GOLD MEDAL WINNER Inside The High Limit Coin Pusher Jackpot WON MONEY ASMR

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what did you just do here we go again and she's creeping me out again we're on a secret mission why are you doing like the crazy chick with the black hair climbing out of tv's and we're gonna do something we've never done before we're gonna hit the road go to the casino and visit elvis deja vu [Music] one more time [Applause] don't believe her if she says one more time she's just it really means ten more times no she's just shortening one and not saying hundred so it's 100 more times all right let's see how many hundred rolls do we see two four six eight ten seven four seven eight or eighteen i don't know well you got a stack back there too all right what's your plan strategy number one i'm gonna go to the left so we're here a little bit later than typical and we didn't have a choice this kind of looks like some kind of olympic yeah it reminds me of some type of stadium like back in the ancient days is that what it is it's a big old gladiator that's what it reminds me of yeah did you and your siblings did you guys ever wrestle like gladiators all the time would you have egyptian battles we would wrestle and then we would build forts together we did it all how many gators did you guys wrestle zero you haven't lived until you wrestled a gator how many have you wrestled just one the real one george yeah you gotta stay clear of that gator that gator is vicious it would have been nice to know that the female gator i would have known that beforehand i probably wouldn't have tried to wrestle they gotta keep you guessing makes life interesting [Music] all right so my technique is to get as many quarters as possible because if i go straight for the arena the gladiator arena the olympic gold i'd for sure lose would this mean if you get the top would that mean you're a gold medalist i hope so you would finally be an olympic champion is that what it would be that would be awesome we could finally declare you as the olympic champion good wishes you can make me a an award out of um yogurt tops i could do that what's the next olympics do you know i thought they cancelled it because of koben i thought i read an article that it was canceled because of copenhagen i don't know we don't have tv reception i didn't read the article i just saw the headline and a picture the last time i watched tv was in a hotel in florida and even then even then you were just watching ridiculousness that and storage wars and i was like oh there's rene again well you were watching the domain the final countdown just the countdown but not the actual yeah we were trying to keep an eye on that so we could plan for the future who was in the lead yeah we wanted to know what the future was gonna hold thankfully for you i'm good at predicting the future oh 80 now i mean 20 of the time correction 21 of the time really yes really one time i was wrong predicting the future how much time you got i've got the entirety of the future how's that for a prediction [Music] all right i'm down to three quarters you've got some good pushes you're still winning no wait there is two more hiding in the corner all right last quarter i think i've got some pretty good questions you ready to pull i'm ready [Music] that looks strange take a wild guess i mean very very funny how much do you think i pushed off i'm guessing 25 25 even it looks exactly like the last one so what's the plan then try and go for another 25 or see what you can knock over should i go center i don't know that's what suppose you got 25 going to the left you might as well try something what's the worst that can happen it'll go in your fail let's go center then strategy number two center center center oh it moved it definitely moved i saw it move i see quarters moving around it well that could be good you could be pushing quarters off to the left and the right true don't blink because that thing just moved again i didn't see it it definitely moved and you're getting quarters in the left and the right nice maybe i'll get three look at this side yeah she potentially could get 25 on each side that can happen she's pushing dead center it just moved again it literally just moved again oh i just got a good quarter landing you know it would be awesome if you could just jiggle wiggle some of them hundreds off that would be awesome they just moved again i'm telling you i'm not seeing it do not take your eyes off the screen it just moved again i'm still not seeing it maybe i'm blinking every time it moves baby i'm not blinking trust me on this one i forgot to bring the tape to hold my lids open it's moving and you got quarters going to the left and the right are you sure you're not imagining things you know what you're right you're right [Music] you're definitely getting drops look at that i thought i saw a hundred wiggling too oh i just saw a wig on the left you saw a wiggle jiggle 100 yeah one of the bills just keep going center center seems to be the [Music] [Music] [Music] and look at the quarters going oh this one's going to be a hard one that's what she said i know you like them easy but you can't all go that way [Music] but if you dropped another 25 how many [Music] quarters [Music] nothing no time okay my guess is 25. one close twenty dollars even in quarters nice it went down so the strategy center did not do a whole lot so i think i'm gonna switch it up and go to the right okay strategy number three go to the right she always says you always go right when you go right which how really can you you can't argue that philosophy [Music] there it's already paying off but it didn't move the structure once you go right you finally went right we've definitely learned that in storage units yeah so the next storage unit challenge that we do we're gonna go left we're gonna go left because it's bound to be less sooner or later trust me on this one so we should go right so that the left side i'm just saying if we go right the left side is going to win so we might as well just go left you followed you dig i lost you you don't dig i lost you at lunch that's odd because you had me at [Music] hales jeremy hales [Music] she did tell me when we met why don't why don't you tell them all right then i'll tell them okay if we ever get married i want to keep part of my last name so if if which means we'd have to spell [Music] h-a-l-e-z she wouldn't have a different last name than me so i said that's fine we'll just never get married problem solved because i ain't changing my name to jeremy hales because it's z although i did make her an official what the hell's name badge laminated the whole deal and it did it did go in regards to h-a-l-e-z you gave me the title senior partner and then for hailscorp h-a-l-e-z so i gave her a z in the business all right that was my last order already was the right decision 25. new strategy right brought me 32.25 so it was right i definitely got more you think you got enough expected i think you got enough to do a little damage oh look at that look at the casino chip it's ready to hold right on my bushings oh my goodness should i try and trick you when we were counting what do you think trick shot or center no i think center all right getting your money first trick shot's going to wait get your money strategy center here we go i don't want this lady going on [Music] you don't want to get the stink gun i prefer not to [Music] oh my goodness to oh my goodness wow i think they're both gonna fall off at the same time that's huge if you can get them to knock off and help push that thing over that would be awesome i'm trying as fast as i can don't go crazy don't waste it because if we don't have any ammo when you're done then we're screwed they're positioned nope they're not coming off they're hitting the back they're they're not gonna fall off they're hitting the back of that tower there's no way for those to slide off oh they keep getting pushed back they're getting pushed back and i gotta time it babe i don't think see what center does for you maybe it'll push it forward a little bit more and then drop those chips to take it down just moved again the crazy thing is we have not seen one thing fall off of this thing yet like no money it's got a couple of bitcoins nothing is even fudged on this paper money especially nothing has budged except the entirety of the tower it like makes these little towers i mean that's not what i meant arena arena gladiator olympic arena whatever it is you need to call it this is how she justifies it [Music] this is everyday is there a problem huh what all right down to three quarters three quarters do you think you pushed enough i think so i sure hope so all right one more push [Music] i think i'm gonna go to the left they're trying to get some of those chips [Music] one of my corners yeah i think are you playing basketball in there or what playing [Music] you were dribbling like crazy there i saw that dribble dribble [Music] okay so if you can get you're trying to drop that chip to the left right yeah if you can drop that chip you're gonna have to sneak it around remember that one time you you push the hundred dollar the gold bill oh my goodness look what you said [Music] holy cow all right whatever that thing is is pushing it back it can't get around it it's pushing it back i for sure thought with the other ship putting pressure on top of it and weight on top of it [Music] it would fall by now just push it just push that whole thing your olympic philippian gold medal platform whatever whatever it is i saw it all move i did i absolutely saw [Music] come on everything fall down already it's like scooting it shifted to the right it's shifting to the right all right what's going on oh it just just moved it just moved that whole thing it just moved that whole thing i saw 100 bills she's got three chips on the back i know it's hard to see she's got three chips in the back one of them something has got to fall and what it does it is probably going to push the living hails out of this [Music] down to three structure three quarters it didn't move it moved and chips oh she got a good push [Music] no chips falling off yet oh my goodness this is page 10. all right this is more intense don't leave me hanging 35 50 quarters you got 35.50 again yeah what do you think middle left i think i'm going to go center and center oh you're going to go center and center okay i think that's that's probably okay so she's going center and center i'm not sure what that means but that's just another georgia island it gets me to win something going center and center well if you can knock a chip off if it's just getting the chip you've got to get something behind the chip to push it off the upper tray once it gets down that upper tray is actually going to push it into the whatever you want to call that thing your olympian gladiator platform of awesomeness and then you got something to work with i mean that's show me what you're working with elvis help me out here that's pretty epic in itself oh my goodness the back wall of the arena came crumbling down is it crumbling are you getting extra pushes [Music] oh oh oh you just got you got money you finally go left go left child oh my goodness something's happening look at that i think going center and center wasn't bad yeah but now you got to go left make those hundreds drop make something happen here this one was getting pretty close to uh a draw which is called the ball if you only won quarters let's say you won 32 quarters after hours of playing and nothing happened yeah would you call that a win or would that go oh forget what i was just even saying who cares who cares and that 200 just rolled up all right something is definitely happening now there is a lot of shift happening right now and those chips may be coming off soon would be nice for all three of them to come off at the same time that would be epic you get a triple check am i seeing a part of the arena being pushed now it definitely looks like the gladiator arena in italy have destroyed now we know what happened in the arena in italy something is definitely happening now oh you're getting some good pushes oh you're almost on the edge with that other hundred oh my goodness you just got it that was epic you're getting you are definitely getting some ammo now too down to three corners you're gonna get enough ammo to try and take this thing out aren't you i'm gonna try most certainly i think you can do it i'm gonna need your help and elvis's i thought it was never going to happen 37.75 where are you going with the 37. i think i'm gonna keep going to the left you know what there's a lot of ammo that fell over there there is chipping away at that time like a wise decision and even better if you could drop a chip or two huh would be awesome [Music] oh my goodness okay one in the back just flipped off strategy switch one in the back just lift off no go to the left you need that ammo don't don't get silly you have to have that ammo that you can take that whole thing out all right your eyes get bigger another hopefully but really whether one falls or not all those quarters that are fell and piled up i mean go left middle but you need that ammo to take that thing out whatever it is you're calling it what is that again the arena the arena [Music] she says you see now all this ammo you're getting that's why you got to go to the left get that ammo then you'll take that arena out oh it's driving me nuts that goes there they go they just both fell behind she's got three behind now let's see how much damage they'll help me do as long as they keep pushing quarters the quarters can do the damage to the rest of this structure look at that you're getting incredible pushes then we're some good pushes are you impressed with the pushes yeah yeah i've got to say i've seen a lot of pushes a lot of pushes hours and hours and hours and hours and hours of pushes but nothing compares to these wishes that was good pushes again you're the olympian you're the champion [Music] look at the chips going around now it would have been nice it would have been nice if they would have helped knock it over but hey if they help knock quarters in and the quarters do the damage later i can't complain about that the one on the right is coming around the right as well nice [Music] nice wow once again the impossible made possible by elvis great coaching we'll just leave it right there what are you saying don't forget to stretch and pure natural talent by george's coach now when you say george's coach or you're referring to yourself or elvis i'd rather not talk about it all right [Music] some things should be safe down down to four corners down to one quarter i don't think so [Music] in quarters 71.50 look look at the back part of the wall broke down oh the coin the the casino chip is missing where is it oh it's very okay you know what i'm thinking last time you changed it up and went to the right it went right why don't you go right again see if you get those hundreds and then how much did you say you had 71. 71 oh you got tons of ammo oh my goodness something's got to happen here look at that it's happening already and you already got 100 off oh yeah yeah nice nice breaking walls down i'm telling you this is just like the arena in italy i told you i saw that arena right when i was in italy i went you know what you could go inside and i was like yeah whatever i guess most people would have really wanted to go inside and see it but i was like it's just a big brick building i was i went i was looking for places that were that were uh places in the bible versus places where people were killing one another so i was looking at biblical places but that's my 4k but now look at here i am again outside the arena oh no oh my goodness what did you just do one of my corners bounce and landed on the hundred and the under one flying into the other way [Music] it's all accidental and she's she's gonna send more money over and you know what if that goes over we're getting there's nobody over there right now so we're getting it we're not playing that game we're not messing around look at you dropping it like it's hot dropping it like it's hot now this thing is coming down do you even know how did the uh the arena the gladiator arena walls how'd they get damaged do you know i think i just chipped away at it no i mean the real one not the one you're destroying right now the other one that you destroyed in years past because you're like a vampire you never die olympians like you have superhuman strength to destroy arenas you don't know the history of it i don't either i mean i could hop on the google machine how about you just stay on the elvis machine and then we'll just buy an arena i can already see the video bought abandoned arena health wanted gladiators youtube gladiator fights [Music] how fun would that be gladiator versus gladiator youtubers oh no hands on royal rumble no holds barred [Music] but youtubers fight it out in our arena like hey you want to be dumb and say stuff online why don't you come back it up right here yeah trolls only okay we're gonna let every troll a lot of people still don't know what a troll is they're people that say negative things there are people that hide behind the screen people that hide behind their keyboard and say really mean things which a lot of youtubers who have channels do the exact same thing it comes with materials they use the face celebrities right any celebrity gets trolls so rude people no hold [Music] celeb versus youtube wannabe celeb youtuber with daddy issues versus youtuber with mommy issues [Music] youtuber who lives in their mom's basement versus youtuber who lives in there as separation anxiety there you go that would be me you know what this could be a brand new channel with who whenever you leave me really really why is this news to you you thought i was joking everything you say is a joke it was a joke oh always right up my hind side i gotta go chill at the wire house in my man cave that i built just to get some me time some jeremy time some jarrah me time [Music] got all got all that sweet furniture set up my little man cave [Music] the only issue is it's it's lonely it's missing something it's missing a george shared with one person who's that one person elvis how did you know you're so predictable oh i'm the predictable one now yes you are you were dropping hundreds like it was hot you got the bags and that's when you push into the right side do you think you should shift back over to the left what happened to my other chip on the right you you dropped it on the right you dropped it you dropped it look you dropped the whole thing oh you almost have no quarters left all right i'm down to three time to make some magic happen come on baby where you want me to go all right time to pull there's that 500 bonus chip thank you wow without that chip nothing might have happened and i was able to push off 117 and 50 cents in quarters i mean this may be a dumb question but you're going left right strategy left here icon another one of the hundred rolls fell off of the arena while wow both of those ships are going to fall at the same time nice i just know it remember when we pause to count we count everything by hand oh nice and the machine keeps pushing regardless so action happens sometimes sometimes one of us will just do the counting and other times there's so much that we both end up doing the counting and we help each other out and try and do the math and then we miss some of the most epic falls unfortunately yeah we have missed some very epic things which is unfortunate that's the thing you never know you never know how stable unstable you know you could you could be a loser walk away and go nothing's gonna fall and in five minutes later the whole thing just falls and nobody's there nice nice 117 you ought to have enough to take this thing out i would sure hope so on a nice date maybe some steak you order a salad what do you think [Music] with extra extra [Music] i like to dip the chick-fil-a nuggets in uh ketchup and chick-fil-a sauce first dipping ketchup ketchup and then what a push chick-fil-a sauce is so good it's like my own fancy sauce ketchup all the way i don't mess around is that what you want you want tonight [Music] [Applause] should i go after him yeah i think he should i can see it it's moving it's barely sticking out of the corner like a quarter of it it is on the right it is covered by four different quarters right now but eventually it's moving you never know just going to the right switching up might knock this thing over [Music] oh it's coming around it's coming around the bend the front of the arena she'll be coming around the corner there's that there's about a quarter of it showing oh man what a push on it see the gold that is a lot of going there it goes showing a little more now oh look at that it's showing a little more like now it's showing like it's pregnant like it's just like it's nine months and ready to burst when you were pregnant how much did you show you no one could tell i was pregnant nobody at all i only gained 19 pounds 19 pounds and then as soon as i pushed joey out i was back down to my original weight i you can't blame me for that yeah i'm still blaming you for that nothing's changing it's on the edge well it's getting very close to you very very close very close to the edge things are getting intense here look at that i can see more of it now it's got three quarters on top of it it's gonna fall with 75 cents [Music] still on it george still has plenty to work here she has plenty to work with now she's got plenty of ammo oh man it's on the edge here we go here we go and and come on baby [Music] yo something's working you just knocked another 100 you should just got another 100 down you got another 100 hit that center hit that center like crazy hit that center and maybe that big point will probably fall right back in the middle of the arena you think so oh yeah i suppose anything is possible although you've had you've had money jump right inside the chute before like [Music] i'm staying [Music] those do you think the arena is getting any weaker did you just you made it jump again what is with you and jumping 100 bills tonight it's my my quarters that are bouncing [Music] you're that good at dribbling quarters no it all happens by accident [Music] absolutely [Music] you ain't having any problem with the right tonight you know why why because everything's in the middle remember we've talked about it you go left then you remove that resistance yes and that's why you always have a problem with the right afterwards but since everything's in the middle everything is going right and left it's going right because once you go right man you are getting some epic pushes i am [Music] the only area that you're struggling [Music] with it's oh man it's ready to jump in it's right there [Music] yeah that one wants to come home no doubt about it oh my goodness it's so close here we go [Music] that probably means everybody's gonna get uh point zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero one of a pen but we do appreciate all the help i think part of the arena wall has collapsed back here can you get the front to collapse anymore look the hundred dollar bills are smashed up against the glass yeah they're not going anywhere anytime oh yes they are you just said they're not going anywhere and one jumped out all right yeah you need to go left opposite day now huh she's going for another 100. [Music] it started difficult but i think she's on to it now we're getting some good momentum right now the key is getting that momentum and once you get the momentum ammunition ammunition into more quarters then you attack the structures don't ever go for the big price first that's how they get your money that's how you walk away a loser go for the most amount of quarters that you know will push then get all those quarters and attack the big structure the big prizes we've learned so much so much away from towers hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of times and losing so much to go oh wait there's actually a system here you'll learn from your mistake as you go and you know that applies reselling coin pushing buying storage units [Music] three quarters left let's see what happens [Music] that's that wasn't a bad round though right on that edge let's pull look at that 165 and 50 cents in quarters ready to battle in the arena and this arena is still falling apart more pieces are falling i were counting 400 in paper money and the two bonus chips that fell yep and the bitcoin nice all right you go on the left you're going for the hundred dollar bill i am i'm gonna go up i'm gonna continue going let's go after that and then i'll switch it up to the to the arena i think you got enough how much did you say you have 165 165. didn't mess around there did you all right now it's time to go center see what kind of damage i could do by going center point confusion or just center just center for now you're just gonna hit it hard yeah [Music] maybe you can get a couple more hundreds to fall that would be awesome and that big point get the hundred bitcoin and then watch the beautiful arena just fall back lean [Music] apparently you do if you could take the whole arena down will you feel like an olympian gold medalist if i can get that big point that'll be my gold medal [Music] if if you are a gold medalist anything else not just point pushing but anything else what would you be a gold medalist i would be a gold medal good question thank you for asking i would be a gold medalist [Music] [Music] all right what else would you be a gold medalist [Music] do you really have to ask eating candy from you yeah i'm pretty good at eating candy no doubt about that especially the kind of candy that i purposely hide from you and you sniff out but i think buying storage one second no third for sure [Music] something's happening to it [Music] if i can just get those other three hundred dollars peace [Music] so that's it [Music] [Music] [Music] to me right now why you giving me sick guys [Music] i think i'm in trouble for letting everybody know that george where has i become [Music] not bad not bad borders are falling left and right but i haven't seen the arena move it hasn't budged at all you dropped the top that's got to count for something i didn't see it i think the back is still leaning don't you it is [Music] i think i think more of it's going to fall okay okay it's on the edge something's gonna happen [Music] this is getting tough this is getting really difficult you know it started out difficult i don't think much has changed this has definitely been a hard one [Music] we're gonna get ready [Music] mhm [Music] it's the gold reflection [Music] where are you seeing a double yeah there's definitely only one big one i only see one [Music] where were you seeing the second right below where [Music] i have no idea [Music] taking it piece by piece [Music] what if you go to the what do you think to the right [Music] you need to get just go full gladiator mode get your boy elvis go full gladiator mode on this thing come on elvis help me out here [Music] logging up the machine killing it properly is that good or bad when you vlog [Music] vlogging [Music] getting beat with a stick [Music] oh it just rotated [Music] come on george focus you want me to use mind control or do you got me [Music] i'm not sure mind control is going to do much right now remember when you got mad at me before talking about makeup that that pretty much that destroys mind control you didn't know that did you that destroyed it has to be replenished now man you are so stinking close [Music] i can't believe it hasn't gone yet [Music] how about you use [Music] all right here we go let's see what can happen i doubt anything will happen nothing ever happens when i use my controller try again all right try it again trying again still nothing did you really try or were you napping i may have yawn [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] why does everything happen you're going to show the rest of what you drew 300. nice i got smashed up when that all fell all right why did you all it looks like everything else is on the right oh you already got the 100. [Music] i have faith in you look it's moving already that's like an impenetrable wall right there i like what i'm seeing right now is that a word impenetrable sure sounds legit all right you're the linguistic expert so you can get a gold medal in that too i doubt it look how sweet once i get that bitcoin you're gonna you're gonna let me get the rest of it you let me have a turn if you want to you want to destroy the rest of the arena i kind of like the idea of that we could put that on you know what we could do we could get the bitcoin and then we could put the rest of this on the what the asmr channel do you think that's a good idea yeah because we could knock the rest down and just put that on the channel all right let's do that we haven't done that yet we our bitcoin is so close to the edge so so close to the edge oh one more push that it's mine yeah oh got it are you ready for the granddaddy there's still stuff falling behind you look at this 252.50 1300 oh that one jumped away wait you pushed the bundle over to the right as well i i think i'm using some of that to get those hundred dollar bills off to the right these are bonus 500 casino let's just start pushing and let's put this on our new channel what the asmr [Music] you
Channel: undefined
Views: 187,508
Rating: 4.9093595 out of 5
Keywords: coin pusher, coin pusher jackpot, playing high stakes coin pusher, won money in high stakes coin pusher, coin pusher machine, coin pusher big win, coin pusher game, coin pusher money, high risk coin pusher jackpot, high risk coin pusher big win, won bitcoin, high risk coin pusher videos, progressive jackpots
Id: 5doBJJuiq5k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 54sec (3594 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 17 2020
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