*HOT* Extreme Desert Rimworld Tribal Start #1

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hello the sun is hot the desert is hot the sun and the desert are hot we embark with five natural colonists their leader is jake gargles the kind jogger let the embarkment begin alone and overheated we embark upon a new rimworld adventure to survive the desert heat and civilize the uncouth savage wildlife inhabiting the land's local fauna struggles to echo out its barren existence immediately we'll make a move to plant a large patch of rice senra toabe is our planter an excellent planter i might add that's great senra do that everybody likes it when you plant our grandmother is spare a geist the old fighting woman ibrahim our doctor caiman our crafter and jake gargles the leader of the expedition to survive the first night we'll be forced to sleep on the ground but it'll be enough that we can have wood doors and passive coolers in our lives for these first weeks jake cayman and ibrahim make moves to clean up the new home we claim the structure and that is to us a new dining room in barracks praise the eagle god we equip each of our colonists with the important weapons and we set out a stockpile zone in our humble home our pemmican may look like fegal matter but do not be fooled it is not fecal matter we do not stoop to the level to eat feces however we may need to eat our animals if we starve the first few days since important to maintain cold we'll use some of our only wood on a passive cooler for indoors and the map is inhabited by only three iguanas for hunting we will eat them this one's going first jake is slaying the iguana the iguana is dead only nine years of age and that's it life is cruel in the desert since the desert contains a lot of sandstone we're going to get started right away on stone cutting sandstone is a great material because it's highly workable it's also very weak and easy to chip but you can't have everything since our animals will only eat the food i'm afraid we'll need to slaughter them goodbye leonid farewell goodbye emma goodbye levi you were good pets may you be welcomed into the afterlife with the steel mined out by ibrahim we're capable of making a butchering table this will now feed our bellies for much longer huzzah it is complete our wood passive cooler keeps the indoor temperature at 63 degrees as compared with 74 outside this is completely good early in the day we start working more on our rice farm we're going to need to snake it along the outside here there's not much soil out in the desert and it's almost completely barren we slaughter our animals for food and we build a set of tables and chairs so that we can double over between our research and our dining we'll need to eat raw food for a few days but i think we're pretty well set for now the research table is complete and we set off jake to researching complex clothing immediately he has a minor passion for research and he's our best suited colonist to this task it will take him several days but by that time we'll have complex clothing and enough leather to make cowboy hats and dusters for everyone these cowboy hats and dusters will keep our colonists cool in the heat we'll also conserve the last of the pemmican by telling our colonists to eat only raw food for now even if it makes them sick temporarily food water and shelter according to science these are our three main needs in the case of rimworld we don't need to think about water but food we've got pretty much covered now shelter we could expand its definition to include clothing safe clothing to wear water doesn't exist in this game but i suppose that we could replace that with defense because in real life there are just people coming after you to fight you for most of us a visitor it's time to trade and we'll take whatever pemmican we can get that's enough for now we need to conserve space so we move all of our steel and materials that don't degrade when they're outside to the outdoors on a new patch of land and we hunt the last of the iguanas lastly we set up our first potato plant growing zone potatoes are one of the best growing crops in poor soil so it's useful for us ibrahim throws a tantrum because he had food poisoning we just need to eat this bad food otherwise we'll starve but we'll need to make sure that he doesn't destroy anything only a wall and then it's a column and another wall and he's come out of it without having destroyed anything only four days in fortunately we haven't picked up any heat waves research on clothing is going along well enough but food shortage is certainly going to be a problem we need our crops to grow more and faster currently we're also sleeping in a pile of our own vomit but many new crops are ready to grow and all of the last oddly misshapen patches of soil can be used for potatoes a better crop we plant down a single hoop stone ring for our colonists to have fun at they do need some sort of recreation or they'll start to go crazy faster by the middle of the fourth day the outdoor temperature has risen above 100 degrees indoors it's still safe at 72 but there's also no sign of any wildlife that could potentially inhabit this land we're now down to only the pemmican and since i want to save it for an emergency we're going to actually allow our colonists to become malnourished there's one event that's guaranteed to trigger any time our colonists are all downed right now caiman will just go into a daze we call our colony the incident we distract ourselves with some construction projects while we slowly fend off the coming starvation it's really just a matter of managing malnutrition from this point i think we'll barely get to the our ice harvest and then after that it'll just be a matter of juggling the little food we have left fortunately senra has planted many crops and yes center keep doing that everyone likes that and we get a flu as well unfortunately one of them is on jake our researcher the other one's on caiman but this is probably not going to be that debilitating we'll be fine ibrahim is a passionate doctor he's not a good doctor but he is passionate unfortunately we do need to postpone our creation of leathers for a dog leather bedroll so that caiman and jake might hopefully not die from this they could just share a bed not really much else to say here that's that's the gist of it and she got good quality it looks like they'll have a decent shot at pulling through as long as we get a few good tens here in the meantime they'll be allowed to eat so that they don't die yep just eat the food don't die please don't die because we're now out of food jake needs another tending now taking the dog leather bed from caiman cayman selflessly gives up the dog leather bed so that jake the leader of the expedition can recover and huzzah a 12 10 quality it's doable you'll get better soon ibrahim this is getting kind of dicey we're going to remove the roof here so that he has more light to work in okay ibrahim how are we going to do with this one 25 she'll live okay caiman's gonna survive jake on the other hand i am worried about but i think he'll barely pull through this has happened before ibrahim hunts down an iguana only one has come to our land in this time and we have slain the iguana we will use this meat to feed to jake and jake may live longer come on jake pull through man one more tend 43 he will survive as will cayman she is recovering well this one was a real nail biter food glorious food it couldn't be better timed either because everyone is starving and about to die and despite her flu cayman's actually going to have to be the hard one to harvest it she's uh she'll pull through but she won't be very well off in the end okay we now we have to feed the others good jake despite his decaying health may actually live in this rice will help him not snap okay it's not much but it is a living and it looks like the potatoes are almost there too they'll have better yield no jake geek no jake don't get out of bed oh why get back in the dog leather well one good tendon jeep may save his life oh why well syndra is back at it and this looks like our master planter will take the reins from here good that's it may not be a copious amount of rice but it'll keep us alive for now you may have food poisoning but your malnutrition is going away and it looks like ibrahim will have one more chance sanjik alright that might be enough very good caiman will definitely pull through a bountiful harvest of rice cargo pods have fallen from the sky and they contain corn glorious corn oh god if only we had that a few days ago we wouldn't have been all starving but now regardless it's still useful the eagle god has saved us again and a heat wave has it passed well there goes everything only one thing we can do now i'm actually going to borrow a strategy from the arctic to insulate us unfortunately we can't build over this soft sand but we'll just have to use it because this is where we've set up we can create two rooms abutting this first one in insulation to our main room and just keep this one cool cayman has developed an immunity the heat outside is unbearable the psychic drone is ending and this is the closest one i've ever seen 99 one heat locker is finished now our colonists do have about 20 degrees worth of insulation from the heat but that's not saying much it's 130 degrees outside they will start to get heat stroke soon with the heat stroke setting in and food poisoning we complete the second airlock and now roof it off okay we're all sealed in now we build a second passive cooler because we are just running out of options but that's enough to insulate us from about 35 degrees worth of temperature inside 125 outside and 86 inside well we survived a flu a psychic drone malnutrition and a heat wave all at once all thanks to some quick thinking and good insulation and some dromedaries have joined okay this is actually fantastic male and female these will provide us with milk and more dromedaries what an amazing boon of luck smashing now they aren't my favorite animal but their milk fullness should make them more cost effective in fact if these dromedaries should be sufficiently reproductive i could repurpose them for clothing however the male dromedary is 37 and the female is six so we need to get them going at creating another male because he might die i don't know the life expectancy of dromedaries and i i don't imagine it's that long and as a testament to temperature regulation we have 127 outside 107 on our inner room and then 64 on our innermost room so this means that we've actually done a great job at keeping this place cool we've created a small area and we'll invert it to tell the dromedaries to just stay out of the main house go dromedaries go it's time to get started on a new grow zone we're going to need cotton if we want to stay cool forever in this place so we'll start growing some of that not a lot just some we can also clear out our main room and create more specialized stockpile zones i just like the look of these they show me where things are at a glance the rice is collected and our first mission is complete we are alive our dromedaries are mating there will be another generation of them unfortunately senra and jake who were married were divorced now so senra is gonna be in a pretty foul mood for a while it'll take a while to build back up these relationships but there's no other urgent uh factors in line right now so this is safe now is the time for great art we must create sculptures asparagus is an excellent carver we will begin with sandstone a highly workable material glad noises dromedary one's milk is full and this gives us the first of our animal products it's worth it even if they eat some of the crops because these animals are irreplaceable here in the desert and there is the 12 milk i think they're highly inefficient but they're rare animals so we'll keep them oh a rare sighting a suguro cactus having grown in the desert perhaps the only plant life around here and a psychic soothe on females a man hunter packed three of them and this will be our ultimate test we arm for war at once there come the invaders we will engage them from behind some rocks and a transport pod crash simultaneously simultaneous transport pod crash uh okay eduard very beautiful hair he i don't like him but they might like our faction if we save him so we'll take him in okay good luck my colonists good luck may the odds be in your favor here come the beasts okay good one is down the others have just gone seemingly for the wall um okay sparrow guys you get out in the front you're a good fighter and they're good who are they going for i guess they're going for senra over there let's take out this last one we've got one more invader here it is and good oh fragiste calucole we are saved and we have some urns they're going to tidy up this room and make it actually beautiful now it's slightly impressive good a slightly impressive barrack eduard is saved and not dead and at long last sparrow guys completes her first sculpture what appears to be a series of interlocking circles uh good quality all right it's a depiction of a gazelle wearing an evening gown has neoclassical feeling in a rectangular structure bordered by a group of eggplants who knows more like belongs in the trash that keeps our room solidly at somewhat impressive and we have the makings of a new romance sparrowgate has tried to romance jake by describing him as a shining wing unfortunately he didn't respond he was too wrapped in research though they do like one another maybe he will go for an older woman we're going to finish off our colony by building what i like to think of as sort of a cocoon around our main room if all else fails we'll have at least have this for temperature regulation after all that's one of the main needs and that's what held up in the arctic lastly we have enough to make one lizard-skinned cowboy hat in case of some sort of temperature disaster it's worth it at least to get started with the crafting so we'll begin here all right an excellent large sculpture five adjacent rooms and we've even finished work on stone cutting research now we can get started here this is fantastic news well we survived the desert heat of flu we survived a heat wave basically every single bad event that could come at us at once and survived only by the skin of our nose it feels good it feels good being the best and we did it all independently too no help required i think we'll call it there we've now made it to the second of jugis having passed the first month one season and we've made a lot of progress and i'm completely happy with that i think we'll end it there thanks to viewers like you thanks to my patrons they are the dromedary milk from which i sump and i can't thank them enough as always i'm ambiguous amphibian have a good day now goodbye you
Channel: ambiguousamphibian
Views: 792,546
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rimworld, rimworld desert, rimworld extreme desert, rimworld desert start, rimworld desert survival, rimworld extreme desert tribal, rimworld desert tribe, rimworld extreme desert survival, rimworld desert challenge, rimworld gameplay, rimworld game, rimworld ep 1, rimworld part 1, rimworld lets play, rimworld desert difficult, rimworld tribal start, rimworld starting with nothing, rimworld royalty, rimworld extreme desert run, rimworld desert run, rimworld 2021
Id: GyKdr5_kGZs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 36sec (936 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 19 2021
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