Oh God. Oh No. Oh God... (Guess The Elo 9)

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I don't know what his obsession is with that

It's called getting weird

👍︎︎ 172 👤︎︎ u/burglar_of_ham 📅︎︎ Mar 30 2021 🗫︎ replies

I laughed heartily when he mentioned him and wanted to check if it was mentioned in the sub, Lo' and behold, it was!

👍︎︎ 54 👤︎︎ u/WhoSam_B 📅︎︎ Mar 30 2021 🗫︎ replies

Now NL has to start a rap war with Levy and promptly get obliterated by him sadge

👍︎︎ 35 👤︎︎ u/gorocz 📅︎︎ Mar 30 2021 🗫︎ replies

Just a heads up, if you're linking with a timestamp, you have to put 4m38s, instead of 438s (which links to 7m18s)!

EDIT: Upon rewatching just realised you actually meant to put it there but you put the wrong time in the title, my bad!

👍︎︎ 72 👤︎︎ u/AeonOptic 📅︎︎ Mar 30 2021 🗫︎ replies

I could’ve sworn Levy was the one who taught NL that gambit in the first place

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/Gonayr 📅︎︎ Mar 30 2021 🗫︎ replies

I see the Egg's Gambit is taking the chess community by storm

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/cpekin42 📅︎︎ Mar 31 2021 🗫︎ replies
welcome back everybody to another  episode of guess the elo voted number one   funniest series on youtube in a poll that i  just made up in this episode we have a lot   of good moves we have a lot of bad moves  as always and if you want to get involved   make sure to be a twitch subscriber and sign up in  the discord i got nothing else to say here we go   all right youtube i'm gonna be very honest with  y'all we just screwed up a recording this is   take two that's why you see the chat while in  out cause they wanna tell you that i messed up   and i did mess up and i wanna own up to it and  this is my youtube apology video okay so this is   guess the elo episode whatever gotham subscriber  with the white pieces e4 c5 and subscriber plays   d4 c takes d4 c3 this is known as the smith  mora gambit and the whole point of it is   that you sacrifice two pawns all right chat  relax learn okay i'm supposed to try to make   it more sincere right it's called the smith  bar gambit and the idea is you develop your   pieces very quickly and you immediately  go to target your opponent's weaknesses   opponent plays ifa so e5 is a bad move so actually  black doesn't know the opening e5 is a very bad   move because your bishop will just get lined up to  the f7 pawn and nobody will get in the way of it   um the other thing to remember uh is that the  smith mora gambit uh is my main recommendation   in my recently launched gambits course with  the white pieces you could check that out   by using the command courses on twitch or going  to www.gotham.com which is in the link in the   description and that will be my advertisement  for the video so we get knight f3 and bishop   c4 very good and now bishop to e7 so at this  point black is losing if white plays the move   queen to b3 so let's see if white plays queen  b3 punishing the setup or castles and just   ah well you can't lead the charge with the queen  because then they go here now did you take and   attack the rook okay and then did you take damn  you aggressive man you are an aggressive player   but see now here's the problem you just ran out of  fire there's no attack here and often times when   you think you're attacking you're just going to  make a lot of forward-looking moves which don't do   anything that's what you're gonna do you're  gonna make a lot of forward-looking moves   that don't actually do anything  please don't take with the queen   good no blunders castles castles okay so white  hasn't merged out of the opening up upon but um   but um you know rook d1 activating the rook  maybe b3 that should be two something putting   the rooks on the center lines or something  like that okay okay yo that is oh my god   that is an absolutely fantastic move i don't  even i don't even care that the engine at   first isn't even that fond of it opening  the position like this with a pawn break   to activate the bishop the knight and maybe  the rook that is a very high level move wow wow wow but white responds with a very nice  move of their own great move by black okay   see trading only benefits white what is th what is that why boss what did you just forget  about this what is that he just lost the pawn   i was going to say trading is good  for white because white is up a pawn okay but see now now we have a really weird  end game because white has connected past pawns   but the problem is you can't push  them because if this then this   and if this then this so  okay that move does nothing knight d2 nice nice very tough position maybe  nights okay that move is not good because   again you guys got to ask yourselves before you  make these moves am i doing anything like are   these moves actually doing anything the answer  is no that move doesn't do anything good no you   don't want to trade wait why would you trade  now i just have now i'm a roll i'ma just roll   no no oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my goodness  oh my goodness black lost all their pieces so if we go all the way back like  here okay like here these pawns   should literally never make it to  the other side of the board never   because to push the pawns they need to go together  you cannot push one pawn all the way and then   push the other and every time you push one the  other gets weaker like now the a3 square is weak   watch now the b4 square is weak so every  time you push one the other gets weaker   that is how chess works you can't push them  both at the same time right watch later on   now they're really far apart now they're really  far apart so now like if you plant on b5 you hit   this right but when you trade the rook you have  no accountability for the b file anymore you   cannot trade rooks in this position because now i  just march the pawns together so end game mistake all right end game mistake um i must say low 1200 high 1100 that's what i think   that's what i'm saying low 1200 it's what i think  it should be based on the play low 1200 high 1100   wow we're off to a good start we're off to a  good start i mean i said i said hi 1100 but   eleven hundred eleven i'm gonna start i'm gonna  start saying ranges eleven to twelve hundred so yeah that's what it felt like that's  what it felt like and this person is also   higher rated and rapid so 1300 rapid this this  is a blitz game this is a five five blitz game   so five minute five second bonus uh which makes  sense so the quality they play is mildly lower but   it was a very good game so white is actually  quite a strong player but i guess for the right makes sense okay next game   uh gotham sub has the black pieces e4 c6 knight f3  d5 takes takes d4 okay so we have an exchange karo   khan uh one of the most boring but ultimately you  know the most solid and good variations that exist   in the karaoke not the most interesting  but you know it's that doesn't so here okay so this is terrible and this is  worse um i mean are you northern lion   i think you've watched way too much northern lion  content because my man my man mr egg mr egg always   sacks that night for the two pawns bro he always  does that i don't know what i i don't know what   his obsession is with that he does it all the  time it was my game i was tilted i see but homie   i mean there's a difference between a good tilted  sacrifice and just moving a bishop back one square   you know um but then again the exchange carl khan  you know all of these exchange variations like the   french and the caracan they're boring i mean  it's tough to instigate you know it's tough to   but i promise that you know you you will get  better at chess if you learn to just calmly   outplay people in these positions um but okay i  mean we still have a game oh that's a good move   trade's your most powerful piece now you hang h5   okay okay it's it's not over you know you can  create counter play it's really not over okay good probably oh but just be very careful okay okay that move does nothing that this is that  that's a move that looks like it does something   that move actually does nothing cara con is  usually just boring ban that man no don't actually   ban that man karo khan is not boring at all you  just you just probably haven't appreciated the   the opening yet that's okay um nice oh here it  comes here check one blunder is all it takes also why wouldn't you go get the pun like at least go get the pawn i think i  know why he did it you know he's looking   at this and this the problem is the problem  is that the queen covers the h1 square also   knight d6 is devastating now and that  happens and you can't take and then here   in this position white played white played one  of the worst moves i've ever seen in my life i'm   not even joking and i actually understand why  white played it but it doesn't change the fact   that it's one of the worst moves i've ever seen  in my life queen h2 why did white play queen h2 to guard the pawn the problem is this completely  takes the foot off the gas i mean the queen the   bishop the knight took a road trip they were  within two blocks of their hotel by the beach   and then dad got mad so dad turned the car around  and drew drove all the way home all right that's   basically what happened here and no joke my dad  has not not to that extent but i remember i pissed   my dad off once and he straight up did that i was  like bro has said has anyone ever had a parent   do that cause i uh i'm not gonna that's one of  the stupidest things i've ever seen in my life   like parents i don't know what y'all doing but  if you're 99 of the destination there go to the   place and discipline the kid at the place what  kind of what kind of nonsense is that okay you   know your dad put your xbox in the bath my dad  broke my lap broke my desktop with a you know by   slamming it on the floor because i played too much  maple story okay you know what parental advice   in the guess the elo series okay i don't have  any children adopted children on the chessboard   several you know when you beat them 10 times in  a row but uh you know only beat your kids in in   chess uh not uh not not not the other otherwise uh  bishop takes d6 now why is this so bad oh this is   really bad because black is just getting counter  play like black just has a draw now white never   castled by the way you guys are going to say what  what should he have done you should just castled and again people wouldn't castle here because  they go oh my god the queen is over there   but you can't even play rook c8  knight takes you know so anyway queen h2 turned out okay looks like your  dad didn't do too bad of a job   no i had i i mean i had i had good parenting yes  growing up i i mean i will never blame my parents   for me being a [ __ ] that's a personal choice so  take stakes good check okay is it just a draw no   wait actually i underestimated that move  wait but why oh apparently white can   like i was just gonna say castle but that's bad  because take take and your bishop gets trapped and by the way remember a long time ago  i said white played this move bishop g5   that made no sense like this move like  white just made a random bishop move   yep and there you go it comes back to bite and  now that that's just a useful oh yes oh yes   oh oh what a move what a move oh  and then mate it's dovetail mate he sacked the rook damn that's crazy i have no idea  you gained like 300 points for that so you played a really good game  after you you played really well   really well and really  controlled after you sacrificed so knight takes g4 was your  only but you didn't see queen a5 this is a big tell in a blitz game so again  if we go all the way back here you did not   see queen a5 in this position i'm gonna say 1400  to 1500 that's my rating range you were tilted in   the beginning and i respect that but i'm gonna  say 14 to 1500. okay 1300 that's that's that's   that's very impressive and wait is this blitz okay  what's your rapid 1600 yeah not bad good brook   finding rook h2 is really really well done  how long did it take you to find rook h2 oops 20 seconds yeah so good good thing that you used  a lot of time like uh on this move nice so you   were like wait what if i yo that's nice man spent  20 seconds he was he really wanted to make sure   he's like i'm so close nice good job good job i  actually thought you were higher rated so i think   you have potential okay game three time sorry  i'm taking pauses because i'm speaking with uh   uh youtube manager about why for about a week  straight youtube was just deleting all of my ads   like i was setting them and then i would go  back and they were all gone and i was like   so that that's a two-fold uh hit um number one you  obviously don't get ad revenue if people watch the   video so you have no mid-rolls at all um but uh  the way youtube works is that if you have more   ads on a video they're more inclined to push it  out common sense right so if you have four ads   on a 30 minute video and it they all get deleted  you have zero it gets pushed out less so youtube   auto deleting all my stuff because it's glitching  is a bad thing also youtube was deleting all my   subtitles so i was putting subtitles and it was  just so anyway um maybe this rant will end up   there and maybe not uh subtle hacker no no that  one's subtle hacking anyway karo khan in this is   not this is a different game okay very  good okay take it c5 c5 no what see guys if you play the karo khan you need to  know how to develop your pieces you need to   develop your pieces like you got to know how to  develop your pieces the right way like in the   car con if you can play c5 you got to play c5 and  knight c6 you got to go here you got to go here and then you also have to take free  pieces your bishop always covers c5   right someone in someone in the chat just  said are you a male female or in or what i don't what i don't know what  that guy's asking okay very nice maybe that was a google translate   i don't know why is c5 so critical  in the karo khan i mean it it it is i i know it just is uh i can't i can't you know  uh turn this into a caracon master class but any   video in the karaoke will explain you know why  it's such an integral move it fights for the   center it's just a very important move okay now  black is playing like alpha zero what is this   what is this now black is like beautiful  like what is look look at this position h3 yo gotham sub is just what the hell are you what is  this bro you destroying this guy   gotham sub got out of the  opening and like barely knew oh my god i is this how parents feel  like what i envision now is like a   parent sitting in their living room  like in the morning drinking coffee   and they're just watching their their son or  daughter like run around the room eat crayons   like spill things all over the place  bang their head into a wall by accident   bite the dog and you're just looking at it like why didn't i use protection like i i mean i was so proud for so long i was so proud for so long this was  so beautiful everything you did here   was like a symphony of pieces it's like your  older sibling took over for half the game and   then they were like all right i got you to this  position all right now don't do anything stupid   oh my god you went from magnus carlson to  carlos magnuson exactly i mean i don't i   have no idea dude i honestly i mean literally  i have no clue um hundred to a thousand i   i've honest i'm literally clueless i have no  idea you've out you've completely stumped me yo i was right oh my god oh my god oh my god it's crazy dude come  on biggs what are we doing biggs   crazy bro you you out of your damn mind man so let's just quickly i'm just gonna quickly  before i go to the next game i just want to   teach everybody like why i'm in such shock like  black played so well and then in this way i i   have a theory do you think that black uh mouse  slipped this move like maybe they meant to go here   and instead they played this and hung  this and then that like set them off because the only move you did  oh oh oh he's saying he did   and now after that it just went i mean it all  went to you know he just panicked and he lost all   his pieces he covering i don't know i don't know  how i'm doing but uh i'm doing all right i guess why would he send you a gaming  mouse slipped probably because   it was very chaotic and it was a good game  to analyze i don't know uh wow that was uh that was an intense game shout out to eric rosen in the chat one day  one day somebody will submit a game they played   against eric on stream all right uh bishop d3  knight e2 okay the king's indian from black okay   like black's got to go e5 black's got to go e5  white should go f3 now to kick out the bishop good what is rosen better question is what isn't rosen   yo guy sub with the white pieces  boss what are you doing here what is it what homie you gotta play d5 you gotta play d5 also also also also if you see  the king's indian coming you have to go and get   that bishop you have to put the battery and go get  that bishop and then pawn storm queenside castle   thanks stelvio says love your courses keep it up  appreciate it you've got this is the only way to   play the king's indian you will win so many games  rather than improvising and playing like this   because now black just oh my oh my  goodness there's so much chaos here   you gotta see through the chaos the best  move unquestionably is pawn takes pawn   and then this is just guarded twice and it's  a fork so see you eric how do you deal with   self-doubt after losing nine games in a row  take a walk life goes on it's just chess d5   also everybody has self that you're gonna have  self doubt the rest of your life don't run from   it embrace it and overcome he takes d5 knight okay  yeah the problem is that black walked into a fork right so black walks into a fork right bishop takes pawn takes knight back to e7 cd6 c6  okay so white is up a piece couple of ways to play   this position i would probably just focus on the  queen side like infiltrating on this side of the   board um but i could be wrong okay that's also a  good move isn't this kind of early for a stream i   stream all the time at this hour boss where you  been for like a year it's like you don't stream   this early okay so in that tactical sequence  white missed the backwards bishop move to check and lost the knight but black is still losing  because of how weak the king is so if you count   material black is up a pawn but but the king is  really weak so for example bishop b5 attacks the   rook and opens up the queen to go here but that's  hard to see that's a good move i wouldn't take no see this is just a misunderstanding of the  position it's not about winning the pawn back   you have to go and attack the king the king is  wide open the pawns are all over the place go   get the king and if the king goes up you just  mate like it's going to be mate in a few moves   so oh man you guys got a guys gotta understand what to  play for in the position rather   than just making that trade it's all about okay what the hell oh i guess the idea was that  like the king is wide open but there's no mate   there's just no mate somehow and  if you go here i just somehow hide what also shout out to senor stonato who just donated  11.82 cents and had that very nice donation   uh said currently studying the course uh welcome  to chess says uh did you pick up chess because   of queen's gambit so the threat is h4 mate how do  you stop that i don't think h4 actually stops it it absolutely stops it never mind wow really that's crazy the king is safe there okay it's significantly simpler to  just go here because now your king   can escape you've cut the queen off but  okay y'all want to play h4 that's fine okay that's brave i would just go queen f6   i apologize i was wrong now we gotta think of the  elo okay the opening tells me about a thousand   1100 is the top like 1150 is the  absolute ceiling i think uh this area let's see it's a decent game on it  well finding this was impressive a thousand to eleven hundred is my guess wow they uh they underperformed yeah hey they they definitely  did not perform that well yeah i i did not think that they were 1200. almost touch my ear yeah no i'm touching my  face the beard is different what's up sam   wow okay all right okay the fifth and final  game gotham subscriber has the black pieces d4 d5 the london system knight to f6 very good very  good very good very good you london the london there are many ways to play against the  london system 95 is not a bad move that's good   bishop d3 okay so at this point you really need  to find the right way to trade in in the center   you can also play c5 you you  shouldn't go here just to copy them   takes takes and i would i would  play like a combination of these   few moves to just get rid of the knight maybe  knight h5 to get the bishop as well right okay okay i uh take this just take the  bishop and then drop back nice nice   black played a really good opening this was  really good black is playing really well   okay black is literally playing a perfect  game okay now did black take on f4 what okay now now it's a little bit kind of like  tricky like maybe you probably play down the   middle you probably try to like put the rooks  behind and just bulldoze the middle of the board that's not a bad move move the queen to safety um  okay okay queen train can't hurt okay good check   yep now push just push the pawns all right all  right so so like the the big question to me will   be you know do they do they push the pawns to open  the position or do they just try to maneuver with   okay you see see they're only maneuvering with  their pieces oh and white just blunders oh wait   that's not quite a blunder there's queen h2 they  found it okay oh my god it's double checking mate oh he goes okay they go here rookie two that's  insane look at this mate double check and mate   and the king can't escape to anywhere wow wow also  binarito just said chad i'm going to be a dad my   wife and i just announced we're having our first  kid that's amazing this dude could have delivered   a double rook and queen mate and you could you're  being you're becoming a dad both of those things   are completely equivalent congratulations youtube  say congrats if you made it this far on the video   wow a double check and mate is just about the  same as having a child like let's be serious   i mean come on when's the last time you got  a double check and mate at the same time   huh it's rare it's easier to  have a kid let me tell you that   well not for not for some of us right except the  fact that you know you have to you have to pay   for the rest of your life but you know um and you  know you don't sleep and frankly it probably takes   some years off your life as well but whatever  wow wow but rookie two is how the game ended man uh dude what the hell black played so well  that game it seemed like black didn't really   know what to like like black didn't play theory  like at like 18 1900 you start playing like   c5 you start playing the theory but black just  played very solid chess and by the way this is   a great example of how to beat the london like  just be solid punish your opponent for making   mistakes you literally just took advantage  of now this is the part like this maneuver   drops you some points the fact that you did not  have the the the imagination to push up the pawns   takes away some elo i think um but then at  the end you found i mean i'm i don't know   i don't know i mean if you're like i touched my  ear uh if you're like 1600 1700 then no i don't   think 16 1700 does that i think you would play  with your pawns i'm going to say like 13 1400   actually if you're higher than that then you need  to play with your pawn play concept is is a bit   lacking you played very well but i feel like it  was it was a very easy game like 13 1400 would   not blunder anything in the opening and then  this okay queen f6 i mean you know you finding   queen f6 here rather than like some random move  is pretty good um i mean maybe you're 1500 but   if you're anything above 1500 i'm actually not  happy with the way you you you did the whole   rook maneuver maybe 1500 maybe maybe 1500 but i  i i'll be a little bit upset alright here we go nice 13 1400 that's what i said you're 1400 look  at that i called it damn i'm getting good at this   i'm getting good at this yo shout out to levy  is very handsome in the chat that's that's not   me by the way that's not my username nice now  you played very well um and then what what what   game was looks like a rapid game it's a rapid game  you played very well are you actually from japan there's not a lot of japanese chess  players they're shogi players but wow   that was a pretty fun episode  now time to eat breakfast
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 996,593
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gotham Chess gives lessons, Gothamchess lessons, gothamchess openings, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess guide, gothamchess e4, gothamchess, gothamchess rating climb, chess game analysis, chess analysis, beginner chess lessons, guess the elo, guess the elo chess, chess lessons for beginners, chess lessons for intermediate, middlegame chess, chess middlegame, chess middlegames, chess lessons, chess lesson, chess tips, chess strategy, how to play chess, how to win at chess
Id: -pVg8ZnSARo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 46sec (2026 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 30 2021
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