World Championship GUESS THE ELO! (Ep 33)

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πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 19 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/nemoj_da_me_peglas πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 29 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Don’t really care

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 18 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/bueno__ πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 29 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

He’s just doing it for more engagement for the algorithm

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/_xBenji πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 29 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Meh I couldn’t care less

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 15 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Roller95 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 29 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I do think this series is overrated. Well, not overrated as it's good, but 'how to win at chess' is wayyyy better. It's so instructive listening to Levy's mind working as he plays a position.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/urbanwarrior3558 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 30 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

it works for him. trolling the trolls.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/the_noblesteed πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 29 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Nah, it's all in good fun. If people are going to comment that they're bored of a series that seems to be very popular and successful, what else do they expect? An apology for wasting their time they themselves chose to spend watching?

Do they think Levy isn't trying to avoid boring content?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Ok-Control-787 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 29 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
ladies and gentlemen welcome back to your favorite seat wait a minute my lamp is off ladies and gentlemen welcome back to your favorite series here on youtube guess the elo now today is the first rest day in the world chess championship match it's november 29 2021 and the players are recuperating and preparing for the next game so i figured what better way to spend it than showing you five games which are probably absolute train wrecks and predicting the ratings of my subscribers which all of them combined are probably not as highly rated as one of the players involved in the world championship match and if you're watching this sometime in the future uh yeah well it's currently the world championship that's why i made this introduction before we get into the game today i'd like to thank the sponsor of today's video nobody e4 e5 knight c3 beautiful stuff uh white is playing a vienna probably a proud owner of the gotham course which is 40 off at the time of recording for several more hours by the way so i'm just telling you right now if you don't have it yet now people are watching on youtube this is like weeks in the future the black friday sale is over um but uh vienna what is that what is d5 okay i'm getting 500 vibes um that's not a good move okay e takes d5 bishop c5 now what does a vienna player do when they're given a pawn on the second move but they can't play their opening thank you for the five gifted subs michael ox mel's bad thank you thank you very much i'm not reading the name the way it's supposed to be read because that's inappropriate thank you michael okay so a vienna player has been gifted upon on the second move will they play bishop c4 knight f3 castles or will they completely malfunction this should be five check don't hate it boop boop boop boop uh uh oh so white has a couple options number one the best move here is for sure knight to e4 watch it's gonna be the top engine move in a moment it's gonna it's gonna get there knight e4 is gonna be the top engine move just get up it's climbing it's definitely the best move i i know the engine says knight f3 but the engine doesn't know as much about just as i do so it's definitely knight e4 knight e4 simultaneously defends mate and forks the queen in the bishop apparently knight f3 is marginally better but no not f3 all right so the player is um you know uh stronger than i am apparently i would have played 94 definitely go knight d4 go 94 do not play knight f3 knight h6 now knight e4 is even stronger but white is going to castle or white is going to play d4 which hangs upon why are both players so bad at miscounting how much is attacking that square okay pawn takes d4 knight takes d4 this is a simple counting exercise i mean there's just two things that how did how did white see this diagonal but not see this yikes dude just castle like stop attacking do not open the center if you're not castled yet okay don't do this oh don't do this castle now oh my god i love how that's not even a good move you should not block a piece that's attacking your king like this if the person can attack the piece now this white castle or play f4 or play bishop takes h6 or play knight e4 castles very good black plays bishop g4 don't hate it but f3 very simple nice now the bishop has to move yes now white is winning but only if white plays a bunch of really aggressive moves like bishop to g5 after knight e4 and g4 okay knight e4 is a very natural move uh-huh and now we have oh wow oh wow does white actually play knight d6 check it's a fork and the bishop can't take now this is either the luckiest tactic ever or white is a genius knight d6 is a beautiful move you think they got lucky or you think they saw that it was pinned king d7 take queen take bishop wow clean and now here comes rook d1 look at this not even taking the rook which they obviously didn't see instead of rook d1 which is the top engine move and now wow okay that sequence of moves knight to e4 i mean honestly from here forward castles now f3 knight e4 boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop and mate very clean very clean nice little appetizer start here um i'mma definitely give you like seven to eight hundred vibes because this is an absolutely horrible move and then from this point forward you actually played like pretty reasonably you didn't get mated so i don't think 500 if this person is 1250 i will jump out of no i will no i won't i would die uh that would not work i also think the windows are way too thick and they don't open so no i would that would not work um uh okay so uh but then you played d4 like this is a really bad move i know the engine is like yeah it's a good move because you can like go here and stuff but it's a really bad move at this level because obviously you didn't know that you were supposed to go 94. do not open the center unless you're castled and um it's a counting exercise knight takes d4 just simply doesn't work so i want to say about 700 maybe in the 600s but i want to say about 700. uh let's go check i have to re-crop the window give me a sec because we watched the documentary all right and survey says oh my god these guys were 900 oh my god these guys were 900 oh my god oh my god these were 900s why are you 900 i mean thank god it wasn't 1250 because that that i mean how are y'all 900 man and what was the time control does that say five it's a five minute game come on guys i love how black pre-moved this look black spends 0.5 seconds on d5 why would you ever pre-move this that's such a horrible move to pre-move like nothing about this makes sense and then you have the audacity to make your profile picture one of the greatest players who ever lived then you played d5 on the second move pre-move ridiculous i mean come on come on guys all right second game e4 c5 knight f3 d6 okay c3 okay okay not a main line not a not a moscow but to play c3 and d4 knight f6 here there's a very interesting trap you can play h3 and you can scream oh no my pawn of course if they take there is queen a4 check oopsies but um there's also this move which looks like you mouselipped your bishop and then they're like haha idiot and then you win a knight oops um knight f6 e5 my reactions used to be way more hype am i getting bored of guess the elo well it's kind of like your parents right they used to be a lot more excited when they saw you now they're just kind of like uh this leech it's one of those things you know you kind of get what i'm saying anyway e5 is interesting to kind of um damage black's uh central pawn structure and um i'm just kidding boss i'm just kidding relatable though right i mean how many of us you know i'm gonna give them somebody gift the guy a sub poor guy poor poor guy got wrecked listen if you catch my attention in the middle of guess the elo with what you write in the chat you might get roasted because you you you ruined the flow of the show i would say my reactions are actually quite high i would even say that when i'm too hype people in the chat or on youtube don't like it they think i'm faking they think i'm way too theatrical you can't please everybody knight d7 take take d4 i don't like d4 i don't think it's a very good move i think white should play bishop e2 in castles yeah well actually white is already actually not doing that great here uh what it why why is white not doing that great i think cause e5 is wrong i think this e5 is much better this is a very weird sicilian sideline like a very early e5 break and um but i i mean yeah black just got a immediately a better position i really can't tell if this is like an edgy like high rated player or did that person get a sub gift um or oh ew why what what what is what is ew why e6 top engine move i would never play e6 top okay top very convincingly top engine move i would never play e6 um i would play bishop d7 bishop c6 and then castle or b6 i guess b6 is bad cause check nope not oh yeah there it is because now now your bishop kind of has to go this way yeah yeah okay i would never go e6 i'll play bishop d7 but v6 long castle okay but whatever uh this is also no good because the bishop is very passive but no one knows how to play this position so knight d5 you see now bishop is gonna go back to d okay now what black should do is keep the tension either keep the tension or get the bishop hair don't take the knight play bishop d7 rook c8 good uh you should take like this and combine your pawns yo look at this engine idea bishop b5 check if white plays bishop b5 check and trades off the bishop prior to taking you report them for cheating but ok fe castles and white is just worse i mean black now should play like this this bring the rooks to the middle break out into the middle of the board don't take that good that's how i that this is honestly how i know that this is a high level game anybody 12 1300 goes what the hell i'll take on c3 i don't know so bishop c4 a6 i like that trying to win a tempo and play bishop b7 it's a high level game of chess nice nice ah that's the problem good idea by white by the way look at this very nice idea by white to play bishop e4 take take and now white is actually playing for advantage because oh you never take never take don't take why are you taking you have rooks on the same line just improve your position just slowly slowly slowly before knights even why are you surrendering control of the file to trade all the rooks oh ew ew for for what okay this is gonna be a draw right uh oh if you take on c5 you run the risk of losing but actually if you don't take you're gonna lose a pun oh boy a king and pawn end game and guess the elo okay so white is playing for a win because white has a protected pass pawn as a decoy you always scaring black here oh man e5 now you might be able to do something like this and try to win like this that's winning black would need to play f4 or g6 you never ever ever stack your pawns like this king d3 king there uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh this is the longest four-play session i've ever seen okay it's just a draw now both sides have protected passers so nothing is going to happen and both players make a way whoa why did you not take boss if the king goes to either side you push the opposite pawn and you win you win now actually do you win because if king a7 this is the luckiest draw ever oh my god that is so lucky that this is not winning because you oh my god that's crazy the king just goes up and down there's nothing you can do and if you wander too far that's so lucky but black got so lucky that white did not take yikes okay well draw a whole lot of foreplay and nothing happened like round one of world championship or all 12 games of the last one um okay wow this game could be anywhere from 1500 to 2300 now i think the opening is way too low quality to be 2000 plus i mean you know the 2000s they're they're all on chessa ball and they're all on reddit chess gatekeeping what you should and shouldn't watch on youtube just a bunch of sad sacks of you know what unless you're not unless you're a really friendly and happy 2000 rated player then i love you but most of them are just you know they're grinding their night or of courses and buying the niche gear of course 50 off on some sale but i feel like 2 000 is just too low quality for this opening but if you if you remove the opening it was actually a very decent game very decent low risk game beautiful idea here to trade off pieces by the way man but the rest of the game was really really good look i have to do the law of averages right i mean there's no way i guess this right um thank you for the five get the subs uh my gut tells me this is like a 18 1900 level game but i'm telling you right now this could easily be like but this could easily be like 1400 this could easily be 2100 so i got to think these players played a really really poor opening with a decent understanding of the middle game yeah and nobody did anything really stupid the whole game so i'm going to say about 1600. okay i'm gonna say between 15 and 1600 that's what i'm gonna say final answer because the opening was that bad it was i mean by by white really white played a very poor opening black actually played an okay opening uh but was unable to claim any advantage okay let's go see one thousand and eleven hundred what what what oh my god y'all are like the most solid in a five-minute game we just saw a five minute game between two nine hundreds who played like four hundreds and now we're seeing one thousands who played like two thousand what in the same time control oh my god wow they played really really really well i did say 2000s i mean did they not play the middle game like 2000s i mean they played like a very good game they both played very well that's insane i mean yeah combine it was 2 000 that's actually complete that's that's nuts okay they're probably 2 000 unleaches okay so yeah they're probably 2000 on leeches okay back to the main overlay um okay gotham sub game three here we go um wow crazy e4 french ah so here's the problem with playing e6 b6 course you always run into stupid stuff my course on e6 b6 is actually very very good but it's hard to get the positions you study because white plays stupid stuff like how many of you have dealt with like this or this or this or this or this like stuff that you just you the problem with e6 b6 it's not forcing enough so white can kind of do anything um bishop g5 and now you just are upon up on move five so yeah bishop g5 already i'm thinking 1100 or lower uh now the problem with this position is it's hard to develop even if you win this pawn so what i would play is i would i would take space and try to block okay knight e7 like i like how white is already better um okay so is queen h5 g6 queen e5 the idea is that what we're doing no okay now i'm very scared of bishop g2 happens this one this actually frequently happens in e6 b6 you get a completely winning position but you're passive so you blunder knight c6 is not a bad move knight c3 now go back to g6 oh that hangs two pieces that hangs two pieces now you got really lucky that you're attacking this but you you you you oh boy i said white is better oh sorry i mean white is better okay knight c4 okay very good um what this is like buying a bazooka and installing a brick wall in front of it like i where are you going okay now just go attack the bishop that's what you should do don't be afraid there's no threat here because the bishop is hanging anyway knight takes b2 yes leave it to like a 600 to have all their pieces on the back rank but go oh free pawn stop playing chess like this please because then they're going to play queen d4 and trap your knight now you are still winning if knight knight to f5 is played but you just you just don't want to play chess like this now since this is guess the elo i am willing to bet white doesn't even see this okay but that is a move that i definitely did not expect i mean why would you not play queen f3 and get mate like just queen f3 queen knight to f7 holy so this was the idea this was the idea to wonder do you think white doesn't know that kings can capture stuff like as a beginner sometimes you just straight up forget the king can take you you're like oh fork i saw that in a gotham chess uh video this is from the fried liver it's like not the fried liver whatsoever but okay so now naturally black freaks out takes the queen and doesn't even take the night for free of course now they take their queen now what you should do here is be patient don't take the night rescue your knight first naturally you take the knight because you know now you probably move this and blunder this no you play h6 very good move nice okay now you're playing g5 and developing your bishop okay white should now make a pawn break to open up lines to the king but okay rookie one king d7 good move nice great knight f5 okay knight f5 good take the bishop take the bishop [Music] oh nice wow so white was like i'm gonna lose a rook so i might as well lose my bishop too this is the equivalent of a toddler getting a toy taken away and proceeding to hit themselves in the face with a hammer don't do that if your child exhibits those uh those symptoms you you might need some therapy um yeah so white decided to lose every piece um so takes takes take the rook and now take the bishop okay and how clean is the end game just take all the pawns just take all the pawns okay the random king coming in sign of a low elo end game wow what take a pawn and use your pawns use your pawns no okay i guess i mean you can go knight c3 and take on a two you push the h pawn put just push the just push the h pawn good good nice okay good nice very clean don't steal mate don't steal me don't stalemate don't stalemate don't stalemate don't stalemate checkmate good game that was good um okay we have bishop g5 so just an offhand attack the queen in one move kind of move in the opening gives me like a thousand and lower vibes a thousand and lower um that is such a stupid move i mean wow that is it takes effort to play such a bad move um but but but but just the thought like here's the thing did white is white just blundering a piece or is white like i'm gonna open up their king because i'm a very enlightened low-rated player i don't know i actually don't know i i don't know um i don't know uh [Music] i i already guessed 700 for one game but i think between six and seven hundred actually kind of makes sense like maybe maybe low 700 to low 800 like seven seven fifteen to 8 15 is my guess i think because the end game was actually kind of okay um yeah i'm gonna that's my guess let's go see no no no no no no no no this is a fake game 1300 there are 1300 really unironically 1300 you guys are actually 1300 you guys are 1300 you guys are you guys are actually 1300 really 1300 yeah 95. in in one second by the way this move was played in one second 95 was played in one second really knight to e5 wow okay now we do the thing where we go check your friend list because i i i somehow i just somehow don't believe you so are you friends with let's go see your friends i can't see your friends fantastic okay now i have to go to this profile no no we're no no we're we're solving this mystery are you guys actually 1300s no no no no i i just i simply don't believe you i can't see your friend list either oh yes i can are you friends with your opponent boop boop boop you're not unbelievable you're actually 1300. i don't understand anything about anything anymore i i i mean i i yeah okay i i don't know i don't know mostly from white's perspective i mean black actually played like closer to 1300 than white but if what guys i'm telling you right now if white is 1300 literally all of you can be 1300 all of you if you've ever doubted your chess abilities you know you can do it set your new floor to 1300 every single person here can be 1300 every single person no joke okay next game god that was awful that was a terrible game okay e3 what if the knight okay e3 all right e3 e6 okay oh let's go to gotham subs perspective got himself as black okay okay what what what is this some troll game what is this you guys are copying each other okay what is going on check okay now you can't copy uh-huh oh oh okay no more homie homie what is this what is this uh-huh okay hey this the the this is the okay this is giving me very fake game vibes very fake game [Music] if you submit a fake game should we ban you from everything like everything not just twitch and discord should we ban you from just everything so henry im8 who submitted this game their profile uh you need to confess right now if this is a fake game uh-huh e4 uh-huh e5 so was it was the objective to just play as many bad moves as possible yeah you're banned from the internet i will call your internet provider long okay so that looks like mate by the way it's not because you're pinned d takes c6 so now queen takes e4 and um rookie 8 is winning by black just take bishop b4 check okay c3 queen d6 okay you've hung mate you've hung mate you've hung mate again mate is still being blundered it's still being blundered you could have played rook two v8 so this is i'm gonna feel really bad if this is not a real if this is if this is imagine this is a real game if you look at his other games you realize this isn't fake wait actually wait like really oh my god wait really oh my god i mean homie miss maiden won like 15 moves in a row no way right okay there was now made for black so both players missed maiden one no way dude no no way i mean i know there's a hanging queen yeah and now there's a hanging queen and i i'm sure black wins this game somehow right okay now now there's uh i'm i i know i i i i i um uh really just hanging a full rook in all your pieces okay come on what is this okay i'm saying like uh 200 okay i'm not even looking at the rest of the game it's the first game in history i don't finish and if if you are actually if you are not faking this you need the beginner bootcamp asap email me uh who you are i'll give it to you for free okay i don't even i don't even know two uh the 100 is your rating 300 300 look at this look at this okay so um henry mr henry history channel henry wow they got the same accuracy bro how did they get the same accuracy why should i have an accuracy of zero oh my god i i i yeah i mean look look this this a chaotic gamer both chances and no no look at th this no no i the the look if i die like before the age of 60 it's because of this game okay we're going to now go look at the final game maybe we need a minimum elo submission because that was i mean good good god good god oh my god oh my god i mean the eval bar might die early because of this good god i i that didn't even look real that game was so absurd it literally looked like you were on the phone coordinating what moves to play you both hung mates in one you hung both on your queens and then at the end white was like i'm just gonna hang all my pieces like i'm done playing you ever have that you're like playing a game you're like why am i playing this effing game i want to go do something else you just forget you're playing just leave you haven't you have you're completely winning your opponent's stalls all right here we go yes thank you finally pristine pristine chest h4 h6 now g4 yeah why are you not playing g4 like do you even understand the point of this move the point is obviously to trap the bishop and if they don't go here the bishop is you're supposed to do this why are you playing bishop d3 dude okay now white needs to solidify the center take as much space as possible over here very important to play h5 so black cannot get out of this structure knight f3 okay fantastic there's no f4 very good okay no c pawn very good oh playing directly into g4 very nice bishop d2 nice and positional nice and so this is an example of a player who got my course when it was on sale got really motivated studied it for about 36 minutes and didn't touch it for six months while convincing themselves they will and also that they're very busy okay that that probably i just probably called out about 85 percent of y'all listen to me if you buy that if you buy it i'm about to make it i'm about to make it so y'all got to pay every month and send you emails every month like bro why'd you buy this course and you're gonna be like oh my bad all right my bad and all right so get to it all right stop supporting your favorite creator but throwing away cash you could have used that money for something else all right like only fans or hellofresh or donating to charity or only fans anyway long castles um knight takes h4 alright knight takes h4 and um fantastic uh let's turn on the evil so this is a winning of a pawn but but white is winning why is white winning i never said my only fans this is just an only fans why is white winning because white has a lot more development and white is going to start a pawn attack now the chances that white actually plays at 4 in this position are probably negative oh why black hasn't moved anything this is like losing to someone in a boxing match who doesn't even use their hands you like throw a punch they duck you hurt you like herniate your your your whole spine trying to no come on they haven't moved anything just look at the diagonal and now you play bishop e3 okay now now black is going to develop all their pieces okay you know black is gonna don't trade please don't play if you play knight b6 i'm not gonna look at the rest of the game why did i say that because now i'm going to lie to the audience i have to look at the rest of the game why would you trade and open up your opponent's rook while you're down material no no no no no no i lied i lied chat i'm sorry i lied mm-hmm don't hang the rook oh [Β __Β ] oh god oh you're so lucky it's not mate you're so lucky it's not a mate oh but i like this move okay you get credit for not letting them castle okay okay this is very scary this is not easy while white while black is gonna take everything you're gonna get in here you're gonna take some stuff yourself or the rook nice and now it's a draw now the craziest part about this position is it's a draw only if you repeat moves but naturally you're a human so you're not going to repeat moves you're going to take a rook and be dead lost again obviously now you're dead lost again you have to make the draw when you're down two rooks for a bishop like you have to make the draw when it's two rooks for the bishop you can't even if you go on to win this game you have to make the draw that's the best thing to do but b5 oh my god now black is gonna go b4 yeah black is tunnel visioning oh my god after bishop h6 white is winning of course white doesn't play that yeah queen f6 oh but why wouldn't you go king eight to stop the oh my god now everything you do oh my god your take boss why would you not take with check like don't you've been taking every pawn take the damn pawn with a check now it's a draw again but of course it's not going to be a draw now white is winning oh my god white is winning queen oh my god beef okay it's still not over oh a takes b4 king a4 b3 king a3 bishop c1 is mate no way right oh oh oh oh my god oh my god the madman just won down two rooks and games like this make you so excited because games like this you go yes good thing i bought the gotham gambit's rappers with the gotham e4 course yes i won this game because of the course and then you like go back and analyze and you were straight up just down two rooks and it it you were it was minus 12. it was minus 12 and you won and you're like yes good thing i bought the e4 course baby this is also why statistics of games are really false because imagine like thinking that you won this game because of the opening oh my god oh my god i have no idea probably like 1100 right probably 1100 but i mean does an 1100 blunder this no i a thousand it's not higher there's no way it's but you know it was really resilient i must say like 11 to 1200 that's what i think because they knew too much the players knew a little bit too much eleven to twelve hundred eleven to twelve yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah at the ceiling 12.99 oh my god i can't wait this has been such an insane episode all right here we go white was 1260 and black was 1500 yo no disrespect to black but that's it brother that's it no more chess that's it brother yo if this guy is 1500 i am mend what i said previously anybody can be 1500 anybody anybody a person in a coma can be 1500
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 659,071
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gothamchess, gothamchess london, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess openings, gothamchess vienna, guess the elo, gothamchess guess the elo, guess the elo gothamchess
Id: ZaA7CqEK5Cc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 14sec (2174 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 29 2021
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