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hello fellow engineers and welcome to freeways so this is an awesome little game that's really cheap it's only like two quid that's not even the best thing the best thing is the file size look at that but as a real highway engineer i've done it for like 10 years 10 dark and regretful years but i'm actually super excited to play this so basically we just do what the game says and the game says draw road from the factory to highway 6. so you can see there's a little sign six there and this is our factory so we've got we've even got arrows to help us basically you click on that and then you can start drawing wherever you want so you can literally just like yes yes i love this game i love this game already right but this is where it gets a little bit more complicated we've got like we've got three arms so on the left and right we've got in and out roads and then down the top we've just got an in-road so as with most highways i'm going to start off with just the straight dual carriageway oh not the straightest dual carriage you ever see and then as it says here click highway signs to see which roads still need to be connected so if we click on here you can see we've just got to go straight to purple and we've done that likewise if you click on purpose frame we just got a red arrow to the red sign now if we click on this one you can see we've got to go both ways and they're flashing flashing means you haven't completed a suitable route so the first one will be pretty simple just a nice bend like that and now when you're clicking this you can see only the purple ones flashing so to do that one we're going to just do a slip rod off but notice down here click ramps to create overpasses so we can go like up and now we're like slightly higher than we can come across and then press the down ramp again and now we've made like a little bridge and we just connect in like that network complete so you can see now the traffic can now complete journey in all directions so if we press this stopwatch button this like simulates like loads of traffic over time uh the aim of the game is to make sure you can get to the end if you have too much traffic if it's not like fluid enough then uh it will tell you that and you have to retry we can see here it gives you like a load of different stuff and like a total efficiency score 228 i'm not really sure if that's any good i don't think there's leaderboards or anything on this but that is quite handy for if we want to compare like different designs i do i do feel like we want to go through maybe not this video maybe another video or maybe like comparing like proper big highway interchange layouts now let me know if you want to see that but for now we're just going to sort of wing it and just do whatever comes to my head first which will probably be a knob but now the level is complete we can come down here we can click on map and that takes us to this you can see my previous two levels they're all completed now and they sort of stay there so all these other tiles you can click on them and that's another level so for example if we go here this is next to the level we just did and we've got like a classic four-way junction required and i feel like with this layout there's loads of like realistic designs we could choose i'm going to go with the cloverleaf interchange so essentially i'm going to do my straight throughs so there's one and there's the other one ideally i did it was a bit straighter there's no one doing this game which is a bit of a shame if i'm honest we can go to there and then we can go up come across and then back down and basically if i if i were to not use this overpass sort of thing there will just make like a junction like a crossroads yeah and as we know from mini motorways that's no good for traffic all right so we can't there go up come across and then back down nice so now we've satisfied all the straight through journeys but obviously we need to do like all the corner ones for example these purple people coming from south 17 they're coming up here but they want to go to 101 west so the way a cloverleaf works is you cross over and then from about here you do like a pretty steep curve like that so now we should see when someone decides they want to go that way yeah you go this blue car can you see he's coming around and then he goes under the bridge that he's just come over and then if we just do this for the other direction so we'll bring one in there we'll bung one in there and we'll boing one in there now you can see we've completed it however you will notice it's a bit of carnage because people for example if they want to come from the bottom and if they want to go right they're currently going around the entire thing so we're actually going to add some extra roads you'll see now if we come around here and do that now these people like this green car is doing they can just get around there nice and easy i'm going to do this one next because this looks like carnage there we go and then i'll do this one and then i'll do this one right and you should see in a bit the traffic will sort of get a bit better as people start using these extra arms oh hopefully i've built that one in the right place no one seems to be turning off there you go orange car good orange car i think the way this works actually the different colored cars are heading for like the different signs so all the orange cars are heading north all the blue cars are going west etc etc so these cloverleaf interchanges they're not like the best for traffic but they're very good at being cheap when you build a road the bridges are the most expensive thing ever if you think about a road just on the ground it's literally just road like the ground supporting it still costs a fair bit but it doesn't cost that much if you then try and launch that in the air above a road think about like how much strength and how much material is going to be needed to hold that road in place and then look at this design we're satisfying all these different maneuvers we've only got two very short little bridges in the middle so that's generally why we use the cloverleaf interchange and now this is all sort of set up we can press the stopwatch button and it gets simulated and oh i thought i was trying to like hypnotize me into like a secret message but yeah that's that's bloody efficient compared to my uh my last level that's 438 we got there now we've also gained this pic i don't know what that means i assume take a picture of it oh look it shows you what i've designed the game knows yeah so that's that's a real life typical cloverleaf design oh this is cool i'm going to try and get all the different ones you can see there's only two little bridges there like one there and one there all the rest is at grade we call it they're all like ground levels so nice and cheap sweet this game's wicked i am loving this all right so we can go we can click on map and we're back to the map [Laughter] i love that like it keeps all your levels are they're all intermingled i think once you like fill in the square it then expands so it's not just nine levels there's a lot to this uh so shall we go in the top right yeah let's go in the top right what have we got up here oh we got like a three-way sort of like a straight up and then a little sneaky one on the right all right so for this one we're just gonna we're just gonna see what happens i'm not gonna do any real highway stuff we're gonna oh that's a bit of a touchy turn we're gonna just keep this as like a normal sort of s bend we're gonna do we've got to do from blue down to green so i'm just gonna do like a right hand turn like that we've got to go from green to pink so i guess we'll just go up and sort of join there now we need to do pink to green so i'm thinking if we come off like there we can go up over these two and then straight down and connect in there like that i think this is a good opportunity to show you the ramp so you can actually go up another level so if we were to come off here start heading that direction then we can ramp up come across here and then when we get to that we can actually ramp up again so now you can see we're like over the top of that and then down and then down and then just connect back in network complete so you can see this one it's like a lighter shade of gray so we should be able to follow the blue cars now so he's down and then he's he's gone up and he's gone up again and then down no no no cool right let's press the stopwatch button and simulate this bad boy that's a lot of traffic nice efficiency 358. again where she has some sort of leaderboard just so i could see if i was doing good or not yeah but right so do we go let's go underneath our cloverleaf design oh we've got another like four layer but it's a bit staggered the other thing to like take note of on this game when you click on these signs can you see the arrows or different thicknesses so that's sort of where the main traffic is going to go so we're looking here most traffic is going to be pink so as a starter that's going to be your straight three road and the next one is green so maybe we just want to do simple junction off there and that's green sorted then there's a little bit of light blue down there so we might leave that for now let's sort of work out what our next main ones are so this one is going up to dark blue and down to pink and then a little bit over to there which i assume is like some sort of housing estate or something they look like little houses monopoly houses yeah and this one is straight up to blue so i'm gonna do the straight up to blue first so we'll come over here now we've got a bridge over that junction we did back down lovely so that's that one sorted right so now the dark blues want to go to green so that's a nice easy little sharp corner there now the one thing i haven't worked out is like do cars prefer sort of leaving one side or the other i'm not sure but i feel like this one we can just connect onto there so that green one's done pretty easily what are you doing boy that's busted in he's busted through the door he's a dog he's a vlog he's gone that's all he wanted to do all right so from this housing estate which i think that's what it is we're gonna come along here just as straight as we can and just connecting like that from the blue we're gonna come straight down and connect in like that i think from this area we come off over there come up and then back oh no i went the wrong way he went the wrong way we got a random hill connecting like that that's terrible and then from this arm this is not ideal but we're gonna go we could actually try something a bit sneaky so we could come off it i wouldn't recommend this but you can come off here and then literally just connect into there so that works but we've got mingling traffic here but i feel like as it's so little traffic maybe that's fine i don't know i might be overthinking but we're going to come off here with this one as well we're going to come up and around we've got to get down to this pink one and i feel like there's a nice little triangular gap there come round like that and then back down and connect in and if you look we're connecting in after traffic has come off so you always want to sort of avoid like having a merge on to a road and then off again because you're sort of doubling up the traffic this is ideal because you've got people coming off and then coming on afterwards if it was the other way around if this we call this like a merge and that's a diverge if you had the merge before the diverge uh you're like you're mixing up lots of traffic uh this this does look like a mess but uh let let's see see how it go oh we haven't finished we haven't finished what we want to do the game says we haven't finished like none of them are flashing oh do i need to oh i've got to go from here yeah i forgot i forgot that was quite silly of me actually right so we've got to go from here over to both of those oh this is getting a bit tricky now so i reckon we'll come off that go up twice we're over the top of everything oh god my mouse cocked up there and then we connected oh i just about connected look how scraggly that is and to be honest it's so little traffic i'm just going to do a junction from there i'm going to go down twice connecting like that that is disgusting but it's completed let's see how it goes look there's hardly any traffic coming to this residential place so i think that's fine total efficiency 319. i like that it tells you how much concrete you've used i thought that's quite a good thing to try and limit as well we don't want to like make this super expensive but look how neat like the realistic one is and then just go manage on the bottom oh dear oh no they've blocked up look at that there's a traffic jam i thought that was the most efficient layout on this thing i'm gonna pick the the left one i think to keep our motorway running see where it ends up oh look at this so i'm not entirely sure what these squares are yeah it doesn't look like any roads connect them maybe they're just things that you can't drive into and i guess it's like someone's house and a park or something but anyway we've got this water in the way so if we just have a look at the main sort of direction it's all pretty similar right it's all similar so for this one i'm going to try and do a realistic one again it's going to be a bit dodgy because we've got to think about whether we got enough height with the water in the way but essentially we're gonna do these as the straight through back down again connect that in over there back down oh no i went the wrong way i went the wrong way oh dear down down look at that i wish there was an undo bus in this game i really really do that's this one this one's going to be called a trumpet and that's because it sort of looks like a trumpet maybe i might actually be able to do this maybe we'll get the like photo at the end but essentially this arm goes straight into there from the green they go over like that and now what we need to worry about is getting these people onto this road the green road and they obviously want to go to the right as well yeah so for that you take this road you make it go straight we're then going to have to go up so we've gone over the water and then to get over the road we've got to go up again so now we can come down we're still above the water so we've got to stay as a bridge but from here we do a sort of round like that let me go down we're connected in there now these people you can see the green car they'll be able to come around and go like that meanwhile to get the green cars to go east we're gonna have to come around here and go up over the water and then up over that bridge and then down and then down and then network complete and that's that's called a trumpet design unfortunately it's a bit it's a bit rickety it's a bit wobbly but if we simulate this it might it might show us i think it did the pick thing after the simulation no it doesn't believe us this time i think because we cocked up these junctions so i might just build it again quickly see if having a steady hand will do it any quicker is that better i don't know this game's hard to draw my mouse drawing skills are pretty poor i think efficiency went up blue so sweet we'll take that no no picture anyway so you'll just have to take my word for it let's see where all these people are going oh god this looks mental all right so i think this one we just freehand again i'm gonna find out the hard way what happens if we go into this nope okay we can't go into it can we go over it nope doesn't look like it can we go double over it nope no okay so trees have to be completely avoided in which case we'll come like an s bend around that and then we'll do a turn down to there because that was that's the main route can you see how thick the red arrow is compared to all the others uh this one wants to go to the blue so i think we'll just do like an s bend so that's those guys sorted these want to go to the green and greens want to go up there so i'm gonna say i feel like that's like a gun shop and they're selling lots of guns in there i'm gonna go from the gun shop straight up this green one is gonna be up and over like that this one just wants to go down there so that's pretty simple annoyingly i could have done some way more sensible stuff if i'd made that bridge slightly longer i could have taken these guys underneath but i guess i could just do that and connect before it i can also bring these guys onto the reds before the treat i could do a junction off the bridge and then down and that can go straight onto red but it can also swing around for the blues as well and then we can come off on the left side here over that back down onto there just nice little little bridges everywhere so i think that's all those done yep no flashing yellow we've just got to get to blue so yellows come around here as they've gone under that bridge i can take them off like that probably just connect them straight onto this one this is looking a mess i probably should have done like a round about this i wonder if you can do roundabouts in this game right so purple wants to get everywhere so i'll probably take them off before these guys merge so you're coming off here i sort of feel like if we just do like a loop bronzer there and then we can do like slip roads off so if we do like that and then ideally connect this one after that diverge that's that sorted we can come we can get them to the gun shop by doing that that's not ideal i probably should have tried to connect in a little bit sooner but oh well and then again we can come off like there come down and connect in so i think that's all of those done yep and then just from 20 south we've got to go every direction possible yeah so with the mergers there i want to take these off before pretty much come off we'll go i think we'll do something similar and that will come up or i'll try and limit the roads i don't want to do like a massive overpass like that we'll come along there and then we'll have to go up over that and we have to go up again to get over that one yeah but then we can come down once and i feel like straight into there will be good so down connected in lovely jubbly to get to the green i'm just gonna join the gun shop exit like that and then to get to the yellow i might just say let's connect to this bridge so we've got we've got a diverge there so if we come off there we can connect just off the dive edge and uh and that's everything done no it's not everything done we've got a oh god this is so complicated i have proper messes up so we're going from the gun shop we've got to get to all the routes so i'm gonna i should have just done a roundabout i really should have done a roundabout so for this one then we're going to come out and i'm literally just going to do a massive loop around the entire of everything around there around that around that come down here and connect into that then if we want to what is this so if we want to go yellow we come off and then go down and then if we want to go purple we do the same we come off then we go down network complete this is also a realistic one i like to call it the brain because it looks like a oh man what a mess let's simulate this seems to run quite smoothly i'm not seeing anything back up too much but uh look look how much concrete we use 12 520 tons of concrete that's a lot of concrete i love how simple it started and how complicated it's gotten let's have a go this one right for this one sod anything i'm just gonna try and do a roundabout this is gonna be like a crazy ass roundabout so i'm literally just gonna do big as possible like that and then it's pretty simple we just do and on and off turn on and off on off on off are you seeing a pattern right so that's all journeys complete there is actually something else you can do with roundabouts to make them a bit better yeah they're called like hamburger roundabouts and essentially if we if we try and find like one that's got a really yes the green really wants to go straight down so it seems pointless to bring these guys all the way around what we can do we can make a hamburger which essentially does that so it's like a straight through and now you can see if you turn your head this now looks like a burger as this one is the same we can just do that and generally these are like signalized to have like traffic lights and stuff but that should be working and it's not so i don't understand why it's not okay fine let's clear now we have the knowledge i probably should have checked the signs first it looks like everything's pretty small apart from the main route uh i i do want the roundabout to work though so let's draw the roundabout back in but this time we'll try and do the straight throughs and then shall we just try and round about everything else i'll try try and i can do straight throughs like with the blues so i can just go over that i'll bollocks wrong way wrong button i always get the bottom wrong do that come over there come down under that up over down connect well i've just noticed actually these don't go to each other they're just destinations ah there you go we've done our crazy roundabout hamburger thing it's more like a jacket potato now it's cut in a cross section let's run the simulation and see how efficient is it's looking good you can see there's way more traffic going vertically so that's why we split that up oh that's not bad nearly 400 efficiency i feel like that's sort of like how you know you're doing well i think in the 400s you're doing good you're over 300 me maybe you're getting there if you're sort of under 300 i think your road needs a bit of work but yeah that works now we have a look at this one in the middle so looking at these we've got to go everywhere yeah we've got to go everywhere and they're all pretty even like all the arrows are the same thickness so i think to start i want to probably just put a bend in like that for that one and maybe come off there for that one for this green i'll just go straight down it's a little bit wiggly again damn wiggles yes this one we're going to come straight and we're going to go up and over and then come back down and we'll connect that in there take that one around like that meanwhile coming out of the blues come around and connect to green before the bridge you can also come off there and do a little swoopy turn like that you want to come off here go up and down at that stupid aspen you'd never do an s bend like that uh but we have but we have uh out of here we'll just connect that way again that's not ideal because you've got a merge and then a diverge so this stretch of road will get busy and then i probably could have done this better but we can take these guys off go over that road back down and connect in is that everything done no not quite because now we need to take you oh we didn't we didn't need to go up at all there until there bring you back down connect you in and then finally from this blue just to get to the purple we can just come around there yes you can tell i'm definitely a real highway engineer look at this let's simulate anyway let's see the horrors that i've created in numbers 382 the high 300s i think i did all right somehow anyway we'll go back to the map and now you can see we've expanded we've got a whole host of new levels with that top left one and we can see just by looking at the traffic the most efficient shape clearly is this one oh but yeah that was that was freeways i hope you enjoyed that guys if you enjoyed this if you want to see more maybe we could go back to like this level we compare like different layouts because it's not like a nice simple a nice one to test loads of different layouts maybe you just want to see me carry on the game either way let me know in the comments and boost that like button it lets me know that you're enjoying the video they want more but anyway peace love and efficient junction layout i'll catch you guys next time bye [Music]
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 1,001,358
Rating: 4.9662089 out of 5
Keywords: freeways game, real civil engineer mini motorways, real civil engineer freeways, freeways real civil engineer, freeways highway engineer, highway engineer freeways, free ways, free ways game, freeways realistic, realistic freeways game, highway interchange game, traffic fixing game, rce, traffic games, drawing highway junctions, drawing highways interchanges, engineering, road engineer game, efficient freeways solutions
Id: 1OzC-LG9pG4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 21sec (1341 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 06 2021
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