How To Win At Chess (Episode 2, 700-1200)

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welcome back to how to win a chess a series where  i take on my twitch subscribers in 10 minute rapid   games and walk you through the thought process  of openings middle games and end games while i   go up the rating ladder in this video we're taking  on the ratings from 700 till about 1200 the full   video in the stream goes until 1400 but i had to  cut it down it was simply too long hope you enjoy   let me know your thoughts in the comments below  and what your favorite opening is or what you want   me to do in the next episodes and there's time  stamps on the video player as always twitch say   hi to youtube youtube say hi to twitch we've got a  long queue of games today the lowest rated person   is 710 rapid the highest rated person is 14 16.  we're gonna play games we are going to talk about   them not maybe not all the games are gonna make  it in if the video goes too long i like to keep   these under an hour and a half it's game time now  i actually played blundergate in a recent video   i played blundergat in a recent video play z4  uh i'm gonna go with the uh sicilian defense   versus e4 which is a a way of fighting  for the center with a flank pawn   um and it's not the most common thing  it's 700 rapid but it's it's perfectly   viable uh it's a good weapon and we will see  immediately what he does so he plays the move   d4 and this is already a thing that i can just  capture right so i can just capture this pawn   that's kind of the whole point i mean i i put a  pawn out on c5 in order to fight for the center right so now if he takes with  the queen this is sub-optimal   because he's bringing his queen out  early and i can develop naturally   uh that's exactly right now in this position there  is a move c3 which is called the smith mora gambit   and that's one of the gambits against the  sicilian defense bringing out your queen like   this isn't the best thing it's actually better  for white to play the move knight f3 and then d4   or at least c3 and then d4 to fight for the  center this is not losing by any means i mean it   kind of resembles a scandinavian defense i mean  bringing out the queen is not it's not like losing   i mean it's only losing if you lose the queen  otherwise you just have to move the queen again so so the queen's under attack where is he  going to move it you can go all the way   back this is not the right okay okay so this  is wrong and i i feel bad because i don't   i don't want to do this so quickly but i'm  gonna go here and i'm gonna leave it up to him   and i i just like i don't like to  win these games so quickly because   i mean if if it happens i'm not saying i'm winning  right now but i see i see chat saying you know this is why this is why this is why don't  put the queen here but this is okay this is   okay this is fine if we win this game quickly  we'll still turn it into an instructive moment   don't put the queen on the same diagonal as the  king you can lose the queen very fast like this   but that's it we're all going to learn at the  time of recording this we have 2 400 viewers   i don't know how many views we have on youtube  now zero because this video isn't out on youtube   although technically if you're watching this it  is oh my god what's going on how many timelines   are we living in but we're all gonna learn  do not play queen takes d4 in the sicilian do not play queen takes d4 in the sicilian just  good practice you guys are all writing f is that okay my stream didn't crash okay that's just  you guys writing the letter f what about g   can you guys write g he played the best move  according to the engine uh when when did he when did he do that this this was this was  certainly not the best move according to the   engine i'll tell you that um yeah so he takes  now actually it would be better for him to not   let my knight come closer it would actually be  better technically for him to make me take his   queen and then develop another piece even the  smallest of margins now you don't always lose   games when you're up a queen and you know you  might resign out of like tilt here that's the   thing that people do if they blunder early they  just say you know what the hell with this game   i'm gonna play another game but we still need  to learn how to convert a winning position   okay because people don't always find the  most optimal way to get their queen involved   they just don't do that and they can and they  should like for example i'm still gonna castle we   still need to keep our pieces uh relatively safe  thank you thundering giraffe for being awesome and the other thing is that the queen can only be  useful with friendly pieces right so for example   this knight moving would have been a little bit  better like i said i'm just going to develop a   piece here nothing complicated i'm attacking  this pawn and i want a castle now he has a   few ways of defending that's a good move  because if i take his pawn he takes my knight   but you should keep going and we you  know this king moved over to defend   this knight jumping in with the fork that's  why he played king to d1 but now if we take   we have this and there's another fork so it's a  different tactical pattern these two squares f2   and c2 are like the juicy squares for the knight  to jump in on and uh and create these forking   opportunities so you might think i get a pawn he  gets my knight end of story but follow the path of   the night and realize that there's still something  that you can capture if there isn't then like   if this bishop was here then yeah we can't take  this pawn because it's protected but in this case   we will get this and the more things we can clear  off the board for our queen to have open lines the   better so he comes and goes here now i don't want  to castle anymore because my knight is attacked   i can bring the knight back to where it was  and i can also go here because this bishop   is the defender of this pawn so knight d5 is  probably slightly better than the move knight c6   yes in the words of mr scheible you resign now  but like i said not always necessary not always   necessary please bishop d4 okay so that's  attacking this now i'm just gonna castle okay only reason he didn't blunder the fork  is because he's listening that's not true   that's not true it's not true at all i  played him before so simplifying is good   he offers me a trade of knights i mean you don't  need to take there's a lot of good moves but uh   now we need to get other pieces into the game and  we need to find a way to activate our queen okay oh so for example you know you can bring your  queen out to one of these three squares and lose   the queen like blunders happen i'm gonna go b6 and  bishop b7 oh shout out to fianchetta for the raid   so many raids thank you i'm not used to uh i'm  not used to streaming at this hour i'm usually   done at this point so the twit the twitch chest  landscape probably looks a little bit different first time on twitch welcome if you're  watching on youtube in the future   give us a shot we have live music what's even  playing right now ah khalid location send me   your location send me your location just send  me a message just send me location bishop b7   of course again we are happy with this trade he  doesn't have a piece so i mean he doesn't have   a queen he does have pieces but he doesn't  have a queen so we are happy with trades   uh it's i mean we have we have a lot  of options you know we we can we can   continue to push forward with space with our pawns  one of the biggest drawbacks of our position is   we don't have a lot of space and if we can  get all the pieces into the game with our   moves but if we can't actually take  any space like here's an interesting   concept right what if in this position i said  black had to play without moving another pawn   isn't that interesting that's kind of a  fascinating concept black cannot move upon   that can kind of teach you how to maneuver in  and out of your pieces i don't know you guys   are saying the music is soft okay well let's  make it a little bit louder maybe that helps   um okay that guy gets a nice little band there  looked over at chat immediately saw a bad message   immediately banned that's how we work all  right take take now this is not good he of   course should keep his pieces on the board he  got into college yesterday fantastic actually   a couple days ago someone said that they got  into stanford which is a massive accomplishment   it's a massive massive accomplishment um i don't  know if you guys know this but earlier this year   before i was doing so much streaming  i was um none of this is under attack   i was helping a friend of mine run a company  which did college admissions consulting which   in the united states is a big deal because  people prepare for college in eighth grade   knight is here um i mean i can attack it now  you have a choice of pawns that you can take   one of them is significantly riskier to capture  than the other and i'll tell you right now   um it's this one and it's this one because you  think you attack the rook but in reality when the   rook moves it hits your bishop and then it opens  the line toward your king this is significantly   better to take but a little bit unnecessary i'm  gonna play d6 and i know i just said like what if   there's a situation where we don't move our pawns  but it'll show you like it's just conceptually   speaking if you never increase the amount of space  you have it's gonna be really hard to maneuver and   generally pawns are the ones that go first for the  space advantage right so that's how it would work   now now you guys are deliberating college i  see what about converting positional advantage   i don't know what uh in this particular case no positional advantages  are going to be converted now we play e5s we   have the extra queen we need to take space  and at a certain point we need to bring the   queen out and start actually doing something  with the queen right um did i consider the   checks in that position good point i mean i  could have considered queen g5 yes that move   would have also been okay but i'm also trying to  educate here in like pawn using pawns right um filling out phd apps okay some of these raids really brought  in some fascinating members of the chat   what i looked back and there was  something i can capture so i took it okay okay that's not hanging nothing is under attack let's  bring the rook i want to trade the rook off okay trade off the rook he has a few choices i mean his only way  of not trading rooks would be to put his   rook on one of these two squares  because there it will get eaten yes i did just mention this pawn is a  little bit too dangerous by the way um fascinating that's the third person  we've banned in the last five   like five minutes and these raids brought y'all  gotta ban better i don't know what's going on um   now we have our moment so i can't put our  queen anywhere but i can go right here no i can't why did i do that huh why why did i i wasn't smart why did i that that's just my bishop yeah i thought i was just going down here   and i am but i don't have like  i can't i okay all right cool cool cool cool cool good stuff good stuff by  gotham good stuff trying to educate his viewers   how to hang pieces okay now we are guaranteed  a rook trade no we're not no we're not what   we're not guaranteed a rook trade i mean no we're  just straight up not guaranteed a rook trade at   all if my opponent goes here see because i thought  if the root goes over here i can take the bishop   and it's pinned sometimes you have to  look long range with the rooks right but well credit to my opponent who's finding  some clutch moves let's play queen d3   still we're doing quite well we're still doing  quite well would g3 have been a good move um hold on let's simplify let's simplify  not to take the rook but to take this no please don't play bots bots play weird but  everybody feels a little bit differently about   this so i'm gonna get a bishop he's gonna take my  queen i'm gonna take his rook and i'll have two   rogues versus one not the cleanest conversion of  my life uh but uh i just hung a bishop because i'm   i don't know crazy in this position it would have  been better not to hang the bishop would have been   better to move the bishop and then bring the queen  i just for some reason thought i had something and   i mean i probably did luckily we have a good  safety net of being up enough material but   a gm would have hung the queen that's the  difference see an im only hangs a bishop um there there were better better things  that i could have played now i'm gonna   bring the rook down to the second rank  this is an instructive endgame moment   uh rooks on the second or the seventh  rank are extremely dangerous in end games   because that's where the majority  of the pawns and pieces often are and then you'll be able to kind of clean  up so now i'm going to bring my second rook and it's bad news also that's a good move and the  one thing to keep in mind here is our back rank   when you clear out your back rank he's gonna  lose on time in the next two seconds because   there's no bonus time but when you clear out your  back rank you gotta not get mated and luckily   both these guys are controlling he says  gg i'm gonna say gg both these guys are   controlling enough squares that it's fine you  can always create a fort for your king but   this is bad news for white he will literally  lose everything that he leaves there   if the two rooks get to the back rank but in  the beginning of the game you gotta go back   with your queen you gotta get it out or don't  play d4 so quickly play knight f3 followed by d4   c3 followed by d4 or another different idea in  the uh the sicilian okay fog champ mcspoons i'm   gonna start with d4 i feel like in a lot of these  climbs i've started with d4 what's up calc um what opening can you play on both sides every  single game the king's indian it's pretty good all right so this is the  london versus the king's indian   what i recommend for you to  do against the king's indian   is to play knight c3 because this controls the  center and you can play queen to d2 and then   castle long and this is good because this will  set up a battery versus the bishop now long castle doing pretty good h6 i'm not winning we're  not winning but this puts very practical   pressure on our opponents can  i get a thumbs up in the chat so no oh okay that's unfortunate my opponent  plays the move e5 this is a very common mistake   in the king's indian because people play their  setup and they they kind of pre-move their moves   and actually i'm there's gonna be i have a video  out on youtube tomorrow at seven in the morning   so that means it's already out when this video  gets published to youtube called how to study   openings how to learn chess openings so i'm  going to take which is going to bring his king up   and that video will teach you you cannot  just pre-move in the openings you have to   adapt to what your opponents are playing and  just like that just like that the doors open   he doesn't scan for the queen  on the other side of the board   these are two early blunders uh from from these  players who can who can after this game these   games are done totally learn from these  games and not make the same mistakes again   like that is you can't just pre-move e5  it just doesn't work okay like you have to   adapt when long castle versus short castle happens  you have to stop this e5 thing and you need to   create a queen side attack with c6 b5 and bringing  out your queen and attacking on that side of the   board um knight c6 i'm just gonna bring my rook  all the way back so that's what you have to do   that's what you have to do bishop  f5 is a good move uh i can play e3   f3 and e4 building with my pawns in the center of  the board i can't just go e4 because he'll take it   i can develop my knight i can go g3 bishop g2  i have a variety of options i can play knight   d5 offering a trait of knights let's just  go e3 for now and try to get the bishop out okay well i'm very happy with the rook trade he  definitely uh he definitely doesn't want that we   got she jesus in the chat now i i'm quite familiar  with the user with one s in their name are you are   you new now there is an issue with this move  i'm gonna see if um if he sees it but maybe not here's this to try to get into this square let's  see if he sees it mixed spoons i don't know maybe   mcspoons is a girl maybe they see it i'm gonna i'm  gonna be i always just like i've always just said   like the the i suppose like what is it called the  male version of of of an opponent just but chess   has always been like that and like i don't know  like over 95 chance it's it's accurate i think 97   of my youtube viewers are male i don't know  it's probably bad habit i probably should   i probably shouldn't do that it's but it's  it's just it's just habit honestly so this   is the only way to defend the f2 square the  only way to defend the f2 square all right   and of course we saw this kind of thing last game  the night outflank jumping into the f2 square so am i doing this tomorrow too uh i don't know   i don't know maybe should we do it now i'm gonna  kick him out i'm gonna i'm gonna see i did it   again well i'm i'm in the night oh who knows yeah  kick it out kick it out kick it out take it out get it out get out go away get out bye  leave go away goodbye see you later   au voir ciao now let's attack the bishop  also not necessarily the most accurate move   what would i do in this position if you were  black and they were still 885 i would play this   move it's a great point okay very good pinning  this now i have to defend and essentially i would   just plant my pieces and make sure my rook has no  entrance squares which is an extremely important   detail and then it would be up to white to find  their accurate moves this is the best move in this   position because you guarantee this bishop will  get captured absolutely guarantee anywhere the   bishop moves and the more you get off the board  the better in fact you don't even necessarily   need to take the bishop right away who's  protecting the bishop the horse right the horse so they take now bishop takes knight is  the next idea chop off all the pieces   app give black no way of coming  back into this game no way so take on c6 now of course my opponent can play the move  knight d8 but then i will play rook d1 that   like this this is the final move this is it this  is that's like the fourth piece of exodia or fifth   i mean i know the fifth is like when you win but  i'm saying like when you get the fourth you feel   really good and then you just need one more piece  and then you win rook d1 i guess would be exodia   but then we still haven't won the game we still  have to win it what is xodia uh if only you knew taking on c6 doesn't give squares for the  horsey that's okay our horse can go back well is this move attacking anything no because  this is actually protected this is a free pawn uh   okay it's just a free pawn easy i did not play yu-gi-oh competitively no  my parents refused to buy me yu-gi-oh decks   so i would get um what are those called proxies   when you would um you would you would print  out cards right and you would like tape them   on on like uh paper that's what i would  do a3 now of course rook d1 is good but   it's better that this knight has no escape so  this knight will go to d5 and then we will take yeah now we take again simplification  simplification we're going to take one of these   pawns next not this one because it's protected  but this one is good and we can still play the   move pawn g5 which attacks the knight and removes  the defender or we can go rook d1 i still feel bad   for my rook because i haven't moved my rook i'm  going to play 24 moves without moving my rook   um why doesn't lagers go knight c2 if it's  dead anyway because you would only get a pawn this way at least you get a knight that's  the difference you can go back and trade okay attacks this uh of course just  getting this pawn out of danger is fine   also defending it with the rook is good  now a knight should not wander in like this because i can attack it and the  problem is this knight has no escape   it's never getting out it is never getting  out we just have to attack it the right way   if this take the pawn continuity the  rook guards so this and that's it that's it unfortunately there is nothing for  the knight to do at this point it would be very   difficult to save this position with black if  the roles were reversed because all white has   to do is make a queen and you got to take  a few pawns and then after that you need to   uh you need to not stalemate that's it when you  have this much more material what you need to do   now is you need to push the pawns to the other  side get a queen and surround the enemy king cool outstanding so this is all i'm gonna do never  mind i am not going to do that my opponent resigns   so my opponent again needs to go back to  the drawing board and go what did i do wrong   okay they played this against my king's indian  in this position don't take because that just   lets him the queen now you can then say well the  knight can kick the queen out and attack this   but the queen will come back i just so what do you  do here you can play a move like c6 and play b5   and queen a5 i can even flip it so we look  at it from their perspective another thing   is when you see this is happening because you  could you could see it's happening right you   can see it's happening like they're gonna  castle queenside i'm not gonna castle short just keep the king here no one is gonna  attack my king if my king's not so now c6   what's interesting is that i always play  the game like this i just delay castling   and then i'll play like this i've even done  something like this i let the queen sit and   then i just go to a5 and if the queen goes  here i just kick the queen out everything is   guarded so i've played games like this too where  i just keep the king in the middle and then even   sometimes will develop and just go the other  way and turn the attack totally against them so but but the difference here is my opponent  just pre-moved he they literally just pre-moved   all these moves and uh this is what happened they  just lost they lost the piece on move nine so um but that that was an instructive game i mean  that's why these games are good rocky elk is next   rocky elk is next 979 we already have  a q my friends there's a command q if my opponent plays d4 i'm going to play the  nimso india in this game rocky elk hello thank   you knight f6 e6 b6 and bishop b7 a very good  defensive solid setup against uh against d4   so e6 it's rock yelp rock yelp no i think it's  rocky elk is it rocky elk or is it rocky elk   anyway d5 here goes back to a queen's gambit  c5 can make it something else i'm gonna play b6 so bishop b7 and generally you put the bishop on  b4 that you kind of wait for this knight to arrive   and then you you you pin it of course you  can also just play bishop e7 some people   actually prefer in this position to play  this move because now that i've done this   they can play a3 this pin is a bit annoying in  these kinds of positions and you can just block it   because going out to b4 could be a little bit  dangerous a little bit dangerous uh but chad i'm   gonna let you decide do i play defensively or do  i show you the aggressive strategy in this system   so i need you to decide the the the fate aggro  okay you guys wanna you guys wanna see the aggro   let's go aggro when you have a pin knight  directly to a queen it can be a little bit   difficult to move but in queens pawn positions  where you've played the pin on the king   there is a very cool system revolving around  delaying castling where you play h6 bishop h4   and then g5 sacrificing your king safety forcing  the bishop to move here and then you jump in the   middle with knight e4 a lot of grand masters play  this now and it's just basically trying to punish   white's setup right away by being really  hostile and uh i mean breaking a lot of   standard rules of the game like and where  it's about to happen so we're gonna play h6   we're gonna now they might just take sorry they  might just take like if this happens then okay   whatever you know whatever is this hyper modern  i i i'm not very good with the terminology i just   put the pieces on the squares uh you can come up  with the terms but i i really don't know you can   call it the google dooble bobble and uh and i'll  just be like okay okay i've spoken to grandmasters   about openings and they don't know names of  openings why would i let them force my bishop away   well because you like the bishop  pinning the knight ultimately   like a bishop is slightly better than the  knight unless you are causing structural damage to your opponent's position that's the only  reason early on that you would trade so quickly   in my case i probably will trade because  my opponent has two choices queen out   and get attacked not anymore because they took  my knight or bc3 doubling the pawns now i take knight rider says been watching your  streams after i finished law school finals   so how does that work do you now have to take the  bar how does how how does that work now taking   is an inaccuracy slightly but if my opponent  now just well actually now it's not so simple   because a very natural move e3 just trying to  bring the bishop out destabilizes this knight   that's actually kind of a funny point here  is that i can punish my opponent already   but i feel like we've won two games quickly  from opening blunders and i i don't i don't   want to do that i don't want to do that it's the  right move but i don't want to do that so if they   play e3 g3 i promise if they are stream sniping  i will not take the knight on f3 i will not do it   but that is also a very good move very  nice nice move wow that's a fantastic move so i can take and they can't take  with the knight because of the pin   they can take with the queen okay i'm gonna take  like i said this is going here for two reasons   number one if queen takes bishop takes pawn  number two if pawn takes doubled pawns which   looks like a tetris piece they get the central  tetris piece okay and the way you play this   well we can just castle i suppose as a  start let's just castle okay we've castled   the position first of all is closed right i  have eight pawns they have eight pawns which   means that the position is pretty close just means  that we both have a big fence however uh however   my opponent has a more active fence than me i'm  gonna play d6 you might say well why aren't you   playing night out because my knight has nowhere  to go if i play knight c6 where's it gonna go it's   not gonna be the first thing attacking this this  fence so i need my knight as a maneuvering piece   that's what i need i need to be on d7 and i would  like for it to go here or here or this way in the   future because going this way it's not terrible  but we need to fight with our pawns was c5 a   good move c5 was a good move uh and if d5 we  just have to find a way to get this bishop out   so the game is going to be won and lost with  decisions with pawns in the center of the board e5 for white is a is a decent move i don't have  to take and this is not very scary because the   bishop doesn't checkmate my king my queen first  the queen first would have checkmated right   queen first would have checkmated if this  was queen bishop and they play e5 i'm busted   however they play e5 now i can take i also  don't have to take oh my goodness long castle   wow wow wow okay check is i mean a move but  then they just move their king and i don't want   my queen to be a target in the future it's not  quite a target because i would take the knight   uh breaking in the center with e5 was my plan  developing with knight d7 was my plan i don't know   there's another plan here when you get the knight  to a5 and you play bishop a6 that's what you do   get the bishop and the knight to go for this  pawn i'm gonna go with our plan i'm gonna go   e5 you'll notice i traded my dark squared bishop  i traded my dark squared bishop but i don't have right i i i don't have a dark squared bishop  but seven of my pawns are on dark squares   so i've created a structural uh like habitat  for my dark square maneuvering i should say like   i've rebuilt my dark squares quite well  having said that my bishop would be a lot   happier if the board opened up a little bit  wow rook g1 so my opponent wants to go g4 i think and that looks good but there is one  problem i think that's what they want i mean   otherwise this move doesn't make any sense so  i'm going to finish my development and then   i'm going to make my decisions notice i have  not taken why they undoubled their structure   so then they just get three pawns like this  with no weakness having said that i do open   my e file and i can target their pawn but i  would much prefer them to take me i would be   much happier with this maybe rookie 8 now again  i would be happy with this because what that does   is it leaves them with a doubled isolated pawn  and another one right if d5 my bishop gets locked   out of the game but my knight can go to the  c5 score so my opponent is very stubborn for   good reason for good reason and g4 doesn't work  because of this but now i've got to do something i got to do something i see those some of you  coming in saying you've been watching on youtube   this also will be on youtube so this is uh  we're recording how to win it chess episode   two it's gonna be good ah man i really don't  wanna take the problem is if i go here putting   more pressure my opponent's just gonna play this  they're gonna push and i can't put my knight there   okay you guys are saying hi to youtube again  let's take let's open things up a little bit   i'm not thrilled but whatever you're not you're  not always going to be thrilled in life you know   sometimes you got to learn to take an l now i'll  play c5 so i'm striking once again at the center   and i'm making my opponent make a  decision this is an incredibly solid 970   i mean incredibly solid so far very good decision  making okay that guy's given the middle finger to   youtube so he will be receiving a 10 minute  timeout i have warned many times to be nice very solid play so far by  my opponent what about a6   to try to go here i respect that as well  of course we have another game of opposite   side castling which means that we can create  pawn breaks on opposing sides of the board yeah a6 now is actually a wonderful move a6   b5 is what i was going to save so the person  who is attacking prefers a closed center oh are we sure about that my friend oh   but but you know what's interesting is that they  can take with the bishop so like b5 cb5 bishop b5   and i don't quite get the opening of the  position that i want i don't quite get   it 95 is not a bad move like it's a good move  but do i want to trade knights is the question   i don't know if i want to trade knights is the  answer i can again give a check but we're not   and then i can put my knight on f6 but that's not  actually attacking this pawn because it's defended   uh do i want to sacrifice the pawn it's probably  not the smart thing to do i'm not gonna lie to you   so i'm gonna go knight e5  which i'm also not happy about   but sometimes you have to i don't know sometimes  you gotta choose the lesser of the two evils   i think losing losing the queen  side pawn for seemingly no reason   if i if the opponent were to take with the apon  allowing my rook into the game that would be   fine but you can't just play like that um like  you can't just be like oh if he goes here i get   my rook in i mean we we need to think of the oh  finally a blunder goodness gracious i was waiting   forever i was waiting forever oh and everybody was  was saying queen a1 but then just king d2 somehow   and my queen's under attack and i can't like i  can't do anything i can't take this pawn so my   queen would literally have to come back now  finally he makes a mistake uh queen f4 check   which is a fork of the king in the  night is my queen getting trapped   like that actually is a legend you can't  just write a queen's gotta have a way out   looks good you say what about this and then that  also good but my knight is better than the bishop   you're really gonna tell me that this bishop which  is blocked by all of its own pawns has any role in   this game this knight is much better this knight  is much better there was another cool move here   which is unnecessary but let's say for example  this pawn was on g3 and i couldn't give a check   in this position there is the move queen  takes f2 which looks like they can take   right but then knight takes bishop for king  the king and the queen so it's a sacrifice of   the king for one move uh the king the queen for  one move i deflect the queen from the defense   of the bishop and then i fork the king and the  queen on that square that's two tactics in one   number one that's deflection because you deflect  the queen from protecting the bishop but number   two that's the tactic known as um attraction  when you attract a piece to a poisonous square   right so now they don't have to take i'm  not trapped right okay i'm not trapped g3   i can go here oh well actually because they move  the rook up i can also take the rook my opponent   wrote me a message says my name is jonah nice to  meet you they spell they said levi it's not levi   but that's okay i just wanted to say i love  your content uh i have learned a lot i aspire   to be international master one day that's quite a  goal i hope you enjoy playing me because i know i   will also a great move thanks rocky elk listen if  you're a kid you can aspire to be an international   master but i'm going to be very honest i'm going  to be very honest chess is not a lucrative career   i understand that it's had a massive boom this  year i understand i am very fortunate to be in   the position that i'm in but even becoming an  international master takes tens of thousands of   hours of practice and can bring almost no  money like you gotta win some tournaments   first of all and and second of all you  gotta teach international masters will   only make a living off chess if they teach  and if you become an international master   you dedicate all those hours as a kid and  then you go a totally different path of life i mean i guess that's okay  right but the problem is that   well you've dedicated all those hours  like if i said dedicate 10 000 hours to   chess or 10 000 hours to computer  science and let's say you'd be good at both i would say computer science i'm just gonna  computer science um so my queen's under attack   right queen's under attack but  i don't need to move it why not   i can give a check to the k to the  king and you say what you said i'm   not you said not to take this yes but you're  forgetting that the queen is guarding both that's the thing is that danger levels you guys  hear me say this every stream you can play queen   d4 looks like a very good move but knight d3 is  the best because queen takes d3 i take the rook   so the queen is overloaded right  career choices are screwed now don't take at this point at this point i  want to activate our rook it's like the   third game we've played in a row where our rook  hasn't activated until much later in the game so that's what i will say and as an you know  adults also they do this they they're like i   want to become a you know now i can give a check  hit everything and then bring my rook um i'm not   saying don't play chess that's not what i'm saying  i'm saying don't start out playing chess wanting   to become an international master i i said this  in my beginner course i say this in so many videos   i'm not sure why chess has such a i don't know if  it's a stigma or just so many people who say this   like in chess everyone is obsessed with these  titles just play the game just play the game just play the game take let's go check check take now we will clean up my opponents  running their king out that's actually this   is really smart this is really clever it's  a really really clever thing uh he make sure   that you don't stalemate okay well we didn't  stalemate because they resigned but you can   lock your king away and sometimes they will  stalemate you if you run out of legal moves so was an instructive game you know if my opponent  had played bishop h4 what i was talking about   is playing g5 and now of course the sacrifice  is a little bit unpleasant but we can always   bring the bishop back that's the other thing and  then this is what you do you delay castling you   attack the pinned knight this is defended  and even sometimes play something like f5 right even something like f5 and then what you  do is you play d6 rebuilding on the dark squares   right knight d7 knight f6 and you've got this  nice solid knight in the center of the board so um hopefully that was helpful that was uh  that was a that was a good game that was   a very good game all right artem's next so far  everyone's been here i'm gonna play e4 again d6 d4 i'm gonna have another king's indian  should i i kind of want to play a same line   as we've seen before but i wasn't i don't know if  i if i if i really want to do that i i don't know i don't know i can play bishop  f4 and queen d2 as i played um   i'm all i can also play an interesting yeah let's  let let's let's do that let's let's again go for   the same thing i mean at least we will have  consistency at least we'll have consistency that's good playing an irish player a  thousand sixteen rapid queen d2 this is   sometimes a decent move because it attacks  the bishop and it defends against my idea now a useful move is f3 because it stops that  and since i'm gonna castle we don't have to   worry about the pawn there plus this pawn is like  a trampoline for our other pawns we can't just go   with the pawns they need to be defended and the  pawn on f3 defense of course castling and d5 and a   lot of other moves looked okay and my friends with  eric rosen i don't know who that is so you've got   to ask me questions about if am i friends with  people i know now this is not great i already   mentioned last game that when you see the person's  castling queen side c6 and queen a5 is the best   thing to do um b6 is not great and we'll find  out in a second so i'm gonna play h4 so some b   and by the way g4 is slightly more accurate we'll  see if my opponent understands why in a second uh   h4 and h5 just i don't care if i lose that pawn i  don't care because my rook opens up i'm very happy   what do we say about a center for the attacking  player last game we literally said that or two   games ago close the center close the center  don't go here because then the knight takes   and hits everybody the queen's out lock the center  and then now if the opponent plays knight to e8   we just keep pushing if the opponent uses the  horsey to block our attack we kick the horsey out   or we realize the horsey only has one move see  everybody wants to do this but you go wait a   second ah so first things first that's a free  pawn that's a free pawn uh would you take it   it's a tough one to free pawn it's a free pawn  h5 is better h5 is better keeps the center closed all of this is far scarier than losing one pawn  it's better not to take it's better not to take   because taking opens up black's position black  will be able to oh no and they blunder right away   just bishop takes pawn now now we're in now  we're just in i think my opponent here is   already in serious serious trouble  they have to play something like f6   it's better than h6 because i will open the  position anyway but at least f6 can maybe like   break the center somehow but it's i mean actually  f6 there's e6 oh my goodness and the knight would   have to go there oh this is very this is very  unpleasant that is very very unpleasant and and   now i mean it's it's just lost so two games in a  row yeah just queen in and take and game is over   in this action in this exact position my opponent  has like a slight way of delaying it slight way   that was not the way it had to be g5 you had to  sacrifice the g pawn you have to sack the g pawn   and put the king in the corner  because then the h file doesn't open   see what happens now is i take with the  pawn and the h file is open so we see the   the the danger here of opening the rook  and this is check made in one two ways   this is number one this is number two this  allows the king to escape this is made so what went wrong what went wrong right first  of all we see how dangerous of a system this is   and again we had a guy castle so two games in  a row i again highly recommend c6 and trying to   begin attacking one guy faster than then they  can attack you because the way this game goes   already white has an advantage and  b6 is a is a is a serious error h4   should be met almost always with h5 i'm not  joking it will help you so much and i was going   to play the move g4 here trying to get them  to take and just sacrifice and go crazy but   the best move in after b6 is actually g4 it's not  h4 because you you you anticipate this and you can   push or take and you i mean it can become the same  thing but this is a slightly better version so   um now d5 is already e5 is the best move  and and and black is in serious trouble um   you know black can play bishop here and just kind  of hope for the best but as i was saying about   this square i would play knight to e2 and then  g4 and this is incredibly dangerous for black   incredibly dangerous opposite side castling  all right we're going to go to k-kiv next go for k-kiv and the reason i mean like i said i i  don't enjoy blasting through these games   necessarily but i also do want to  show you the best practical weapons   for these openings so this game i will go  standard e4 e5 okay that's what i will do okay knight c6 knight f6 will my opponent go for the fried liver no fried liver okay fine and what should we  do there's a lot of different openings here   bishop c5 is good uh taking  is good but a little dangerous   a little dangerous i guess i'll play bishop  c5 fine fine fine fine what kind of coffee   i got it's just it's like a ginger soda not  really a soda it's like a carbonated drink   now one thing i really like is just taking away g5  completely notice again white castled really fast white covered uh white castled really fast  so what i like to do in e4e5 positions   is to play okay this is a logical  move is i like to not castle this way so i'll play something like d6 and if they  take here taking is dangerous because it   opens up the f-file i don't want to get the  rook into the game like you might think take   take knight g4 but we're not gonna win that  pawn rookie one now i'm going to play uh is bishop g4 good i'm going  to show you the point now   this is the point this i haven't castled which  means that i'm going to develop the queen side and   go there with my king this is a logical move to  try to play pawn to d4 uh let's develop to g4 here   this destabilizes the d4 square how because the  knight no longer defends it so if my opponent   plays d4 i can take the knight for example and  the pawn on d4 loses a defender first of all but i   don't want to just do that because they don't have  to first of all they can take like this and second   of all even at the cost of a pawn losing this  bishop with all of my pawns on the dark squares   you know let's bring the bishop back the center  is well protected we're not worried maybe they   take if they take we we might need to trade the  queen we might not we might take with the knight   did i see dubois karjakin from the  russian championship not only have i   seen it i made a video about it but  my the problem is i made the video   too quickly after launching one in the earlier  part of the day so the algorithm didn't really   push it out but go feel free to check out that  video so this move pins the knight to the king   and d5 now becomes a threat that's what  i'm thinking about here i'm thinking that   this to attack me i'm gonna get rid of this  bishop get out get go away go away go away my opponent evidently does not really want  to go away they're maintaining this pin   if i play queen e7 they're going to go d5 ah  that's a little bit annoying should i bring   the bishop back should i bring the knight back to  block this if i play queen here they just go here hmm taking this is also okay but d5 i can  also play the kinda ugly king f8 oh king let's go knight to d7 why is castling bad castling  is okay but i don't want to move my rook away from   the h file i like my rook where it is aha the  plan has been discovered let us move the knight   now notice the center oh that's also a good move  i can't take now the center is becoming closed which means we can start an attack first let's kick out the bishop using the pawn  structure that he just gave us we might just keep   our king in the center for this game our king  is very safe now f5 see the thing about f5 is   that it looks smart but it just opens the center  for him we don't want that so what we're gonna   do is we're gonna attack with these two pawns  rather than moving the e pawn off the board um   and then play something like knight f4 knight  h4 queen f6 too slow here my opponent is taking   a little bit too much time and if i just  get a few more moves like for example i   would love if this g-pawn was gone i would  love if self-capture was a thing like that   that would be incredible but unfortunately  it's not uh when do you know not to castle   if you're castling into weak territory  if your king is safer in the center   in this case my king is say from the center  oh this is gonna be a moment where can i um can i sack my bishop you guys know what i'm  gonna do you guys know what i'm thinking already this is why you should follow me on instagram this  is why this movie h5 gotham chess on instagram   i post carousel style instructional chess  content and this is a fishing pole trick   and he doesn't even either he doesn't want  no part of this fishing pole the point is   you give the piece rea go follow gotham chess  on instagram you get this that's a good plug   it's a good plug play c4 i'm gonna play  b4 because regretful chlamydia gifting   five subs what a username um this forces the  knight to go back now is my moment right now   right now is the moment in the game that i can win  sack the bishop here it is it's here here we go   g4 because his queen out of the game out of the  game the knight is the only remaining piece if   i shred it open in the right way the king is wide  open we sacrificing the difference if i had taken   the knight he brings out his queen i can damage  his structure and if i did that would have been   nice plant the knight on f4 that's nice notice  light squared bishop one two three four five six   seven light square pawns what that's like having a  300 square foot apartment you can't move anywhere   trust me i would know i live in new york  city okay well he's just giving me this   now here's the difference between  this position and the last one the difference is that there's this in the other  position the pawn was the guard of the queen   now we have this now the game is over now  the game is over nice game though that was   a pretty instructive game of how to attack a  castled king now whether our king ended up on   the other side of the board or on the same side  well we can walk into another fork but this is   even more deadly because this is probably force  mate in a second it is yeah now we go check the   king goes down if rotate we block we take the  the rook uh we go knight f3 on the next move   holmes with seven months thank you a lot a lot  of prime subs as well appreciate all of you   and now this is checkmate and if the rook blocks  that's checkmate and the queen and the knight do   the boxing of course that is a free bishop  but mate is more devastating check and hear   i i am not living in a 300 square foot apartment  now but i've definitely lived in small spaces   in new york um so so so so so fried liver i was  going to play the traxler counter attack i also   there are other lines in the fried liver uh  probably when i upload this video to youtube   there already is a fried liver video that i have  but i'm gonna do a full video of the fried liver   and what how to stop it and how to move with  it and removing against the knight f3 what   pre-moving knight f3 no i'm not insane it's not  insane to pre-move knight f3 in this position   because if he had played rook to g2 then knight  f3 would have been a check what's the traxler ah ah what do you do against fried liver if they take  with the bishop versus the knight good question well first of all if you're allowing the fried  liver you should not even be allowing this thank you moosh but if you're playing the  traxler bishop takes f7 does in fact refute   the fried liv uh refute the traxler um that is  how i mean you should check an openings database   but in general if they play something like  this you just you know you got to do your best   i mean bishop f7 is the is the is the best move  against the traxler so if you're playing against   people at a level where they know how to how to  counter this crazy thing the traxler being that   after knight f7 there is bishop takes f2 check  crazy thing here even here king f1 is the best   move so that you cannot take the pawn with a check  that would be the difference is that here you get   the check and the queen comes out and it's wild  stuff you can checkmate a person in nine moves   but it's all traps that's the thing is that  it's all traps it's not actually serious stuff   you're not actually playing into the main line of  the position all right i'm gonna play mining math   gamer he once had to leave because he's he was  like in school or something um i've played eve i'm   gonna play e4 again hopefully this isn't another  king's indian that that would be three games um okay perfect so let's go knight f3 classical  stuff let's go bishop c4 let's see what they   play mining math gamer bishop c5 and of course  of course in this position ladies and gentlemen   the evan's gambit i mean how can you not ladies  and gentlemen how can you not play the evan's   gambit in the in in this position we can also be  like duboven play c3 d4 but how can you not play   the evan's gambit if you make it that far and  you're not uncorking the evan's gamut on people   you're doing it wrong now if the opponent  is using a computer or an openings database   they will get a perfectly playable position  but that does not stop the venom of the evans   gambit now you can play d4 i'm not saying  he is by the way i'm just saying in general   it doesn't matter right gambits aren't winning if  they know what they're doing like the traxler um   so d4 is fine here uh castles is also fine  followed by d4 i like d4 because it's very   venomous which is one of my favorite words  to use for openings i appreciate all of you   cheering bits by the way just because i'm not  thanking each and every one of you doesn't mean   i don't appreciate it so we play b4 that the  point of the evans gambit is to sacrifice a   pawn to waste to make the opponent move  the bishop three times and in doing so   they waste time developing and we  castle we sacrifice a second pawn um and we uh you know we do our thing   i mean here and i don't i don't  exactly remember my theory here but now i believe we attack the knight immediately  if the knight goes out we have to attack it   immediately now the knight should move the  knight should move the night should move   uh mr superduper saying what are income  options in chess besides teaching and coaching that's it i suppose you could be a new nude chess  model i i don't know you could be a a chess clown   at a birthday party i i really i don't know not a  lot of options i'll tell you right now really not you could be a streamer yes yes sorry i thought he  put that in his list yes you can yes you can be a   streamer i'm sorry um my bad yeah the job i'm  currently doing on the uh yeah yeah yeah yeah   i thought i thought he wrote that but he didn't uh  yes okay uh he didn't write that so the best move   there i think is d5 and then it's wild i take the  knight he takes me i take the wild stuff he goes   here okay rookie one and in this case i'm saying  he cause i know this is i know this is a heap   thank you oh my goodness for the sub gifts rookie  one attacks the knight and sacrifices another pawn   do we like that that could get real wild  that could get real wild should we get wild oh should we get wild we like wild we like wild huh okay let's get wild let's get wild we are going to go three pawns  down but that is how you play a gambit every move   should be aggressive you know i'm even thinking  bishop d5 to make this knight move again uh duboff   played this in his game today against karjakin he  played this bishop d5 idea now my queen's hit so   i have to get rid of the knight or move my queen  i'm gonna take and he will move the bishop for a   fourth time and it will be a fork but i don't care  i don't care i'm here for content i don't care   i have two choices bishop a3 which prevents  him from castling or bishop g5 which almost   traps his the queen and forced him to  go 97 oh how do i choose chat members   how do i choose it all looks so good it's like  christmas i mean what do i do it all looks so   good i can also take on f7  ah what do i do i don't know oh i'm having like sensory overload okay we're  gonna play bishop g5 i mean it just looks too good   like they've got a cocoon they've they've got  a cocoon with the knight or else they lose the   queen i mean this is oh my goodness this this  actually looks very similar to what dubois did   today against kayaking again i'm saying that  so we're down three pawns but we are forcing   our opponent to not castle to constantly be living  in fear of losing material or losing the game why   not c6 from black i don't what does that mean  what c6 now of course between the two rooks i   would prefer to lose the corner rook because my  central rook is very good uh can also take on d4   now could be a good time to sack and then play  queen b3 but the problem is i can't quite get   my knight in like my knight actually would want  to be on that square so we're gonna take here   of course if bishop takes that's very that's very  good for us we are no longer going to lose a rook   um no f6 is losing because pawn takes and  uh discovered attack and then i mean it that   no no no no no my opponent's playing decent chess  they're up two puns now they got to choose which   rook to take and and i have another idea which  is uh after this to maybe not even take the rook i mean not even take the bishop i might just  go like here and just not even take at all   am i insane i am so tempted to just not  even take and just play queen h5 okay okay okay we're not doing it   i don't know whether queen f3 is better than  queen h5 my queen looks better here it just i mean   it looks very nice on that square at the same  time i by the way i could have played knight f5   which might have even been stronger bishop takes  f2 is actually extremely clever this is this is   a really clever move because my opponent knows  they're going to lose the bishop regardless so now   they're checking me and i might have to move  my king into the open at the same time i can   okay but this one i think i should just take  there is nothing complicated here g6 blocks   with tempo however then i go here and my opponent  cannot castle right now the only thing allowing my   opponent um you're allowing these moves because  my opponent's one and a half k 1.1 k no no no i mean i would take this position against  the grandmaster this looks terrifying for black   does this not look awful i mean look at have  you ever seen a position where on move 15   every piece black houses in the same rectangle on  seventh and eighth i mean i'm just saying have you   ever seen a position like this it's very rare  right so it looks if your position can be best   characterized by a sound that's probably bad news  that is the most instructive uh moment of today's   stream if your entire game can be characterized  by one then yeah it's probably not very good   um so yeah but they're up five points having said  that so now of course i am a move away from from   if i okay what makes this position go around  is in this case i think i can play on poissant i think that's what makes this position possible   that by the way just have to the  same time i have e6 hits this i think onpassant is right i think onpoissant   i think this is the way to go onpoissant and now  that the king is in the open we need to monitor   the checks so now i i re rehave this thread  uh and then bishop takes is is now a problem   pawn takes is not a problem for my opponent  because then queen takes and i lose i lose me   me i lose me not them you hang a triple fork then  you lose i did not miss checkmate in one tio i   appreciate you trying to coach me but uh listen  man i would have played bishop takes a queen f7   i was in check i did not miss i did not  miss it he played d5 because maybe he thinks   castling is too dangerous or because he's  using a computer and computer is saying d5 the now he what so my opponent might have thought that pawnee  seven there was i don't know was was what i   don't know but now bishop e7 so i win the pawn  i win the night and now i'm also going to win   the rook so those are the only two options  um the only two options are that my opponent   thought that castling was too dangerous he felt  like d5 was the better move or he looked at a   computer the computer said play d5 uh and so he  played it and maybe i'm still losing like maybe   i think i'm not losing but i'm losing who knows  but it doesn't look like i'm losing um i'm being   tongue-in-cheek and sarcastic because in reality  that oftentimes happens with title players   we'll be playing against someone and they're  playing moves that just don't look possible   at all and then it turns out that we're lost and  we're like oh turns out those moves were possible   it's time to activate my rook i think and  i'll tell you why i'll tell you why i can take   but i'm done moving this pawn i'm gonna give back  a pawn it's the holiday season i'm gonna give back   the pawn cd6 and then we'll figure it out my rook  is not playing and now that my rook is in the game   i'm happy queen d6 is not possible because queen  f7 and queen g8 made so cd6 is practical uh the   bishop cannot really move anywhere i mean bishop  d7 but then i would then i would take because   my rook is in or using my pawn as a defender i  find a way to get real and real close in there   um so in this game we used our very very active  pieces to create non-stop swarming pressure   and ultimately break through g6  is a good move attacking our queen uh that's a good move good move um a lot of decent looking moves here let's go  queen e5 because i want to trade the queen okay i want to go here so queen e8 to me is the is the best move  because it just simplifies the position i   know we've been attacking most of this game but  actually getting the queens off the board and   getting my rook infiltrating on the back rank  would make this position extremely difficult you only really want to trade queens or  any pieces when you're up in material   that's not true i mean you can trade  pieces to get a positional outpost   my next instagram post will be about  outposts sometimes you trade to gain   control over a square for example i mean  it's it's tough it's it's you can't just um all right so they take uh queen e-a or queenie that's a lot of noises that i just made i'm gonna  go to e7 i don't know i don't know queen um queen   f6 queen f6 is also good queen f6 is also good  yeah queen f6 maybe i'll squeeze let's go queen e7 i don't know queen eight i'll tell you why queen  eight looks good but they don't have to take um   queen e8 my opponent can move the bishop out to  this square and then the rook attacks my queen   queen e7 at least monitors all three pawns   tough to tell then knight can sneak in  take the pawn go to c7 etc queen f6 is good okay let's see what they do queen g7  bishop g4 bishop f5 looks good a lot of decent moves here taking is fine but my  opponent does only have one minute on the clock   which is not good it's going to be difficult to  play a position with just one minute on the clock now there's 50 seconds bishop to g4 has been played uh i can  just take the queen at the same time   i can just attack the bishop because my  rook is protected protecting the queen um   so the bishop doesn't have any  square on this diagonal it can go to   unless it goes all the way back bishop f5 i'm  just gonna immediately snap it off why because   then i double the pawns so i'm damaging the  structure and bishop to h5 there is g5 what oh i have something very nasty here i have  something very nasty here this is under attack   and that would be a fork that's a very clever  move but i have a very cool move here which   forces everything off the board which is queen  to e8 now if my opponent sacrifices well takes   my sacrificed queen the king is basically mated  with the exception of the queen having to block   so then we trade everybody every rook and queen  and at the end i take the bishop so it's just   about forcing moves a queen sacrifice on the  back rank queen f8 take take and h takes g4   yo be more erby with the 14 months hello  hello long time no see i will definitely   analyze this game afterward uh it was very  weird so e5 my opponent played the only move   knight e4 there's also d5 which leads to crazy  stuff um rookie one is what i played here but i'm   not sure it's the best move uh bishop a3 it looks  like is the best move but this is something you go   to check the openings database with take take and  i played and so knight c3 is knight c3 is losing   for black knight c3 is losing for black that's  crazy take take and i played bishop g5 which   is the best move knight e7 knight takes d4  which is the best move bishop takes e1 and   this is too slow queen h5 is the second best move  knight f5 is the best move just trying to take   oh my goodness it just shows you how powerful and  scary why didn't i play this by the way i thought   he had bishop b4 just defending oh bishop b4 just  loses because of check and the king is stuck in   the center forever okay yeah knight f5 is uh i  don't know why i didn't play knight five actually   of course knight f5 is just quite natural but  okay i played this bishop takes f2 and now the   the only move that doesn't lose is g6 queen h  my goodness that looks awful oh no no no no no   so this is when i made the joke that d5 is either  him thinking that castling is too dangerous or a   computer so i'll tell you when he played uh  d5 in this position it's plus 8 for white so   um yeah d5 uh was definitely not the best move  but you know if it was then i would be like wow   he's really brave it lost the game though because  of on basant so just remember you one person now   if he had cancelled here then i would have played  knight f5 with more pressure if he played rookie   eight um he stops defending the f7 pawn right  so rook guards and then check here and that's   mate with this so we got all of our pieces in this  game playing and it led to just destruction here   complete destruction rookie one here natural  move um and if he had taken c takes d6   oh there's something so nice chat members  i was really hoping that they that he would   play cd6 but cd6 loses it's a very natural  looking move which loses the game on the spot   to the gorgeous move queen takes f7 check right  except except this is not mate this is not mate it's not made because it's check everybody got you baited that's what you do  you get real hype you're like i'm a genius   bing bang uh oh uh oh uh oh now  we're just down two pawns uh-oh after a game like this you just you just you  just you just throw the you just throw that's   what uh no more chess no more chess for like  three days and yeah no no it looks very good   actually when i was first playing the game  i thought the same and then when i arrived   here in analysis like just now i realized  it was a check it's actually during the game   i thought i was gonna play queen f7 i wasn't you  know maybe i would have realized during the game   but when we arrived to the analysis i was  like we have a beautiful move and i was like   a move a move prior i was like wait a second no  it's not but i figured i would stick to the joke   um right when we got here i was like anyway that  looks like something that is very easy to blunder   c takes d6 queen f7 and then rook to e8  ouch and you know what the worst part is   let's say like this was the position that's so  nice that's so nice the queen cannot take the rook   because of the pin oh oh so nice bishop takes  f7 does not work because again it's check   the point is that it's a check right and then  rook to e8 that's that's the point so it you want   rookie eight but you're in check and you can't  do anything good analysis analysis good analysis   okay someone in the chat is i i look i i'm just  gonna say do not write the same message 25 times   thanks but i'm going to address this because  here somebody was pointing out that he could have   played the move bishop e6 yes you are correct you  are correct he could have you're right it's true   it's true if i take he takes my queen disconnects  yes but i would just take the queen here and we move on so i i i just don't lose your queen  bishop b6 is a cool move and you don't even have   to take this this might help the opponent discover  check but you can and then you win this pawn and   d5 here is actually a little annoying can't take  this and there's guards and no way to okay okay   so it's life he takes with a with the pound  did you just call a pawn a pound okay you've   officially lost all credibility person in chat who  called upon a pound all right let's keep on going wow stevis pound you're right though i'm i'm teasing but  you are correct let's play the kara khan for   youtube this will be the final game this time we  will play c6 against the kara khan you're italian   i am not italian but no i'm just  listen i'm i'm just being a troll take take exchange kara khan okay so there's a  lot of ways to play a car con where the pawns   are traded in general i always say knight c6  because where else are you gonna put this knight   you're gonna put it on a6 come on stop stop i'm  gonna play knight c6 then oftentimes i also say   okay not something you need to worry about  this is guarded queen a5 does not win a bishop   because there is knight to c3 if my opponent  plays b3 right now then that's gonna work um   i i like to bring the bishop out to g4 in these  positions if i can and actually i like to take   i actually like to take so if they attack  i prefer this trade i'll tell you why   the pawn in the center gets a little bit  destabilized so like this and i i say don't trade   the bishops for the knights but in this particular  structure it's pretty good watch i'm gonna play a6   and maybe i will play g6 bishop g7 first let's go  here so okay the trait has occurred so now neither   of us has a light squared bishop uh i'm gonna play  g6 now notice this kind of destabilizes my knight all right a little bit a little bit destabilized all right now bishop  to g7 but the good thing is that   this is protected this is fine  and now we're going to castle uh is there a person in chat talking about  northern lion and cars this is neither   northern lion nor cars this is gotham chess  and it's chess but you're more than welcome to talk about those things i just knight d7 instead of g6 what could i  have played knight d7 instead of g6   but why would i go knight d7 why would  i undevelop let's try to go here okay   he that person just ignored everything i said and  is still talking about cars okay maybe they're on   a little trip the trip is good let's put the  knight in the middle why not it's good square how do i play in these videos uh twitch sub  and you just have to be here but i'm gonna   be recording one of these episodes a lot a lot  and then for youtube in particular for twitch what keys are used to draw arrows right  clicking this just has to be a setting   you have to pay three  thousand dollars a year to enable it you also have to lie that's a good move   taking the open file cannot be bad last person's  1200 person is extreme good players today do you   think learning one opening really well at the 1100  level is a good idea as opposed to what you have   to understand what what is the context of the rest  of that question as opposed to never learning an   opening yeah probably it's a good idea as opposed  to learning 10 openings yeah it's a good idea   you learn 10 openings you learn no openings  so learn one learn one and play it well and you know if you wanna if you wanna build long-term  progress i'm gonna bring my knight back too you   know he inspired me bring my knight back too  and then route it to one of these two squares   this game also is going to be won  and lost with a pawn structure so b3   i cannot take obviously and this pawn is a bit  weak so by the way i can go back by the way i'm gonna make a big decision right now and  i'm not very happy with it actually no i'm not   actually yes i will f6 why why why am i playing  this why because i want to go here that's why   long-term progress long-term progress what  what i'm just saying that if if you want to   get better in the long term uh you  shouldn't play like silly stuff like   gambits all the time i mean if you want to  get better long term you should definitely um pick up a good opening a more mainline opening  and add layers to that opening i want to go e5   my opponent goes here now the queen sees  the pawn rookie 8 let's try to go e5 what's the difference between  london system and mason variation   the difference between those two is that i have  no idea what the hell the mason variation is   sorry okay good move by my opponent let's jump the  knight back into the middle now my knight is happy now my knight is very happy that's  called an outpost square it's a square   in the opponent's territory that  is not controlled by any pawns   this where in particular he can control with a  knight i'd have two or knight c5 or the knight   if it could go there but it's a very nice  square in my position a move ago knight   c5 could have been a potential outpost  but i couldn't i could trade there um this is not a good trade my night is very pretty  their night is not so pretty now i'm gonna bring   my queen out i kind of like where the king  just went now my queen has some scope here   the c5 square is accounted for and this  pawn oh my goodness that is a decent move   what about the move if only e now are we ready  with the the the the four defenders on this on   this gun this is on this homie oh let's go e5  this could be the move we have built this pawn   up i mean we played f6 blocking out the bishop you  know we we lived in the apartment with no windows   to save money for a year so we could get a nicer  apartment that was that this this bishop had no   windows and now we're moving up in the world let's  go for e5 if cd5 cd5 we not shook we not shook   take take whoa i don't like that i'm not gonna  take this guy i'm gonna take the free pawn   why not i'm not gonna take that's not  a free pawn that that results in the   bishop arriving there this is just free  and who's on the other side of the rookie what is this what is that thank you for the three dollars  very instructive stream thank you   i can take back but this is a  very instructive lesson in that   it's not checkers you don't have to  take back you don't have to take back i can send a newspaper article i saw that i  already tweeted about it yeah i saw it i saw it   now we're hitting this and this and  this knight takes d2 would have been   worse because than just queen takes yeah  i was um the translation of the of the uh   belgian article in this standart was was very  interesting uh it was like something something   they they told me i have some sort  of charm it started with the letter a forgot what i forgot what the word  was so i'll take the rook with check   and then they said i have  a big mouth which is true asinine no who would win tired and sleepy hikaru or  performance enhancing drugs using levy   oh oh i'm using the drugs not got it the drugs  aren't using me okay the phrasing hikaru beats   me in most straight up matchups even if he's i  mean dead tired i want to get my rook in somehow   i also want to activate my bishop  how do we how do we do all of that rookie 2 was not possible no no no no don't get  greedy don't get greedy someone's going to block   no no now rookie 2 is nice i can achieve it  by playing the move queen that's a queen h5   is a freaking genius move by me oh my goodness  look at look at look at the look at the gigabyte   now okay you can also play like bishop here for  example to line it up but uh you could double   the rooks you could play rookie seven rookie  team buh-bye but queen h5 is also a good move don't be greedy chat and all of you want to play  rook to e2 now rookie 2 is very different bishop   h6 was possible but bishop h6 the thing about  bishop h6 like what does bishop h6 do it lines   up the bishop to the to the pawn excuse me but  do you have a threat no no threat so rook here   um you know i don't wanna i i don't wanna  take and allow the queen to win over the file   so here's what i'll do mini lesson  using your king and end games using your king and end games normally you don't  want to do this especially with a queen so close   but i want to play rookie 8 rookie 8 i want to  play this move because then i'm just winning   i'm now i'm going to play rookie  and i think i'm just winning so that was easy and then rookie two and uh croak says wishing you your family merry  christmas thanks for over two years of   content thanks for the poker crossover to  make me discover the greatness of chess   shout out to croaks with the two well he's been  he's been a wait a second did you say two years   of content and you're only sub for 13 months okay  okay that's no problem that's that's fine enjoyed   content for free for like 11 of those months  that's okay that's fine just kidding i love you   croaks i know croaks from the og channel i used to  follow on uh on uh twitch which is lex belthouse   i'm not yeah i'm not mad anyway knight e4 chat  are you ready here is how you could throw the game   the knight is pinned to the queen what  is the best move f5 yes of course f5   of course look at how many people saying f5 and  you lose the game because knight the d6 is check was the night free oh oh i'm out here trying to teach you guys  and meanwhile i'm not taking free pieces   fantastic excellent good stuff that's what i  get i get i get a neck i'm from new york city if   if one of our friends does something stupid  you slap him on the neck that's what that's   called i get i get necked for that yeah  that's just a free horse i got tunnel vision   i just got tunneled i just  okay very good see there you go   beautiful if you made it this far in the youtube  video you can comment that i'm a doofus so hello   so so chat f5 loses f5 loses to knight d6 check  you want to go f5 knight move with check can they   check me can they check me can they check me yes  on d6 and you would lose the rook instead go queen   d5 now you win because the d6 square is covered  and this has no moves and cannot be protected easy wow thank you red john thank you donated 25  very generous donation yeah earlier today   anna rudolph was doing a campaign for charity  she was trying to raise ten thousand dollars   she had like six thousand uh and i joined uh  i donated a thousand i'll be giving to charity uh a lot this month gotta go check out um gotta go check out a few a few different  charities over the next few weeks so anyway my opponent is thinking  this will be the last game for   youtube but we will play three  more games overall so don't uh don't go anywhere queen takes her rook takes are  both alright that was a very confident move of the   queen and that is a resignation so that was a car  con exchange uh relatively standard the the this   was a hard game this was a hard game for 12 at the  1200 level i think he played better than i think   us like a person his level would have played with  black because the plan here for black is actually   not simple he played extremely well he he blocked  out my my bishop with the pawn chain um and and it   was a maneuvering game it all ultimately it came  down to pawn breaks in the center of the board so it was an instructive game honestly like  this whole plan that i came up with to to   push my my pawns in the center of the board  like this it's i mean that's a tough plan uh i mean that's just a tough plan  there's like there are better ways   to play these positions i will give  you a few now okay so for example   um for example you can play g6 and bishop  g7 without this trade so something like this and then later you'll you'll fight the game in  this area but ultimately it comes down to whether   or not you can play in the center with f6 e5 or on  the c file so something like bishop to f5 i know   bishop f4 bishop f5 rook c8 queen here a6 b5 the  exchange car icon is tough to play there is also   one other very unique thing that i like to do here  which is g6 without moving the knight on c6 at all   um and the idea is like if bishop comes out we  just trade the bishop or just bring the knight um   but actually you go with bishop  g7 and then you know what you do what you do you play uh you play  like this what the heck is that this is what you do you play f6 knight f7 that's what you do and you set  up for e5 like this i really like this line   this really confuses people and you play  knight c6 let's say like a3 knight c6 and   this way you supercharge this e5 move and  actually what can happen often times is they   blunder a fork because you hit the bishop and  you just play e4 so you have like bomb and bunk   bonk and bunk and there's just not like you're  protected three ways so knight h6 knight f7 is uh   is the way you would do that so knight h6 knight  f7 of course white the critical way for white to   snuff this out uh is to play like an early c4  to break your center then you don't have time   to build all of this up with f6 knight f7 because  you're dealing with this that's what grand masters   do against me but you guys can feel free to try  that maybe grandmasters won't do that against   you anyway um six hannibal nine has written the  same message five times in the last minute that   is a very powerful message that they are writing  i don't know why you're writing it five times   uh youtube sorry twitch we're gonna sign off  with youtube now so say bye youtube this is   gonna be the final game of episode two hope  you enjoyed um yeah leave a comment if you   made it this far in the video you're beautiful  you're amazing you're talented you are loved   and all those good things but twitch  we're gonna keep the party going
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 1,394,587
Rating: 4.910449 out of 5
Keywords: Gotham Chess gives lessons, Gothamchess lessons, gothamchess openings, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess guide, gothamchess e4, gothamchess, gothamchess rating climb, chess rating ladder, climbing the rating ladder, chess speedrun, daniel naroditsky speedrun, gmhikaru speedrun, e4 rating climb, d4 rating climb, chess openings for beginners, chess lessons for beginners, london opening chess, how to win at chess, how to get better at chess, win at chess, winning at chess
Id: htp8flALKjc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 102min 48sec (6168 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 20 2020
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