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Dev mode + prepare carefully I would assume, maybe a word edit mod

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/NotCabety 📅︎︎ Jun 15 2021 🗫︎ replies

Another fellow from AA. Nice to see you here.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/Matokage 📅︎︎ Jun 15 2021 🗫︎ replies

AA pretty much stated how he did it:

start with the derelict ship and then blow up most of the ship by any means possible devmode being the go-to pick.

if you play with vanilla achievements expanded and dont want the 'cheatercheater' to show up (having devmode on) you could instead give your pawn a ton of explosives and do it manually.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/Hokimeetz 📅︎︎ Jun 16 2021 🗫︎ replies

You can make this a custom scenario using the SOSCK!

Just make a box, use dev mode to pawn in chunks and resources, and save it out. Then edit the xml tags and save again. Upload to steam for all to enjoy.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Thaiauxn 📅︎︎ Jun 29 2021 🗫︎ replies
hello there is little else that excites me more than the feeling of discovery when embarking upon a new adventure rimworld is usually about a colonist trapped on the ground trying to get back out into space instead what about being trapped in space and trying to get back to earth for a new challenge i decided to embark upon a new adventure with rimworld's save our ship derelict ship start but instead i blew up the ship because it was too vast and complex to learn all at once no i wanted the ship to come down to its bare bones its most granular building blocks i'm calling this my skyblock the challenge is to use the scattered remaining resources left by the last ship in order to create a functioning space station and return to earth's surface now we've just spawned in but we need to be economical with our supplies home tanks is currently in an eva suit that's going to keep him alive while he's still in the vacuum of space but is rapidly deteriorating after all the explosions almost the entire ship was destroyed but there's still a lot we can salvage from we're going to allow everything to start there now that we've allowed all of the supplies space is very dangerous if exposed to the vacuum you'll die in about 15 seconds experiments have actually taken place where a man was exposed to a vacuum for a short period of time his saliva on his tongue began to boil we need to clear out these airlocks and supply the compartment with oxygen he doesn't have a lot of time and he's pretty stable he's also happy to be in space so i'm just going to set him to work for as long as possible until he gets his quarters set up first things first let's haul this steel out of the airlocks that's one of them and now this slag chunk and now that the doors are cleared it's locked at least from the vacuum outside so there's still no air we'll need our life support system we'll need to reinstall this lamp first but there it is and the next most urgent task is to take this life support system and install it here you can just grab that from a space and then we'll refuel this chem fuel powered generator to get that online and that gets the plants working we're generating oxygen and while the atmosphere in here is breathable it's still freezing just as a starter colonist on land would have trees and water to pick from to build his own base we have steel and plasteel out in the vacuum of space we still have yet to mitigate the temperature and it's freezing inside but some heat is being given off by the chem fuel generator we need to make this environment livable for someone without an eva suit as ours is about to expire the first thing we'll die of would be cold we need some heaters to combat that and not die the meals have also floated away we'll need to collect outside of our ship if we want to survive much longer one would think that heaters would be enough to protect you from cold well no heat can also kill us as it turns out if we don't have a way of getting rid of the heat we will literally cook in here like a microwave but we're going to need to power all of this so two more chem fuel generators it is while it might not be so fast it's going to make its way up to about 70 degrees fahrenheit and it will go beyond that right now we have no way of getting heat out of our ship it just stays in there but in fact our power grid isn't completely connected to our heat sinks now we have these three power heat oxygen but we don't have any way of getting rid of the heat we almost have enough to create a sustainable environment for life so before we do anything else we'll need to install powered ship hull where we had unpowered chip hull that's good now our heat sinks are working the indoors is finally livable now at 20 degrees and it's a good start but we don't really have that much time we have only so much chem fuel and our suit is running out of condition every second and with a little bit more work we'll have one more room for our life each room is going to need to serve several purposes at first now with the room surrounded we can add hull plating inside and with just a bit of steel and plasteel we shut out the vacuum of space tanks is now in a bad mood and is exhausted but this will be his last task before we can have him take off his suit and relax and they're just finishing up that room it looks like this place is sealed off now with all that work done we can allow him to come inside and take a nap this room may still be cold but he's now safe to remove his gear in his bedroom we'll leave that on the floor because we don't want it degrading anymore and we might need it later on for outdoor repairs and while he sleeps the outer room should start to warm up there it goes now it's pushing towards zero degrees and this is safe to walk in now we can haul the meals back to the ship and that's the last of them now we have one surviving horseshoe pin which we'll install otherwise we can't really go outside for any recreation we'll become kind of stir crazy in here for a while now we'll set up a new area called life pod where we'll allow him to walk around inside this is kind of how i imagine life would be if i lived in a tiny house first i'd walk over here and clean then i'd walk over there and clean the other spot after that i'd probably go to bed and think about owning a larger house already he's getting chilly in this one compartment but the temperature is going up from the other room even in space he will need horse shoes yes don't question it now we'll start by reinstalling this lamp that seems to be hooked to the wrong power grid and it looks like we got a red lamp for this room i didn't even really intend that i guess it was just what was left over now as it stands we're burning fuel we have only the chem fuel that's left here plus whatever we can find outside if we want to get ourselves an unlimited source of power we're going to need to research solar power and if we want that we're going to need a high-tech research bench and a multi-analyzer every second we're burning fuel and using up food too a quick check shows that we need components and gold we're going to need to make another space walk now we'll let them gather the required materials before we set off to work so gathering the components from outside we start our build leveling in construction and gathering the necessary components first item on our research will be life support this leads up to eva suits and we can use the last of our hyperweave to create a replacement if we need it the research begins but we don't really have anything else to do we just have to wait and hope that no other ships pass by the eva suits removed to preserve condition as long as possible and though we're alone research has made short work of we're in an advanced civilization having made it to space and our researcher has the maximum skill you shouldn't have any trouble keeping up after all there isn't much else to do in space that's enough research next will be a quick detour to solar panels not only does this give us solar generators for the ground but also solar generators for a ship there's a mountain of research ahead of us normally on a colony this would be a peaceful time but we're running out of meals and so far we don't have any way of making more yet we have to work fast thankfully solar panels can give us renewable energy with only the sun and we can use smelters to make use of these steel slag chunks donning the eva suits time to make another trip out and that's enough for a smelter we begin this work making a few space walks until at last we have enough for solar generators we can build these on the bottom end of our ship now we have all three and they're hooked into our power grid in the morning they come out and they start generating solar power it's not a lot but it's pretty reliable in space but our gear is also getting lower in quality we don't have much time left but the good news is that the sun has unlimited power for us i'm willing to take full advantage of it with an array of three more solar panels and yet it's a waste if we can't make the best use of it at the end of the day the solar panels retract batteries will be the next quick research project as long as we do a little bit of research each day we'll keep our mind sharp and since we're going to need a lot more power we research capacitor arrays this won't be our only project once we store power then we're going to need to start growing food before we can get any further in our journey only once we've set up these basic necessities of life then can we start worrying about defending ourselves and finally getting back to earth the human body wasn't meant for space it evolved on earth and so we just kind of complete work marathons staying up as long as we want welding and working on the ship trying to collect our resources before our suit springs a leak it's more welding but we're going to need room for a space garden out here the next morning we trace out a design for what will be the ship's grow room this is where we'll have crops we'll worry about propulsion and fighting later on when we get to that hard to believe it but it's been 15 days since our expedition launched and an entire season has passed we're still trapped out here next is time to restore hull plating in both rooms there's plenty to do with that we need to be mindful because we've been through many of the materials on the outside of the ship and don't forget we still need a rocket to get back down to earth the spare room is completed and we're now ready to set up our capacitors with that the room is sealed and shut it's safe to install one last heater or two to be safe now the temperature is certainly low but it's rising and it's creating an environment livable for human life like a squirrel gathering nuts for the winter we're now retreating indoors and we'll complete the last of our work in here now we'll move on to the indoor phase of our journey but now we have a new problem we have only 20 meals left my three greatest fears are running out of food running out of power or just being stuck up here without the means of reproducing anything and for some reason our power is dropping so it's best to take out some insurance for these emergencies with new power our sun lamp is extremely power demanding this thing is like a small city we need capacitors to store the power we'll start with a small capacitor capacitors have a huge energy supply and we can keep drawing on them for a long time even if something happens to our grid our helmet though still there in case of an emergency is really too low to use outside of our ship if tanks is exposed for even a few seconds to the vacuum he'll die immediately next is a trip down hydroponics next will be another fabrication bench we'll need to use this to craft another eva suit for our major constructions outside the ship but there's also a new danger we aren't draining heat in one room and it's starting to cook like an oven this is an immediate danger just in case of the worst case scenario we'll put on the eva suit this is a time sensitive task we'll need to reopen the ship and add in two more radiators so we retire our old eva suit and helmet and we begin crafting anew we have strong crafting skill though and we managed to get excellent quality but now we're down to only 13 meals we're really running low here and since it's in perfect condition i think this will last us till the end we'll leave him in an ava suit and helmet for most of the rest of the time as it stands we still don't have any way of moving the ship we complete hydroponics research and it's the fresh feeling of striking out on a new project i have made metal into an environment sustainable for plant life to grow it's warm and safe in here and the light will come on tomorrow to help them start growing and as they say when life gives you lemons make lemonade when life gives you hyper weave sleeping rolls make hyperweave eva suits to walk around in the only cloth that we really have available we have enough to sustain life in here as it stands right now but we still need to get back down to earth and there's more metal and blast steel outside we need to collect it to create our shuttle bay now if i may use this word it's a comfortable life on the ship and then we'll be getting back down to earth after some research and luckily no other ships have tried to kill us during our time and space the suit is completed of normal quality that's passable and it'll work with the suit on we can gather the last of the supplies and tanks also as recreational opportunities out there we gather the last of the resources from outside of the ship and before you know it it's going to be time for our first harvest so we'll get an oven ready we'll plan to stockpile the rice right in front of it it's a simple task but it's important and if we can we'll want to save some of these packaged survival meals for later now our capacitor is fully charged and this takes a long time this is no small task we finished harvesting our rice we didn't botch that much of it and it's time to cook simple meals now he's sustaining his own life and oddly enough the advanced components do deteriorate i don't know why without the exposure to oxygen but we need to bring them in fast it's just a matter of bringing things inside now it's a lot of crafting most of our research is done but the good news is that we have tons of steel and plasteel and these are the base resources needed to make more complex components that were lacking fortunately it's not that many advanced components to make you could live a life up here above the earth but the sad news is that you couldn't get down if we didn't have enough to make a shuttle bay and you'd be trapped forever which would be horrible absolutely horrible i suppose until all the components broke down you would uh need to repair the ship otherwise you would just slowly suffocate up in space i have to say i wish i did a better job organizing the resources i was in a bit of a panic at the beginning but i wanted to make sure i didn't run out of oxygen or heat but it's time for some smelting we need to take account of just how many resources we have to get back down to the earth but just think of all that we've accomplished creating a pot of oxygen in a massive vacuum establishing enough heat for life and to take off one's suit food plant growth power fuel and now we even have a surplus i think i can now see why astronauts are at high risk of going crazy in outer space they pick mentally stable people for this job all of the time which is amounted to nearly one year seems like only one day that has passed since i've been up here all just one extremely long interesting afternoon our last task will be to sharpen the saw intellectually we've let enough time go by without doing any researching or thinking and we still need rocket propulsion and personal shuttles to get back down to earth normally this amount of research would be a major grind for any other colonist but for tanks who's a genius it's more like a big speed run some time passes by and finally we research rocket propulsion but save our ship features a lot of preliminary technologies we still need to go back and research we're going to be in here for a while so i'll take off the eva suit and just do some research sit down and relax tanks research skill caps out the irony here is that spending a lot of time in space is more like spending a lot of time underground you're tucked away in a shuttle and you can never get out so a lot of his mood debuffs are resembling those of someone trapped underground yes it is long soul-destroying work but it's a heck of a lot of research to get where we're going back down to earth i was looking for an architecturally fitting place to put our new shuttle bay er looks weren't really a main priority this time but i guess next time or when we come back into the shuttle i'll think more about that nonetheless we have an appropriate location for our shuttle bay and we can put that just off to the side of our ship where we can launch shuttle pods down to earth it's a lot of component crafting but i want to power this hull as i intend to come back up to this ship later on and use it as a main base this is the reason we needed this suit now we can seal in this new compartment and prepare a safe place for our new personal shuttle bay and it's exciting knowing that whatever happens to us down on earth will always have some kernel some base to come back up to in space after my first personal mission down to earth to scout it out i intend to come back up to space to store my resources and take account of everything that i've found on the planet but i'm going to need to defend it if i want to bring it back up here that's right we'll need guns with work complete on the personal shuttle it's time to start thinking about fuel we'll need enough to get down to earth and for a return journey as well i fueled up the ship and then i started research on guns and rifling now we have the option of building ourselves an assault rifle it's a day pregnant with expectation now that we're up to building an assault rifle finally we've maximized the use of our resources to get back down to earth and now we can set ourselves up for an even better landing knowing that we still have this base in space this is why we saved all these package survival meals it'll be best to bring these down with us so our ship could be stronger we'll need to gather supplies down on earth and now it's time to launch we could go anywhere but since it's decembery we'll make our way for the mountains down on earth there it goes and what's most exciting about this to me is that it actually seems to take an orbit into account like you don't just go straight down to the planet but you need to rotate but the planet's rotation is accounted for our ship arrives at its destination and lands safely now we can settle the real journey begins the number of flora and fauna right at our finger tips is overwhelming and bringing home only a small sample we could stake out a life for ourselves in space for many years to come there are tribes people to trade with and valuable resources we can't find in space but if we can get up there that's back where all the action is happening but i think that tanks will be happy here for a little while well i hope that this helped you learn about save our ship i've really liked the look of this mod for a long time except it's been too complex and vast for me to get started and the scenarios seemed a bit too unforgiving to just get started right away there's nothing like taking apart a complex system and deeply enjoying the learning experience
Channel: ambiguousamphibian
Views: 1,134,431
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rimworld, rimworld gameplay, rimworld 1.1, rimworld game, rimworld naked, rimworld difficult, rimworld solo, rimworld 2020, rimworld mods, rimworld ep 1, rimworld solo colonist, rimworld all passions no skills, rimworld all passions, rimworld single colonist, rimworld solo survival, rimworld lets play, rimworld let's play, rimworld modded, rimworld modded ep 1, rimworld mods 1.1, rimworld skyblock, skyblock, rimworld save our ship, rimworld save our ship mod 2.0
Id: pcq3hT2YBxk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 18sec (978 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 11 2021
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