Can I Terraform Mars in 100 Days? | Surviving Mars

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there's no better feeling than self-sufficiency to not only subsist but thrive independently and entirely of one's own personal means today i'm collaborating with paradox to transform the red planet from a barren wasteland not fit even for a troglodyte to inhabit it to an exciting lush fertile landscape flowing with milk and honey mired in wealth shaggy with grass rife with vegetation as always we start with only the opacity of spare resources to embark upon our adventure for the sake of getting started we'll give ourselves 100 days to complete our extraterrestrial mission when the air outside is breathable and the rivers flow freely we'll have founded a new society on the first day we scan the surface anywhere we expect there to be metal and water there's quite a lot here and we lucked out a boon of resources in a clear landing spot the surface itself is a giant pile of garbage but it's our garbage so we'll name our save yes that's right naturally next it's time to land our rocket ah a safe landing on the red planet look here come our vehicles now whoa slow down there boys we've got a lot of work ahead of us and here come the drones too an exciting start and we aren't even at noon yet we'll place a universal depot in the middle to store our resources the drones will re-board the ship and offload its resources there they go now whoa be careful boys careful now as our resources are delivered we'll plan our first project right now mars doesn't have anything it don't got nothing to set up our colony we'll need to make way for people that means we need to create livable habitats people can't possibly live on the planet so they'll need to live in domes that's right domes we need to prepare the people by bringing things that people love solar panels but at night when the sun goes down we'll need these accumulators to store the power if we connect all of that we have a power storage we brought some materials with us polymers electronics machine parts but we'll need to extract concrete from the ground we just can't fit anything that heavy into our ship it doesn't make any sense we have a lot of rocks on mars though we also have special rocks called metal once we get all of that metal back to our drones then we can just force them to work on it great job don't question it or else there go our machines fantastic work work or else well now everything's set up we have the metals to create concrete and we have the concrete to create uh more metal or something now that we have a basic base up and running it's time to build a drone hub nearby and with that up and running now we can focus on water the next important item is a water extractor to get people here asap we connect that to our power and then we wait it's only the beginning of the third day and we've already got water extraction working surprisingly by the end of the fourth day we're already at work on the dome and what a dome it will be thanks to our speedy delivery by our drones which are weirdly recharged at this place our dome is prepared by midday on the sixth day there it goes now my jubilation is immense now that we have a dome we need some homes and we also need this bougie-looking research lab because we're near the generic volumetric flask symbol on the ground that always means we're headed in the right direction technology who decided this that science is always symbolized by a volumetric flask there's another one over there technology will lead the way there go the drones creating a livable habitat for future humans they are mine to command beyond that we need a grocery a space bar as well as a hydroponics building that looks suspiciously like the chicago marina don't be fooled this isn't chicago now we just give our drones some time to build and measure out all of that before our humans arrive this drone is doing some sort of tai chi dance and asking satan to summon a building thank you tai chi and thank you satan on behalf of all the martians we appreciate the building now that we've built a solid foundation for our buildings based on occult rituals naturally we turn our attention to industrialization let's break it down industry means industry and realization means realization industrialization work harder since we now have a trusting power grid it may be kind of sketchy but don't forget it's our sketchy power grid we need people to feed to science so we use the occult powers granted to us by satan to stop time thank you satan or should i say his cleaned up name stan nothing works without people and people don't work without nothing what time is it that's right it's time to meet our first victim residents people of every nation germany russia germany the uk russia germany one of them is an alcoholic i can't wait to meet them now we'll just spend 20 million dollars on food i'm sure that's a great investment what's this now we found an anomaly by the middle of day eight we've scanned it this gives us access to new technology oh frabjous day colu clay a smashing day indeed oh we got lucky our ships have altruistic names cooperation friendship courage passengers on board will die if the rocket doesn't land in 116 hours does one of them have a gun let's land it immediately next to our other rocket just make them a nuisance around here i'm sure it's a great idea to land both of them at the same time too oh it's like synchronized swimming but just a lot more dangerous let's go meet our colonists here they come frolic off to your doom your most probable doom in there enjoy the slight anti-gravity while you can you'll never see the outdoors again i also don't think it's a good idea to open both doors of the airlock while we enter but you do you astronaut people i particularly enjoy how once they get in the dome they enter serious mode to be honest with you this seems like a very awkward sleeping arrangement and how come this lady in the upstairs gets a tv and a double bed i'll allow it at the very least we have food and research coming along we can assign the alcoholics to become bartenders our colony is going to be evaluated on how we treat the colonists our colonists are mostly okay we have a nerd an alcoholic a vegan another alcoholic we've got a lot of work to do fuel production metal production will keep improving the integrity of our power grid there goes our alcoholic expedition leader leave us and we're running out of money the drones work with excitement the first thing we need to do is raise the temperature of mars we'll do it by polluting liberally ironically what turns out to be killing earth will save mars and we'll just settle these colonists in this new non-suspicious dome oh yeah we need to make them houses this will be the metal worker drone look there goes someone to work on metal right now or he's just being kidnapped somewhere who can really say now we have little shuttles going across mars ah the smell of carbon emissions now the atmosphere is heating and we're finally creating metal my god people are commuting to work on mars of course most of the commutes are actually forced kidnappings but you gotta start somewhere to accommodate the growth we'll need more power now or otherwise everyone will just suffocate to death although it's arguable whether life is still preferable to a life on a planet which is mostly garbage still now spaceships are taking all of the resources wherever we need them my anticipation and excitement grow we will create a factory for machines between days 30 and 50 our colony becomes progressively less ass the ground changes from brown the color of doodoo to the majestic tranquil color of green if you ignore 99 of the surface it looks like things are just going swimmingly here let's have a closer look at our domes each one of them is fully equipped with air and water in the day only not at night that's when the sun goes down and we run out of power cyclically every day our residents are literally swept up off their feet and taken to a job they don't really know what they'll be doing at but it will be explained to them when they arrive at yes another dome an army of roomba vacuums treads lightly upon the ass surface of mars every day when we wake up we find ourselves ignoring less and less of the surface and beginning to pay witness to true beauty although its surface looks like number two to me mars was number one aside from the suicides that began to occur in the colony will just sweep that under the rug i can assure you this was all for the greater good except around day 103 i started to get kind of peeved i unveiled a new problem that was plaguing our colony old people not just any old people but renegade old people were refusing to leave the working domes causing a housing crisis right when we were beginning to terraform i responded to the housing crisis by enacting several new national policies among them the mass production of forced mobile home housing for old people it's just what it sounds like i abducted them all and put them into one dome and i forbid all of the young people from living in there now they wander around in there until they die stay away from that dome but then i began observing strange new animals in the domes unusually happy and this thing more unusual still but at the end of the day we are all one race as mammals and we have to share one space it began to become apparent that one soul or one day on mars represented more than just one day adolescence transformed into seniors in about five days this necessitated an ever-quickening and harrowing economic cycle new refugees were imported from space almost constantly nature metamorphoses at a snail's pace a slug space and we could only pee out water into the lakes of the artificial surface we were creating on mars so fast normal baby humans would have despaired but we of the martian race were more magnanimous than our earthling counterparts we hardened our hearts tainted by artery disease from living without gravity and we searched for new solutions on day 146 we researched superior pipes free pipe fabrication technology can you imagine the intensity of myelation in a fit of impulsive joy i kicked all of the old people out of the old people dome for a day in order to pave way for my new project school because we were running out of money at this point in time myriad obvious questions began to surface about my colony why had we spent 30 billion dollars on apples after how many tens of billions of dollars exotic animal imports and chrome furniture upgrades with this colony finally become profitable with no one else to turn to i directed my vexation at the columnists and the space program itself why hadn't the space corporation weeded out all of the alcoholics with benjamin button disease in the application process clearly the odds were rigged starvation was ubiquitous but also highly laughable due to the glitches on day 163 i observed what appeared to be a hundred colonists doing the greatest impression of the hindu god vishnu that i have ever seen after frolicking gaily back into the safety of the dome what transpired is to this day the greatest animation i've ever seen in a video game in the saddest most immature and yet most funeral-like procession 48 colonists stubbornly march back home all to lie in bed and take a nap without eating anything that day the human tragedy was on display for all the universe the hubris of man at the aspiration of climbing to new heights on a virgin planet untouched by the greasy hands of alcoholics our condition was one worth regarding in fear and awe as that of a tragic hero who will be there at the last sigh of our race to hear us cry out into that black knight of the nations beyond the stars so in the words of fitzgerald we beat on boats against the current born back ceaselessly into the past that's one small step for man one giant leap for ambiguous amphibian see what i did there a major thanks to my patrons as well as to paradox for sponsoring this video if you haven't go check out surviving mars until we meet again
Channel: ambiguousamphibian
Views: 1,037,827
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: surviving mars, surviving mars below and beyond, surviving mars gameplay, surviving mars game, terraform, surviving mars green planet, surviving mars 2021, let's play surviving mars, surviving mars lets play, surviving mars 100 days, 100 days, surviving 100 days
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 21sec (741 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 07 2021
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