Shady ORGAN HARVESTING Colony - Rimworld #1

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for a new rim world challenge I'm creating an organization that helps our guests relax and by that of course I mean harvesting their kidneys lungs and hearts it's a very profitable enterprise in the game with pirate traders willing to pay thousands of dollars for high quality parts I've selected a cast of characters who seem most suited to the task of masterminding this operation and it comes down to three the first will be a mad scientist sociopath sort of type who is capable of manipulating people obtaining the best trade prices converting the most stubborn of prisoners and flawlessly executing the removal of all those organs and he'll spend the rest of his time researching I'm naming him Dimitri because it sounds evil the second will be the heavy the constructor shooter melee combatant and minor we need someone to bear the brunt of any attacks that might be launched at us there will doubtlessly be many disgruntled enemies and factions at us he'll be butch the third will be the planter and cook a non-violent person with a non violent name like Neville we need someone to ensure there is after all stability in the background while we run our enterprise they will be president head of security and head of HR all three it goes without saying we'll be Psychopaths so that they don't get D buffed by the constant inhumanity I may occasionally recruit new colonists though unless they possess some incredibly important trait I'll likely be seeking out only fellow Psychopaths if you want to follow along I'll be using the hospitality mod in this playthrough and I chose a map where there are already a few guests in a waiting room since butch has really good combat stats we're gonna tell him to equip the bolt-action rifle which is probably the best weapon of the three it has 18 damage and the revolver has only 12 damage Neville's incapable violence so you can't do anything just taking a look around the map it looks like we landed in a decent location there's some rich soil over here but I think I'm gonna tell them to build right next to the ancient danger cuz I want to get that out of the way and there's a lot of guests in there since we're gonna need a lot of wood we're gonna tell Neville to go ahead and cut down all these trees there's a lot of them pretty well grown and we're gonna set up a stockpile zone right over here to bring everything to okay it looks like Dimitri has really bad crypto sleep sickness he's pretty much just been throwing everywhere since we landed good job butch haul that in okay well Dimitri hauls everything over I'm just gonna tell Bush to attack the wall cuz we're gonna to do this in a weird way okay so the granite walls now it's 7.1% I'm gonna have him stop attacking it and we're just gonna go ahead and build these straight walls down here it looks like we might need more wood so I'm just gonna tell Neville chopped down more trees and get out of there token work now butch is gonna start building these spike traps these should be enough to kill anything that's on the inside of this place and this is definitely an ancient danger and butch is cloud watching we don't want him to do that game the first day's ending we aren't gonna have time to get real room sit up so we're just gonna make one lean-to they can all sleep together tonight and each one of these sleeping spot gives them a point for boost to comfort so just honestly let them haul in the rest of the stuff they've did a good job for today and we'll put down a sleeping spot for token ward because he deserves to be with us okay everybody's asleep for tonight but we'll get a roof over this stuff tomorrow when we go into the ancient danger it looks like we got one berry bush ready to harvest so we're just gonna do that today and it looks like Neville got out of bed early so we're just gonna set him down with agarose own we'll probably put rice here and we'll have the second one b4 he'll root because we're gonna need a lot of it and we'll plant some smoked leaf in the third one okay Neville should make short work of this field with his level 8 planting skill and he's just planting really fast we're also just gonna give them a horseshoes pin because it's a better source of recreation rather than going for a walk the Seb butch build one last spike trap and now I'm gonna draft everybody okay butch is just gonna stand and shoot at this granite wall Neville's just gonna stand here and Dimitri is there for backup as well as token warg okay it looks like we just took down the wall and we got one mega spider inside once pella peed to to spell peds and one mega scarab and they were just getting themselves killed on the traps bring in Dimitri for backup just in case he's better at close range and nice we got him okay so now we can just remove this one last oh no with that already got it it looks like we got six crypto sleep caskets who knows what's inside of them and we're just gonna have Bush destroy this hive and it looks like we got a psychic animal pulsar apparently this thing can drive all the animals in the region into a man hunting rage we also found a joy wire which is very valuable but also makes people go insane it seems like an sixteen Luciferian just sitting on the floor as well as 30 insect jelly okay I think we're gonna make this under mountain region our new home except I'm gonna get of all the tiles that have Mountain overhead because of what happened in my last base they were just massive infestations everywhere was horrible we're also gonna set out a new stockpile zone right here so butch and Dimitri can bring everything there and we'll add in a door for easy access okay at this point I think we're gonna wait a few days on the crypto sleep caskets cuz we've got time but we want to lay out the rest of our base structure okay Bush just found a second room over here and we've got some Mountain overhead and since we're getting close to the end of the day I think I'm just gonna give everybody their own main room in here these definitely won't be the end bedrooms but I got nothing better to do and we're getting raided by a group of pirates already we're just one guy with a knife it looks like he's just waiting around here to attack with these muffle oh but it says that he's been a space marine so he should be afraid of his melee stat and we got a low psychic drone on males to add to it okay and London has decided to begin as assault fortunately he's got a really long way to go around our base so he can get some sleep in before he gets here and since Nevel can fight I'm just waking up butch in Dimitri and they should be okay it looks like they might have to okay yeah they're completely fine it's too bad we couldn't harvest this guy for his organs but at the same time it's a confirmed kill and everybody go back to bed we're also just gonna created a corpse stockpile zone somewhere on the side of the map to get these things out of our lives I mean look here it's disgusting okay we're just gonna have them haul everything else back inside and keep the doors open and we're gonna want to start collecting heal root from outside because whoever's in these crypto sleep caskets we're probably gonna end up using for their organs okay we get some travelers passing by so I'm just gonna randomly assign a few guest beds just in case if any of them want to make a stay great job Dimitri and it looks like nevels done in the fields already so we can start assigning him some other tasks Dimitri's going ham on this corpse I'm pretty surprised the low psychic drone is still got them in good spirits but butch is in great spirits because he's witnessed a death in bloodlust and killed someone okay we're just gonna have butch build a wall around the stockpile because I'm thinking of having this be a common room for our prisoners later this main area not in here okay we're gonna build three prisoner cells so that our colonists can sleep up here have their dining over here and then visit any prisoners in the middle of the day and we just got a second raid they're gonna be attacking immediately but it's only one guy how are you you have three melee Scott you're gonna die still I don't want to take any is something to draft both Demetri and Butch and he's going after the worg oh wait no he's going after us okay we're just gonna get in position and start firing at him and that should slow him down looks like he might even get to butch but we could just run away cuz he's so slow now I can't believe he's actually still charging at us wow really terrible for a teen shooting skill okay great he had smoke leaf man another one died right away we still need them for his organs so somehow it says that the war got bruised from a deer leg I don't even I guess a deer kicked him no he was must have been hunting the deer alright well good job token morgue and nevels gonna bring back that deer for a kill I think we're gonna set up a stockpile zone for animals right here cuz that's what I'm planning on doing anyway and the kill counts already at six plus one deer okay and we're gonna want to make use of the fact that this room's made out of metal because it's a pretty clean material to begin with and we'll use that area for a butcher table we also want to be careful not to build with any mountain overheads so I'm gonna make sure not to let any ceiling show and it looks like butch started hauling back an insect because it's included with animal corpses bad and the psychic drone is ending token Ward is fully healed and we have to give our faction our name so I think I'm gonna call it the organization and we'll be home is where the heart is why can't I tape there butch is just going right through these construction projects at this level twelve skill and double fashion and we're just gonna set another build to make sure that we butcher creatures forever and that should be Neville's job cuz he's the cook okay I think we're gonna end up using this back hallway area for our real bedrooms so I'm just gonna get that started before we take these people out of their caskets I also want the granite for more secure doors on their prison and it looks like we got some good granite and marble walls back here to deconstruct hope that's not anything dangerous but I figure if we got one ancient danger we're probably pretty safe and I think we'll end up using this as their dining room also just tell him to remove all the floors and we'll set up a stockpile zone for brick so that they don't have to travel too far and we're just gonna remove the rest of the floors underneath the constructions I wish butch had a construction partner but at the same time I don't really want to open up these caskets till I know that we're gonna be stable okay it looks like butch getting a smoke good man he's already happy why is he he's just so glad that he's I have to look at the drug policies they were gonna set drug policies so that they have smoke leaf every two days if their mood goes below about 27% and they got one joint left to stop doing that okay we got one back I've never seen Bush this happy he's just he's got so much on his mind this guy's getting 21 mood boost for killing two people burning passion for his work witnessed the death on bloodlust he's high and he has initial optimism and very low expectations and his recreations I've never seen somebody so happy with his work a bush just about got done with these structures today the floors should be easy work for tomorrow we're also gathering up medicine that we're gonna need for the prisoners surgeries and we had a thrombosed wanderin cam not honestly gonna worry about their bedrooms right now because everybody seems pretty freaking can especially butch everybody seems pretty content okay we're just gonna take out the rest of this floor good teamwork here and it's we're probably gonna need more wood we're just gonna clear out more of this forest yeah look at these trees untouched by man looks like butch managed to get in here and there's there's tons of mountain overhead well if we get one infestation I bet we could take it out like we did the last one and a ton of Steel rained down from the skies as Christ we're gonna add in one table for them all to eat at because it'll make them happy and it looks like butch managed to get excellent quality on the table we're keeping this outside because the light level should be higher and I don't know if you get to work penalty for working on furniture outdoors but whatever it happens he's getting good quality now and we got another raid it's a group of tribes people from the land from the people of Lan row it's just a guy it's not a group he well he's pretty good with melee and he's right nearby us we better stop and we're just gonna draft Butch and well will draft everybody man Randy is just loving these one colonists raids right now and we're gonna have Nevel just run across the field basically to draw him out and then we'll shoot him okay come on Neville get into position let's go and he should just yeah he's pretty much dead now good job man you know another one like they are such good shots that they are getting kills all the time and I want them to only injure people I all we get the second dining chair excellent so either we're just getting really good luck or something's going on here okay now we have ten herbal medicines this should be enough to do some surgeries we should probably get these people out of there crypto sleep casket soon all right but at the last of my prison room plans and I think I'm just gonna stop it there and we'll just wake everybody up out of crypto sleep we'll probably have too many prisoners right now but I'm just going to deal with it okay on the next chair butch is gonna get a quality of what are you get you got good okay that's fine you know you did a good job before we'll take it okay since these are gonna be prisoner cells we're gonna put granite doors on them so it's harder for them to escape and we should probably put granite doors out here but we'll just end up replacing those and I should probably close this and this one okay a tortoise went mad so I think I'm just gonna use it as shooting practice for Dimitri cuz we could use a second fighter how does a tortoise go mad you know what great job Dimitri actually him missing these shots is not that bad because it means he gets more experience will allow them to take that and make it into some good turtle stew okay Nevel is just getting a few meals ready he's a pretty decent cooks and nobody should get sick when they have a meal this time and why is butch so happy you really needs to get more work done cuz honestly I don't need him sitting at the dining room table okay we don't really need anything fancy for these prisoner rooms but since we're gonna be doing surgery in them I think we're just gonna put down torches in each one of them and a couple sleeping spots okay we're also just gonna put down a few more torches around just to keep it lit up and we get a book is trader up here not that we really have anything to sell yet I mean we don't even have any organs we'll put down a few hospitality spots just in case if anybody wants to visit I don't see why they would want to yet we aren't ready since Dimitri is such a good negotiator though we are gonna trade away all that Lucifer and we found because we don't want our colonists to get addicted to that okay since our Luciferian is sold for so much I think I'm gonna buy more components just because I got really limited buy components on my last playthrough and I'm pretty much just gonna spend most of this on components okay and since we got one colonist who's gonna be tanking it I'm just gonna buy one flak jacket cuz why not you know butch has on a flak vest and a flak jacket so he's pretty much a walking tank we just need a better weapon for him to wield butch she's experienced a shoot frenzy so he's gonna have to do a lot more combat now cuz he's gonna be really good at it hey we're just gonna make all these bedrooms for prisoners and we got to get rid of this crypto sleep casket but who cares yeah I'm gonna designate all their bedrooms and want them all that plenty of room to sleep we got a gift from the bulk goods trader okay now I'm going to have butch open up all the crypto sleep caskets there's no telling how many there's gonna be so we have five cells I don't know if all six will be alive but let's just see you might have to do a little bit of work right here okay we're gonna want to draft everybody just in case of whatever happens let's get everybody lined up and okay we got one dead guy a live woman this guy this guy he's this guy's got on a flak jacket and noob noob is the only one who's up for it wait what the hell is wrong with noob okay we're gonna want to arrest noob right away it says here that Frank is a psychopath so he can join our colony and it looks like new pattern assault rifle so we're gonna grab that and we'll just take away this bolt-action rifle from you and Nathaniel is not a psychopath so I think we're gonna capture him rash is also not a psychopath so I think we're gonna capture him okay we're just gonna have Neville strip newb for his awesome what's he even wearing a marine armor that's probably even better than what we got okay they dropped a ton of weapons but we have to get them all out of here so that they don't try to take them and revolt against us and we're also just gonna make Dimitri's enormous stockpile zone sorry Dimitri okay Neville's gonna take away the dead guy and it looks like Dimitri's tending to everybody doesn't look like anything too bad so nobody's gonna die I'm kind of worried about Frank I hope that he's all right because we actually want him to join let's just worry about Frank first and give him some real medicine okay and it looks like Frank just joined our team so what are his traits he's got well is he gonna die no he's gonna be all right he's been shot with gun he's an intense pain awful barrack but he's a neurotic psychopath and a carrot and a careful shooter incapable he's not that good but we can fix him up with the right tasks okay Frank just went crazy cuz pretty much everything was terrible as soon as he came in so we're gonna have to fix him up and I can't really focus with all this vomit around me so I'm just gonna clean that before I do anything else okay Frank got sick from an infection so this guy's pretty much just a basket case right now can we just had Neville pretty much scrub all the floors sorry Neville I'm surprised that butch isn't bothered by Elbe mega scarabs like crawling around near him as he sleeps but he's just so happy from killing people that he's he's sleeping perfectly well gave it at this point I think we are gonna give our colonists some actual bedrooms and we'll designate some operations okay so rash has a bionic eye a bad back and artery blockage so we'll take out his I don't think we can actually get the left eye so we'll take out his right kidney then his right lung best to stay on one side and then we'll take out his heart I don't even see heart in here for some reason so I'm just gonna take out his liver know who Dmitri stop stop feeding rash take out his organs instead I said organs hey it looks like Dmitri successfully managed take out a kidney so that's worth a lot okay and Dmitri also successfully managed to take out his lung let's just finish off the operations right away we want to get this guy's liver out and at this point well we have the worgen here I think I'm just gonna kill off whatever spell of peds are around or not spell appeased mega scarabs okay Dmitri has failed in a major way while operating on rash so that can't be good but honestly butch has got this situation covered out here and I think we're fine but I understand why butch is supposed to be a great shot but he's just shooting all the walls all the time when he does this and fortunately these things are not really any match for him in fact at this point let's just see if we can tame one just because it's kind of funny what no that's not funny okay we just killed off the last of the mega scarabs I don't want those things around here Dan we're just having Dmitry take care of Frank cuz he's actually got a pretty bad infection we want to make sure that he's healed up from that okay and it looks like after that massive screw up we are gonna manage to save Frank either that or he's just not gonna have a left arm it'll have to get a bionic one okay Nathaniel went berserk so we're gonna have to send him back into his room and Butch just managed to capture him again today and it looks like we got great ten quality on Frank so Frank's gonna pull through and he'll be fine and then we're just gonna continue harvesting the organs of rash he's got like one thing left for us before he's less of before he leaves Nathaniel and noob it looks like noob went berserk because he's ravenously hungry but if we're gonna harvest him for his organs I honestly don't even want to worry about this right now so I'm just gonna pretty much beat him and then remove his organs I don't know who is it it's an evil themed series but they're they're taking people's organs I don't know why I'm like I'm nervous to say it but yeah there that's what they do okay we're just gonna set a few minor operations to noobs so that we can get that problem off our backs and then we'll take out rash and then soon after it so that we can just worry about her own colonists again here we had a tortoise go mad in the prisoner room but I don't think there's gonna be any problem for butch to be honest he should you should kill this thing right okay good don't tell me you were gonna lose that fight okay since these guys are pretty much in the worst possible condition I'm just gonna have to meet retake out their organs with whatever he's got left because it's more important to me that we get those then that we fix anything else up and we're gonna have to wait too long for he'll root and there'll be plenty of more people in the future to get to okay we're just gonna see what we can get out anew before he expires and we managed it we got along great okay and it looks like we managed to get the heart to okay so we've now successfully managed to harvest like a heart somehow we have an advanced component we have a couple kidneys and I think like a lung so although it's gonna be some time until we can find traders I don't think that any of these people were affiliated with can we cut down this tree please I don't think any of them were affiliated with factions so that doesn't actually make anybody hostile to us oddly as that sound hey before we finish these guys off I just want to make sure that I strip them so that we can use their gear for future colonists okay and we're just gonna see what else we can get out of rash and Nathaniel and then we'll put Dimitri to bed and we'll have no more prisoners but we do have one new colonists another psychopath and it looks like Dimitri failed in a minor way while operating on the thing I think this might be related to the fact that the rest of the room is now dirty or something like that which is probably ruining his operating conditions but whatever you know we got a bunch of organs out and I think we're doing fine okay and we managed to get out the liver from rash so now we got more organs which should amount to thousands of dollars more I think it's gonna be worth it considering that we're using a little bit of our medicine but as fewer people to look after - I feel so evil saying these things but it's a video game so at the same time I do not feel evil not a little bit evil maybe and it looks like we managed to get Nathaniel's heart out so that was I don't even did we get his kidneys well we got many organs from that we can't actually stock by all these things one over the other so we've managed to get how many it doesn't actually show my organs on the side maybe because they're not in stockpiles but we managed to get out two hearts actually I think the REE was it a liver okay we got two hearts and a liver and we got like it sounds like a kid who just got back from chucky cheese or something like that alright but you know we got to clean up this mess and it's not really something I'd considered we're gonna need to get like molotovs really fast cuz we just have so much stuff to dispose of we're gonna need to find some pirates to trade with so although it's still a lot is incomplete I honestly I think it's pretty efficient like though the way that the base is laying out and let me know if you have any other tips or ideas for the next time we got out we managed to get Frank back to health even though that we kind of screwed him up at the beginning and he did yeah he developed an immunity so he's okay now alright and thanks for watching and as always I'll see you for the next organization video bye bye
Channel: ambiguousamphibian
Views: 1,552,830
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rimworld, rimworld organ harvesting, rimworld organ harvesting playthrough, rimworld organ harvesting experience, rimworld organs, rimworld harvest, rimworld game, rimworld gameplay, rimworld 1.0, let's play rimworld, rimworld 1.0 gameplay, rimworld ep 1, rimworld part 1, rimworld #1, rimworld 2020, rimworld gameplay ep 1, rimworld organ farm, lets play rimworld, rimworld lets play
Id: H64jSkJ6ue0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 5sec (1265 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 09 2020
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