100+ Rimworld Mods Worth Checking Out for a Deeper Experience and a More Satisfying Game

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hello i wanted to share some mods i've been testing out and experimenting with you in rimworld now i've seen a lot of other creators do something like this and i wanted to try my hand at it too because to try to raise the skill ceiling of rimworld and also just take away frustration from the game i came up with a list partially based on other people's lists and partially based off of things that i've heard back from you guys and just things that looked interesting to me i'm by no means a mod expert so i have gotten some random error messages on some of these mods and i'm not 100 sure if everything's compatible but i think individually each of these mods is pretty cool in its own right so i wanted to show off some of the ones i've been testing and i think these are cool because they'll open up the game to new play styles the first off is harmony harmony is a pretty core essential mod humanoid alien races is necessary if you want to change the race of a lot of the characters so sort of another necessary mod hugs lib and jax tools are pretty essential too they're like core mods that everything else is based on mod manager is actually the one i'm using to make this video and it it makes it so that you can make folders of mods it's really useful and easy and i recommend it after all this time i can't believe i wasn't using it before so i guess i'll divide this video up into a few parts quality of life and ui mods combat mods and then just more generally mods that add something to the game that wasn't there before like biomes or something like that the first mod is allow tool which just adds a lot of ui options to everything that you can do in the game more planning is really useful because you can actually use colors to plan out your entire base you can copy and paste plans too which is very useful another quality of life mod is auto cut blight it just like this should be in the vanilla game in my opinion so better workbench management just adds a few ui options that make your life a little bit easier on workbenches pretty simple mod i think most of you guys will know blueprints basically you can just click and drag over something that you've created and make it into a blueprint so that you use it for later to avoid all that clicking better pawn control and colony manager which i'm going to get into just add a lot of bulk pawn assignments and kind of take away some of the micro management from the game i mean for me i hate micromanaging so anything that gets rid of it is great another thing i hate about rimworld i don't i don't just want this to be a list of things i hate but there's a lot of up and down and grindiness at times so bulk stone cutting takes away some of this camera plus has a variety of different features for example you could zoom out further you could see dots for your any unit on the map when you're far enough zoomed out or you could just zoom in closer to name a few things that it does i haven't fully explored this one yet but i like it a lot color-coded mood bars kind of speaks for itself but it just makes it more visible for when your colonists are about to experience a mental break or when they're happy compact heat ifs i still haven't really fully experimented yet i like the look of it and it just it gives me more information at a glance so i hope i get to use this one more but you'll probably be seeing in a future series common sense is an amazing mod because you won't get stupid things like you know a dirty kitchen you could actually i wouldn't recommend this but putting your butcher table and you know stove in the same room and your ponds will just automatically clean before they start cooking it's something that if i were playing slowly i would but it would just be a lot of micromanaging don't block door is pretty much just what it sounds like you just colors won't block the door with goods which you never want to happen anyway so again less micro managing here desire paths i still haven't fully experimented with yet but it looks cool and it makes the game deeper so i'm adding it right now i'll have more to say about this one in the future draggable corners is another ui mod which just makes it so that you don't have to place walls one by one you could place them in a grid and so on and so forth or not a grid a square doormats is another quality of life one some people think this is kind of cheating but i mean who tracks so much dirt into a room it's kind of like a what you think should be in the game useful to have it i probably am going to try it down for me is a little bit hard to explain but basically if a colonist is hurt you can down them uh and then actually tend to them right there on the spot rather than having to wait for them to go back um it's kind of hard to explain the scenario this would happen in basically if a pawn got like hurt very far from a medical bed or you could also do this to play dead there's a couple uses for this one but it's kind of a quality of life thing drug response is nice because you can't like get a scratch and then have to give it glitter world medicine as a response and have to micromanage all that you can actually say what you want to respond to certain maladies with double eyes has made a lot of great mods i'm going to include in here the mint mini map just adds more data visualization of the game and i'm just really passionate about data visualization so anything i could do to add more of this into the game is cool dynamic diplomacy is interesting because so much of the game is just focused on your one faction but this actually makes it feel more like you're living in a like a live world where stuff happens dubs paint shop i'm pretty much going to call them necessary now i don't know if this one might confuse you or if you don't like vanilla now you might be stubborn to just have everything be vanilla colors but hey it's an added option so just coloring other stuff in the game is kind of cool when i think necessary there's also a dub skylights mod which just does that add skylights it's cool it adds more three-dimensionality to the world i'm definitely gonna be playing with this in the future i don't know if i'll use it but just giving me the option is nice prepare carefully i won't go too much into it just lets you customize characters it's absolutely necessary and i highly recommend it follow me is another ui kind of camera mod uh it just lets you follow around a colonist and for me a lot of the series takes place in kind of the role playing aspect so i don't know if this will be nice for you but just being able to follow around one of your pawns like you do in kenshi when you press a hotkey is nice heat map is another interesting new mod where you can actually just see all of the temperatures in the rooms visually it's nice to get a quick glance of how your colony is doing temperature wise i always felt like the vanilla animals trained in hauling didn't do enough so i'm gonna be adding hard-working animals to my next playthrough another amazing one is hot keys probably the one thing that dwarf fortress has on rimworld is that it has just slightly more hotkeys albeit you're forced to play with hotkeys in dwarf fortress but i use them a lot in just everyday computing so hotkeys is nice hunt for me i haven't used yet but i'm adding it here because it seems cool you can have your trained animals train themselves in hunting and they could actually hunt animals for you which is interesting it makes the game deeper and i like that so i'm using it just ignore me passing is another one that's pretty much essential uh especially in larger colonies with more colonists for example they can't build a door when somebody's passing so this is a really nice mod to have for that i could talk about this mod for days but i wish it were in the vanilla jobs of opportunity while you're up so for example hauling while commas are going over to do another task you feel like they legitimately have common sense when you use this mod level up bears mentioning i think that so much of the game is about a sense of progression to me and when i see a colonist actually level up make a noise and then glow for a second whenever they advance on a level and something it makes the sense of progression a lot more felt so i'm adding this mod to my list lox is a mod by avius and it goes really well with prison labor another good quality of life mod i don't know if this is to taste but a lot of people say that this looks like prison architect labels on floor is really cool because they are very responsive labels and they just look nice on things so often my colonies feel disorganized and when i put these on it just helps me gain some composure i guess i'd call mad skills like i don't know game changing but it's very dissatisfying to watch your prawns regress so i think adding mad skills which pretty much just lets you customize that rate or make it so that they don't lose skill at all makes the game a lot more satisfying for me map reroll is a really nice mod it just lets you customize your settlement zone so if you don't like the place that you start at you can just re-roll it or re-roll the geysers or any other number of options and it gives you a whole new map to play on map designer i haven't actually tried yet but you i mean that's pretty self-explanatory you could design your own maps i still have yet to use this but it looks amazing so i'm adding it to my list medical tab is another quality of life one but it just adds a whole new tab where you have a lot of options for how you want to tend to your colonists what sorts of debuffs they're experiencing it's a nice thing to have just to add more visualization i don't know why this isn't in the base game but mend and recycle by not food is just amazing i i haven't really used this one yet but i've always wanted something to do with all of those crappy pieces of clothing rather than just sell them all burn it for fuel is another mod that makes the game a little bit deeper and you can burn several different types of things for fuel rather than just wood which often feels kind of i don't know gamey or cheesy metal don't burn i've said enough already right there metal does not burn we need it in the game minify everything is interesting because there's certain structures where you have to deconstruct them then your pawns have to take the back the bricks and it just becomes this tedium so just to be able to uninstall any object is really useful probably something i'm just gonna use forever from that my little planet is a really cool map generation mod it basically just lets you make the planets smaller because the real world world is just huge and i always thought there should be different sized worlds i haven't tried this with like save our ship or anything but i don't know maybe there's a way to go to different worlds pick up and haul is also an amazing mod colonists more efficiently use their space when they haul pharmacist lets you customize which medicine is used for which wound so this is really nice so that they don't use glitter world medicine on like a scratch or something like that prepare landing is another quality of life mod which kind of starts out like the dwarf fortress embarkment screen where you can choose where and how you want to set out you could customize some parameters say what temperature you want to be at really nice idea quality of building just adds more visualization normally in the game you can't see the difference between an excellent poor you know masterwork quality item but it actually lets you see that visually on the item so this is a really nice mod quality builder is really cool too because you can specify exactly what quality you want on a new construction and your colonists will just keep on building until they get at least that quality quality of surgeon is another quality of life mod basically if there's a major operation you don't want just like your you know basic tenders to do that you want your best doctor to do that surgery so this allows that reservation to be made rangefinder is another combat slash quality of life mod it just makes ranged combat like a little bit more easy to handle especially for multiple shooters at once i found that it makes it that i don't need to pause so much during combat which i kind of hate pausing during combat because it kind of kills the action for me so if you can actually see your colonists range when you draft them permanently or momentarily it's nice realistic rooms is another mob that makes the game well more realistic i've found that pawns rooms need to be a little bit too extravagant to be nice it's it kind of lowers some of those requirements in terms of the spaces recipe icons now adds information for each recipe that you make just more information is always a good thing so i figure why not add it relations tab is another graphical overhaul mod so instead of seeing a faction tab you have a relations tab i haven't really used this one much but i really like fluffy's mods and i know that anything more visualized is useful so trying to make the game as visual as possible is really nice replace stuff i'm sure a lot of you guys have seen um you could just change the material of any item pretty quickly uh again this decreases the number of clicks the amount of micromanaging so really useful ah research pal i love research pal because it totally reorganizes the research tree the only thing i would add i don't know if i just don't know how to do this yet is to zoom in and out of the research just to see it all in front of me but it's all color coded it's really pretty it's nice to use you can queue research highly recommend this one rimuhud takes a little bit of getting used to but basically it just displays all of your colonists needs mood gear you know their skills and other information that's useful all on one spot rather than having to go through tabs i like this one i'm actually going to stick with this mod from now on heat stats i haven't really checked out much but it looks cool so i want to try it room sense is another mod that pretty much just lets you see the quality of all your rooms at a glance normally you have to go through rooms i don't really have too much trouble with this but it's color coded which is nice and it's very graphical rpg style inventory is actually optional you can toggle it on or off if you hate it or like it um i like this one again because it's graphical just anything that makes the game more graphical is usually nice share the load are you tired of having one colonist bring resources to a new construction at a time then look no further share the load is really really nice because multiple people can do it again this just picks up on efficiency and makes your life faster i don't know if i'd consider this quality of life or combat but showdrafty's weapon is really nice because i i don't think i would play without this now you make fewer stupid mistakes when you do it show mod designators is a subtle but pretty important mod i used to not play with mods much because i was thinking okay well i'm still learning the bass game so i won't know if something is a mod or in the bass game if i just add mods like crazy so i stopped playing with mods for a while but show mod designators actually shows you when you press the information button on anything whether or not something is a mod and it shows you what mod it's from too so kind of an overlooked but a really important mod there simple search bar adds a search bar to any you know storage windows just kind of speeds up the process of going through all your storage and sometimes it's hard to remember whether something's manufactured or a natural resource in the games library so i like this i probably won't be playing without it anytime soon skilled stone cutting used to be in the game basically just gives you experience for stone cutting i was tired of colonists not gaining any experience for stone cutting because they just they don't gain skill on anything when they do stone cutting as it is at least as far as i know so it just adds that sense of progression and role playing to each character and i like this it makes the game more satisfying so i added it i was tired of having all my colonists lose their hair whenever they put on a hat and all start to look alike in the end of the game so showing hair with hats is kind of nice it just brings out the characterization and for a game that's about story it's just a nice thing to have smart medicine like the medicine system especially for wounds that happen away from your base kind of feels like it needs an overhaul so smart medicine is really nice adds speed and quality of life normally things you would be micromanaging i used to be cruel to my colonists and beat them up whenever they were having mental breaks but snap out is actually really interesting and kind of increases the sense that this game is like the sims and i know a lot of people who play rimworld like the sims a lot so for a more socially skilled friendly colonist to be able to help a colonist come back from a mental break kind of adds character depth to the game and i found it interesting so i'd suggest trying this one textile stats i'm tired of looking things up on the wiki so try it out turret hunt is nice instead of having to aggro and anger animals to get them to come to you you could just have your turrets do it which is i mean it's more automation it's very satisfying ah treat rarity colors how i love you you add more colors to the game and that's worth it it actually color codes based on how rare the traits are amazing right ugh you got me just adds a lot more depth to social fighting colonists won't do things that are seemingly just outrageous to each other unless if they're really like masochists or bloodlusters again it has character depth and i like that and they also won't just like hurt somebody who's brutally injured ah weapon stats so i'm pretty terrible with checking out every single guns stats and so on and so forth but this adds another tab that you can actually just see what everybody's holding and how good it is you know obviously you have to account for things like range and so on and so forth but it just adds adds a little bit more information you're missing so instead of having to click into the information screen you could just use what's missing to figure out what you're missing from a recipe it's all color coded again really nice whereas my weapon just reduces the number of clicks again if a colonist gets down they'll drop their weapon so it's nice to just be able to have them pick it up right when they get up while light is useful because it's probably gonna make all my bases from now on look more organized wild animal sex it should exist in the game animals deserve love too oh work tab so many good things to say everything that frustrated you about the work tab is is gone this is an amazing mod by fluffy you could separate all of the different types of work out into even more different types of work and it also doesn't force you to do that much micro managing with it you could do as much as you want or as little as you want i'm definitely not using this as much but i'm gonna have to do a lot less forcing of priorities when i start using this well okay let's get on to combat mods oxtung is an amazi i'm probably not saying that right pardon me it lets you line up your colonists and not just that the reason i'm using this is because i just don't like the regular military lineup in the main game it's nice to have careful raids just adds a little bit more how to say this common sense among your raiders like they'll try multiple paths kind of hard to see it at work but this is a good this should be in the game like people wouldn't just blindly run into a bunch of traps they make better decisions combat update 1.1 i haven't experimented with a lot but it just makes combat a little bit more responsive a little bit more satisfying i really like it i'm gonna use it but there's definitely more to explore here damage indicators just adds that little extra bit of visualization in combat and makes every hit a little bit more satisfying if you thought the game was unresponsive then this is gonna change that defensive positions is a simple quality of life military mod pretty much you could just save defensive positions for your colonists so you have different places where they line up really satisfying to just be able to draft all your colonists and not have to line them all up and micromanage anything that makes combat faster is nice embrasures i'm sure you know pretty much you can just set up your colonists to fire from behind a wall like through a little slit in the wall they're really cool when you build them some people think it's cheating i don't know if i would go back anymore though i like it that much run and gun is awesome some people think this is a little bit overpowered but raiders can actually do this too so you can move while you're running albeit at a kind of a combat penalty it can also be customized so this is a nice mod to have just the more options you have in combat i think the more depth it adds to the game and that kind of increases the sense of choice and role playing in the story so i'm gonna keep this one from now on search and destroy is also an interesting mod you can pretty much just set up the ai to do all your combat for you i've had mixed experiences with this but i haven't really tried it out much yet it's just nice to have another option in combat though i'm throwing wave survival under combat mods pretty much it adds a new game mode where you just get raided every few days and instead of thinking about building toward a ship you're just thinking about survival which is kind of cool it adds a new storyteller to this guy i'm probably going to be playing with this in this new series soon just because i want to change up the end goals it also just adds this cool sense of urgency anyway that's enough on wave survival try it out oh also avoid friendly fire obviously this one should be in the main game i just hate anytime that friendly fire happens and it just cuts down on micromanagement anyway you could toggle it on or off too if it's if it's bothering you i think that's hit on combat mods let's get on to the real game-changing mods this is the fun part so many colonists in real world just suck so bad can be good add some positive traits to negative qualities again it adds depth and i like it i'm putting it in there's about a bazillion vanilla rimworld expanded mods in here like i have nothing but amazing things to say about reynold rimworld expanded one of you guys told me it's it's what it's like if tainan had just continued to add content over and over there's more storytellers there's more furniture there's more animals this mod set is just outrageously awesome like i could go on for videos and videos about this mod it re-textures things it adds weapons it adds and it's lasers it adds new factions it's a beautiful mod or really not mod but a whole set of mods i'm not going to do it justice right here so i'm just going to say get them like they were the first mods that a lot of you guys suggested to me okay vanilla weapons retexture i'm just bored of seeing the same weapons so i'm retexturing them this looks kind of cool i'm giving it a try i love misc robots you get roombas and not just roombas you get hauling bots um mining bots there's something called an omnibot you can unlock which just does everything they're really late game robots and they're hard to craft too so it's not so overpowered because you have to do a lot of work to get to this point but when you get them it's really awesome misk robots adds a lot more i think i already said some of these in the first one beautiful outdoors i've waited for this mod for a while and i can't believe i never thought of it more i never got why pawns just got upset and angry when they were walking through a beautiful natural landscape so it kind of rescores the beauty of a tree for example like they aren't pissed off when they see a tree they think it's beautiful and i found that my colonists aren't like upset when they walk through nature you know that doesn't really make sense to me water is particularly beautiful the biomes mods just add more interesting environments i probably haven't fully experimented with these enough i use them for my island survival series so i'll definitely be coming back here consolidated traits just adds more traits i've seen a lot of the same types of colonists so i think adding more traits adds character depth let's keep that doors expanded adds a whole new selection of doors to the game some of them are larger some of them are smaller there's different types of doors like blast doors for example you could even open up remote doors it just adds more interesting options uh medicine production so i haven't used luciferium and i'm trying to look for an excuse to use it in one of my next playthroughs so just the ability to craft it i think would be a good entryway entryway i can't believe i'm saying this entryway step into using luciferium which if you don't know luciferium can actually kill your colonists if they get too much withdrawal but also has a lot of positive effects on them like for example you could make a colonist into a luciferian super soldier fish industry adds fishing to the game it's a whole other system it's cool i'll be excited to try this one ah fertile fields i'm actually a little bit undecided on this one right now because there's so many farming mods another one is vegetable garden which i've used a bit but this one allows terraforming and a lot of other things you also have plant scraps which are kind of cool i'm not 100 sure on this one yet but you can also change the soil richness it just adds more options to farming again there's a lot of mods you could choose from here which ones do you guys use i wish i knew more what to say about fluffy breakdowns all i really know is some appliances break down and adds this maintenance aspect i really like fluffy's other mods so i'm adding this one in giddyup actually allows you to have colonists ride animals uh both in combat and in caravans just a really interesting mod that adds a whole lot more use to animals i've pretty much had to slaughter all my animals in the last few play-throughs so i want i want more of an excuse to play with them so i'm adding this in glitter tech adds a lot of late game technology and there's really not a reason a lot of the time to build into the late game technologies i often just go straight for the ship but i don't really want to go for the ship in the next few playthroughs because i've just done it so much i feel like it's a very one-dimensional way to play the game so maybe building a futuristic city is one of your goals it looks cool to me i just wish i had more experience with it gun play is kind of like an animation mod it just makes combat more cinematic it adds like more visibility to bullets i like this one a lot it makes combat more tangible and seemingly responsive you'll kind of see it as i go through the next few series gradient hair because i don't know the colonist hair gets boring after a while i just think this adds more depth organ harvest no more said post-mortem if you're into that kind of thing rim fridge is nice because hey we have fridges right now why should we have to go into a walk-in fridge every single time we want food it adds a little option to put a miniature fridge say for example in your dining room it just cuts down on the amount of walking and adds more furniture options i'll probably be using this one a lot more in the future you've seen deep storage in my last series pretty much it just it prevents these massive stockpiles from lining up and there is a cost associated with it too it's not so overpowered because your colonists actually have to dig through the storage but it just makes things a little bit more i don't know visual visually appealing plus this can be done in real life you don't have to put everything all over the floor so i'm keeping it i've always felt like colonists got too perturbed at things that they shouldn't get perturbed by and not perturbed enough by things that they should be more perturbed by so no sympathy for prisoners kind of changes that it's like if somebody attacked your faction and something bad happened to them you wouldn't be pissed off it just it prevents all those mental breaks from stacking up outfitted seems nice because it adds more options to you know saying what kinds of clothes or what kinds of apparel or items the colonists should be wearing open the windows is amazing why i didn't realize until now but there were no windows in the game combined with nature is beautiful this is really amazing because you can just look out the window and actually raise the beauty of a room if it has a good view outside again it just adds like more of a sense of realism and quality of life it also adds light to those rooms and there's different types of windows based on what technology you have available so it's it's not so easy it also changes the temperature too so this is kind of like adding a whole new system into the game prison labor again just adds a whole new system into the game you can make your prisoners work on things you could actually use them for labor rather than just having them you know sit there and loiter in their rooms i combine this with prisoner recreation because i like my prisoners to have one common room it just adds a lot more depth and realism to the whole prisoner system it makes it feel much deeper and more satisfying prisoner ransom as well i'm gonna try this one out you can demand ransom for imprisoned pawns for silver at the comms console it just adds a lot more incentive around prisoners psychology i haven't really used much this is supposed to make the game way deeper in terms of the life for your colonists but i've only just barely scratched the surface with it it's been around for a long time so i'm kind of ashamed to say that but i'm going to be trying it out over the next few videos quarry is really useful for prisoners basically just it adds a way to get more rocks because so often the stupidest thing is just running out of rocks on your map so you can dig underground and while we're kind of waiting on z levels to be perfected because that mod is also amazing quarry is a really good other option plus it just adds this kind of like bottomless place where you could just keep getting more and more rocks raids for me adds more depth to your relationship with other factions basically as far as i can tell you can just insult other factions and you know rather than trying to please everyone all the time it's nice to be able to have this option raise the roof is satisfying because i don't know if you recall but in my last series um some raiders dropped into my throne room and just destroyed all of the furniture and there was no way to defend from it i guess i could have built under a mountain but it just gives you more options on roof types to prevent stuff like that i guess this one would be kind of considered a game changer mod basically i don't like how filth just stays out in the world so yeah rain should be getting rid of that it wasn't there to begin with so why should it just stay there now that our colony is built up i guess i'll just show off some of the other things offered by vanilla expanded there's tons of new furniture tons of new armor apparel and it just adds a lot of things that seem really true and genuine to the rim world i don't know look and feel um i really like the idea and the design for these mods if i were to just pick out one i'd probably add the vanilla expanded set and if you're new to modding i'd encourage you to try that maybe with some of the quality of life stuff but yeah it's just top-notch stuff it's amazing what these guys are doing set up camp because you shouldn't have to make a new settlement anytime you just want to mine some stones and then leave a place i don't think i talked about simple side arms before but it does just that it lets you give your pawns like a melee weapon for close combat or a short range weapon for short-range combat really nice stuff and it plays pretty nicely with other mods it also adds a cool little ui button for switching back and forth between weapons hunters use melee because they should be able to do it i think there's a couple mods for this so you have some options there simply more bridges adds the option of building over water kind of more dwarf fortressing i really like having this option and maybe i could build an ocean base at some point so i'm definitely going to be using this one plus you could build heavier things over the water solar flared stun mechanoids because well they should subsurface conduit is a very fair mod basically if you don't know this already conduits like detract from the beauty of any given spot so if you put them underground it actually just takes that away um but there is a lot of extra work associated with this and a little bit more metal because they have to bury the you know the wires i really like this and i hope that you try it out one of the last ones but definitely not least is androids this adds so much new stuff to the game it's been out for a while but pretty much it adds four or five i think with the ones i added new tiers of androids and they're these types of colonists that are well they're robots they can work all night they pretty much have no emotions and there's just a lot of customizability behind these guys they can upgrade themselves i might even do a whole series of just androids to show them off and in the end when you're done you can actually do all these later future technologies like upload a colonist consciousness into a like this super computer they need their own repair kits but i felt like that these were just right at home in the game so i threw him in though there's tons of other race mods if you want to check some of those out my friend coco made a video on this that i found really useful room atomics i really just don't have enough to say about i have to experiment with this one a lot more but it seems amazing in terms of energy nukes nuclear weapons like a whole new system of the game the last ones i guess are industrial rollers and rim factory these can pretty much make rim worlds into like factorio or satisfactory or whatever have you they had whole new systems and really are videos under themselves i've found them really useful for automated planting and also creating rollers that automatically haul things from stockpile to stockpile it's really really satisfying to watch it happen so if you're just feeling like a different experience entirely i felt like that this was a cool mod that i might use in the future it might be a playthrough unto itself so i don't know if it really belongs on this list but it deserves mentioning and also miscraftable robots and their retexture just because i didn't really like the original textures that much and i just felt like that these fit in more so that was really too long a video i hope you uh i hope you learned something in this video or found a mod that looks interesting to you once again i'm gonna credit a lot of the other creators that i kind of discovered these mods through down below i hope you go check out some of their videos because they kind of go into more depth than i did i tried to cover more quantity than quality but i'll put links down there below like i said i haven't been making as much content just because i'm really interested in the systems of this game there's some interesting stuff you could come up with here and i mean rimworld is after all a storyteller so this greatly enhances the number of storytelling you could the amount of storytelling you do one thing i'll say is i didn't really go into any completely game-changing mods like you could do medieval or lord of the rings room world or star wars there's so many different options but i didn't want to do anything that would be too game-changing like there's a mod where you can just grow people off of plants there's a lot of crazy amazing mods that i have on a separate list but i don't know maybe that's kind of like a video unto itself i mainly want to do quality of life combat and just mods that make the game have more depth and still seem pretty genuine to the real world universe not that the other ones aren't but just they're more game changing i don't know anyway last disclaimer is just i'm not an expert on these mods so if i said something wrong about them i tried to do a decent amount of justice to each one but obviously i didn't want this to go on for like 50 videos so feel free to correct me down below um i don't know if they play well together either some some of them definitely don't play well together either because i've got some error messages loading up but i don't know maybe i'm just an idiot anyway what kinds of mods do you guys use it's more just like to open up a dialogue this video which a lot of you guys did recommend these mods to me so thank you for that um but pretty much i'm just i'm i'm kind of fishing for ideas right now and looking to see what excites me for the next series so i'm thinking it's going to be android's but could be luciferium super soldier i don't know there's a lot of options but this kind of expands my imagination anyway i hope this video did something like that for you i hope you enjoyed as always my name is ambiguous amphibian and i'll see you guys in the next video bye [Music] [Music] you
Channel: ambiguousamphibian
Views: 343,017
Rating: 4.9543304 out of 5
Keywords: rimworld, rimworld mod, rimworld mods, rimworld mod list, rimworld mod list 1.1, rimworld 1.1 mods, rimworld mods 1.1, rimworld modlist, rimworld modlist 1.1, rimworld quality of life mods, rimworld quality of life, rimworld combat mods, rimworld modded
Id: 8Tyn3oS28yU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 2sec (1862 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 27 2020
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.