Neckbeardism: Mole People Rimworld Ideology #1

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all right this is rimworld ideology we are beginning neckbeardism this is the name of our new ideology uh don't question it where is our ideology we've got a big dorito with the tortinos fight fortnite gaming room uh which i use from that video game donkey video for my ritual room uh darkness they esteem tunnels they are collectivist people they're like a more evolved race um they have dance parties where they all dance with themselves they aspire to weapons like katanas their altar is called the dimmidome they sit in pews at these rituals and they all need to wear basically fedoras we don't unfortunately have a fedora so they just wear bowler hats uh and they need these robes we all have the lincoln beard uh and they really enjoy mining and researching so we're going to just set them off underneath a mountain as soon as possible um i think that's pretty straightforward i tried a couple of different colonies that i didn't really like uh turns out cannibal got what i would consider a slight debuff um but we're gonna see if this works a little bit better i think it's gonna be a lot like dwarf fortress in many ways so let's go ahead and just immediately get underneath the mountain we have to get out of the light of the sun as soon as possible they really don't like it out there did they bring a dog with them though let's just go ahead and put all of this down as well as dota rex thank you very much for the sub appreciate it my friend yeah they got to get out of the sun because they're going to get sunburned pretty quickly like one of them threw up from the trip down here um they're okay with range weapons i made it so that they can eventually upgrade to like uh you know any type of rifle or anything like that but yeah they got to get out of the sun they're going to spend most of their time down here um research how to fabricate doritos it could be could be let's see research we've got a decent distribution of jobs we want more miners and in fact i think they're too good at construction right here um what are we gonna be using as our main material they also don't like the light so let's just see how they yeah the light is blinding to them so they're gonna be pretty pissed off if they're there but they're also glad about this bowler hat we didn't get the double mood buff from the robe though so that's kind of unfortunate i suppose we should just pick one like uh item that they all esteem wearing exarch thank you for the gift sub appreciate it and fish arms thanks for the sub but i feel like that they fit right in as neckbeard mold people let's give them some time to get started we're just going to bring everything inside as soon as possible you also need to get them to plant mushrooms asap too they brought some items with them but that just might not be enough yeah so i mean like i don't know i suppose that my main ambition here is just that i mean in rimworld and i'm hoping to make this play through a little bit more satisfying and a bit like uh more snappy i suppose than usual simply because like usually in rim world it takes a long time to get it set up and everyone is very individualist you need to kind of please every single colonist and make them happy but these are kind of like communal neck beards you know like they're doing everything for the good of the group that's all that they really care about they don't mind small spaces we're going to eventually narrow this passage uh but i saw a lot of people doing one by one hallways the other day we're going to give them like wide hallways and small rooms if that kind of makes sense so we'll do like a grand entrance to the neckbeard cavern and they're going to get this thing done in no time i have a feeling because we have the burning passion for my work they won't snap ah they'll be fine yeah don't worry about it don't question it uh but they are gonna need to do some good neckbeard construction here we'll go three beds wood probably won't be our main resource but we'll use what we've got of it for the beginning i could make them like nocturnal we could have gotten only night owl ones but uh i mean i don't really know what they'll do we gotta bring in more stuff over here just seemed like a very different way to play you know i saw dwarf colonies that people were picking up yesterday they thought they were so cool that they could go live on their own on the rim world and found their yeah they're kind of like those people who pick up you know a lot of survival guides like they picked up a bunch of survival guides but now they're really going at it really proud of them fantastic but let's just see are they happier now that the light is out ugly environment so they still do enjoy beautiful environments you can make them enjoy seeing corpses if you want but we chose not to go about that route with our ideology one block hallways bother them uh some colonists it might like it would give them a cramped interior i suppose but the main reason why you don't want one wide hallway is just because when colonists pass each other they start going slower uh why did you put on a helmet is he upset about this oh because he's not wearing both of the items that they aspire to he gets that so yeah unfortunately because of the bowler hats that's actually going to be a drawback for them in combat um not by no means is this really a great thing like you can pick memes for your faction so that they will be way overpowered or way underpowered like you could give them a lot of conflicting things god i gotta you know what we gotta do now is just forbid this item because i don't want them to take off these bowler hats gentlemen please keep on the bowler hats who said that you could take off the bowler like what is it though [Music] our ideology ended up being uh what else did we get so we want to make the ritual room i really do want to get through to all the other stuff that ideology has to offer though because i felt like yesterday when i was trying it out for the first time i really didn't get a sense of it so well simply because there was so much stuff that i missed um or so much stuff that i was fighting against rather as i was playing through it but now we could get these in let's get bring this uh yeah let's start to bring it all into the mountain now really didn't want to have it out here but i think we need like a grand entrance hallway or maybe not such a grand entrance hallway we'll leave it somewhere so that our enemies need to get into us ah now i see it we'll turn off this hallway to the side and then that's where like the real night life will begin uh let's have too wide we want to keep our hallways too wide at least too wide in fact i think i'm gonna go three wide yeah there it is so then this is where the real living quarters will actually begin uh and we'll also build like a small wall out here but we're minimizing the amount of uh like uh wood that they'll have to work with they'll just pretty much dwarf fortress this you know how in dwarf fortress like once you're underground like a lot of your dwarves are gonna spend all of their time underground that hallway may be a little too long i may need to make a temp shelter at the entrance without central so they don't fall apart yeah what i'm thinking is i want them to be able to engage enemies in a like three by one situation so what i think i'm gonna end up doing is turning off the hallway onto one of these sides like enemies will have to come down here um i should have given this like a weird turn at the beginning now that i think of it but what we want enemies to do is kind of get funneled in here and then um actually what we'll end up doing is like this we're gonna cancel these two that way they need to turn to come in and then here will be our main spot so that way enemies can't take cover outside if they want to come in and fight us you see what i'm saying how do we get food to them uh this is a good question so we're going to be using the nutrafungus these guys actually esteem to eat fungus um i don't know if that's really like a i suppose that doritos are kind of like a fungus but we got to think of how to lay out an underground colony now this is actually an interesting and unique situation we've gotten ourselves into i'm thinking that what we could do is give ourselves access to the outside in case we have to have any outdoor plants but we will have a giant neutral fungus farm like right here this is probably gonna end up being defenses so i'm just thinking of how i'm gonna have to end up doing this later on but we'll do fungus farms will begin here and just like go all throughout long hallway seven wide yeah just like that okay so they're gonna have a neutral fungus farm there and then we could have another hallway outside i just want to make sure that this is pretty defensible because we could just put in like a three wide wall um put some wood supports up for right now kind of like this this is gonna be our defense area so we don't want enemies taking cover behind that so we'll put it like there okay that's our main door i don't think enemies can really hit us from there for the most part we might have to move that back but then this is going to be our main hallway this goes out into the rest of the colony and you kind of have to go through the neutral fungus farm if you want to get there now obviously only neutral fungus won't be the only thing that we grow uh we're gonna need to grow some stuff out here like you know heel root although they don't like the light maybe they'll come out only at night how do we grow in the mountain there are some crops now that they've added or at least just nuke yeah excuse me neutral fungus which grows underground so we'll make a small zone of that uh is that oh crap actually i forgot that nutra fungus grows only on stony soil oops that was pretty bad took me a while to realize that um are we gonna be able to grow any neutral fungus here if not i have another idea give me a second i gotta set up a grow zone here and just see how this works so if we do nutrafungus out here let's just look up information exposing it to any kind of light including dark lights will kill it can grow on fungal gravel but only in darkness can it grow on soil let's find out cannot grow cannot live when exposed to light okay the light level here is dark zero percent but what if we roof this area that's what i'm saying we're gonna learn a little bit about nutrafungus here cannot fill the roof over a poplar tree well they're gonna have to learn how to um go columns we're literally just going to build a columned a columned neutral fungus farm outside assign the mining specialist role uh if we have enough people we can do that yes but they also might have required clothing it does take a while to get a an entire culture set up mind you there we go so if this does work then we should be able to get our nutrafungus farm going out here and they really like this stuff the one thing that i found with the cannibal play through is that whereas cannibals in main room world will just like eat people or not people just as happily they'll be happy if they eat people but they won't be unhappy if they don't you see what i'm saying um in this expansion like if you don't give them the things that they want and they like they will be pretty pissed off so we do want to be careful with that all right i think that that's fine good now the main reason why i wanted this colony and the reason why i think it'll be pretty successful is you'll notice nobody's had a mood break yet they've been stuck indoors a lot which would usually make people pretty unhappy and cold cole krypto pick thank you very much for the sub appreciate it um underground or psychopath bloodlust hideous environment okay so they want it to be nice just sleep slept in the cold slept outside okay so let's start to bring in their beds indoors we're going to have to put this behind in fact stop this for right now i just want you to mine out this area if this isn't going to be a neutral fungus farm which i bet you we could do once we get some hydroponics basins too so we have other options with this we could also make this into a set of bed r uh i'll keep it i'll keep it for neutral fungus later if i wanted i should have thought that through though damn it [Music] in the meantime let's do dark lamps yeah okay we'll have dark lamps along the entryway out here probably like right there this one's probably gonna get destroyed a lot but we'll put one on the inside there and how are we going to create power what is our main source of power on this map um chem fuel power generator might be decent but if we can support wind turbines on this marsh that's usually pretty good use of marsh the joke is dead god bless thanks very much for this help [Music] i made a blind crusader faction yeah i've seen a couple of blind ones like i think uh the only crazy one i saw was um i think charboard did one yesterday it was wild just like checking it out for a few minutes there were a lot of really neat ones the undergrounder ones were the ones i most wanted to try because they allow you to make smaller rooms now i'm probably going to do one of the weirdest things that you'll see um i'm just gonna make a bunch of like two by two rooms they're two by three rooms so if this is our neutral fungus farm eventually we'll want to fridge like right in actually this might even be the fridge dining room can then go like back here [Music] something like actually we'll have a two wide hallway connecting everything two white hallway and then we could have a dining uh let me see fridge neutral fungus farms hallway dining room and this could be rather large we'll make that like eight by eight and then i'm thinking bedrooms will be nearby that like shooting off of it from a hallway so we'll go like that and then off of each one of these things will be the bedroom so we'll do like make ourselves a little bit of room here but i think that we could make bedrooms like three by three we could get those sort of dwarf fortresses bedrooms which this was originally how i played rimworld before i learned about all the cramped interior stuff you know i think that this will work and i could probably cancel some of these projects too so let's just kind of cancel some of this [Music] okay this will get them to it pretty quickly um what else mining here and here okay that actually seems pretty decent what i want them to do is like get done with the fastest path to some of these places we'll just kind of set this out as a hallway just so that we remember that this is what we wanted as later on okay and that gets us to a rec room pretty early nice yeah i feel like that this makes underground colonies a lot more viable like there were a lot of people who didn't enjoy playing underground because they would always get infested but it's pretty overpowered for play ah here we go neutral fungus is finally getting planted nice all right let's just watch our colony kind of grow and develop for a few minutes and we'll also bring in the beds just so that they're somewhere indoors even if it's technically like a uh an awful bedroom or something like that they're fairly happy i mean they at least have all the low expectations from a new colony got a far farm insects if we want to go full dwarf fortress then i'm actually getting hyped for my own playthrough now yeah i feel like that this kind of necessitates recreating a lot of playthroughs that people did before i mean i remember a few years ago when rimworld like was finally launching um a lot of people went through and did dwarf fortress themed runs or i remember in particular there was one i i watched by nukriyam um who makes some fine stuff and you should probably watch but he used all of these mods that made the game a lot more like dwarf fortress you could do it but it's now just that you'd require fewer mods to do it let's delete that turn that down slightly there we go [Music] no mortars yeah i mean underground is good for a number of reasons one you can't get mortared two i mean it's just infestations infestations aren't really that bad as long as you can melee them if you can set out like three decent melee fighters with people with good weapons behind them you should be fine for most infestations you get like two people behind the people who are meleeing them what are the things that need power these are dark light lamps so our colonists don't really like light have they really done a lot of like neck beard stuff yet i'm trying to figure that out let's give this guy a plastic knife fabio blinding light okay so now that he's wielding this plastic knife i probably should have just equipped the other weapons earlier on i've kind of let them deteriorate a bit not always my first priority but one of those things you should just do um do you have the rev where did the revolver go god is still out there you should probably now that we've got our main home done just bring stuff in let's take somebody say spoon for example off of we just got the greatest names um we will take him off of mining or rather fabio because fabio is important for other things wow i can't believe that we got new uh neutral fungus into the soil so we just need to keep that roofed uh and if the roof does come off of that and if it gets exposed to light then they'll actually start dying which is which is not good you could hypothetically design runes so that they can be sealed off and transformed into furnaces at will um the one thing you do want to be careful with with underground bases is kind of on that note um like turning your entire base into just a furnace um i think there was when the z levels mod came out there were a number of people making like dwarf bases and temperature would do all kinds of weird stuff underground um which i imagine we'll see more of now with this expansion i'm going to go ahead and just kind of delete some of this for right now because i want them to get right onto the bedrooms um that would be a pretty big mood buff if we could get it and then we'll start thinking about their culture um some people have said you know like i don't feel like that the game really needs the ideology expansion um i think for like a new player that's getting used to all the kind of wacky stuff in this game uh that's probably true but if you're like you know if you're looking for other stuff i think it makes sense can i time mega spiders yeah you uh sort of you could oops okay let's watch this fight because if he gets this kill yep he should get that victory by noble weapon since we've made knives a noble weapon in their culture um how long does this last for 24 hours it gets a 24 hour plus three mood buff uh we got a gift of gold which we put down there that's good i kind of want to see how that will work in this dark light though let's go ahead and just take some of that steel we have tons of it uh move this over here bring that down yeah as far as timing mega spiders you do get a weirdly high amount of time when you hear that there's an in fact uh infestation to just like evacuate anybody out of that room um if you make the area cold enough too you can also prevent the spiders from getting into that room so um you know if you're okay with all of your colonists wearing parkas all the time like if you set up in the north pole um and you just heat one room you might be able to get the mega spiders in that room or if you make one room really dirty the mega spiders have a better chance of spawning in there stuff like that but it needs to be considered a like a home room i'm pretty sure something like that again to anybody just joining the stream these are the uh what are they what is their official name these are the neckbeard mold people because we wanted to play as much of neckbeards who would be underground they're just that the insect meat thing i mean my thing is i've just tried to prevent myself from playing with any ideology that makes them upset when they lack something like uh like the cannibal faction which we've seen recently uh why is this not getting oh because there's just no wind blowing all right now we're going to witness the awesome power of the uh uh whatchamacallit of the increased research speeds so they get increased research speed because they are uh we chose that as like a meme or something that they idealize in their faction i don't really think that there's any trade-off for some of these things i think that some of them are just like a good thing uh research room we can have be pretty far out in the extremities of the colonies so i'm gonna go ahead and just um where do we want this we want our bedrooms to be the nearer the dining room i'm thinking [Music] put it like the end of this hallway we won't be having any new colonists over here in a while and we could always like restructure stuff let's just build it one wide because i usually have pretty grand ideas for the end of a colony and we'll probably want to run another hallway down here put it down there this might be getting a little bit too ambitious let's just put out a small research room for now we might temporarily use a bedroom as a research room actually cancel all this i'd like to just kind of begin with the end in mind anytime i do a colony but sometimes it does work to my own detriment because i work like on way too long time frames clear the trees trees on the turbines oh yeah we've got the trees on the turbines thank you i forgot about that i put that when i put that down i was thinking and then i forgot to do it uh one good way to automatically clear off the ground near a turbine is to just plant something your bite because then they'll always take it down just be careful that an anima tree doesn't grow up there because then uh if they chop it down they will get a mood debuff which that's not too particularly good you don't really want that and as for here although we don't really want them outside there is a chance that they could have a mood break when they go outside one day which is kind of funny but kind of like remember that guy in the bench warmers who just didn't like going outside um kind of like that they don't really like smoke leaf and cycloid in this colony that was something i tried to fix but i just couldn't figure it out um can we plant her we don't have anybody with hila root skills so we'll just plant uh we will do some rice here because they'll just have to go outside for some of it the nutra fungus does take a while to grow and it'll be hard to feed them all there's a hidden area to the left where somebody sees a hidden area hmm legit excited for all the mod possibilities and i bet people are gonna go wild with it abolitionist says hmm i feel like that uh yeah i feel like that i've had a hard time explaining to a lot of people that like this mod is made better because or just some very strong like there's uh there's a whole set of reviews on steam where people are like i don't think it's you know i mean you don't have to like all of them i thought that royalty was okay but i think that this is much better uh in royalty and i could see why people were non-plussed about royalty because it didn't really add that much but it's not a bad mod and i still think i just get so many hours out of it that i really enjoy it not to say that it's the only thing that you could play though like um okay here we are um what do we have uh faction name uh we had the totinos uh what should we have totino's [Music] totino yeah okay um and what should we name uh cavemaster's pizza rolls uh p pizza whoops not piazza piazza uh mount mount jew mountain too that's perfect oh great amazing uh toteen no totenonia and we are living at mount dew that was fantastic oh jesus christ oh good ones monster thank you that was that was the best name that takes the cake all right welcome to mount do [Music] other things that we associate with uh neck bearding and all of its all of its fantastic features now the one thing that's going to be very expensive about this colony is that we're going to have to dark light every room but i think that the new dark lights look kind of badass um we'll put this in there this is probably going to be the research room right here and we'll give them their own bedrooms my god this place is a mess exactly as it should be minor breakers why could you be upset it seems like that you can make yourself overpowered if you start them off with like robes that they really enjoy wearing greedy for impressive bedroom slept in the cold underground or outdoors yeah we made these guys really thick with the uh underground or trait let's chop this down anything vaguely in the region yeah ah we do have a wind turbine working even with one tree in the way interesting [Music] all right we're gonna run all of the power lines through the walls uh otherwise it does upset them if the power lines aren't through the walls i i said i was gonna go full tryhard mode on this um let's do this unfortunately we do have to smooth the walls if we want to get that done are we going to cram them into three by three bedrooms yeah because i want to see how they like the uh small spaces otherwise we could always just run the bedrooms a little farther out if it turns out we need to give somebody a more impressive bedroom um but i do kind of plan on leaving them on this grid um i like to leave things open-ended in my plans so that i could always go back and like uh add more it's a little bit hard to change with plans but if you spread out and you give yourself a big territory you can always add more of whatever you've done as long as you kind of take your time when you're planning things out does light actually affect combat i've heard conflicting things remember come get excuse me combat gets pretty deep i don't know if light does because it's one of like a million things that affects combat um but sometimes for example when pawns fight in the sand uh some of them will actually kick sand onto each other it does get pretty deep and involved so i i'm pretty sure it does um i don't know how exactly though abaddon thank you very much for the sub appreciate it am i playing vanilla yeah um so like i said at the beginning no mods here for now just because i want to know what's in ideology as i go with it why can we not interaction spot is blocked by a marble chunk well they can move that out in a second right um okay now we're going to need somewhere like workshops thinking every day they'll come out of their bedrooms have some mountain dew in here then they'll come down here and we could have our storage zone sort of central to the colony you want to have somewhere very central like that so we'll have hallway down there we also want to give ourselves a lot of room to grow here i'm going to do kind of like what i did in a uh my survival island play through i'll make my storage room like this yeah that's pretty good all right now we do want them to have some light to work in so we're going to give them dark light here because i'm pretty sure that they can't see underground although they're happy in the dark uh they can't see [Music] light up where we are in uh yep i'm pretty sure what dog xx just uh said is good they're supposed to light yourself and then have your enemies in the dark if you're shooting at them this can be kind of like optimized if you do very very specific looking kill boxes do we have enough food yeah i think so anyway um this soil doesn't really look great for growing though i think i picked these bad patches so this was just for the wind turbines uh we'll grab some berries before tomorrow because it looks like we've got a lot of them we might end up even doing some hunting we also forgot to bring in that medicine i don't really worry about medicine deteriorating because there's just so much else to do at the beginning and it's kind of time consuming to haul um yeah the funny part about rimworld is that like it's you got to think about how the game is coded like when a colonist is researching you need to light up the square that he's standing on but you don't need to light up for example the squares that the table is on because the colonist is affected by where they are you know what i mean like that's a little bit of a misc or an easy thing to have as a misconception um okay now we do kind of want to tie this together and just start to think about food we've kind of got past our initial spurt of like uh new colony enthusiasm moods are starting to drop down recreation starved we got a raid actually um okay that is a survival meal right there we are being raided by a gentleman with a turban um lecroy is he like the sparkling water like you know lacroix i am a representative from la croix company we don't think that neckbeards are drinking enough lacroix so we've come here we demand a sacrifice hmm let's just wait for him to come um there was something else i was thinking of before i did this though uh yes recreation rim world is a weird game where forgetting recreation can be more of a pain than certain other things uh we could use this for parties again we're probably just going to give them a horse shoes pin though this is the easiest way to take care of recreation at the beginning uh quite universally be careful not to block any wind turbines with it lacroix is an off-brand version of lecroy okay he is actually quite uh fast i i he has probably had a lot of lacroix before he came here [Music] actually why am i saying that lacroix is non-caffeinated i mean isn't it now what i'd really like to do is have fabio get this kill because he has the knife um which is their sort of like uh focus weapon but this guy also has a knife and he has his own culture belief in green okay um don't question it all right we're just gonna back everybody else up here winters you stand there fabio you come out over here and he's probably gonna try to destroy our stuff because we just sealed him off i should not have done that please don't burn our fields then we would have to spend so much time in the light we hate standing in the light uh fabio you stand in front with your [Music] thing you stand back here yeah that's fine that way you have like slightly longer range good he's going to fight fabio and it should go swimmingly okay everyone else stop except i don't want you to get your eyes there we go oh my god that's horrible his brain was destroyed you always look back at real world combat but we got another uh sharp weapon which they will really enjoy using um oh fantastic yeah it's a lot like dwarf fortress i've not really had the courage to pick up dwarf fortress lately are you gonna die death in nine hours he'll be okay um it's not great though that we lose him because fabio is a pretty good worker this is kind of what i wanted for a culture though i wanted something that looked very much not like the real world i knew which i think is what we're getting here i've seen people doing interesting things with these ancient fences too like build up around them very cool looking architecture we should probably do something with his gear this guy was okay not amazing major break risk on winters why hideous environment recreation deprived um [Music] dude he's building the horseshoes been they might have a catharsis we just had a raid it's fine you know i used to panic over catharsis but sometimes they're actually a really good thing because they kind of extend the buff um you know a lot of people used to like when i first made these videos just tell me that like i was very bad at the game i would do long play room world videos um my colonists would break a lot it wasn't a good look but at the same time it's like you know there is some utility in in a mood break the new dlc is way too hard uh i don't i don't know like it it has a lot to it i think it's good for multiple playthroughs but i'm glad that i don't feel like i fully get it after one playthrough um rimrold is a game that's kind of meant to be played repeatedly in just various stories in my opinion um okay let's go try moving one of their beds in here and might end up actually having to make these a little bit larger but i just kind of want to see because i really like the idea of having a three by three bedroom i just think that they look good um [Music] bed is no longer assigned a spoon good okay so let's see what happens to spoon why did you pick up that helmet put back on your bowler hat he just teleported it into the other room because there was not enough space fantastic i think these guys have just been carried by their burning passion for mining they love mining yeah ideology is just exactly as hard as you make it that's a very wise statement because we made things that were just easier for us at the beginning but you could easily make the game harder for yourself if you chose certain like memes um jubilee of stone delayed so they have every year like a like a different ritual this happens to be theirs i rather like the word jubilee i think that's a funny word um ate without a table slept in the cold minor pain ugly environment awful barrack but he doesn't like that it's small so he just doesn't mind small spaces but because this room is so bad which is partly exacerbated by how small it is that's not particularly good either we could put like some amazing sculpture in the room to make it cool but what we might end up having to do here uh is this is like three by six that's generally pretty safe because usually i go for five by five so that's 25 we could always make them longer if we wanted to but i don't want to spend too much time on these rooms um let's also make our research room in here we're going to reinstall this over here and do alphabaric is from last ah yeah that's true probably a good idea of starting a new game to set festivals to the opposite end of the year can you set the festivals for a certain time of year i did not know that um well i have to go check out what our festival involves again too usually we have to get to a focus object not the gibbet cage okay we need to use our dim a dome get it because it's dim in here and they enjoy dim and fire that's so funny right oh god that was a really good joke um i say that we put the the totino's fortnite gaming room like right in here that's a that's a video game donkey reference i really enjoy his videos um okay this is going to be the tortinos fortnite gaming room and we're going to put like three grand entrances to that now when they come and go from here they're going to sit in pews and do something in there i don't know what it will be what ideal legend are we going for uh it's the neckbeard mole people uh they stay inside and they don't ever go outside fantastic idea right i know amazing um let's go ahead and just we're going to make the rest of this into like rice because i just don't want to really think about trees growing there did these automatically become these are potatoes but how is the soil the soil is decent fertility 100 this is lichen covered so i actually don't really know that much about lichen covered so i think that's normal for fertility like this like if you go in yellow soil it's actually slightly less fertile and potatoes will grow better there um at least there are yields i think if i'm not mistaken about that correct me if i'm wrong um ultimately we won't want to go with rice because rice is fast and good but it's a little bit more labor intensive corn is a better plant um is the preferred weapon a katana you got that right so any kind of sharp melee object they get a lot of enjoyment out of using um we're going to actually tell him to just bring this steel knife back and what can we do about this body we could just dump that somewhere far away from here i don't really enjoy building graves um and i don't think i can't think of anything that they really won't like so i'm just going to put this over here as a human corpse storage area um there we go human-like corpses so they'll bring that over there and you call him okay good i just like to put that somewhere really far out of the way where they'll never see it rice is a good way to level growing too yeah that's true i hadn't really thought of that either but it does kind of synergize in many different ways um potatoes take smaller penalty from the bad soil than other crops but still grow in fertile soil better uh yes that's right yeah like it's not like potatoes yeah potatoes potatoes will grow better there but they will grow less badly than other ones do if that makes sense um that is correct i believe um we got some rich soil here i would rather use rich soil for other things like corn though or stuff that takes a really long time to grow like devil's trend corn gets the most effect from soil fertility really i did not know that huh i did not know that some crops get more um effectiveness from fertile soil than others still there's other things i might grow besides corn because usually corn is one that you can wait on you know what i mean like i would want to get either smokeley for psychoid or uh devil strand just takes forever to grow so that's kind of a pain actually we won't have them deconstruct these yet i'm pretty sure it's completely fine to have those there do these actually deteriorate if we leave them out i don't think that they do uh they just have components in them and perhaps some steel it's been a while since like wait a minute do ship chunks have steel on them too it's been a while all plants have fertility sensitivity that determines the effect ah that's what the one stat is i did not know that that was actually a but fertility sensitivity would make sense yeah all right so now we've got the um the basic storage room like i said with rimworld it seems like even if you've been playing for like 3000 hours um you'll still keep learning things like constantly it's a little bit freaky um and especially on like youtube comments i used to read every single comment i can't quite get the time to get to every single one now um but what's it going to say um like i can't physically i can't physically respond to them all anymore but at the same time if god damn it i didn't get this there we go but there is a wealth of information about the game in them um and back when i was trying to learn it i would just kind of like go through every single day with a notebook um and read through every comment and just see what i could take away from each of them oh you want rotting animal corpses over here too so we're gonna go rotten or fresh humanoid corpses and then we'll make a small pile nearby and i don't think that we can put this in one zone but we'll do dumping stockpile zone over here for just rotting animal corpses which there's pretty much no use in the game for um yeah anything that's rotting can go over there um are we no longer doing cyborg cannibals i thought cyborg cannibals wasn't as strong as i as i thought it would be because i was thinking that would actually synergize with cannibals i think the way that i set up the memes yesterday um it's it's not quite as strong or at least i wasn't doing it right probably somebody will figure out how to do it right um and then they will be laughing at me um i should have brought in this flak vest fabio you know fabio you've just been sitting there because you got stabbed in the chest oh god yeah you lazy lazy person literally just removed the mod for this reason there's a lot of mods that will probably synergize really well with them in particular i'm i'm interested in how vanilla expanded will uh they'll probably add some kind of like religion thing for all i know but wasn't there already a religion mod i think that there was if i'm not mistaken yeah which is crazy i mean like now they're going to kind of need to remake that i suppose that would kind of take the wind out of your sails if they just used your mod in the game but i guess you'd think of more like inventive ways uh to make it happen make it work well we can't really give everybody an ideal bedroom right now but we're going to give them individual bedrooms which is saying something um actually i don't think i'm going to make that there i think i'm going to do this instead wouldn't research bench and then they'll automatically move that out when is my next stream uh might not be streaming tomorrow uh i've got a an apartment i might be moving into so we'll see if i get back from that early i might do tomorrow again i've just really been enjoying learning ideology so i'll probably keep doing it for a while um buy food from the tr oh do we have the tray ah yeah good call yeah we should buy food from the trader who is our best socially seems a little bit like counter-intuitive to have one of these guys be very social winters has a double passion in it so let's send him over there is he actually the best at it too he's pretty good at it six did we miss the visitor no please come back please okay fantastic um good she has four meals yeah i'll take him uh and we'll also take pennoxacillin is very good and that's pretty cheap so we could take that if we want to basically penaxicillin just wards off diseases um but is there anything we need more you know i'm really not using this helmet i know it's a decent item but i just don't really want to think about it uh i'll keep the gold though i'm not going to be using it for a while we always need more components so i'm just going to buy all of those how much phenoxic cylinder you have yeah i'll buy all of it uh tech print jump packs if you've never used penoxycylon it basically prevents any like flu or anything from getting to one of your colonies though they did make diseases slightly less powerful um ah they do have to walk all the way around there we're going to need to drain this later on it's a pretty neat defense mechanism but that could be a pain i think my floor is for fungal gravel oh there's fungal gravel now i have not looked at that at all i mean what we might need to do is find some like hollow underneath mount do um yes the name of this colony is mount do the uh the true neckbeard colony don't question it but we do kind of want them to clean a bit because they aren't in particularly good mood right now ready for impressive bedroom uh jubilee of stone blade okay so now what is this jubilee of stone i gotta go ahead and check this out uh where does it say this i still don't really know where to find it well no matter we'll just kind of delay some of the other things that we've been doing this can be your bedroom for now you'll just sleep in the storage area sorry um [Music] could we finish up this storage area let's bring that out and around um the thing i've really been looking for is what is say um a playthrough that can make the game a bit less slow a lot of people will complain that the early room world is a bit too slow for them and i think that this does kind of work or it makes it different um but i'm trying to think of a better way short of just giving yourself more resources [Music] hey event dweller thanks very much for coming out we said fabio to cleaning when he initially recovers his work speed will be low no much not much use mining but he can already clean decently yeah i'd like it if there was some kind of mod that made people faster with cleaning it seems like a skill does does it already exist if it it's just so crazy how many mods do you think of the new dlc worth yeah tom was taking the experiments for the sub yeah absolutely um no i mean like i think if you've played it a lot it's worth it if you're just getting started i would kind of put it off like i know that there's a temptation when you try a new game to just like buy all the dlc if it comes in a package but i definitely know a number of people in my own personal life who have like winced in pain just at the number of systems that they did not understand in real world um some of them like really close personal friends that i really thought would like it but um yeah no i mean if you've been playing it for a while it adds a lot and like i said i think it's gonna stack multiplicatively with mods okay now research project uh we need that and um orders okay we're gonna be doing a lot of smoothing now that's what we're gonna be doing next smoothing and unfortunately we do have to mine through this plast deal if i want things to look good i will have that have i tried a raider playthrough i've not read wisp but actually i i noticed that there was one faction or one meme where they would get annoyed if they didn't raid somebody every now and then so it kind of like forces you to raid other factions um kind of reminiscent of the nomad style of playthrough which i thought was neat but i would probably do only like once or twice no i think it's good though and it necessitates setting up new colonies um so there's kind of more of like an rpg focus i suppose uh term tomer siff turmo massive phone thank you very much for the 300 bits i cannot say your name i apologize for that um it's almost as bad as my name i have a really uh ill-chosen uh alias online there are camps popping up around your settlement you don't need to be a nomad ah yeah so actually is this here um i don't see it today the other day when we tried we did see like a hunting camp that was set out near our settlement i don't know if those pop up near our settlement or near other settlements um that seems to be a new feature of the dlc i'm not 100 sure if that's a 1.3 thing or this i would expect it was one uh i would expect it was an ideology thing yeah it'll be interesting to see how a lot of mods get rethought out or revamped like one in particular that i was thinking of was um the vanilla expanded vikings mod i feel like that's probably something where they're going to be creating an ideology around it um and if they don't i just think it would be neat i i i won't try to say your name people went nuts looking and burning shout what i think it'd be neat if you could play as like a pirate faction i always found that when you were a raider faction or a nomad faction it was always a little bit too hard to set back up but if they made like for example tents there is a tense mod but is it really easy to set up those tents you know like that that was one of my thoughts unfortunately we got marble in our mountain i did not even notice that when we were mining into it but that makes for the most beautiful home um plastiel takes so long to i'm trying to remember is it uranium or plastil that takes longer to mine out regardless this is taking a very long time but now that we have set up our research area so we want to research cutting items because that's what they like in their culture beer brewing won't really make a difference carpet making pemmican inside free growing noble apparel nutrient based geothermal power um [Music] ieds i think batteries is always a pretty good standard start we've got 150 research speed um does ideology put an emphasis on creating proper multi-settlement faction uh i think that was more like rimworld empire mod i imagine that tynan makes a lot of these mods or dlcs with now we have multiple dlc's for rimworld i can say that i imagine that he makes a lot of these with current mods in mind though i don't know about that maybe that's not true um chunks of spacecraft we have got a lot of spacecraft landing nearby i picked cassandra because i just kind of wanted a straightforward game randy can be a little bit too random although it's exciting like oh it's random it's often times i find that it's just not as good you know what i mean yeah i feel bad um okay so over call overall colony organization main entrance hall fighting area we might need to revise that a little bit this is going to be a fridge i hadn't really thought of this so this storage area might ultimately turn into a fridge but right now we'll use it as a storage area i'll just keep that in mind because we need a rather large fridge oh we got a major brake risk because he's spending too much time outside right now oh that's great i love that you know go ahead go ahead and have a mood break [Laughter] uh that is amazing i love that um dining room ritual room bedrooms i think a little bit further down here because we're probably going to end up turning this into a fridge yeah i wanna say that that's gonna be a fridge uh that these two will eventually link up you know let's put our main storage here uh no is that gonna be too over complicated we could always run that out another way well we won't have our bedrooms going down here so what we're going to go ahead and do is put our main storage way down now let's put it past the fridge i i don't want to give myself way too much mining [Music] but they are going to need an ass load of storage space this does become kind of annoying as we go on um fridge storage okay what we'll end up doing is that but before that we'll make this into a temporary workshop so i'm thinking we'll go something like this is this making any sense workshop over here this way you know they have their fridge moves to dining room oh where am i gonna i'll figure out the kitchen later on it's fine it just takes this like spatial concentration i don't know it's a little easier in going medieval because you have three dimensions but that also kind of multiplies the possibilities so i don't know just the overall room layout is it's dizzying the number of things you could do okay are we out of food low food but not out of food okay that's fine yeah it's fine don't worry about it i do want this to look kind of grand and then we're also going to need mask okay this is where the dimidome is going to be long what is wrong with me give them at least one pew on one side that is kind of funny and now vanilla spanish having a voting thing for the next project uh yeah they they have very neat patron benefits in vanilla expanded i i checked out their they should throw some just the amount of enjoyment i've gotten out of it but that is it's like just quick i guess advertisement for the vanilla expanded patreon it is a really cool patreon like you want to check it out if you if you are not part of it um and he has like a bazillion different tiers too i really like oscar's work i think it's amazing [Music] nutri mushrooms like six days right should be a couple of days off 66 grown growth rate 96 non-ideal temperature see this is what is the ideal temperature in growth temperature 30 ah yeah it is it is getting kind of late in the year we might be able to get one harvest of these things that'll make them feel all right though vanilla expanded vote is overwhelmingly being won by the classical one which looks so good just all of their materials are extremely professional it is quite amazing like i i know people who have considered doing uh there's multiple games i one thing i'll say that i appreciate though is just and i don't really know their official statement on it but it seems as though lootion is very open to people like modding and kind of like doing going that route you know i think they've had a very synergistic relationship which has been mutually beneficial for both parties i just like to see the friendship and helping that is no longer assigned to fabio fabi's now in the bedroom okay now he's doing cleaning goods they don't have too much else to do fabio now are you mining we could have you mining but i'd actually prefer to not have you mining that's fine um they're out of food i need to go find some food like right now one downside of having this melee weapon thing is that uh makes hunting a little bit more complex where are the berry bushes which i'm sure that there are some over ah there there okay let's just double click those if you can't fight because see there are more on the map but i just couldn't see them most of them i've already harvested though that is quite bad 90 grown on the rice too okay winters is what are you you are yeah you're only a little bit hungry you'll be fine i should really do more hunting at the beginning i did not fully think that through do we have somebody with a bolt-action rifle yep we do uh i don't really want to take you off of your other tasks but i suppose that's fine you know these are the nearest things let's just hunt a couple i'm sure it'll be fine and that they won't go crazy and attack us as a herd which would probably be the end of the colony grow doritos under mount ju [Laughter] yeah that's what we're gonna that's ultimately that was the goal um we have conversion ritual public execution don't we just have oh the jubilee was our ritual hang on a second should we get the disco mod was that what we had been chasing all of this time maybe we need to have this in our rec room hang on a second i was thinking that we were trying to get ready for an execution when we were just trying to get ready for a dance party oh god um yeah start growing mushrooms underground to never go outside i'd like to but we haven't found the uh soil so that we can just avoid doing that i might build some other small gate out here but it looks like we did get one of those animals let's just set them up with a butchering table quick uh production butcher table um if this is the fridge probably have a butcher table like right in there we'll make that into something more permanent later on we can make soil from floors really is there a new floor option i've not even tried it oh wow spreadable form of gravel for growing fungal crops underground i did not even know this can be spread uh placed under overhead mountains so the dank coolness of the depths can nourish the fungal spores this is amazing okay i got a second let's forbid uh forbid sewing over here this is news to me i didn't wish i had seen this before this will probably get outdated pretty quick but again i am still learning this uh okay yeah this is where we wanted to grow neutral fungus so let's go ahead and make a neutral fungus farm under here we'll give it a little bit of time because i'll just put out the idea right there fantastic thank you very much for saying that go ahead and uh put it like in here i want a rather large nutrafungus farm because i don't see what's what's the point of growing neutral fungus if you aren't going to grow it in bulk yeah good they finally got to cleaning this place it was a mess uh we will actually forbid them from mining that right now a good way to just kind of set out your plans is to just do this you know prevent them from mining it but you still keep the plan in mind i always struggle with that in real world you can make the soil out of nothing at floors it's nice that you don't need anything to do that that's kind of like in is it like dwarf fortress dwarf fortress has like specific soil you need to grow uh what is it plump helmets isn't that the crop of choice in dwarf fortress it's been a while since i played dwarf fortress now that i mentioned it i'm not afraid of an infestation murdering me i don't really i don't really fear infestations that much they used to kill me a lot uh which that's not gonna sound great saying because probably how my first like four rimworld series where i was really trying ended it was always infestations the thing about infestations is that you have to go after them right away um and you need to have three melee fighters prevent most of them from getting to your colonists preferably you have like shield pop belts or what is it not shield pop belts um armor armor would be nice okay is are any of these guys good at cooking winter's is good at cooking fantastic uh we also forgot to do a butcher bill there's so much kind of involved stuff to do um maybe we could make this little room in here into a kitchen so happy to catch one of your streams hey thank you very much for coming i appreciate it five fluorite hmm you know what i'm thinking actually um fridge butchering table actually we could put the butchering table in the fridge i've never really thought of this i didn't think of any drawbacks that yeah that seems like a completely good idea um it doesn't matter if it's dirty in the fridge really we'll clean it up eventually okay let's just make this into the uh wait still that kind of does leave where is the kitchen gonna be though i'm thinking we could use this little kind of useless area right here as our kitchen i always struggle with this not a good part i will do something like that give it two spaces there that way we could have a table in there dining room in there and then people could come and go from the kitchen it's gonna be a very small kitchen but since our colonists don't mind cramped interiors uh i mean the kitchen doesn't really need to be a beautiful room wouldn't cold temperature lead to lower efficiency though um oh yeah we got the workspeed oh yeah we need to assign some of the roles too let's go to social we have not assigned roles to anybody now who is our best social person because i think that's probably the most important for the faction i think it's winter's winter says the six winters might carry us pretty hard yeah just because of the construction but it's good this is actually a fairly balanced set of colonists i rarely get this uh we will make him the dark saatva leader uh leader who holds the group together and represents your faction and diplomatic interactions uh his work drive i should have done this a while back but now what does he need i eat non-fungus plant wait a minute oh he gets like a double debuff for raw every more person ah now they get these mood debuffs because they don't have the other thing dark sappha apparel so he needs a slice cap for this i should have checked on some of these other bits too because you need to synergize these i want a person to work harder for some time i really just wanted to use work drive but i'm not sure if this is worth it if i was really ready for this yet okay he's going to make spoon work harder i don't know what he just did to spoon that was a little bit creepy though crisis of belief all he did was tell one guy to work he was forced to question everything his certainty belief in neckwood mole people has been reduced to 50 to come to terms with his beliefs winter's now hiding in his room oh maybe it was combined with a catharsis or something cool feature if our dirty room started getting infested with ants or roaches that does happen uh the dirtiest rooms are usually the ones to get infested now i don't think i'm gonna go the full nine yards and make like all of my rooms cold to prevent infestations i just don't really fear infestations that much more uh as i used to like people will avoid entire gameplay paths because they're afraid of infestations and like i don't know i just don't really want to live in fear i'd prefer to play the game a way that seems fun to me even if it means that it ends bad if it happens to go that way um but i think i'm decent enough at managing the combat now that i should be able to deal with it uh this is eventually all gonna be fridge in here and i'm going to make this into the new storage i realized okay i should probably put an entrance from here into here though too so let's just do something like this we'll put it on the should we make it a double doorway i'll make it a single doorway it's gonna be one of the few exceptions uh don't waste your time on these just go right in okay so we're gonna do workshops main storage fridge kitchen yeah this is making a little bit more sense i just want to make all the walls out of marble but i suppose i'm kind of taking my precious time here let's do do we have stone cutting yeah we do maybe i should just put this down earlier let's just do that that's fine and done a lamp there the dark lights look really cool people trying to call in invis infestations i don't know if twitch toolkit works with this yet or when if so when it will be updated or if there's there's even a plan for it ttk is one of those ones i really do want to see updated though that is neat this guy's mining rather fast for this but now we need a priest i suppose that when you have three colonists but when you have opted to start going into their religion who is the best miner among these guys i'm gonna make that person immediately immediately into the mining specialist you are not the miner you might be the miner you are definitely the miner spoon is gonna be our minoring specialist uh he is going to like just cut through stone you are our spelunker uh you're about to sign the role of refuse to do these work whoa that's a lot mining command head wrap okay they're all going to be kind of pissed because they won't have the right apparel but i just want to see how this works this is probably not a good decision um but i want to see how it works because we have so much mining to do in this colony that i think it's worth it he can't do anything other than mine but my god look at how quickly he's mining this guy is a machine and he doesn't even have light to mine by that's pretty good then that makes you our priest uh yup yup now we gotta make use of their abilities mining command offer guidance on mining techniques boosting the mining speed for everyone my god this guy is a is a positive dwarf and now we have preach health which can actually improve people's immunity winters is i think just pissed now we have to make certain pieces of apparel but it was all worth it to get that raised mining speed holy cow that is really fast hmm diggy diggy hole diggy diggy hole yeah he's uh jesus christ this is practically you know there is a mod where a colonist can just mine through stone at the speed of light this is practically that this is nice jesus okay well if we have one guy who's basically forced to mine now we can just set him to mine out everything we'll say make um let's make marble stone blocks until we have oh wait i forgot that it does this thing actually i don't want them doing that forever we'll do like 200 that's fine um okay you're eating raw food let's actually start to make a kitchen now and is this room technically it does have that attached to it so let's just quickly put in a couple of wooden doors i know this is really disorganized right now but fine so be it um electric stove we might as well go electric on everything they have access to fiber internet oh my god spoon he is a he is not we shouldn't call him spoon we should call him shovel i never realized till now just how appropriate that name is for how he just scoops earth up this is amazing this guy does the job of like five different colonists at once and he's still not even at full mining speed either what level is he at he's at only mining speed level 11 and he has digging command too which they could just hew out whole chunks of earth this is neat like super powers he's got a diamond pickaxe guys okay we could begin the jubilee of stone disabled jubilees you'll be able to start it in 49 days on the 3rd of jugus oh so they just lose that debuff if we don't have the jubilee at all eight without a table slept in the cold off you want priest apparel so we've got to get that but first off we've got to get them a um you know i've noticed on the one hand you could kind of obsess over all of the different things available in ideology i do think that it's better to just like play smart like set things up the way you normally should with the colony um let's get like 12. uh we could even get up to about 20 meals for a colony of this size unfortunately now uh what does his work tab look like yep he can't do almost anything the mole ideology is pretty good i saw a lot of people doing this yesterday and they had gotten to these vast underground colonies and i was just thinking why didn't i do that it seems like you could play as a tribe of crazy cannibals or you could just play dwarf fortress now look at how much of the mountain we've already been through it's bananas probably zaddy thank you very much for the sub appreciate it you could probably make one from e-lather i think a veil only needs a crafting oh we could do a crafting spot for that wait a second do we even have we don't have any cloth though but we are getting leather we should probably grow some in our rich soil what season is the end of jugus okay but we do have fertile soil we might be able to grow some cotton in time so let's give it a shot we're going to grow zone um i really just want to do only over fertile soil [Music] something like that well we need more uh we might as well get it because we're going to run out of robes in time you know we're going to need more of those uh let's grow also to some cotton there we are basil 57 thanks very much for the sub appreciate it the lights look nice yeah these the new dark lights do look good we could try some of the torches too yeah i love the fits on youtube hey thank you very much thanks for coming out to the stream sapper squads are horrifying we still haven't seen those they might mine through all of my plans here mind you but i think it's going to make the mountain defense a lot stronger i think this bay um you know people didn't make mountain defenses only recently though did i get better at dealing with infestations it took a long time because i avoided mountains like the plague for a while uh that's a lot of fire but it's mostly away from our base so we should probably get a rainstorm soon thrifter needs charity poor traveler named kakar is approaching looking for help he's begging for four penoxys on we do have that um and i forgot to use it travel is not part you know we did not give this person anything before and i know that this is probably better for certain factions but i'm just going to try giving this guy though i don't know why it doesn't work when i right click on him if i just right click on him like that this seems like a stupid thing to mess up i do not know how to give kakar scoot the panoxide travel is not pretty um it could be given items by right-clicking on her do i need to have the penoxycylon on me oh i guess i just have to pick it up yep pick up pedoxacillin times oh do we have any it's kind of weird um okay winters you pick up all that panoxide oh jesus i don't think this is gonna do anything for us but i just wanna like confirm that winters give for pinoccesillon some people were trying to tell me that this is pronounced penicillin beggar leaving with requested items now to some factions i know that they like a steam when you are hospitable to beggars uh that i don't think is the case for our faction but i tried it anyway just because i wanted to see if it would work it didn't uh click on the colony yeah i think we had to wait for that person to come join on the other hand two um kind of think of it like a game with meaningful choices the other day when we were playing as the cannibal colony um it probably would have been just smarter to eat that person or capture them and then use them in a ritual um i'm not saying that it's the most moral expansion i'm saying that it's a smart way to play it um okay now we want to make this into a grand dining room i think we'll make this longer in the end it's annoying me that that's not symmetrical i'm going to put a big table in the middle because that makes me feel important i feel like they should be using something we should probably end up using marble in the end we just don't have a lot of it we have a lot of wood yeah that'll work it's turning out pretty good so far we just need more dark lights everywhere um are we researching batteries are we researching batteries yeah pretty good pretty good need a beggar to come close before being able to uh being able to give away stuff i think that's true yeah um i feel the dlc adds more ethics so you can be more ev yeah you could be either more unethical or you could be more ethical because a lot of people thought rimworld was just like too unethical the meta in it but it you can play as a colony where you can all be like you know uh vegetarians or something okay these people have bows so i'm a little bit more interested in how they'll work on us uh i think i'm just gonna like stay in the house i might put one guy at the end of this hallway the one mistake i made with this was putting this wind power right out here but i think that eventually we'll try to move all of that power indoors what you might ultimately end up doing is to grow or just do something so that we could have a power source from the inside and just move almost completely under the mountain you know like the minds of moria yeah we might ev we might even be able to find a geothermal generator underneath the mountain val and jaguar look at that cot we didn't plant the cotton yet um how are we doing on rice okay what i think i'm gonna start to do here is expand this zone this way god you are a machine spoon okay they are probably going to get pretty close winters is going to be out there he's got our revolver we will position you there and i'm going to draft you two so you're gonna have a mood break while they're attacking that's always my least favorite thing we'll just keep them in the dark because they really don't enjoy uh being in the light at all ready for impressive bedroom that's fine they strike from the shadows they are the window viper and do we have any other abilities that we can use reassure council preach health convert mining command i should have waited a couple seconds to draft them it's very sensitive when you draft your colonists because they will frequently snap when they're drafted okay they want to go to bed now it wasn't really worth it honestly we could probably just meet them out here because i bet you that they'll try to set something on fire actually you know i'm just going to let them go to bed i kind of want to see what these raiders are going to do to my base they can't really ruin anything they destroy the uh neutral fungus too bad but i mean what are they gonna set my crops on fire in the middle of a rainstorm they could destroy my wind turbines let's just see if they come to the front door like civilized human beings good they've met us in our place draft everybody put them kind of like that and fantastic they did they just came right to the front door and they're trying to destroy the oh that was actually somewhat smart of them i would not have expected them to be that smart okay let's uh head out over here and that was bad i did not really manage this very well i wanted to see what they would do because we're gonna have bigger raids i can assure you of that much uh take cover behind these rocks winters you have that why don't you go up a little bit further in fabio uh you just hang back here go in if we need you and this is not the ideal fight that i wanted um mainly just to uh you go back there and put that out okay still think they were gonna win you get in there okay now we could surprise them are we gonna do an animal farm what would we raise my main reservation on doing animals in this exact colony is just the fact that we didn't really uh we we can't really raise much underground we could have raised insects i suppose but it's very hard to find insects from the beginning unless if we brought along like a pet mega spider uh why did i position you guys here let me go here that could be insert ah damn it hope he didn't lose anything okay didn't lose anything actually i fear friendly fire more stand there i do want fabio to get this kill though because he gets glory out of the knife kills because they're faction uh did you lose it you didn't lose anything fantastic well we don't really want their stuff val wait a minute are you wearing anything decent um you are very good except you can't do certain things that i want you more of a fighter this guy is kind of a late game colonist um i don't really want him right now yeah i'm going to say no hmm doing a rat farm i suppose we could have done a rat form like something that eats neutral fungus really would have been ideal what did i do did i i didn't allow sewing here yeah good yeah we just gotta let this guy dig a little bit spoon can do some more digging then it'll make their rooms much more spacious let's see does anybody have anything that needs tending no immediate danger ah this guy's work drive for six days global work speed plus 50 oh so not only was he given the power of the of the spoon but he also but he also has this upgrade from winters forcing him to work harder okay so we're not only seeing the the effects that we thought but it's stacking with that other thing too can feed the animal bodies ah that's true actually you know if you get to a late enough game phase where you've got a lot of dead bodies coming into your colony you could keep a bunch of animals underground you could have like a rat pit like this place medieval [Music] there's all kinds of ideas you could go about in particular i i would really like to have a dwarf faction and have them all live underground like perhaps when whoever was working on that z levels mod uh it's it's been a while since i really checked in on that but maybe if that ever is is finished that is still like my the sole thing i really want to see in room world we detected a logging work site nearby controlled by road dubar kinship okay this might be kind of like the hunting parties that were seeing earlier [Music] kill kemi thank you very much for the sup go check that out on the world map ah so not that we are but if we were cannibals this might be an opportunity to go find some people to eat just kind of trying to correct my mistakes from last time [Music] the z levels mod is still buggy i i can hope and dream one day suddenly rimworld is turning a lot more into dwarf fortress though in some ways all right what we are gonna need now is some some wood we're getting done with all of the early game stuff now though we're just about there on it uh we got to set this to drop on floor whoops details pop on floor they don't have too many dietary restrictions what i'm finding though is that colonies with a lot of dietary restrictions have a really slow start earlier in the game like with our cannibal colony every meal every meal needed to have human meat which as it turns out without any mods on is a ton of micromanagement um so that was kind of making me a little bit depressed uh yeah we'll put that light in there might have made my kitchen a bit too cramped see if we could work that out fall has begun but that oops we already have a light in there i just need to smooth these out we're gonna have to do a lot of wall smoothing now that's fine right there and that yeah in general as long as we can smooth out the walls on these walkways that's that's a pretty good way to play this inspired trade on winters he was already our trader good there's a new minecart mod tool oh yeah somebody did make a uh i think it was for 1.3 right a minecart mod that could you could pretty much make a dwarf colony now if you wanted to like in vanilla [Music] or in mostly vanilla i mean this is essentially that [Music] yeah again i made this colony um what is it we're neckbeard neckbeard stay insiders what does that work um neckbeard mole people but i kind of want to put more emphasis on the mole people part i think that the neckbeard bit ends pretty much just visually but the mole people bit is really where i think that they're overpowered and that they can just live underground hunter lacks range weapon and you know considering the fact that two of these guys are also undergrounders let's just check that out is spoon our other undergrounder they've had surprisingly few mood breaks too considering the fact that i haven't really done anything and this entire colony is disgusting underground we have underground does fabio have that too so fabio is not the undergrounder so he doesn't have the i love being underground thing but he doesn't get any mood negative debuffs from being in i think something like that uh oh crap he has bonded to the dog blinding light he's in the blind oh he's outside why are you cloud watching outside if you don't like light though trying to figure that out what we might end up needing to do is creating like a lot of roofed areas outside can we get a dark sun lamp for growing plants i think we would need to expose them to light for a little while though at the same time it's like you know undergrounders don't constantly need to be underground most of the time and you need to have enough other mood buffs that they won't go crazy mostly what is the main thing keeping them upset though recreation deprived oh they act i missed that they destroyed our horseshoe pin uh how much steel do we have you know we're actually going to have a lot of steel i might go ahead and just make them a chest table and a horseshoe pin and i'm going to put that in here too yeah uh combining the rec room and the dining room for just a massive mood buff and so that we can kind of kill two birds with one stone and then we'll also just build some chairs around here and i think we've already got those plants cued up for cutting down yeah that's fine all right a lot of stone smoothing here but we're just gonna kind of watch them do some of this stuff out um other stuff that they need to do i see that they're starting to haul usually that's a sign that they're on to their like kind of lesser tasks um which actually turn out to be some of the more necessary tasks for keeping them happy could perhaps change their sleep cycles and set a routine yeah i mean i think that would be a really good way to play this is have them all be night owls um actually if they don't mind the dark it's kind of like they already have night owl why don't we do that i probably should have done that at the very beginning but how many hours do they get of sleep one two three four five six seven eight okay so if we tell them to stay awake during the mostly light hours uh yeah that would work one two three four five six seven eight we just do that whoops and then we tell them go outside for the night it's actually a pretty decent way to play that way they get the normal number of hours of sleep i don't really think there's any drawback to that yeah they work all night i mean are there any other things any other drawbacks in most colonies that upsets people because somebody is up all night you know if you have them living in a barrack at the very beginning then it'll be interrupting somebody else's sleep schedules but here i think uh that does work we need six speakers i did not know that really it's kind of crazy seems like a lot um i had not ever played with the uh disco mod though before this or what is it the party mod i believe that one just got like brought into the main game i'll give it a shot six skippers you need only one oh six speakers is just for max efficiency and well we might as well do it what do we need 80s actually that might be too many components yeah i'll just do one good to know though yeah there are some rituals where you get benefits from having like uh you know more colonists or more of whatever it turns out to be why are we working in the day oh we're about to go to bed right tell me that we're about to go to bed or is this the day of transition maybe they're getting some weird jet lag right now um unrestricted when it's past it's it's 11 am it's going to be really strange to watch this at first how are their needs shaping up too they might take a little bit of uh oh that's kind of weird yeah so it'll probably take them a little while to get into this sleep schedule he like he's going to get up from it he probably could like phase them into this a bit more yeah he's getting out of bed because his rest queue is filled what happens when their rest is filled i guess they just go about other menial tasks in the house interesting um two hours to sleep so all columnists have the comfy buff i don't want to get too involved with it there's probably a better way to game it two four hours sleep four hours leisure so that they'll actually that could work that would be really neat what i would really like to do is stagger them on different schedules though so then we could always have somebody defending the colony i don't particularly like waking everybody up uh to defend the base i'd much prefer to have people who are currently awake defending it but it can sometimes be good to have people get up to defend the base because well in that case they usually have good mood buffs rest transition yeah that does make sense though no i was i was a little bit dismissive of that at first because but i mean that's true yeah that would work because they do get the luxuriantly comfortable thing which kind of goes down throughout the day but you know there's a bunch of other things affecting that too right like what kind of chair they're sitting in sometimes they'll just randomly go and play chess funny part though is that in in real life there is such a sleep cycle i think they call it like uh oh it's it's similar to like what some people suffer from which is narcolepsy uh which basically just means that you might fall asleep at any given moment um correct me if i'm wrong i don't know a whole lot about it uh but it can be very dangerous because people are prone to just like falling asleep when they're in the middle of driving or something like that um yeah a little bit scary um or makes me want to drive safer though too um but uh yeah they can do that in remoral very hard to control if you wanted to if you wanted to have such a sleep schedule in real life which uh i once did try becoming a polyphasic sleeper um i heard a whole book on sleep a while back sleep is is kind of interesting stupid thing though um 84 out of 95. no you know you go ahead and cut down that tree winters i don't want you going to sleep before you have a bed yeah that's much better hang on a second uh needs wood finish this one off and then go ahead and make your bed i'm going to have you literally build your bed before you go to bed fear me like i can feel it coming on i'm gonna have a nap now i think no i i i do believe that is a real condition it's it's it's not something i would wish on anyone it's uh it's it seems like a really hard thing to live with hmm now these are ready to harvest i wonder why they haven't done anything about this only problem is that now fabio's role has kind of just become entirely related to colony expansion but at least we have a cleaner for our colony usually it takes a very long time to kind of allow yourself that luxury but the fact that he just got so many disabled work types means that that's pretty much a thing for us now we'll go ahead and expand this home area just out here so that'll do some cleaning nothing i like seeing more than that good get that done another nice part about having an underground basis since there's so little dirt interaction uh it hardly ever gets dirty though you always have those underground debuffs but apparently not in our colony quest expires in 23 hours did i oh i missed this stop flash storm burn this here begs you permission to stay at mount do for 20 days so they can turn the offer to work and fight for free if i make them happy okay so this is uh visitors um [Music] i don't really want to take in other people unless if they're part of our ideology simply because i think that they're going to get pissed because they won't like to live the way that we do um if i do take in colonists here it's going to be slowly and one by one so that's yeah i mean we need to like find somebody from a transport pod crash or a prisoner that we really wanted or something like that um we could convert them um hadn't really thought of that yeah let's give it a shot yeah why not we do have that power um these people are what is their ideology they are ancient archotechnics interesting okay they do uh um uh conversion attempts will be weaker because of trait meme against body mode or transhumanist so we don't really have that though do we this guy's name is literally labor what is that his name is labor what kind of mother does that oh god body modder ugly trigger happy hard worker do we want any of these people who just pops out yep your labor because i was in labor um all right not not questioning it very good with plants body modder ugly social intellectual recognition these colonists are not bad they're pretty good actually this one's more of a uh but hard worker and too smart is fantastic those two combined um doesn't really have any other colony care tasks that we need this one has animals i think labor is the one i'd most want to convert let's just see who's most useful when they're here sometimes it's better to just watch them my money's on labor [Music] labor okay i'm done i am done laughing at that the woman is 77 exactly who's that 77 does she have a beard she's 71. maybe one close enough seven kind of looks like a one body modder please unsightly environment okay so we can pretty much use them at this time for free labor uh we're gonna go ahead and mine out the rest of these things because we did have to make longer these bedrooms are far weirder looking than i imagined that they would be i was thinking that we would get away with small bedrooms but it just looks rather strange um if i'm being quite honest here uh let's have them be directly across from each other i feel like i'm going to be confused if actually you know just keep building down one hallway won't hurt and spoon is just so goddamn good at this we can finally find out what spoon's power is okay spoon he just like sounded a little flute in his pocket i suppose but it made everybody else around him mine faster but only when he's there okay and we can have them work in the daytime and we work at night ah this is what i wanted fantastic each bedroom comes with a a bed an assortment of pet rocks is right let's get all of these chunks out of here because this is just becoming preposterous the amount of chunks in here and it looks like we've struck the granite part of the mountain as well let's go create a dumping stockpile zone here um no corpses just chunks priority preferred just so they bring everything there and then let's just get all of this wow that is a lot of marble good i'll probably make that even larger and then we'll bring this out into here because this was the room i originally wanted to be the workshop now we can start to run some power lines over there too because they are going to be walking slower when they're in the dark i don't know if that's true about our colonists because they like the dark but they still might be getting debuffs from the dark not quite sure um and also are we making enough food i just really haven't checked in on that apparently we have been all right i'm all right with that i mean if we are if you say so that's okay let's just continue with that but let's expand this zone um it's september though i think i'm gonna keep on planting rice just because rice is a fairly fast plant to grow uh and it's not like we'll miss an entire harvest due to the winter spoons power is having a ridiculously high mining level yes spoon is probably one of my favorite colonies i love it when colonists get this specialized like look at that he's doing the work of in the time that she can let's wait to see when she gets one okay one he's gonna get one two three four he's mining like four times faster than her and what is her mining level he's not even bad at mine she's mining level six that's pretty decent i mean it's not amazing but that's kind of crazy he's still not even at the highest level what is he now 12 gotta imagine this guy when he gets to the top okay let's take winters too now is he still getting that double work yeah work drive that was wild fabio reassure okay let's try converting people or we'll wait on that i want to be careful with this because you can upset people if you try to convert them to your ideology [Music] yeah this guy is a diamond mine pick or pick ax whatever it is whatever you call those things how nice we got some components in here too these are like electric dwarf people man the nice part though is that they're never not working because when some of them are sleeping this guy is literally sleeping in the kitchen that's fantastic love that let's smooth out this floor as well um smooth surface this is pretty important only because we want to make their rec room just as nice as possible um what do we get on the table good quality poor quality there and then after that we're gonna go ahead and start making some marble sculptures um art is pretty overpowered whatever phase of rimworld you're in um steel art bench i'd rather make it out of wood we're getting to the point where we have more steel than anything else that's quite nice okay that's fine ah a group of travelers are passing by i think that's fine spoon is just spoon is a machine i love this guy is my religion the worship of the god emperor of mankind is this a warhammer 40k reference actually my buddy just got me back in to uh warhammer i stayed over my buddy's house in uh in uh north carolina when i was passing through um and he just has this huge warhammer collection i forgot how into that hobby i was when i was a kid but it just kind of brought out this childish thing in me and i was i was really glad that it happened can i show the schedule tab sure yeah it's uh this is kind of my ideal colony where there's always somebody awake because we love the underground i love that okay maybe we could how could we um get labor to join us creepy breathing i mean most of our colonists are male anyway creepy breathing we're all kind of creepy breathers and the acetic is fantastic here too um plants and animals we really haven't been using the animals but i need somebody for the plants if you have a jogger with plants that's ideal but sayara has also been doing a lot too crap three people got the flu wait was that all of my people oh i forgot to use the panoxazillan oh fantastic it wasn't me but it was the visitors oh god dammit um can we kill them wait a minute no no no no why now they came in they were doing work and then they all got the flu together collectively this is this is kind of a buzz kill uh right herbal medicine well fortunately we can try out one of those healing powers now let's try to get our colonists uh healed quicker so uh fabio happens to be the one with preach health can fabio preach health on himself he can't oh we need more beds anyway so let's uh do that in fact i don't really care if these people die of the flu i mean there's not really any consequence for it so let's just kind of like make them all labor into their flu induced deaths um does it make a difference to me [Music] i'm just trying to think i could preach help at them until they hopefully get better i mean let's see if this works yeah yeah that's totally fine use all the good medicine on us um um good okay your flu is being recovered from hmm yeah you'll make it uh preach health cute let's just he must be of the same ideal legend to be preached at okay interesting have i ever thought of playing oxygen not included uh oni yeah it's been a while since i touched that one but uh it's a good game i just haven't really thought of anything that would bring me back to it in particular uh just kind of more simulation games that have seemed uh more urgent to me um or with like more new content let's just let these people die all right you know you gotta you gotta take care of yourself if you can't build your own beds i you know i'm just taking them as additives to our own colony i don't want to feel worse about everything winter's tried to convert i didn't even command this i didn't even try to do that why did they try to convert people to their ideal legend don't let labor wait is labor is labor dying i'll let labor die maybe labor will live maybe is one of them super immune creepy breathing acetic trigger happy but if he can refuses to accept uh you know nick beardia then why should we why should we take him in have we got any mods on no no mods on i'm just kind of trying to learn ideology as it is hmm i kind of want to take care of some of these things maybe i should maybe i should keep them alive think of all the resources i'll have to expend for that though i mean look they're doing such a fantastic job right now why wouldn't i just work them all to death otherwise they'll spend all the time being in bed yeah maybe we should go do it i've had a change of heart i'm a good person i suppose uh can we get somebody on plants asap labor labor you stop doing construction [Music] go out there and be somebody okay what are you doing you are now good you're harvesting the pine trees i'll have you do that that way they can get in bed and actually take care of themselves i do like these colonists they're decent despite the fact that i almost let them all die maybe they'll live maybe they'll live instead of sleeping in the rocks oh jesus he needs wood now what is spoon doing spoon is such an interesting character i would really like to get to know him just curious because i've been struggling to find any info on it do you roughly know when the multiplayer update for project zomboid will release uh i think they did put out an update in one of the most recent uh thursdoids i can't remember don't quote me on this because a lot of people do but i think they said it would probably be around the end of the year um but you know that's they said that they were being like a little too optimistic um yep you know one thing that i'll say because i know it leads to a lot of moaning and groaning uh is that uh when they do come out with updates they are very very bug free at least as i've seen them rarely do i see something that i would consider a game breaking bug in zomboid i think it's mostly because their quality standards are very high um you know considering the videos that we've seen but there were a fair number of issues with multiplayer like rubber banding before so it seems like they're trying to work those things out so that gives me some optimism um i think we're going to say rimworld multiplayer mod i have no idea how that mods development cycle is but that is a very good multiplayer mod and this whole thing's pretty sayara damn it you get out of here we might have to arrest her oh good labor is in bed fantastic no stop insulting that person somehow immunity has been keeping up here i have no idea must be the same i forgot about that um fabio was like not the ideal person to have get this flu nelson can you no you aren't assigned to doctoring not assigned to doctoring you tend to him who is the spoon spoon is going to save the day sad wander on fabio ah god damn it sayar sayara is clearly not stable enough to remain in our colony and he's look she's already stressed out labor labor was already very stressed out god this is like being in some sort of uh myth of the greek gods the rimworld multiplayer mod is good honestly not sure how even more given the nature of the gameplay oh rim world multiplayer is fantastic if you haven't tried it you should infestations are enabled i'm surprised if i'll just probably throw more human lives at them if they do insulting spree is probably my least favorite thing to have happen though good thing that you're getting out of here because you're such a jesus day's labor i don't like it when people come in and fling our colony into more disarray but yeah good yeah like see now they've used up more resources they've used up a lot of medicine but they've gotten a lot of stuff done it's the reason why i thought we should just work them into the ground oh god everybody's wearing these smurf hats now yeah they look pretty neat see multiple people run one colonies or like friendlies hating each other uh i think i've done a couple videos on it it's like everybody has a different cursor on one screen you know like you could see where your friends are it's everybody running one um but you could do that any number of ways if i'm not mistaken there was one other mod where people just lived on the same world there right and raised their own colonies if i am not mistaken everybody's either in a sad one or something i'm just gonna kind of let this play out i think fabio is okay fabio is sort of okay fabio went into a mood break because he got insulted by seyara and now there's blood everywhere [Music] um we really just don't have any i'm going to just have everyone kind of doctor except for the ones who are really bad at it [Music] i don't really like to do too much micromanaging i think fabio is okay the other ones might die so that's fine i'm not really too attached to them insulted times seven jesus christ and ravenously hungry yeah we used up more food yeah you get over it you'll get over it um all right well this colony has come a long way and then kind of crashed and burned now or i think the the main thing that leads people to give up room world and the reason why it's probably not more widespread is that it does take a little time to get up uh like up to speed in the early game it's not easy to get started on it's easier than a lot of games but compared to the average accessibility of popular games on services like steam uh it's probably not that accessible i mean it's around the level of prison architect which is even kind of niche in many ways too yeah everybody is a little bit starting to blend together with the hat cult [Music] i think it just adds a little bit of variation in the game too though okay you good you have been insulting people and your right ring finger has been destroyed you deserve that you don't deserve a right ring finger um should we just let her die nah that would be wrong but let's just like see what happens if we just let her my god nobody is helping her i can save you and your right ring finger but my god oh wait it's because she doesn't have a bed crap um we have to give up another bed for her i really could have just given them a sleeping spot i think i'll do that instead sleep in the dungeon all right to the rescue fantastic and we have no medicine but you know you didn't get the flu you were it's not so bad uh yours you're gonna barely overcome this labor is also gonna be okay because labor just says my god these people are impossible this guy's going at you know if you go after labor that's fine kill labor i'm all right with that i know i like labor the best too but it's like i'm just i've kind of given up on these people since they've just been such jerks since we took them in good knife fight knife fight we get more knives that means in the end um do we have any you have a revolver good we are all safe but at least he's gonna get it out of his system yeah all right i never said this this was the moral playthrough i said that this was the efficient playthrough yeah i don't like these guys either oh wait you're still not you want to kill the dog too okay now i'm object to this i know this is a little bit um morally inconsistent of me but good you don't deserve to animal cruelty is wrong mister ah fantastic okay good um i say that we let all of them die uh let's just damn it we can't strip them but we can have them all just take off can we have them take off everything oh we can have them take off their clothes all right let them die nobody do any doctoring nope nobody's nobody's doing any doctoring here all right go back to what you were doing this never happened you didn't see any of this uh are we gonna do any organ uh uh i've done enough of it in other rimworld playthroughs i just kind of wanted to go for normal mole people but no that couldn't happen because these crazy techno nature people came in in fact let them all let them all just end them all there we are okay good we're back to our normal colony this is fantastic hmm no these people they were just really messed up when they you know it was just one mistake after another this is the problem with converting people to your ideology though i think that factions will be much more specific like if this had been a normal colony we might not have had those mood breaks um which reminds me we should probably have our people taking penoxycylon every now and then um really fabio in particular was the one that should have been having it good the refugee died labor oh they're actually upset with us because well wait a minute all right well it's fine you know i don't really care if we have more enemies i aspire to more fights hmm okay good quest failed all right that's fine and you are actually hostile to us now in which case we can um take the rest of your things do we want any of these i'll take the parka okay and now um you can get the you can get the kill i wonder if this changes his mood in any way now the reason why i'm doing this again to anybody just joining this stream is that uh they actually get a mood buff when they kill somebody with like a revered weapon in their culture so they revere knives and sharp melee objects so he did get that uh good victory by noble weapon fantastic i i could see that being really powerful if it stacks i'm not sure if it does just want to say i recently found the youtube and have been binging it for twos ah thank you very much appreciate illuminae fracture or two with mixed idea ideology yeah i i want to say ideologians because i want to say theologians but it's ideal legends i'll get used to it um yeah i could see a couple of them being kind of kind of compatible or just the modding possibilities seem really really endless um i'm kind of repeating myself now though well those people pretty much did what i expected uh i wasn't thinking that they were gonna be bad here but i don't really care about how many enemy factions we make um really ideally if you're playing as a solo cannibal the storyteller will keep throwing colonists at you left and right because it wants you to have at least like two or three and this is how i survived in the arctic because randy or whoever was the storyteller i can't remember it might have been cassandra that time actually um i don't honestly remember but whoever it was they kept throwing colonists at me minute after minute um aside from all the blood this is actually looking rather good now um and we could give somebody work drive too who would benefit most from work drive probably spoon because fabio is stuck in bed let's give spoon a work drive again he gets done with a lot of menial tasks man i want a colonist like spoon in my colony all the time it's fantastic it was cassandra anyway yeah so the storyteller just kept throwing colonists at me left and right uh and i just kept eating all of them that was pretty much the name of the game um which was kind of amazing cassandra likes to maintain a certain amount of colonists randly doesn't i believe that i can't remember what it is it might be any of the storytellers i think it's three to eight like if they um like if they detect fewer than three they'll try to throw colonists at you or you always get good events pretty much um but if they detect more than that oh wow it is frozen outside now what is the temperature inside it is still rather cold we have a couple of parkas are we freezing to death uh we are also cold okay we need to install some heaters unfortunately we will have good insulation in here heaters would actually not be that bad put it in the hallway just so that it kind of diffuses out into everywhere what else are we doing oh we should probably find a an actual power source here i kind of neglected this um chem fuel would be pretty good because we could make neutral fungus farms on the inside yeah i think i'm going to do some chem fuel generators um eventually we'll be able to convert that over but would it be good now uh it's gonna be hard for us to make chem fuel right now before we have the biofuel generation hmm using the mod dynamic uh party sound thank you very much um what do the red triangles mean where are their red triangles you mean like the uh oh yeah so on their portraits now they have little designations for whatever their role is in the faction these people have said surprisingly few dance parties though i wish it gave me an event notice when i had like the uh the yearly jubilee that they go on i have not yet i have not yet uh gotten the or i have at least ignored the notifications on that um rebuilding their heater okay that's gonna be working slightly it's 26 degrees major break risk uh what did we do wrong now yeah everybody has i've just not really paid much attention insulted slept in the cold want uh dark sound parallel okay so now we need to get the uh you know we just don't have somebody with cotton skill we should have had labor do that before viper died oh that is actually quite upsetting come on complex thank you very much for the sub that fire next happy birthday salute you from our blindness worshiping colony we consume people and worship cthulhu uh yeah rimworld uh what is it well there was a mod before where you could make a cult i imagine that's just gonna be kind of more standard now well we're gonna have some catharsis you're actually in a very good mood malnutrition wait a minute what are we oh we have not been harvested wait a minute why didn't you eat food right there yeah we've got to start hunting some stuff i'm not really taking very good care of this colony probably going to lose it soon it's muffalo over there let's get this elk colony where are the elk they're kind of far away they have migrated anything nearby those things are far far away from our underground colony that is a little upsetting yeah these wild boar are particularly far off um the wargs i wouldn't really hunt wargs ibex does they're kind of far away i think that the elk are probably our best bet yeah let's just hunt some milk unfortunately there isn't anything that we would really want to raise in a farm here um we can't inspire anyone's spoon oh spoon is also a hunter spoon is mvp right here jesus yeah growing mushrooms indoors would help us i think we need to do that too i don't know why they aren't uh oh because we don't have any room left in our stockpiles i'm like why do they stop hauling that's gotta be why let's mine out a little bit of this i know that mining can take place in like two seconds now and let's do another stockpile zone in here this colony is shaping up to be fairly overpowered does the fact that we have moved this much ground this early on is um is making me pretty optimistic about this whole thing like a lot of other colonies i i haven't really been paying much attention to mood debuffs we could have lost the colonists by now partly i just do that because i think it's more fun like to focus on the building that oh my god you're really bad at shooting hey actually you're not even that bad at shooting it's just that what are you doing and it is very cold outside spoon clean winter's is throwing up everywhere but everybody's in a good mood as long as they're in a good mood they're okay playing as a blind cultist is really hardcore since some tasks are disabled you should give it a try i wa like i said uh i i would still like to do that one the tunnel blind people underground they would probably be living in a lot of small spaces it would be a challenge you could do a rimmer old blind only play through that sounds kind of neat someone made these marble things i just haven't had time for any of those other tasks okay but repairs going on usually means that they're about to get into longer term tasks anytime you see that that's usually a pretty positive sign and we're also getting snow storms outside but at least our fungus is being uh saved by the cold what are you doing uh let's just actually turn the rest of this off we don't need this many more rooms not right now anyway good good you are playing chess doesn't mean more trees okay we'll give them some time to catch up on stuff yeah it's not exactly like what i kind of pictured at the beginning of the stream i was hoping that they would be okay with smaller crappier rooms but i suppose the one trait i would have looked for in the end if i were gonna go back on this now would be acetic um if you had a bunch of underground or acetics you could have them all living in like dwarf fortress-sized rooms i've just been trying to make rimworld look more and more like dwarf fortress for years okay here we go transport pod crash um not really sure if we're ready to deal with another prisoner right now very not a two totaler kind um the cooking 10 is nice otherwise i don't think this is a very good colonist caring for social and firefighting i think i'm just going to let him go i still think we could do better than that they seem to construct things pretty slowly [Music] oh with the blind colonists yeah i mean we had a blind colonist pretty recently i did another playthrough with uh what was it asparagus in my desert play through lost uh her eyesight in both eyes eventually we replaced them with archotec eyes but she could just get around fine you know being blind in real world actually isn't that bad unless if you start to uh try to do things that require sight like shooting um i do believe that you can still shoot when you're blind wouldn't recommend it but yeah like you could do that and we've got tons of meals right here on the ground and we are actually not detecting these meals because they are not in a stockpile zone just make this and make it low priority always seem to forget how to do that uh clear all meals just meals the good news is we don't need to refrigerate them because our entire colony is a refrigerator and this worg is hunting our dog the warg is going to have to come to the colony though where is our dog oh a wild boar tamed itself didn't even notice that we will slaughter it we don't really need it [Music] um our yorkshire terry weight is is this thing going after the oh the wild okay he can have the boar that's fine yeah i didn't even know that we had that boar in the first place take it start i'm focusing on your colony making tree wizards i've not seen any like vegan tree wizard colonies yet hmm man i'm really missing out on this i feel like okay stop smoothing let's see if we can get them to do anything else winters i have faith in these neckbeards though come on guys believe in the neckbeards the next beers can do great things being trapped underground all the time you are being attacked by a squirrel fight back i don't know why i didn't do that earlier if you die i will fertilize you death in 19 hours from fighting a squirrel come on you can't even ah jesus christ get in there he needs some backup not gonna lie this might be one of the saddest fights i've ever seen he doesn't even have melee level one my god he needs to run because this squirrel is not even been hit we are right outside of home thank you random warg for saving my life from the squirrel that almost killed this is a problem this is why people quit rimworld that warg saved my life thank god we didn't take out that work you are laughable sir you even have level 2 melee you had a rifle this is a demon squirrel but he fought thank god that that war came in time oh my god did he get any permanent injuries from that probably a lot of scars oh you did develop the immunity to the flu fantastic oh great hang on a second someone save him please we took everyone off of doctoring after those horrible people came into our colony okay let's see what alice does uh preach health what's this even mean preach moral strength improve their rate of wound healing and immunity gain let's try that first i will preach to you and then i will actually give you band-aids let's see if this works uh whoops the other way around [Music] yeah we'll wait until he's tended everything i suppose any benefit to medical beds versus regular beds oh yeah medical beds are much better i just i don't have the technology yet to build them rimworld is a very long form game you could spend 20 hours on one campaign i've been kind of starting and stopping a lot of my colonies but just because i want to make sure i find the right one [Music] did he get a bite scar on the eye yeah he got a bite scar on the left eye [Music] damn that's not good he got bit on the eye by a squirrel that sucks i mean he could still see just not as well nothing ever looked the same after that i swear to god if this guy if this guy sees another squirrel he will just run the other way [Music] man squirrels are demons guys fear them look he got blood all this colony looks like crap now everything looked great before those people came and then they came and it was all ruined unfortunately after all the animals all the food poisoning all the blood we have a manhunter pack of something uh fortunately it's just some wabbits two snow hairs and we'll be fine and we have visitors too okay great uh let's see if they have any chocolate punished spoon do we punish spoon oh wait it was spoon crap that was spoon too spoon was such a great colonist why did i let that happen to spoon man kind of a dark moment for this colony not gonna lie at least winter's got all those kills well everybody has things wrong with them by the end and we could always replace his eye with an archotec eye you know i just like to look on the bright side of these things clean up this vomit this is disgusting this entire colony i'm a big fan of the band-aids though now and the wounds that are actually visible there's an option to have a religion that gouges their own eyes out well i mean in greek mythology there was uh the idea that the soothsayer i i mean don't quote me on this but basically soothsayers were blind people like tyresius for example in oedipus rex is considered a very revered person because he's blind or is it that he's i can't remember what the cause effect is in it but it's something like that the blind are revered in their culture something similar to that you could go on full greek with this look at the poplar tree i didn't really trade with those people but we didn't really need that much uh okay who is amala amalia chemical fascination nimble and kind not that bad and it kind of helps us out with those traits that we lost from labor age 56 but you're a member of old archism [Music] i'm gonna sit on this one for a little while plants would be really good in fact you know i think i'm gonna take you uh what is what is the quest she wants to host her at mount do for five days legwo will not do any work she appreciates quality we didn't get exactly the same colonist before but it's gonna be five days the last time we had somebody they did work and it was for like 10 days [Music] there's a con convertibility from one of the jobs there is i don't see convert did i miss convert where is convert because before winters was trying to convert people left and right blind people defaults to the soothsayer role in ancient societies i mean it's too bad that they you know they really kind of phased out that job of soothsayer that seemed like a really good job are you guys looking for any soothsayers now i'll taken are these boars eating my mushroom that i really gotta bring in this fungus why is nobody brought in this fungus did we allow it i mean is there anything wrong with this fungus you're bringing in pants can we bring in the fungus prioritize hauling raw fungus and we also don't want anything other than food in here let's just do meals and raw food yeah right there um pre-seven ability ah the priests are the only one with the ability to conver okay that makes sense i suppose that since or since you're the priest but i also had someone other than fabio like winter's tried converting somebody he was like hey you want to try neckbeardism yeah he was a good guy he had good intentions he had good intentions it didn't end well but he had good intentions um i feel like i've been streaming for a while here i think we're gonna finish up in a bit get imprisoned people and set them out to convert like a recruit etc i mean like the whole prisoner system seems like it could be utilized a lot better i'd like to go with a faction that can just do everything once i figure it out because i think it can be optimized pretty uh pretty well now where did you bring that fungus where is the fungus that would have been a great like 21 degrees fahrenheit we're also going to need to refrigerate this refrigerator and there's one other thing that i neglected sort of is how are we going to get the heat out of it i think we're going to have to create a heat lock here and move this back a bit i did kind of overlook that because the fact that you're building underneath a mountain means that you can't create a chimney and the heat has to go somewhere so that ain't good are the old styles of tables just gone i believe that you can uh switch out to any of the other factions table styles i'm trying to think though are you forced to have one of the ideological tables i don't know i don't know fabled wolf thank you very much for the sub appreciate it i mean we could install mines in each room actually that would be a pretty good way to keep off infestations though do i really want to just have mines everywhere like what if somebody has a tantrum like yeah i think i'm just gonna hit the mine how angry are you excuse me yeah colonists do some crazy stuff when they go on mood breaks i think we're good on wood now let's just cancel some of this i want my colonists to kind of catch up with some of their other tasks i still haven't seen them do any stone cutting and i don't like to do too much manual pride excuse me prioritization i just kind of like to let them catch up with tasks ah here we go now uh why are you doing that it's a lot of stuff for them to do inside you are praying okay that's neat he prays at the dim a dome uh they made a snowman quest available the deserter nikitas he just knows the location of a key outpost containing everything needed to develop psychic powers if we accept we become an enemy of the imperium of mosquity we've already got some enemies um [Music] will she join us at mount do who are these factions is that the empire uh the empire we don't really care about the empire are they aren't the enemies with everybody anyway um [Music] yeah nobody really likes them hard to say hey locko thanks for coming out things that determine the table furniture styles are an optional choice they provide alternate styles for some furniture as well as some for yeah we did have that option we were setting up our ideology at the beginning like we could have taken everything with spiked furniture if we wanted just to customize the look i imagine there's gonna be a lot of mods that change this around um it's also probably gonna necessitate there were these really interesting mods that changed the look of furniture when you um when you have different qualities so you might even have different qualities of different ideological furniture like i said you know i mean this mod does multiply the number of things that are available in the game or you could just choose to forego it completely i think overall 1.3 added a couple new nice new things that the game needed at least in terms of animals and farming man spoon got really messed up let's go try preaching health to spoon i should have done this before spoon is asleep too bad we are waking up spoon to tell him to heal faster oh there's like a speech bubble thing going on there so what does this actually do does it appear preach health immunity gain speed injury healing factor plus 25 okay that's pretty good that is a nice thing especially the immunity gain the you know recovering from the wounds faster is interesting but there are some situations where it's like oh god my colonists will never recover from this and you now there actually is a chance for that [Music] oh yeah the quest was from royalty i still haven't gotten one of those like uh indiana jones type quests where you go into some big temple you might just lose a lot of this fungus i feel quite bad about that are they even cooking with it is it an ingredient i'm like thinking to myself vegetarian yet yeah raw fungus is a legitimate ingredient i should really have this kitchen set up in a different way um but i'm kind of waiting until i'm in a more permanent setup are you are you taking things but wait whoa why are you taking things back to this i told you drop things on floor all right kind of weird oh well and are we still hunting wildlife there's only one elk left that we're hunting okay they'll bring in the rest of this now and spoon is healed so spoon does all of the walking away from squirrels now he has three scars from this squirrel he can move 10 percent less fast than he could before he can see 14 percent less that squirrel yeah he's just regretting that squirrel does this make him faster mining command offer guidance on mining techniques boosting my speed for everyone nearby the effect remains attached to the caster for 24 hours i don't think that this affects him i should have checked it before but i'm trying to think how i would have actually tested that it's a good power though yeah i forgot we got to clean the kitchen thank you i forgot about that this happens to not also just be a hallway but also our kitchen so far we've had pretty good luck with food poisoning because we've just been eating all of these totinos oh fantastic um animal filth from the oh yeah we gotta keep the dog out of there or even better yet let's just make the kitchen smaller uh do we have any stone blocks i think after all of this time somebody go ahead and just make some stone blocks for god's sake do we have oh because nobody is assigned to crafting that was quite bad okay winters go ahead and just make like 10 marble that's all we really need build one of these over here and i could just do two doors but i really want everything to be tim completely marble yeah that's fine um structure wooden wall no go with a marble wall there we are okay to there and don't do that do that and then do that good okay now they can get back on with their lives some dogs don't drop filth oh yeah cats are cats are fairly clean animals right all right i was checking this out because i was trying to do an animal to your list the other day cats are like pretty good late game house pets if you just want to make people happy but usually by that point in the game they have enough other things that are making them happy my god there's just there are colonies that can function with blood and vomit all over the floor though and these guys seem to be pretty happy i'm probably going to take it all out because it's my pet peeve though give them a minute but there's a lot of misconceptions about there about food like someone had um said in in the during the stream the other day that they thought that raw food being with meals made the meals tainted there's a like a it's very weird to understand the way that the cooking system works um basically just if your kitchen is dirty there's a chance that it'll like lead to food poisoning or also if your cook is underexperienced but there's also probably other things too how old is the colony are we at a year now how long has it been in a while uh 30 days for a half a year in i kind of lost track of time though make my blind person how would that even actually if you had a blind jogger it's kind of weird to picture but i don't think that would harm their cleaning ability yeah that could work actually okay good you are doing this and my god that is a lot uh we have nowhere to store these things we just need more storage space now there we go get rid of those please and i think that we have the required amount of marble now they should start to do some hauling and cleaning eating if i'm not mistaken they'll probably do all the hauling first what are you doing hauling yup hauling steel just stuff resources on the outside more resources on the outside um i think our colony is pretty much set up now we'll just go back inside i'm going to clean and then we're ready to kind of move on to more advanced stuff we want to make sure that one of them is researching and we'll probably recruit another person before we really step up our game um as well as all of that are these even growing anymore yeah but they don't die that's a neat part about fungus is that it doesn't seem to die or at least it's temperature at which it dies is min growth temperature is there a death temperature or can mushrooms just stay alive in the cold that's fantastic mvp of the colonies so far i would say is i gotta say spoon spoon it would just mind out that entire mountain on his own pretty much probably a spoon here hmm hunter lacks range weapon fabio but we like the weapon that he has let's just unassign him from hunting i just like to get rid of all these messages let's just kind of clean everything up before our next need batteries i think we're researching them still need warm clothes they've made it through most of the uh actually we aren't even at december yet um don't have a parka lying around somewhere cloth parka we did manage to get it off of them before they died though so we are safe from norse parkas are pretty overpowered if you can get a parka or a duster um those will insulate you from pretty much every single temperature let's do electric tailor bench and we'll put this in our workshop um stone cutting kind of demands its own workshop just because of all the other resources you need in there unless you have on some kind of storage mod um okay we'll smooth out all of this and then i think we can just run some wires over there uh what is this all connected to everything is kind of a fridge now but strangely enough are they really that cold slept in the cold where do you have it on them a uh comfortable temperature range seven degrees to 112 degrees so they're wearing enough clothes that we started them off with robes and they enjoy wearing the robes and they're insulating them so that is a pretty overpowered way to start it just have your entire faction start in either parkas or whatever they wear that seems like a good way to just avoid all of the early game like temperature discomfort grinding which can get a bit annoying where does the neck beard part come from oh it's mostly visual the neck beard part uh what else what about us about their ideology made them neck beards uh mining yields um now let's see yeah i still think we have yet to get to the neckbeard part because we still haven't unlocked the mono swords but that's kind of neckbeard of them um yeah we'll see more people who are more neck beardish who come in and we can always create a vanity so that they can touch up on their neck beard look uh yeah yeah they're definitely normal leaning against that mole people bit though god how many times can you say mole innocence we got the dog here let's get the dog uh out of there and the moment we've all been waiting for it now they're finally cleaning you know that once they're cleaning the colony though uh the colony is pretty much done growing get the heater in here that's good i think we just need batteries and then we'll start to get a solid chem fuel power source that's got to be the way to go for these guys because i want to move all of this indoors and just have this be the main entrance and hopefully kind of like um smooth out this entrance so that any enemies who come near won't have any cover um i think kill boxes have been severely nerfed here so i'm just not gonna try to build one i also think i just i prefer not to build kill boxes if i don't have to or i don't like it i just find them kind of boring um unless if i'm doing like a really combat heavy playthrough okay quest expires in 18 hours um you were the person we were gonna have join okay i can't really find anything out about you i feel like we're better off being really picky at the beginning though i'm just gonna stay kind of solid here um everybody seems to be in a decent mood i think at this point just our colony moves a bit slow but it's like i think we did a pretty good job in this early game sure we all those people died before but yeah you know sometimes we need to make sacrifices the sea ice biome isn't nearly as dangerous if every pawn spawns with a parka and a fur hat yeah i supposed you could make like um you know cold weather colonists that's but i mean you know you could have done that before but you could make that sort of like their way of life somebody commented that it's more like a like a culture update than an ideology update i could kind of see that there are certain factions that lean really hard on like we need to do everything together as a group we need to go sacrifice people we need to uh do this and that but these guys are just sort of like they've all collectively decided that they're okay with living underground and that's just sort of their thing um [Music] and 32 days we can start our celebrations all right well we've got research going um these dark lights look really cool i'm just going to build a couple more of those because i think we'd be remiss not to uh what else we'll build one in here just so they can kind of move around faster and then in the hallways i think that's mostly what i wanted to get done i really think that the dark lights look neat um do they have colored dark lights like you can make them all red underground would be neat what's the best way to fight a centipede um i would go with a couple of different things you could do i think it's either charge weapons but mainly what i would recommend is do uh emp grenades to disable them which has kind of been nerfed if you can engage a centipede in melee combat with uranium mace because it has really good armor penetration uh that's really the best way to fight centipedes in rimworld um that one is really difficult because a lot of the time you'll confront a centipede and it's just be like how do i fight this thing um but now you can also disable centipedes if you want is it harder to get new colonists to join you now um i would say yes though i haven't really done a lot of conversion and i'm sure that there's other factions that do better at conversion but i mean i've at least had a harder time because it's not just a matter of like overcoming somebody's eccentricities it's more about like um a spoon is on a work frenzy fantastic let's give him more mining now and then we could cast that spell on him or something um we will mine out this this is going to be our nutri fungus farm over here let's just delete this zone i don't even want them going back there spoon you are our mining guy and we can't get you on work drive but holy cow you're fast look at how quickly he minds it seems like that when you play ideology you need to lean really hard onto one buff like for us it was this this guy made this entire colony possible um we kind of lucked out here but i'm sure that there are other crazy ones like if we had played cannibal right where they need to be raiding people every day that could be something yeah mining gober pretty much that how come my bedrooms are so long um it doesn't really make a difference it's just the overall womb uh room size um i thought i could make them smaller because i thought i could combine it with the acidic trait um it turns out it doesn't really make a difference so this is just kind of a weird way that this looks it would be fine if they were shorter too uh these are actually pretty distasteful bedrooms but yeah there's not really anything secret about the bedrooms being long that was just kind of a mistake that i made okay now we have the neutral fungus farm let's see if we can go [Music] zone structure production floors uh fungal gravel i really wanted to try this stuff out give them a little bit of time to sleep tonight uh solar flare that's all right is this a bulk trader well good trader this is a bulk goods trader uh i get overly excited anytime i see a bulk goods trader only because i still think that i'm playing on the sea ice in which case the bulk goods trader was like the best thing that can ever happen to you because it means you can finally get stone um in this case i'm just getting some ptsd i have 3645 jesus christ i did not notice that is there anything that i could sell to you um do you have any parkas devil strand pants are pretty good um wooden warm ass cloth cowboy hats in thread authority cap gold flak pants could be pretty good for us we i could really use some like cloth to be honest with you i'm gonna buy like 100 cloth in fact i don't really even need the devil strand pants that much they just look like a neat item uh i'm gonna buy all of it and let's sell these berries because i don't really need them um do we wanna sell the fungus we have a lot of elk meat i don't know if we're really gonna get through all of that let's just sell all of our poor quality clothing even the parka isn't really that good we would be better off just making another one um actually that might be kind of dumb of me because that might save me later on now i'll be okay um plain leather i haven't really gotten much use out of this benoxide i just keep forgetting to do the drug policy yeah i don't need all 290 but let's buy like 250. that's good all right tons of pink cloth enjoyed the sea ice videos the sea ice colony was a lot of fun to do because i didn't know if it would be possible to do it uh which it turned out that it was um the only thing i would really recommend is get really close to two colonies to trade with and the other thing i should have done earlier would have been to make sure i had a muffalo uh i was a little bit sea ice ideology play through when yeah i guess that's what you have to do after this right my god this is so much fun to watch i really like that and imagine i'm going through like uranium or something he that could be a very good way of making money you could set up like another settlement and just have him mine all of the valuable materials in it this became a problem in the 100 man colony because we could just never get enough components oh that is neat look they found a hollow um i didn't really want that to be there what are you doing cutting the tree okay i don't know why you're cutting the tree and let's just build copies of these jesus christ ah that is neat so we can't rock rubble ruffian marble i suppose that we can't build in on all ground types it's kind of neat could be a chimney oh yeah we could use this for a like a fridge or something if we wanted to run the fridge up and over here hmm yeah our miner got just so overpowered here now what is the roof on this uh we still do have rock roof over there though how is the tree growing there crazy why was there a tree there i i would like to add that to anyone joining the stream this is vanilla rim world i did not use any mods um to get him mining that fast this is all new features of ideology that can be like gamed in certain ways um can i grow it on here pro frozone that is very neat okay i don't know why i can't grow it over here without missing something on that neutral fungus cannot live when exposed to light okay oh it's dark over here um dark light it can't even be exposed to dark light though either which is a little counterintuitive i suppose so i suppose that you always need to be like slower whenever you're dealing with neutral fungus because being in the dark kind of means that you're gonna be slower all the time it might not have overhead mountain above it i wonder how a tree got there in the first place though maybe some like a strange world generation combo jumbo hmm we got anything else i just think it's kind of cool to see the neutral fungus growing over there underneath our artificially constructed roof future fungus grows 24 hours though i think it's taking a little bit longer than that for us yeah the mining is a bit op but i really like it i hope that they don't do but they have been uh they have been known to do some debuffs in the past like muffalo's used to be able to give you milk as well as uh for now it's just fur that was probably my least favorite patch of all time i i really did like raising muffalo for that they were a little bit too good though like but it's made animals seem less good which is why i think they gave animals a buff here too but it's nice because more of a variety of animals are good muffalo are still good because they have good fur in cold regions but otherwise they probably would not get muffalo it made me a little bit depressed though because muffalo were such an iconic animal for rimworld and when they made it less powerful i don't know i just have stupid opinions on these things now i really just don't have any good ideas i suppose now why is this one this is kind of irking me fungal gravel can i put fungal why can't i put fungal gravel down there hmm can i still build 12 by 12 rooms i don't think that the roof requirement has changed i think you still could pretty sure do you have to pen you don't have to pan animals if you don't want to but you can and it will often seemingly help with animal management more neutral fungus there rock floor maybe it's the maybe it's whatever type of rock was on the floor but we put it over that too i mean we could wonder how we take that off i have to figure that out a little bit more um i bet that can be gamed a little bit better though uh under a thick rock roof let's just check out the rock roof ah you're right so it needs to be mountain overhead i suppose then to create that neutral fungus gravel okay we'll keep that in mind so we need to be like really deep underneath the mountain anytime we want to do that that is an important thing to note that i would not have seen before uh fabio now fabio is um you are where do we see the information that it's uh like we should be getting a research speed buff i suppose that they can't walk on this table did not know that it seems a little odd um but where is our research speed research very fast research is among the most meaningful acts a person can perform research speed times 150 so i guess they're just a little bit more zealous about it see how they do with plants though who is on to plants growing is your job you know i really don't even need fabio doing any mining at all i think spoon is just kind of standing there i've never had a colony where they just had nothing to do because they had done so much let's just tell spoon to do this again i will kind of praise moon for his amazing mining and we will just build this down we can store all of those rock chunks i wonder if there's other abilities like that because one of the most overpowered ways to play is just assign one job to each colonist select a pawn then the eye icon for research speed ah fantastic [Music] i did not check that actually yeah i've really never looked too much into colonist stats but there's a lot of information you can get here [Music] let's see research is it inc uh oh here we go ah this was a really nice feature this is 1.3 feature where you could just search anything research research speed 99 [Music] let's try it on the other guy research speed 45 okay i assume that fabio is pretty good at research if he's he's only intellectual level three though too now i don't know what level you need to be at a hundred percent hey rob rob thanks i am hope you are too this neutral function is basically the rim world equivalent of dwarf fortress pump helmet can be eaten fermented etc etc um so basically nutrafungus yields uh raw fungus which is pretty much just a food type i'm pretty sure that it can't be used for brewing drinks i think you need to make hops for that which gives you wart which then wart can be used in barrels and fermented but that's kind of a sensitive process okay fantastic we've got another raid here i've wanted more of these but i've been surprised i mean this is cassandra blood and dust should be fairly fairly challenging um maybe just because we've kept ourselves poor okay i'm thinking we're gonna have to engage these guys at the doorway if they really take out my power supply am i really going to be in that much trouble in fact just kind of hang out for a bit i might even be able to get a good night's worth of sleep um i think that they have enough time to build a couple spike traps out here so i'm going to put those into the cover zones uh how many other resources do we have we have 81 wood we have a crapload of steel i'm just gonna build something out of steel i know steel is a really valuable resource but i'm like we really need that much of it let's put it in these cover areas and we'll put one like right down the middle just in case if we have to walk them into it okay that's getting to be a lot of them uh you built that and you built that and it doesn't really matter doesn't make much of a difference either the colony has a combat buff ability not how much not sure how much it helps though let's look a little bit more into that does it really say how it changes it i'll say this though it's a very generous radius i haven't used the eqs but i really want to i think it's just a funny idea you can create like infighting in your colony though sometimes you do want to get rid of a colonist in rimworld like they can very easily become a liability i think we might just be able to take these guys out with spike traps alone nope you're not done building keep going construction skills you're really too low to build a spike trap all right if you say so uh yeah we got to build the religion stuff we need thank you for saying that i forgot about that uh what else do we need the veil yeah i've been kind of passing that up for a while slice cap and veil i think that are those the only things that we need neckbeardist style surroundings i like how you can just add any word into it um we need a slice cap okay there one and veil as well as i would like a parka ah yeah we'll build three parkers but we'll make those the third priority to a certain amount could i build a spike trap oh i think it'd be easy yeah i'm not being i'm not being arrogant or anything i just think it's just a pretty easy task i don't see why they you know why they have such a hard time with it yeah i tend to be very accusatory though it's a problem i have okay they do not have time for this um all right we're gonna set out in a position where they try to take cover to shoot us and then hopefully they'll go over to our traps see where they go oh that's nice you get all of your abilities for all three of them on one ui that is something that makes combat a lot less micro managey that's very good i'm glad that they did that um am i going to have them walk over this where do i really want these guys to be positioned i want to get them into a shootout with me right here so i'm gonna position you there you're gonna have to walk over this bike trap once and then i'll probably retreat you behind the cliff um you can go here and then you're gonna bait them and fabio you stay they have such crazy names okay you bait them from right over there bait them a little bit closer you get a little bit further out and fantastic okay one of them's down he went right into the cover i wanted him to uh let's try a combat command to see if it makes a difference all right everyone is strunk and wow that was a very easy fight okay this is a situation where i might be okay with taking a colonist um hmm very good with plants careful shooter nimble and kind nimble and kind are pretty good this person could be pretty decent in combat uh but really doesn't have any shooting skill might take them because of the intellectual thing but i still just think that we could find better colonists um i tend to be really picky because the game tends to get a lot harder when you do start to take on colonists and i just think we're gonna be better off in the end uh should we take your stuff yes that is a free parka okay fantastic yep take all of that and op fletcher thank you very much for the sub appreciate it i mean they did have the intellectual but it was only a single passion i prefer the double burning passion i'm just telling you like the game gets way harder when you start taking a lot of colonists and um because they don't really gauge in the code at least as far as i can tell uh how good your colonists are i mean a little bit they do i you know actually i take that back i don't really know for sure um like some colonists are worth more or they're more valuable so it might be by a little bit but by and large look at how much better this guy is than everyone for god's sake yeah i'm i am sad but they probably will nerf that it just looks a little bit too ridiculous but it's so good it looks like something out of a modded rimworld game wimp is even worse now with ideology really what makes it worse the wimp is a trait i don't really know that much about it seems fairly dark as a mod though like it's kind of scary stuff happens in ideology i might not always play with it because i might not always like it but i'm sure people will mod it in interesting ways oh he is like finished that's crazy to me i mean this was the reason why i was okay with giving up all of his other jobs is because he just he does the work of like an army of columnists the only thing that would make him even more overpowered would be if he had jogger that's fantastic i'm always gonna try to seek to make one colonist really strong like that or if you had some way of just i don't know just buying all of your other stuff and having like three miners who earn all of the money for your colony that'd be great mana or fatigue system i wonder if they'll like add in a some kind of charge system for that what is he actually being buffed by right now though because the standard miner is pretty good [Music] um let's see now where is he spoon this is probably the meanest colonist i've ever had totinonia uh let's see he's got the spelunker trait [Music] yeah mining speed plus 70 i feel like they'll probably end up bringing down the passive speed just because that looks crazy uh i hope that they don't though because i really like it i like that a lot i like that being in the game let it be noted i think it's amazing keep it make it even faster ah that's fantastic all right uh where are we at now i've actually been streaming for four hours i rarely stream for this long but let it be noted that i just really enjoy the expansion uh it's nice to see and i'm probably going to be adding in more mods if mod manager gets updated
Channel: ambiguousamphibian VODs
Views: 377,923
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rimworld, rimworld gameplay, rimworld mods, rimworld game, rimworld 1.3, rimworld ideology, rimworld ideology playthrough, rimworld ideology gameplay, rimworld royalty
Id: ZPuaPBFEsoc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 176min 51sec (10611 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 22 2021
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