COIN PYRAMID Hiding MYSTERY BAG & BITCOIN Inside The High Limit Coin Pusher Jackpot ASMR

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it wasn't your mommy bringing you the lucky lucky bag obviously isn't that lucky he's got a hole in it not dropping money dropping money like his hot making it rain everywhere that's not good what are you gonna do with it really yeah can I buy it so I can play sure all right headed back in let's see how much money we can make if any probably not you'll probably never even see this video [Music] that's crystal clear bags it is labeled great value so it'll actually be great value okay so this is what she wanted is it because of the mystery bag in the back is number I I was gonna say this pyramid I thought it was pyramids because the Egyptian thing but nope nope it's the mystery bag more than bag you want to know what's in the bag all right I want your prediction now what's in the bag no prediction Oh my prediction yeah [Music] you just not what did you just do that's gonna help just took the bag out what's your prediction what's in the bag you're just killed a Bitcoin what do you think's in the bag [Music] it does look round I'm guessing more Bitcoin what do you think it's not as round as the Bitcoin but dropping them right now like it's hot you got the you got the left ones to the left to the left to the left just like doing a hokey-pokey here to the left you played the coin pusher and you drop it all down that's what it's all about to the left now you put the left and you get here before the old high you rapid fire you try to make some dough that's how the corn pushes go this lucky bag is bringing great luck have you ever been called a homewrecker before well you just knocked down two Pearman homes don't think that I don't think that means inconceivable all I'm saying is somebody's mummies was living in that pyramid and now he doesn't drop the big point on it [Music] [Music] we've got some right on the edge right on the edge you gotta front of scare that's for sure [Music] two quarters already did you even drop any quarters in the shoe how many I guess not Oh No lucky bag let's find out how lucky your bag number 2.0 is how you calling that lucky right now okay you can call it 2.0 now Elvis Elvis is a lucky actually I didn't think she actually got that many but apparently dr. knocking the Mummy's home sound she did really well knocking the Mummy's home is down you're gonna really have to push that once not something she's gonna have to really push that side better plate out 750 like you never played before right now bitcoin mystery bags going to the next player it looks like and oh my goodness she might just got a little bit of fall I'll shut a little bit more money oh she's got a little bit more okay I think this proves everybody let's be honest with everyone here this proves that the bag was not looking that Jeremy's song is the lucky thing because my sock is still on my foot and my sock just did that this lucky bag stuff and that's what my lucky sock did for you five dollars we both know that this is usually how they always begin that this is where you lose you're down to five dollars there ain't no lucky bag in there this is what happens more often than not you look at all those quarters like oh yeah I can get those to push and then it does not okay that was my sock doing that for you that was my sock so you it's difficult this is not just because it looks easy you don't see all the times that we actually lose by we I mean her for my sake feel bad I thought you were gonna give it a real home ooh I'll stuff it in the machine 50 you've been worse than that I'm gonna keep hitting that keep going he's going to the left look at this she's got so much on the edge here there's so much on the edge only has 250 left and no no she's still not getting anything how much more do you have she's down to 3/4 she's got to get 3/4 oh I can't believe it Elvis you sing it he's got a buck 75 if there's one way to win its now come on you got a dollar more it's not a number come on come on come on you did get something anything else oh my goodness I can't believe you're still in it how the Hales are you still in this look at this there is a quarter standing up in there there's a quarter standing up that's that's not bad not bad oh you got some more you got some more to fall how much of tomorrow you got I'm gonna - OH - quarters she's got to push of all pushes you gonna tell them or you want me to she put lucky socks on guys she has my lucky sock on right now she she pretty much doesn't believe in 2.0 lucky bag oh come on come on something please something nothing nothing at all ooh come on she's got a little bit more but for sure come on we need a drop we need a drop I can't believe you're still in it you cannot believe you're still in it two more orders in three more quarters and Elvis we need you we need you Elvis this may be one of the videos that never gets seen [Music] your lucky bag $5.00 and 2015 over there the bag and a whole another pyramid oh she just actually oh nice okay good got a good push looks like you actually have some stuck quarters back there though - Oh something else just fell something else just fell I've heard it she's going for that pyramid that she knocked now she's trying to nothing oh she knocked it down it did fall it did call unfortunately everything is backwards and there have been some coins that actually fell but not very money unfortunately not very many at all that bitcoin is getting closer but it's not close enough and the other ones all the way back there in the mystery bag this is crazy a little bit better still in it somehow someway still in it [Music] houses actually go in it this has been maybe I can use the black bag as a body bag for the lucky bag all nice you actually just got a really good clothes oh you got two good pushes maybe once that that third pyramid came down that but oh you just got another huge push oh my goodness I think you're actually back in this I can't believe it she's actually I thought she was done I thought she well done I thought I thought she was burnt crispy overcooked you name it that thing was done oh [Applause] you're getting the Bitcoin now I can't believe it what were you in within like two bucks or something this is insane this is oh my goodness this is drop it it's like raining there's a thunderstorm of quarters right now there is a quarter storm there is a quarter storm in this place actually there's a thunderstorm here in the state anyway so that's why everybody [Music] you want a damage assessment yeah there's anybody who knows how to do damage it's you started from the bottom now we're here I got 53 dollars and 25 cents started from the bottom I did started from the bottom we you and you point Oh from what I recall me and Elvis were there the entire time and you ain't the only one I thought I thought she was down and I smell it oh is that launched what do you have for lunch smell coming that one time there was a dragon baby rain that's important it's a hand storm that is a hailstorm [Music] it is a hailstorm she's so close is one Bitcoin right there Wow I'll give you that Oh give it you're gonna get it you definitely got you got the ammunition to take it [Music] are you gonna get it let's see what happens I'll definitely get it before amount of coins you've been so close to being out of coins and spinner I just need to amazing push this and then boom big coin you are mine oh that's one and we're gonna do a whopping it like crazy [Music] that Bitcoin oh no that was just like a push yeah you're making it rain alright you just bounced them everywhere yeah that was your second push is still oh so close oh you got it you got it you got it you got it you got it drop it right help us started singing tables when Elvis started singing I swear this machine either it's triggered or something [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we all move towards better [Music] everybody shake shake shake nice that big point of view it's any that's stuff Oh [Music] Oh some weird stuff it's Spock you came in like a wrecking ball [Music] you came in like a wrecking ball for mommy's house doing your sledgehammers but the hibachi is strong with this one three quarters left but the hibachi lives on forever oh nice amazed blenders $5.25 and lucky bag 2.0 a hundred and five twenty-five almost the bag is getting closer [Music] she smears on the glass there's smears on the glass you almost see what's in the bag bitcoin is still on there to go for the big corner to buy I wanted to get both bitcoins well the bag was all the way in the back for the big normal bitcoins go lime buyers I heard bitcoin is a is a slippery thing if you don't know real cryptocurrency to be a really tricky minute how much how much do you have invested a big point what you have invested goes up and down in Bitcoin how much do you have invested a Bitcoin [Music] okay awkward awkward subject change here what's how much do you have invested in little mystery flat bags how much you have invested in little mystery black bag okay about the finance at all of her she tells the Elvis when she tells Elvis though [Music] the Bitcoin is shifting it shifted to the left like straight down the middle I see it making it rain already so you playing center or you playing right [Music] I can't I don't get too far away from the mission tonight because everybody is here on their fourth of July along this extra long weekend for you I got a play tight to the Machine everywhere [Music] dying tonight to the edge jump see the opening there you see in the actual thing though I'm getting the reflection of the casino Mike I'm not getting the actual oh I lost the big point where the big boat I don't know no I hear now I see it it's right there guys right there [Music] but it's finally moving forward good drop there those who may be wondering we have been at this buffoon how long [Music] because you actually get the play I don't [Music] so well over an hour [Music] [Music] [Music] oh come on big drop control nice you should have enough to work with to drop everything if she can get that big just so all the viewers at home know this is the actual first game she has ever played with lucky bag so so lucky we've never shown we've never shown what she's lost but she doesn't lose all the time and I just want to confirm that this is stuff first there wasn't a loss or anything before this is the first game which to point [Music] wasn't at home and now and now with my new LASIK eyes my Bionic superhumans she tells me to stop looking through everything because I have x-ray vision now again if you guys if you guys haven't seen the video this week of so we had a video this week and it was found gold and we did become a amount of gold in a storage unit we explained how you guys can find gold as well you can win a $5,000 LASIK eye surgery package transfer to anybody so you can win it and give it to a family a friend you want you just gotta watch that video and y'all put it in the I'll put it in the in common again if you guys are all automotive ten comments are in comments or in the comments it's the top comment it would be by us it'll say watch this video oh you watch that video follow the instructions you can win a $5,000 package give it to yeah I don't know I don't think I would have done any specials on my eyes I don't think my eyes are something that's good for this hell no Groupon for my eyes I didn't have to worry about going swimming and getting it was amazing it's getting close this is where we usually go by our [Music] if the crazy part that Bitcoin was all the way over here fell all the way back the only thing more points do you have it lucky bet $2 do you think I make sure you do it in $2 oh you're getting oh my goodness that was a good drop [Music] Oh oh you did you guys not more right I've got one hundred and thirty three dollars and that's a one-day bag holy cow I definitely get it before this man I want to see if you can do it within twenty dollars twenty dollars worth and I want to know what's in that black bag [Music] you should trade him the black box on the iPhone do you choose the iPhone or the missus or the mystery bag Deal or No Deal what would you choose if that was the deal since we haven't looked at would you go for the mystery bag what's in the mystery bag or the iPhone I would go for the mystery bag okay everybody in the comments below let us know if you didn't look in the mystery bag yet but you knew the iPhone a brand new iPhone is that the ten-time right [Music] okay the 11 okay so if you knew an iPhone 11 oh nice or you could have what was in the mystery bag what would you choose let us know in the comments hashtag iPhone or hashtag mystery bag [Music] phones are so ridiculous they're so cumbersome repairs Android you look at any tech online article and they'll tell you the same thing iPhone is not updated and Droid actually had to beat the best at the business to win a competitive edge on the market so their stuff is better an iPhone just relies on what they already have and so any tech any tech thing tells you joy joy joy joy droids because it's more user friendly iPhone is rested on because they buy it Android users buy droids many many years over ten years I finally was over to iPhone [Music] it ain't with me is where the poem I'm gonna get the big point in the next at least two pushes one I don't think you get I don't think you're let's count how many pushes it takes her that was kind of - well this might be it this might be it no that's three is definitely three [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] No [Music] yeah you will once you're out of money [Music] FAI Daddy Warbucks Warbucks your mummy who's your mummy I'll be like your mind gypsum mommy lucky 2.0 we're holding a hundred $38.50 oh we've all been waiting for [Music] and then is there so there's something else in the bag oh my face nice we got to figure out what those things are one [Music] [Music]
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 250,366
Rating: 4.9048543 out of 5
Keywords: coin pusher, coin pusher jackpot, playing high stakes coin pusher, won money in high stakes coin pusher, coin pusher machine, coin pusher big win, coin pusher game, coin pusher money, high risk coin pusher jackpot, high risk coin pusher big win, won bitcoin, high risk coin pusher videos, progressive jackpots
Id: lTRrcrG06KE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 10sec (2170 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 03 2020
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