Potion Craft - Poison Brewing Sandbox Alchemist RPG

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what's up guys and gals and welcome back to the nerd castle today in the world of indie games we're gonna be checking out the release version of potioncraft which is coming out in early access very very soon i liked this game a lot we had a chance to play it back in february i think was when they put out the original demo for the steam festival and this is a game that's got a lot of heart this is one of those games that i think it's got all the pieces there to really make some people happy especially if you're into stuff like alchemy and crafting and things of that nature at its core this is an rpg where you run a potion shop and it's got a very very interesting approach in the brewing of potions and the creation of your own custom concoctions effectively and i think it's got a really solid chance to do a really good job on steam so anyways if after watching this you wanted to get the game for yourself i have a link for you down below in the description so that you can wishlist it aside from that you can also check out my links to my discord my twitch stream and my twitter just in case you wanted to hang out even more and create illicit substances with your friend i'm going to go ahead and we're going to start the game off i'm going to play through the tutorial on my lonesome there's no way to disable it unfortunately and so anyways i'm going to hit new game but you're going to come in once we're actually out of the tutorial and then i'll explain the game to you and how it all works because when we play the original demo we did the tutorial and it's a good 10 minutes long or so i would recommend that they add a little checkbox next to new game or something like that to disable the tutorial and just go straight into the sandbox gameplay but for right now i'll see on the other side okay so here we are inside of our shop i really really like this game so let's talk about briefly what the goal of potioncraft is the goal of potioncraft is that you are the alchemist that runs a shop in a medieval society and people come to you and they have various maladies they have things they need they'll request potions for resistances against like elements like fire they'll ask for potions of healing they'll ask for mana potions they'll ask for potions that can brighten up a dark room and it is your goal to fulfill that wish and you do that with the very very unique way that they've designed the game of combining things inside of here that will allow you to move around on this background and depending on where you land so for example there is a poison potion right there where i'm clicking my hand and so if you look each of these will move you in a different direction as you add it to the cauldron and the goal is to get to those things you can increase the amount of distance that you will travel on the track by milling at first if you need to adjust very slightly you can add water to the concoction and it will slowly drag you back towards the middle so that you can line up your next target and then so on and so forth and the game is really really really cool so for right now i think it's a really good idea that a we need to go out and harvest our garden and it looks like we've got a whole bunch of firebells we got a whole bunch of terrarias or terrarias we've got some water blooms and we've got some wind blooms to play around with at the moment i think it's probably our best idea to go ahead and unlock the things that a lot of people are going to be requesting and so that's going to be a health potion and that's going to be a poison those tend to be very very frequently requested and so anyways in order to make a health potion we want to go down but we want to go down all the way to here so that we can cut to the right so we're going to put that inside of our mortar and pestle we're going to grind it up i absolutely love the fidelity of that grinding animation right there with all the little contours and wrinkles on the mush that you're making and if you take a look it actually stains the mortar and pestle but it goes away the next time it fades out and so like let's say that we take like a terraria right here we put it in there see the stain is gone but if we go again it will restain it the color of the herb that we've put inside of there which i think is actually really really cool i need you to go over there i actually ground up two of the wrong things because i was busy talking to my peepo all right so now that we've got the ingredients inside the cauldron what do we do next uh you gotta you gotta actually stir it so there you go and if it lands anywhere near this circle when you go in and you go ahead and stoke the heat it will turn into a healing potion i'm gonna save the recipe for that so that i can auto craft it in the future that way i don't have to constantly be doing this mini game and then we'll finish the potion and as you can see it's been added to our inventory the next thing that i wanted to do is i wanted to i've got this left over right here because i did two of the wrong things but if we cut out to the left like so i think we can get to that poison potion right there as well am i all the way over there okay we're all the way over there we'll drop that on in we're gonna go ahead and stir just to get the mixture all nice and ready to go and then we'll go ahead and heat it and there it is we've now made a potion and i'm going to save the recipe for the poison as well these little books right here if you hit them in the process of going between point a and point b these are xp and they make you level up and right here you've got a very limited talent tree i do think that this talent tree is going to need some expansion as the development of the game goes along i can think of a couple unique things they might be able to do with this in order to make it a little bit more immersive and also to allow the player to do a little bit more play around a little bit more with their builds you know what i mean do things that are a little bit more creative i'm going to increase my visibility radius right here yeah i'll probably just increase my visibility radius with the three points that i have that way i can see further out and kind of target the things that i want to craft a little bit more effectively uh what i'd like to do is let's go meet our customers all right guy number one with his awesome helmet alchemists you must give me a healing potion a bandit has shot me through my shoulder with an arrow yesterday the wound isn't serious but i can't lie dude you've got an exit wound i would say that's very very serious that's just me you're a tougher man than i that's just the that's the reckoning that i have to give you here is this man is tougher than i will ever be if i get like a one foot long arrow half shoved through my shoulder i'm going home for the day so we can put that right there and then we can sell it to him for 10 bucks you can find our money up here this is our popularity and then of course we've got our reputation the ultimate goal of the game is that it's divided up into chapters and so you need to accomplish these various things and you will get xp and then on top of that it advances you to like the next chapter where more mechanics and more interesting things become available uh we can't haggle with these guys be fully aware though that when you haggle it does kind of so there's a mini game here and when you haggle there is a chance that they're gonna see you as kind of a scumbag and so like if you over haggle and get them to overpay for something it affects your reputation so just keep that in mind good evening we have trouble in our village invasive beetles have taken up in the wheat fields they're eating the harvest and they're doing it fast we need to poison them all right well i got your poison right there so bambam brother uh i had some strange soup for lunch today and i don't feel so good you got anything for a troubled gut yeah i think i can whip you up some medieval pepto-bismol here i think i can i think i can make that happen let's go ahead and i would like to whip out a healing potion is that gonna take okay good we'll just whip that out real fast so that we don't have to do it by hand and then bang throw that thing on there it's all yours brother it's all yours are you the new alchemist i'm the local herbalist and i gather plants and sell them wanna see what i have for sale i think i have something that might interest you sure we can take a look it's not always gonna be customers that come out to the shop from time to time it's gonna be people interested in selling things however all of her goods are like a huge rip-off so those you're overpaying for those are normally a lot cheaper and then if they have a little green arrow next to them it means that they're like dirty cheap compared uh yeah we'll just end the dialogue right there because she doesn't have anything that i want you need a strong fast acting a poison sounds like a plan to me let's do it brew up your recipe real fast throw it on the scale get you on out of here oh we sold it to somebody that was evil so we lost a bunch of reputation so i guess i kind of have to read the description of what they want it for too hello i was summoned to deal with an ice elemental that's tormenting a mountain village an ordinary sword is useless against them but if you can give me a fire potion i can coat my blade with it and take him down alright so this is going to require a little bit of experimentation i think the fire potion is out to the left but i don't remember if that's the light potion or the fire potion so what we will do here is let's take one of these bad boys right here normally there's sort of like a hint in the name like this is like a sun bloom or something like that a fire bell there's a hint inside of the name and actually you can pre-stir too if you wanted to scout around on the map to figure out where things are at and so we'll go ahead and just if i waste some resources here i'm okay with it but i kind of want to look in this direction and figure out where i'm going so it looks like with roughly three fire blooms i can get there so i'm only gonna slightly mill that and then we'll go over to here we're gonna heat it up and there it is we've got a fire potion dunzo's we'll go ahead and save that up so that we can whip it up fast just in case we need to in the future we'll throw that on there and hey that's a bit of a money maker so we'll go ahead and sell we're selling it to a good guy too so we got some reputation back for that command sent me to fight an elemental too this one's fire he's gotten into a habit of strolling through wheat fields lately and starting fires you got anything that'll cool him down yeah i can do that let's see uh so things are usually diametrically opposed in this game so if fire is to the left uh water is probably going to be to the right and so we probably want to cut out let's go down a little bit i guess yeah let's go down and then do i have anything that goes to the right i do all right so let's grind these bad boys up real fast get them on in there i'm gonna put in another one even though i don't know exactly how far out we want to go sometimes there's blockages and things that will get you into trouble and so like we'll take it slow over here i bet that's my guy right there i bet you that's him that's what it feels like to me anyways so now we got to figure out how we want to get up there i think if i just throw that guy in there we can kiss it right there and so that's exactly what we're going to do let's go ahead and heat it there it is and we made a frost potion save the recipe for that one too even though i feel like my recipe was a little inefficient right there i feel like i probably could have gone with one of these yeah one of these unmilled and then two of these milled i bet would have got me there so it's possible i could make this a little bit more efficient yeah i can cut the it looks like i can cut the to well yeah it looks like i can cut the wind bloom out i think but that's kind of what i like about this game is that it gives you multiple paths to making the same thing and then once you've crafted it the first time you can kind of come up with like a hyper effective way to get to it another time and make the potion very very efficient and i sort of dig that i like that freedom in that like there's inefficient ways to get to a solution but there's also efficient ways to get to a solution there you go i'm trying to fix my reputation right now man people around town are starting to think of me as though i'm a smelly kid because i sold one guy poison that he was probably thinking about using to kill like the magistrate or something how was i supposed to know dude like so if your pharmacist sells you a bunch of pallidone you know what i mean when you have a prescription and then you take that paladin you poison somebody with it make them od like is the pharmacist really to blame you know what i mean like yes did i skip his dialogue absolutely so there may have been some culpability just sort of nested inside that wall of text but i feel like i'm kind of in the free and clear here this is the alchemy sheen it doesn't work very well sometimes people will come by and they'll have parts for it and then you can use the parts in order to do various stuff and so anyways you can make crystals and things i don't know why we want to make crystals but apparently the philosopher's stone is in there and you know it seems like one of those things we could probably get done they want me to make a potion of light i think the potion of light is off to the left i think that's a mana potion i think the potion of light is off to the left somewhere as i recall i'm sort of curious can i add multiples of these to the pestle oh it gives you the resource back if you do that okay that's a nice little design i was hoping i could stack them up inside of there though let's go ahead and we're going to take this over here just to take a look so the fire potion's over on that side maybe that is a light potion right there i can show you how dilution works if you dilute it it will drag you back towards the center of the map like so and then you can go in like this and you can kind of correct your mistakes right there if you if you want to like if you feel as though you've made a mistake i do like that they've included kind of a way to remedy that that was the light potion for some reason i thought that was a mana potion all right well save it i mean i could probably make that a little bit more efficient like i bet we could get there with uh one fire bloom instead of two but all right fair enough i wanted to make that because it's on our checklist of things we need to do in order to go to the next chapter and so we will go up to our bedroom now because we have no customers left and then we will end the day and that's going to give us a little bit more xp i love the papyrus thing they've got going on over here where they've got like the cellulose paper or the whatever the hell it's called from medieval times really really really like the aesthetic of this game i think it really pops it makes this game stand apart in a very very positive way in my opinion all right so i want to make some basics i can delete one of these to get my slot back because we have two of the same in here apparently this is a weak potion of healing but yeah make me two of those make me two of those one of you one of you and then we already have the light potion so i think we're pretty well set up for the day i also wanted to put some points into trading so that we get more money for the stuff that we're selling so we just gained 20 percent more income on anything that we sell our garden has regrowned because we used all kinds of like nutragrow and all kinds of wild and crazy stuff in our backyard in order to make this stuff grow very very quickly and of course make sure you look all over the place because sometimes they hide some of the resources like back behind limbs and stuff like that and so there's a little bit of a hide-and-go-seek game nestled on into this which once again i this game feels like it has a lot of heart to me like there's so many of these little details like hidden resources and you know like efficiencies and inefficiencies on how you can make potions that i get the feeling that whoever worked on this game really really believed in it and loved it uh let's see here greetings i recently went fishing in the lake at the forest i cast my line out and i got a bite i reeled it in and tried to get it off the hook but the fish had teeth bit me on the palm and flopped back into the water now my hands all swollen how can i fish now well it sounds like you need one of my grade a healing potions my friend i finished dinging up some stumps in the field and i was planning on burning them to fertilize the soil with ash but then as luck would have it it started raining all the stumps got soaked i need to plow the field this week help me out uh a light potion maybe no he don't like the light potion fire potion possibly hey he wants the fire potion okay cool i've got a notion you want a potion if you need a potion i've got an ocean of solutions uh have so many cares and worries every single day i wash cook shop and look after the children i can spend all day on my feet and not sit down to rest once because of that my feet are covered in calluses and corns do you have a remedy yeah it's probably a healing potion right there you go enjoy oh it's mushroom man it's nice to see new faces in these parts i suppose you're the new alchemist wonderful i'm a mushroomer if you're an alchemist then you must know quality ingredients when you see them i have a few mushrooms here you want to take a look yeah we can take a look looks like he's got some of those for pretty cheap so i'll take like three of those and like three or four of those wow this guy's prices are actually pretty good so i'm down by 89 right now okay i'm gonna spend my money just to get my hands on some goodies but we completed a chapter nice so new visitors order types potion bases merchants and purchasable items appear continue to do your goals in the alchemists path nice we also got a level up right there so i am going to what does this do additional bonuses appear on the map that give experience when connected okay and then we've got haggling over here all right fair enough i'm just gonna go for flat price for right now and now that we're done with mushroom man let's see what this lady needs a strange guest came to our hotel he says he has a fear of fire and refuses to use candles however he still demands light in his room well that's easy peasy i already got you set up three robbers attacked me they wanted my money so they gave me a good thrashing when i didn't have any but i hid my money in a safe place but now i have to spend the money on a healing potion and my whole body aches yeah well that's the way it goes man you cut corners when getting robbed and you know it's gonna cost you more in the long term dude there you go hello i heard there was a new alchemist in town so i came to say hi i'm a sorceress or a witch if you like that's what the locals have called me anyways i didn't just come out of curiosity do you have any poison in your shop i i do i do have a poison yeah so feel free to go ahead and take that right there i actually wanted to do some experimentation so that gives me a little bit of a loop i like that that gives me a pretty strong pull down okay so it seems like most of the fungi take you down and in a direction except for this one right here cool cool cool cool i want to go kind of down into the west i think so like let's take this red mushroom right here and we'll take this over this way and let's just kind of see what's down in this little foggy corner down here so that takes me down that takes me down much further hmm i would have preferred to have had something that would take me down a little bit more aggressively but i guess we'll have to make do with terraria for right now so let's clear out some of this map and see if we can find anything down here all right let's give it a stir and let's just see what shows up down in this area ah we've got ourselves some skeleton action over here so you can't cross those right there it ruins the poi it ruins the potion uh so if you cross the skulls and crossbones unfortunately you're not gonna make it so what i'm thinking is we drag this over to the right a little bit let's say we go back over to there good maybe we pull it back just a little bit further that takes me more or less straight down wow we gotta shoot the gap on that one um yeah i think our only choice is that mushy right there just to get us into the neighborhood and that's gonna pull me to the right huh okay fair enough that'll get me there whatever that potion is it'll get me there and we got a little bit of bonus experience right there too all right let's cook this thing up let's see what it is i'm curious stone skin oh so it's like a defensive potion okay like we're definitely gonna have to figure out like a really efficient way to get after stuff that's kind of like down in these little nooks and crannies but hey i'm happy we pulled it out hopefully it'll be worth a whole bunch i think that's the end of our day right we don't have anybody else coming through yeah that's it for us so let's go back up and let's see what we accomplished here today chapter one is done so do we have chapter two now we do indeed have chapter two so if we have a potion with two different effects we can do that uh we can haggle for a better deal okay reach a popularity of four and i think we're almost there potion of mana potion of lightning potion of explosion fast growth and sleep okay so we're gonna have to dig some of this stuff up from the deeper recesses of our little traversal map down there fair enough fair enough who said that making assorted goose that have assorted effects on human beings would be easy i am interested in knowing what that is right there i'm kind of wondering if it's more efficient to go out to the right and then go south on that one because that's a really small gap to shoot right there and i feel like it's going to be really wasteful with our materials let's go ahead and gather up everything we possibly can i don't see anything hidden yeah i don't know there's anything hidden over here that we can get after so let's go ahead and see what these people want from us a wizard hello i see you've recently opened i'm also an alchemist but i'm passing through town i'm collecting ingredients and selling alchemy equipment so i decided to drop on in i'm running light right now and i only have enchanted paper with me but if you want to expand your recipe book you can buy a couple of sheets sorry to make a cut right there my cat is sick at the moment he's got like a cat cold and he just went on a sneeze fest he sleeps on my desk while i work enchanted paper the sheets in the recipe book are made of special enchanted paper the enchantment slows down the aging and allows you to edit them you can even completely erase old recipes and write new ones instead okay kind of good 170 bucks unfortunately i don't have the money for that chief i would love to expand my my pre-build recipes but unfortunately we're not there i had a brilliant idea yesterday to brew a beer that warms your bones on the cold days people would pay a pretty penny for it in the northern provinces the recipe's almost ready but for the beer to always be warm i need something like liquid fire got anything like that i think we needed to refine our fire recipe anyways didn't we i feel like we did what fire recipe do i have jotted down so fire recipe had three firebells okay actually i think we need the three fireballs to get there so yeah i think that's about as clean as it's gonna get for right now maybe later on we'll have access to better herbs that'll make that a tad more effective yeah but for now actually we could do it with maybe one red mushroom and maybe a fire bloom it's hard to say if that'll reach it's going to be real close but i do like that temptation there's always that temptation with this game to fiddle around with your recipe and see if you can make it more cost effective uh yeah here's a fire potion dude i honestly i wouldn't drink it like this is used for coating material substances but uh what else do you add to the beer actually the recipe for my beer is a big secret all i can say is that i add five types of fiery pepper to this one that's a terrible mistake dude i had a jalapeno ipa and it was one of the it was like a heartburn in a bottle dude it was like one of the worst things i've ever had in my life my son was playing with friends in the forest and twisted his ankle heal his leg please i can do that i can do that children who wander into the forest to play by the lake have gone missing the villagers are certain that it's a merman i've been asked to deal with the beast but i need to reinforce my sword to defeat the scum i heard that they will flee at the sound of thunder okay so we got to figure out where thunder's at on this overall map i feel like light is in this direction so i feel like there's a good chance that thunder is also in that direction it's just a feeling that i've got so i'm gonna try to take that up to its natural sort of highest right there and we'll just kind of stir this up it looks like there's something over there that we can play around with this will get us xp and take us in that direction without minimizing our efficiency and then if i could have you sir and we'll just take it right oh nope i don't want to grind anymore no more grinding there we go all right let's see what's going on here uh that's a mana potion right there actually so i think we did a good job with the mana potion but now i'm sort of at a loss as to where thunder would be like i was thinking that like this was elementally aligned effectively like things that are more earthier in this direction things that are kind of like earth and water are kind of like in this direction and then things that are fire obviously like kind of off to the right i feel like it's still gotta be north i mean obviously we could go for this potion right here but i don't know if it's gonna be a good use of our time i guess we go take a look why not let's ski daddle on down that way do i have anything that'll long dip me downwards not really not really all right well let's uh see what we can do with our with our various goos and poultices over here see how far warcraft will get me yeah i think this is the most effective way to get down here like i don't this is a lot of materials that we're using in order to get there but oh we might be perfectly skipping around the top of that one i don't know if that's gonna reach let's try i think when it gets to its terminus right there it may still count it's hard to say though uh not the case actually not the case okay so let's pull this back this way with dilution i actually don't need to mill that like at all we just need to take this a little bit down that way okay let's heat it up fast growth oh cool so we found like the uh the nutrigrow potion fair enough so yeah this direction is earth related so i feel like we've still got to go north in order to find the lightning potion either that or far far far to the west it's kind of hard to say though but i've got lots of fire blooms so we'll try west first it'll take me upwards a little bit yeah we'll put a wind bloom in there and we'll take it to like right there all right let's stir it so we can clear out some of the fog okay and now we need to go out a little bit further we're kind of in uncharted territory right now actually there doesn't appear to be a potion around here it's mostly just xp nodes oh no hmm well we gotta make a call north or south oh there's something right there a done saint it a scented all right so that'll get us right there perfect please be the potion that i'm looking for an explosion potion okay well we've found i mean i feel like i've just got to keep going out further to the west i guess yeah this is potion craft i hope you guys really really liked it i love the experimentation that goes into this game i think the ui is interactive and fantastic even little things like you can take the spoon out of here if you want and then drop it back in there it rotates in mid air when you drop it like if you give it a little bit of english it'll fall onto the ground uh you know like there's lots of cool things you can do here with the ui and i'm excited to see what's going on with it ideally my thought with the skill trees actually was that what they could do is that as you go down this chain if they make it so you can zoom out a little bit further in between so you would have level one and then like a little hashed line down to level two when you level up to level two since part of alchemy is creating stones of various kinds like elemental stones um it'd be cool if you could slot a stone in each time you level on in that modifies something about this you know like you have like a redstone a blue stone a yellow stone a green stone so on and so forth and depending on what tree you put it in it does different stuff like i don't know it's a little bit of a diablo-esque idea but i do think that that would actually vary this up a little bit because this is very very linear right here this is like the only thing that i'm kind of like eh about like it's fine it's functional and it's serviceable but given the the level of quality and sort of customization everything else it would be cool to have some way to really finesse a build that makes your alchemist very very distinct from all the other alchemists but anyways early access coming soon for potion craft i hope you enjoyed it i'll see y'all tomorrow with some hot and fresh off the indie skillet if you got here on accident uh i'm splatter cat i sit through the pile to find what's worth while in the world of indie games every single day so you don't have to today it was potioncraft tomorrow it will very likely be something else i'll see y'all then bye everybody
Channel: Splattercatgaming
Views: 159,044
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: potion craft gameplay, potion craft walkthrough, potion craft playthrough, lets play potion craft, potion craft review, potion craft impressions, potion craft preview, potion craft download, potion craft trailer, potion craft soundtrack, potion craft music, potion craft steam, potion craft pc game, potion craft early access, potion craft
Id: rRSQJEvm3Ts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 31sec (1831 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 22 2021
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