Can You Beat Pokemon Red/Blue with Just a Diglett?

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I'm at the moment driving home from work and this made my fking evening

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/GothmogTheBalrog24 📅︎︎ Aug 29 2020 🗫︎ replies

After seeing his struggles on Twitter this made me so happy

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/theyeastiestone 📅︎︎ Aug 30 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] hey everyone how's it going so today i'm going to do just a regular red and blue run but i say that knowing that this run is going to be anything but regular we have one of the pokemon that i thought would be one of the 10 hardest runs that i would do and of course as you could tell by the title that pokemon is diglett now unlike some of the other pokemon we've dealt with diglett's problem is not necessarily its move pool i mean it's not incredibly varied but i definitely say it's above average what is way below average though are two of diglett's stats it's hp and defense its measly base 10 hp is the worst in the entirety of generation one by a fair bit if you think about it the second worst magikarp has base 20 which as you know is twice as good but its defense isn't much better base 25 ranks it as the fourth worst only besting chansey abra and jigglypuff two of which are in the top six for hp which makes up for that terrible defense now some of you are probably thinking i'm gonna say and no places is more evident than brock but i don't even need to show off brock let's look at the junior trainer before brock because just trying to face off against diglett at around the same level as the junior trainers diglett i barely make it to the sandshrew if at all let alone beat the junior trainer let alone face brock and i guess i can skip ahead and yeah the brock battle is going just about as well as you could expect when he doesn't use tackle i can last a pretty long time but it doesn't take very many tackles at all until diglett is done so what can i do well diglett will learn growl and with growl the geodude part becomes doable i figured out that depending on the level using five or sometimes even four growls would limit geodude to just two hp per tackle unfortunately unless they get to a much higher level it will never be doing one hp which is actually quite bad because while diglett's attack is somewhat decent the move it uses scratch is pretty awful and so i'm doing next to no damage this is slightly made up for by the fact that diglett has great speed and since critical hits are calculated based on its base speed diglett will get a critical hit roughly 19 of the time so even more roughly one in five which isn't bad and while that's pretty much always able to knock out geodude once you get to onyx it's done i mean there's nothing you can do the problem is you don't make it past geodude with much health and even when you do onyx knows screech and it knows tackle and with my just paper-thin defenses i can't afford to be hit by onyx sure i out-speed so i don't have to worry about bide and that's a problem in other runs but no literally tackle is the big issue and i wasn't even getting close like some runs i'm like oh if all the luck happens just the way i need to sure i will beat onyx and i don't have to level up more but i didn't have a single battle where i said that every single battle onyx was at at least half health or more so i just had to level up to level 19 until i got digged it took a long time but i mean the results speak for themselves dig in generation 1 is base 100 power meaning it's as powerful as earthquake the one reason i won't be using it when i get earthquake is that it takes two turns and that takes time but it makes incredibly quick work of both geodude and onyx and yeah that's brock i don't love strategies which are just level up till i win but in this case at least it didn't rely on any luck and you might think oh well you're super high level now the rest of the game's gonna be easy no no even cerulean city poses a challenge i mean who to face rival 2 or misty well rival 2 we can't use dig and shockingly diglett which doesn't have any hands can't learn mega punch so the only move to hit pidgeotto with is scratch unless i level up a ton more which i'm not going to do so i have to basically hope pidgeotto both doesn't get critical hits with gust or use sand attack because well missing is bad and even the rattata will knock me out with enough hits so let's try misty that didn't work out either sure i could knock out staryu but starmie outsped and use bubblebeam so i'm going to actually do rival 2 first and honestly it's not looking very good at all scratch is doing i don't know a fifth and of course pidgeotto uses sand attack and it lands i just wanted to play this out but already a horrible start however i do get a stroke of good luck the one in five critical hit chance i get it pidgeotto meanwhile retaliates with gust which is doing just over a third of my hp on the next turn i miss with scratch and it goes for gustin hits so i probably can't afford to be hit one more time this is looking very bad well scratch doesn't crit and i get hit with sand attack so yeah 14 hp two accuracy drops this is not going to be a successful battle but hey at least they knocked out the pidgeotto that's good experience point so i might as well continue if i lose i don't have much money anyway and honestly gaining experience points this way is way faster than encountering what seven or eight wild pokemon i'll take it well for abra really doesn't matter what i use but i went for dig since i knew that would be a wanted ko and it connected again doesn't matter since abra only knows teleport but since i'm doing this battle just for experience points it's awesome abra comes out second because it's just more free experience points before the rattata likely knocks me out and it will if i miss with dig although dig should be one of ko so i use it and of course i miss it goes for tackle and actually i survive on three hp might as well go for dig again and this time i hit not too bad and we have one more pokemon left bulbasaur pretty much no matter what it does other than growl will knock me out i'm not even sure if dig is a one at ko i go for dig and one hit ko okay i'm genuinely surprised in a good way one thing people will ask you saw it said it's super effective no it's not the way generation one works with its message system is that it can't understand when one type grass resists the move and the other type poison is weak to it so it will always display a message based on some priority system you can look up for grass poison ground will show as it's super effective it's not it's still doing neutral damage the message is a glitch and i know if i don't mention it people will say that why didn't you pick squirtle it's super effective against bulbasaur it's not and you'll see later on why picking bulbasaur definitely made this run way more difficult than if i made the rival pick squirtle but now we have a brief moment of calm before we have to go and face misty i mean we don't have to but it would be preferable to beat misty now and not have to backtrack and fight lieutenant surge later definitely lieutenant surge is going to be easy the question is even at my higher level than i was is it enough to beat misty let's see just like in the last battle i out speed go for dig and dig knocks out staryu no critical hit needed the question is what will happen with starmie well i go for dig avoid a bubble beam hit it doesn't knock it out that's not surprising and it goes for water gun which doesn't knock me out so so long as i don't get a 1 in 256 miss chance i actually will beat misty at level 25 that's not bad at all and hey i'm not ridiculously unlucky in fact i was kind of lucky i'm not really sure if misty has good ai or not and whether she just randomly attacks but she basically has four things she can do and i'm not even sure when she'll use the x defend so let's just say she had a 50 50 chance of going for bubble beamer water gun and i got water gun i will take it and now that i've defeated misty i'm gonna go and battle rival number three but because rival number three still has pidgeotto i'm gonna go out of my way i've already wasted enough time training to beat brock so what's another minute to acquire one of the most useful tms in generation one body slam available just by beating one trainer on the ssn and with body slam rival number three is significantly easier than rival number two alright so against pidgeotto first things first we really don't want sand attack now that body slam is roughly a two-hit ko we get gus that's good and the second hit knocks out pidgeotto radicate i miss click i was excited i knocked out the pidgeotto i should have gone for dig i went for body slam now it is faster since it only takes one turn but it didn't do its job hyper fang yikes very bad now i have to want to kill everything but maybe i will kadabra so long as i outspeed which i definitely should knocks it out with body slam and now ivysaur go for dig and yeah even though it's evolved dig is still a one at ko and that is rival number three so long as you have body slam and don't get some bad luck and don't make a mistake like i did it's pretty decent and speaking of pretty decent we have probably one of the easiest gym leaders ever in lieutenant surge but since his pokemon have weak defense i am going to try using body slam to see if i can cut down on the turns so i use it against voltorb and get a critical hit not sure if it was a range or not pikachu goes for quick attack which is very annoying when you have bad hp you really don't want to be hit with quick attack this will become more important later whatever i'm not too worried because with raichu i'm not going to take the risk i'm just going to go for dig i know it's going to be a wanna ko and yeah that was just about as easy as you'd think and the next part of the game definitely is quite a bit of a break rock tunnel even the notorious trainer with the two geodudes and the graveler that like to self-destruct well they're not an issue for diglett for obvious reasons so we can fast forward to celadon i'm gonna go to the rocket game corner then shop fly to lavender do what i need to do there and then fight erika that is the normal strategy and typically is the fastest way of doing things well already we have a bit of an issue at a place you may not have expected against giovanni of course the onyx and the rhyhorn are no problem dig is a wanna ko the kangaskhan however is not and if it goes for something like comet punch well there goes diglett you also may notice i ran out of power points for dig i could have used an elixir but it didn't matter dig was usually a three at ko without a critical hit and slash does just as good a job and basically you'll see how you slash it goes for rage rage once you use it you're locked into it for the rest of the battle so that's what you needed to do or a guard spec can rage and you can beat giovanni's kangaskhan and move on but just one more word on slash why would you get rid of body slam gyros isn't slash weaker well yes slash is 70 base power versus 85 and it doesn't have a chance to paralyze but the critical hit ratio is so messed up in generation one for a fast enough pokemon like diglett when you have a move like slash with a higher critical hit ratio it will critical hit 100 percent of the time the one downside of critical hits is that they ignore your stat boosts but diglett actually doesn't have a stat boosting move of any kind other than double team which i've unofficially banned for all my runs it's too luck based and frankly there's always a better strategy than relying on evasion anyway after that break in the action we get to battle rival number four usually a very very easy battle in fact i can't recall any run where it's been difficult cue epic foreshadowing well one move diglett also gets that's very useful is rock slides we're going to use it against pidgeotto and it knocks it out in one hit but here is why we picked venusaur for our rival gyarados now appears on his team and gyarados unlike execute knows hydro pump and unsurprisingly so long as it hits which it will about 80 percent of the time knocks me out yep this is a somewhat impossible battle without relying on luck basically it's a 36 percent chance that either i get a critical hit or gyarados misses with hydro pump but yeah i don't want to rely on a 36 percent chance plus i don't even know if i'd knock out the ivysaur so instead because i'm so so close to knocking it out perhaps we can go slightly out of order and defeat erika using the experience points from that battle to help beat rival number four yeah no that's not gonna happen in fact it's the same problem i had with gyarados just with even worse odds so because i'm stuck i'm gonna go and beat all the trainers in erica's gym i have a feeling i'm gonna get stuck in some other places so it's a pretty good spot to get experience especially because once i defeat erica these trainers won't be battleable anyway and since i was closer to beating rival number four than erika i'm gonna battle everyone in her gym except for her and see if i can now knock out the gyarados at my higher level alright so level 35 is pretty ridiculous for this point in the game once again pidgeotto gets knocked out with rockslide but now the moment of truth do i knock out gyarados yes i do and now i'm curious whether i'll knock out the rest of the rivals pokemon growlith i go for rockslide to save time same thing with kadabra but i go for slash because it can't miss and i go for dig with ivysaur i'm pretty sure i'm gonna knock it out and yes i do forgot that it's an ivysaur not a venusaur i never even think about this battle it's always so easy but now it's done and while after i finish with the pokemon tower i could battle erika the truth is it's not the worst idea to leave her for after koga koga is the poison type gym leader it is faster to go to silk company first but i'm not gonna do that even though it might be possible i had enough problems with rival number four rival fibel has evolved versions of most of these pokemon so it's gonna be that much harder yeah coca seems to be the right place so gonna go to the safari zone and then i'm gonna go and battle koga and the battle goes just about how you'd expect it to go considering the tight mismatch however after i knock out coughing with the single dig mock you will notice takes two hits i go for slash since it's quicker but that could have been a problem since koga likes to use evasion moves coughing was obviously another one at ko i was hoping for a self-destruct while i use dig and that's exactly what i get fastest safest way that battle could end if i would have hit with dig it wouldn't have been one of ko unless they got a critical hit and wheezing self-destruct would have easily taken me out so by no means was this a guaranteed victory but relatively safe i would say and without i'm already at level 40 i can now use surf so i don't actually have to battle rival fiber right now while i typically like to use lapras for both surf and strength because it's faster i could get the good rod catch another pokemon to use surf and then just go to cinebar and battle blane the fire type gym leader again probably not guaranteed but given the type mismatch that also shouldn't be too bad and that's exactly what i decide to go and do but before i battle the 7th gym leader maybe i should go and battle gym leader number 4. erica shouldn't be too much of a problem now that i'm super high level but you never know i have earthquake now so i go for it and it's a range i have knocked out victory bell i did this a few times in this battle the victory bell survives on like one hp and she goes for a retroactive super potion i used to be really mad but now that i'm doing a run in gold and silver i miss the retroactive super potions they're great anyway tangela as a 2 at ko goes for bind which is really annoying but next slash will knock it out and then vileplume not as close to being one of ko is victory bell so long as it doesn't go for sleep powder i should be fine and then it goes for petal dance and knocks me out beautiful so that can't happen of course in the next battle i get the range against victory bell constrict so it saves time and a critical hit and in case you were wondering yes i did try this again just to make sure i would be able to survive a petal dance from vilebloom and the answer is yes i will not much hp to spare mind you but if you've been watching these videos long enough you know i don't like to rely on a lucky critical hit to say a battle is winnable so i went back and battled her a third time once again we got the victory and now i'm ready to do all the things i need to do on cinebar island and eventually battle blaine and blaine actually proved to be kind of annoying i mean the first three pokemon i out speed and they're all one of kos critical hit or no critical hit our k9 however i basically had to hope either for a critical hit which i did get here which is 19 or that he doesn't go for fire blaster takedown and if he does that those two miss honestly i'm a little too lazy right now to do the exact calculations but i would ball park at around 65 chance to win the battle based on all the things that have to go right for blaine to win i actually had a really hard time losing which is why i'm just showing you the victory but yeah even though i don't like to rely on luck in some cases there's so many things going in your favor that while it is technically lucky you are way more likely to win than to lose so why am i making this harder for myself i don't know i'm not i won but even though normally beating the seventh gym leader i'm close to the end here i don't feel all that close because i have to battle rival fibal and it's not looking good wing attack quick attack to hit ko yeah there was a bit of luck there but come on the pidgeot just knocked me out like diglett was nothing clearly i had to battle more trainer so i battle all the trainers in blaine's gym to gain some levels well let's try again even by using the rare candies and battling at level 52 higher than mewtwo when i beat the game so surely this should be enough right well no it doesn't even knock out pidgeot with rockslide albeit it's coming close but let me tell you the range is not enough to knock it out even if you get great luck that's about as close as you get thankfully i get a whirlwind here you can actually lose about half your hp from two quick attacks before you even get to gyarados will i knock out gyarados and will hydro pump knock me out let's see well rock slide isn't enough to knock out gyarados and hydro pump does do enough to knock me out so essentially we're back to relying on misses and critical hits and so once again it's time to level up and frankly this is the right call can you beat rival 5 at a much earlier level of course you can if you reset enough times you will get the misses and you'll get it's not like a 2 chance it's still like 30 think about it when you're going for a wild pokemon they have a 30 encounter rate that's really great so obviously you'd get victories the problem i would have with those is twofold one the team rocket members who are in silk company all disappear once you've beaten giovanni and if i'm having trouble with rival fibel rival number six and the champion the champion whom i can't reset against that's gonna be tough so might as well level up here and you know i don't love luck based strategies and the truth is if i just level up a little bit more to level 55 the battle goes so much easier pidgeot is now a one ako so unless it goes for quick attack i go into gyarados with full hp and while it's close to knocking it out it doesn't quite have the attack power to do so however hydro pump has a chance not to knock me out which is good enough for me so i'm on three hp but at least i get to find out whether or not earthquake will wanna ko venusaur so i knock out gyarados growlithe and alakazam and yeah the miss with hydro pump missed with rockslide thing was kind of amazing i come close to knocking out venusaur but it goes for razor leaf and i don't get the five percent chance that it misses so wow huh do i love a lot more i'm at such a high level already i know i don't like luck but i also don't like grinding to level 100 so what do i do here the answer is i'm done i'm just gonna try this again and in the next battle look at that i get the hydro pump miss again this time i didn't miss with rock slide so i knock out gyarados and venusaur does have a chance to go for leech seed to be fair at this point blastoise would have water gun and bubble so it would not be much of a problem whatsoever just in case you're wondering if venusaur is easier because it knows leech seed at least it has a move that can knock me out in one hit but when it goes for leech seed the battle's over and in fact i don't even take any damage so just a crazy range of things that can happen but i'm done i've battled rival fivel enough for one video and i'm gonna go battle giovanni very quickly i'm not even gonna narrate they're all weak to earthquake so enjoy this incredibly sped up easy battle because we have a very very difficult battle ahead of us and it's not sabrina i know sabrina is usually difficult but i'm at such a high level i outspeed and other pokemon have paper thin defense so i can bust out the good old count bond count impression and say one two three four four earthquakes and yeah that's that's what you need to beat sabrina it really isn't all that difficult and this is why over leveling is not a strategy i like to employ unless i have to because it ruins other battles and it wastes time and don't forget we still have a tier list and i do try and do these as fast as possible i know diglett is not going to be higher tier but i don't want it to be awful it still is doing okay so now that i've beaten the other seven gyms i can go battle giovanni giovanni is also very very very easy there is literally only one thing that can go wrong and even that isn't enough to knock you out every single one of his pokemon is the one at ko but rydon wasn't i was surprised by that but it is good defense and so right on could choose to attack one ako moves cannot hit pokemon that are faster in generation one so that's not a real thing i needed to worry about a critical hit stomp shouldn't be enough to knock me out of course i never tested that but we have beaten all eight gems a bit of an anti-climactic finish rival fievel definitely was the final hurdle for the regular season but i have a feeling the playoffs are going to be quite difficult because we have not one not two but three gyarados's gyaradosai i don't know how you pluralize that but the fact of the matter is three different trainers well two different trainers but three different battles i need to worry about gyarados and then four different battles have water slash ice type pokemon so diglett's gonna have its work cut out for it however let's not worry about those other five battles we still have rival number six is this going to be a fairly routine battle after rival fibel or am i in trouble the answer is a bit of both now i haven't used this strategy in a while but it's perfectly valid let's talk about the badge booze glitch whoa yeah i love batch based glitch that's amazing i don't know why i did that voice anyway yes we're gonna use the badge boost glitch well i said the diglett doesn't have any moves that boosted stats and that's how the badge boost glitch activates you get boosts every time you collect certain badges they're supposed to only work one time that's how they work in gens two and three but in gen one every time you modify your stats whether it be someone hits you with lear or whether you use something like agility which we're going to mimic off pidgeot your stats all go up by 12.5 percent which we can do to get a bit of an attack buff and that should help us out but there's one caveat that you're gonna see and pidgeot has four turns to attack me and wouldn't you know even with all those increases to my attack it's still not a guaranteed knockout at my current level not great so i'm at 32 hp and if it didn't knock out pidgeot it's probably not gonna knock out gyarados i mean rhyhorn i'm not worried about but gyarados so did wow okay i i guess i got a bad range on pidgey on a good one at gyarados i'm not really sure who cares but for those who think the battle is over nope i level up and when you level up all the badge boost glitch effects go away so i'm still really fast due to agility but those extra boosts namely to my attack those are gone now which is a bit of a problem i mean not for growlithe and alakazam but for venusaur i doing just over half hp i don't know if the boost would be enough to make that a one in ko and i was thinking that i need to level up enough so that i wouldn't level up in the middle of the battle but in the end i decided that it wasn't necessary in the previous battle i did get hit twice by pidgeot and once was a critical hit what would happen if i battled again but didn't get hit by pidgeot as much if at all well you're seeing that battle and pretty much everything else goes exactly the same but this time when venusaur finally uses vine whip it only does about half my hp because vine whip is very weak now if they used razor leaf that would knock me out so basically it was a 50 50 chance and i was going to accept the battle but for reasons we'll talk about soon i ended up resetting and i forgot to save so i had to actually battle rival six again and because of those reasons we're going to talk about i decided to level up just a little bit more before i fought rival six enough so that i wouldn't level up in the middle of the battle and hopefully with the badge boost i would be able to knock out venusaur well so i'm at level 60 and this time i actually do get attacked by pidgeot not a big deal everything else is a one ako and so long as i don't miss a rock slide which i don't then i should have enough hp if venusaur decides to use vine whip in the end though something else happens i do just enough damage it doesn't knock it out which is unfortunate but it puts it in range for the rival to use a potion i found out that because it shares data with the earlier rival 1a that's why he has potions as opposed to like super potions or hyper motions all good so we knock out venus or the next turn and this battle is going to stand up and now let's talk about the reason i reset in the first place laura lee was tough like really really tough and i knew she would be tough i even battled a few trainers in victory road which i never do sometimes i like to just speed through victory road just try laura lee see how it's going to go you never know right no i knew and let me just show you exactly how it went without leveling up much well rockslide does about half hp which is good against dugong but aurora beam which it will use because it's super effective nearly takes away all my hp we can knock out dugong but cloister we're not even doing half hp so even if i got a critical hit wouldn't do enough damage to knock out the cloister it also knows aurora beam and clamps so theoretically i could get past cloister if it missed with clamp and i got a critical hit yeah that's pretty unlikely so instead why waste my time let's level up a fair bit we need at least dugong to be close to one ko plus i'd like aurora beam to be doing a lot less damage well at level 67 i do get a critical hit against dugong so i don't know how much damage it would do but it's not doing half hp to cloister he uses clamp gets a four turn clamp and knocks me out that doesn't bode well i think i should level up a little bit more so i do i've used every rare candy the game has to offer bought every single trainer i can that makes sense and i'm at level 75. hopefully now i can at least make it to the slow bro well getting a critical hit against dugong is good i'll tell you without it does about three quarters and aurora beam was doing about half but now i have to deal with cloister which is very scary so rockslide is doing half that's good so critical hit would knock it out goes for clamp hits once twice right uh oh okay well that's pretty bad i'm at two hp but i at least will knock out the cloister and can save made it to slow bro now i did want to mimic amnesia for a couple reasons but obviously i have two hp so if it just uses water gun a single time i'm knocked out so it makes no sense i go for earthquake thankfully it goes for withdraw i probably should have gone for slash to be safe but earthquake knocked it out now i make it to jinx will rockslide knock out jinx yeah its defense is pretty bad it does now i basically need to knock out lapras in one hit i doubt that'll happen maybe i can get a miss with hydra pumper blizzard all right well it does pretty good damage obviously not a one ko no crit and i don't get the miss and spoiler this is the furthest i made it before leveling up even more that's right there are still a few trainers left around kanto i haven't battled yet so i'm gonna go battle them and try and level up just a little bit more all right so after the rare candies and everything i'm now at level 77 and here the battle goes a little more smoothly once again starts off with some good luck critical hit rock slide cloister uses aurora beam which is more consistently good since clamp can miss and only hit two times anyway the point is it only did about half my hp which is perfect it gives me plenty of leeway for slow bro and rock slide is still doing about half hp so it's a two hit ko perfect so now again slow bro i can set up and i really don't want to use water gun the first turn thankfully it does not and i'm gonna set up three amnesia's this will boost my attack a little bit and in case something bad happens hydro pump or ice punch won't do too much damage after i set up i actually don't get a single water gun which is pretty unlikely but good i'm gonna use slash slash is a guaranteed critical hit so it's a guaranteed to a ko unless i get some weird luck one in 256 chance but didn't happen i knock out slow bro and i should be good but i'm not certain i'm pretty sure jinx will be a one okay with earthquake and earthquake doesn't have that ten percent chance to miss so i go for it and i was right there goes jinx now i just would like lapras to be a one at ko well even at the higher level and with the badge boosts it is not and thankfully it's in range to use a super potion i do have three amnesia's up so i don't think hydro pump would have knocked me out but good thing we didn't have to find out finally at level 77 we can beat laura lee and now that i'm at a super high level i don't really anticipate bruno being all that difficult i'm just gonna use earthquake a bunch of times and i'm pretty certain due to onyx being weak to it and hitmonchan and hitmonlee having not great defense it should be one ko the only question is machamp potentially submission maybe it would need to be a critical hit could knock me out doesn't usually use that but i got a critical hit against machamp anyway so bruno was about as exciting as bruno fights typically are although we have lost recently so i should be giving him a tad more respect and now we get to face what i usually call the agatha lottery but this time around it's more like the agatha not even mild inconvenience because diglett is fast enough and strong enough to knock out every single one of her pokemon in one hit now obviously a big reason for this is because it struggles so much with other parts of the game so i need to be at such a high level but at least agatha is consistent and that's it for the easy trainers now we have to worry about lance and i wasn't quite sure how lance would turn out he leads off with gyarados it's gonna know hydro pump and i have no idea if it's gonna one hit ko dragon air can even be annoying with hyper beam this is a very very scary battle even at my current level but hey i won't know how bad or good it's going to be until i try so let's take a look at lance all right well there's nothing i can set up let's just go for rockslide it's close but not quite there it's definitely not a range and now the hydro pump it hits and okay i survive but how temporary is that i mean i can knock out gyarados but now i pretty much have to want to ko everything or i lose and i'm not certain i'm going to do that alright so now we have dragonair one i go for earthquake and i get a critical hit not sure if it mattered or not but that's one down but i would like to know whether the critical hit mattered too bad the game had other ideas a second critical hit good for my luck bad for my knowledge but we're almost done i don't think that rockslide will knock out aerodactyl though but hey i don't have another choice well it does knock it out no critical hit needed but dragonite has really good defense i have a feeling all this good luck was for naught i'm just gonna get knocked out by slam or hyper beam and yeah roxlight does just over half but it goes for agility which is actually kind of bad because now that speeds and goes for barrier okay that's good ah you're kidding me i mean it makes sense it wouldn't knock it out but man now it gets another opportunity in hindsight you should just gone for slash it would have knocked it out but whatever please just okay thank goodness another agility i do use slash this time and we have made it all the way to the champion but i'm not overly confident considering how lance's gyarados almost knocked me out this gyarados is a few levels higher i still don't really have anything to set up to raise my stats i can't see how this is gonna go well but again nothing i can really do i'm at the champion let's see how it goes well right off the bat not great rock slide does not want a ko pidgeot but thankfully goes for sky attack you might be wondering why not just go for slash it does roughly the same as a super effective rock slide yes that's true but i could get a critical hit with rock slide which would do even more so i always go on the first turn for the one that has the most potential damage but on turn two i go for the one with 100 accuracy and it knocks out pidgeot typically alakazam is pretty scary but not in this run i'm fast earthquake knocks it out not the pokemon i'm worried about here i'm a little worried about ridon i'll definitely need to be at full health if i want to survive a hydro pump from gyarados it may not wanna ko giovanni's it wasn't but this time it is i'm at a much higher level that's good and we're halfway done now a critical hit would be super clutch of course i don't get one and now the moment of truth how much will hydro pump do of course i don't even know and the truth is i got so lucky at lance what do i want to do it's not like i can just go back and train there aren't any more trainers to fight the only thing i could really do is go through the elite four try not to use up my elixirs because you can't just buy more of those and gain as many levels as i can basically because laura lee is still kind of lucky a lot of the time i will oftentimes lose to slowbro while setting up for amnesia so what i was doing is just knocking out the dugong and the cloister i can do that pretty consistently and that's about 4 000 experience points so i gain the 4 000 experience points even at my high level that's a fair bit and slowly but surely i start to level up some runs though i actually am able to set up against the slowbro and like you saw before get further and once i get past the slowbro pretty much i'm guaranteed to make it to lance which is great i don't need to use any elixirs i have more than enough power points there's no real trouble sections so i can just continue on gaining more and more experience points and one thing you may have noticed i'm actually at a lower level how did that happen well i've mentioned this in many my videos i don't save between elite four members and right before the elite four i use my rare candies and this is exactly why just in case i need to level up more it is obviously faster to level up at lower levels so you always want to use your rare candies as late as possible sometimes even in the middle of the elite four so you only level up strategically not in the middle of battles to help with the badge boost glitch but now i've actually made it past agatha and i'm expecting just to be knocked out by lance's gyarados or potentially the dragonair obviously at a lower level rockslide is not going to want to ko and i'm pretty sure hydropump will but no it isn't i actually survive on 8 hp same issue as last time though just one attack will knock me out but hey i get some more experience points from the gyarados maybe i'll get some more from both dragon air i'm not sure whether i knocked them out or not and as it turns out i do one earthquake is all i need and you can see i'm at level 77 i three rare candies so that means the next run i can start lowerly at level 80. i also can knock out aerodactyl at this level and hey might as well try to knock out dragonite i could get a critical hit that's more experience points well i don't get the critical hit and it goes for slam but it misses so i knock out dragonite and i have just won okay um hmm this is actually a bit of a question and this is a legitimate question do i use the rare candies and go for a legit attempt against the champion knowing if i have to do some significant leveling up that will waste time as the rare candies would be much more effective later or do i just use a full restore try and get as much experience points out of the battle and then go through the lead four again i opt to do the second thing however since i'm at the champion anyway might as well use an elixir i have a few of those and you can see i don't really need them in between battles so it gives me a chance to win i'm not planning on winning right here but it also allows me to knock out more pokemon which is more experience points which is what i'm trying to do right now to be fair pidgeot didn't attack me last time but it didn't even get a chance to this time not bad alakazam went the exact same way as last time earthquake and i knock it out pretty good experience points now i'm not sure if i'll knock out ride on and as it turns out i don't those levels did matter it uses tail whip which is actually pretty good for a couple reasons i don't really have to worry about physical attacks going forward and it slightly boosts my attack so that will help a little bit i can knock it out more experience points for me but here is the pokemon i'm actually worried about the gyarados but it's okay i'll get knocked out here i gained way more experience points than i anticipated usually it's just cloister and dugong so i'll go for rock slide no critical hit and hydro pump will oh and that badge boost actually mattered i survive on 19 hp okay that's good so i can actually knock out the gyarados and that's even better because i'll be able to knock out our canine and now venusaur will likely use mega drain or razor leaf and will knock me out so might as well go for earthquake oh come on are you kidding me i i can't belie no way i just won i wasn't actually trying to win i mean listen i wasn't against winning clearly i'm happy about it but the idea was to gain experience points i didn't even think about a venusaur could use solar beam and b yeah i always have that one in five chance of getting a critical hit so i'm not resetting i'm done battle's over cue the victory music we won what a strange way to end it and trust me i was just as surprised live and the laughter was pretty similar i was planning to spend at least another half hour so on this run so yay we have done it now the tier list the actual tier list with all the pre-evolved pokemon this video has gone on pretty long so i'm just going to tell you quickly where i'm going to put diglett now a bunch of pokemon in a bunch of different tiers are in the high 70s but eight and a half hours or eight hours 28 minutes to be exact i decided to put it under knitter and i mean diglett definitely had much easier sections than nidoran but nidoran didn't have nearly as many really tough have to grind level sections but i have to work on some other videos i have some really really challenging ones i know i've been hyping them up but they're taking way longer than i expected so you got another challenging but red and blue solo i am hoping to do other games and because i'm not as used to them they're taking a little longer so please bear with me and hopefully you'll enjoy those videos as well there will be plenty more videos from all sorts of pokemon games subscribe if you want to and have a great day take care everyone
Channel: Jrose11
Views: 412,987
Rating: 4.9257445 out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, Jrose11, Red, Blue, Generation 1, Pokemon Red, Pokemon Blue, Pokemon Red and Blue, Pokemon Challenge, Kanto Challenge, pokemon challenge, pokemon challenges, pokemon red, pokemon blue, can you beat pokemon with only a, elite four, pokemon solo challenge, no items, is it possible to beat, challenge run, diglett Pokemon, diglett challenge, diglett no items, can you beat, gen 1, diglett, how fast Pokemon, Minimum Battles
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 13sec (2713 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 29 2020
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