GOLD SURPRISE Inside The High Limit Coin Pusher Jackpot WON MONEY ASMR

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here we go again 25 and quarters why'd you pick this one just look at it i think it's because you think you're a pretty pretty princess i think every female wants to believe and hope that they are a princess in their own little world can i be the prince absolutely then why do you keep coming back here to see the king all right princess diana i mean princess george anna this is gonna be a dangerous dangerous game um i'm ready to see what you got let's see what's your plan strategy left okay plot twist claw twist you didn't see that coming now did you see that coming at all how do you come up with these plot twists it just comes out of nowhere the left side of the castle is moving already bonus about well i guess not boneless but um groovy does that sound better you used to say rad when you were a kid no i just started saying it just now yeah all right well i did hear that um the old school egyptians are about 50 years behind on current trends i just started saying it this month but where did you come up with lean lip or lean lean back is from a song but i don't know that box did you see it no i was not paying attention why aren't you paying attention i saw that move i saw that move because there's too many other things you're too [Music] how did you do that going to the left i don't know but that was pretty awesome oh it made the other box move again it moved or you got it oh i just saw quarters moving i saw quarters moving to the left [Music] remember that one time you played and the princess did the people's elbow that was pretty awesome i remember when we were right in the dragon when we were wrestling you pretended that i was an alligator and we were wrestling what man who doesn't dream of wrestling two gators you're the only one i know two florida gators at the same time hey if they were born from the same mama in the same day if they were twins i'd wrestle lip twins and a heartbeat you could definitely take on two adolescents but not two adult gators maybe two baby gators two adolescent gators but definitely not two adult gators says who you could say goodbye you'll say goodbye to both legs you'll have two peg legs well then i guess i can't break them anymore so that's a bonus and then you could take being a pirate off your bucket list there's one thing i would never want to be is a pirate you'll have two peg legs once the gators bite them all and eat them all off drama queen i'm doing pretty good i've got quarter shopping okay drama princess i for sure thought the quarters would get stuck in the corner and that the castle it is it's working its way around bring it around the quarters are falling into the mouth oh now there's a moat yeah you have quite the vivid imagination there george that's what makes life interesting where are the gators if there's a moat where are the gators i want the gators i want to wrestle with twin gators all right down to one last quarter it's only fair oh that didn't push anything no i didn't time to pull 100 box and believe it or not about i pushed off 47.25 pretty good for us that's so good that's ridiculously good for a start that's why it took you so long see are you glad that you stopped here [Music] you made that pit stop we already we already said yes you could buy property next door i'll go south you can live here i'll pick you back up okay i'm good [Music] are you good yeah i'm gonna be with the twin gators okay i'm gonna be with my twin florida gators [Music] [Music] [Music] when i got that boo-boo why does your forehead hurt again because you belt me in the head was it an accident you tried to attack me with silver thinking i was a werewolf and we both know i ain't that hairy you're pretty airy oh now i'm hairy from your lower back down oh yeah uh the only hair on my body is my lower [Music] back remember that one time i don't remember how long ago that you did that push and like the the whole thing like the base of a column that was over hovering over the edge and then it all fell at once that's pretty awesome i'll give you that that was awesome [Music] that's what i love about this elvis coin pushing machine you never know what the hell is going to happen that's why i refuse to play any other coin pusher machine monopoly machine is still waiting for you no christian impatience played it why can't you okay well that could be their machine well they didn't make any money so why would you want me to play because you've never played monopoly before in your life and you love coin pushers so once we meld monopoly [Music] you should be in love with something well if they didn't win that's a clear sign that i probably won't either the skills to pay the bill you're paying bills now yeah i got bills can i give you mine [Music] oh there it goes that was pretty sweet went tumbling down [Music] this is do you think this is a castle or do you think this is like the wall of jericho definitely reminds me of a castle do you remember the song joshua won the battle of jericho can you sing it for me i was trying to prep it for you to sing for me [Music] let me hear it you sang last night [Music] joshua one of the battles jericho you can do anything but joshua won the battle of jericho no i've never heard that song before you don't know that one [Music] are you sure you don't know that one no that's a good one you should look into that one i think i'm gonna go center whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa are you having a mid-life crisis maybe i am maybe i'm not what is going on [Music] left center but when do you ever go center left center oh i just moved it it just moved the right side just moved the right side or the left side i saw the right side you moved the right side by pushing to the left yeah oh my goodness look look in the middle down in the middle do you see that gap opening and look at the base of the middle how much more money do you have in there i have about two handfuls next pull i think you should go straight on on the middle look at it it looks like it'll push and it will fall and if you can get that to fall you can probably take i don't know those definitely aren't towers we've never those are not towers we have boycotted tires yeah we do not play towers so what would you call those um staircases those would be staircases wrappy windy puppy downey staircases yeah i'll be down here okay that's what you do you go up and down with stairs oh it just pushed more all right one more handful you might get the middle with this name [Music] are you doing coin confusion i'm doing money confusion what's money confusion money money money money [Music] another hundred dollar box and 59 and ready to shine in order [Music] i'm getting sick and tired of you bringing up all these other men who's stephen good thinking lincoln oh now you gotta think for lincoln are you ready freddy i don't know patricia are you okay gary why are you why aren't you going middle go straight on middle left center go straight on middle it's already caving in center center center go middle middle middle i don't know what this center thing is you're talking about oh it's starting to clog center is making things clog if you want to fiddle with this you have to go straight in the middle you're not old enough i'll tell you later [Music] what are you talking about who was right about the mystery bag you're confusing me hey mister you're freaking me out [Music] i'm a little freaked out myself right now george don't freak out freak out [Music] that middle is coming apart i haven't seen it did you see it move now did you see it why did that happen the corners in front of it just jumped into the hopper mind control every time you say you don't see something i make it happen well you should do that more often just so one time in my life i'll hear you go you know what you're right jeremy i tell you all the time that you're right no you tell me i'm white you just have bad memories you say you are my white vanilla grandpa you don't say i'm your right just like how you forget that i let you play here at the casino you forget when i tell you you're right what you've let me play since when did you ever let me play point made oh [Music] just keep doing what you're doing center center center it's working the right's moving the right is moving did you just say jeremy you were right yeah did you say jeremy you're so right it's moving jeremy it's so right it's moving me to tears jeremy you're so right i mean moved what yeah not that you'll remember but yes remember what exactly [Music] [Music] you listen to your coach more often i was trying to tell you it was all moving out [Music] george oh this is gonna be a good george this is gonna be a good one your left staircase is breaking away at the foundation nice that's what we want that's exactly what we want whatever you're doing keep doing it [Music] oh my goodness this is so intense things are looking good this is so intense i really think the left staircase i think it's going to fall george i think it's going to fall yeah i don't see it georgia is going to something's happening in the middle and the left staircase looks like something's gonna happen you're not seeing it i'm not seeing it trust me not from the angle that i'm standing at keep your eye [Music] keep your eye oh man i can barely breathe that centers the center is going to collapse any minute now any minute now [Music] don't blink you're not going to want to miss this [Music] oh look at all of it being pushed out from underneath there's time to go it's starting to go george there's something under there look there's something peeking out on the base oh i see it there was something hidden in there do you see it it's a 500 pound chip it's coming out it's exposed it's oh oh my goodness it just slid out oh my goodness everything is falling apart [Music] oh my goodness there it was awesome i wonder how many other chips are hiding underneath [Music] that that middle it was a surprise in the middle [Music] i love a good surprise you still have the mystery bag behind yes and that staircase could be dangerous it could be dangerous oh the right side of the corner is being kicked out is the mystery bag pushing it no the mystery bag's just kind of hanging out not really left staircases ready to go all right i'm down to one handful of quarters you better make it count that staircase is gonna go [Music] oh my goodness i can barely breathe all right down to one quarter [Music] oh it moved it it did move it what do you think but nothing's crumbling should we still wait and watch or okay you're gonna have to pull why i keep watching on it i'll keep an eye on it this is too much [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that was yeah i'm pretty sure there's more even more what should i do center um continue attacking i almost think that you should go left get more ammo get more wait are you asking me what in my opinion oh okay okay i thought i thought you wanted me to tell you what to do you do like telling me what to do since when because you're the boss i'm gonna have to start recording it now because you have such bad memory really i'm like i don't care whatever i don't care whatever i don't care whatever you're grown do whatever you want to do i don't care whatever that mystery bag is buried buried back there it can't breathe how's the how's the don't worry little guy i'll save you [Music] how's the other staircase does it look like it's gonna fall no it looks pretty solid yeah it's in mint it's mint [Music] here comes cascading down i love it when it looks like fish scales wait that might be alligator scales now dragon tails dragon tails now everybody in florida has been sending us where coin pushers are located in florida [Music] but we're on our trip back we did not while we were down there we did not go and scout any of those places that trip was only for scouting and purchasing a property that was it when we get down there there was no time for leisure but we made sure to make up this stuff on the way back look at all the quarters when we get down there we will explore every place that you guys we've been keeping a list so we'll explore those places and see what we can come up with florida's not a bad drive from one end of the state to the other from east to west west no it wasn't and the location that we're looking at we are we're less than two hours from most of the major cities correct and so that's closer that's closer than we are already driving to where we're at now yeah we drive anywhere from two to three hours to get to the auction so it's it'll be nice to have multiple surrounding cities major cities that are two hours away hour away where we can go to storage unit auctions or even buy online you mean you're gonna come on the road you kept saying we i thought you swore off function i will never how many options have you taken to taking me this year quite a bit not enough more than more than what i wanted to go to oh here we go here we go here comes another cascade fall nice push wow wow don't worry royal blue mystery bag i'll still save you buddy loading up on that ammo so that i can come back and attack the right and destroy something so beautiful why is that oddly satisfying destroying something beautiful yeah i don't know something women like doing especially structures made out of shiny [Music] borders [Music] spiral staircase getting the mystery bag to move closer that 100 box where did that hundred dollar box come from i don't know oh i don't know i don't know where he came from but i'll keep you too look how close it's getting to the edge [Music] you almost have that mystery bag pushed off it's getting so close it wants to breathe again you think it wants to live come with me if you want to live i want to leave how many more quarters do you have i have quite a bit [Music] [Music] that mystery bag is so close now [Music] i'm keeping my eye on oh that was a good push [Music] so close to the edge oh look at that don't blink don't blink i try not to anything could happen my eyes are watering it's hard not to blink especially with big old eyes like you got these old things no it's a big [Music] i have a [Music] singing you knew what was going on breathe little bag breathe buddy you're free now you're coming home george to tell you what to do all the time right center or right hard right or center or as you'd like to call middle middle you want my coaching my my coaching preference or i think you should hit middle so the tower doesn't wait now let's look at that hold a second hold a second okay you think you can shot that bonus bundles look they made a tower in the back too so so you want to make sure that does not fall and hit the bonus bundles to your right yeah because then i'll lose that so i would go middle [Music] and then you're probably going to have to let me rapido to get some bonus bundles that was that's what i'm thinking okay what are you thinking yeah will you remember remember what oh look at that right around the staircase who wants to join the crew he's got he's got an entourage now i'm probably down to three handfuls of money three handfuls of better nothing i mean you've done pretty epic on this one if i can get that hundred box to fall before before i run out of ammo that would be awesome i think i can make it happen awesome if you let me though and we got something there [Music] why do why do you do this again it's like it's my way of being excited all right here we go here we go let's see what happens last handful last quarter [Music] oh didn't get the box that will next round got that royal blue mystery bag look at all these quarters i'm looking can you guess how much obviously not 323.25 323.25 you know how i know i had a dream about it last night nice yeah i was solid in my dream how's that sound awesome can you guess how many dreams i had the average human have multiple dreams per night what's the craziest dream you ever had the one dream that i had that lasted like four months i would hear a loud boom it was almost like a gunshot in the background and it would wake me up that's right you told me that one before yeah i i think i'm still in a dream right now it's like this whole elvis keeps singing in the background there's this egyptian chick named george does that make any sense hail snow that's life again what that's real excuse me yeah and now there's 100 box ready to fall and i'm not dreaming this is real life and i find gold and silver and jewelry and all kinds of treasures all the time any storage units yeah anna and i want to move to florida is this not the weirdest dream ever so crazy man is this does it get any weirder than this that i want to take six chickens to florida six can i keep hearing elvis in the background and i know this chick named george that's me no you're patricia and you just got your 100 box nice you definitely are patricia [Music] what are you thinking about a little rapido on the [Music] demodala videos over there wrap it and try and get a bonus bundle okay um yeah i'm just throwing it out absolutely remember can't make any promises but i'll try you gotta clog it what in if i could do that again that'd be awesome remember what i told you faster and more and you just have to overwhelm the thing but it's hard you have to line them up in your hand like you know how the sleeve of oreos is when you get a thing of oreos and they're all lined up like that yeah you have to line it up in the valley of your fingers oh nice and then just let them rip you got to let them let gravity take its course [Music] you got this you're doing all right look at you go i wish i had more control over it [Music] you can't have fun around the corner the only thing you can do to control is to jam it that one almost bombs pushed it back the center of the castle is starting to collapse how many gators do you want the chickens are gonna be fenced in that's what chicken coops are for do you want a gator you want a gator coop too should we get a gator coupe yeah didn't joe tiger have a whole building a gator he did remember do you remember remember because when we were watching tiger king and then he set it on fire 20 minute was like carol baskins or something [Music] allegedly [Music] yeah they tried to blame the producers i encourage everybody to watch tiger king in view of another another lens and the lenses compare every character real life character to a real life youtuber that you know in the reselling storage unit arena and i swear you will hear the exact same words come out of their equivalent their doppelganger tiger kings the exact same words will come out of their mouths it is the craziest thing in the world and you can go yep i know who that person is yep i know who that person is so relatable george and i had to watch it twice we're like that's this person that's this person oh my goodness we wanted we wanted to take clips from tiger king and then take clips from other youtubers videos and play them side by side but then we thought let's keep it classy but we still think it's [Music] hilarious [Music] you're taking bites out of the back end again george washington's helping me [Music] well i watch that bundle move you ain't got to worry about that i watch that bundle move all the time i'm the one recording i do miss some shots that's only when we're counting yeah sometimes when we get so many wait she has to count half i gotta count half all of our counting is done by hand [Music] is you're also extremely weird [Music] why thank you you're welcome you're weird i like you you're just so scared i like you too whoa whoa whoa i'm the most normal person i know you're on a different level here [Music] this is weird i don't want to be normal i've been able to accomplish so many amazing things in my life i wouldn't want a normal life see things other people never seen do things other people have never done i'll take the weird life so many people have told us don't move to florida how could you there's hurricanes there's gators well we didn't they live life in fear they live life in fear instead of actually living life i prefer the weird life yeah i mean we're a little we're probably a little oh a little bit more adventurous than some but that's okay not everyone is the adventure fight do you like adventure i think a lot of people prefer being in their normal bubble being here you like the bubble boy [Music] did i ever tell you that i was the first organization to bring bubbles to the united states yes bubble soccer yeah had custom-made bubble soccer i would travel all over with those things i was like this is gonna be huge and guess what it was huge it was literally [Music] [Music] not like it was just a few years ago and especially not this year because well this year everybody's scared of getting sick so you put a person inside a giant bubble and then you have to put another person inside afterwards which the way that we cleaned everything we used neutral cloth did you guys use quad when you were in the medical field do you know what quad is it's nothing like a quiv i can promise you that but a quad is neutral [Music] it's a cleaner never heard a quad i didn't work in housekeeping so i didn't know what types of products they ordered oh i i was scrubbing toilets like crazy i worked in housekeeping i would i would do a pull a triple bag you know what a triple bag is in housekeeping what is it you layer up on bags on what [Music] dive in where wherever you need to dive in where are you diving in for you you would dive in the toilet unclog the toilet triple bag your hand bam pull my hand out of the bag shake somebody else's hand and say would you mind giving towards our kids for camp would you wash your hands in between you know this whole clover thing wasn't an issue then but did you wash your hands [Music] it's a sanitary i would never i would never touch dirty money it's clean money [Music] do you wash your hands after you touch all this do money scrub any scrub scrub oh yeah i probably wash my hands like 20 times a day [Music] that's it [Music] maybe i should up it to 30 times a day i'm not washing my hands i have hand sanitizer with me we do find a ton ton of hand sanitizer in storage units we didn't know it was going to be worth so much we knew the toilet paper was definitely going to be worth it more than gold sometimes oh by the way here's your guys's tip if you haven't stocked up on toilet paper yet do it immediately as fast as possible because the apocalypse is coming round two and i ain't talking about when you're in the bathroom with [Music] [Music] yeah so that we can actually be around waves yes the good kind the good kind of waves have you been thinking about which property out of all the properties we like that you like the best you have yeah are you gonna tell me no you're not even gonna whisper it to me you want me to whisper to you [Music] did i tell you which one i liked the best yeah i did which one did i say because i might have been trying to throw you off i'm pretty sure i know which one you liked this is the one i drew a map all out of what i was gonna do on it that one where i drew a full site i drew a full site plan on it yes that you think i like that one i [Music] i'm sure i've done some things you didn't predict like brought you here on the way home i knew i could twist your arm a little bit oh you weren't just twisting my arm [Music] i have the welt on my forehead that was an accident that's what they all said that's what happens when you pretend to wrassle a gator gator bites bad okay i don't think i've been able to i've been rapid firing this whole time and i haven't been able to make a dent in it you want me to rapid fire you want to switch we can switch let's switch see what i can do see if i can beat george's rapid fire the rapido i'm lining them up [Music] you know what usually happens i end up vlogging [Music] that's why you triple bagga [Music] let me get my groove going let me get my groove going all the corners are moving from around the structure that's what always happens [Music] [Music] okay i'm going for it here we go here we [Music] go [Music] here we go here we go [Music] they're gripping one another pretty you tightly i can get them i think you can okay here we go again with another one oreo in them in my hand that's not good you're too young for that what are you talking about i'm too young you just literally told me today you're like i think i have carpal tunnel was that today or yesterday that was today not that you would remember like when you let me down you don't let me play you don't remember that either [Music] i could say the same about you me memory issues [Music] yes you is it moving at all not really when you first started yeah rapid firing i thought for sure you were gonna get it [Music] and [Music] borders are swimming around the structure trying to get them all in the moat though maybe something's gonna come here you don't think so [Music] got a lot of quarters last time my goodness being record after record with all the orders and they say there's a coin shortage what do we a lot of people ask what do you guys do with all the borders that you win and what do we think [Music] so you make money by bringing in borders during this time so we take advantage of that [Music] so we're basically getting paid extra money just to cash in our coins isn't that great usually it's the other way around where if you take it to a point star they keep a percentage here the banks are giving you a percentage to fork over the shiny quarters come on baby [Music] it's crazy to say but our casino winnings make us money by turning it in the definition of winning making money all i do is win win win [Music] is that a song nothing's happening nothing [Music] i'm thinking you might have to take back over maybe you can get elvis to sing for you what if i go to the left yeah try the left that might do something something or nothing [Music] i'm thinking you should probably take back over okay my game is off my game is off i have faith in you we're switching it up now i'm back on it's like human confusion i think you need to go right just nail it right right right right right right right right right look at that black mystery bag it's holy this is a pusher oh my goodness you know what it looks like in the outline look at the quarter sitting on it it looks like gold oh yeah does that look like there's gold in there sure look at the outline it looks a little roundish to me yeah but you say that about me too yeah you are my little roundish grandma now i'm around grandpa whatever [Music] whatever whatever doesn't for you whatever floats your boat if that's what does it i'm fine with that maybe i can try and get an extra bonus you're trying to get something that's for sure there look at you go now i'm trying you're getting this [Music] crying [Music] come on baby [Music] come on baby i just figure you always see things life is safer that way [Music] that was a good push that was an incredible push [Music] but we're gonna need a better push than that you're doing coin confusion again money confusion amazing [Music] it was human confusion definitely always confusing me [Music] yuan confusing little woman oh i think it moved for you [Music] i think you're seeing things too [Music] [Music] i saw i saw it [Music] i definitely saw it just a little bit i saw it i swear [Music] no joke it move definitely move i don't know i'm telling you it moves just keep pushing just keep pushing cause she's gotta try it all um i would go to that extreme [Music] that black mystery bag [Music] is stuck back there we better pull let's get this thing down [Music] bam 188.25 that's pretty good now if i don't get this down with this round you're giving up i might just walk away you're quitting yeah okay i can understand that you know what they say though twitter do you see shiny shiny like i do oh man sweet [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] lucky bag 5.0 is holding 602.25 cents in quarters man [Music] 1100 in paper money but this one's a box oh we got it we got to open it what do you think what do you think come on oh yeah golden corridor feast your eyes on these little surprises hidden everywhere love it i want to know what's in the mystery bag let's see what we got yeah i knew it i knew it gold bars and i'm telling you dirty fingers from all the quarters there's got to be one over there on the left as well [Music] you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 132,409
Rating: 4.9276848 out of 5
Keywords: coin pusher, coin pusher jackpot, playing high stakes coin pusher, won money in high stakes coin pusher, coin pusher machine, coin pusher big win, coin pusher game, coin pusher money, high risk coin pusher jackpot, high risk coin pusher big win, won bitcoin, high risk coin pusher videos, progressive jackpots
Id: ZTzHn2s3L60
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 59sec (3539 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 14 2020
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