WON OVER $1,000 & BITCOIN Inside The High Limit Coin Pusher Jackpot ASMR

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you promised and this is the one I like well look there's an remember when you found that gold border there's another gold border I think it's on a big coin look at this we can actually see the place the the platform there looks like there's a few screws in there but pretty much it's flat except for the lip there all right itzhak ready cause here I come [Music] are you being serious George Yeaman you haven't even washed that lucky sock you're not using it lucky I can taste it on my mouth when is the last time you washed lucky sob you're gonna use my back she's making me mr. lucky bag it's been it's brought pure luck to me $25 would be fine my sock is so stinking lucky that's how she's won all of these all right I I'm gonna defy all logic and I'm gonna go to the left you know that I favor the left no I'm defying all logic I'm going to the left if it's also left all right here we go to the left to the left to the left left left to the left left left left left to the left to the left through that left left through it you're deaf kept up let's see what happens this is not gonna be easy but if we can get this to fall this is gonna be epic we gotta get we got to get some quarters to fall off the edge you stand the game come on everything always falls backwards I'm not worried about the Bitcoin or the gold quarter right now I gotta get quarters to stay in this game yeah I can't I can't play the game like you played look at the look at they even block the edges on the left and the right I don't know I would call this Egyptian why'd you pick this one again it's difficult it's Egyptians I don't know why I'm a glutton for what's the vanilla it literally jumped I got a hundred but I don't have any quarters I have to get quarters somehow that hundred just jumped in jumped it it don't it what's that who's that famous swimmer Michael Phelps it was an Olympic swimmer yeah that's the butterfly and you did a butterfly you're telling me that do that again do that again well I did it with my mind you have to let my mind to repower in charge back and lucky bag don't forget to give lucky back credit you sock that I'm wearing dick come on need to be washed you know what when we get back to your place let me wash lucky sock and let the dryer take it oh let me guess next you're gonna want to actually wash the dryer all right you're gonna you're gonna wash my lucky drawers next I don't think so come on Oh almost pushed on the on the left side who else has washed socks and came up with missing socks because the dryer ain't about me everyone if I don't wash socks I wear this one there look yeah there's got another 100 you can get that one too okay I've got to get a good one for work I got to get quarters I got $100 a good not many right there I'm very good if we don't we don't get a good push then I'm pretty much I might have to get rid of lucky song coming honestly cool oh come on come on the playing field is getting some quarters in I just got to get some quarters to fall if you don't win this will be the last time you play ever their shoes when we control my entire life again right come on quarters just fell come on give us a quarter Lynch really needs you know how much I love gold - looks that gold quarter look at that beautiful but you wanted to neglect it you know I have to get enough hoarders to actually win it we don't all have lucky bags you know well you're using mine now you should feel honored I needed that I needed that [Music] now this is something for you something has got to fall we're gonna have to attack the one side oh I just saw the court the quarter pile was actually moving if I can get the edge to fall forward and keep me in the game that would be epic which ends the left edge okay I got to get good pushes oh well here we go this don't let me down Elvis I'm not rapid-firing though the way that tactic goes wins Elvis sings you rapid-fire oh man I'm running low I only have a dollar and what's not what typically happens this is what typically happens when we come here more often than not and you put all your money in and you don't drop a single quarter and come on I need it I need it I mean quarter can do a lot of damage so let's see what happens no other another by another possibility but we may be able to get it as you kick me off go figure my life well but the promise was to let you play it wasn't to let you play all the way Oh Rita boyfriend buddy read it worries to let me win I mean I did that's 500 [Music] [Applause] oh my goodness this is what normally happens if you everything falls backwards and then you lose it yeah and if you got to go to another by end you lose probability that's 300 I don't know how many fingers are in there I know I like that gold gold and got some points back I like that I don't see any luck to stock on your face - Blood the holy Frankenstein I like that must be an Egyptian no it's a big word you might actually have to actually have to find them any work with more than two syllables I'm going to need a little help I know storage unit auctions gold silver money that's all I got there push supporters don't worry about all of this okay stealing that back from her that's foot you still know nothing about I am standing right here you know I can hear you Arizona I hear and see everything even in my sleep when I go in for LASIK eye surgery next week are you gonna be standing over me staring at my blindness I'm pretty sure I have to sleep with my eyes closed oh by the way everybody the only thing more epic than that push is we are giving away five thousand dollars free lasik surgery on the website there's it's coming extremely soon keep watching for all the details and if you win you can transfer it to somebody else the amazing gift [Music] three hundred rolls taken out 12:25 I took lucky bag back you know why because I'm a man so here we go 1225 Georgia and controlled no longer I am going wait excuse me who set the stage who set the stage we're setting it up for each other you set up for me and I just set it up for you I want to set it up for Elvis to sing all right so I'm gonna hit that left side you got well 25 to work with okay we're getting some I was aiming for the left side and then I got one of the pillars on this site to fall down that's pretty that's pretty epic I'll give you that I've been trying to get them left side pillars to fall if I can get those pillars to fall into mine so Jeff if I can get them to fall inside the jackpot then we'll be doing good then we can go and we can go for the gold corner the Bitcoin I can't I can't look away you know how much I love funny oh you lucky bag wouldn't fail you know there are a hundred dollars a doubt in the bag I buried the sock doubted my life as we speak I am wearing the sock nothing to do with the bag it's always been the sock come on man if we can get another drop like that we can agree to disagree lucky sock versus lucky ziploc bag all right let's agree to disagree what do you guys thinks more lucky the sock or the bag let us know in the comments not like this the spot this fast anybody can plays baseball anybody who plays baseball they're gonna tell you it's their socks why do you think they're called the white sauce it used to be the lucky socks but then they had to change the name because they got under copyright law so they went to the white socks why do you take Red Sox or Red Sox because they were the lucky socks as well they wanted to named lucky socks so they got in a lawsuit with the White Sox and then the Red Sox and the White Sox finally said okay let's just be red socks and white socks and we'll all be lucky true story are these real facts hashtag facts 11:50 she stole the bag back from me like this switching you really and I liked it when I was I mean who doesn't love to win well I've never heard anyone say I'm so sick and tired of winning trips the card away visa 1990s Chicago bill bolts and tired of winning they're like can we do anything else but when this is getting cold what the Hales always winning once can we just never just lose for once buying storage units always winning well I do recall this one time where I got a unit and definitely wish something it wasn't the highest probability its Lena that's gonna go you're gonna have to get something to go [Music] listen I set the stage for you yeah I need Whitney I'll rip that bag out of her hands I was like that's my bag woman gods fries careful with the bag he's very gentle II really okay I'm going all up in a race it's already starting to have a little time or maybe should I go right and start knocking some of that stuff off well you know the same once you go right you finally went right yes once you want that's the thing once you go right and you finally do a nice yeah do the race going great has never told so right you can't go wrong if you're wearing a phone oh come on okay everybody at home shake shake oh man if this song is inappropriate I don't know what song is devil in disguise here we go here we go come on come on help us guys help us here we go we need a push you see it I want that gold quarter now we're definitely back in this nice book it at three key goals of her beautiful it is look how beautiful it is that is one you'd call it a pretty push I'm calling it a pretty quarter I don't know what it is that shiny gold when do you think they're gonna fall oh look they just started here we go here we go oh there's some there's some I gotta get a good push I got to get a good push who set the stage who set this stage I need a big push here we go I need a big force brainer I need a big push okay now she's gonna take all the glory all right go right go right go right go right get the gold quarter don't hurt it though gold quarter fell back in it oh my goodness this one is an epic battle started with an epic fail I'll give you that give me that we have to see the layout of the platform I mean I had a strong suspicion that it would be orange [Music] why because [Music] you think it was gonna be rainbow sherbert a bunch a bunch of quarters just go along with it they wanted to join the party I was watching the gold star year I'm not watching Barry just I can see the edge of them still just barely the edge of him his his path will be the same as the marked order yeah I'm probably straight and they'll be like we have to look out for it as it goes through yeah yeah I don't think it'll resurface if it gets pushed it'll be that is a lot of quarters to resurface from you still got a look because I want that one I want a frame I want to frame the maybe I can get it to fall off next the Bitcoin yeah because it moves spinning it I can't believe you still have a tower over here and one over there one on each side that big point in that big morning oh it's moving it's moving did you say it's hungry over there getting closer to that ones is kind of stuck but it's getting close come on [Music] [Applause] they always fall backwards they fall backwards but I'm glad that it found its like rare occasions you get everything to fall forward like not today though hopefully you set me up with a ton of orders I told I will Frankenstein [Music] no more and we got some ammo now 4325 I'm gonna keep going bright okay I mean why not national run when you go right well why did I go wrong when I went left I don't know left I mean less what has always been good to me oh look at that you might get that might get that hundred on the left lucky let's try some bracket fire Oh getting some ammo if I can get that big if I can get that Bitcoin to fall and get that thing pushing oh my goodness yeah we can we can see them just on the edge come on rapid fire gotta get those 100 yeah I'm guessing this one's gonna fall this one's gonna fall here we go I'm gonna get it I'm gonna get it right here I should if I could get something behind it yeah all right so I wrap it fire to get the pick point off Bitcoin is behind behind the gold Porter we gotta see what kind of damage that baby may be able to catch up with the whole quarter pretty bush that was beyond pretty it was a pretty epic most gorgeous book I think I've ever seen was it so gorgeous it was George's listen I've seen some George's pushes in the morning and they've scared me bad was not a scary push [Music] it makes you want every push to look just like that that was a beautiful push I will give you that come on I'm getting ahead of myself pushing a little too hard with the rapid-fire releaser cheerleading cheerleading [Music] oh I'm the cheerleader give me a piece you give me an H what's that spell winning you know I can't read something I have to deal with on a daily but you know I can't count past ten [Music] she only reads she only reads in character figures like the ancient hieroglyphics that's the only thing we got attack them you gotta attack it oh here we go [Music] shaking their device at all yeah thanks guys that helps tremendously thank you guys oh man that was awesome okay I got this much left okay still got quite a bit quite a bit I was doing the rapid-fire I was hitting that rapid-fire like making it rain dance rain and quarter oh I hold the cool quarter is definitely surface now you guys haven't can't see him the gold quarter is right he's literally with the with the big point that's that's amazing I gotta get that gold quarter they're so close together I knew the Bitcoin would catch up with the whole quarter also you predict the future now sometimes oh did you see that one coming that was pretty awesome didn't see that one coming did okay okay I probably got my you might be able to get this hundred to fall over this one what do you mean fall over like three puzzle to fall over the lip all right I'm gonna see what I can do wrap the fire I am rapid firing okay here we go here we go rapid rapid make it rain that's okay stuck quarter I can work with stuck quarters stuck off people that's a little bit more difficult come on big push here I need it I need it all right I didn't get it I didn't get it we're so going for it though who set you up now I've got 70 50 in one six $70.50 you got to be able to clear that entire thing how I would like to do one big yeah you got $100 rolls might even have some turkey rolls if I have some butter biscuit rolls difference if that spit coin get that gold order all right which hundred is gonna fall first the one on the left or the one on the right the one on the left looks like it's gonna be jammed but you know what I could be wrong well if you were pushing on the Left maybe the left we go all right let's see what are your guys's guesses let us know in the comments left or right which one's gonna go first look now she's pushing to the left okay here we go here we go that one is ready to go it is it's ready to go [Music] you can on the right edge or in the lung oh come on come on that hundred hundred right there I need that pillar to fall next the way it up and went to the web Oh 2/4 hopped on the legends like to see one right there well so put a bunch from the towers Oh through that that gold coin is right by the big coins smack dab in the middle of the final hundred dollars that roll is it mighty mighty close [Music] I think the one on the left is going first I can't predict the future like you do say I was right you right you right sometimes your predictions are right they're spot on I'll give you that [Music] hundred dollar role under work the quarters quarters to only the push that I saw this morning when I got out of bed [Music] we definitely shifted this way oh it's a little bit it sounded the exact same this morning and a shouting and jubilation it was [Music] when you live alone you got to finally knocks it over now there's $100 roll there's a gold quarter and there's a big coin man come on one more hundred dollar roll god I have that gold quarter you can't see the gold quarter I was sitting down right now I would be I got I got the beer gaps right now I'm standing on my tippy toes that's the tear gas that's the fear gas do you ever get the fear gas when you're scared and then you start getting up atomic bubbles I get it when I'm nervous and they don't stay in the tummy they find a way out definitely get them definitely get the bubble that's on up there oh man that gold that gold quarter is in so close it's recorded scoot back it's backpedaling what are you doing bitcoin you're going the wrong way oh nice nice nice Oh hundred snacks hold order next next she's calling us she's calling she's like Babe Ruth at the plate [Music] George I will get you my pretty I never take all of your family members when I won't get you my pretty it's playing games of me come on it's playing games with me you know the game you broke the games all the Bitcoin just got closer Elvis is singing guys come on everybody at home shaky shaky shaky come on we still need the gold we need the gold quarter right there oh my heart is pumping I don't know why I would like to go for more than the hundred dollar bills but I think that goes for tourism awesome you don't see gold quarters this is the only place I've ever seen them stolen good get it heart oh oh it's next it's next my next push that quarters coming down I'm calling the big point before the gold quarter I'm calling big don't know tell me I was wrong well tell me how many people blink that happened well they were finally blanket because of the big point [Music] I'm in more quarters thank God if he gives a big point out with the rest let's see what she can do peeps six quarters left to hit the big point is you can put a spin on that quarter to get it to jump not the Bitcoin Bank it off the glass down into the shoe this might be the most crazy but that was my last ever Karen and I thought the princess body-slamming the dragon was crazy one quarter in the bag oh there goes here goes no she's not getting the trickshot not this time three hundo more and look at that gold border right there now that's not it though because we've got look at this George sent me up like crazy like 513 75 and it is my sock not to bag the only goal now bitcoins I'm gonna rapid fire like crazy to hit the bitcoins golden I want a rapid fire I want to hit Bitcoin I want to get it to drop and then then [Music] at that point I would say this has been a success for my second time playing prefer Jeremy would the assist and set up and really in all reality it was lovely fun lucky sock for the wind that's what I'm saying teamwork between three more George Jeremy lucky bag lucky sock no I'm saying it's a team effort I'm saying lucky socks completely gets the MVP and Best Director Best Best Actor Best Oscar nomination and win and I'm pretty sure awful about these price because without lucky spots there would be no peace that was just ridiculous speech about lucky socks well you should have heard the speech at the actual price ceremony that was even better all right I'm gonna go laughs I'm gonna rapid-fire left DUI lawyer more toy cars bubble guts bubble guts MIDI that's what they call me [Music] we're gonna get trouble if we jammed this entire thing up like we got the big one that's looking pretty fine how many there's nine one nine hundreds and here's the big coin oh don't forget we got the gold quarter but even more than the gold quarter one hundred thirty three dollars and seventy five cents pretty amazing not a bad day we definitely need to stitch up weed yeah we need to frame him stitch this thing for sure [Music] [Music]
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 341,423
Rating: 4.8868537 out of 5
Keywords: coin pusher, coin pusher jackpot, playing high stakes coin pusher, won money in high stakes coin pusher, coin pusher machine, coin pusher big win, coin pusher game, coin pusher money, high risk coin pusher jackpot, high risk coin pusher big win, won bitcoin, high risk coin pusher videos, progressive jackpots
Id: 8d3Nr9Ndz9A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 45sec (2265 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 27 2020
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