He’s too busy for you!

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hey hey Tony Gaskins here popping in addressing a question today about a man being too busy for love now it's different times that this goes on in a man's life and I want to help you understand this because you maybe you've been in a relationship where it felt like the man was only focused on work like he worked and he worked and then when he was home it was wham bam thank you ma'am or you got nothing at all from so it's a lot that goes into it it's a lot to understand about a man and also realize that I am never excusing a man I'm just explaining a man so that's what you have to understand and it may be totally different for a woman I've never been a woman so I don't know what it's like to be a woman if you're a woman you've never been a man so let's get that understanding now realize this when you are in the dating phase and you are you met this man y'all are dating listen to this and realize this if he is too busy for you and when I mean too busy for you I mean inside of 12 months so when you inside of 12 months if he is too busy for you it is because you are not his wife and that right there that's that's because he does not want you he does not see you as his wife you may be pretty you may be smart y'all maybe got along great he maybe gave you so much time the first month two months three months six months if it's inside the first 12 months and he says you know I'm focused on my career I'm focused on me I just got too much going on I got to get my money right I you know I don't want to be in a relationship until I have my money right then you're not his wife you got to understand that there's no ifs ands and buts about that there's no if ands and buts about that because listen the number one thing to a human is love no human will ever reject love real love for money real love for money see some humans block their heart from feeling real love so they're not actually rejecting real love for money they just won't even process love they won't even a loot they won't even allow a person to get that close to them or to break through those guards so they don't even process it and they just focus on their money success career and all of those things it's you always hear me and say well I want to be financially stable before I get married and that's a lot it's a lot a lot of men say that but what that man doesn't may not even realize about himself when he's using that excuse he's saying that because he fears love he's saying that because he doesn't understand relationships and he doesn't understand love he doesn't understand women he doesn't understand himself so he's heard the term and he's had the thought I want to be financially secure before I get married and it actually makes no sense because no one is financially secure you're never financially secure because if you are wealthy that means your money is in the stock market or real estate those things are volatile so they just lost 20 to 50 percent depending on how you had your money set up so it's a lot of people with real estate right now that's empty there's a lot of people that own hotels they have nobody in them and these 1 to 3 to 4 months even when the country opens back up a lot of people still not gonna be going because they worry about their own safety and healthy and in health so guess what these people who were billionaires because of this hotel these hotels or multimillionaires could be filing bankruptcy in a few months see what I mean nobody is financially secure if Warren Buffett money is in stock market he could have just lost 40 to 50 sent over this stuff and it's no telling what its gonna do in the next six months to twelve months going up and down and how many billions he's lost so until a man get to that point to where he can lose billions and still be a billionaire and he's not gonna get there not a man you mean so listen to me that's a lot of men tell themselves and it's a lot of men tell women a man who's looking for love a man who's looking for real love if he's flat broke and he meets you he wants you to be with him and he wants you to be his wife because truthfully he wants to know that you love him for him not for what he can do for you that you love him for his heart for his character and that you see his ambition that you can see his vision you can see his goals and see that he has the character and the integrity to pursue those goals but he wants if he feel that you're his wife he wants you to take that journey with him because what sense does it make for a man to do everything on his own support himself uplift himself hold himself accountable and reach his financial security without the help of a woman and then give all that he's earned to a woman get married and be in a position to where she now owns 50% of everything that he's worked for that makes no sense that is why a lot of men who were degenerate or grown boys and didn't know how to treat a woman focused on business and making money and that's why you see them get money and get millions and never get married ie P Diddy look at somebody like P Diddy look at somebody like 50 cent you know look at these individuals who became multimillionaires and won't get married have not gotten married why it's because they fear settling down with one woman loving one woman and being volatile being in a situation where you don't know this woman you you don't know her was the word her intentions you don't know if she wants you for your money because one might look like a frog one might look like a cricket and these men when they look at themselves in the mirror they not on 10 times think they are there you know a lot of men hard on themselves so he like okay it can't be me because I ain't the best looking thing in the world you know so what'd you want me for and then they looking at these women that they got that they that they could line up they looking at them and they saying okay let's backtrack all right 10th grade 8th grade my look and your look were they dating in eighth grade were they dating in 10th grade were they dating in 12th grade you don't like me you like my money you like what I could do for you so a lot of men who made it without the help of a woman they don't want to get married so when a man tells you I need to be financially secure before I get married or before I settle down in a committed relationship that's hogwash he full of it what he's saying is really what he's saying is you're not my wife but I don't want to tell you that you're not my wife because I really don't know what a wife is and I really don't know what a real man is inside of a relationship and I really don't know what I'm looking for but I'm feeling like you're not what I'm looking for all the way you might be 75% but if I keep my money up maybe I could get a woman that's a hundred percent of what I want and you not that but I'm gonna tell you that I need to focus on business and building myself and get my finances in order instead of telling you that you not the one I'm gonna tell you is my finances that's not in order so that hopefully you'll wait hopefully your date me without pressuring me your being a relationship with no real commitment no real security about your future and my plans for your future so hopefully or hopefully you'll be a friends with benefits and you will you know allow yourself to sit over there you know stay on your back giving me what I need cooking my food doing my laundry wait you know me to get my money right and then that's where see is that right there then that's where you see this thing where men get the money and then leave the woman get the money and leave the woman like that like the boy Jesse Williams who when you look at his wife they don't eat that didn't they looks don't even match like that me being a former matchmaker and me studying relationships men who look like Jesse wait I don't know if I'm saying what name right but it's the light-skinned fella that got up on the BT Awards and gave the speech and gave us gave the speech you know like he's been in in the struggle on his whole life he gave that kind of speech and him and then he divorced his wife and then to my knowledge I think I saw already got somebody new got a new one that looked totally different and his wife okay so is that thing what people saying oh this woman supported this man built him up bill him on did he get off he get successful then he wanted divorce he won't leave that is the situation where the man told a woman I'm not ready to settle all the way down to get married and all of that and had a woman there as a helper she helped and she supported then they may get married they may get married after because he sees what she can do for him and now I'm speaking about this that couple right there no more ain't speaking about them specifically I'm saying in general so what happens in a man and say I'm pursuing my goals my dreams if he meets a woman that's crazy enough to go to work and work 40 hours a week and while he in-between jobs in between his producing jobs his acting jobs his entrepreneur gigs and he had no money but she working full-time so he could trace a chase a dream and she's going to see our end she a doctor she a lawyer she supervisors here managers here HR you know person and she make enough money to pay them the rent or to pay the mortgage they paid her card no his car no insurance if she crazy enough to do that while he chase her dream chase of fantasy and she hold him down really she holding him up but we call it holding him down she's holding him up that's when he'll go ahead and marry her for what she can do for him and then when he get his now I'm gonna get what I want I hear you see what I mean that's why I tell y'all women you plan yourself you plan yourself when you when you say well I don't know man who don't make X amount of dollars because you can't put a dollar amount on character because it depends on his industry it depends on when he's got in that industry when he started that job so he could this man could be full of character and integrity but getting $30,000 a year because he's the executive director of a nonprofit that helps young men learn how to be better young men and so out of the money that he gets in grants or that he raises he can only legally pay himself $30,000 a year as the executive director and doing things the right way yeah he could steal other money but this man got character and integrity so you see this man and you like oh he 45 he only made 30,000 a year he ain't my type of man he can't do nothing for me and that's all you learn about when you got enough money to take care of yourself but what you instead want to do is yo go a man who made 800,000 the last five years because he was in this business or he was an athlete or he was an entertainer but now his career finish his career for entertain he see you working a full-time job you got money because he tall dark and handsome and he got money right now you'll ignore the lack of character so he might curse like a sailor drink like a fish smoke like a chimney gamble like a casino he'd do everything sleep around like a porn star he'd do everything you were ignore all his flaws because he attached to money and in the next year he retired or in nineteen hit not his big business that he had bankrupt and then guess what you chose him for the wrong thing not you played yourself but then guess what demand over here with the character and integrity getting thirty thousand a year he on the rise not he fennec line nahi fender climb now you and this relationship with this man who looked like money who you thought could take care of you financially and sit you down cuz you tired of working now you and this relationship looking broke busted and disgusted looking like who shot John I forgot to kill him and then this man over here that you ignore it with the 30 K guess what now he had a million a year now he had a million a year because not stuffed and took off in his life his other business ventures and took off in his life but you ignored his character and you wanted to sniff the booty of the man who said I need to work on my finance and focus on my bid and focus on my grind get things in order get financially stability financial stability before I settle down with you you chasing him because you think that means he ambitious and he a good man he hard-working and he gonna be a provider no and you ignore his lack of character see what you got to realize is a man who was honest and he has integrity he's looking for a teammate he's not looking for a woman he could sit down and carry and a woman he could rescue that's not what a man looking for it ain't a man dream to sit you down now yes he might be okay with you sitting down when y'all have children or y'all got y'all own business and you help them run that so you not punching nobody else Clark yes he may be okay with that but before that he want to know that you willing to be a teammate that's what he want to know that you willing to be a teammate and a man with integrity with character no matter what his finances are at he don't want to be in a relationship because marriage is for better or worse not better in best marriages for good times and bad times not good times in better times so a man who was marriage minded if he had the low the lowest income he's gonna be out of his life he's not gonna run from a relationship because his money is not where he wanted to be because he understands by having a teammate that he can talk to that he can confide in that he can give a commitment to that he can marry and receive the favor of God on his marriage he understands that with that woman his thirty thousand a-year gonna become 300 thousand a year he understands that if he's a good man of marriage minded man and he gonna make that move see a man who says I got to put this relationship on hold for business he's not a marriage minded man marriage is not his goal being rich so he could stunt on the head on the haters is his goal being rich so he could get his land boy look good and have his jump off somehow women jocking him okay that's what his goal is that's what you got to understand that's the difference so guess what my wife was with me when I was making $20,000 a year you know why because I'm marriage-minded on marriage-minded so you know what I told myself I told myself the opposite of what a lot y'all hearing from these men today I told myself I gotta secure my relationship because that is the foundation so before anything else in my life takes off I got to find love and that's what I was looking for I was looking for my wife because I said to myself nothing my career my success my money everything else nothing else can prosper until I meet my wife and the reason why I said that is because I wanted to be in covenant I wanted to have a covenant with my Creator that says a man who finds a wife finds a good thing and receives favor from the Lord so I wasn't ready to be a minister and to go into ministry like Apostle Paul that I needed to be single so being that I wasn't going to be a single minister completely devoted to ministry I knew I needed to be married because if I wasn't going to be married I was still going to be fornicating so if I'm fornicating and I believe in God I'm blocking my blessings so if my main sin and biggest sin biggest temptation biggest struggle is fornication then I need to get out of fornication by getting married because as the Bible says it's better to marry than to burn meaning that if you don't have the strength to abstain then you need to get married some people have the strength to abstain so marriage is not necessary until they are ready for marriage me I needed to be married to be inside of a covenant and to remove the sin but I just wasn't gonna marry anybody so I was looking for my wife so when I met my wife guess what I was a criminology major most jobs in criminology you're gonna be a police officer or detention deputy you maybe can become a detective after you put in some time or maybe right out the gate but you're looking at from $20,000 $22,000 a year and after you didn't really really put in some time you know 15 20 years you may be around 65,000 to a hundred and twenty thousand depending on what role you in in the criminal justice field so here she is a biomedical science major so on her path to become a doctor so gonna be touching khana 200 300 400 thousand and or more depending on what field she end up going into then looking at me my trajectory was 45,000 a year but what she looked at was my character behind that my integrity my goals my ambition who I wanted to become now guess what look how life turned out because the motives were right I'm marriage-minded I'm looking for a wife I'm not saying hey hold me down sleep with me and courage me be there for me be a friend with benefits while I pursue the dream get in money and you stay over there with no security of a ring on your finger and a covenant that says until death do us part you sit over there with no security just unsure not knowing what's going on how it's gonna play out and just just watch me work and then when I'm not working and I need a little wham bam thank you ma'am they're a be there massage my shoulder roll up my head and then get on your back when I need you cuz I'm about this bad okay I'm chasing this money and that's what soul men and women doing Sam sitting up like a dummy like a deer in headlights thinking that this man got character ambition and integrity cuz he said he need to give his money right and you so caught up on being taken care of that that means more to you than anything the fact that he said he need to get his money right you gonna respect that now if he said I need to get my heart with God right you come na huh what what I got to do with a relationship you can't get your heart with God right in a relationship so with that right there your question then but if he say I need to get my money right okay all right yeah I understand that because in your mind you're saying okay yeah I wanted to get his money right because I showed need a man that can provide I sold need a man that gonna hold a household together uh-huh definitely get your mind right on table row Joker's out he'll that what you saying in your head but I choke mouth okay I understand you know I don't want to come between you and your dreams I believe in pursuing your dreams you know and just taking life by the horns and just going after what you want and to be honest with you that is very admirable you know because there's so many men out here with no ambition and they want to be carried by a woman so you've given him all his explanation all this excuse when really what he just told you is I don't want show but cuz you not my wife so I want you to stay on the sidelines get out the way while I pursue other women in the name of business so you wait over there without questioning me too much believing that I'm trying to get my finances in order but while I'm over here working I'm also gonna be on the text in the DM and on the phone and on secret dates with other women that I feel like have more potential of being my wife than you okay but ya believe that what I just told you you see what I'm saying that's how this thing here going so understand this right here and this way it goes back to reading a man judging a man by his character and his integrity don't get caught up on a dollar amount do not get caught up on that and then also understand listen to me not listen tell you you ain't listening you're not listening you think about everything other you're not listening listen to them a man is never going to walk away push away put on hold or delay his wife there is nothing there's no amount of money there's no amount of time there's no amount of age there's no amount of distance there's no amount of drama trauma issues worry stress pain baby mama drama mama daddy sister cousin there is nothing in the world that is going to stop a man from being with and loving and securing and marrying a woman he feels is his wife understand that understand that if you getting any other excuse as to why y'all can't be together why y'all can't get married you are not the one let me repeat that because your mind going elsewhere you are not the one do I need to say it in espanol e to you no you no no uno e - okay you are not the one now that wouldn't answer that's bad but you get what I'm trying to say all right so that's what I need you to understand when you get that to your head when you get that through your head hopefully is today move on with your life move on with your life and listen if he thought that you could be his wife 70% of the way and you say I'm not sitting around or lying on my back to wait for you to figure it out I'm gone if you say that there guess what that's 75% we're gonna can go and become a hundred percent could see what you just see this what you got to understand that's what you got to understand there's the caveat same nuances okay do what you got to understand is one of the things that a man loves and that a man wants is accountability a man wants a woman who is strong and confident that's why I try to tell y'all when you sit around waiting on a man believing his lies and excuses you're not getting cool points you think you being a ride-or-die you think you holding him down you think you you think you getting cool points no you getting full points you're not getting cool points you gain full points so let me explain this to you now listen to me now when you at 75% if he's looking at you and he said man I feel like I see my wife by lice and 5% know what he's saying to himself he'll tell you this so then he might hit you with a line like you know I'm just not ready for a relationship I'm just not ready to you know hey I need to get things in order in my life first before I completely settle down he gave that old life he get it old life because of Devils the true he wouldn't talk to you to begin with he wasn't shot a shot to begin with or let you shoot Joe shot to begin with if that was the truth the reason why y'all talking about for a woman he looking for a wife but oh hold me now but the reason why he telling you this now is because he he feel like you not the one but he's not sure so he need to keep an ace in the hole so he need to keep you over there because if he'd go out and he'd keep talking to other women and they know better than you and you actually okay you were 75 out of 100 but he told his other one she a sevenfold this other one was just 65 there's other ones just 69 and that's all she good for 69 so then he like oh man okay well she's still waiting over here cuz I thought money wins and Friday so she's still waiting cuz she think I'm pursuing business and get my money in order so she still sitting over there waiting I'm gonna talk to four or five other women and none of them even hit the 75 yet so alright alright I settle for her limit going back over here didn't he come back to you so now this when y'all talk being together in your mind three years five years seven years nine years 11 years and ain't married and then finally now he talk about marriage that's because he was so afraid because he was so unsure he was so immature he was so ignorant to love your relationships and what a real man is and what marriage is and what a real what real love is and what a real woman is he he was never taught he was never raised he just grew and so he was so afraid to pull the trigger on marriage that he just strong you alone he just strung you alone and the whole time he'd been cheating on you you've been cheating on you the entire time you might not know about a single instance of him cheating but if a man don't marry you within three years he cheating on you point blank period point blank period it's a ill what it is listen to what I'm telling you if a man don't marry you within three years you can cheat it on point-blank period because listen he's not against marriage because he already with you he already with if he if he with you then you came he got nothing against marriage you got something against being held by a covenant because he just what men this what a lot of men who not very spiritual who don't know God that's how they see things they see things like this if I marry you I'm in a covenant so if I cheat on you then you could divorce me and I could be held liable and now I got to pay spousal support alimony child support if we marry and you catch me cheating if we're not married and you catch me cheating there's no legal ramification if you leave at the most you can do is child support and then I will quit my job so now you can't even get that I will quit my job sell drugs on the table do gambling do little side work get paid under the table put my business and somebody else name and so now you can't even get child support you see what I mean that's what he meant dawn that what he meant dawn so listen never accept an excuse from a man on why he can't marry you other than you not the one make him tell you you're not the one unfortunately it's not gonna work because I don't think we're a fit that's what he need to say if he's not man enough to say that no other excuse will pay the bills no other I need to work on my money I need to work on myself I need to work on my relationship with God all of that is excuses because all of that could be done with your wife in a relationship listen shadows Hill around the world I'm gonna go ahead and go I'm gonna end right here I feel like I said enough I probably could say more but I don't want the video to be too long today cuz yo all your girlfriend's that you text they need to hit this video so send it to the video and they don't know me they never heard of me they not gonna listen to the whole hour so maybe they'll get through this 30 minutes sending say every woman and yo phone you just hit the share button and you could copy the link and then you text it all alone Texas era woman who not married but she dating so she know that a man if a man don't marry you within three years and I'm stretching of the year I'm stretching the year I don't add of the year cuz how sad our society is within three years he cheating on you and he don't believe you the 109 no you know what I forgot what I was gonna say I forgot what I'm about to tell you somebody that said 5% not let me hit that caveat a nuanced real quick now when he look at you and he thank you a 75 when you tell him and he gave you this excuse about why he can't be in a relationship why he's not ready for a relationship or why he's not ready for marriage y'all might be in a relationship my hockey and he tell you why he's not ready for marriage and you say okay okay thank you put that person your shoulder hmm see you later when you get ugly guess what that's 75 that you was just went to a hundred it just went to a hundred when you get up to walk out the door because not he see wow just want me law huh cell no it didn't go to a hundred it went to about 80 85 now he fender try you see if you serious about leave and see if you've really done if in the next 30 days to 90 days if y'all will sexually active he could sleep with you okay boom that 85 went back down 75 Union by that life you know real woman you ain't gon hold on man accountable you don't love yourself so just like I thought you said in 5 out of 100 that's a see that's a see ok then you know c-plus ok you will see you average that's what he thinking in in mind all right now listen to me when he tells you this lame excuse or why he can't marry you or why he can't be in a relationship and then you stay you don't even attempt to leave you stay and you are relegated to being a friend with benefits or just a friend and you still hang around after y'all had a romantic interest and he tell you that he don't want to get married or he don't want to be in a relationship per se and you stay not at 75 just went down to 45 now he's looking at to like trash and find me a piece of lint on his he'll flow it's a piece of piece of tile see this hello this right here mm-hmm did right here something hit my ceiling this hip hanging down it's a chip paint if what he's looking at you life I'm get to get a good look at this you see that right here what this is this right here going to flow I got your back but I had Peter son hit my ceiling piece of paint chip now what are you looking at to life under his foot you know that lint when you take your sock off and then let be between your toes that's what he's looking at you like knowing you did your hand in your pocket and then let me down there in your pocket and you can get that lint out of it after you wash your clothes that what he's looking at you like because he just told you he don't want a relationship but you still you still around he still could call you he still could reach you you still on your bank sometimes you still on your bank some of y'all still on your back with a man who told you he's not ready he to commit fully in a relationship because he got to get his money right or because he got to get his life right or because he got to get some things in order but he's but you still giving him access to your life he's looking at you like a piece of trash you hit me let me tell you what he's looking at you like see the hit tax that I ripped out this shirt oh no this dissing new shirt I don't wear the same shirt every day I got several a t-shirt so these tags from another service see I got two sets of 10 then what are you looking at you like just hides it really tight like this shirt nobody looking at you like you expendable you disposable I need you to get the understanding of what I'm telling you okay now what I'm gonna throw I this or this okay understand who you are in this man life that's what you got to realize so now guess what he's not a bad man for looking at you like a 75 at a hundred truthfully you are 75 100 cuz nobody perfect ain't none of us 100% of what somebody looking for if I was over six foot tall I probably would be a hundred percent of what my wife I still won't be a hundred percent if I was over six foot tall love to work out love to work out love rollercoasters could eat a plate of vegetables with balsamic vinegar and and just love the city and just shoot the breeze bye bye YouTube beauty bloggers if I had all those other things add it to my life then I would be 100 percent of what my wife looking for ain't nobody gonna be 100 percent of what you lookin for so guess what he's not wrong for thinking you were 75 100 cuz when you honest with yourself when you look at him he is 75 out of hundred he might be a 60 out of 100 when you look at him ain't now I'm getting ready to go tonight for your little friend hey friend and thank you for watching this video that your friend sent you now normally I talk about all night but just stay tuned now listen to me when you look at him he need 100% but guess how you get to that hundred guess how you get to that hundred when he realized that you not gonna play the fool when he realized that you gonna put that person on your shoulder and you're gonna get the gone because he said he's not ready for a relationship or he's not ready to marry you and in the problem that you did wrong if y'all got children you not married that was your mistake that was your mistake he asked you to do it but you had to say yes and you had to get on your bike so he was in the wrong and then you got in the wrong with him so both of y'all was in the wrong so now you got one two three four or more kids with this man and y'all not married so guess what he feels like he feels like he has you stuff so when he tells you I'm not ready to map for marriage yet because my finances are not in order and it's like listen you only never thought to ask this man listen he'll fool what is gonna change when your finances in order what is gonna change when we get married other than a lifelong commitment signed on the dotted line other than that what is gonna change because if you broke now you're gonna be broke in marriage you get money now we still ain't married and what it's going to assure me that when you get money we gonna get married and what make you think that I'm gonna be sitting around here waiting on you to get your money order because what kind of money you're trying to get and what man you see got money without a woman support him what man you see got money that you want to be like y'all I never thought to ask the man that the further explaining what you mean and why money gonna make a difference in marriage and and and why in marriage you supposed to be doing something different with your money then what then what you doing right now in this situation we like what's gonna be the difference other than him saying you are my rib you are my wife you are my help me you are my lover for life until death do us part you are the woman I want to grow old with you the woman I want to live out my days with that's what marriage is saying Madison I didn't do it money man I think I'm gonna do it money because when y'all get married you a team you become one y'all put y'all minds together and you get money together if you could get money before marriage then you need marriage you know you really don't need nobody that just now you just want somebody but you don't need nobody guess what a man need a woman and if a man don't need you then either ten time he ain't gonna want you a man want the woman that he need so what does he need you for if he don't need you to be a teammate to help him bill to help him organize to help him press forward then you're not his wife if all he need you for is to get on your bank and a pop up children then you're not his wife he don't even want you you just a dude he just let you hold that spot down til he find us on bail see me as a husband I'm speaking from a hug I need my wife I need my wife had it not been for her I would not be here today I wouldn't be here today earning living less highly favorite had it not been for her I guarantee you I would be in prison or in the grave because I either with a guy called hustling in the streets or I would have took somebody life or somebody would have took my life those are three things that would have happened without my wife's influence in my life now see some man they maybe wonder done that but they need a woman for moral support they need a woman they can confide in they need a woman that's gonna hold him accountable about eating right working out or reading their Bible or pursuing their dreams they need a woman they can go to and talk to that she's gonna be unbiased that she's gonna get him to real that she's looking out for his best interest that she want to protect him she want to protect him that's what he may need and guess what my wife is my consultant my wife is my life coach my wife is my therapist my wife is the CEO of my companies my wife is my assistant my wife is my manager my wife is my lover okay porn star okay my wife is my nutritionist my dietician my shelf you feel me she is so many things to me that I meet her she'll have to tell you what I am for huh cuz I don't really know what word she'll put it in but I need her see yo man gotta need you what do he need you for if all he using you fuss to get on your back you don't ask you for no advice you know I ask for your opinion when he asked you he don't listen that's not your husband that's not your her you have no influence in his life listen a woman's influence read the book and I read the book you're gonna be floor if you have not read the book you're living in sin okay then why are you going through what you're going through because you don't putting a little knowledge in your mind I read a book I'm telling you now understand understand is here what you have to realize is you gonna have to look this thing in the mirror and you're gonna have to stop falling for the lives I have some of the questions I get from women that's why I got to do the work I do and I thought me and get mad well man why you why you gonna do this for the man why you gonna talk to the man like that why you man do you see the questions I get from the women some of this stuff be so simple to me I'm like what you believe what he said you believe that okay I understand that what he told you but let me ask you you believe it come on now come on now y'all got to get get listen and you finish the video go watch every other video what you need to do what you need to do is click on my name up on this video and say Tony Gaston when you click right there it's gonna take you to my page when you click videos it's gonna be a drop down menu it's gonna go to the videos the drop down menu it's gonna say newest oldest most popular click on oldest it's gonna take you all the way back to my third video probably from 2011 whichever video don't have a red line up under that means you didn't watch that video you could click that video you can add it to a playlist you could put a playlist new knowledge click every video that don't got a red line up under it and add it to a playlist called new knowledge that way when you clean it when you drive it you open up your YouTube account on your YouTube app go to click on your playlist and then you click on new knowledge in our other video right there and they're gonna autoplay listen to me if you tired of seeing asked you two got you tool premium the way you can sign up that's worth your knowledge if you tired of seeing advertisement and somebody later wrote me yesterday telling my sheet unsubscribing cuz it's got advertisement listen here listen everybody that's how I get paid that's how you two'll pay me for my likeness for bringing my brand to their site that's how they compensate me so when you say you tired of ass that means you just wanna take from me but don't want to give that it don't work like that if I'm giving time that put them advertisement for YouTube saying he'll he'll go ten cent for somebody watch this advertisement so here you go ten cents oh here go a sin that's how you to pay yeah okay and then just depending on how they do it adds up to where it make it worth the time away from your family because you helping feed your family so so for everybody don't understand how advertisement work on YouTube video that's hard work now that's a sidebar what you need to do is if you got right here and anywhere in this video your mind went to picture in your last relationship when the picture in this conversation when it did that you missed two or three sentences so watch it over again because one thing I'm saying is that people watching the videos and asking me a question that was answered in the video so that mean you either didn't watch the whole video or you watched enough that you thought that I wasn't gonna cover what your question was or when I answered that question you was doing something else thinking about something else reading something else because you had it as background noise but you wasn't actively listening so get this over again in your spirit and in closing this end closed our eight get on key from a benediction now in closing what I need you to understand is if a man sees you as his wife he will never tell you I'm not ready for a relationship because of this if he sees you as his wife he will never tell you he's not ready for a relationship or he's not ready to marry you if y'all have been together more than two years if he sees you as his wife hey Tony guys and god bless you we'll talk soon
Channel: Tony Gaskins
Views: 71,651
Rating: 4.9569993 out of 5
Keywords: why do men put business first, what does it mean if he tells me he needs to focus on work, he's too busy for a relationship, he wants to get his money right before marriage
Id: KO9bYV9wT5g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 27sec (2907 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 23 2020
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