RimWorld: Zombieland - The Dead World (Part 1)

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hello everybody and welcome to promise gaming with more rim world it's been a couple years since we last played this which is a crying shame because I love everything about rim world but haven't had a chance to play it or since it hit full release a few months ago now if you have not seen rim world before well then I weep for you because you've been missing out on a great experience this is a sci-fi colony Builders slash survival game we crash land on an unknown planet we scrape out a living from amongst the elements and try to survive whatever horrible curve balls the game can throw at us rim world is infamous for being unfair and putting forth the unwinnable scenarios in which you just have to sit back and watch everything you've spent hours and hours building just burn in front of you it's fun it's challenging it's sometimes frustrating but it is worth every second it also has a tremendous modding community with a lot of content available and one of those mods is going to be the basis of today's series Zombieland is exactly what you thinks it is though Dead will roam the earth and present a constant hazard as they try to eat my brains this is going to be a little difficult to survive against building up a colony while Condor constant threat is certainly a no no joke frankly you should see this a bit as that they are billions meets rim world and you basically have the theme of today's series so let's go ahead and start up a colony now I have had a Dickens of a time actually winning this so far I've been recording the first episode for the last eight hours and I just I just keep losing again and again because it's really art so we're gonna play a crash-landed scenario with Randy random I was trying on savage difficulty but now I'm gonna actually just go back down to rough Savage Plus zombies really really hard to make them will you through that so we're just gonna say no our seed is entrails oh that bodes well for me okay this seems fine let's go ahead and generate a new world like so now before we can choose our starting location we have to choose our zombie land settings I'm going to start by making this a little bit easier but in game we can change those settings and my goal would be to gradually ramp up the zombie intensity until we just can't handle it anymore and maybe we all die so the zombies will appear at night but they stick around during the day so they don't just disappear they'll only spawn from the map edges rather wherever they're a soft ground which means they absolutely could spawn inside of your base so you have to pave every single tile which gets a little intensive zom attack humans they will not destroy anything to start with though we will make them increasingly aggressive as time goes on same with the rage I do not want them recovering from injuries cuz that just kind of defeats the purpose of zombies and I want to make them easy to kill the start but again will make them more hearty as time goes on no suicide bombers or mining zombies I hate these guys they blow through your walls even if they are not aggressive and don't know you're there which makes it almost impossible to actually keep them at bay for a long time so no thank you we will allow ourself a total of four days before the zombies do arrive three is a little bit too early and we'll set this down to 200 zombies to start but again I will be ramping this up as time goes on we can slow them down a little bit I don't much care for the fact that turrets use up steel when shooting it makes sense it just kind of makes turrets a lot less opie but for now I'm just gonna set it to 80% I might actually remove it all the way down to 0% for the challenge later depends I haven't actually survived long enough to have turrets with the zombie lands so I don't know if this is balanced or not zombie infections absolutely if you're calling us get bitten they can turn into zombies we have a 50% chance of by default eight hours until symptoms show themselves and once we do know that they have been infected we have one day to quote-unquote cure our colonists before they will become a zombie and by cure I mean amputate that's really the only option that is available supposedly there's more treatments it seems to imply that but as far as I can tell no III don't think the developer actually has that I'm pretty sure the only way that you can cure your colonists from the infection is to amputate the the infected part of the body but if it's something really important like I don't know the torso or something I think you're just doomed so that would be bad and we'll just cry I don't want Twinkies that's all that's all done okay now let's set up a starting location I don't want to be in an arid area again we did that last time let's try setting up in a temperate forest possibly with some Hills I don't necessarily care if we have a river I would like to have some sort of a lake though something like that would be nice a rivers not bad if I can find one I will give me a minute to find a good starting location and I will be right back this is actually a very good spot right here it's a temperate forest with actually pretty good temperature for year-round growing which is very important since hunting's not very feasible when the zombies are wandering around it does have large Hills it has a small Creek so maybe we can take advantage of that or maybe we can't I don't really know for sure slate sandstone marble there are caves in these hills which is fun yeah all this seems okay not a bad spot not a lot of neighbors though except for I don't know some pirates so we might see some early raids we will go to a large map because I like to have a little bit of breathing room and let's set up our crew now I've already set up a preset for this using the prepare carefully mod I went onto discord earlier today found some people who were online and then just created some characters around them so we have izi Atticus and Lex is a was a young master growing up born to two medics is a long for power her keen intellect and charisma helped her gain the respect of her peers I think that makes a lot of sense for a discord admin she grew up to be a glitter world surgeon like her parents and therefore is very good at medical naturally charismatic good social skill pretty smart intellectual also a pretty good shot I'm just gonna say that that's her a hobby or something I don't know however because of her upbringing she thinks that dumb labor is beneath her so any practical trade skills using her hands or just hauling things around snap that is beneath her and she refuses to do it she's also jealous if anyone else has something better than her then it's degrading to her so she needs to have the nicest things at all times is is gonna be fun to deal with Atticus was abducted as a baby and experimented on by Zeno humans clearly that did something to his brain because he is no longer capable of any deep intellectual thought however I like to think that when he was recovered he found a talent using Legos and just other building blocks as a result he became a civil engineer and knows how to stack things on top of each other so he has a good construction skill he's pretty good in mining a little bit of crafting skill here as well also a good shot cuz I need someone but that's it he's not capable any really deep math now because of his background he has has weak nerves he's prone to breaking whenever he's under pressure and when he does he likes to set things on fire to relieve stress it's a problem it's a real problem Lex so sorry you grew up as a cow farmer I needed somebody who was good with animals so that's what you can't Lex grew up on a rim world under the tyranny of her father who forced her to work every day on the farm she dreamed of escaping her father and exploring the universe well she got that opportunity left the planet went to a glitter world worked for a big corporation and somehow got on their bad side because now she is a fugitive from that corporation she's learned to live off of the lands using her past skills and as such as good cook pretty good with plants pretty good with animals and because it is Lex I gave her double passion for art so maybe she will become our resident artist Lex does have a certain fascination for drugs though which is prone to getting her into trouble heck that might be why she's a fugitive she won't say she does otherwise though take care of herself and as a jogger and does have a kind heart for our starting equipments we do have a Labrador Retriever for a pets for Lex everything else here seems pretty standard except for the shotgun that's a bit of a luxury but it's not really a zombie game unless you also have a shotgun is it so we've got that all right let's go ahead and get started and see how long we last the three of you awakened your crypt of sleep sarcophagi to the sound of sirens and ripping metal you barely get to the escape pods before the ship is torn apart sometime later you land on this unknown rim world as pieces of the shredded starship fall around you you start making plans to survive alright so here is our map looking for a good defensible location well those caves are certainly interesting and this water is certainly interesting hmm able to use that for a good fishing location if we are lucky how do I feel about caves all these dark spots are we likely to see infestations out of a Zhao never I never mess with caves before hmm the good thing about these caves actually said there's only one way in believe it or not swell - I guess there's one right here and one right here so if we use these carefully we might actually be able to do something with these caves but at the same time is that where I want to set up a base not really I'm a little bit too worried about infestations I don't be too close to the edge of the map because that's where the zombies spawn and bad things are going to happen this is actually a pretty good location and the fact that it's somewhat defensible if we can wall this area off we can just focus on building out over here and we'll be more or less well defended and we're not too far away from the river so if we're able to clear out some zombies we could potentially go fishing and that makes a lot of sense to me so I think that is where we are going to set up just double checking to see if anything really jumps out to me what is that wild pods they're giant lumbering mass of decomposing plant matter okay sure why not if you say so that sounds like a lot of fun um potentially over here as well is it not a bad spot though no that's actually about where I was looking before it nevermind okay we're fine um the only the only downside of this spot is it is a little close to one edge of the map so I'll have to be very careful about our zombie walls but you know what I think we'll make do I think we will make do all right so this is where we're gonna land we're gonna set up a quick dumping zone up over this direction and I'm going to allow basically everything except for human corpses because that just tends to give everyone a debuff to their mood can't imagine why but it's true we're gonna set up some orders to chop a lot of wood in this area I just want to get some extra wood going so we can have the materials necessary to build our walls and our fences they're gonna be landing way down over here thank you guys alright izi why don't you go grab a long-range gun same with Atticus let's go get my shotgun the rest of this we are going to be unfort bidding food and so on our dog is named Lulu oh what a cute little name we have some silver some steel we have some components actually where is my steel steel if I'm a components in my silver there it is steel for some reason got split up over here okay we are gonna need that look at all the wild boars that we could kill oh that would be fun alright so you guys are gonna go work on all of that now let's set up a job so I want everyone to be half top priority for firefighting be good patients bed rest priority hauling and basic actions like flipping switches and locking doors is a-- will be my doctor my warden my negotiator and my researcher lower priority for hunting and for managing very low priority for art extremely low priority for plant cutting mining quarrying and so on whenever you have some spare time Atticus is primarily going to be my builder I don't want anyone else building because they're more likely to waste resources you're also a very good miner lower priority with crafting jobs some hauling Lex you're gonna take care of the dog or to cook my food sometimes you'll hunt grow plants arts for now will have to be a low priority and then some hauling jobs and again more quarrying and mining as is necessary ok that seems fine as far as Lulu you're gonna be following Lex around and let's go ahead and set up a training job for obedience so he can eventually work you tour to being a hauler because I like you when my dog is able to haul around several hundred pounds of goodies saves me a lot of trouble Oh Atticus stop vomiting all over the place I know I know the crash landing was SuperDuper rough I get it does kind of suck doesn't it where are you going no no no while you're over here how about you haul the wood you can't haul anything worth anything so you don't worry about it you are currently hauling some components I'm gonna say that that's not as important to go ahead and haul instead the packaged meals or something you vomited and dropped the meals ok sure that's absolutely what I wanted you to do there's gonna cost me a lot of wood but if we can wall this entire area off from the zombies that's gonna put us in a pretty good position for our survivability and I absolutely think we can get enough wood to make this work it's just a question of will Atticus have enough time we do in the place down some doors not there sorry Hank thank you doors and all of these areas like so so that people can get around as necessary alright it's good enough this is gonna have to do we also should set up some wooden walls where we can have a quick look bedroom how about something like this whoops here and here it's a little cramped for space I'm aware but you guys need to sleep under under a roof I'm pretty sure that matters a lot to you guys so let's do a bed bed bed and the dog can sleep over here in the corner okay seems fine enough to me Atticus is gonna go deliver a bunch of resources over here and he's already gotten started on some of these walls Lex is doing a good job chopping all this stuff down looking solid making good progress on these walls so far Atticus I would actually like you to prioritize working over here though because I want this place built so you guys have a roof sound good hang on where you going he's getting a meal build the roof there we go okay when is it goes to sleep she now has a roof over her head so she's not gonna be quite as upset as she would have been before that's actually not a bad start though that's a pretty good amount of wall right off the bat I'm happy with how that turned out if I can get enough wood I absolutely will also build a second round of fences just to free up some more room and also to keep the zombies far enough away that they don't even see me or even smell me because I don't want them enraging when we eventually do turn on a higher difficulty that obviously would not be a whole lot of fun for me mad hair okay there's a bunny rabbit who has gone insane izi I need you to shoot it shoot it that's not how you kick run not run you lets the hare get you it bit you in the arm freaking heck is a what are you doing okay you let the hair into the base sure are you gonna shoot it or what okay Atticus help Lex help she's getting murdered by a hair she's got a couple of bites he's school very short teeth oh she was able to beat it to death oh that's good okay never mind you guys are fine false alarm is a go eat your meal gosh dangit izi tend to is a is a tends to yourself there we go okay yeah she'll have she'll have a couple of little scars from the very sharp teeth of the evil rabbit but victory is hers she killed the rabbits kill the lab it's killed oh I bet kill the wabbit Lex reach level 10 in plants congratulations good for you very proud all right we have all this so the walls are officially done we have a basic level of walls if I stay in this base we should be more or less safe but I don't want to stay in this base forever I'm gonna want to be able to build outside of this so I will also set up some fences using the fence mod since that is something that I currently have available to me by the way apparently the original creator of the fence mod is has named himself Provost on Steam no relation to me no idea who that is but you know cool whatever I'm just surprised I've never heard of him before I kind of figure people be like how here's this year no I did not program this I promise I'm not that smart I wish I was but I am NOT let's see I could fence out some space I don't know if I can justify that yet so we might later let's justify a fence out here though do something like this trying to block off some of the mining opportunities for the steel would like to also kind of fence off some areas around the river or the creek I guess much as possible do something like this and then maybe another fence up over here all right I don't know if I gonna have time for this the bet at least would let me kind of control some more areas you can shoot over fences so that's fun we have one day left until the zombies arrive what can we do as far as recreation because people are gonna get kind of upset a quick little horseshoe spin sure I can only make it wait nope I can make it out of Steel perfect we'll place a steel horseshoe pin like right over here or something all right that way you guys have something to do with side from just wandering around or looking at the clouds slightly better recreation only slightly though I don't find the game of horseshoes to be especially engaging perf and personally same with cornhole horseshoes and cornhole those tossing things those are those are games that I've just never really understood why people like them so much all right since we'll be here for a while Atticus thinks we should give the faction a name well quite simply we are the survivors that's all there is to it we've survived and there's a world of the dead around us we are gonna name the settlement tombstone because I think the bet is a cool and appropriate name so the survivors are living at tombstone is that possibly an omen that we are living in our own graves yes that is entirely possible but we're not going to think about that okay is it kills a turkey good we're gonna have the zombie spawn now though so great you now need to probably prioritize like finishing these freaking walls dude like seriously finish the walls zombie attack a group of zombies appears oh good it's not just it's not just that we had our first like random raid it's specifically a zombie raid what is that sound it's freaking scary dude what are these things man traps that's creepy okay yup that's a lot of zombies that are spawning right there no doubt about it uh-huh okay okay yeah mm-hmm Atticus about those walls that we were talking about I need you to go work on these like now yeah if at all if at all possible I don't like that I have to micromanage you on literally all of this all right go rest I don't think they can get in are they smart enough to try breaking down the doors no so we're gonna have to draft everybody to go and shoot zombies for a little bit fortunately I think they're stupid so we'll be okay mad rats oh yay all right well the rat is apparently fighting a zombie and going to get torn to shreds we should have regular zombies spawning in addition to all the special swarms so we may not be able to finish some of these walls that's the case where I need to do is reset some home zones to make sure that nobody ventures beyond the walls for any reason because that is how you die and we're gonna restrict everybody it's a staying inside of this zone now just occurred to me the zombies only are supposed to attack humanoid creatures right they're not gonna attack my dog what they I actually don't know if they would I don't think they would whoops wrong button so in theory maybe the dog could go and do something ah send the dog on hauling trips to go pick up things in the wild since they're the only ones that can sneak by the zombies that's actually kind of funny that'd be cool I like that idea all right so this is the home zone and then I guess we technically can go a little bit out here but don't go too far don't get too close to the walls to the fences and so on I don't want to take the risk of zombies getting enraged if they see you let's just keep a little bit of a healthy distance away now one thing I do need to do is make sure that everyone is signed to fight so if there is an enemy nearby they automatically are going to attack dog you're restricted to the home zone everyone else you're also restricted to the home zone unfortunately it's just gonna have to be good enough until we can clear these things I will manually draft you and move you elsewhere later that is a lot of zombies just wandering around with no idea what they're gonna do with themselves is that another rat attacking the zombie that rat has taken on several zombies now they're eating it oh that's just oh wow okay creepy highly creepy now one thing that's cool about this mod you can't actually click on the zombies you can try we can't and the reason for that is it actually does make the game lag a lot if there's a lot of selectable items so by making these non selectable it actually improves the processing speed so you can have hundreds of zombies out at any given time kind of cool huh alright so um I guess since we're stuck here for a little bit let's go ahead and start building out things like some wooden walls for a butchering area and for a freezer so there's gonna be where we kind of cook a lot of our food I'm not gonna keep this building for much longer we do need some rooms I'm gonna put those kind of close to the back walls over here I do tend to like to make those a little on the larger side just so people have some space to kind of move around later it also makes them a lot happier we'll do some like this this okay and then a door and the door and a door okay these are going to be some bedrooms for everybody lovely so since we're stuck here for a bit and can't do anything around the zombies we might as well oh wait I do kind of need to have like a door or something so I'll place one right there I guess here we go let's go ahead and harvest these berries whoops wrong button harvest berries and I guess also these leaves if you so desire it's fine by me and then also cut all plants that are currently in these areas we need to clear this area out so that people will be able to sleep right to make some beds and stuff too if at all possible but sure giving them people a place to sleep that's gonna make them a lot happier I think there's a major break risk uh-huh Atticus is particularly upset what's wrong malnourished you need food huh yeah that would be a problem there are berries elsewhere what I really need now probably is a butcher butcher table like you can eat raw meats and you're not gonna be happy about it but I need to give you food or else bad things are gonna happen so Butch's table right here and I would like an electric stove as well eventually but that's not a high priority Atticus go work on the butcher table got it we need to set up some bills butcher creature do this pretty much forever Lex I need you to wake up and go butcher butcher some sort of animal give me some raw food do we have any raw food okay we do and people are now eating raw meats they're not gonna be happy but it has to happen raw food specifically of the meats a variety though and animal products here are fine as well okay that is the preferred place to put your meats Atticus wake up eat some raw food you're no longer malnourished you're a little bit but not too much that should improve your mood a little bit as time goes on okay gonna unforgive this turbine we will need to have some power set up so something like this will probably be fine and the blueprints already exists here apparently okay well that's all right and I think that our I think that our coolers should be able to hook up to the power lines as that exists right there we will need a battery and stuff as well but for now one step at a time overload people with too many jobs and well bad things happen you just don't get enough things done the electric stove for bills I would like to cook simple meals do this until I have at least twelve meals if possible they'd hook that up to some power first though we also will need to get some furniture some sort of a either a dining chair or a stool or whatever it doesn't really matter anything to kind of let people sit back while they work on their jobs they're not standing and exhausting themselves would be good the raw meat is gonna have to be good enough let's go ahead and hunt the turkey and the rats and so on what is this turkey meat I'm gonna ask you to haul that urgently please yeah that's right get that out of there all right please get the wind turbine up and running we have power okay so we need to set this down to something kind of cool target temperature is going to be let's say for now 32 degrees Fahrenheit since that is technically freezing it's gonna take a little while but if we can get that that'd be great colossal arrow fleets a strange floating creature bounces around in the distance blundering around the landscape a small horde of smaller specimens seems to be attracted to it and followed at a short distance they seem to be harmless what the heck are you huge floating gelatinous creature propelled by the hydrogen it collects from water and various plant matter these squishy creatures wander the lands aimlessly bouncing off objects in their path huh they don't want to kill you they're just giant space jellyfish that's fun what do I do with them anything okay why are you glowing green you're one of those toxic splashes aren't you I don't like that you stay away from me a lot of zombies desperately want to get in here they're just not sure how to do it that's good though they don't need to know this is gonna belong to oh wait we actually have new lovers what happened here is a-- tried to attract atticus by drawing attention to her own plants growing skills Atticus was spotted well and it's now is his lover that is all that it takes from the lobotomized man all right so we obviously need to have a slightly different room here cancel that lets place down a double bed right over here I guess and again set that quality to be at least abnormal if possible so they're gonna sleep together that technically would save me some space look at all the zombies that are getting stuck in these corners this is one of the reasons I don't necessarily want them to enrage when they get in the group because it's very easy for them to just kind of corner up like this and form a large pack and then suddenly go rabid mad and start trying to kill everything on the map psychic drone low mail ah that's not good all right everybody draft up we're gonna go zombie slaying it's time kill the zombies okay they are mowing before me a gigantic oaks self tames I don't know what you think we're gonna do with that we may have to harvest you alright come over here do you see anything there are a couple of zombies beyond that fence but that's about it I am going to say that we want to harvest these berries ASAP Atticus I need you okay these are outside allowed areas hang on we need to technically temporarily expand the home zone so he actually can work on these fences so Atticus please go and build fences prioritize Nora ties or ties shoot that zombie prioritize come on you're making this so hard on me buddy okay is the fence now technically done he's repairing a bunch of things but I think it is actually done oh good a Manhunter pack it's a single evil iguana that wants to devour human flesh well that's fun so we should now be able to expand out the home zone and take over a lot more lands now which I'm happy about so we'll take this all of this now counts as the home zone I guess I probably should include the fencing just so we can repair it if it is getting damaged which it likely will but this means that at least we're paying attention or at least automating it I don't want to risk the fence accidentally getting destroyed if it did that would be I'll be disaster so go ahead and do all that yeah we can unfold it part of the home zone okay same situation probably down here yeah we're getting closer to the edge now but as long as the zombies are set on too easy to kill turns out they're actually wait for it easy to kill I know it's a crazy idea let's go ahead and forbid all of this though okay so now we should be safe beyond our fences and nothing is going to kill me now yes pretty sure animals we have an ibex doe that needs to be slaughtered Lex you grew up on the farm you're the one who's gonna have to do the honors kill the DOE thank you chop it up and cook it okay something went sitzt well that's unfortunate there's a little fire right here but we've already put that out really need batteries agreed could really use some batteries could also really use another wind turbine actually place another one like right over here for example that would improve my power generation a little bit we just don't have any good way to store it so I need to do now is work on some research I think so if we go to let's say production mmm simple research bench yeah that's that's what I want I can place it right here sure and then I can also build a new storage zone for anything that can degrade if it is not under a roof so clear all of these any apparel weapons items raw resources no those don't those don't have a problem manufactured goods though yes we'll put all those there and that's gonna be a preferred mounting preferred storage place just so the heavy fur and stuff doesn't degrade because I'm obviously gonna need to create some clothing out of this a little bit later all right so we have our plants down here looking good let's go for floors and we're til some more soil space it out a little bit so that it doesn't risk the blight I'm hoping this will end up being probably for some heal route or something so I have a few farms and then something kind of like this should be fine I think sure space it out a little bit okay we'll have at least a couple more crops we'll start getting some heal route for medicine we'll start growing either rice and maybe some corns we'll have a diversity of food and as long as more animals keep self taming like this then maybe we actually will be able to survive I don't know it's kind of questionable at this point but I think there's a good place to stop so thank you all very much for watching hope you enjoyed if so they would ask me hit that like button leave a comment and subscribe and I will see you guys next time [Music]
Channel: Pravus
Views: 535,751
Rating: 4.8843842 out of 5
Keywords: Pravus, RimWorld (Video Game), zombie, zombieland, mod, modded, colony, rough, randy, random, strategy, guide, funny, part 1
Id: DZuLDHofyYo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 49sec (1909 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 05 2019
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