Can you beat Pokemon Red/Blue with just a Gastly AND MINIMUM BATTLES?

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[Music] hey everyone how's it going so today's video is going to be a very special one we've looked at all the starters in Pikachu which is a starter from yellow but still generation 1 but today we've moved on to probably the most unique pokemon in all of Kanto gastly is the only ghost Pokemon line and ghosts are pretty underrated in generation 1 you see most of the opponents use normal type moves especially early on and those simply don't affect gastly which is great in addition gastly gets nightshade which does hit normal type Pokemon in generation 1 and is asset damage move dealing the same amount of damage as your level sure it's not a one-hit ko but it deals fairly significant damage allowing you just to breeze through the first part of the game like always I use a gameshark code in order to get gastly to be my starter and reset until I have a decent gastly but it won't really matter because we can absolutely destroy the first bug trainer and his wheedle since poison is double resistant by gastly and brock does not have a move that can actually hit us except for bide if he uses bide we would just use confuse ray and oh yeah we get confused ray which is super useful and if you ever run out of nightshade you can simply use confuse ray to well it takes a long time but you can get by pretty much any normal Pokemon you want just a tremendous move pool for the early game and it only gets better as we keep going now proceeding through route 3 I decided to try something as you see in the title I wanted to see if I could sort of follow the minimum battles challenge rules in a solo run which is kind of crazy now the minimum battles is a challenge I also run on the channel and basically all you need to know is I try and battle as few trainers and wild Pokemon as possible it's supposed to be for limiting grinding experience points it's not necessarily a speedrun it can actually take a little but it's a really interesting challenge and and I figured it wouldn't be possible to do the whole run that way but let's see how far gastly can make it without battling any extra trainers or while Pokemon to gain experience points now of course in that challenge you're not supposed to catch wild Pokemon but since they don't offer any advantage and we need a Pokemon who's cut I do catch a Paris Paris is a really good Pokemon to catch in these runs because you can use both cut and dig and cut is mandatory and dig saves time if you use it throughout the run and I am trying to optimize in-game time as well to a certain degree so I figured in one of these videos I'd mentioned that Paris works really well okay moving on to cerulean you can fight misty but I don't recommend it because she's pretty powerful water moves even with our decent special not the best idea the rival is far easier again you just use nightshade in terms of what starter I picked for the rival you'll notice I picked squirtle the truth is Gauss Lee's move pool will make it good against all the starters but Blastoise has the best defensive stats and will ensure the rival has execute in growlithe which are slightly more frustrating to deal with then the Gyarados for reasons that will become apparent shortly once again the biggest threat in the rival fight is Pidgeotto but because you also have confused ray should be a pretty easy victory you may also noticed I use lick on the Abra and it doesn't affect it that's right psychic pokémon are so overpowered in generation 1 not only isn't it weak to ghost it's immune to it and there's only one ghost attack that actually deals ghost damage in the whole game lick and we're gonna use it only periodically when we have a Pokemon that's hit by it which does include the rival squirtle if you run out of nightshades which is possible with sand attack but moving on we can actually stick to minimum battles throughout the section 2 game and here is where I did something that in retrospect I probably should have done I fought misty now I did win but as you can see misty could have easily defeated me had she used bubblebeam with star me instead of spamming water gun although I did try confuse ray which didn't end up doing anything so the luck was kind of neutral but it would be a lot safer later especially because once again lick does not do super effective damage we're stuck with nightshade and since nightshade is dependent on your level being a few levels higher would have helped but battle ended up going well anyway and we're still at minimum battles heading to vermilion and once there we go to the SS n and fight rival three who isn't too bad but of course you may not win on your first try the pidgeotto and the Wartortle require three nightshades the Kadabra and the Radek a two now the pidgeotto could use sand attack which would be a problem Radek eight really isn't an issue at all but the Kadabra does have a turn to hit you with a confusion thankfully it only has one opportunity because gastly is really good speed so we'll out speed the Kadabra at our level and the Wartortle really isn't much of a problem dealing barely any damage with its attacks and we're able to go get cut and move on to fight lieutenant surge right wrong while lieutenant surge would be very beneficial to fight right now because we would get Thunderbolt which gastly can learn unfortunately we're just not at high enough of a level and yes we could use our rare candies but it's best to save those for later so instead we're actually going to skip lieutenant surge for now and proceed to rock tunnel as we get to this part of the game Pokemon are starting to appear that can hit gastly and interact unknow itself it's a little tricky with the cubone in the slowpoke both having super effective moves because I wanted to try and do this minimum battles I had to save and then reset since if you lose a battle and gain experience points obviously it wasn't the minimum number of battles and a couple of them did take me two tries one of them being this hiker with the - Geodude and a gravel err typically for Pokemon with normal moves this guy is really tough but he can be really easy if he cooperates and use self-destruct funny enough usually this is what you don't want because that would deal pretty significant damage but since we're a ghost Pokemon that is what we do want and if he uses them quickly we can get through the entire fight in three turns theoretically Rock throw however does significant damage or defense isn't great so you can lose but not too much of an issue only one other trainer to fight and she's pretty easy and we've made it all the way to lavender town with minimum battles there's one trainer you have to fight on the way to sell it on and once we get there we get a huge boost to our move pool since we can buy some vitamin sure that helps her stats we can get a fresh water and get access to saffron in saffron mr. psychic gives us the TM for psychic and as you know in generation one psychic moves are super overpowered and to demonstrate this let's go back to vermilion and fight lieutenant surge and see how we deal with our slightly higher level gastly now using psychic instead of nightshade it's like night and day pause for laughter in seriousness even with pretty abysmal luck i won so both Voltorb and pikachu are one hit Kalos with psychic Raichu is not and actually hit me with two Thunderbolt which is its most powerful move it could have chosen Thunder shock and it got a crit on one of the Thunderbolts so yes I survived on two HP but even with the crit another Thunderbolt some of the worst luck you can get gastly was able to tank it out with its high special Thank You generation 1 and we can now teach Thunderbolt and you may also notice I have hypnosis this is a super underrated move or maybe you've properly rated it because the ability to put things to sleep in generation 1 isn't the same and we'll talk a little bit more about this when the time comes but for now let's go through the rocket hideout and beat Giovanni I'm still at minimum battles and Giovanni is a complete joke psychic absolutely destroys his team and kangaskhan used rage which doesn't affect me so arguably we've now gone through half the game sticking to the minimum battles route with the exception of catching the Paras not bad at all once we defeated Giovanni I then chose to go to lavender town to fight rival number 4 and he's also really easy shocking I know with Thunderbolt we can knock out Pidgeotto in a single hit growlithe is also with single one-hit ko both psychic and Thunderbolt have the same power so it doesn't matter what you use execute can only hit you with hypnosis which it did unfortunately we don't have a move that is not not very effective double negative against the execute but can't hit us anyway Kadabra also wasn't a one-hit ko even with Thunderbolt but did barely any damage even though it's super effective and Wartortle was a one-hit ko with Thunderbolt as could be expected since our ghost Pokemon is psychic the channelers are no problem in pokemon tower nor are the rockets and once we get the polka flute we can head back to sell it on and fight Erica her team is simply horrendous to a psychic using gastly to wit kos for both victreebel and vileplume but victreebel decided to use poison powder which did nothing to be fair didn't really have much better to use Razor Leaf would have done some damage but didn't use it I actually tried this a couple times to see how much damage Razor Leaf would do but I could not get it to use it and just gave up tangle is also - a KO but use the normal move and vileplume did use mega drain did next to nothing my special is incredible and for those you're wondering petal dance would have done just under double so like 14 health not an issue whatsoever let's move on I would love to fight all the cue balls and bikers on cycling paths but we're doing so well at minimum battles let's see if we can continue our luck to Koga Koga x' Jam is actually a little tough because he has psychic pokémon and they're definitely the biggest obstacle to gastly because of our poison typing and thus the weakness to psychic moves now I was having trouble with the jugglers so I thought I would try and go through Silph company there is only one mandatory rocket you need to fight so if I'm sticking to minimum battles that doesn't really help much for experience points since he just does an arbok but I do get some money I did try to beat rival 5 but no dice so I used the money I gained from the items I collected and defeating the rocket to buy some more calcium's and I wanted to try the juggler again because I knew if I could get past the two jugglers that were mandatory Koga would be not an issue whatsoever well with those calcium's I was able to to hit KO everything and the juggler likes to switch the first one wasn't a problem the second one I decided to use hypnosis for the first time and put his hip notice sleep which helps cuz the hypno can deal significant damage was able to get by him and that was tougher than the actual gym leader who uses poison-type moves which I double resists plus I can't be poisoned and because of that I was able to defeat Koga without taking any damage I always feel a little bit of pride when that happens but at this point if we want to stick to minimum battles we have to fight rival five and try and win and the battle did not get off to a great start Pidgeotto started by critical hitting with wing attack which can hit me I did get a critical hit on the growl if not sure four would have one shot either way execute can't damage me anyway and didn't use hypnosis so good for not wasting time but the biggest obstacle is alakazam would I be able to put it to sleep before it one-shotted me with a psychic move before it outspent me thankfully now I out speed it and I do get off a hypnosis in generation one sleep lasts between one and seven turns plus you can't attack the turn you wake up so in a sense it's really like between two and eight turns of Pokemon can't attack you but referring to real Pokemon turns once again I need it to stay asleep for two actual turns because I have to get off three Thunderbolt it did and I was able to get past the Alakazam Blastoise is not a one-hit ko part of the reason I had the rival picot but it decided to use withdraw very effective rival I know gastly is known for its physical attack and I was able to win the fight even with that terribly unlucky critical hit at the beginning now I had kept confused rate to this point but I decided for Giovanni I would teach mega drain because he does have a ground rock Pokemon and mega drain will be super helpful against those nonetheless Giovanni's team matches up horribly against gastly and not only did I escaped with no damage but due to mega drain I actually gained some HP back so I think we can consider that fight a pretty big success but at this point there are very very few trainers left for me to fight the only mandatory ones left are Sabrina Blaine two trainers in Giovanni's gym Giovanni again the rival and then the Elite Four and champion this is where the run is gonna get super tough if I'm gonna need to start battling extra trainers and gaining some more experience points here is where it's gonna be Sabrina looks like she's gonna be really tough so I'm gonna go fight Blaine first and it started off pretty well because growlithe it's good AI says agility is a psychic move that will be super effective I should use that except agility doesn't deal damage the AI doesn't know that common Prom in generation 1 this is not the only battle we will use this to our advantage po neeta actually tried to attack us with fire spin which is annoying it's like the fire version of Rapp so it just deals damage every single turn very very frustrating move in generation 1 but it missed two psychics goodbye po neeta now rapidash actually did hit with a fire spin and got a critical hit which is double annoying because I got a special drop on my first turn with psychic and it completely bypasses that I get another special drop with psychic and so fire spin does less damage but you might be wondering why the heck am I getting so many special drops in generation 1 psychic has a 33 percent chance to lower the opponent's special considering that special is both offensive and defensive that is an insanely overpowered move I cannot begin to explain how ridiculously overpowered psychic pokémon are in generation 1 our k9 has fire blast so it was a problem I used to be gnosis of course it wakes up first turn so I use another hypnosis and then start spamming psychic at first it deals very little damage but with all the special drops I'm getting I was dealing more and more damage and the arc and I never woke up but even if it did unless it got a critical hit fire blasts would have done very little damage and we only have two more gins to go I'd love to fight Giovanni first but unfortunately you cannot fight Giovanni until all other seven gems have been defeated so that means we need to fight Sabrina and not only am i concerned about the damage her Pokemon will deal but also unconcerned about her outs eating me especially with Alakazam we thankfully do out speed the first Cadabra and I use hypnosis since a psybeam from that Cadabra does about three-quarters of Health so that's not very good it takes two Thunderbolts to knock out the Cadabra now all of mr. mimes moves are psychic so it just randomly chooses which one to use with confusion being the worst light screen isn't great either if it doesn't use light screen it's about a two to three hit ko depending on ranges if it uses light screen it can heal and then we have to just kind of hope it doesn't use confusion I got pretty lucky and while it's not as bad as side beam if it does use a confusion confusion + psybeam equals loss of fight now venomoth is my personal favorite because you use one psychic and down it goes but then comes out Alakazam it has three psychic moves to choose from and you will survive a psybeam at full health I decide to go for hypnosis for obvious reasons and I miss thankfully it doesn't attack me and I'm able to get a hypnosis on it eventually once you do it's normally a three hit ko Alakazam does wake up on the last turn but because you can't attack the turn you wake up doesn't matter and I went now let's be very real about what happened this was not my first victory against Sabrina originally I used some rare candies so that I out sped the Alakazam but the truth is this fight is gonna be lucky regardless it's never gonna be a one-hit ko I'm speeding it makes it slightly less lucky but I was nervous about using the rare candies here and not having them for later against the Elite Four in retrospect wasn't actually necessary to save them use I think three rare candies to get to level 46 and if your speed is like mine you'll out speed the Alakazam just making this fight slightly more consistent still wanted to see if it was winnable if the Alakazam out sped you clearly it was because there's only a one in three chance it picks psybeam and i know there will be people in the comments saying how red and blue is so easy but it really isn't all the time sometimes it's easy because of stuff like this but other times because of bad move pools and tight balancing some of these runs are downright impossible so it's a give and take I don't know if these are gonna be the hardest for these runs but especially if I do this for every generation I'm not promising that I'm just saying if not a bad place to start right this video on the other hand is close to ending we have a couple more trainers like I mentioned in Giovanni's gym then we face Giovanni because of my high special and psychic I know I match them very well there's one thing I'm scared of Rhyhorn easy one hit ko will I out speed the Dugtrio I do I go for psychic because even though mega drain is super effective psychic actually deals more damage and I don't think that critical hit mattered both Nidoqueen and neato Kang have decent special Nidoqueen takes two hits but it uses poison sting Nieto King I got a critical hit and right on mega drain does not one shot it because it's double super effective it is the best move to use but it still survive nonetheless it doesn't attack those four guards back and we've gone through all eight gyms using the minimum number of trainer battles possible which is 62 battles but if you've watched these challenge videos before you know that these are the warm-ups this is the easy part the real challenge is rival number six and the next five Elite Four trainer those final six battles that's where we really get to see whether minimum battles can work I'm very doubtful but let's at least try to face off against rival six at first I wasn't able to defeat him and I was worried that the minimum battles extra challenge would end here but then I got an idea Pidgeot has agility so what's gonna spam that because it's a psychic move what if I also could get a move that could increase my stats and take advantage of the badge boost glitch whereby every time your stats are modified like using a status move all your stats get their bad boost which is equal to 12.5% higher than they currently are this can stack and have some really useful effects but for as great as gasps lee's move pool is I mean hypnosis psychic Thunderbolt amazing coverage does not have a move to increase his stats in generation 1 or does it because a move that every Pokemon that learns TMS can learn that can theoretically give you a boosting move is mimic and what if we get rid of mega drain which let's face it wasn't all that useful and teach it mimicked can we then defeat rival six well let's take a look like I just said Pidgeot will keep spamming agility since it's classified as a psychic mood and the AI thinks its strong against my poison typing I will mimic agility and I'll be able to use it three times slightly increasing the rest of my stats including special now previously Thunderbolt was not a one-hit ko against Pidgeot as you saw now it is psychic one hit Kos both growlithe and Rhyhorn execute I put to sleep because it can use leech seed or stun Spore both of which are very bad but agility in of itself helps because I'm now able to out speed the Alakazam now maybe I should have used hypnosis but because it has that forty percent chance to miss sometimes if it's a 2 hit ko it's just worthwhile attacking and not risking it that wasn't the case here since it was a three a KO but I didn't know that I go for Thunderbolt and get a lucky critical hit Alakazam like previous Pokemon won't necessarily use psybeam of course it helps when it doesn't move to a very lucky paralysis but the time it did attack you used reflect useless third Thunderbolt knocks it out and now let's see if we can one-shot the Blastoise we don't it deals just over half damage thankfully I again get withdraw the AI is not great in generation 1 and a second Thunderbolt takes it out so while my first attempt may have been pretty bad this attempt I end up getting by again damage 'less not to mention we have made it through the main game up to the Elite Four at the minimum amount of experience points you can get if playing through the game glitchless and yes I know someone's gonna say what about the badge boost glitch but yes it is a glitch because it's unintended but because it's so central to how the game works and so many Pokemon use powerup it's just a mechanic it's how generation one works every generation is gonna have some unique quirks this is a unique quirk to generation one but okay that's enough explaining myself we're at level 47 ready to face the Elite Four that's not exactly a recipe for success but thankfully the Elite Four starts off pretty easy dugong likes to use rest because psychic move so we just need to use a few thunder bolts we get rid of it without taking any damage now cloister actually can attack us and did hit us with aurora beam but it only takes two Thunderbolts to take it out and once we take out cloister we're pretty much done lauralee because as you may have seen from previous runs we can mimic amnesia from Slowbro who will keep using it because psychic move we can increase our special to the maximum level knock out the slow grow although it does take two hits knock out the jinx hopefully you don't get a crit of course I did but it just goes to show you it really doesn't matter because as long as you don't get frozen or get a critical hit from ice punch you should be fine and then one-hit ko the laparis critical hit or not we have gotten past laura-leigh without too many problems Bruno is also not too difficult because his Pokemon are either weak too psychic or have very low special it's such a safe battle I don't even need to heal in between members psychic one-hit ko is the first Onix the hitmonchan in the Hitmonlee the second Onix there's a chance it survives but it didn't even attack me with the move that could damage me and machamp will spam Fisher because ground move Fisher like all one-hit ko moves don't work if your speed is higher my speed is higher so very very easy battle that was the first time Onix survived a single psychic so that's something new I learnt but the outcome was truly never in doubt Agatha on the other hand like always is a little scary no pun intended if her Gengar is out speed my gastly they'll hit me with hypnosis confused right it'll be very bad so what I need to do is use my rear Candy's I know not minimum experience points but we're still sticking the minimum battles which is insane but as they should be the last three trainers are by far the most difficult now that I'm 8 levels higher I out speed the first kangaroo you might think I use hypnosis but it's just too risky I'd rather go for the to turn psychic the slim chance she uses hypnosis on me and it hits just isn't worth me using hypnosis and it missing since psychic itself is a to hit ko so I just go for that she does hit me with confuse ray that's not great but my attack is low so it's not the end of the world and at least were one Gengar down now golbat actually helps us out a great deal I hit myself in confusion it goes for supersonic hit myself again in confusion and she goes for haze now in generation 1 haze actually removes confusion so I'm able to freely use psychic it doesn't quite one-hit ko it but does lower itself low enough where Agatha feels she should have used a super potion retroactively Lee whatever hunter is also a 2 hit ko but thankfully shouldn't even attack with the hunter she withdraws it for our Bok our dog can be a one-hit ko although it's arranged and I don't get it but she once again withdraws the arbok and that's great because glare would have been very problematic now knocking out the hunter and the arbok are easy because I had speed and now we just have one gang gar left I had actually yet to make it this far and to my horror gang Gerard sped me and hit me with nightshade are you psychic it will be a 2 hit ko but another nightshade will knock me out and hit from confusion to be bad but it goes for toxic what is Agatha doing who cares psychic and we have beaten Agatha not the prettiest battle but I'll take it at least for now considering I haven't actually made it to Lance or the rival fight yet since I heavily edit my videos you don't see the 20 failed attempts where I learn strategy and figure out what moves they want and when I want to use them you just see what I eventually figured out here you're seeing my second attempt at the Elite Four so the strategies aren't exactly polished yet and honestly I was extremely worried about Lance he can be a real run ender but in this run he's awful because three of lances 5 Pokemon have agility that means they will just keep spamming agility and I can do whatever I want Gyarados will be one-hit ko by thunderbolt and I can mimic agility on the dragonair which is almost the perfect move because Aerodactyl has incredible speed and I probably wouldn't have out sped it you can tell by the way this is my first Lance battle because I even try to go for hypnosis not realizing Lance will consistently use agility against my poison Pokemon you can even tell them oh when I realize it because I stopped for a second hit psychic forget how many Agility's I used go back for a fourth agility which does nothing and then you psychic again to knock out the dragonair dragon air - I don't bother with the hypnosis and just use two psychics but Aerodactyl wasn't a concern in the end because I'd also forgotten it only has normal moves with supersonic being the only move that can hit me didn't matter anyway because I out sped and one-hit ko with Thunderbolt Dragon Knight was a three hit ko probably with better luck could have gone a to echo but like dragon air is just gonna spam barrier and agility and we have made it to the champion with the minimum number of battles possible but the rival has given me problems before will those rare candies help even the odds enough for this to be the standard to compare all the rest of these runs - let's find out well on my first turn you see a mistake I forgot that the rival doesn't have agility on his Pidgeot anymore it's replaced with sky attack so I go for mimic but there isn't agility to mimic so I just copy sky attack it really doesn't matter none of the moves were all that useful thankfully he went for mirror move which doesn't do any damage I go for thunder bolted almost one hit chaos but doesn't quite it goes for sky attack which would have been very scary had it gone the last turn that would have been run over and it would have been all my fault but it didn't so I knock out the Pidgeot the next turn now Alakazam has both psybeam and psychic I don't want to know how much damage either then will do so I go for hypnosis and I miss thankfully he goes for reflect which was not a high chance of happening and I do hit the next hypnosis but I need Alakazam to stay asleep without any boost Thunderbolt is a three-hit KO but Alakazam never wakes up and that is probably the scariest Pokemon out of the way but by no means can we relax just yet well I mean we can't against the ride-on because it also only has normal moves it takes two psychics to knock it out Arcanine can hit you with ember which does next to nothing another two psychics will do the trick now executor would be very scary it is super high special but it doesn't have any moves that can actually damage me only knowing barrage and stomp this actually makes absolutely no sense because his execute knew other moves why would an executor maintain them it would it's a matter of the game giving executor or the moves a regular executor would learn without accounting for the fact he previously had an execute it doesn't really matter I just wanted to point that out but as you can see this part is really really boring he will use hypnosis on every single turn because it's the psychic move and so I just have to use sky attack wait and then it attacks thankfully sky tech doesn't get interrupted which is super nice takes quite a few hits to knock this thing out and I'm gonna be honest I was not appreciating the suspense Blastoise was picked because it knows hydropump and I mistakenly thought Blastoise had better special than Charizard it doesn't they're actually the same truth is this technically is the most difficult version of the fight because arcanine actually dealt damage with ember and Gyarados would have been an easy one-hit ko with thunderbolt but finally the waiting for executive order faint is over and it's the moment of truth Thunderbolt obviously does not one-hit ko I'm waiting for that hydro pump minimum battles on the line withdraw I'm almost disappointed I wanted a more dramatic finish but I will take it we used a single pre-evolved Pokemon only engaged in mandatory battles and in under five hours four and a half hours two hours less than my next best Bulbasaur we were able to beat the game at level 60 one with the retron speed up it took me just over an hour of real time to get through this run that too is insanely fast I'm just I could not be happier sometimes I wish I recorded my reactions live because I was so pumped up doing this challenge minimum battles was a joke to me I would say hey let's try doing this run minimum battles and it would last all of two gems and I start fighting other trainers to make fights less terrible this time no fight ever became terrible enough at most I lost one or two times this was my second attempt at the elite for my first on lance and the rival in sanity I knew gastly would be interesting I thought it would be one of the better runs I did not think it would be the gold standard trying to best this run will be extremely difficult if not impossible I am very skeptical we will ever see a run better than this but I've already learned so much during the series perhaps I'm wrong about this too so thanks everyone for watching next video will be up in a few days if there's a Pokemon you want to see put in the comment section below the Pokemon I see appear the most times in the comments I will do sooner so once again thanks for watching take care
Channel: Jrose11
Views: 445,788
Rating: 4.9382658 out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, Jrose11, Catch 'Em All, Red, Blue, Generation 1, Pokemon Red, Pokemon Blue, Pokemon Red and Blue, Pokemon Challenge, Solo Challenge, Pokemon Solo Challenge, Kanto Challenge, Kanto Starter, Starter Pokemon, No Items, Charmander, Minimum Battles, Pokemon Minimum Battles, Gaslty, Ghost Pokemon, pokemon solo challenge
Id: 0hYfrakv2UM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 24sec (1944 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 09 2020
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