Can you Beat Pokemon Red/Blue with Only a Jigglypuff?

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[Music] hey everyone how's it going so I just wanted to start off by thanking everyone for the support the channel has been getting lately that's two straight videos that we've gotten to a hundred thousand views in just two days I'm gonna be honest sometimes these challenges can be really frustrating and seeing how much you guys are enjoying it it really helps motivate me to just keep making more and more videos so I want to thank you guys really a lot but speaking of frustrating Jigglypuff is going to be pretty annoying and let's talk about why the first thing the thumbnail yes Jigglypuff until level 9 only knows sing now honestly it's not as big a deal as you might think because unlike abra or let's say Magikarp Jigglypuff is normal type as a struggle in generation 1 so it's not that big a deal plus sing actually is quite nice I even win the first rival fight if you can believe it without an attacking move because even though it only hits 55% of the time if I spam it every single turn eventually it'll put the Pokemon to sleep and the second thing we should talk about which is also relevant to the first rival fight is Jigglypuff's HP Jigglypuff has a lot of that and not much else 45 attack ok but it is slow and it is frail that is abysmal like those stats other than HP are Magikarp level bad like I didn't really fathom just how terrible of a Pokemon Jigglypuff is because you see the average base stats don't look bad because that HP is so massive but the fact of the matter is well it does help it would be nice to have I don't know even some defense which is one of the least helpful stats but speed oh this is gonna be a problem and so when we start to talk about Brock yes we obviously are going to need to get an attacking move but that's not as big a deal as actually out speeding and damaging his Pokemon now in terms of out speeding geodude's not a problem Onix will be a problem for the foreseeable future I mean onyx has bass 70 speed it's at level 14 I'm gonna level up a whole bunch I still will not out speed the onyx so yeah just keep that in mind for later and of course we have the whole standard issue of Jigglypuff being a normal pokémon and Brock's pokémon being rock-type and us only having normal moves but you might think well you have sing to put them to sleep and you have disabled shouldn't that help you win no both those moves don't help me win I mean they kind of do but no they don't really and let's talk about why sing as I mentioned only hits 55 percent the time but in a previous video and I cannot remember which one at the moment I mentioned that Brock has five full heels per Pokemon now I'm gonna be honest I'm not even sure why this is a thing because the only Pokemon you could get at this point that could potentially status Brock is wheedle and why would you be using wheedle but either way this is a thing and so Singh is missing half the time and when it does hit yes Brock ways to turn but he just wakes up instantly so not very helpful disabled can be very helpful it can disable tackle on the Geodude that's great right well it can also disable defense curl and it misses a bunch and if either of those things happen you've wasted a turn and if you disable defense curl great Geodude is now attacking you every single turn thus we're gonna need a new strategy and that strategy is obviously going to involve levelling up but we're also gonna use defense curl because and say with me it has nothing to do with the batch boost glitch we'll talk about the badge boost glitch a little bit because it is relevant and doesn't work very well for Jigglypuff but that we'll talk about later for now it's important to know that we don't have any badges so you can't use the badge boost glitch without badges no I legitimately want to raise my defense and by doing so I'm able to take advantage of my mass of HP to just outlast the Geodude and the Onix now with the Onix when it uses bide what we're going to be doing is we're going to be using and eventually brach will run out of full heels and that helps immensely because I'm not out speeding the onyx so when it uses bide I'm always gonna be taking back damage however there is a weird thing I noticed five does not have increased or decreased priority and yet for whatever reason even though I know Jigglypuff speed is lower I'm somehow able to outspeed onyx this only happens when it uses bide and I have no idea why that is I'm not complaining it helped me win but you can see just how low my HP got in a successful battle it was really very tedious and yeah I'm at level 19 however I didn't spend nearly as much time as I did with Abra how come what what's the deal well this is another thing with Jigglypuff we need to talk about the levels up really fast I mean in generation 1 there are four different groupings of Pokemon that dictate how many experience points it takes to get them from level to level it's because of this mechanic in addition to the fact that I'm only doing a single playthrough that you should be taking my tearless with a bit of a grain of salt because Jigglypuff naturally will level up faster even if I did the same amount of battles so that's something we need to keep in mind it'll also make the game go a little bit faster for that reason even though it may be more difficult and more difficult it definitely is spoiler alert Jigglypuff is not easy to you and we will get some help by getting mega punch and water gun Jigglypuff actually has an insanely great move pool it can pretty much learn every useful TM you can think of but with that base 25 special it won't be doing a whole lot of damage but let's talk about that a bit later for now let's talk about the rival to battle I'm gonna be using mega punch and just look how much damage that critical hit quick attack did oh my goodness I mean it only took 2 mega punches and no sand attack which is good but holy moly is Jigglypuff frail anyway the rest of the battle isn't too bad Rattata used tail whip and i didäôt speed the Bulbasaur and single mega punches all I needed so that was kind of nice but that quick attack critical hit I get it was a critical hit but holy moly just keep that in mind and funny enough I wanted to illustrate how ill-equipped Jigglypuff would be for more difficult opponents so I decided to fight misty way before I usually do you can see I'm not even at full health when I take on misty I wasn't expecting to win this and look at much damage star use water gun did there's no way I'm gonna win mega punch was nearly a one-hit ko water gun again does about 15 damage and next mega punch I don't miss thankfully down go star you but star me with bubble beam for sure that's the end right well turn one it goes for water gun so that's not bad mega punch it's gonna be a three hit ko turn two it gets a critical hit okay I just barely survived and I get off another mega punch good luck with the mega punches then it uses the next defend and I knock it out okay I mean that was pretty lucky honestly that laughs is genuine because you'd think with all the runs I'm doing nothing would surprise me anymore but still stuff still happens in these runs that just make me kind of smile and that's why I keep doing them honestly every Pokemon is a bit of a different experience and you learn new things about the game and I will learn that Jigglypuff isn't the most fun Pokemon to use for these but for now let's continue go to Bill's house get the SS ticket go down to vermilion City and then battle rival number three we have body slam which is just like better mega punch that can paralyze but we're still slow this time I actually forgot to heal before I meant to go in with full health just for the record so pgo does quick attack doesn't do too much damage body slam is doing great damage then of course I get hit with a critical hit lovely body slam knocks it out now we've Radek eight that can be kind of a problem hyper Fang basically took away half my remaining health but body slam was a one-hit ko so that's kind of nice now we've Kadabra please no confusion of course I get confusion but unsurprisingly body slam is once again a one-hit ko and now I've pretty much lost oh I survived the vine whip on four HP and it's not a one-hit ko and then it uses growl okay I mean good these battles should not have been first try victories but they were so yeah I guess I don't know but now that we've beaten misty and rival number three there is no reason to skip lieutenant Serge so let's go fight him right now that's so rare I usually battle him after I get fly anyway lieutenant Serge makes the bold choice not to attack with Voltorb and instead speeding up already one of the fastest free of all Pokemon interesting he does attack with Pikachu but it's a Pikachu so it doesn't do much damage right you however doesn't use Thunderbolt but he uses thunder shock and paralyzes me get off the body slam but then lieutenant Serge decides boy I might be a little slow should use that X speed and yeah well that went well for him and I think now we see why this is lieutenant surge and not commander or captain surge honestly I think he should be demoted to ensign surge after this defeat but whatever enough with ranks let's talk about the strategy as we had to sell it on city so you see I have bubblebeam and I'm about to teach Thunderbolt now bubblebeam is useful because most Rock Pokemon in the game and there are some coming up are also ground types so it's 4 times super effective that's going to be quite good against the hikers Thunderbolt helps at least immediately for Pokemon like slow poke and will also help against eventually the rivals Gyarados his Pidgeot it's a good TM to have as well but bubblebeam were going to be deleting it very soon after we faced Giovanni because Giovanni does have to rock pokemons so let's skip all the way ahead and talk about Giovanni he actually did defeat me several times now I kept forgetting to save and thus have to battle Giovanni a bunch of times and because of that I have quite a lot of experience and Jigglypuff is awful in this battle of course the Onix is the one-hit ko and so's the ride-on but the Onix outspeeds so it can hit you which is bad but the kangaskhan just is absolutely brutal to deal with in this battle a used rage the best thing you can do and it still came pretty close to knocking me out if he uses comet punch that can be devastating so for first time ever a Giovanni fight is difficult I said I would make note when it happened it happened but after we defeat Giovanni that is it for bubblebeam we're gonna teach psychic and this is our move set pretty much for the rest of the game I had other ideas but no the move set of body slam as a powerful same type move that's a physical attack Thunderbolt for coverage against flying and water types and then psychic which on the surface is only poison and fighting but since almost every grass pokemon and all the ghosts are also poison types it pretty much offers pseudo coverage against them as well so not a bad move set and of course you notice I still have defense girl I haven't used it yet but those of you who've been watching the series know exactly why I have it trust me it's not nearly as helpful as you think and I'm gonna get to that very soon but for now we have a battle with rival number four and it's not easy but it also is very doable however notice as we speed through the first two pokemon Pidgeotto and Gyarados how much damage they do after that hydro pump i'm already at half my HP less goodness and you notice i level up that's something that will frequently happen in battles now thankfully the last three Pokemon at least for now are pushovers growlithe is a one at ko Kadabra use disable but it's only level 20 and Ivysaur I have sped and it used growl so I didn't take any further damage after that hydro pump but it's not looking good against fully evolved Pokemon but here's where the run got really difficult and it's not Koga we'll talk about him in a second he was difficult but literally the pokemon tower was really obnoxious because all the ghost Pokemon know confuse ray or nightshade and literally Jigglypuff kept fainting I think I had to reset six or seven times here I was losing to the Team Rocket members and that's never happened before now I don't have time to show you all the way they lost and for sure if I spent more time backtracking to the pokemon center or the healing spot I could have avoided some of them but I never do that every other Pokemon even Pidgey was better than Jigglypuff at this point I just want you guys to fully comprehend and I'm trying I'm constantly trying to buy vitamins and speed this thing up with carbo's or give it calcium's to make it special better it doesn't help much Jigglypuff is just so slow and frail that ghastly from channelers are an issue heck drowsy and hypno are an issue speaking of which let's fast forward a bit to fuchsia city and while the drowsies in hypno were difficult i want to talk about Koga for a second because I had speed the coughing fine to @ko and then mock out speeds and basically it's a one-hit ko but muck out speeds muck a literal pile of goop I would sped me I never get it I've never been out sped by muck before like I'm not even doing minimum battles like I'm not battling every trainer I see because I'm trying to do this as fast as possible but holy moly all right then let's go battle Erica she's actually not that bad ice beam would be better because of tangle abut tangle is not a problem anyway and in all honesty it's just better to use body slam because of that same type bonus and Jigglypuff's better attack now I out speed the victreebel and it doesn't go for razor leaf which would automatically critical hit so that's nice to @k out Tangela hits me with constrict which sucks because now I won't out speed vileplume but as you're gonna see not a big deal again it's you a kill vileplume does go for petal dance it's best move but even with my terrible special my HP is high enough and my level is high enough that vileplume does barely any damage so a pretty easy victory against Erica however you can see I'm pretty over level for her so that shouldn't be surprising but I ended up battling her again anyway not because I didn't like how this battle turned out because there's a whole bunch of trainers here some of whom give out a ton of money when you win and I could use those to buy some vitamins and to gain stat experience just a good idea to battle them all and of course I battle Erica again it goes okay I mean victory Bell puts me to sleep and use its wrap but I didn't have enough body slams and I ran out of psychic because I had fought every other trainer so I have to rely on Thunderbolts and it was close it was really close but I did still win so it just goes to show you even in the worst case scenario with a long sleep wrap and using Thunderbolt partially I still managed to win so good to know but I'm not gaining that many levels and Koga was so difficult so what am I gonna do well I kind of realized that there was a strategy that I always use and I wasn't using it for some odd reason and that is the badge boost glitch and in case you're new every time your stats are modified in generation 1 the badge boost which is normal and is supposed to increase each stat by 12.5% when you get a certain badge so attack for Brock and for lieutenant surge defense which is weird but whatever so when I use defense curl both my attack and my defense actually as well are being boosted an extra 12.5% which is nice however after I defeat muck you see that I use defense curl again why is that well when you level up the glitch part of the badge boost glitch goes away and so while all my stat increases from defense curl for the defense which are supposed to happen though stick around those extra bit for attack and defense go away and I'd like to have those so I use the badge boost glitch again unfortunately I don't have the badge for special that would be blame so it does make sense to be using bodyslam even though these Pokemon have higher defense also good point to note is that coughing does have smoke screen but otherwise they very easy Pokemon to set up against but since my defense is so high for the final pokemon wheezing I use psychic and it would have been a 2 hit ko because I get the special drop but I didn't see it sometimes I'm not really paying attention that's already happened in one of my videos where I didn't even notice while editing that's what happens when you're constantly thinking ahead to the next move you're not in the present but it's really not a big deal even though I'm poisoned a destruct wouldn't have knocked me out unless it was a critical hit but that didn't happen and I was able to knock out the wheezing in three turns and we've defeated Koga which is huge because now the badge boost glitch will also apply to speed and as you know I don't have a lot of that so being able to increase my speed with Jigglypuff is a super great thing and with that in mind let's go to feat everyone's favorite AI trainer rival five all now unlike coughing Pidgeot is a pretty terrible pokemon is set up against cuz there are four more Pokemon and it knows Santa tack so I only set up three which will allow me to outspeed Pidgeot which is nearly his fastest Pokemon so it should be good enough so I use body slam it's a 2 hit ko and unfortunately I'm hit with the sand attack that's bad but I do not miss with the next body slam that's one down now I need to use Thunderbolt and I miss click and it's psychic I was thinking of resetting and I was even more willing to do so after I miss with Thunderbolt but Gyarados helps me out by using a leer that also raises my stats cuz they're modified even a move likely Rhino crazy and that's why I use it by the way because there's no way of avoiding the badge boost glitch but I use Thunderbolt and knock out the Gyarados growlithe easy one-hit kill with body slam I do out to be the Alakazam but miss it goes for psybeam it not only hits but confuses me thankfully I do not hit myself in confusion and hit with body slam but we still have venusaur and hooray I leveled up that's awesome so now I'm not out speeding anymore it goes for poison powder I snap out of confusion and bodyslams doing decent damage but there's the critical hit Razor Leaf which I was worried about and it's gonna watch speed and knock me out next turn unless it uses leech seed I love Jen 1 AI Jen 1 AI is just so great because it's so unpredictable and that just leads to so many outcomes you wouldn't expect it's just truly fantastic and awful but I love it and that's why these challenges are kind of fun because you never know what's going to happen and we've defeated rival fybel in a battle i won percent should not have won the Giovanni battle on the other hand was quite easy so I'm not really gonna talk about it I didn't set up any defense curls I used body slam except for the Rhyhorn where I used psychic it was closed because I didn't set up defense curls but notice that even neato Queens terrible attacks are still doing decent damage although why your neato clean wood no scratch and poison sting Giovanni's just really bad at Pokemon speaking which we're gonna skip Sabrina and battle Blaine Blaine is a lot easier not necessarily because his Pokemon are super easy rabadash and arcanine can be scary but with the badge boost glitch and the fact he leads off with the growlithe we can set up against the growlithe and then do well theoretically against the last key Pokemon if we don't level up of course we do level up at the Arcana and after doing so well but we get super potion roar and I get a paralysis so yeah great job Blaine truly masterful pokémon battling but now we only have one gym leader that we can battle left and that's Sabrina and she's harder to set up against because Kadabra can do significant damage however as we've seen in previous runs we can set up against mr. mime so here's the strategy I got hit with psybeam which was a critical hit but body slam is obviously a one-hit ko now I can set up defense curls mr. mime only has confusion and can spam all sorts of nondamaging attacks Ferrier and reflect aren't great but I can deal with them that being said I don't want a chance getting confused so after the third offense curl I go for body slam it's not a one-hit ko but once again I get the paralysis so I'm able to knock out mr. mine thanks to those badge boots I out speed venomoth and hit it with psychic but once again I level up since I level up so quickly alakazam misses with psywave body slams gonna be a two-hit KO but it does hit with psybeam no problem I still won and these last two battles are great examples of how the badge boost glitch does not work for Jigglypuff because even if you're really careful with how your experience points are distributed you're still probably gonna level up in the middle of major battles it just doesn't take that many experience points for Jigglypuff to level up and I'm used to using Pokemon in the medium slow and medium fast that just simply level up way slower around this point of the game when I'm using badge boosts so this is a constant problem moving forward and I need to have strategies that either rely on having better defense since that does carry over or that don't rely on stat boost whatsoever and this happens yet again in the final giovani battle so against the Rhyhorn which can do basically nothing to me I set up all six defense curls this will allow me to out speed even the Dugtrio and one-hit ko everything with either psychic or body slam but I level up before I get to ride on and it becomes a four hit ko now granted right on has a bit better stats and it's not super effective but could you imagine if it actually knew attacking moves that weren't one-hit ko moves and didn't affect me it would be kind of scary thankfully it's Giovanni so that's not a thing but going forward it's going to be a thing and so the battles are about to get a heck of a lot tougher in another minute because rival six or the penultimate rival if you will isn't that bad I decided to set up six defense curls because again why not Pidgeot just uses physical attacks and this time doesn't have sand attacks so pretty safe to set up against I use Thunderbolt against the Pidgeot psychic on the Rhyhorn and then Thunderbolt again on the Gyarados then I level up again now you might be wondering why not just set up again against the growlithe that's because defense curl won't do anything anymore I'm already at maximum defense your stats need to be modified for the badge boost glitch to work so if I also had let's say meditate I could easily use that that would actually be a heck of a lot more useful but defense curl hardened whatever would not do anything when I'm already at max defense so perhaps they don't want to set up against the Pidgeot but maybe I want to set up against the growlithe for the final pokemon growls is obviously not a problem alakazam doesn't attack me which is pretty nice it uses reflect twice is it because they're scared of harming Jigglypuff like I'm starting to believe that the other Pokemon think Jigglypuff is so cute and don't want to hurt it because venusaur just spams poison powder and I went okay I mean that's now a trend of a few battles where literally the best-case scenario for me happen and that is gonna continue right on into hell it won't no it won't I'm not even to make the joke the luck runs out big time I have never struggled and I mean this I have never struggled this badly at the Elite Four then I did with Jigglypuff because I knew who was possible to beat it not at like level 90 but holy moly is every fight kind of a struggle well one isn't but every other fight but by far the worst was Agatha I started getting pretty consistent at Laura Lee and of course Bruno but Agatha it would be like one in every six and I don't think unless I leveled up to like level 95 it was ever going to improve so let's start off with the ice theme and talking about Laura Lee and then we'll discuss why Agatha was so terrible now further record I could be both Laura Lee and Bruno consistently at level 58 so that just goes to show you how obnoxious Agatha was the strategy is similar it's just even more consistent use defense curls six times make sure your experience points are such that you won't level up in the middle and because I'm at such a high level it won't happen dugong really isn't that scary because it just knows Aurora beam plus it likes to use take down and then it'll use rest so not a concern it also uses growl which further will improve my stats but it does lower my attack and you'll see that coming to play after I knock out dugong cloister and slow bar with thunderbolt I then have to face jinx if it didn't lower my attack I could one hit ko with body slam it would probably be a 2 hit ko with all the stature offs I've got but Thunderbolt was almost a one-hit ko I think one more growl or whatever it would have been Lapras is also one nação and see I level up at the end of the battle that's kind of important because Lapras knows confuse ray and Blizzard it can be very trollee so I'd rather not have to deal with that and so that's one member down next we have Bruno and while he was very frustrating and no damage gold and silver in red and blue without me controlling him he's awful you set up 6 defense curls then you psychic 1 2 3 4 5 5 times ha and that is one one horrible Elite Four member ok that's awful but speaking of awful Agatha is the worst you are not going to outspeed the Gengar until depending on your speed 3 or 4 defense curls it's also gonna be 3 ação but Gengar knows hypnosis nightshade and confuse ray all of which can ruin your day especially hypnosis plus you have the golbat that uses haze and eliminates not just the badge boost glitch but the badge boosts you're supposed to get that also doesn't work the way it's supposed to so Agatha is just a nightmare however at level 75 instead of it taking 3 psychics it only took two and if Agatha doesn't play well like uses Dream Eater then you can get by the first Gengar very quickly that is not the norm however of course the successful battle is going to be that but usually you're gonna get hypnosis and unless I went up to like level I think 90 I wasn't out speeding and there should be no need to get that high now I can't set up against the golbat either and it uses confused ray of course psychic is only again a 2 hit ko now because I'm confused I'm gonna try and set up a defense curl here and the reason for that is it'll lessen the damage I take back if I hit myself in confusion plus it'll help me of course it uses haze which just makes the first offense curl a moot point so that's great however I snap out a confusion I'm able to use two more it goes for supersonic and misses and I'm able to knock it out after arts feeding so that's very good but I'm not going to out speed the second Gengar or maybe even the Haunter no definitely not gonna out speed the Haunter since I just leveled up now this is risky but Haunter is the best pokemon is set up against because of its lower special and the fact hypnosis can miss it goes for nightshade pretty good i go for one defense curl out speed and go for a second defense curl but she switches into auerbach which is perfect because that's not an attack i will out speed the arbok and it is a one-hit ko but actually swaps back in the hunter psychic is not a one-hit ko and I'm worried about out speeding Gengar so she misses with hypnosis I go for a defense curl and she goes for Dream Eater perfect psychic knocks it out now I out speed the final Gengar get the special drop it goes for toxic best-case scenario and I cannot tell you how happy I am every time I defeat Agatha it's rare and you might be thinking well gyros isn't the point of this to see when is realistically possible isn't resetting again and again kind of against the spirit and the answer is it's hard to say honestly you know like maybe I should have leveled up but I just don't like leveling up past my problems if I see a strategy can work and I'm just getting what I think is bad luck I want to try and see if I can make it work and Agatha is just so inherently luck based it's just so hard to sit there and be like yeah this isn't working well of course not have a slower Pokemon and her pokemon use these trollee moves which 50% of the time are really bad and otherwise are nothing so it was a tough call trust me I didn't even like leveling up this much I'm at level 74 started at level 58 but Agatha wasn't the only problem Lance could also be an issue however he hopefully won't be I am gonna replace psychic with blizzard psychic you've been great but blizzard is 90% accuracy does more damage and well we have dragon Pokemon so let's see how Lance went this time he can actually go really badly now I set up a defense curl but not for bad boost glitch literally for defense I know I know it's so rare I do that but just like with Brock having a little bit extra defense really helps out here of course Lance predicts that I guess and goes for leer which ordinarily would be great but isn't amazing however I do have a little bit more speed due to the two modifications to my stats so I'm able to out speed the Gyarados and one-hit ko with Thunderbolt I'm also able to out speed both dragonair and one-hit ko each of them with Blizzard Aerodactyl though will still out speed me it goes for supersonic which was the worst case scenario other than a critical a diaper beam and it misses so that's pretty good Thunderbolt thankfully is a one-hit ko but I level up now I should be able to withstand anything from Dragon Knight other than a critical hit hyper beam which would be close goes for slam no critical hit blizzard hits again of course it's gonna be a one-hit ko and we have beaten Lance and only have one more battle remaining to become champion this was not my first time battling the champion I had some pretty terrible attempts and I learned something you know what an easy way to avoid leveling up in the middle of this battle is save a rare candy and just level up before so that's exactly what I do and well being at a higher level has much more obvious benefits a side benefit is I don't need to worry about leveling up even after the rare candy which would have happened at a lower level so that's enough for the preamble here is the final battle I'm going to try and set up six to men's curls but Pidgeot can you sky attacking if that critical hits it's a one-hit ko my previous attempt ended via sky attack critical hit this time I do get a wing attack critical hit but otherwise Pidgeot pretty much does nothing the entire time I setup which is great it even me removes my defense curls which good on you do what you need to do I go for thunderbolt and that's one Pokemon down Alakazam I out speed I use body slam that's two Blizzard doesn't miss on the ride on another way I've lost and that's three I don't get everyone's favorite one in 256 chance to miss on Thunderbolt against the Gyarados and that's four but body slam does not one-hit ko the arcanine thankfully it goes for ember even a critical hit is not gonna win a KO and a burn isn't that big a deal neither occur and I just need to hit venusaur with blizzard and not get a critical hit raise early well I never found out what move the rival was going for because I hit with blizzard and after three hours I finally defeat the Elite Four with just a Jigglypuff holy moly this is the longest I have spent in real time on any run I don't think I've ever been just so frustrated and it's weird because you think Jigglypuff had so many options but you just cannot make up for the fact that it is so slow and frail we have a lot of slow Pokemon we have a lot of frail Pokemon but the degree to which Jigglypuff is both is kind of unprecedented even pokémon like ratata and Zubat I don't think are as bad in that regard at least and the question becomes where do we put this on the tearless the numbers aren't that bad level 79 733 that makes it look better than squirtle but it's not I don't think it's even in the same Terra squirtle and I would rather put it in the same tier as Eevee in Paris but I still feel it's a little better than that so I did what any good tear list maker does and just made another tear and honestly this feels like the best fit it struggled way too much to be a Geo tutor squirtle but didn't struggle nearly as much as an Eevee or Paris or at least it didn't have as many impossibly tough battles and the degree to which they were impossible weren't as bad as evidenced by the fact Paris is at a much lower level and yet still took two hours longer so yes this list is never going to be purely scientific but based on my single first time playthroughs of these now 13 runs that's where I ranked Jigglypuff and that's all for this video thank you for watching take care
Channel: Jrose11
Views: 615,637
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, Jrose11, Catch 'Em All, Red, Blue, Generation 1, Pokemon Red, Pokemon Blue, Pokemon Red and Blue, Pokemon Challenge, Kanto Challenge, pokemon challenge, pokemon challenges, pokemon red, pokemon blue, can you beat pokemon with only a, elite four, pokemon solo challenge, no items, is it possible to beat, challenge run, jigglypuff, jigglypuff Pokemon, jiggyupuff challenge, jigglypuff no items, can you beat, gen 1, jiglypuff
Id: 3WjNc7Xgqq0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 13sec (2173 seconds)
Published: Sat May 23 2020
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