Can I Survive the BEST START? Project Zomboid HERO to ZERO Challenge #1

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hello notoriously the least difficult start the winter is coming challenge features a snowstorm now begins a never-ending blizzard our character gerald mcwilliams has all of the positive traits this won't make matters easy because our stats are starting off low but he is open to growth and with a little training he can open doors we will now endeavor to weather the winter the real challenge of this scenario is going to be the cold the cold and keeping quiet i close the curtains and we learn and we learn like a sponge knowledge all knowledge is power the world has gone to [ __ ] zombies roam freely and it's my job to make gerald safe but we're going to need warm clothing to survive and so we creep creep across the street in the snow for a down jacket waits i find my first target and i dispatch it gently go into that good night i move my body carefully and i discover more books i discover food and i flicker the lights a needle though most of the world is empty from the apocalypse with that we cross the neighborhood on foot we lure the enemy we fight and we win i found a van that suits me just right gerald mcwilliams is like is like enhanced gerald williams younger more flannel and literary he is a gerald some might call him the heir of gerald and he's not ass he's not complete ass to begin with he actually has some good qualities he's strong he's mean he's aggressive and he's dirty he's really good and he has something that gerald williams doesn't have a watch it took me six months to find a watch before now i found two in the first 10 minutes gerald williams will be able to hot wear our cars in a short order and oh god we're saved i found the car key and with that we can actually start the car not even 10 minutes into the video and i already have a car you see gerald mcwilliams has advantages fate smiles upon him but not all the time gerald mcwilliams escapes he's a survivor killer and he runs away we can escape over fences run through backyards and hide out in the lesser-known parts of civilization for what makes gerald williams stand out is his dynamism he is slippery and very difficult to get a read on already we've taken just a few steps on this spiritual journey and he's nearly and he's put up appreciable progress toward his first level of gains and despite the fact that the world is ravaged by zombies i supped the taste of victory for gerald mcwilliams gerald mcwilliams he steals people's clothes he's always hungry he's never short on breath except as it happens right now he solves problems inventively and god holds him in the palm of his hand for this god sent gerald mcwilliams into the world and though the task that lies before me is extremely onerous and large by the time we've run from these hordes i'm sure we'll be a master of stealth and quietude and it seems i've it seems i've actually run off all the hordes i am safe again for now for now i'm safe the world is in peril great peril ancient peril for in our world blanketed by snow few are the places of refuge but let us rejoice a moment this is a character i've wanted to play for a long time project zomboid is a punishingly difficult game and i really think it's only fair to play as a character with all the positive traits especially in a scenario that's so difficult the world is covered in snow and we'll never actually see the light of the sun again that being said vast hope lies in the promise of leveling up our skill set and i know a lot about this game i've been playing it for years truly i tell you you will see the son of gerald williams coming coming out of the house crossing the fence and conquering the day and the beasts of the night this challenge may be difficult but it's not insurmountable for gerald mcwilliams can fight any threat truly barriers exist only in our minds and we can expect to see great gains if we concentrate although cold weather may drear the brightest spirit i have been hardened and over the years i have learned the best men set their foundations on stone so harden your heart and get ready to grind skills for me there are many so despite large zombie populations gerald mcwilliams will actually be able to sleep in town stealthy and hidden by the snow getting laid on the first night it may be july but it's actually a blizzard and we can sleep on a normal sleeping schedule but he's a fast sleeper and he's early to rise whoa be to that long lost forgotten summer's day and this is the latest dream i ever dreamt the world outside has changed now we can really set out and structure our days ah a safe house this might be salvation we need weapons we need clothing we need food we need all the necessities of life so quietly stalking make my way into the house that's one a hoodie now i am covered some ammo ah the spoils might actually not be a bad house to hole up in for a while it's boarded and safe for now there are long socks and a handbag actually that's all that i've got i have a handbag i'll just put all this ammo in the handbag i can hardly believe it three boxes of shotgun shells in a handbag well i um i can drink some water but for now we surjern in the dark world i'm still not covered enough to stay out for a long time and i'm pretty hungry too but i think i know a place to get outfitted just right to start and i can use the cover of the snow to stay quiet now normally in project zomboid stealth does hardly anything but if we have the cover of winter we can actually use stealth to our advantage i can duck out and avoid hordes quickly and i can quietly make like a shadow darting my way from house to house and though there may not be anything in the houses i'm sure we'll find some good stuff eventually after all we have a whole world in front of us the snowstorm we can actually use stealth to make our way quietly from building to building and i bet you i can get into courtman medical undetected so quietly carefully making our way over we stay hidden by the wall and gently quietly we clear the glass we reclaim what's ours wear a medical coat we grab a revolver and slip safely inside taking antibiotics anything we can use all of this sanitizing and reclaiming the world ah a leather jacket we'll need this now i am safe ah it's just what i needed here we are i could never find one of these in my last playthrough well that's goodbye handbag i start a new life today today i begin my life as a survivor the world is now a forgotten place and it's up to me to use what remains to reclaim it but the zombies have returned and they're they're coming in fast all wasn't for nothing that i tested this it's time to jump out the window back out into the wilderness for me but now i'm more well equipped and i'm not actually even cold anymore i'm layered enough that i'm feel warm can i ask you a question have you ever really wanted the apocalypse to happen have you wanted to carry all of your tools on your belt and your back have you wanted to see your skills and numbers then join me right now as we grind out all of our skills i'm going to spend the next few minutes getting the next level of sneaking as it turns out you can just walk in a circle near some zombies and then that will give you the next level of sneaking that and light-footed so here we'll level up and one more time and this basically means that we'll just be quieter around zombies as we make our way through muldraw we're gonna keep investigating these houses unlike in my previous series i actually expect i'm gonna be able to make my way through muldraw because well the coverage of the snow and my light-footedness will let me traverse the entire city we can fight off whoever we meet and we can actually develop as a character while in civilization unlike gerald williams gerald mcwilliams stands a fighting chance he's strong he has butter he has military desert boots gloves and now we're actually looking far more well equipped than we started tons of food to be had around matches and other survival equipment i think our chances are looking pretty good here unfortunately we can't find any real weapons so it's plank time i'm going to go ahead now and make a conjecture that i'll be just fine out here now i'm going to say this right at the outset of this video my favorite exploit the worm eating exploit uh has been largely patched out of the game so now i have to find more canned foods imagine we won't have such a problem with this since we've found so many already but we need to sustain a decent weight so we can stay strong ah a police officer we can take all of this stuff i do miss the police deputy jacket but this isn't gerald williams this is gerald mick williams there's nothing to say that he can't wield these weapons though we're gonna go ahead and attach a gun to my holster this is a pretty quiet weapon the m36 but if i need it in a pinch it is an escape till then we carry on and the snowy wastes there's a lot to be explored here and i just i just hope to get somewhere warm before nightfall you can take them out indoors are out no matter the spacing a large group are small no one stands a chance against gerald mcwilliams at all in secret in death in quiet and cold here we are another house a shotgun i've been desirous of this being able to engage in a lot more stealth tactics with this snow though i'm going to need to draw off bits of this horde at a time that was too much still the houses are open and i am very strong smart deadly powerful and now i seem to be the owner of a shotgun i've never found so many weapons in the first in the first 10 minutes of a series we can actually start to experiment with the firearms tree because he's gonna have a lot of it we'll have a lot of opportunities to grow here but until then i do expect kitchen knives machetes and all kinds of other junk to keep me going i am the winter warrior the gainer of skills the washer of clothing and i do ads for men's shaving commercials i'm resourceful and i'm getting extremely tired it's been another long day but we've found lots of items to be exact we now have one m36 revolver one js 2000 shotgun we have a holster to carry one of our weapons a big hiking bag with a whole bunch of other crap in it and just and just an ass ton of other weapons and sharp things to hit people with along with that we just managed to find a lot of ammo luckily from the beginning i'd say that we're in good hands we're in good hands to start i just need some sort of face covering and i need to eat an entire stick of butter to keep my weight up we've been doing a lot of exercise so it's going to definitely going to keep our weight down for a while it's time to eat that butter eat just eat that butter here we are now our weight is restored we've already killed 71 zombies and we've been alive for only a day and a half but it's time for bed now and sleep takes me when we wake up the world is still an ice cube as it will be forever it's time to chart out a plan there's a lot of good places to go but i'm gonna need to maintain some stealth and clear out a few areas if i want to obtain one of these warehouses i can't just be running in like a madman as i did before god damn it you know i've always wanted to have cool stuff in project zomboid and i never seem to be able to get to the interesting areas so for now let's creep out of our home and make our way over to the small warehouse it should have enough industrial equipment to keep me defensible a bastion of strength a tower of terror and so retracing our footsteps back through the neighborhood actually kind of quiet and mysterious out here we'll hop our way back through the fences hide out hide out in those lesser-known parts of the world i'm getting better at disappearing by the minute using the tree line making my way back quietly all it takes is a little quietude cultivated patiently honed and practiced over time it is stealing away into the foggy morning there are some places that are lesser known still and curiously enough a few unclaimed cars here won't be long before i can hotwire these things we don't bother with them now but i think i've found a home this place will be to me as a safe haven water libations well we've upheld a decent lodging i'd say that we've come along far enough for our skills and stats i'm really looking forward to playing as a slightly better character don't think that the challenge will be so much easier the winter will bring cover but clothing constantly degrades in this game we're going to need to find warmer clothes if we want to survive we'll also need to relocate or find a car we had some kind of bum luck to begin with but anyway i am in a winter spirit so it's all very fitting and i hope you are too alas i think that's all that we have time for today but now we're equipped and we're ready a well-oiled machine off to a new adventure as always thanks to my patrons they keep it all together they keep the ship afloat too so thanks to them thank you and thank you for watching i hope you enjoyed as always my name is ambiguous amphibian goodbye now
Channel: ambiguousamphibian
Views: 445,107
Rating: 4.9627318 out of 5
Keywords: project zomboid, projectzomboid, project zomboid build 41, project zomboid challenge, zero to hero, project zomboid gameplay, project z, zomboid, zombies, project zomboid 2020, project zomboid gameplay 2020, zombie game, zomboid build 41, ambiguous amphibian, zombie game 2020, zombies 2020, cdda, project zomboid cdda, project zomboid cdda challenge, zomboid cdda, ambiguousamphibian, project zomboid zero to hero challenge, project zomboid all positive traits, zombie
Id: aQmZicdXc5w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 32sec (752 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 01 2021
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