Building a Prison for $0 in Prison Architect

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hello i love prison architect paradox has added so many dlcs that you no longer need to build a prison for a new challenge i decided it would be fun to start with zero dollars and use mostly a lot of fantastic tax evasion because we created a company that earns almost all of its money through green energy credits albeit with a great deal more shady completely legal tax strategies i'm that new this video was sponsored by paradox right now you too can avoid paying more for the dlc because it's on sale for the steam summer sale with an immense savings discount by using my link below hello welcome to prison architect today we'll take the default start and turn it on its head normally in prison architect you have money today we won't have money i thought this would make for an interesting role-playing experience but for a small investment of zero dollars you too can correct adult behavior the goal today will be to build a large prison immense amendment to help make more money we'll take this lady for our warden she literally sells contraband innovative begin day one in the prison and we have uh 35 dollars we do have positive cash flow because of this government grant uh the dream of pulling oneself up by the bootstrap is by volunteering to run a prison for nothing our goal expand we can't really do anything on the first day we have too many workmen and in fact if we were to really start with nothing we need to fire some of these workers we will have to start with yes one man that brings our cash flow up for the day but i still don't really feel like that this fits the spirit of starting with nothing let's fire him too and we won't take anyone no prisoners now we're earning fourteen hundred dollars a day for doing literally nothing passive income government exploit now we'll just take time and speed it up until we have something well it's been 25 days in real life it's been about an hour there is my audio recording software to prove it and we finally have money apparently it's now winter and i think we've exploited this government grant enough to get started i still don't really know why we pay six hundred dollars a day but we're going to need to re-hire our staff so let's start from the beginning again and hire a single workman what is your name paul now the last time that i played prison architect you didn't need to use prisoners so let's just make a lot of money first instead of prison architect we'll just architects in the true spirit of nothing we'll make energy from nothing by accepting this grant we will eat only kale hire a warden and force this poor man to do all of the work we'll hire more workmen because i value my time suddenly we now have an accountant now we'll spend all kinds of money that we don't have to make more money faster now we're beginning to accumulate quite a lot of power and the more we get the more money we make tell you what let's take the eco-friendly grant now we just keep doing nothing for 110 more hours we connect our power export meter to our transformer now suddenly we can afford more wind turbines and solar panels and we'll hire an accountant this is turning into something else now since our staff sits there all day and does nothing we're just going to do a massive pay cut uh so now we spend only 90 a day and since we won't be building much anymore we can just fire most of our building staff somehow we now have other income of 500 a day now our batteries are charging faster now we've doubled the power export i think there's no limit to this you can actually just make exponentially more money every day by continuing to add to your power grid i will now focus exclusively on solar panels and firing my important staff members all right now we just wait another hour now we're up to two thousand dollars a day well we've now spent 50 days making green power our cash flow is 3 175 a day it rises by more each day in theory you could just keep going on like this power generation is simple repetitive and boring yet lucrative this is almost like the opposite of bitcoin mining or maybe this is being used to power bitcoin mining nonetheless technology will lead the way i'm trying to decide how far i would go to prove a point this is all to say you don't need any prisoners in prison architect to make money you don't even need farmers as some people have done all you really need is one guy but what's the point of making all of this money if there's nowhere to spend it primarily we'll still be a power plant but let's create some sort of secondary internship on the side yes an internship so as we continue to deliver all of this giant mistake we're going to uh try to do pretty much everything except for take-in prisoners you know i didn't start out with anything the world exploited me so i might as well exploit the world you know what i am stupid enough to try this how profitable a power plant can we create and then we'll just build the prison around that uh in an auxiliary way so far every day the energy production keeps ticking up we just need to keep diversifying between our two grids we also pay our accountant twenty dollars a day and our workmen ten unfortunately corporation taxes are the main things standing between us and riches now we're going to make a business investment and buy bank loans in 12 hours we'll be generating much much more power now we'll just keep borrowing increasingly larger sums of money look we started at zero dollar valuation now in only 65 days our prison is worth 90 000 all off of a 2 000 a day government grant right now i own 100 of the prison but i can sell shares of it or we can get a large bank loan we have credit rating whatever that really means that's not a real credit score but we'll need to pay it off if we want to keep borrowing more money so let's do this so we can get more solar panels we will get 500 increase that to let's get the maximum loan of 2500 interest of 125 a day loan approval is laughably easy in this world and everyone just accepts low wages it's like 2008 all over again and already our credit rating has gone up and it's steadily rising now we can increase that loan to pave the way for more power production and look my credit rating is going way way up i'm sure i can afford all of this don't worry now i'm paying 500 a day on a loan of ten thousand dollars in one day we have raised our credit rating from one to three point four we're going to keep on increasing our loan because going up at just a breathtaking rate now this is just cheap cash to continue expanding it's like magic it's almost too good to be true you borrow money to make more money and it's just a positive feedback loop we can also dismantle these trees to sell the logs and yet make more money now each one of these logs is worth 85 dollars we just keep on selling logs just listen to the worker listen to how happy he is hear that he's getting so much pleasure out of this you know we can borrow up to 250 000 i say do it this should be plenty for this one man to work on we've currently got a negative cash flow but we now have 232 thousand dollars to spend all we need is the sun to not go out between today and tomorrow though this is a little bit nerve-racking i uh won't lie this gentleman is delivering 250 000 be very careful with those solar panels please nothing to see here just keep working and then just buy a billion more wind turbines yep just like that uh we have reached the power cap of 128 windmills so it maybe it's not infinitely scalable but let's uh oh jesus we've hit i think we've hit the ceiling this could be problematic and we could wind ourselves into vast amounts of debt from here let's remove some of this alone oh jesus it looks like we're going to move completely over to hybrid don't worry i'm just getting it started with my financial magic now we're just going to yes we'll take out more loan you'll see why in one second because now we're going to research tax relief and then offshore tax havens we'll just increase that loan a little bit more good do that research however you're doing it which is just nervously pacing and rip out a room with a clipboard the good news is that the amount of money we're making from generating power is now almost enough to pay for our astronomical loans that will help this prison with tax evasion and finally the daily cash flow is back in the green all it took was one really windy sunny day to get us back in power now we'll research offshore tax haven this saves us 30 on taxes never mind our prison is not a negative net worth institution well the world is a cruel place still i will push the boundary even if i have to make money in non-standard ways deforestation profit would also be nice and look at that we're back in the green it's time to plant because these trees can be used not for the sake of growing trees but for the sake of destroying them and using them for lumber later on every time we plant we're doubling our money just think about that beautiful right they'll just make a small investment of about 12 000 worth of trees we'll need to hire this gardener there you go great job amazing you have thousands more to install we pay you five dollars a day you go on br okay you know stay on break he's pissed off damn it why did i hire you in the first place he he planted only three trees all right we'll take the grant for staff uh quality of life the staff are becoming unhappy they will go on strike if they don't get a 50 pay rise okay i have five hours before literally this one man goes on shrank oh god which one do i want the trees or one man going on strike i'll show you okay i was gonna give him a break room why did you take the job you know i think i'm okay with this though i think i won this we're going to give him a pay rise this cost me about 300 a day unfortunately i have to do it for the whole staff but look he's still on break he he lied i'm gonna sack him hire a new gardener and then decrease his wages gradually so that he doesn't notice work harder uh antonio he loves his job unfortunately i've just realized that the loan will never be paid off uh if we pay it off it doesn't work like real life or loans so we're just going to take all of the uh most expensive grants which we'll be paid halfway for that's good and then use that to get our way out of this loan oh amazing reoffending rate of the prisoners is definitely below 30 our staff retention rate is also below 30 what is antonio's life like staff is unhappy again uh damn it okay okay i'll pay them full wages damn they've already been begun delivering protest fires well at least that will feed my trees for one guy going on strike one man going on strike the worker is delivering his own protest fires someone put these out get rid of these maybe sell them now we just lied about grants um in order to pay off loans were you actually using in reality we're running a shady fraudulent power plant with one pissed-off gardener he keeps planting trees in my massive scam it's like one massive environmentally friendly tax evasion scam now we're just going to attempt to placate this extremely angry gardener i'm going to pay him less in the end i will win this one but if we give him tv and a couch he'll be distracted enough that he won't care construction workers never seem to riot i don't know why this garden is so pissy in the meantime we'll take our um administrators and fire all of them because we just don't need them ah the first of many trees we can start to disassemble this now and don't forget we paid about a hundred dollars for this of course we had to pay the workers wages but all together the tree is worth 255 dollars and there it is we'll sell it so two and a half times the investment our gardener in the break room is still pissed off who knows who knows why but now if we just sell more logs cut down more trees and pay down our debt look our gardener now has made so much progress now getting pissed only once every five to ten minutes he like does half the work on planting a tree and then he goes back into the staff room and he just moves around angrily i think it's because the floor is dirty but i i just don't like him well it's day 96 and we've managed to get out of an amount of debt that would make your car loan servicer look like a saint and this probably fraudulent but well-meaning eco-friendly power plant and we've made it to day 100. now this prison pays one percent corporate tax we'll just fire the whole staff it's just gonna be an accountant that works here these the gardener and the worker don't do anything anyway it's fine literally just an accountant in an office well now we're officially out of debt and we will begin the pay cuts again because there's only one person on the staff and that person is just reporting to us how much money we're making we have one percent corporate tax so we pay a hundred dollars a hundred dollars of corporate tax a day on ten thousand dollars worth of earnings administrator wages of twenty dollars yes we pay our accountant twenty dollars a day and that's it we nearly made it to ten thousand dollars a day but now we can just walk away from the computer and let the value of this prison go up by ten thousand dollars a day for just being just being there no maintenance nothing can go wrong it's like mcspankies
Channel: ambiguousamphibian
Views: 808,554
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: prison architect, prison architect gameplay, prison architect part 1, let's play prison architect, prison architect second chances, prison architect game, ambiguousamphibian, ambiguous amphibian, let's play prison architect 2021, prison architect going green, prison architect free prison, 0 dollar prison, prison architect walkthrough, prison architect 2021, prison architect let's play, prison architect gameplay 2021, prison architect ep 1 second chances
Id: yygDRO7dn0I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 43sec (883 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 24 2021
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