Best Episode So Far (Guess The Elo 11)

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welcome back everybody to another episode of guess the elo a series where i analyze my twitch subscriber games live on stream and then i try to guess their rating and their opponent's rating afterward ancient philosophers used to say that watching guests the elo would alleviate stress levels and lead to increased mood and a state of enlightenment so on that note let's get into it e4 d5 takes takes knight f3 okay so i know that this is a gotham subscriber because they are playing my anti-scandinavian recommendation no joke as part of my e4 course i know i joke around like you know they have my course and everything but this is exactly what i recommend now this check this is just a bad move uh there is absolutely no benefit to this because white wants to go here anyway and castle black plays bishop to g4 this is black's idea and now black one's this because you're pinned they want you to damage your structure but white just plays knight c3 as hacking the queen queen moves back and now castles and here black plays the move bishop to h3 which is probably one of the worst sacrifices i've ever seen in my life black's entire idea is that you are opening up the king the problem is number one you have nothing else developed in fact nothing else has moved not just developed nothing else has moved number two if you're going to do something like this at least get two pawns for it number three you need two more attacking pieces than i have defenders you have a queen attacking if it's the queen versus everybody there is a very high chance this will never work white can even play king h1 and just here or knight g5 this is completely lost good move okay okay now you should anticipate that your opponent wants to play bishop d6 so you should play bishop f4 but okay fine yeah because your bishop's just the target here yeah so now you have to move your bishop again uh-oh good move very good decision i would also maybe just go here okay that's very tricky okay and they don't even take the bishop what what is this i thought the whole did black just think that they were winning here oh that's terribly sad bishop g4 don't even think about it knight takes queen takes trade the queen okay but wait home dog mcsliceovich i thought the whole point of this was to take this why would you move the other bishop dog boss boss dog okay oh oh you hung a knight so super chaotic positions like this it's really important to just do double checks on all of your pieces make sure nothing is hanging you know white saw that but forgot right okay now good bring the bishop back very nice nice perfect move good move by black not to trade queens good move by white trying to trade queens and good move by black hanging the rook and of course white spots it because white just moved the queen here anyway so of course when this goes here you just take here nice just take that probably now you should guard your king you need to guard your king that's the only thing you need to do okay i don't i don't dislike that move okay nice okay nice nice good hide the king oh don't get made it it's never too late to get mated and lose your queen check is good always look for checks and that always go there also guards this perfect move take the night beautiful beautiful beautiful yes yes just sacrifice and push the pawn yes yes just simplify simplify and that's it now okay made in one made in one three different ways made in one three mates in one oh four mates in one and you found it nice four mates in one you found one of them very good good game um good game do i do all my videos in one take basically unless there's some parts i have to edit in but yeah i mean i have a pretty decent uh string of consciousness or whatever stream of consciousness that was a good game by white uh i think black is like 800 i mean black did not play well i feel like white after getting presented this played like a 1200 but i would say like i would say like seven to 800 for black probably because black uh black actually found some nice ideas like black found this and this like we have to give black some credit black just has no sense of openings black literally learned like the first two moves of the scandinavian and then learned to hang a bishop like i don't this was crazy and you know the craziest thing is i bet this is not even the best move it's one oh oh i was gonna say knight g5 and just take it like this don't even damage your structure uh i am going to say like 780 to 930 is what i'll say but you know there's a chance it's higher than that which is really sad and really scary let's go take a look so this is something we had opened before no no oh my god i said 700 because of how badly black played i didn't say 700 to insult white like white played fine oh my god black is a 1080 yo if you're under 1080 this should be this game should be motivating for you that you can get there oh my god oh my god i mean that's crazy what the heck was black doing bro black spent like 10 seconds on this move bro oh my god wait the time at the end of the game yo 11 minutes man it's crazy yeah i would have never i would have never guessed that yo shout out to gerbil you you're a beast also made their account on my birthday e4 i mean yeah that was a 95 accurate game did you see how badly black played kidding me e4 e5 knight f3 knight c6 nice little fried liver little fried liver action now if you have the gotham gambit's chorus for white here you would castle bishop c5 and play d4 that's my recommendation but i like the fried liver black plays g5 takes knight it black nose fried liver theory yo what yo i'm shook right now wait this is a line um alexandra botez used queen f3 to beat greg shahadi in the i am not a gm speech championship in round one queen f3 is a line it's a very tricky line i don't know the theory i don't know if bishop b7 is the theoretical move it might be bishop e7 castles h6 knight e4 okay now white is better so white has emerged from the opening of pawn up that's just this is just i don't know what that is no no you gotta you gotta play like more aggressively you gotta activate your pieces uh d3 very good now just move the queen out of the pin so white actually won the battle of the opening okay too passive let's go here oh bishop e7 is the theory okay yeah i don't know this line at all i don't play this with white or with black rook c8 now i think white wants to play f4 is what i would imagine okay i mean you're up upon simplification can't be bad black is doing a good job kind of playing to their strength pushing the c pawn trading off their weakness take take very good now i hear i would maybe consider some bishop a6 okay computer hates it because knight c5 guards and attacks both white finds it okay take take but black is doing okay i mean black is not like losing i know i know machine says plus 1.5 but oh man okay why does trading too many pieces white's advantage like seven moves ago was in the fact that white is far more active got a lot more active pieces but the person with a lack of space in a worse position wants to trade pieces and that's what black has done black has traded enough pieces to make this an end game and now white's advantage rests on the queen side with the pawns so yeah okay bishop c5 is not bad you gotta go a4 you see a4 is the only move to give white any advantage and once you rotate over here you've now lost your mobility and your advantage is slowly disappearing so you have to find where in the position your advantage rests and then play there right so rook c7 okay and you hung your pawn boom and immediately you hung your pawn and yeah wow that's rough i mean that's that's how chess works you didn't play to your advantage rookie one all right take take take take and there's a bit yeah and now your advantage is still here so you should play rook b1 to not allow rook b3 great and now white is playing for a win again because white has the outside pass pawn yeah practically this is very difficult so you're trying to get the king out this way but dude just get the king out this way you got to get to your pawn this should be winning for white should be winning for white bang bang bang and then you will score it and yeah it should be winning because this king's also here do you guys remember a long time ago i criticized the move king to h8 you shouldn't have played king h8 because now you need to spend one move coming back right okay now you know now the players start running oh black is in time and now black's in time now black's time now what white needs to do is use this pawn as a decoy so b6 was played in the game h4 f5 take take yes so now this pawn is a is a decoy it's suppressing the movement of this i probably would have gone think d3 but the computer thinks it's interchangeable okay check king d4 yes yes uh check and king b5 there's no way white plays that oh my god oh my god check and then oh that's beautiful and now white is just winning you have your past beep on your rook is protecting everything it doesn't let the pawn go great play great play and just advancing and root beef oh yes rook b5 wow all right that was maybe the best game we've ever had submitted i mean the highest game we've ever had submitted was 1900 to 2200 versus 2200 but in terms of quality like black was losing from the opening mate white made a mistake black fought back and then it's like how is this position ever equal right well it probably comes down to some very few moves so for example rook d7 was good the trade was i'm actually very suspicious about this trade i don't think this trade is good at all black basically had to go here um i think white probably had to play like rook t black had to play like rook d5 and not let the pawn go but then still king f1 is coming i don't know to be honest i don't think the players i don't think the middle game was around 2000 by black i think black played that wrong i think i'm going to say 1700 high 1700 maybe 18 1900 but the middle game was very was very all over the place so i'm going to say 17 1800 let's go let's see okay 18 1900. all right i mean blitz gamer rapid okay i don't you know it was it was a tough one it was a tough call i mean all right this game gotham sub has the black pieces uh d4 d5 okay queen's gambit declined okay white is already worse c5 is a very bad move c5 is a very bad move because you just go b6 i mean you just go b6 and if b4 just a5 and they can't guard because of the rooks this is very i mean you cannot go c5 this is why like also beginners don't play queens gambit just play london i mean it's a lot easier okay but black doesn't punish the setup at all and oh oh why check oh my god look at what the computer is suggesting do you know why the computer's suggesting that because after check the queen is trapped computer is such a terrible thing i mean are you kidding me the queen's just trapped i hate computers man but that is not what happens oh yo b6 you gotta make this pawn break uh this is another example just like that first game you're not gonna you're not gonna do damage with just the queen maybe you are you know what you know what i'm slapping myself on the neck i deserve one for that i deserve getting necked e3 queen b4 looks like black actually can do all the damage with the queen now black has two pawns up in the opening okay i mean i wouldn't make that trade but you're up material so you could do what you want okay don't take please don't take okay home slice uh you're not castled and you know you're you're weakening your position yeah oh now you're opening up your position oh god oh you've lost all your puns oh no oh are you a g oh there's a fork bishop d3 wow wow wow wow wow whoa wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait i miscalculated bishop d3 is a terrible move what am i doing bishop d3 is a garbage move you just lose your knight and homie why'd you play that ow my neck really hurts i really slap myself hard oh my god i'm so bad at chess knight and bishop is not as much you need to go here oh my god yes getting neck is slack don't look up what that means that's slang for you know very inappropriate things next ed is when someone slaps you on the neck for being stupid it's a very new york thing but i mean anybody can slap anybody on the neck but uh all right well now we have a rook and okay up up up oh boy oh boy oh boy oh my god this is crazy this is the craziest rook end game i've ever seen in my life there are seven past pawns on the board i think black is winning oh my god black is winning white never pushed the pawns oh no no no no no no no no the literally the one thing you have to be careful bro just put the rook behind the pawn bro bro oh my god oh my god oh no oh oh oh oh take two take two and now black is maybe winning again probably it's a draw black is winning no wait computer no this must be winning for black right this is not winning for black oh oh no wait why did white resign this is what i don't understand why i mean you resigned out of tilt but like are we are we sure black can mate with king and rook black doing some stuff like this is the sign of like a 1000 black finding this is like a 13 1400 level tactic i mean losing all these pawns and then the oh my goodness i i'm gonna say eight to nine hundred like like mid like eight eight fifty to a thousand i'm gonna say around there here we go let's see no no no no no oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no you blundered this rook end game with seven minutes on the clock you oh my god i'm gonna have a mental breakdown oh my god you're a thirteen hundred with six minutes on the clock and your blundered work to be eight okay if you were my student you would no longer be my student after this game all right if you had a house you would no longer have it after this game you would be sent to boot camp white played two brilliant moves are you ready no no no no no no stop stop bro where were the brilliant moves how is this brilliant bro i gotta take it i got you know what i'm gonna take a screenshot of that i don't even care yo this person probably left the game thinking oh my god this is crap i mean what it would would it what what i gotta screenshot this one too all right guys i don't know i don't don't ask me about accuracy i don't know man i don't know all right gotham subscriber here we go d4 d5 c4 yes yes d4 d5 c4 e5 album counter gamut and of course white plays e3 taking the wind out of our sails random noob wanted to push the pawn but couldn't see this move it was just one push he would have trapped the bishop but he played a4 now black has time to save himself oh my god whole queenside just blew up what the heck is going on yeah now now you have to take don't get your bishops trapped like this okay okay now members we got bing and we got bang and we got boom bada bing bada boom we also have bone we can also go you know boom boom boom something like that beautiful i love it nice see guy from the first game didn't just sack the bishop for no reason boom oh god now we actually can sacrifice actually i think knight g4 just wins the game oh wow look at that either of the sacrifices wins oh my god sorry i had to look at some sunlight thought i was gonna go insane you know the craziest thing is you're still better because why is white pushing pawns in front of their king oh my goodness oh my god oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god oh no yo someone needs to have an intervention chess is not a challenge of moving every pawn at least once what is this oh both guys one pawn hasn't been moved 15 out of 16 pawns removed in this game this is not this is not the point of chance now you're just losing oh god oh beautiful great conversion yes yes yes oh gorge yes hang that rook hang that rook nice nice yes oh beautiful game okay okay i love you for playing the album counter gambit clearly a proud owner of the gotham gambits course available at but uh i wouldn't be surprised if this is like a solid 1000 level game if you're below a thousand playing like this with black your your chest prospects are are bright all right let's go take a look yo bro white is 11 40 come on yo these opponents are really screwing me up today man black played like an 1100 black played well but white played so bad that i just never would have thought well i said a thousand i mean i guess eleven hundred isn't close i mean isn't bad also also also this is inexcusable you cannot be blundering this homeboy a [ __ ] after that black played great after that one mistake black played a fantastic game uh don't be afraid of sacrificing how do you evaluate if this is a good sacrifice based on whether or not white can move if you play knight takes g4 hg4 bishop g4 you cannot move because of this pin and then your queen comes next remember last example earlier in the video i said you need two attacking pieces and you need almost no defenders and since the knight cannot move and the queen is coming next with the bishop white basically has no defenders so this is game over if you just take actually if you take either way because to be honest no one can actually stop the queen and coming to h2 that's insane look at this take take take nobody can stop this again when i say a low rating it's more more having to do with one of the players i just lopsided matchups are very rare how did black play at 92.3 how did black not play at 92.3 black trap their bishop and then play the rest of the game perfectly so i mean again i am not the all-seeing entity of the cap score so you know there's i i don't really i don't really control that but i look like a younger more handsome trotsky i'll be just as influential in my lifetime i'd like to think you know trotsky was you know i actually i don't know enough about trotsky to comment on whether he had an influence c3 interesting so first of all that's just a free pun like that is just literally a free pun bishop c5 is not a move that's just that you can take this like let's not forget that we go here to attack this pawn if they go here you take it if they go queen e7 you play d4 you're just up a pawn like you're just winning okay so it it it's not a gambit oh my god what is that called bush ass gambit bush gas bush gas gambit huh this is kind of like a stafford is this the idea what this is a stafford without knight f6 but you have to play knight f6 anyway i don't know whatever c3 so this is the bush gas gambit declined oh and it works the problem is that for this gambit white is gonna get a lot of development okay very good uh this is very unpleasant for black because now you have to take take oh no yeah you see this but oh my goodness first of all c7 is hanging second of all where are you gonna move your queen good great this is perfect use your lead in development to create threats oh nice move counter attacking i wouldn't go there i'll go queen d6 yeah you gotta go here stay lurking queen a5 is a bit far oh but black wonders why is that not why is the engine not not liking this move oh okay it does yeah you see it just took three moves out of the opening in black blunders because black is so passive this is such a weird position like in like look you know why here black didn't play rookie eight you know why because black saw this didn't see that black didn't realize that they have a move that just guards the rook so they were like uh oh it's time like black is not playing rookie eight because black just doesn't realize and also black doesn't realize that by moving here you counter attack the queen in this guards this and you're fine so now you go here and um oh oh oh oh oh oh good wow that's really clever because if you take you get mated oh my god black with the comeback now the computer is unfazed and basically says sack the queen have the two rooks and here white is completely winning because after queen eight ladies and gentlemen b seven rook g8 because takes back rank so this position is plus seven if and only if you play the move bishop to e7 and if you don't wait that got played wait all of this happened wait all of this happened this is the actual game what what oh my god that actually happened what what so first of all c3 makes me think like 1500 like clever enough to play a good opening against bishop c5 but you know above that you're just gonna take like you're not you're not gonna get scared but maybe you're trying to avoid the stat like i don't know maybe you're maybe eric rosen struck so much fear into your heart you're worried i don't know i don't know the rest of the game was standard gambit style play like black didn't play d5 which you absolutely have to play and then you you know you did this now this is not my gambit's course and then for black to not see for black to not be able to visualize queen to b5 wow like how does someone 13 1400 not see this like that's not a hard move why is rookie one good it just activates the rook hits the black queen activates more pieces but here's the thing dearest members of the chat is let's analyze something is is queen b5 really that hard to see like you can't move anywhere this way you can't move back how is it hard to see let's visualize this you have literally well you you know this doesn't work you know this that like is that really that hard to see but you have no other move you can't go here here or here so is it really that hard to spot that like you can only move here that doesn't guard my rook that doesn't guard my rook does and then yeah and then you just play it like i like i don't know i it just seems process of elimination you'll be able to this is a very tough one uh rookie five is a great spot and then to spot this is just unbelievable did you actually what what the hell um i gotta look in my heart of hearts sixteen hundred fifteen to sixteen hundred here we go yes yes oh i'm so good i'm so good yes yes yes i felt it oh the guy's username is ponziani fella he plays knight f3 with c3 that's why he did this there's a brilliant wall beast diaz oh no there's a brilliant move oh no oh it's going to be bishop e7 the brilliant move is going to what what what is this what is this move what is this what is that what what and white doesn't even get are you telling whether the white doesn't oh come on oh come on oh this is just this is absurd
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 930,345
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gotham Chess gives lessons, Gothamchess lessons, gothamchess openings, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess guide, gothamchess e4, gothamchess, gothamchess rating climb, chess game analysis, chess analysis, beginner chess lessons, guess the elo, guess the elo chess, chess lessons for beginners, chess lessons for intermediate, middlegame chess, chess middlegame, chess middlegames, chess lessons, chess lesson, chess tips, chess strategy, how to play chess, how to win at chess
Id: e5e1z3A3cfo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 18sec (1818 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 03 2021
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