How Fast can you Beat Pokemon Red/Blue with Just a Vaporeon?

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[Music] hey everyone how's it going so we've seen jolteon and we've seen flareon it's time for what many of you think will be the best of the eeveelutions in generation one vaporeon now i can see why you might think vaporeon's the best it has a water move right off the bat meaning brock will be absolutely no issue in addition since it can know ice moves that take advantage of its special it has really great coverage however there are some things we should be cautioned about for one vaporeon is really slow and number two its attack isn't very good and considering that the second gym leader has water types i don't know if it's going to be as fast as everyone thinks anyway i haven't shown the battle yet but brock is beyond easy and the battle is now over so while that was quick it's actually not as quick as you think in fact it's about neck and neck with flareon despite the fact flareon was using ember for brock honestly this is just due to random encounter luck vaporeon should have been faster but it goes to show you how little of a difference it makes as long as you have a special move that can damage brock and after we beat him usually i don't talk about this part of the game but i am going to do something differently there is a hiker in mount moon i always skip him i'm actually gonna battle him this time it's not gonna waste very much time to battle him and i'm very concerned about rival number two and rival number two is definitely not easy and in fact i lost four consecutive times to rival number two and basically the promised pidgeotto jolteon had a massive advantage here with its speed and electric move we're both slower and we're not doing much damage meaning we have to worry about sand attacks and even if we don't get sand attacks we usually take enough damage that either rattata can knock us out or more likely bulbasaur bulbasaur uses leech seed which usually isn't a problem but ironically vaporeon's massive health stat ends up being kind of a detriment since that means bulbasaur is healing more with leech seed and unlike flareon that had massive attack we have a pitiful base65 attack to use quick attack so against rival number two vaporeon is by far the worst so much so i actually had to go into misty's gym and battle the golden trainer so now that i'm at level 16 i have a battle where i get a water gun sand attack miss which is very very big and i don't get a critical hit i mean until the end but i end up at 50 hp for rattata i mean i know abra exists but it can't attack so let's just go right to rattata water gun almost one hit ko's and tac only does eight hp i did level up so i'm at 46 for bulbasaur and now the strategies use quick attack and hope for the best vaporeon has a measly 12.5 percent crit rate i mean i know that's double of what we get today but still compared to jolteon it's literally half and of course we got a leech seed right early on and you can see how much it's doing i already had gotten one crit but here was the big play bulbasaur uses growl i shouldn't have been able to knock it out but i got a second crit so a pretty lucky battle all things considered but early on i'm way more open to luck because the alternative is getting to a really high level and that just will make the later parts of the game a lot more trivial and boring and i know we're a long ways away but that's why i don't save between elite four members because if i have been relying on luck too much it should i mean flareon was an obvious counter example but it should run out at that point having to beat five tough trainers so like i said long way before there we're gonna board the ss and we're not gonna battle misty yet because on the ssm we get body slam not nearly as beneficial as when flareon got it or jolteon for that matter but we need it for misty and it will help with rival number three who is significantly easier than rival number two so pidgeotto goes for quick attack and outspeeds me i go for water guns doing about half you can see i out speed and retroactive potion don't mind that at all very unfortunate that water gun's not a two-wick eo but with that retroactive potion it essentially didn't matter or i should say it wouldn't have if quick attack would have knocked out pidgeotto it doesn't and of course i'm punished with a critical hit so that's annoying now we have to face raticate i go for water gun it goes for tail whip perfect we're not really gonna be facing many physical attacks i meant to go for quick attack i misclicked thankfully raticate didn't go for quick attack with that tail whip and then a quick attack it would have been bad but can we get cadabra to cooperate no confusion use teleport it out speeds teleport perfect and i knock it out with a single body slam another useful case how much does it do to ivysaur just under half and vine whip i'm okay with much rather that than leech seed maybe it'll knock it out no and leech seed is fine now great quick attack and we win so that wasn't so bad first try victory okay technically it was second try but that's only because i forgot to teach body slam and i reset right away so we'll put first try with an asterisk it's first try in my books anyway usually we'd fight lieutenant serge but we haven't even battled misty yet so we're gonna have to come back for him later and we have body slam will it be enough to beat misty well based on what it just did to star you i'm gonna say we're probably good now just don't use an x defend all right still decent damage about 20 so probably a five hit ko starmie can do very little to me so i'm not overly worried this is just gonna waste my time now unless i get a crit yes go vaporeon and uh this should knock it out okay you know easy come easy go but foreign ko is probably what i was expecting so misty it wasn't about her being tough but i was worried about the battle taking forever if i had to use quick attack so i'm pretty happy that i got body slam first and it's not like i'm in a rush to battle lieutenant surge anyway although from your perspective we're gonna battle him pretty soon actually but before we do that we're going to go through rock tunnel there is that hiker there but he is not a problem with the water pokemon and what we're going to do this time after healing enceladon is i'm going to go right to the rocket game corner and battle giovanni i mean he's obviously going to be very easy with a water pokemon kangaskhan does take multiple hits but for the first time in what feels like a while after that flareon video giovanni is going to be a complete breeze so now that we've beaten giovanni i'm gonna buy the tm for ice beam as well as the other stuff i needed the mart get the hm for fly but i can't use it until i battle lieutenant surge so that's what we're gonna do right now and you'll notice i haven't even healed from silk company was that a mistake well not looking like it yeah another bubble beam another knockout and almost three bubble beams three knockouts and thunderbolt did nothing well i mean i have a ton of hp so it did something but nothing to a vaporeon so yeah lieutenant surge saving him for now made a ton of sense and now that i've beaten lieutenant serge i can fly to lavender and battle rival four and now that i have ice beam this battle goes a little bit differently ice beam wanna ko's pidgeotto gyarados it doesn't look like it's doing half dragon rage then i get a crit that may have mattered but another dragon rage really wouldn't make a difference even if he used it bubble beam on growlithe i accidentally click ice p monkadabra it almost knocks it out anyway but just a quick quick attack now much does it do to ivysaur everything that's what i like to see so gyarados looks to be the scariest pokemon right now and it didn't do all that much vaporeon's hp while not the most useful stat for a solo run definitely makes a lot of these battles way less scary and funny enough the next scary battle we're going to have is all the way in fuchsia city with koga obviously have to finish up pokemon tower but something else i'm going to want to do before battling koga is getting the hm for surf aside from the fact you needed to complete the game vaporeon will now get its most powerful water attack i mean technically hydro pump but this one is 100 accurate and none of koga's pokemon have great special so i'm hoping i'll want to ko but i'm a little under leveled let's see all right coughing number one close very close thankfully it misses with its attack being poisoned isn't ideal but that's one down muck should be a two a ko unless they get a critical hit so that's two down now i level up so i'm hoping this will be a one ko it's not tackle's not a problem now even a self-destruct we should be fine but i'd rather not find out if it's all the same to you alright that looks like it's doing definitely less than half so three hit ko smog of course i get poisoned critical hit would be nice don't get one that did pretty decent damage you know what self-destruct probably would have knocked me out but we didn't see it so another first try victory we're getting a lot of those and i legitimately questioned whether i should go battle blaine now or do what i usually do in battle rival five and guess what i went to blaine yeah i know whoa blaine before rival fibel blaine the fifth gym leader that's crazy i mean the earliest you can do blaine is fourth but i really can't imagine what blaine could really do with my hp and surf so let's see if this was a smart decision well it's looking that way outspeed growleth won a ko i also outspeed ponyta into one at ko unsurprisingly the pokemon with rapid in its name outspeeds me stomp doesn't do all that much and i knock it out wow am i going to want to kill every single one of these pokemon retroactive super potion and okay i don't know if that crit mattered i frankly don't care even if it used take down its best move that would have dealt a ton of recoil damage would have been a two at ko early blaine was the right decision and now i have the tm for blizzard don't know if i'm gonna teach it yet but if i need it i now have it for the rest of these battles let's see if it's even necessary well i outspeed pidgeot and ice beam one of kos another critical hit on gyarados with ice beam bite isn't doing that much this doesn't knock it out not surprised and retroactive potion perfect bye gyarados ralith yeah not a problem alakazam out speeds it goes for cover that's good and cerf's doing about half that's pretty good however alakazam recovers on the next turn starts doing a little bit more than half at least it seems and maybe i can knock it out with a quick attack i do maybe that crit mattered i'm not sure but we have one pokemon left venusaur and it has razor leaf which should be a crit nearly every attack all right ice beam is doing over half so ice beam is pretty good razor leaf it even crits and just over a hundred that might have knocked out a pokemon with less hp but you're dealing with a vaporeon so somewhat surprisingly rhp is really coming in handy and if you're wondering how i'm out speeding some of these pokemon and don't worry i can talk over these next two battles they're very easy well there's a couple factors one when i went to buy fresh water i also bought three carbos because i was worried about speed two i reset until my vaporeon had perfect speed thankfully you can tell at level five and three once you've beaten koga you get a 12.5 percent boost in your speed from what you see on screen in addition to four the fact that i accumulate stat experience which raises my stats and ai pokemon until like gen four or 5 never had those although by that point they'd be called evs usually i don't really go into detail about this type of stuff but i know people are going to bring it up so i figured it would be a good idea to explain how vaporeon is possibly outspeeding seemingly faster pokemon like ponyta and pidgeot anyway now that that giovanni fight is over we can go and battle erica i could battle sabrina but erica should be really easy and that's one two just a second i have to wait for all this text yes i want to teach acid armor and three ice beams jros 11 the king of the fake out but yeah saving erica till now was a conscious choice i wanted to wait until ice beam would want to ko did i wait too long who knows frankly i don't care slightly worried about sabrina because cerf is better than body slam and as fast as vaporeon is i don't think it's gonna outspeed many of her pokemon let's see well we do outspeed kadabra it's not a one ko maybe i should have gone for body slam psychic no special drop that's huge so we can knock out kadabra mr mine won't be a one ko either unless they get a crit that's pretty clutch i mean not really because mr mom's best move is confusion but let's pretend it was clutch doesn't knock out venomoth stun spores like the one thing i didn't want to see and now it's going to go first psi beam that's okay all right being paralyzed doesn't bode well for alakazam but maybe this will work all right first turn recover like to see that and critical hit surf really like to see that if he doesn't recover i win well it does recover and thankfully i'm able to attack and again if it doesn't recover i win and it goes for sidewave which literally does zero damage i mean okay i knock it out but like holy moly i know that's a thing but it still blows my mind that sidewave is an attack that can do zero damage gen one truly is unique anyway now that we've been sabrina we can go battle giovanni and the fact i've spent so little talking about giovanni probably gives you an idea of how difficult this next battle is gonna be so we have one surf dog trio at speeds growl was the best thing possible two serves three serves four serves five five sirs i know it's repetitive for some of you but every time i don't do a count impression people bring it up so there you go a disjointed kind of count impression but yeah that was quick like really quick like right now vaporeon's on pace to tie such notables as articuno and mew you know legendary pokemon but there are six very tough battles standing in our way surely vaporeon will have to lose one of them and then we'll lose a bunch of time right well against rival six you'll see me set up acid armor there are two reasons for this one yeah raising defense is good but two the badge boost glitch basically at this point it's a badge boost feature when you modify your stats all your other stats are raised by twelve point five percent the equivalent of a badge boost which we talked about briefly earlier that twelve point five percent boost in my speed that's supposed to happen and actually happens although it's ten percent in the next two generations in generation one however it's bugged like everything and has this weird glitchy side effect which is hard to avoid so we're going to exploit the heck out of it now that we're done setting up acid armor we can knock out pidgeot with a single ice beam right horn with an ice beam why not looks like we're doing half to gyarados finally that attack did nothing i mean obviously i have three acid armor set up and still a three at ko okay whatever we knock out gyarados but we level up and now that we've leveled up our defense is still good but the game will reset everything else back to normal i mean it doesn't matter versus growlithe but we aren't out speeding alakazam and that's what i was worried about psychic special drop you can see how little damage we're doing now thankfully i do get a body slam critical hit and we knock out the alakazam but after a psy beam and yeah i don't think this is gonna work out too well not doing a lot of damage with ice beam and critical hit vine whip so okay we did lose i knew we'd lose eventually but i got unlucky and i see a really easy way to actually make this battle a lot more consistent so let's try it again this time no acid armors i go for ice beam right away you can see the badge boost glitch in action does not knock out pidgeot whirlwind is fine we'll just knock it out this oh are you kidding me that's a 1 in 256 chance a gen 1 miss all right finally we knock out pidgeot ryhorn obviously doesn't matter with badge boosts or not we're going to knock it out and here's what's kind of funny obviously ice beam is doing less leer actually will cause badge boost glitch it does modify my stats so i do a little bit more on my second attack tries to go for lear again and fails 25 chance that that happens not sure why they programmed it but it is intentional and we knock out gyarados and level up and now i could set up all three acid armors and badge boost glitch win this fight but i actually chose not to just to see if i was really unlucky the first time ice beam was a misclick didn't end up mattering now can we get better luck versus alakazam reflect is good good thing i went for surf crit is very good and okay so yeah alakazam can actually go like that and now that i don't have a special drop we have ice beam razor leaf crits you know a ton of hp that would knock out almost every one of the pokemon you've previously seen but not vaporeon that hp coming in clutch and we have just five battles to go until vaporeon is crowned king of the gen 1 eeveelutions or queen we don't know what gender this vaporeon is edit note i was actually thinking of cutting that line but i realized you know i actually can find out what gender this vaporeon is all i have to do is put the cartridge in the transfer pack and open up in pokemon stadium and yeah it is a male vaporeon so king of the eeveelutions at the very least you can't criticize me for not being thorough anyway back to the video but anyway now that we've beaten rival number six we have the elite four not gonna battle any of the trainers in victory road but i have been better about collecting rare candies and you know what the scariest member of the elite four in my opinion is laura lee she has four water pokemon i really don't have anything great to use against her so i think my best shot of making her battle consistent is leveling up beforehand so i'm going to use all of my rare candies so i'm already at level 57 level 57 vaporeon versus laura lee take one let's do it all right well i'm gonna set up three acid armors and dugong goes for growl rest which doesn't do anything and another growl so that is five badge boosts my attack is lowered but surf is gonna do just about half damage you can see just how valuable those bad boots are and again why they can't be avoided i couldn't control dugong using growl it then goes for takedown which is huge because it may have been a range and we knock it out with two serps that was really cool cloister has worse special will this be a one ko no not quite retroactive super potion so for all intents and purposes it was and with slowbro i could teach mimikir instead of body slam and mimic amnesia i haven't done so yet so i'm just gonna go for surf i get a crit and unfortunately that ignores all the gains in my stats so no badge boost there withdraw is fine and bye bye slow bro now we just have jinx and lapras i should knock out jinx in one hit yes we do okay just lapras and honestly the worst thing you could do is freeze me with blizzard but body slam will do nothing hydro bump will do nothing we're good all right surf critical hit in this case not really a positive confused race actually not that big a deal because even if i hit myself in confusion my defense is so high with those acid armors so we should be good i don't hit myself in confusion body slam like does nothing it paralyzes me but i'm able to snap out of my confusion and we beat laurely on the first try if only we would have beaten rival six that would have been quite a nice little streak we would have had going but hey i'm really happy i'm proud of vaporeon and uh here is a trainer we're really gonna struggle against i mean man bruno you know i have played the game as red and bluno he's just the moves are so bad in this case though even if he had yellow bruno's moves which are way better it still would be easy because onyx is terrible special hitmon chan is terrible special hitmonlee is terrible special onyx is an onyx machamp doesn't but it only has one attacking move and bruno attacks at random so there's a 75 percent chance it does nothing even if he used submission that wouldn't have been a problem so yeah bruno was exactly as difficult as he thought he'd be however if you remember the flareon run a real sticking point for special attacking pokemon is agatha especially slow special attacking pokemon we can badge boost which flareon couldn't so we will maybe be able to outspeed them but before we're confused and put to sleep let's find out all right it starts off by out speeding going for confuse ray that's like the worst thing other than putting me to sleep thankfully i'm able to attack and use an acid armor i'm hoping based on my flareon experience this should be enough to out speed and i'm right and surf does a ton of damage now oh no please no all right still asleep turn one confuse ray so i'm asleep and confused perfect still a sleep turn two and dream eater critical hit oh my goodness literally the worst case scenario because it gains back a ton of hp now and i'm still snoozing but it swaps into golbat which can use haze and yeah i'm still asleep and hey that actually works it does remove all badge boosts even the ones i'm supposed to have so that's bad but it also removes all status conditions both my sleep and my confusion so i can knock it out however i no longer am going to out speed gengar and here's where i make a bit of a mistake i level up which resets my badge boost to normal so gengar goes for nightshade that's fine i go for acid armor what i didn't realize is i'm gonna be out speeding now but i don't know that so i'm gonna go for another acid armor and it puts me to sleep all right wake up right away no and dream eater of course all right so this is gonna be a three hit ko maybe not maybe the increase in special will make a difference i gotta wake up first and hey we woke up in a dream eater that's good so let's knock it out close retroactive super potion i like to see that not good health at all but hey we've made it through to pokemon maybe the dice will land in our favor and we can win the agatha lottery all right we need to knock this out though oh gosh one more acid armor would have done it such a weird thing to say but nightshade so i'm at 32 hp any hit from anything knocks me out hopefully i'll want to ko the arbok all right come on come on yes but it's not time to celebrate we still have gengar it has night shade it's gonna be fun so surf good damage confuse ray all right vaporeon you gotta do this come on vaporeon yes okay that was that was something alright i mean that is you know what that's agatha in a nutshell that is the highs and lows of an agatha battle it really does add a lot of suspense to these runs and it's one of the reasons i love doing them in red and blue however we cannot celebrate yet beating agassi means nothing if we can't get through lance and the champion lance some of the pokemon seem okay some of the pokemon like gyarados seem less so let's find out if this is doable first things first as i go for acid armor it goes for leer we've made some move changes now we have blizzard and mimic i'm gonna go for blizzard and c good thing i used blizzard because it did half and hyper beam good thing i used acid armor because even with that leader were plus one in defense very good well since gyarados has to recharge let's set up another acid armor useful even without the badge boost by the way now please hit okay that's the scariest pokemon we can still lose but that was the one i was most nervous about and we level up all right so we still have increase in defense but no increase in speed and special won't make a difference versus dragonair one if we hit good and dragon air too good but it will versus aerodactyl it has a great critical hit ratio no oh okay well we knock it out but if dragonite gets a critical hit we lose come on vaporeon out speed out speed yes yes okay wow this is a great first attempt we're gonna make it all the way to the champion so far only gengar has been able to beat the elite four in one try mewtwo didn't use rare candies and it would have so we'll say two will vaporeon be the third i'm not so optimistic but hey you never know all right well acid armor is useful for a variety of reasons and where is vaporeon sprite it just disappeared and i don't think it's coming back all right that's nice so invisible they pour around for the rest of this battle and it's funny because i was wondering if that wing attack miss is because it thinks i'm like using dig or fly but no it's just a gen one miss anyway i'm gonna go for blizzard just knock out pidgey out before it can use something like sky attack so that's one down and you know what this is bothering me here is a substitute vaporeon sprite it's gonna get away the text a little bit but i think it looks better than nothing and new vaporeon sprite is in for a tough time because we have alakazam goes for reflect that's very good and i mimic recover vaporeon's greatest asset is its hp most of these pokemon can't do half damage so maybe i could be at almost full health for venusaur that's my thought process anyway it goes for psychic no special drop surf is doing about half all right no special drop of course it asks you psychic again yes yes okay that's the scariest other than venusaur you know what they're all scary another scary pokemon down i mean not right on it's not scary at all and maybe i could have set up some acid armors but i was worried it was about to level up and it would just waste time hey a pokemon you knockout can't damage you so we're halfway done all right how much is blizzard gonna do to gyarados not bad hyper beam no crit yes now i can recover it has to recharge even if it hits me with another hyper beam so long as it doesn't crit i can recover and gain more hp back and speaking of crits i'll take that every day okay two pokemon left and as long as i out speed which i do oh my gosh one pokemon left and it knows solar beam this could be it oh my gosh no way well we level up so no badge boost go for blizzard i mean we know a critical hit razor leaf wouldn't have knocked me out so i'm confident in saying we definitely earned that victory first try man you guys were right vaporeon was outstanding i had no idea how much that hp would help us the question is exactly how fast were we three hours 27 minutes putting us in the same range as mew zapdos and articuno that's just that's something alright but when doing the tier list in my opinion i do think vaporeon deserves to be in the tier but i am because of how high level it was i'm gonna put it at the bottom and i feel that's fair it's really hard to compare a level 61 with the level 54 and a lot of those were at minimum battles while they pouring on yes for speed purposes but i didn't do that so i feel like i'm pretty confident in its ranking i am going to take a break from generation 1 for a little bit i videos in other generations not necessarily solo runs but really cool challenges that i think you guys will really like don't worry i'll never get tired of these gen 1 challenges there's so much fun to do and until next video take care everyone
Channel: Jrose11
Views: 291,641
Rating: 4.9447646 out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, Jrose11, Red, Blue, Generation 1, Pokemon Red, Pokemon Blue, Pokemon Red and Blue, Pokemon Challenge, Kanto Challenge, pokemon challenge, pokemon challenges, pokemon red, pokemon blue, can you beat pokemon with only a, elite four, pokemon solo challenge, no items, is it possible to beat, challenge run, Flareon Pokemon, Flareon challenge, Flareon no items, can you beat, gen 1, how fast Pokemon, Minimum Battles, Eevee, Flareon, Eeveelution, Best Eeveelution, Jolteon
Id: WAVj3G6zsLM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 58sec (1798 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 03 2020
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