BAD LUCK Inside The High Limit Coin Pusher Jackpot WON MONEY ASMR

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you can play but no i'm gonna play because i'm broke you're punching oh my goodness you literally just lost the bitcoin to the right breathe to the left the one on the left you've gotta be kidding me we got to go one last try please please it's gonna be a while before i reunite with elvis i brought all of these pillows for for florida and you're making me stay here another day we should just have a pillow fight it'll be worth it instead of a pillow fight we're gonna go have a coin pusher fight who's playing you or me you [Laughter] [Music] here we go starting off with 25 in quarters if i didn't know better i would say that this thing is literally it reminds me of you making fun of me laughing at me because i don't get to play it's like [Music] she's got the bag jeremy she did not let you play what the hell all right what's your plan i love it i think i'm gonna go to the left if that's okay with you sir do i really have an option no not really because i'm gonna do what i want because i'm grown you can play but no i'm gonna play because i'm gross you're punching oh my goodness you literally just lost the bitcoin to the right breathe into the left you've got to be kidding me it went underneath the plastic guard oh my gosh maybe going left with it it went underneath the plastic guard we're gonna have to let someone in the casino know to help us out she [Music] no stinking way this would be awesome for the fail compilation i'm putting together i didn't see i didn't see that coming on the right or the left they usually get to see the most off epic wins they never get to see the epic face and this one would probably be one of the best you literally just not both that [ __ ] you put a bitcoin behind i don't even know how you did it the one behind it is gonna drive me insane it's gonna drive me nuts look at it it's just teeter-tottering back and forth how the hells did you do that well the hundred bundle was gonna fall backwards and then the bitcoin just slid back and went right in you have a gift you have a gift my friend [Music] a gift of mischief and predicaments [Music] close to the edge hey maybe your quarters will knock that thing right out i don't think so it's too big your smiley face looks like he's gotten beat up was that me or did the smiley face have buck teeth um it does look like bucky and looks like it's sticking its tongue out at you yeah and i i realize why now because of the massive fail right from the start it was like that's what you get we're not sharing with jeremy i guess no you know what that that bitcoin to the left looks more like a winking eye it looks like he's actually winking [Music] you know what after you put in the bitcoin behind the plastic i'm i'm a believer you can do anything because you're not doubting me [Music] what you thought that one i've never seen anything like that before how the heels didn't even do it that was a big whoopsie that's for sure [Music] i probably should have went to the center to make them fall inwards yeah but that would have been a punch straight to the nose [Music] it just cascaded down i think you just busted its upper lip you a mean machine george are you a mean machine and it's still it's still winking at you can't win them all lame sucka [Music] this has got to go on the fail compilation [Music] oh you just like the you knock the whole hundreds [Music] all right time fifteen dollars and seventy five cents oh look what's still in there look what's still in there so i went to go complain and got shot down talk about a walk of shame all the way back yeah they literally told her about you go ahead i asked them if if it would be possible to get the big point because it's technically still in my playing field and they said absolutely not we cannot alter the playing field it got back there it stays back there until the coin stacker the person that works here to set up the machine next we'll figure out what to do with it [Music] is that the first time you didn't ever get what you wanted no i don't always get what i want because this time you didn't but every other stuff you do i don't always get what i want that that smiley face is looking more like a drool face right now yeah victim of stroke i would say right there on the left side that would be my guess [Music] busted the lip you think you're gonna be able to get that big point out of there i can try some i don't know you never know what the hell is going to happen so her telling me no you can't get that big point may backfire and i may end up getting it somehow [Music] i would use my mind control for you right now but [Music] you didn't let me play so i did tell you you could play you thought i was joking oh you told me i can play but [Music] who's holding the back look i know you're joking so here you go have at it i said you're very funny you're a very very funny george why are you nicole you're so very funny why you don't let me play okay something's about to happen now you know what something could happen in the back all right down to one corner [Music] come on baby all right sweet still in it with 14 and 25 cents in quarters is that more or less than last time that was less my numbers are going down what'd you have last time 15. oh i think they might end up going up how crazy is that the tongue the uh the gold bar actually went backwards instead of forwards like this whole this whole playing field is not working for you no it's not bitcoin to the right bitcoin behind the plastic tongue gold bar went backwards instead of forwards it hates me it senses that we're leaving that's what you think is happening yeah or it's all rigged for you to lose [Music] anyway do you think this is elvis's way of saying goodbye bye saying i gave you the key to my mansion this is how you treat me [Music] make me lose so that i can come back and win one more time [Music] i can do it coach i can win this time [Music] well you're still in it so this isn't a loss yet although anything that can go wrong has gone wrong so far yet that was a good push [Music] [Music] towards tongue out who's laughing now you literally was just laughing you were just laughing how can you say it's not you laughing you're doing it again i do laugh a lot all right pointage is going up 27.25 oh that's actually really good not bad at all look at the part of the mouth hanging over onto the left isn't that wild yeah i'm waiting for it to just crumble on down and join the rest kind of this house just angling [Music] just be careful because if you get too much you're not going to be able to get that that's definitely yeah there's quarters left right i mean there's all kinds of quarters lodged behind the big one [Music] i get no money [Music] oh it's gonna gonna fall look at that oh my goodness do you see how close it came to getting the bitcoin to the right how amazing was that it would have pushed it over you know what that wasn't gonna happen today everything has gone wrong today you literally have a log jam in the back [Music] today's just not that's just not your day it's definitely not a good start well your left is moving moving that hunter bumble is moving and grooving that box is getting close look at all the quarters inside the box the gold bar is getting further away it's sliding back [Music] it was right in the center now from the far left you [Music] you know we got to get down to florida can't stay here all day really i ain't joking with you woman well you can you're making me choose between casino with elvis and florida with sun no i'm not making you choose anything at a certain time on a certain day i will be in the truck and leaving and going to florida you will either be in it or you will not i will make you choose i will just leave then i choose elvis again i've said it before [Music] see you on the flip side i guess [Music] [Music] [Music] come on drop baby drop [Music] there goes it just behind the bitcoin anymore or you're not going to get that gold bar that's where the money is [Music] be really careful oh you just got a quarter to fall on the on the go bar are you done yes got that hundred dollar box and 87.50 you got to be able to do some damage with that huh that's the goal you know what for a massive fail everything that could go wrong it could definitely be worse it has gone wrong in the beginning but things are starting to pull back together huh looks like it still got a long ways to go i could have lost the gold bar that would have been rough i could have lost both bundles that would have been horrible oh you're about to get one [Music] yeah you're about to get one be careful on that be careful with that bitcoin back oh nice [Music] yeah i'm done [Music] you'd be like patricia here we go again [Music] you're either weirding me out or freaking me out what are they on never ending with you [Music] gotta keep it interesting i gotta keep you guessing i gotta keep you guessing [Music] did you pack the metamucil speaking of good pushes absolutely oh yes never leave home without it [Music] my legs were getting tired oh yes got the goldfish nice [Music] no i'm good i'd be too short i have to stand back up i wouldn't be able to uh to reach what i need to reach if i sat down [Music] today you know i got short girl problems you know i got tall man problems yeah you are tall [Music] how does it feel to be someone with somebody who tower dark and handsome in other words awkwardly huge balding and a hairy back you're so tall my nose comes up to your belly button just the way you like it so i feel like i'm constantly having conversations with your belly button that's my hippo face look how close that box is again when i take my shirt off that's my hippo [Music] face if anyone gets weirded out and freaked out as me since when because you're the weirder one times three you're the weirder one times ten you're the six foot one we are running oh some of the coins in the bag behind the bitcoin broke up they did yeah the band broke up do you think the bitcoin's gonna start moving now i hope so [Music] that would be pretty awesome we've seen crazier rescue missions happen that's for [Music] bitcoin drops to the right bitcoin gets trapped at the same time gold bar goes flying backwards when it's up front on the edge [Music] how many tvs laptops iphones ipads do you think everybody is broken at home shaking for you oh countless countless that'd be my guess except they can be counted so i would say counted counted [Music] millions [Music] millions might be a bit of a stretch maybe 20. tvs or devices [Music] 20 000. you're probably right yeah you're probably right 20 000. seems accurate [Music] screens were dropped broken tvs chucked through walls and that same power that did all that damage we need it now to get that bitcoin out of there yeah we do we [Music] [Music] so violently [Music] remember how you talked about playing one in reverse [Music] yeah yeah we could do this one in reverse because it would go it's not so bad look it's pretty it's smiling everything didn't go wrong turn something ugly into something beautiful [Music] oh you got another phone that boat and box are gonna drop at the same time the boat was part of the nose right yeah it was one of those crease lines in between the nose and eyes we don't know that they're actually both column boats ever since [Music] troughs nostrils oh my gosh if i can get that big point on the right you're definitely trying to bounce that bundle just hopped up one of my quarters jumped [Music] you're jamming everything up that bitcoin is not moving [Music] would you like bot or bag i'll take the box please [Music] boxes what do you want to do for lunch today what sounds good tacos um [Music] gator gator gator bites fried gator meat yep does it taste good in ketchup i'm sure it does how many gators how many gators do you think i can get [Music] uh definitely one gator is it premature to say that we're looking at a piece of property that has multiple areas of water yes it's premature yeah all right i didn't say that and that somebody has a dream of a gator in that water and then going out and feeding the gator in the morning all the all the spoiled expired storage unit food [Music] did you know that alligators and crocodiles their stomachs are so acidic that they can actually break down steel in their stomachs no i didn't know that yep learn something new every day we're gonna have to put the chicken up on like a roof top coat [Music] 160 150 and quarters not bad not bad but wait there's more we got that hundred bundle so that's 700 800 900 1100 in paper money and the gold okay so there is seven it looks like 800 more dollars in the playing field 800 more to bitcoin if george somehow miraculously can free it from behind the plastic so that's it's behind i'm not sure if you guys can tell it's behind the guard so so the coins they fall in between plastic and then there's a garden another plastic guard in front of the plastic and it makes sure that they evenly uh fall on the tray i guess that's the best way to say it somehow that thing just literally back flipped i i don't even know how i did it how in the world does it do something like that backflip go in between there get jammed stuck create a create a dam of quarters i mean it's just tales of a way to start hey george finished that's the wrong height [Music] that's what's important right yeah it's not the way the journey begins it's the way the journey ends actually the beginning is really important it's really really important all those little little all those little memes and [Music] that bitcoin that's [ __ ] bitcoin we're trying to drop it straight on but she's got to go to the middle to push this money [Music] get that money get that money honey [Music] not the taco smell what would you like to eat i ain't sitting in a truck for 16 hours taco smell you know what sounds good yes chick-fil-a [Music] jigs anything right about now sounds [Music] 30 pack of nuggets bunch of ketchup heaven i'm in heaven yes i got more coins to move behind the bitcoin look it's it's moving over it's actually moving to the left isn't it yeah [Music] maybe a miracle will happen [Music] i mean really it's kind of a miracle or a curse one or the other that it even got back there in the first place it's just crazy you're definitely you're loading up a jam back there [Music] i'm getting quarters to move and it's clogging yeah i kind of knew them both huh [Music] [Music] i don't think there's any way in hails that's gonna get saved this this beginning just wasn't your beginning it's okay there'll be more days there'll be more days how are you going to feel when i put out the fail compilations i will cry well you can be happy on this one and smile just like that smile your face [Music] because you ain't out yet you're still in it the winner [Music] [Music] how much would a baby gator be i don't know we're about to find out aren't we [Music] what do you think maybe six baby gators six one for each chicken pen pal that could be yeah buddy buddy buddy system buddy i'm right here all right chick [Music] [Music] well do not eat your buddy [Music] it's like the sharks sharks anonymous in finding dory fish are our friends you know what i'm saying i'm looking forward to finding some cute turtles [Music] i like turtles i know you do when i went to hawaii we went to the north shore and all the turtles were just lined up where the waves crashed it was the coolest thing that was the closest i ever got to a huge sea turtle there were six of them they just hang out there yeah they just hang out where where the waves crash on the shore on the beach interesting is there a reason why there are signs everywhere saying that if you touch them you will be prosecuted so but there was people all around them just taking picture you can get up close to them but they're just chilling on the sand it's almost like they were sunbathing [Music] what would you rather see sunbathing on the sand dodo or me you hands down you i look the same as the turtle and if you touch me you will be [Music] prosecuted wow there's a line up with six turtles wait that's five turtles and one jeremy is that that's great on his back oh wait that's not a shell that's his stomach [Music] i thought that was i thought that was algae that's why i told you gotta be careful you're gonna you're gonna kill yourself to be able to get that bundle if you jam that whole thing up like that bitcoin is killing you you gotta be careful usually the jams they work themselves out the coin pusher goes in out in within a couple seconds and sometimes a couple minutes [Music] if it all gets jammed up not even metal mucil is going to set that thing free and then she can't get the bundle of money she's got enough ammo right now to get the money it's an aspect of actually not creating a jam and yeah not being not creating a jam she doesn't want to she's getting herself in a jail in a jammie jam i'm so close to getting that bundle to the hopper [Music] that bundle's moving slowly it's moving but it's moving it's trying to the jam isn't helping like that's right where you need to drop to get that thing to move if you're going secure to the left that's probably not going to get it moving you kind of need that and talk about it again [Music] you think you can still get it just moved a little bit oh i'll get it don't you [Music] we love we worry chicken nuggets from chick-fil-a and we love butt nuggets from chickens not to be confused with each other [Music] it just moved again it's creeping it is creeping oh my goodness that was a pretty good move right there i need another good push like that and boom it's mine what is this this is not an easy one who's laughing now coin pushers laughing now [Music] oh it's moved again it's rocking so close [Music] oh finally finally nice job thank you the grand total 166 50 and quarters two thousand dollars in paper money that's not bad that'll buy me a gator or two and the amazing gold tongue and that will buy me five gators [Music] you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 149,480
Rating: 4.9337425 out of 5
Keywords: coin pusher, coin pusher jackpot, playing high stakes coin pusher, won money in high stakes coin pusher, coin pusher machine, coin pusher big win, coin pusher game, coin pusher money, high risk coin pusher jackpot, high risk coin pusher big win, won bitcoin, high risk coin pusher videos, progressive jackpots
Id: d0l-RyHhnYk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 29sec (2309 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 07 2020
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