29 Minutes Of Pain (Guess The Elo #10)

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welcome back everybody to another episode of guess  the elo your weekly dose of comedy and inspiration   on the 64 squares as always the format is the  same five games analyzed and then i guess the   elo of my twitch subscribers if you guys want to  get involved make sure to be a twitch sub and a   member of the discord but first let me tell you  about the sponsor of this video audible ladies   and gentlemen let me tell you about audible they  have the world's largest selection of audiobooks   everything from mystery to thrillers to tech to  history to self-improvement and motivation they   have absolutely redefined reading for me the app  is super easy to use i like to just lay in bed and   listen but you're more than welcome to take it to  the gym on a run while driving here's how it works   when you sign up you get access to the audible  plus catalog which features an absurd amount of   audiobooks podcasts and even audible originals now  audible originals can be documentaries it can 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weird moves   at this point i would probably just  go d3 and probably play knight d5   just attack the queen or just play your  f4 move nice okay i don't know what you nice nice okay i mean that's a terrible move of course  blacks are just long castle okay why does take   it okay white is much better from the opening  now what's next plant the knight there knight   h4 knight f5 uh anticipate the long castle  maybe rook b1 b4 b5 c3 okay don't dislike it   nice b4 don't even think about it pawn storm  pawn storm okay i mean a4 is not a bad move   okay okay good take the pawn end game time baby all right uh okay um oh oh oh oh everything is guarded  everything is guarded yo no way   no way does white play rook c7 uh b4 is better  because the knight has a lot less room to move in my opinion but computer likes both that's why it actually played oh my god oh my god removing the defender oh my  god sometimes when the king is the only guard   wow only move is to go up or over uh upper  back and this is mate yo yo yo yo yo yo hey   hey hey that's mate oh my oh my no wonder this  guy wanted to show me this game yo nice game um so the truth is that probably white  had a camp score this game of like 95.   i would imagine white played a  very clean game very clean game uh   like beautiful i mean everything this was very  well done the whole transfer of pieces this way   okay so knight d4 is not a good move because  this knight should be attacked with pawns   i know the engine is saying like it's it's  not a blunder but you just go pawn storm all right just do this right like just do  this okay to be honest white probably played   like 16 1700 uh but i think i know white is  not 16 1700 which makes this very difficult   uh white just really insisted that i analyze their  game even though i know why it's rating already   so i would say white played like easily 16 1700  but based on black's level of play i would say   like 12 1300 probably well also i mean actually  not even because what the hell was queen e7 like   what was black doing in the opening like honestly  black played this opening like a 1 000 tops   like and then white just played really well i  played terribly like black had terrible opening   and then just got absolutely slaughtered uh  eleven hundred a thousand eleven hundred uh   based on black's play but white played  like 1700. all right big window cap yeah i was right and yeah i mean shout out  to robin who i know is about 12 1300 but   uh based on black's play i was able to kind  of predict uh yeah white played really well   he just played he played a really good game  also intense how was that game intense at all can someone please explain how this  game was intense white literally   just destroyed black like how is  this game even slightly intense i don't i intends for black yeah i don't i don't  know second game of the day e4 d5 d oh   blackmart deemer gambit or did you just  accidentally play the black bar dimmer what the heck is that thanks for  rushing or dragging thank you   what is this i mean you might  as well just add another gambit   you don't want to take me i don't want to take you  you don't want to take me i don't want to take you   like i don't know now this is a transposition  to a london now this is a london now it's a it's oh well white is a lot better here  this is really good this is great for white   this is great bishop b5 castles excellent  excellent oh white has something so savage here   you want to give this check but you don't  want the knight to block you you take on b8 if rook b8 bishop b5 white is just winning wow because bishop d7 queen d5 oh it's even worse  than that you have some checks like oh my god   bishop takes b8 is a very  nice move thanks master blood but see this is also great i would castle  you have to castle here you you gotta oh   oh oh my god man oh my god oh oh oh yo you  killed him yo you killed him bro bishop d6   oh you let the king run i wouldn't have done that  oh but you don't even care you don't even care   oh whoa whoa what are we doing  homie whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa   chest is about clean conversion  why'd you let the king get away   i would let the kid just go away 485 push push  push you shouldn't let the king get away because   now you lose that all right i mean it's still  still good oh look at that move that is tricky   that is tricky if you ever take i know you  can't take but if oh boy oh god oh oh i mean you destroy the guy what i mean the opening   i can't tell if you knew what you were  doing in the opening or you got lucky   like did you know that you transposed to a black  male redeemer and then here you can play like a   reverse albin with bishop f4 and then you traded  everything correct oh my god i mean spotting queen   a7 was ridiculous here's what i'll say this is  kind of the moment that i that it gives it away   95 does not create a threat right and when  your opponent went here you spotted the one   i don't think a 1500 plays this move  did white miss a free rook straight up   no no um what what do you mean there there  was a frame rook missed rook takes c2 at the castle's turn it's pinned it's pinned you dopes it's pinned jeez youtube you  should be embarrassed watching this i'm not taking   this out either i'm not i am not taking this out  no oh you guys are ridiculous you guys are absurd   all right i'm gonna say 13 1400 let's go wow white is a thousand are you kidding me nah man that's nuts i i  mean i don't even know what to say that that   is that is unbelievable you you might be  the strongest 1000 of all time straight up yeah it's because of my course yeah exactly it's  because of my course gotham subscribers got the   black pieces e4 e5 okay so far so the traxler  yes either the person watched the tracks through   youtube video or they have the gotham game of  course oh this game gonna be fun wait this is   a 70 move game traxler games are over within  15 moves does white fall for the traxler yeah   yeah yeah yeah yeah oh okay so king g1 is one  of the best moves in fact i think it is the   best move against the traxxler um it's the best  computer move now here you have to go queen h4   very good that threatens mate the best move here  i believe is the move g3 queen f3 played queen f3   probably loses to like knight d4 that's what i  would imagine or maybe you you can play rook f8   no no no no no don't trade queens whoa whoa that's a garbage move i  mean of course you trade queens   like black shouldn't trade queens white  shirt trade queens what is this now   black has the big boss gangster move short  castle now your knight is out of the way   i mean your rook is out of the way you just  get this game over you literally just win   because this is hanging this is hanging  it's game over this is hanging like it's all yeah well i mean queen f3 is no good but you have  to go knight d4 you have to attack the queen and   then they have to if they play queen f1 then i  think rook f8 just wins yeah rook fe just wins   the traxler is the most poisonous opening  period okay you played roquefort which is   good now you can just take this and take this but  you probably took the queen and took tonight oh no yo this is move 12. how did this game go 58 moves  how did this game go 58 more moves oh because   you took the wrong way you have to take with the  rook so then you could oh you traded queens okay   okay okay now i get it yeah now  you're gonna have to win an end game   yup oh yeah oh don't hang mate good  knight f7 is made if you if you don't   take this rook if you take this rook  it's not made but if you take the other what is that just take the boss boss  you were so worried about the fork   you forgot you take the other rook boss you  you you you you you you boss what are you doing   what are you doing you saw that but you got scared  of the other thing oh no no okay now get the   pieces out get the pieces out oh my look at this  no wonder it took 58 moves guy hung his bishop   oh my god just just take it bro just i did okay  oh god oh man oh moment this is stressful i am   stressed it's like watching my kid play chess  oh my god you're gonna hang the night you're   totally gonna hang the night you are gonna hang  the hell out of this night oh god oh god and you   thought you were winning the rook but you're not  oh my lord oh my lord h8 and that's the game and   you hung the knight h8 and you hung the knight and  then now oh my bro bro you went from up like throw   no okay now oh oh and the worst part for  white is white gets their rook trapped   the worst part for white is that after this you  get your root trapped and now that's it okay   easy peasy easy peasy yes nope why i don't even  care that the computer says this is the best move   boss don't let them get active king don't  let them get an active king keep the king out   don't let the king get close did you oh god  now the king's gonna get your pawns okay thank   god the king went the wrong way king went the  wrong way oh my god oh my god it's a draw oh my it's a draw there's no way there's no way  oh god oh god king a4 and a3 king a4 and a3   oh he went the wrong way see if he goes king a4  there is an outside chance there is an outside   chance that this is a draw because black has  to find check and oh god i'm gonna vomit dude   i'm gonna vomit the engine finds like some way  to win this of course oh my i'm gonna throw up   dude i don't feel so good i swear there's there's  still a draw coming probably oh no it's all good yes oh oh god oh god oh god oh god oh  my god uh wow wow wow listen um zamujik   that sounds vaguely russian actually mudak and  russian is a bad word so zamuji listen man the   next time you get a dead winning traxler in 10  moves just please win it for your sake and my sake uh okay i'm not gonna lie to you like   like okay rook f1 right rook f1 and then  here what level sees that move instantly   like would a 1000 play that move instantly because  black has just taken the the bishop with the queen   so black could be thinking just to take like  that okay now here here another big moment   no this is not less than 600 no no black played  black played a bit too well for it to be like that   i think i would say like eight to nine hundred  i'm gonna say eight to nine hundred here we go nine hundred my guy's nine hundred  and he beat an eleven seventy eleven   seventy oh what a huge win dude you  beat somebody 270 points higher than you   nice nice nice traxler op yes in the words of  philosopher charles moist critical whites you   clap those cheeks man that's a great nice game  thanks for the fat 10 gift subs pikachu oh god some dude just donated five dollars to sneak in  the middle of a youtube recording to get his game   checked out homie time and place why didn't you  donate that when we're not recording for youtube   guess the elo episode what i'm just gonna stop  the whole recording to analyze the game should've   waited like two games literally you wait like  seven minutes i'll analyze the game maybe we'll do   it afterward goodness me d4 d5 we have a london in  game four okay so people who know the london well   what do you do when they play knight c6 and bishop  f5 it's your calling card to play which move   does white play it and now you can hit it with a bing and a  bang now if black knows what they're doing   you're not just going to destroy them okay okay knight d2 is fine i mean  it's it's not completely terrible   okay but see yeah like you need  the knight on c3 but okay fine okay bro this is a counting exercise y'all be killing  me with this stuff man yeah straight up be killing   me with this stuff man how y'all be not counting  right i got two attackers i got oh no whoa oh oh oh homie homie if i ask the  person playing with the white pieces   why this is a bad move they would say the queen is  hanging right y'all gotta stop moving to squares   that are available when a move ago you wouldn't  have gone there nothing's changed you're still in   danger it's like the kid on the simpsons bus i'm  in danger the knight is gonna move and attack you   and that's the wrong move the knight has to guard  the bishop so that you have to address this threat   and then lose this right but when you go here now  the bishop is hanging oh my god g6 queen f6 gg beautiful planned whole thing was planned  gotham shut up you don't understand   you don't understand anything mate oh my god  look at this he hit him with the bing and the   and a back up you know this isn't the walk  off knockout you knock the guy ages back up   it's done oh my goodness oh my goodness okay so  slight inaccuracy maybe knight d2 knight c3 is   definitely better uh don't listen to the computer  it says 90 it doesn't understand what it's talking   about um no i mean 92 is is a small error cd5 i  don't i don't dislike this but i think you need   to you need to be more active on the queen side um  e5 is a garbage move it's garbage because of this   because you trade queens you have to this is the  best that you can get in this position something   like this with knight d2 let me explain why if  you play knight e5 you hung the g2 pawn which i   think which i think is what black was trying to do  did somebody say 1700 if a 1700 played queen c2 i   would literally slap them provided they were not  children but um like if this was an adult queen   situ i'd literally slap the person man woman does  not matter i'd slapped him right upside the head   i mean what is that a 1700 playing queen c no if a  seventh dimension plays queen c2 here first of all   it's checkers from here on out it's only  checkers i mean no no no no no no no not 1700 no   if they were i just said if they were an adult  not a baby they were baby 1700 i'd be like it's   pretty impressive you're 1700. now knight f2  is not a great move either because of this   and now now white kind of gets back on track  converts very well um honestly i don't know i don't know i don't know   well we have a lunatic in the chat okay  cool we have a crazy person in the chat um very interesting position you know  e5 is very complicated move but okay um eleven hundred i think a thousand to  eleven hundred maybe twelve hundred but   twelve hundred shouldn't be i don't know  i don't know i think white is higher rated   i would say high one thousand low twelve  hundred that's the range let's go see wow white played really well yeah black played like this rating i would  say but white played a lot better than this   rating white played like a solid high  1100 i would say so good game by white   i mean you know not not seeing queen g2 is one  thing and you know white being a thousand sixty   does not get smacked for playing this move but  just remember that just because of move ago you   couldn't go there there was a good reason just  because it's covered up doesn't mean it's not   there and actually black had the right idea the  wrong execution black had a position where they   were minus fought one and played a move where it  was plus four which is generally how 1000 rated   games go had black played knight to g3 then it  would have been wait why is this a missed win   queen c1 is a missed win no but this is  stupid this computer's like mr win how's   this a missed win not a missed win it's just  that white is a lot better if they play queen c1   so that's why the computer's saying it's  missed win but it's not really missed win   is this gonna be a youtube video no of course  not i never put guess the elo on youtube this   is a twitch only thing alright final game final  game of the episode here we go here we go e4 e5   d4 oh danish gambit or just accidental pawn  blunder oh no white is playing danish gambit black okay so far this is actually um this is main  line now here if black takes takes and tries   to cash in on the free pawn bishop c6 kicks the  the defense from out under the the queen so um   long castle knight c3 this is main line like this  is like mainline danish gambit okay now castles   take stakes so white is considered better in this  version um bla what is black supposed to play here   oh black is supposed to play check and then  take and just get rid of everybody immediately   so you're supposed to go here here and then  like ah this this is this is the key queen c4   queen c4 is the key yes and um here nepo played  something really weird nepal played something   really weird here i don't remember against grishok  something super strange like he did like this yeah yeah he did this this and like king  f1 or something like or or like a king of   something really strange and i think grieshog  did like i don't know something like this i   don't know i don't exactly remember  but he like sacked the pawn somehow   um anyway the the reason this is bad is because  white cancels and has no structural weaknesses   so this position is just a lot better  for white which is why you should oh knight g5 like white is not playing on the right side  like what is this i mean what is knight g5   like white has a solid center and open lines to  the you have to focus where you're stronger bishop   e3 c4 d5 rook b1 no what is this i mean the trade  is only beneficial to black because now black goes   here yeah such a scary move okay and white black  responds because black is terrified but where's   your attack you also traded your better bishop  your bishop is just stuck behind your pawns now   yeah and now 94 on black is  better unbelievable g5 rookie two   no black is okay queen trade black should not  take the queen i understand the engine likes it   because it wants this follow of knight to a5 and  something but no i like i like this i like this   i think it's better yes yes uh-oh are you in some  trouble here with f3 uh-oh comeback time take it   oppa what the queen e4 no bro just take look who  cares you take c6 oh my god you take c6 but okay   he don't see this okay he hangs the knight  anyway mate mate like in the corner somehow oh oh big skip back rank mate somehow oh my god  i'm so scared is there a back rank mate coming bro bro okay clean clean clean clean clean nice  wow what the heck was that um um um um um oh 13 1400 i i i mean it wasn't the cr it  wasn't a game full of blunders it was a game   of bad decisions like here there were some  blunders but there's no way this was 8.50   because they played way too  much theory for them to be 800 1200 no 2 000 no no no no no i mean if two  thousands play like this they should both   quit chess frankly i mean come on this is a  joke come on um actually actually you know   you know i'm starting to think like maybe it  was a two thousand if it's an eight oh god oh yeah yay i have god damn man they played  wait the fact that they knew theory means a lot   like at least 1500 actually then the first  move out of theory was wrong i don't know oh god 16 to 1700 final answer maybe  1500 but 16 to 1700 here we go are you kidding me how how ha what what bro no yost meh nah bri nah come on man  this is absolutely are you kidding me
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 1,476,373
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Keywords: Gotham Chess gives lessons, Gothamchess lessons, gothamchess openings, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess guide, gothamchess e4, gothamchess, gothamchess rating climb, chess game analysis, chess analysis, beginner chess lessons, guess the elo, guess the elo chess, chess lessons for beginners, chess lessons for intermediate, middlegame chess, chess middlegame, chess middlegames, chess lessons, chess lesson, chess tips, chess strategy, how to play chess, how to win at chess
Id: mVTbjsQbG1w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 13sec (1753 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 01 2021
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