Best 500 Elo Player On Earth (Guess The Elo 14)

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ladies and gentlemen welcome back to another  episode of guess the elo your favorite series   where i analyze my twitch subscriber games live  on stream and then try to guess their ratings i   was in the middle of setting up this introduction  when i realized that this lighting actually looks   pretty damn good but you know what doesn't look  good the games that you're about to see let's go   gotham sub we begin whatever episode this is  to be honest i'm forgetting uh what number this   is with d5 so this is the scandinavian defense  already black is playing a a very good opening   uh and white plays the move knight c3 now this is  not a bad move but you know you you really should   take the spawn you should take this pawn and then  you should develop one of your knights uh in my   course we have knight to f3 but there's a lot of  different ways now black takes takes and now black   has a lot of ways to play this as well black plays  e5 not a bad move knight to f3 knight f6 this is   interesting because you can take this pawn but  then the knights are kind of hitting each other   uh so if you take an e5 you lose your knight and  if you take on f6 black will take back with the   queens actually knight f6 is not a terrible move  not a terrible move i think queenie two might be   a good idea here um uh gotham subscriber just it  just hangs the night just just cleanly all right   i mean it took five moves but we already have our  first disaster uh of the day we did terrific um   that's good five moves into this episode uh gotham  subscriber just hangs a night in the opening   all right well that's uh that that already gives  me a decent amount of intel uh if white is any   higher than about 800 900 i will probably just  have an aneurysm that's no good that's no good no   be careful about the center a lot of beginners  they always blunder in the middle of the board   because they just forget how the position ends  up looking um but okay okay we keep it moving   knight takes e4 now at this point i would not go  here do not get tunnel vision with the pawn that   you just moved because then you hang queen  d1 and knight f2 oh god oh good god oh god   oh oh oh terrific oh my goodness i mean  queen takes d1 and knight f2 is just   it's just lights out i mean maybe maybe not  quite lights out like the knight is trapped   like for beginners it's never fully  over you know what i mean it's uh   like the knight is now not going to get out you  know rooks the thing about being up a rook you   have to understand rooks are end game pieces  they only come into the game a lot later and   so for beginners it could be difficult to  actually find a way to utilize the rooks um   white's mistake is just first move blunders just  just one uh not first move one move blunders   now black plays bishop c5 because black sees this  uh hopefully white spots the queen okay very nice   and now while it's still a bit  tricky to defend this to be honest   yeah not a bad move and then okay fair trade and  now does black have the exact same blind spot   okay kind of actually i mean that oh okay  white white wins the game i guarantee you   that white wins the game because white played long  castle's check like it it it doesn't even have to   be a great move just the fact that white saw this  and just saw that it was check white just wins   guaranteed okay so bishop d7 is also not a good  move actually ironically it's better to run with   the king just go hide your king get your king  out of the middle the problem with playing a move   like this is you solve a short-term problem but  you give yourself long-term problems um and the   long-term problems are the fact that your king  is still in the middle f4 is a great uh first   not a great move i guess because bishop e3 check  but there's no way that black actually plays that   right now of course you will play knight f7 which  ironically is now not a good move because if king   to e7 had been played the knight is just stuck  so now the bishop has to go to c4 and black   would play like bishop e6 or knights i mean you  just can't move the knight it's kind of funny   um it's kind of funny knight takes f7 king king  c8 develop okay uh that move that's just another   clean hang of a pawn okay okay that attacks the  rook i mean you know white had an idea white had   an idea but should be five okay now i would just  activate the last piece not not there that's a   mouse slip rook f1 i would activate the last piece  okay bishop c4 nothing nothing terrible about this   move rookie 7 is dangerous because now you know  rook d8 looks great but the knight is covering it   uh but now you've moved like what black  has to do here what black has to do here   is find a way to get the king off the  back rank so that might mean b6 king b7   or it might mean a6 and b5 and then king b7 why  because your upper your ultimately you need to get   your material into the game you're up a piece  you need to activate your pieces but when you   play the mover key seven okay this is great and uh  okay all right that's actually very nice i would   push here to guard that's what i would do nice  very important move that you found that because   most people will freak out here and play  a move like this which is a hilarious   looking move but it's probably pretty  terrible um okay oh my god oh my god like bishop e6 is playable here but after rook  c5 bishop c4 there's rookie 7 and then rook c4   like the fact that white found e6 and rook d5   just shows you that as long as you stay  lingering in the position there's always   a chance now it's a fork and now white is  winning because black never activated the rook so now now now white is just winning because white   is no longer down material and  black is playing without a rook oh my god what knight d4 here oh my god it's made it's just checkmate i i can't believe  it just checkmate wow what a comeback   i gotta give a lot of credit to white  your opening was a bit of a disaster   uh but uh well learn your opening and stop making  one move blunders but then after that you really   you really stepped it up i mean i gotta tell  you made two blunders some people are you know   opening studios and some people like as long as  they survive the opening they have a chance um but yeah i mean like some people are just  completely lost like within the first like 10   moves and then after that if they can navigate  the position you know they're going to be all   right ah wow this one is difficult so okay one  move blunder i mean i want to say like 800. i want to say but to be honest you know then white  played like very reasonable i mean rook d5 is   outstanding outstanding i'm going to say hi 800s high 800s that's what i'm going to say  all right this is my profile let's see oh my god no are you guys actually rated mid 1000   and this is a rapid game bro you hung  a knight like that in a rapid game bro yo you you bro five seconds robbie robbie i  mean also i mean this russian guy is going to   get disowned by the russian chest ferrari nah  bro y'all really a thousand bro oh my goodness what the heck in rapid two man y'all trippin  i mean i i guess i guess like i can see it   i can kind of see it i also can't see it at  all it's just it just it just you're crazy man wow okay anyway uh all right anyway dope what a start what a start  what a start all right those were   some of the most criminally overrated  players i've ever seen in my life um jeez wow we're off to uh we're off to  a flying start here guess the elo baby   um game number two gotham  sub with the white pieces   uh let me stretch my back oh good good golly  good golly good golly what's even playing i've   muted my speakers so i don't actually know  uh oh a swedish house mafia very nice um okay e4 e5 knight to c3 okay we've got a vienna e4   e5 knight c3 the vienna we're taking a  trip to austria black plays bishop c5 so what's interesting is that bishop c5  is uh don't tell anybody but it's actually   a surprisingly accurate move uh in many ways it it   it takes away what white wants it's it's  a smart move it's a very clever move   uh and in a lot of positions white has to play  in in some strange ways with knight to a4 to try   to get the bishop uh beginners really don't know  about this move but let's just see if maybe the   beginner got lucky it's also what i recommend in  my gambit scores for black available at www dot   the knight two f6 d3 castles f4 oh and i  think the movement is the bishop takes g1 or is this is this just an innovation  is this just black like what so is this just black trying to be fancy like haha  now you can't castle is this theory of some sort just like black just being like haha you  can't but but look at look at look at white   just fe5 actually now the best thing for  black is to just get out and guard the f6   there's no way black does that  right okay so black kinda does it   but not not quite and now of course you're gonna  take but believe it or not the best move here   the best move here and this is where like  creativity comes into the mix the best move   here is this amazing move bishop to g5 because  you apply a new level of pressure to the knight   disallowing it from moving this is not going  anywhere and now for example this has to be played   opening up the king whereas in this position  right the queen comes out now mate is threatened   and obviously white doesn't hang that but um  moves like bishop g5 i really i really don't   know how to explain a move like this i guess it's  just you just pause in the position for a moment   and you go all right i could take on f6 but hold  on but hold on like do i have anything else wait   the computer is also looking at rook f1 98 and  queen h5 and white has a winning attack what yo computers are such savages now of  course the human move is to take on f6   um but i mean in a game i think i would play  bishop g5 because i would that would kind of be i   would spot that you know this kind of forces this  and if h6 you just go back oh no no no you take   you taking queen h5 okay well i didn't i would  have never seen that in a million years so okay   maybe i wouldn't have played bishop g5 after  all gotham gets necked beautiful amazing so   take stakes queen f3 now we have an end game  i mean the queens are off the board so c6   that move looks good because it prevents 95 it's  actually very bad that move is actually very bad   because it nerfs your own development at this  point i would play the move bishop to f4 and   castle long route one looks good except for the  fact that it's probably rookie one is legitimately   the worst move on the board so don't play it just  hangs a rook for nothing um so that's good nice   bishop f4 nice oh that's no this is see this is  how i know that we're dealing with like sub 1100   because black got a few moves in just a in just  a middle game and did not finish developing at   all just made three terrible pawn moves and  now is completely lost and credit to the guy   playing with white because um you know the guy  playing with white finished his development   and hung a rook and black didn't take and you  know the most amazing part about this hang   like black is still like in serious trouble here  i mean black's best move is a5 what what the hell   does that even mean a5 is trying to play b5 and  trap this bishop like in reality what black would   do here is play something like king h7 and then  white would just positionally dominate and then   h4 to remove this and open up this like white  is still completely dominating here because   of all of black's pieces again two games in a  row we see you know rooks are end game pieces   they they come into the game a lot later so  sometimes rook for bishop isn't even fully felt   right so black uh doesn't take the rook oh my god  white plays bishop d6 oh my wait this all happened   h4 now is not the most accurate i mean you should  just take the pawn um but okay or move your rook   out of danger yes see the problem is that the  way this happens if black had taken on h4 black   wins one rook and threatens to trade the other now  black is winning by a lot so you need like another   right you need a you need that that that rook in  the in this game so rook g6 e4 oh my god but black   is just dominated bishop takes f7 yes see this  is the problem these one move attacking moves   yo did black set out this game to give 11  points of peace odds because that's what   black is doing black is not playing with 11  points of material bishop f7 rook g7 bishop   h5 i mean you're still not playing oh this is  such a good move white understands to not just   be snap snap snapping all the time they're just  getting in with the okay okay now you take take   is it just made like rook h1 and move the bishop   it's maintenance five it's made in okay okay  okay so white white could have played bishop f7   or bishop e8 discovered check and mate but you  know when you have mate in one uh find mate in   uh five or whatever but uh yeah  white gets the arabian checkmate   yup that's what that's called rook and  knight like this it's called the arabian mate   yo that was a top tier game by white like i'm  not gonna lie uh white did a white played very   well like you did exactly what you're supposed  to do in the vienna opening uh but believe it or   not this setup is actually inaccurate to play this  way against because black has some strong response   i don't exactly remember the exact meta here  uh against this setup where black does not play   knight c6 like you could consider just bishop  g5 and then trying to castle queen side uh with   with a pin here that might work like bishop to g5  for example is another way to play this position   uh white hunger rook i mean okay and you hang like  seven rooks in your game so why don't you piss   off like jesus you know it's like white made like  the most delicious dish first time in their life   and they put a little bit of uh too much salt in  it like yeah so bishop g5 is a good idea but then   you know white played very well like white  finished developing all right one small blunder   uh you know no i'm sorry that was mean that was  mean but that guy you know mildly deserved it   um sure white hunger rook but i'm very proud  of the way white played i'm very happy with   the way white played this game very nice game from  start to finish you know navigated the middle game   a new middle game and end game very well made a  blunder white i wouldn't be surprised if white was   like 1200 like 12 1300 like no no 1400 hangs  right g1 but you know mistakes happen now   i personally think that this is another  one that's between eight and nine hundred   like maybe nine hundred to a thousand and white  just and black just had the worst game of his life   uh black just had the worst given if black is any  higher rated than eleven then high one thousands   playing like that that that's that that's not  good um but gotham sub listen you should be   proud you played an excellent game so i'm going  to say um what do i really think i'm going to say   i'm going gonna say 900 i i get the vibe that  it was you know it was like 900 so let's go black is rated 1 300. black is rated 1300 black  is a 13 14 white is a 1280 so i was right about   white's play i was a hundred percent correct  about white's play i felt like white played   twelve to thirteen hundred so i was right  but black it was mr guy with the black pieces   who completely decreased completely  decreased my estimate black played so badly   it offset what i thought about carhem i was  actually completely correct i was literally   right on the money 12 to 1300 the way white played  gave me that vibe but black played so poopy buns   i mean my god that was terrible now like i said if  white is like four now i'm curious how much time   did white have on well i guess white had a lot of  time actually uh how long did it take you to hang   a rook 12 seconds right and uh you know um yeah  now let's see how long black spent in the opening   like three seconds on the move c6 three seconds  on c6 to 30 seconds on this move and you know   15 seconds on this move black played a lot of  one move kind of one move moves without really   playing with a plan if you're gonna play  rapid chess you have to think in terms of   plans so i'm happy with my guest for white i'm  kind of apologetic that i insulted you uh by   saying that you were rated 900 but i was really  just saying that the way black played this like   you played very well but black black needs a  lesson black needs a chess lesson anyway anyway   um oh for this third game  gotham subs got the black pieces   someone says they banned me from your discord  they're cruel uh no you probably just spammed   and you know weren't i mean in general if you  get banned from discord like that is where the   we have the most lenient policies so if you're now  complaining in twitch chat about being banned in   the middle of a recording not only will twitch  see how ridiculous you are youtube will see how   ridiculous you are it's like getting banned from  a supermarket after running into everything and   knocking it on the floor like imagine running  around the supermarket deliberately knocking   things over and then complaining about being  banned from the supermarket now you look like an   idiot and everybody knows it and you are publicly  bringing more attention upon yourself so um you   know that's that's kind of what's going on there  d4 got them subscriber c6 okay okay knight f3 d5   all right i guess i guess gotham subscriber  wanted to play kind of a karo khan um but   not really because now it's a queen spawn opening  and just as a follow-up notion um if you do want   to get unbanned all you have to do is message  your discord moderator we have unbanned people   before discord does have a tendency to uh have a  teenage audience and sometimes they do dumb things   most of the time in fact in fact no teenager has  ever not done a dumb thing ever so knight c396   and this is coming from a guy who was a teenager  and as a 13 year old brother and let me tell you okay uh white delays uh the move e2 to e4  uh until move four and now just hangs a   paw and hangs a knight this is the second  game of the day a guy hung a knight on e4 chat what is this like y'all study chess  for hella long y'all be watching streams   y'all be watching my youtube videos and no  other youtubers youtube videos except you know   jim ikaru uh and eric rosett and and and then  the botezzas but you know nobody else um and uh   how many times have you seen an interaction in the  center of the board why out daniel naraditsky why   y'all be why y'all be blundering on e4 bro like  what and anna rudolph of course uh now what is   this why y'all be hanging knights on move five we  don't hang the knights all right bishop d3 knight   f7 beautiful bishop g4 fantastic move notice  notice one guy castles and now at this point   black doesn't go e6 and move the bishop and castle  all right bishop g4 right right right very nice   oh no well this person must have watched the  recent uh you know hikaru uh uh bullet win uh   you know with bishop takes f3 and then  bishop takes d1 maybe that guy the   guy saw that and thought that you know  there would be some pre-moves going on   i wouldn't trade i mean just back  up but but of course bishop f3 oh hold on hold on i need to go vomit  white just voluntarily played g takes f3   i mean there was no need for this i mean no need  queen f3 boss queen f3 but it's fine you're the   random noob in this situation so don't matter  beautiful now with moves like this you need   to be careful okay you need to be careful uh  because sometimes there will be a bishop move   which is a check but in this case you got lucky  so i don't know if you saw that you got lucky   all right c3 quit oh beautiful move look at that  look at that rotation look at that rotation bang   king has to guard all right e6 beautiful f4  knight d7 nice finishing our development i   like this by white actually i don't hate  this at all i really i like this by white   i like this a lot uh the idea is that you know we  have bing and then bang and then maybe you know an   attack down the e file or something like that so  i don't like i don't dislike it okay i mean okay   what the hell is b4 like you like went for  an like you like softened up the struck like   what like what like what is the logical follow-up  to your plan bro like i what like i just don't i mean this is like you know  a flanking overwatch character   here that ends up dying and now it's  six on five again like i just don't   okay whatever i and i love how black is  not just like castling like just cast   the thing is that sometimes you play really well  but your opponents play so strange it makes you   play strange like what are we doing what are you  doing just get the king out of the middle okay   loses a pawn see black knew it was coming black  knew that the guy was gonna keep pushing and then   you know oh nice nice back to normal beautiful and  of course white just completely does not see queen   takes f2 and of course neither does black black  plays the move bishop c5 after putting the queen   on h4 just laser beaming the f2 square you know  neither player sees it uh but now we have some   extra pressure by the way very cool move in this  position uh is the absolutely stunning move and   knight back to f8 look at that it's the queen and  and the rook look at that that's very nice um also   there is bishop d4 which in some insane fashion  traps this rook look at that that's just a trapped   rook that's guarded that's just a trapped rook  ladies and gentlemen no one can save that rook   poor guy anyway oh beautiful now we see it and  mate and mate and oh white played king h1 and   resigned white did the professional thing that's  what grandmasters used to do they would play a   move and then they'd go yo my position is so  poopy i'm just going to resign that's made one   on g1 i'm not sure black would have seen it  i mean maybe black plays this move and just   hangs the queen i don't i do think that black  would say that was a good game honestly black   played you played well uh you played well you you  got the free piece when they gave it to you and   um i wouldn't be surprised if black played at  like 95 accuracy it's one of those games you   play at 95 percent and you think am i gonna get  banned and no trust me you are not going to get   banned because just like i'm gonna look at how  bad your opponent played and they're gonna go   that guy should get banned for how bad they played  not your high cap score trust me is is   much more interested in banning people who  have no hope in chess no they're interested   in banning people who you know abuse fair play  uh you know uh grant you know my um you know whole experience the past month um but uh wow  i'm not gonna lie uh this is another game where i   don't know i i really feel like black played every  part of this game quite well i'm gonna say like   oh but this blunder is so egregious  i mean again 8 900 i mean i don't i mean i don't i mean to be honest white did  not play like a 8 900 why play like a 700   like no joke like white played like a 700 like yeah like what i mean b4 like i'm  gonna go i'm gonna go low 800 700   low 800 700 here we go here we go what what 500 black is 500 are you out of your mind oh i like how  since that game black has gained 100 points black is 500 yo you've got a bright future yo black is  not black's not going to be give it a year   black's going to be 1500 at least are you  kidding me black didn't make a mistake like   the person playing with the black pieces just  really looked at you know all of the gotham   chess you know beginner's youtube playlist  it's 15 10 stop acting like this is insane homie that the message that you just wrote is is  probably the dumbest message i've read in the past   week like i'm not gonna lie to you boss i read a  lot of messages i average a lot of viewers i got a   lot of youtube comments the message that you just  wrote was was probably up there if you're telling   me that that was not impressive for a guy rated  500 it's time to just alt f4 get off the computer   it's time to take a walk i mean you got to go look  at you know you got to go to your local park look   in the water look at your reflection splash some  water in your face and pray to whatever god it is   that you believe in because you need salvation  you need it now you don't need it in the future   you need it now you need salvation now um i mean  my goodness are you kidding me that was that was   easily the most impressive i mean i have taught a  lot of players in my life i'm not gonna lie and uh   black not making a mistake as a 500 for 22 moves  just playing a solid blunder free game of chess uh   if i showed this game to any chess coach  and asked them how how strong black was   they would all say probably over  a thousand um yeah very impressive um wow uh chipotle since it donated a thousand bits  uh homie i can get you into the next one   uh definitely the next episode not  this episode but the next episode   um the cap score i mean it's probably 95. i guessed it i literally i literally guessed it  right on the money i guess 95. i guess 95 95.2 oh yes oh my god i should do i should i should do  cabs guesser that should be the next one the   next one should be cabs guesser oh my god yeah i  mean 22.7 is yeah it makes sense whatever depth   by the way that you use everyone's gonna have a  slightly different cap score caps evaluation um   my family whatsapp chat is talking  about uh getting microchipped   uh anyway as a joke as a joke i know some of  you actually believe that nonsense but you know   anyway so here we go um gotham sub in game number  four has uh the white pieces we have c4 knight f6   it's actually funny chad don't tell  anybody but i'm actually preparing this   uh for vegas i'm preparing the english opening uh  don't tell anybody like no one will know uh but i   think i believe i will be rocking a little bit of  c4 in vegas um and the idea is bishop g2 d5 and   okay i mean b3 is not i'm not preparing b3 that  that that was just not good um there's a couple of   ways to play these positions for example knight f3  or d4 uh b3 i think just straight up loses a pawn   takes takes queen d4 maybe i'm wrong yeah wait why  is this why can't it just it's straight up loose   as a pawn yeah this is just this is just losing a  pawn okay pog um that's that's okay that all right   um oh oh oh and that happened oh that literally  happened this actually happened in the game   okay the fact that black saw that around i'm  hyped the fact that black saw that that's   wow uh yeah i'm not preparing this definitely  not preparing this the one good thing about   white's position is the fact that white has  almost all the pieces developed and the queen   on c4 looks a little bit stupid and you trade  it you are down a pawn the queen is stupid and   rather than just castling your king like a  normal person you play queen to b3 good god   you need to pray to that same god that other  guy is praying to when that guy takes a walk   to the park all right queen b3 ab3 rook d8  d4 alright castle good okay and now by some   completely absurd uh turn of events uh black  themselves has problems developing because black   kind of allowed white to have some serious  pressure this bishop is very strong the rook   is very strong the knight is coming to b5 c7 is  under pressure the c file is going to be open   and it actually turns out that i'm an idiot and  the guy playing with the white pieces is a genius   um rook d6 knight 282 yo did you just really  play a backwards night move targeting this bishop i'll neck myself there you go what for real like okay knight b5 is  a better move but this is impressive oh my god wait black blundered  this doesn't actually guard the   bishop because of the pin so you can  you can take on c6 and take on b4   what okay please move your knight oh my god move  your knight dude dude oh my goodness knight c5   wait this is this is crazy okay well  now now actually black has some play   black has some queen side pawns black  no longer has a yo like i like like like   like good dude like like i mean it's it's the  end game bro like you gotta you know the guy's   got four pieces bro you gotta just look around bro  just what is he attacking bro or she's attacking   bro the bishop and the rook are attacking the a5  pawn bro you gotta defend it bro you don't have a   lot of pieces left bro you lose all your pieces  you're gonna lose the game bro like what is c5   also why are we trading pieces down material  bro or cis yes bro cis bro is a universal term   okay um oh my god oh now my god i mean i suppose  i can't you know i ca i can't i can't uh possess   you know i don't want to defend anybody anyway  it's 20 21. you offend anybody with anything   knight to beast and okay okay okay rook c7 is  there back oh beautiful move beautiful move   uh outstanding and now you can't even  take back because back ranked mate   and uh and and black hangs it black hangs back  ranked mate all right ladies and gentlemen i   legitimately do not have a damn clue i don't have  a damn clue so white thought that first of all   the fact that white plays c4 means that white is  enlightened white is an enlightened chess player   believing that they are you know one of the  stronger chess players that exist white plays   this move c4 um you know thinking that they are  better than most and uh now we get knight to f6 um   and then you know tries to play this english but  loses a pawn instantly which makes me think like   14 1500 because basically 14 1500s like they  learn these openings because they think that   they're above everybody else and they're  cultured and then they lose a pawn on move   five and then they trade queens in a position  where you know they shouldn't be trading queens   and then black just like we saw that 1300  earlier play a disastrous middle game uh   well now we kind of have the same thing i i think  this is a game between 14 1500 like like 13 1400   i would say high 1200 is the absolute it's  like 1280 to 1420 is what i would say like   1280 to 1420 that's that that's the range it's  a big range if i had to guess i would say white   could easily be 14 1500 and if black is anywhere  near that elo uh first of all it's if black is   1400 it should be motivation for y'all that  you could get to 1400 playing like this um i don't know i mean i would probably say  black's like 11 1200 and white just had like a   i'm i'm gonna say like 1200 you know what i'm  gonna say twelve hundred uh am i gonna say twelve   hundred knight a two all these all these moves  yeah i'm saying i'm gonna say twelve hundred   here we go that's my that's my new guess on  the money ladies and gentlemen on the money   now granted granted 1290 is about 1300 uh but  yeah i yeah yeah yeah 1290 bang bang bang all   glory all god give me everything brother yes irish  only 6 million russia 150 million so i go to fight   with your chicken because this is number one easy  guess the ilo in in lightweight division yeah 92.8   yeah yeah um who knows maybe maybe white just  played a gigantic you know this was all a farce   this was all a deep strategical idea they  analyzed prior to the game with with leela   you know sacrificing a pawn to open lines and  you know maybe they you know i don't know i i   don't know maybe white's a genius and i don't know  anything about chess i to be honest but uh what to   say what to say and with that we have one game  remaining with this we have one game remaining um gotham subscriber in our final game of the day   has got the black pieces one second let  me just message lucy good morning um i have message here good morning uh   e4 c5 the sicilian defense we have  d4 cd4 this is the smithmore again what okay this is some sort of deep meta strat uh  that's not the smithmore again but now we have a   transposition to a we have a transposition  to a to a dragon sicilian which is just bad   because uh there was no d6 played so  now white can play this this and e5 what so in the dragon sicilian you have to have  something covering e5 otherwise this happens   and that's bad that you can't you can't do that um  oh and all of that did happen but but white didn't   play e5 ah okay like rook b1 rook b1 make a move  that makes no sense that move literally is crazy   why on earth would you play that at least castle  your king what the heck is this move what are you   trying to accomplish i have no idea castles okay  d5 that's based on the tick tock sound by the way anyway e5 okay i like this this is looking good  this is looking good knight c good nice rotation   yes yes yes beautiful outstanding okay the okay  well now we are getting you know we're getting   access to this idea all right 90 i mean listen  it's okay to get confrontational 94's probably   the best move uh i would take that i would  take that all right now you've got to make   this pawn break if black plays f6 i will build  black a statue okay no black is not playing   black is black is going on  a knights tour this night is um blizz knight is all over the place just all  over the place just jumping and hippity-hopping   around okay so hear the best move unquestionably  let this be a lesson to all of you yo shout out   to johnsy by the way with the five gifted subs let  this be a lesson to all of you when you have two   rooks staring across like this from each other  you need to mobilize your rook to a square that   you control to create an advantageous exchanging  situation this way if rook takes c4 is played you   can take back with one of the pawns and now you  get connect four somewhere eric rosen squeals in   delight and you have a protected pass pawn also  you can then move around you can reinforce with   your queen etc a5 so don't be the one taking do  not be the one taking do not be the one okay this   is also not bad uh oh nice okay similar idea nice  beautiful and now you take control and this is   losing for uh for white the sun game is just  completely lost because you control the only open   file and you have much more access to all of the  weaknesses the queen c3 is a beautiful move and uh   they just immediately blunt did they blow their  mate did they put okay no no you could have taken   you could have taken because there was a mate  but uh okay queen takes d4 check okay queen   takes d4 check not now all right this is looking a  little bit scary you're making this unnecessarily   terrifying oh now you can just take with check  and then take this two so takes takes and   you are up uh five pawns in an end game and  that's considered a you know a small advantage   uh you know i'm glad you are up five pawns  in a queen end game uh let's just make sure   we don't hang any queens okay very nice and  here white played king to g2 and the game ended   um okay the fact that you blundered in the opening  is is a small error so i would say like 12 1300   that was a big blunder actually uh rugby  one i i mean this is really what we're   basing the entire game on to to be completely  honest and how many night moves you made um   i'm gonna say like a thousand to eleven hundred  because actually i feel like black played so   well it offsets how oddly white played i'm  just you know what i'm i'm gonna say hi 1000   low 1100 that's what i'm gonna say final  answer i don't even have to beat around the bush what no no no no you're trolling  no no no no no no no no no no no   white is rated 1505 bro white is rated 1505 oh are you joking yo white is 1500 what  the [ __ ] oh my oh oh oh no no oh cut the tape got the tape youtube  i love you but we're out i'm not no
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 1,011,045
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gotham Chess gives lessons, Gothamchess lessons, gothamchess openings, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess guide, gothamchess e4, gothamchess, gothamchess rating climb, chess game analysis, chess analysis, beginner chess lessons, guess the elo, guess the elo chess, chess lessons for beginners, chess lessons for intermediate, middlegame chess, chess middlegame, chess middlegames, chess lessons, chess lesson, chess tips, chess strategy, how to play chess, how to win at chess
Id: icFN94ciCPQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 47sec (2447 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 09 2021
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