Can I Escape a SURVIVAL ISLAND In Project Zomboid?

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there i was lost in blue in project zomboy just off the north coast of knox there's a small island called kingsmooth upon which i shredded myself to see if i could survive and navigate my way back home to the mainland this challenge invites resourcefulness to me a survival island is an invitation to confront the bare realities of our nature that drive us every day and learn to surmount daunting obstacles with greater ease if i made it out i would prove my worth in metal with new skills and fresh ideas i called to mind the confrontations i expected to face and hardened my resolve as i dove into a new unknown i endeavored to create a character for this challenge capable of clinging by the nails to any rare boon of resources i might expect to find on the island quiet and nimble but also quick to catch on and learn new skills the traits i settled upon were restless sleepers slow healer underweight hard of hearing short-sighted and slow reader the positive traits are more key here cat's eyes dexterous outdoorsmen inconspicuous and athletic as well as a fitness instructor profession these would keep me mobile and quiet quick to slip in and out of dangerous situations i dubbed him ulysses in honor of the greek's williest craftiest warrior i spawned into the starter house before we start looking for a ship we need to make sure we'll survive long enough to do that that means we have a few other urgent tasks to carry out i closed the curtains though i couldn't entirely seal the house best to keep a secret now the first task was to find a weapon a kitchen knife would do but i'd need more can opener matches and a lot of canned food along with some bullets which might come in handy i turned on the tv and i switched to life and living but no programming was on i'd found a weapon a griddle pan i could use to bash them but i'd need to clear and protect my immediate area maybe even find a two-story house in which i could sleep at nightfall at least be quiet around here and come back then it was just a matter of food water and shelter only once i'd found those things could i begin my search for a ship the yard was clear but i could attract the attention of one of them thin out the numbers that was one a safety vest for extra layers as well as some boots to cover my feet dispatching a few more i decided the initial house was safe i tried to attract a little bit more attention and i cleared the area the house was safe though perhaps a mess as i've entered in the neighborhood my stats increased i got a little bit better at being stealthy and quiet time well spent now because there would be larger hordes later on i found a watch on one body i knew it was october but i didn't know what time it was 12 20 p.m with plenty of time left in the day i stayed inside i knew it would be a longer struggle if i wanted to get off this island so i dug in my heels and set up a base camp here i grabbed all the household furniture and i blocked all the nearby doors with it i also practiced being stealthy or violent whatever the situation called for i found a better digital watch october the 15th and 54 degrees outside i kept improving and being stealthy but around mid-afternoon i decided i needed a backup plan and i looked to the other nearby house for just that this called for a better weapon i did some foraging in the nearby woods to find a large branch there it was i could use this to make a spear and so fashioning this beer i attached it to my back now i had just what i needed to keep them at a greater distance it was everything i needed it to be except it broke really quickly i fashioned more spears fought the dead and made my way into the second house a fallback point it would work and then the alarm went off and so close to nightfall i fled the area all my plans had fallen through the best i could do was walk off into the woods not good this was very bad i did manage to hop a fence dispatch one with a duffel bag and run off with the bag in hand if i was smart here i could lose all of them in one shot so i hopped yet another fence and lost them all in the tennis courts i stole the way back into the woods gone was all my progress from the first house with my weapons broken i simply had no better plan than run away quietly i'd be winded and tired that night weary from a day of fighting and avoiding the dead only for it all to be in vain but all wasn't lost i switched back into my sneakers and ran away being light-footed would do more for me here than being strong and after a little searching i found an office building some cans of soda to keep me awake and i was able to break line of sight for long enough with lots of windows i was food on display but at least i could see them before they came to me there were also a lot of books in this place i could use these to learn more about the ships and cars i'd need to repair along the way i found one pamphlet on generators pair of scissors and conflict but that was enough for one day now i was tired as luck would have it there was a maintenance room in that office building i found an axe some nails a saw a flashlight some duct tape and i was able to quietly remove a chair from another part of the building and bring it back in there to sleep at least there were no windows and i was safe a whole day had passed what did i accomplish sure i had lost my initial shelter but yet doubtlessly i had improved and i was growing ever stronger quiet and more deadly by the minute able to slip in and out of tight spaces and accomplish my objectives with greater ease than on day one i slept that night flooded with new learning yet still laser focused on doing whatever i could to escape the island the next day when i woke up it was raining and i noticed that my new home was right on the water this would be an opportunity to search for ships nearby i made my way down the hall and i found the employee break room being underweight i decided to eat whatever was left in here a feast of tuna yogurt and spaghetti bolognese i also decided to read the books on mechanics and electricity i had a rare moment of peace i knew it would be rare to find a good vehicle so i learned what i could while i was here i ate a burger and a lot of ice cream i washed myself and i found one more duffel bag this was rare and important more storage space and i could travel like a turtle with my home on my back there in the quiet of my room on the second day i finished the book on mechanics not much else to do and since it was still raining at 7 20 pm i thought it best to stay inside i microwaved a chicken breast since there was no oven to be seen and that would suffice for more calories being ridiculously tired i turned in at only 8 30 p.m i'd wake up early and hopefully take advantage of the morning fog to move around unable to sleep i'd need to search today for a better bed it would hamper me in combat and i couldn't keep going on like this so at the crack of dawn i made my way out of the office building and in the morning rain i made my way out onto the pier to look for boats and cars i found some shotgun shells some glue a metal pipe and fortunately a wrench which would help with fixing carjack trowel duct tape and a welder mask for a bit more protection with the building separating me from the mainland and a few gas pumps still working on the docks i figured this would be a good place to set up for where i would eventually leave the island if anything was out of gas i could just bring it here all i had to do was keep the main building clear more of them were coming every day but attempting to win that battle was just fool's play so instead i stored my items away near the storage crate and walked off if you want to become self-reliant you first need to master your own movements i made it my main ambition to train myself in the art of still if i was going to get off of this island i'd need to do it quietly i could safely train while behind a chain-link fence and yet separated by a considerable distance by the late morning i was becoming very very sneaky just beyond the chain-link fence were a police station and a few cars in a parking lot i investigated i met only one that i quickly dispatched so far i was safe all the way into the parking lot and there it was i didn't know what kind of condition it was in and i couldn't get it to it right now certainly but it was an opportunity at escape i entered some of the cars one had a key and a little bit of gasoline after that i made my way over what kind of condition was it in calling over one police but being careful just to draw a few this was good fortune experience a police jacket and even a pistol for my troubles not that i would be using it anytime soon took out a few more in the parking lot due to good planning i was able to clear the ship in just a couple of hours unfortunately i'd need to tow it if i wanted to see anything about its condition for the last few i used unconventional warfare this basically just meant doing reverse donuts in the parking lot strategy that was enough to dislodge the ship or so i thought i needed a new plan i grabbed what i could there was a revolver and a shotgun on the police officer i had just downed i used all of this after i cleared out enough of the parking lot i could quietly make my way into the police station it had more weapons and defenses might even make a better base it also had a second floor which was invaluable to me the rooftop helipad might not be useful for its standard traditional uses but it could be functional for an escape the armory however was occupied not for long there i discovered a treasure horde this place had everything anything you could want it was here and while i couldn't use much of it because it wasn't suppressed i could still use a lot of this in a pinch it'd be loud but it'd get the job done and night vision goggles would also help with that i quietly made my way back over to the dock that was enough for one day i didn't have anything else to prove i escaped with what i had found and i was safe and lucky to be alive above all else the night vision goggles were the most valuable i could use these if i wanted to move around in the dark undetected at last i looked the part of a survivor mobile equipped and highly utilitarian i loaded up my magazines and i got ready to go back out as night fell i made my way back out another chance to sharpen my skills and delve deeper into the island for more supplies before my escape as luck would have it i found an axe sure enough night is dark but night vision goggles are kind of cool i was able to use this to sneak around more and rack up more kills pretending i was sam fisher all the while using all of this i was able to sneak my way back over the warehouse there is one thing that could dislodge the boat the area was clear and quiet i made my way in i could take them out one on one in the night though and i felt pretty safe doing so but then they all started coming not much time left i used the night against them by escaping into the dark they'd be attracted only to their own noises this is safe for now don't question it fighting off the last few i admit i got pretty lucky here a sledgehammer was just what i needed to get this thing unstuck and so in the middle of the night with the moon as my witness i freed the ship and i budged it clear now it was time to have a look inside the ship turned out to be in pretty good condition despite all the things i had done to it it was too late and i still wasn't very well equipped and hungry from the day i decided to head back into the main building i had cleared before they say the evil you know is better than the evil you don't know and i wasn't about to take a chance in an unknown location to give myself an even bigger advantage i decided to turn off the lights in the facility that way i could see but they couldn't thoroughly exhausted and out of breath i destroyed my axe i turned in for the night only in the wee hours of the morning i rested easy knowing that my escape was in sight what had i done what did i accomplish in a phrase self-reliance but the best was still yet to come i woke up on day five groggy but now determined to give myself a final place to rest i would still rely on stealth or violence whatever the situation called for in the morning i found a suppressor for my pistol and a tool shed it wasn't perfect but it did work and it might help me with any unforeseen enemies as i towed the boat in fact it did come in handy i wasn't sam fisher but it wouldn't be long there was only one last thing i'd need a tow rope after some conflict i decided to be a bit louder i'd work with a hatchet i wanted to get off this island so i started the car and i drove away from the sound of the fighting fortunately the noise radius wasn't so high and i was able to get out of there it wasn't easy to get out of there and ultimately i could have been more careful but let me tell you i'd had it up to here with that island and i was feeling ready for a well-deserved rest i used the ship in the car in the last way i thought that they could be useful to me on land as it turns out eight wheels are better than four and ships are very heavy and then my wheels went out i took out the rest of the zombie horse leveled up in shooting and at long last somehow got that car to the sea don't question it after a couple of hours of dragging my car along the ground even if there was a good chance it wouldn't work apparently i was missing three out of four tires not good i performed the tire change effortlessly by taking tires off of other cars a process i called tire arbitrage i installed the last of the tires but only very late at night it took me long enough after a whole night of tinkering with the boat i was ambushed but at long last i was able to launch it under the water i made it on but i wasn't in yet i still had to add gasoline at long last it was time to leave the island i was queasy from all of the dead bodies around me or so i conjectured finally i managed to get into the cabin with a crowbar i got to the controls i turned on the lights and i now had a new home at least i could sleep safely i spent some time in the boat reading along with some much-needed repair work on some nearby cars i bait a fond farewell to the island and with that i boarded the boat made my way into the helmsman seat and hot wired the engine the boat was mined i made my way away from that island in the fog there were still so many left there on the shore i was comfortably out of reach and safe at last and while the mainland was still a ways away i took pride in the fact that i had overcome kingsmouth now it was off into the mists off beyond the vacation homes the quiet foreboding loneliness of the island it was back out into the ocean i was bound for new adventures and different chores i had survived the island to me my escape demonstrated that we can increase our resolve and flourish by endeavoring to encounter stress and not only cope with but seek out challenges that set us off to discomfort anything that invites physical mental or spiritual anguish or even desolation is an opportunity to cultivate the strength of one's faculties but rather we should seek out opportunities at stress and anxiety to confront our weaknesses our desolation even and in so doing we will as a result be better equipped to confront the stresses and challenges of our own lives so that's what i take out with me from this into the real world games can play out like microcosms of our own lives and make us better if we confront them with such greater mindfulness and then i finally arrived mainland and safety shut off the boat dropped anchor and swam to the land at long last i was safe again and i could leave that cursed aisle behind for me that's the reality whether or not it is for you i hope you enjoyed as always a major thanks to my patrons they helped make all of this possible i truly appreciate it thank you and to viewers like you i'm ambiguous amphibian until we meet again
Channel: ambiguousamphibian
Views: 709,318
Rating: 4.9731159 out of 5
Keywords: project zomboid, project zomboid ep 1, zomboid, project zomboid game, let's play project zomboid, project zomboid let's play, project zomboid gameplay, project zomboid review, project zomboid beginners guide, zomboid gameplay, project zomboid 2021, ambiguousamphibian, ambiguous amphibian, zombies, survival game, project zomboid build 41, project zomboid guide, project zomboid house, single cell, home survival, house survival, survival island, project zomboid survival island
Id: MKnwzeGsH_s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 12sec (852 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 01 2021
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