A New Challenger Approaches! - Max Difficulty Humankind (Part 1)

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hey there my name is provis and welcome to humankind this is a relatively new 4x strategy game just came out a few weeks ago and a lot of people on youtube have been clamoring to play this ever since it came out i'm probably one of the few strategy gamers who has not spotlighted on the channel yet and today we are going to change that i did put out a poll on youtube you guys said you'd like to see it so i am more than happy to oblige the premise of the game is very similar to civilization we are going to be starting with a society in the neolithic era and then developing it up to the modern era by tweaking our culture researching technologies and just generally rushing to become the most prestigious and famous society in the world let's go ahead and start up a new game now as far as our settings i think we're gonna leave things more or less the same uh by default a large map here should be fine i really wish that there was a option here to increase the amount of luxury or strategic goods in the game but if that exists i have yet to find it a normal pace would be fine uh for me playing on a higher difficulty i do want to make sure we have plenty of turns to work with because that's important for moving your units and speaking of difficulty we're gonna be moving this up to humankind difficulty which is the maximum available currently in the game this might be a dumb idea given that this is only the second time i've ever played the game but you know what you gotta learn somehow just be aware that going into this there is a good likelihood that we are going to lose but i certainly am going to try my best all right let's go ahead and start up a game okay and here we are now you may have noticed if you've never seen this game before we do not choose a starting culture or character rather everyone kind of starts off in the same boat as a simple pneumatic tribe and over time we will be developing our culture into something different uh early game i'm kind of hoping to go for egyptians but we will see so here is our starting tribe and we'll be wandering around the map exploring trying to gather up any resources and goody huts that are called curiosities in the game also looking for some good places to settle down a starting city i'm not gonna lie i kind of like what i'm seeing already over here this is actually a pretty reasonable spot um there are plenty of industry forests over here there is some food there is a river and i see mountains not far away we know that there's also incense which is not very important but any strategic resources you can get or luxuries is nice all right that's fine now in order to find those curiosities a little bit faster here's a weird trick in the game and i expect this to get patched out someday but it hasn't yet weirdly enough we can hit auto explore and for some reason uh the ai that takes over my units knows where all the curiosities are on the map in the fog of war i don't know where they are but the ai knows so by clicking on this case in point we had no idea where that was the game knew so they went and just got me some extra food thank you very weird right i don't know why that's still a thing in the game i really feel like they need to take that away kind of sooner rather than later but we will see all right there's some ambergris over here okay science and stability but actually pretty good there is some extra incense over here which means if we did settle in this general zone we would get some extra luxury resources to trade could be kind of good so what you're looking for in the very beginning of the game as many curiosities as possible we want to get food the more food you have you can start getting more units more units means you can start spreading out and exploring and covering more ground a little bit faster so it's generally worth doing that if you can here's some more food let's go ahead and grab it and boom we found some nuts which means i have an extra unit uh i'm going to take this second unit and move you out over here and then set you to auto x no wrong unit okay well this unit will go over this direction i guess um i wanted to have these guys go auto explorer but i messed that up these guys are heading down this way how much you want to bet there's a curiosity i can't see it's just a little bit silly isn't it yeah i'm actually thinking that this is a pretty good spot for a settlement it's a really good spot we may come back to this but let's see what else is in the area in order to settle down an outpost and claim this territory you need to spend influence influence can only be gained from some curiosities so we do need to find some of those let's see if there's one right over here in fact there is hello all right we found that there's also an unknown strategic resource on the map here okay good to know um now that we have five influence i think i actually might just go ahead and claim the territory and the game is recommending this spot which is kind of one i was already having my eyes on nine food and 15 industry not bad um industry is perhaps the most important resource in the game but i really like the idea of having a good amount of food to also build up my population so i'm happy with that i also saw more curiosities up that direction i'm gonna have you go over this way so we're gonna turn off auto explorer for a second just kind of try to pick the direction they go and find out what else is going on over here i see more coastline i'm wondering if we're actually in a surprisingly good strategic location as far as um the ocean kind of at my back maybe maybe not now we don't have to turn this into a city this is only an outpost to gather up resources but if we want to we could develop it into a city a little bit later which i think is gonna be a good idea now how do you get out of the neolithic era well you gotta do a few things first off you have to gain some stars and stars are a fun little thing in this game the way you win is by gathering fame and one of the best ways to get fame is to get era stars in each individual era like the neolithic era ancient era classical era etc there's a bunch of different objectives and if you can accomplish them you get a star and some fame whoever has the most fame at the end of the game wins it doesn't even matter if the other person has conquered most of the world if you had the most fame you win the game in order to get out of an era though you need some stars so we have to at least get one of these goals completed in order to move on we could do that by having five population which means find lots of food get some science from curiosities or hunt animal units any of those would work just fine and the faster we can get out of this era probably the better so we'll see let's go gather up this science like so thank you that's also some extra influence i could set up another outpost relatively soon i saw some food curiosities over here as well we are going to want to get that hey look more food just popped up right here thank you nuts that's great so we're actually getting kind of close to being able to have a couple of our units uh grow a couple more population and the more population we have just generally the better the fungal hoarder shift to fixed abodes hasn't been easy for the tribesmen and women who settled in the outpost but they persevered and now thought of the land as home when they discovered that one of their number has been hoarding mushrooms that he found in a nearby cavern it was a great blow to the spirit of the tribe they want to banish him for good okay well um we could do a banishment which means that city defense research is cheaper which is probably pretty good protect bountiful for 10 turns which just means extra food so we'll get that population up a little bit faster i might go for that or alternatively we just start gaining some science hmm all these could be useful i'm thinking either protect or retain um 10 turns of five food means that i probably will get at least one or two more population before i leave the neolithic era it kind of guarantees that i can move on into the ancient era soon so this might be the way to go though the extra science is tempting i think we'll go for protect yeah we're just gonna do that we protect it's good all right so you're gonna go that direction then you're gonna start working your way up over here try to avoid that river darn it we got on the river getting onto a river uh takes up all your movement points pretty much always but once you're on a river you can travel down the river or up it i guess at a surprisingly fast pace so yeah that's a thing uh let's go ahead and move up over this way hey look more food that means more units thank you okay so we take this guy wait let's see and they both have the same amount of movement okay um i'm gonna have you go this way and you go back up this way hey look more food uh grab food and you grab food we're just trying to get more units i could actually have this guy double back and go up over here instead that would take another two turns but it would get me some extra pops is that the way to go guarantee that the more food is where i want it maybe yeah maybe that's maybe that's actually the better way to go what else are we finding over here copper okay good to know that there are more strategic resources i'm looking to see if there's another zone that i really want to claim we could claim this over here for example if i were to do that it would take 20 influence yeah we don't have that yet okay we got to find more curiosities dang it gotta find more curiosities let's get over here grab this food these are cliffs so we can't do much of anything over here that was only worth five food unfortunately there's a curiosity that i need excellent uh you go this way and you go this way well lo and behold turns out there's actually plenty of food to go around hmm all right well we'll let you grab this first and then if it turns out that was only five we can guarantee you're good to go with the next one so we'll just keep moving off this direction i need to cover ground i need to find more spots i think this will end up being my starting city but i'd like to know what else we have as an option grab this that's some extra influence or up to 15 i would need 20 to claim another zone i'm gonna set you to auto explore now and see if you can find some more curiosities up this way lo and behold there's some food what do you know go here and we got another tribes person excellent you go ahead and grab this then that's another 10. excellent and we'll set you to auto explore and we'll set you to auto explore and just see what else we can find there is some more curiosities here okay curiosities can spawn wherever there is fog of war so even if you've explored an area you can technically have more things appear so sometimes it's worth keeping your units kind of locally and just letting them stay on auto explore and they'll just keep finding everything automatically we could split off another unit uh and i think that's tempting yeah we're gonna we're gonna let you also do some auto exploring and see what else we can find marble hello that's actually not bad this works well if you have a high population city though because it's industry per worker hmm by the way if some of these symbols for resources look familiar that's because this game is developed by the same people who made endless legend which is another game that i really do enjoy alright so we are now able to move on to the next era we have no idea what everyone else has done maybe we are the first ones to get to choose our culture let's see anyone else no we are indeed the first well that's a good position to be in okay uh so in this game whenever you adopt a new era you can change your culture that means you can become aztecs who then become spanish who then become japanese it really changes but every different culture has some different perks associated for example the mycenaeans over here right this is a militaristic civilization which means we have cheaper units and more experience whenever we create units so that's just going to be a permanent passive buff for the rest of the game there's also a special district that they can build and here's all the different stats for what they can do one of the best sieves in the game you can go for in the beginning is the harappans which is food so if you have a river which we do this could result in me getting lots and lots of extra food uh we could also build the canal network which is also worth a lot of food so this is going to be pretty much enough to set me on food for a lot of the game they also have a unique unit the runners okay um ignores movement penalties from forests not terrible not necessarily what i want though the other option that i like to go for is the egyptians i say i like to go for this is still my only my second time playing but i've kind of figured out a lot of this stuff egyptians are uh industry titans at the beginning of the game and industry is oh so very very important in this game i'm kind of leaning toward going for egyptians so extra industry on all tiles producing industry plus districts are cheaper that's so good egyptian pyramids are our special district we can get some influence some industry lose some stability but that's okay extra adjacency per micro quarter and yeah that's good and then we have a unit now the egyptian unit is powerful but not as useful immediately you first have to research the wheel technology and you need horses as a strategic resource which i have no guarantee that i'm gonna find horses but they're very good it's a ranged uh cavalry unit so you can put these guys in the back line and move really fast and kill people i think we're gonna go with the egyptians because i think industry is king but the harappans are also a good choice beyond that um you could also go for the zhao over here they're not bad if you want to go for some early game science and stability very good at stability but i don't care too much about that babylonian science based yeah nah egyptians are the way to go all right we're gonna adopt this and this will be my patent buff for the rest of the game let's go ahead and confirm and in the next turn we will indeed become the egyptians oh also fun fact we actually did unlock a couple of stars here um so we got the population star as well as the knowledge star we only needed one of these but getting two of them means i get a little extra fame before i leave this era so that's nice we are not gonna kill any animals in time but that's a-okay with me we could try to get up to this lair and see if there's anything else that these guys have that i want not sure that they will but we will see and we have a new event a tribe's legacy you stand at the crossroads for many moons the tribe has trekked the wilderness slowly torturously learning the secrets of the world okay so now we have to decide uh in what domain the tribe will truly sharpen its knowledge for the ages to come makers adds wattle and daub legacy trait extra industry per population on city or outpost well that's good alternatively plant lore or astronomy so food is not as important as in this game as it would be in many other 4x games in my personal opinion and i think a lot of people do agree it's good to have but like it's not something you fight over what you really want is industry and then science so i'm kind of leaning toward we go for industry as our focus though going for some astronomy would help me kind of even out the benefits we're getting as the egyptians so that we can get a little extra science but i think i'm gonna end up going with this let's go from makers there we go all right everyone doing their thing already i think so let's end the turn and yes yes the narrator is gonna do his thing we move on into the next era and we're egyptians now change your clothes everybody there you go all right so we changed that i'm gonna let them continue to explore for at least a little while oh i got an achievement from xbox thank you that's actually how i got the game it's it's free hey look horses okay so we actually do want to grab a couple of these different zones and make sure we claim these horses it's going to be very very important that we do that um we want to explore a little bit further into this map i'm going to turn off the auto explorer on you because we may want to settle somewhere um let's see there's some mountains some food over here we'll turn off auto explore on all these guys for a minute i need to next turn figure out what we want to do here i'm going to set up an outpost and make sure we grab this because horses are important um strategic resources are surprisingly hard to come by in this game but they're really shockingly hard to come by so yeah we we we definitely want to take whatever we can get so i see here that we have to uh engage in a fight something is attacking me okay uh let's go ahead and move how do you want to do this so probably gonna be up over here i want them to come toward me and abandon the high ground we also want to protect our flag the way that combat is going to work in this game is it's very much like endless legend you're going to have your units move around in turns on their various hexes and attack people but there's also a capture the flag kind of moments for your reinforcements and if you leaves control your flag then after a couple of turns of combat you lose the fight so you want to play capture the flag where you can let's end deployment it's a bear oh no okay well turns out we were fine here uh let's go ahead attack and kill said bear bye bear all right the bear is dead cool i don't think i gained much out of that except now we can go into this layer and i'm going to ransack it which is going to destroy it and it looks like it's going to get me some gold not super crucial to get but already we will work with some of that okay anything else i need to do well first off let's go to my city and see what is going on here we want to evolve this into a city now i think so we'll do that right now there we go all right first city is placed hello memphis now we have to decide what we want to do with it we could place down some egyptian pyramids which are going to exploit resources they count as a maker's quarter which is the thing that we are slightly better at producing so if we place these over here you get up to like six more industry alternatively we could place down a actual makers quarter but it's just a strictly worse version of this so why do that we can also get a farmer's quarter for a bunch of extra food um if we wanted to grow our population fast that would be a thing to do as is i think we want well we could go for some pottery workshop for the extra influence and that would let me grab more territory faster i think that's priority number one and moving the citizen over to industry lets me build this in two turns instead of only three so we'll start with that there's also some units we can train here but i'm not going to worry about that units do take up population whenever you want to train them up so be aware that you want to have enough population in your city to train up units it actually isn't a bad strategy if you're going to have like three or four cities maybe one of them at least a high food city that regenerates its population quickly so you can pump out lots and lots of units so i don't know what the sanctuary is going to be over here we should probably head toward that uh we need to choose some science so what do we want well carpentry would make sense given that we do have a fair bit of forests in the area so this would let me get a lot of extra industry we could also work toward those archers which is nice city defense i don't think i need right now calendar would let me get a granary which lets me get food for every farming population that's assigned but we're not gonna have that for a little bit [Music] okay yeah i think carpentry is gonna be the way to go we'll start with that and unlocking archers and stuff just generally isn't a bad idea so you guys did you ransack this or not maybe we didn't actually hit the ransack button i may have messed that up slightly what's up here gold okay as well as some saffron yeah some more luxury resources in this zone up over here that's actually kind of tempting all right enter now again i've only played this once before um but it's got enough of the same principles of a uh of a proper standard 4x game that i think i can safely say that i understand a fair bit what we're doing there's a curiosity over here we also want to explore this area so let's see what's happening here we find 20 gold don't care too much settling an area here um oh we need 60 influence now oh it's probably because it's too far away isn't it let's move over here first yeah okay because this uh zone is two areas away we would it would be more costly to set up a new thing so this isn't a bad spot apparently 12 food and 13 industry it's not bad i can work with that definitely the best of the two spots all right let's go ahead and place there so we'll claim this territory as well and now i need to at least 20 influence to get the next one but we're gaining four influence per turn so maybe we can do something with that but where do i think i'm gonna place down a city i like placing next to mountains they're worth a lot of early game industry placing like right down over here for example may not be bad fairly defensible right you can only attack it from a couple of different directions though it does have some access to coastal stuff right away could be bad for me fair bit of industry fair bit of food yeah maybe um let's go ahead and just move off in this direction and we'll just sort of sit tight here for this turn skip and we'll see what they end up doing so you guys finished ransacking right let's go ahead and turn you on auto explorer once again looking for more stuff getting back onto the river gonna take me a little while and you guys we could go to the sanctuary i guess i shall there is a deer here but we're stronger than a deer let's go ahead and ransack this as well for a little bit of extra gold i see a couple more strategic resources i also see some borders of some sort right here now that could be um a territory held by another player it probably is we want to grab as much territory as we can in the early game because it's gonna be very hard for me to expand once that happens more bears huh i don't really see a point in fighting more bears i don't think i gain much of anything let's take a look at this era score here and see what we need to work on so if we can get some districts built we'll get stars if we can grab more territory or reach lots of influence or have a high population or make money or make science or kill things i don't think bears count as military units otherwise i would say that's good to do so yeah i don't know um this game really rewards a more balanced play style i think it really seems to uh we have 20 summon influence we can now settle over here no we can't we need 70 influence the cost keeps going up by a lot okay maybe i should have held off on grabbing this but all right that's probably fine so one thing we can do with this i could go ahead and turn this into another city but i don't think that's wise what we will be able to do is attach it to memphis and all of its uh production are then gonna be sent over to the main city so it's a pretty big boost in food and in industry let's take a look at memphis and see what we can do here no more buildings to work on i think we go ahead and start building some of these egyptian pyramids if i place down over here i think this could be a good spot trying to think so districts do have impacts with other districts you do want to plan a little bit as far as where you place these to actually get some benefits with each other maybe this isn't a bad spot i guess we can do that sure let's go ahead and start placing down some of those all right and you guys i don't know um go ahead and auto explore for a bit longer it's going to be a while before i have enough influence to really do much of anything here but we are making a lot more influence all of a sudden let's keep these guys on auto explore i'm looking for anything else we can take you guys same deal just go ahead find more curiosities find influence find science find anything at all hopefully these guys end up being friendly they probably won't be it's just my experience in these games the ai is not friendly uh the biggest threat i can think of in this game for me and my personal safety uh is an ai killing me early on it could easily happen and i'm hoping it doesn't but let's be prepared for that possibility uh if i were to do this it looks like we would shave off two turns of a population growth if we do this we do add a turn onto our pyramid though so i do kind of want to stick on this it's good to get early game population but we're just gonna have to live with it so is this outpost done no one more turn and then they'll be done found a curiosity okay done with that then [Music] try and let them just keep auto exploring and somebody just created a city over here so the other ai is doing something okay i probably should start joining some of my units up together a little bit at least let them travel in pairs because i think they'll be less likely to get sniped and murdered that way maybe this guy heads back toward home and just keeps exploring we're getting fought by another bear okay well i have no choice as far as where i deploy so that's fun um i guess i move here and i guess i move you here fun fact by the way units can move through your own units and i think it doesn't take any movement to do that which has always been a little bit bizarre but there you go we can't attack this way so i'm going to have to just go ahead and attack the bear the old-fashioned way and then can you okay you can't go through the bear so there's nothing we can do here you're just gonna have to skip your turn so we're gonna get hurt a little bit but the bear is dead so did that count it did not count as a military unit see i thought that would be the case but there you go um good to know there's also some decent spots over here some money fair bit of mountains settled right here for example it's worth a little bit not a lot of food though i don't know maybe not so good after all what's over here i want to know what's in this direction because i see some really big mountain ranges and i'm inclined to think this means a very defensible location could be wrong hoping though okay so in memphis we finished building our first round of pyramids and somebody else has chosen the harappans yeah the ai does tend to choose something like that they are one of the best choices to go for uh so we can't build another one of these pyramids yet but we can go ahead and place down a farmer's quarter and i guess i can go ahead and just build at least one get some extra food probably isn't the highest of priorities we can still shave off one turn here and it's not going to take me any longer to build a farmers quarter so i might as well go for a slightly faster new pop now over here we can go ahead and link this so i'm going to go ahead and do this this does reduce the stability of the city but now all of a sudden the city is looking a little bit better isn't it in fact hang on maybe we don't want to build this farmer's quarter we could build ourselves another one of these emblematic districts and place it out over here this would get me some extra influence as well which is nice yeah this is the best location for it we should be placing down more of these and i can speed it up by a turn which i think is still probably worth it okay so yeah this whole area now belongs to the city we could always detach it if we want to later but i think we will keep it as is you guys um are going to get together over here and make sure that we are attached okay and then beyond that do we dare go into these guys territory a little bit i think maybe a smidge i just want to see what's going on but the auto explorer is getting a little bit less useful right now because i don't want to get too far away from home i want to make sure that we are exploring nearby and looking for any other fun little goodies somebody else has chosen the nubians as their culture i am kind of surprised we got the first choice definitely didn't expect that the myceneans or mycenians or whatever um that was a militaristic sieve okay well um not not great uh there's a good chance these guys are going to want to attack me in the early game we could try to take the fight to them kind of preemptively but i think it's debatable whether or not that's a good idea in the meantime let's just keep exploring in our own area and try to keep away i'm not looking to spend any resources on a war with these guys i just don't see myself gaining a lot from that arrangement at least not for a bit okay um moving on next turn with the 39 influence here making 12 per turn now that's good carpentry is researched excellent so that means here in memphis after the egyptians pyramid is done we should go ahead and work on carpentry and if i were [Music] let's see we're still going to take same number of turns i might as well leave one of these guys on food just to grow a little faster then we're going to go ahead and get these egyptian pyramids going um the alternative of course we move on to science and that would speed things up a little let's take a look at science and see we want to get so domestication for horses yeah if i had my other city being placed over here um that would be worthwhile we don't have access to horses yet masonry for stone works yes we have mountains nearby so i see stone works being very good for me so we're gonna go ahead and pick that up next that is going to take 25 turns good lord actually is very very long we can shave that down by 15 turns by moving somebody over here and i have to say i think that is going to be the way to go okay so finding some nice lush looking areas over here apparently we can found an outpost over here for 21. holy crud 10 and 21 that's great that's really good [Music] do we just keep making our capital better instead of going for the horses kind of yeah i think it's worth establishing it that's so many extra resources i just i can't say no to that it's too good too good all right gonna have you guys move up this way you get over here get onto the river we're gonna keep auto exploring heading back home a little bit now the only downside to picking up this zone is it doesn't have any luxury or strategic resources that i want but once we attach it i think it's gonna be worthwhile so these guys want to trade luxury goods i accept of course uh not because i have any luxury goods that i want to trade with you per se so much as oh actually we do have some goods here we have incense excellent uh so much as i want to make sure that um we have some good relations with our neighbors i don't feel like getting jumped on if i don't have to you know all right so that's another round of pyramids built up over here which is fan flippin tastic and now we're working on the lumber yard which will translate into a fair bit of extra industry for me um and then yeah we could start working on our food district 10 over here is actually going to be the better way to go by a long shot yeah we do want to do that 11 turns for yeah we need to get more population if we can okay seems reasonable um you guys go over this way we're gonna be increasing the power of the city very significantly in a little bit so these guys are kind of outside of their own territory there's a chance i think that they could attack me which i don't love you can go through other players territory just not their own city zones them's the rules why oh you can't go down a waterfall haha yeah that makes sense i was thinking why don't you go down the river right because they don't want to plummet to their death um the problem is that the ai has a tendency to attack whoever is nearby and weaker it's an even fight in this case but yeah they might attack me they might we'll see we'll be ending up this video here pretty soon but first let's go ahead and attach this to the capitol [Music] why can't i oh we need more influence for that first boo all right fine fair enough fair enough fair enough let's go over this way looking for any curiosities anything exciting no well boo hey a mammoth not a lot i can do about a mammoth right now you guys gonna go ahead and set to auto explore okay they went off this direction there might be a curiosity over here or there may be absolutely nothing fantastic plateaus over here by the way like this actually is a very good defensible location in this area if we wanted to have another city [Music] hmm we could try to go for some early aggression and try to attack another player that is a thing that we could do i actually need these guys to start heading down this way i i was going to stick by this but you know what i've changed my mind we'll let them move off somewhere but i need to head down this way and try to set up a city we definitely want those horses it's the only way i'm going to get access to some of my best units so we have to try for it uh what is this it's not a natural wonder new grievances are available okay we could ask for reparations i'm gonna worry about war mechanics later for now we ignore go ahead and set you guys to auto explore see if they can find anything exciting and oh they are attacking me see this is this is sort of what i'm talking about the ai does have a tendency to attack i only have one tile i can't okay well this complicates things i can't actually get in here and do much can you move there we go now we have access to both my units well you will anyway he's going to attack me again wait can i not oh there we go so what i'd like to do is take away his high ground advantage pack him from there um i'm a little concerned i'm gonna back you off let's see what he does he attacked me from the low ground which is kind of a dumb thing to do but that's because he's trying to take my flag i have one round to retake it [Music] okay i think i think we just lost that fight technically but but i didn't lose anything out of the arrangement the fight just ended which is okay uh i now gain some war support to use against uh the mycenaeans my uh my population is now hungry for war which is kind of fun we have to go the long way around i'm afraid to try and get down to the horses because these guys are hanging out over here trying to claim another zone so they want to take this zone huh all the more reason i need to get down here asap and try to take these horses before he can do anything else over there and i think we're gonna end this video here so i think this is a pretty decent first start we're making a reasonable amount of influence at the beginning of the game we have a pretty hefty amount of industry coming in already 56 industry per turn is a lot but we are hurting hard for things like food but you know what it's fine the more industry you have the more districts you can build and they get you food just as readily as any of your population being assigned so i think in a few turns we will find ourselves in a much better position thank you all much for watching i hope you are looking forward to this series if so i would ask you hit that like button leave a comment and subscribe and i will see you guys next time [Music] you
Channel: Pravus
Views: 33,272
Rating: 4.9707417 out of 5
Keywords: Pravus, humankind, 4x, strategy, max, difficulty, guide, gameplay, egyptians, neolithic, part 1
Id: 4G0pncqgjrc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 9sec (1989 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 29 2021
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