hit this should be good thunderbolt in fact almost one-hit chaos at this time the rival has a full restore so I'll use another Thunderbolts now Blizzard I tank it on 65 no no no what oh that that's the battle you can't unfreeze in Gen 1 unless you're hit by a fire move that's it but that's it I just lost I lost to a 10% chance of freeze are you are you kidding me I mean you now see why I made the rival have Blastoise so it had Blizzard but like give me a break what else could go wrong in this battle ok ok bad luck that's the fun of Pokemon sometimes crazy good things happen sometimes crazy bad things happen it all is part of the story and the final chapter has yet to be written let's change up the music again let's battle orally and the same thing happens in this battle actually get a critical hit but otherwise same thing you've already seen twice before the only reason that I am so annoyed with losing is how luck based Agatha it morally Bruno and Lance are pretty much gimmies Agatha is not even like skill-based challenge it's just pure luck and that annoys me to no end because my options are either play the Agatha lottery or level up beyond a point where I really need to because of how inherently lucky and if dratini new psychic or dig she would be pretty easy it sucks all the moves routine he learns none of them are super effective against the ghost Pokemon but I actually do want to legitimately talk about Bruno here we don't see this too much but his Machamp actually does attack and uses submission and it comes very close to knocking me out I still win don't get me wrong but like Bruno coming close to knocking me out is like really impressive for Bruno so that's cool but time to go battle Agatha let's hope for the best this time I opted to go for blizzard because if the champion can freeze maybe I can nope but Gengar switches out that's actually pretty good I don't want to set up against golbat because of the haze problem so I use blizzard get a critical hit don't think it mattered down goes golbat now here is some great luck blizzard comes close to knocking out Gengar agatha uses a super potion now I get pretty greedy I go for an agility I'm almost punished with hypnosis but it misses I'm like okay okay we're good and I knock it out thankfully now Haunter will be a 2 @ KO so that was important or maybe not I get a critical hit and it doesn't knock it out but I think critical hits ignore badge boosts once again I get the heels so I'm it actually do this damage list not complaining about that now I was concerned because I didn't use two agility that a hyper beam wouldn't be a 1 @ KO and if it's not I have to recharge so I off to test it out and go for Blizzard hyper beam definitely would have been a wanted ko thankfully I don't get punished with a glare just a bite and I knock it out with Thunderbolt now I just need no confuse ray and I should be fine unfortunately I've actually run out of blizzards so that's not great Gengar uses toxic not a big deal Thunderbolt alright Oh a heal okay I'll use another thunderbolt and she healed again toxic is starting to rack up oh my goodness is this going to knock me out thankfully and I'm surprised to say this Gengar goes for nightshade it is very close but managed to win Wow Wow I was happy when I saw toxic and it almost cost me dearly just Agatha brutal but thankfully we get rewarded with a very very easy consistent Lance battle okay use barrier another no oh my all right Wow I don't have words for this anymore like two consecutive Blizzard misses thank goodness it didn't use hyper beam and that slammed and knocked me out and yeah those badge boosts probably gave me enough defense to take that slam like what is going on but alright alright we're back at the champion we just need to not be frozen by Blastoise and it should be fine alright Pidgeot turn want agility uses mirror move and that's fine turn to agility and it goes for Sky Tech I would like to set up one more but ok fine please don't miss Blizzard once again I don't miss and Down Goes Pidgeot there's also a 10% chance hyper beam could miss but it doesn't alakazam is fainted as well and there's my first miss best Pokemon and Miss against ride on goes for horn drill which can't affect me I don't miss again down goes right on Blizzard would be a two at ko against arcanine it goes for takedown not great or whatever I use Thunderbolt and now I just need some decent executor or luck I should be fine and I miss again turn one with Blizzard what's going on with executor and it hits with hypnosis beautiful all right asleep turn one Mirage misses okay a sleep turned two and stomp less okay I wake up and stomp I'm not actually am I gonna be even able to knock out Blastoise now and I miss again with Blizzard seriously what all right barrage whatever it doesn't matter I need to get a critical hit against Blastoise okay it comes down to luck beautiful Blizzard does significant damage another barrage and I need high premium to hit it dies okay now maybe that extra agility will be enough or I'll get a crit or I'll lose or blizzard could miss for Blastoise that would be nice too or you know none of the above alright from done done done I'm done so that's this video thanks for watching no I'm kidding I mean listen it's frustrating it is but like the thing is while I get extremely frustrated it it's just I see it always as a journey and not a destination I mean let's face it in 99% of these videos we all know what the outcome is I'm gonna win I'm gonna find a way whether it's leveling up a bunch whether it's having to use double team there's probably a way the question is what did it take to get there how consistent was it and did crazy stuff happen that is really frustrating for me but for you guys watching it might be quite hilarious I mean listen sure these difficult sections are entirely bad luck but you know still kind of funny I get it and I don't think I'm particularly good at pokemon one thing I think I am though is I'm persistent if I have a goal in mind which is beating this game with dratini starting at level 70 I am going to do that and I am NOT going to allow a couple crazy outcomes versus the rival or Agatha to deter me so I've talked over the Laura Lee and Bruno battles they're the same you've seen them enough times already let's talk about Agatha please let this be the last time I battle her once again I off to go for Blizzard strats I got a Dream Eater ok that's fine I go for Thunderbolt since it's not gonna knock it out anyway and Gengar use a super potion that scared me a little bit so I decided to go for Blizzard another Dream Eater and I can knock it out with Thunderbolt so no damage versus Gengar number one that is pretty good but I didn't get to set up any agilities it's risky to set up against golbat but I have to I'm gonna use one agility goes for wing attack good and I knock now with Thunderbolt don't forget if he used haze it would be like losing to bad boosts which would be awful I miss with Blizzard versus Haunter but it goes for Dream Eater ok I hit with blizzard goes for Dream Eater again knock out hunter this time I go for hyper beam knowing it'll knock out the arbok I was being silly the previous battle and just don't give me horrible luck final Gengar come on please please all right blizzard hits I get toxic oh we've seen this story before and a critical hit that's the gyros eleven luck we're used to seeing in these videos and now as long as I don't get absurdly bad luck against last I mean frankly I kind of already did and I still won we should be fine so we're gonna do Thunderbolt agility dragon rate agility dragon rage and you guys love my count impression for some reason so one two three four a presses actually I just tap the a button like a billion times when I'm at the Elite Four so like a hundred thousand eight presses but whatever that's not the point we're back and like the old saying goes fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me fool me three times this video is over and I'm gonna say it's impossible and we're all just gonna have to live with that because I'm just seriously done with the Agatha lottery but alright let's do it turn one agility wing attack not as good as mere move but okay turn to agility sky attack alright I got to go for Blizzard here I don't know if Thunderbolt would be a one-hit ko and I don't want to test it out because sky attack would be very bad I knock out Pidgeot thankfully one thing I have been lucky with is I haven't missed a single hyper beam versus Alakazam this is not an exception that's - and here's where I decide to try something else ride on isn't as much of a threat I'm gonna set up a third agility try and knock out Blastoise in one head it goes earlier actually wouldn't been the worst thing if that hits more badge boosts but whatever Blizzard misses oh and it goes for taalib okay you know what fine I hit with Blizzard and now I have double the badge boosts let's see how the battle turns out now now you can tell I'm frustrated sigh opted to go for risky hyper beam strat and I knock it out I didn't do battle calculations or anything you could see I hesitated for a second but decided you know what nuts the and we've - Pokemon left well as per tradition I miss with my first Blizzard versus executory but it goes for barrage which is the best case scenario blizzard hits but it's not quite a one-hit ko but it goes for barrage again thank goodness they can't use potions before their turn like in other generations it's actually quite nice knowing it's a guaranteed knockout but Blastoise it will be a 1 a ko will I'd be frozen again or critical hit the answer is it's a one-hit ko finally I don't even know what to say I I don't I mean how do I even hear this Pokemon after what we just saw I have to try and be objective and ignore the crazy luck that I got but the truth is it's actually really easy to place your teeny looking at the level and the in-game time it goes below Pikachu as you saw I reset every time I lost so the in-game time was unaffected it just took more real world time and I'm gonna be honest I'm pretty thankful that it's so obvious where dratini should go because otherwise I don't know how objective I could be this was just one of the most insane no this was probably the most insane challenge not in terms of difficulty not in terms of weird discoveries of glitches but just in terms of the crazy bad luck I got throughout the run I've never seen anything like that but you know when you play pokemon for a living which is thanks to you guys I am so eternally grateful you'll see stuff like this and if you'd like to see more then just remember to like subscribe can't even get into that thanks for watching everyone take care
Channel: Jrose11
Views: 651,807
Rating: 4.9008288 out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, Jrose11, Red, Blue, Generation 1, Pokemon Red, Pokemon Blue, Pokemon Red and Blue, Pokemon Challenge, Kanto Challenge, pokemon challenge, pokemon challenges, pokemon red, pokemon blue, can you beat pokemon with only a, elite four, pokemon solo challenge, no items, is it possible to beat, challenge run, dratini Pokemon, dratini challenge, dratini no items, can you beat, gen 1, dratini, how fast Pokemon, Minimum Battles
Id: szo__SccxJM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 40sec (3160 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 26 2020
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