Asmongold Just Can't Handle FFXIV: Heavensward ENDING

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gentlemen today is the day now is the time the moment is at hand because today we will be completing heaven's word oh my god look i think that's it what was that she won't hold chief she's breaking up oh [ __ ] sid it's no use we must return to ishgard and find another one oh no no [ __ ] crash that [ __ ] in there wait no no god damn it master garland based on your experience is there no other way that we might breach the barrier if it isn't feasible to nullify the barrier we might try piercing it simple we create a ram of condensed ether and mounted on my ship yeah simple there's just one problem just drive into a really fast faintest idea how to build one it's got to take a true authority in the field i reckon is she naked oh my god oh my god oh my god wait we got her back holy [ __ ] and you want for some manner of etheric ram to pierce the floating r's protective barrier how the [ __ ] does she know that might you be able to furnish us with one a means to prise open a hole in an alagan barrier nay i lack the knowledge to devise such a weapon well [ __ ] but i know of one who could latoya my former master oh [ __ ] okay okay ready to go whenever you are let us go and meet the legendary metoyah oh we're gonna meet this girl she better be hot man oh man i hope she's hot all right let's go a word of warning before we proceed stubborn geniuses make poor hosts and time will have not to improve my master's temperament so she's a crazy [ __ ] she's crazy and hot wow this is a rock wait what she can do that oh my god don't you know it's rude to enter without knocking the use of today no manners at all oh [ __ ] man [ __ ] you guys [Music] though we neglected to know we did create something of a commotion i had hoped that would suffice man i really y'all really had me going man you don't have any points why i'll do that she's hot though nah bro is she not heavy-handed as ever i see and still not a hint of grace some things never change damn oh she's getting roasted right in there she was hot yeah like [ __ ] by back in world war ii yeah probably to give credit where credit is due i learned from the best it has been too long master latoya oh [Music] no indeed it has oh it's good to see you again my girl and with your fiery spirit unquenched look at you all grown up and womanly true the one there in the fancy duds that's luis suarez's granddaughter i take it good little little fancy pants [ __ ] boy yeah true call little fancy pants [ __ ] boy i said grandson begging your pardons you knew my grandfather my lady yeah granddaughter yeah i do oh my god knew him we were constantly at each other's throats like rabbit dogs we were oh he was our stubborn bucket was your grandfather never a dull moment when he was around i won't give him that as for you boy i've known you since you were a rosy cheat babe at the teats wow they [ __ ] yo chill bruh damn chill and my sister too my gabba may i say what an honor it is to meet you again my lady damn wait why is wait look at this y'all can't see it look at the little frog there's a little dancing frog behind him just for no reason just chilling there being a frog spare me the hollow pleasantries boy i'll wait for my remaining good teeth you didn't come to a forgotten corner of eosia to flirt with the wrinkled woman god damn what is it you need of me god damn so dude she so she called him a girl with a bunch of fancy little clothes on and then said a bunch of good things about her about his grandpa and now he's telling him telling him he's a little [ __ ] dude man y'all really ha i'm gonna be honest y'all really have me fooled as is love i never thought i'd hear that name again i actually got fooled oh man you are familiar with it so is she like a blue or a black mage because of the hat yes i'm familiar with it as familiar as one can get from pouring out coarse iron steel a black set the aisle afloat not long before the sun set on their empire old luis suarez and i often talked about it wow the place is home to a research facility dedicated to finding ways of mastering mighty beings such as primals and dragons and find ways you did to frightening ones wow such secrets has libraried on as is now i'm fit to see the light of day and now you tell me a band of dragon beating primal botherers are trying to dig them up surprise that's why we're playing the game indeed and to make matters worse the aseans have a hand in their plot they must be stopped no matter the cost please please take him down another peg i see oh dear very well oh [ __ ] oh she's gonna help us she's from final fantasy one oh that's crazy you will help us then truly i have not anticipated such an impassioned response could it be that the presence of young blood has stirred your own uh oh ah some things never change one day that purpose is going to cost you your tail my girl don't say i didn't warn you her tail was some 50 years ago 50 [ __ ] days faced with a threat of invasion the people of charlemagne scrambled about remains to resist the empire for my part i was tasked with developing an etheric converger damn she's old ah yes a device which draws in ether and concentrates it to produce a destructive force yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah but as my research neared its end it was denounced by the forum who claimed that my device was more likely to destroy us than our enemies oh she's pissed after that they and i had a little falling out and i decided to seal away all the fruits of my research lest the dunder headed in greats reap any benefit petty i know but gods it was satisfying damn dude yeah she put she was encrypted exactly mine is deceive it was you was it not who was so fond of saying that all knowledge exists to advance mankind that how it is used depends on us uh oh i don't remember perhaps all right yes it was a pet phrase of mine and that should give you a notion of how sick and tired i was of those spineless wretches of the forum yeah the forums suck trousers that's why i decided to remain behind rather than join the exodus yeah i mean if your forearms are pretty bad i mean let's be honest i you can see where she's coming from you may have had your disagreements with my grandfather but upon that point your minds were as one it seems that way with respect master the fruits of your research should not be left to spoil will you share with us the secrets of the etheric converger okay so she's going to help us oh i will all the information you need is contained in a tome i wrote on the subject but you'll have to fetch it from the forbidden section of the great library i can do that ah you were not exaggerating when you said that you had sealed it away yeah i can do that though the city is abandoned the library's guardians are all but certain to remain okay we must needs cut a path through them come letters away let's go not so fast you lot stolen the boy are staying with me [Music] oh [ __ ] i need help to make new sentinels to replace the old ones you walloped they'll be bought and lodging don't you worry but know that you'll have to work for them hard i'll have no sluggards in my house wait so we just got script i'm fine so they have to do the error she's such an [ __ ] yeah uh oh and so now i have to go and do all the hard work well they just have to sit around and deal with this old lady i don't know which one's worse well the great library's guardian shouldn't pose any difficulty for a hero like you you'll hardly notice stole his absence and then the and the boy whatever the girl boy maybe this is why people start to like alphano is because he just gets roasted and beat down so many times you just start to feel sorry for him because he it just happened so much a girl boy whatever would only get in your way but if it turns out that you aren't up to the task well then i'll know that uh they'll know you can't be trusted with something as dangerous as an etheric ram now the library's entrance is locked tight i'll own you one of my servants to open it the broom yonder well what are you waiting for introduce yourself boy all right let's talk to the broom um i shall unlock the door at once whenever you have what you seek pray return to the cave and report to my lady oh oh [Music] we have to kill books okay i can do that [Music] damn this is a nice oh nevermind there we is they we is let's see i got scaled down they took down my gear man all right let's see here okay um let me just look around i've got pretty good gear though honestly i should be able to do this real fast i don't know when i should pop cds and when not to yeah all this area is like kind of new to me so i'll just go ahead and play through it and see what happens okay that's a dead ass [Music] wow [Music] school and phantasmagoria every time i see that word i think of the map and poe man oh [ __ ] oh this is just like the that one boss in that one place yeah the demon wall all right let's go i'm gonna pop this oh we got the music playing and everything holy [ __ ] okay uh i guess i'll put that down dude uh this one's so hard to place too okay what did that just happen oh who cares doesn't matter okay apparently it slowed my gcd so now i have an eight-hour dcd something like that oh i get out of that dark blizzard oh i know all about that okay repel i'm assuming we have to get close for that yeah okay charge back over here good and disclosure okay we have to go over the other side [Music] [Music] wow i i didn't know that for its winter i don't know what this does at all okay oh it's slippery it's happy feet okay okay okay i got it now yeah now i understand okay getting out of that there we go there we go big [ __ ] damage nice so now he's gonna do disclosure again no okay does this so i don't wanna move now [Music] wait i do wanna move [Music] and then i jump over to him okay all right i figured it out he's carving spit oh yeah i got my new ability you're right damn wait did that give me mana back oh it does damn dude i'm going to use that all the time that's awesome that's a dead ass [ __ ] oh it's the fir it's the danger furbys i really like the uh the reflective stuff i think that looks cool oh my god dude these dungeons are really cool all right here we go guys i probably shouldn't cast that then actually now that i think about it okay [Applause] big dick damage long dick damage the longest of long deck damage okay now he's gonna do a charge okay he's in vulnerable he's in vulnerable all right all right let's get on this guy killing him [Music] okay charging over to this moving out of that cast there we go keeping momentum perfect okay and now we have to oh we have to take it to him we take it to him eat a dick there you go dude that's dick eating time okay let's go massive [ __ ] damage i'll hit a cool down up there we go it's pretty obvious you know you don't need to be super smart to figure this [ __ ] out there we go perfect [Music] charging over to him back on his ass back on his ass back on his ass always on his ass easy e mo [ __ ] z dude damn what is this this is the forbidden area isn't it oh [ __ ] i bet it is this is where the bad boys are at this is where all the bad boys are at okay let's go over here we're gonna do all right y'all want to see a big pole right i'll pull everything that i can [Music] living dead why wouldn't i just want to be living living yeah i'm just trying to be living living there's no reason to play living dead okay got him got him got him easy easy easy okay let's keep moving y'all said you wanted big pulls right hit that right there heal myself come on massive [ __ ] damage boys huge [ __ ] damage [Music] come on come on dude do some do some other [ __ ] abilities let's go where's my [ __ ] mana okay there we go we're better i was upset there for a second okay this one's dead amazing wait what we beat it wait that was it [Music] it's face wait it is facebook oh my god i didn't even realize that yeah you're right okay let's do it um yep we're all here okay there we go master damage the ever-living biblioth okay [Music] avoid calls do you have to go to these yeah it looks like we do okay [Music] we have to get every single one of them okay good all right that makes sense because we didn't have to stand in them [Music] choculati the mvp i did not know that okay massive damage guys he can't stop me now okay that guy's running out obviously it's a gripping mechanic okay two got it i'm going going shocking let's go to the next one talking it's me and you there we go nice nice dude there it is there it is let's go okay back in on him back in on his ass back in on his ass back in and on his ass let's go huge [ __ ] damage right now okay he's probably gonna do that thing again is this gonna be groups of three or a group of five let's find out seems like a group of five find out in just a second here dude this guy does a lot of damage holy [ __ ] yep groups of three [Music] go there all right good [Music] okay there we go all right we made it jesus we could have gotten got there i ain't gonna read no damn books [ __ ] that [ __ ] bro what's this wait no way dude i only need one more [ __ ] yeah okay here we go now what is she gonna try to talk to me again or no i'm just chilling okay wait oh oh that was in another place i'm like what the [ __ ] dude what the f oh it told me it's got a sparkly on it that makes it easier to find it easy how many commendations do you have not enough i need three thousand commendations so if you ever play with me please give me all your commendations even if i do it wrong yeah i especially need the commendations then [Music] because i have to offset the ones where i don't get it right like so yeah i just make sure that yeah if you guys have any any if there are any commendation uh bestowers uh just let me know okay i had not thought to behold this tome again surprise what's she gonna blow it up portrait font thanks for five subs man appreciate it there it is deciphered now your friend should be able to make sense of the course oh she used google translate that said is one thing to understand the workings of the etheric converter and another to actually make it work yeah you do realize how much ether is a google translate sid is keenly aware of the energy dilemma his airship is by no means large and it can only bear a limited quantity of crystals if only we had white auraside in the etheric siphon true alas menphilia is missing along with both artifacts and the moon breeder is gone man don't remind me about that that's so like like milfina like as i said she's useless but to lose moon burrita like that was [ __ ] that was not necessary would that there were another ready wellspring of energy for us to draw upon let me guess she de montoya's gonna be like wait a minute [Music] why did it not occur to us before we already have what we need the eye oh wow has been drawing ether into itself for as long as the great worms have lived it is a veritable wellspring of energy damn that actually is smart it might just suit our needs but is this energy something that can be harnessed at will i would assume so because we killed my dog i believe so yeah with the aid of the azure dragoon of ishgard yeah big pimpin yeah true then it is settled let us return to the holy see at once [ __ ] yeah dude all right the great google laboratory yeah it was good what's she talking about oh stella wait uh-oh when did the light fade from your eyes what [Music] i might have known that it would not escape your notice it has been this way since i returned from the live stream an after effect of the teleportation magic i invoked most like they are called forbidden spells for a reason what were you thinking girl oh sure i have no regrets i but did what was necessary to preserve the light of hope to keep my promise to memphis damn besides it afforded me the rare opportunity to wander the ether a once in a lifetime experience i need not tell you that it consumes your very life force to see by sensing the ether around you take care of yourself do you hear me why i will master motoria and thank you [Music] so if she's blind then how she walking around not tripping over a book or some [ __ ] she sees ether oh so it's like you know the uh the not the terminator the other one predator where the predator would see things in heat signals it's like neo i don't know about neo here we go feels needy okay oh you're back the preliminary work on the enterprise is more or less finished tell me you found a way to build the etheric ram uh i did greetings said it's been a while oh there she is yeah i guess this is the first time they've met each other in a while isn't it uh his tone contains the fruits of my former masters research on a device known as the etheric converger our ram should operate in a self-same principle now where are my manners put a toy like this in my hands and i go off in my own world gods it's glad to see you um and bearing a gift besides a very distracting one if i might add if i didn't know better i'd think it was my name day but it's uh there might be time for cheerful reunions later i'll make start on tome right away as long as soon as i have a grasp on the fundamentals i should be able to knock something together which leaves a small matter of the energy source i believe that we found a solution to that problem as well oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] still bloody yeah the power of the eye is not to be drawn upon lightly but i believe that we have sufficient cause to do so damn that's crazy so this is the fable eye by the 12 it sees no wonder such power can be contained much less controlled boy our friends have kindly provided all the ingredients let's see if we can't make something out of them all right yeah let's go you're the chief we're not resting until the etheric realm is operational not one wink of sleep yeah that's right cabbage patch [ __ ] okay and i guess we get to turn that in that's nice and now what uh alphanod has a final request for you before departing to alice law uh given danger to tesla eyes before i say it's only right do we take a moment to bet our fins and allies farewell the last syd needs my assistance with master montoya's rather singular writings must i entrust this task of visiting those who will remain behind to you yeah sure let's go talk to him right the hour is nigh would be that i could join you in this coming battle but with my wounds i fear that i would only be a burden to you and consorting with the assistance and availing himself of primal powers my father made himself an enemy of all that is good and right in the world do whatever you need to end his madness may the fury watch over you damn okay [Music] it feels as if it was only yesterday whenever we met here in this chamber well it was actually like three days ago but yeah uh you came to us a fugitive seeking asylum and now you bear the hopes of our nation upon your soldier upon upon your shoulders [Music] damn he would not have told you but whenever horchat begged me to accept you into our household he's described you as hope incarnate in the time i assume that he was waxing lyrical as was his won't but i've come to see that he simply spoke the truth you are hope a shining beacon that shall guide the people of ishgard through the raging snowstorm he's given me this a memento where my son here he would have wished to fight at your side in the battle to come take care my friend and return to us all right [Music] damn i look good man until about recently the ish guardians have kept their doors firmly shut to outsiders true but thanks to you we have found in them stout allies with whom we may fight to secure the future of the realm truly you are the beacon of hope towards which all men are drawn what about all women spare us the hyperbole it is not for praise that we fight damn oh in light of all we have achieved i felt it only me to express my gratitude this guy this guy didn't give a [ __ ] dude all that we have achieved spoken like a true outsider until the war is over we have achieved nothing the coming battle is a chance to excise the root of this conflict and by my hand it shall be done then you may speak of achievement jesus dude god damn this as i said i think this is the uh this is my favorite character overall i like him the most it was not my intent to make light of your struggle if i have given offense then i apologize no he's not but if i may you would do well to be wary of the eye even now it burns with insatiable hatred watching unblinking for a sign of weakness should you falter for so much as a moment it will surely consume you no he'll be fine save your concern i will consume the i air i let it consume me god damn dude god damn oh [ __ ] wait that guy ran away as soon as he saw him what do you want 12 be praised thou hast not yet set forth what happened cross sand and snow have i journeyed that i might deliver this gift unto thee oh [ __ ] this is the magic ice cube white or a sight but whence did it come to mind amazement it lay hid amongst moon breeders last effects it was about blind it's a pokeball evidence that i did have to spy it let no man claim that my late friend air urged for lack of foresight true friend with benefits in the place wither thou goest servants of darkness do lie in wait pray give unto me thy pledge that thou wilt strike them down and avenge our fallen comrade damn okay i'm so confused though because like why was he talking because it was a cinematic where he was talking or or some sort of like consorting with the essentials and now he's giving us the crystal that will literally put them in a poke ball and kill them so i'm very confused about this and yes i i'm not asking i'm thinking out loud i'm not asking the question keep that in mind gentlemen let us go to alice law awaits all right let's [ __ ] go [Music] ah excellent timing we've just finished our work on the enterprise she's so much improved i've decided to give her a new name to suit the big dick ship the enterprise excelsior oh simply the excelsior is pressed for time all right that's just so fresh all right reminds me of stan lee whenever yeah it's better than a crystal braves that's [ __ ] true good point let's go uh how do you do no more than see you off with prayers for your safety and success damn there he is count drip you are coming to say what's up yet no but wheresoever you may go my son's spirit goes with you may the fury grant you strength damn portrafon gifted five subs see it worked return to us all of you all right let's go that means somebody's gonna die [Music] all right let's do it it's time [Music] whenever they make a comment of something like that excelsior engage i i think the new dave is dumb man like i honestly think it's dumb inner guy oh dude engage yeah that was cool i'll give you that [Music] they're just sitting there oh let's go let's break the [ __ ] through this man i'm ready this city is pretty cool oh [ __ ] here we go it's time this is it get ready all right let's go [Music] he's gonna use the oh [ __ ] here we go i of mine enemy me thy power [Music] what the [ __ ] oh [ __ ] this better not kill him no you will not claim me i am the monster damn able to resist sauron's influence that's impressive [Music] wow this place is fun wait where's the garland ship though oh [ __ ] we're gonna break through the wall [Music] damn we [ __ ] did it boys holy [ __ ] wait what happened [Music] no no dude [Music] god damn [Music] that's a big [ __ ] ship chief we've got an imperial battleship on our tail and it's bleeding massive yeah this came straight out of warhammer 40k holy [ __ ] this thing is massive god damn wait what the [ __ ] they're shooting at us damn it the bastards were waiting for us to open the door for them oh no dude seriously so wait well then how can they oh so we broke the whole thing so it wasn't like there was a little hole shake them hang on to something okay damn that sucks we're all going to die kataru wait tataru wait what oh [ __ ] what a simp yeah she won't take much more of this true okay now what did we crash the time has come to use heidlin's gift oh [ __ ] much blood has been spilled in my name and for what for a false cause that i created for want of the warmth of companionship wait wait what oh my gosh she got the dragon too saint shiva praise velga prayf give this fool the [ __ ] but even now i cannot let go of my dream my dream of a tomorrow in which no child need freeze alone in the snow what's she doing this is like a full power dragon though right because like now he's got uh two eyes oh [ __ ] [Music] what the [ __ ] is she doing [Music] [Music] what the [ __ ] is going born of on own hopes and dreams for the last time i beseech you oh she's gonna turn into [Music] bless us sheep eternal grace [Music] oh [ __ ] [Music] damn [Music] well that helps yeah holy [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is going on here this guy's pissed off wow [Music] what's she doing [Music] oh no wait no she alright or not um [Music] oh [ __ ] it's phase two i don't know what the [ __ ] gonna happen i have no idea but she's gonna fly the [ __ ] into them [Music] oh my god go good job [ __ ] why can't the dragon go get her oh farewell warrior of light and thank you for showing me the way no oh my god what's it was a crystal of light oh my [Music] she's gone [Music] oh [ __ ] dude what the [ __ ] dude she too was one of heidel's children i didn't like that came out of [ __ ] nowhere uh oh what's he gonna say fare you well my lady damn he tipped his fedora and respect [Music] wow damn yo i didn't i didn't expect we were gonna lose her like that dude what the [ __ ] she got god she actually got caught man that's so like what the [ __ ] man this is [ __ ] up i don't know about you but i'm glad to be back on solid ground even if the ground is floating in the sky when the imperial battleship arrived i honestly thought that we were finished and we would have been had your friend not arrived whenever she did yeah 12 grand her mercy brief through our time was you say i was a true friend a gentle soul who fought for her beliefs and she would have made a fied scion where does the scion but one who fights for our cause our hopes survive thanks to our sacrifice let that be enough i cannot help but wonder how did she come to know of our presence here she's watching a stream from harass fell velgar i would wager he his will oh he felt him whenever he used the crew that makes sense yeah it would seem that they were able to make peace with one another in the end make peace uh-huh she gave her life because she believed in us we owe it to her to see her mission through see that dome like structure further in let's make our way there damn okay let's go we'll get this [ __ ] done man that's sad man that's actually [ __ ] sad that we lost her and she was pretty hot too like that's what sucks is that it'll be one thing if like it was like tataru or something but like we had to lose her like another hot one oh my god what's this oh no oh man oh wedge you all right what's this i'm fine chief just tripped that's all what's this fool of a walla fell what were you thinking coming down here on your own death of a death by overwork is one thing death by stupidity quite another i'm sorry chief but i think i found something what is it this wreck of a sentinel this is no wreck chief she's still operational that's a drone a drone or a roomba or a miniature death star uh it's a miniature death star okay see i do see i does see initiating performing diagnostics diagnostics complete to proceed uh please agree to the terms and conditions of use i'm going to say i suppose yeah i suppose thank you to register as a user please state your name give your email address and your phone number and also another email address so we can sell it to our partners so they can spam you with emails for things that you don't want i'm wedge and there's asmingle uh registration complete welcome to alice master wedge of master asthma gold i am guidance node g gle okay yay well that made it a lot easier holy [ __ ] wow [ __ ] yeah dude [Music] okay we've got the big ball no don't need the status report in the facility what's he gonna do kelly you have to do what the chief says is it gonna blow up no what the [ __ ] yes that's it good girl how do you know it's a girl here we are not much of note it appears someone recently reactivated helix which is this area okay oh there they is dude by the arc bishop i'd wager i dare say he woke the place up whenever he used the van who's key that's what would make sense yes are there any other people in the facility if so where [Music] well that's smart sid asks the right questions let's see here on the flagship that's a central aisle i'm seeing positive readings within the aero chemical research facility and the fractal continuum and what if we hear intruders detected in the gamma quadrant defense system engaged our imperial friends i suspect i hope they enjoy the defense system but what of the arc bishop and his cronies yeah we got to stop the arc bishop uh what might offer an indication ah how about this which area is currently consuming the most energy oh this guy god damn uh somewhere called the triad control inside the research facility well let's go there then that settles it then let's find a way to cross over yeah let's go okay let's go we're on our way over there let's get this done we'll go fly over there we have to speak to the guidance note i really like this area this area is really nice okay and we'll talk to the alligan teleporter i i think yeah travel to the beta quadrant wait what is that what the hell i just do oh okay now what yes oh [ __ ] we're gonna get teleported what the [ __ ] oh damn i should have just got a flying mount this would have been way easier we wouldn't even have to do this whole quest line this is a joke what's this oh no holy [ __ ] that's the whole ship i like how i move my eyebrows down it's like i see this gigantic ship i'm like [ __ ] [ __ ] so the guardians managed to land repairs on their vessel appear to be well underway uh i doubt they will leave anytime soon however native will remain here long after they've been stripped the aisle of all their secrets uh whether they whether or not they mean to linger their presence here uh and now is an unwelcome complication or just go in there and kill them all indeed let us avoid confrontations unless absolutely needful i like how she says that looking at justinian by just looking at him knowing what he's about to do knowing what's about to [ __ ] happen oh it's just this guy well we just killed this guy this guy's a [ __ ] ass [ __ ] yeah what's this okay our objective lies at the heart of the aisle okay the third will remain to guard the ship while the second patrols the perimeter and eliminates any threats cool yeah i like their helmets their helmets are badass will come with me to secure the research facility let no man doubt the import of our mission the alagans found a means to capture icons alive all knowledge lies hid upon this aisle so they they invented a pokeball if we can put a quiet we would be able to prevent the beings from returning to plague us thus ending the cycle of rebirth damn wait a minute why are we wait that's good why are we stopping them we're on the same side i need not to remind you that success will raise our legion high in the emperor's regard okay i would assume so at the same token his radiance does not tolerate failure that is all all troops prepare for deployment okay i think this guy's kind of a [ __ ] balsar was way more badass than he was he had a way bigger dick guaranteed it will create more bafflements we'll just i don't know so that is their purpose okay to think that the knowledge used to bind no lesser being than bahamut sleeps here oh [ __ ] so baphomet was an icon okay okay so what's the difference between an icon and a primal icons are they just the same thing it's just the garlean word for a primal is is that basically it that is so [ __ ] that's so helpful i was so confused the whole time man imprisoning a primal in such a manner would represent an effective means to halt the cycle of summoning were it not for the grave and obvious risks what risk is that why would that be bad i mean when have you ever imprisoned a primal and then anything bad happened after that seems pretty good to me indeed we need but refer to past experience thus of bahamut's calamitous return to see why this is not the solution we seek and it's not i mean [Music] held interest a primal will continue to nurse its hatred for mankind and when it inevitably breaks free its rage will be beyond quelling can't we just kill it then if it ever breaks free like i think that seems simple whatever folly the guardians mean to commit they can wait we must remain focused on our task okay yes of course it would not be polite to keep the archbishop waiting true we're gonna go find that [ __ ] that stupid-ass old man oh [ __ ] well we just kill him it's no big deal i'm not worried about that who's his face dude okay that would explain my men's silence oh that's the guy we meet again and this time we will not be interrupted [ __ ] shut up get the [ __ ] out of here show me your power champions oh wow well this guy's ready to square up [ __ ] dude all right let's go i'm ready where'd he be at okay i should make the [ __ ] out of here get the [ __ ] out of here [Music] get the [ __ ] out of here dude he's getting destroyed absolutely eated and deleted not even paying attention to anything that's happening right now okay make sure i zoom out a little bit look at this damage like he's actually dude this is crazy maybe probably kill that guy over there real quick too get him out of the way there we go back on this guy but dude i'm hitting five thousand bro i'm hitting five thousands oh my god two shot yeah you're goddamn right well these the mobs are supposed to be fought by um should i stand in this uh yeah i'll just keep standing and it's fine it doesn't matter oh wait just a second go over to him [Music] got him okay let's kill this thing here there we go obviously i have to knock this out of the area there we go okay [Music] nice air support yeah he's getting this guy's getting destroyed let's be honest [Music] okay i don't know what all these x's are at all i have no idea i'm just gonna ignore them there's damage i'm doing what i need to man [Music] damn bro you got destroyed [Music] [Music] damn he's giving me a compliment this is a nice guy look at that we're gonna fight him again and i have thoroughly enjoyed our time together alas all good things must come to an end alagan secrets await and there is no profit to be had in remaining here [ __ ] so he's just gonna peace out [Music] okay what the wait there's more of them oh there's even more of them oh my god oh [ __ ] there's the air support right there okay are we gonna have to fight all these guys or just uh oh he's gonna leave keep them occupied oh wait so he's literally sending him out to die while he runs away like a [ __ ] oh my god what a [ __ ] dude what an absolute [ __ ] [ __ ] in his little escape ship keep them occupied equal suicide exactly see i told you guys i i [ __ ] told you guys he is the best character man it would seem we have no choice yeah let's do it i'm ready you must continue on we will hold them here wait me i'm fine dude i'll just kill them all real quick take the eye it should still hold enough energy to be of use to you always gonna give me the eye holy [ __ ] okay i shall join you as soon as i am able damn damn that's that's a big deal he better not but dude if he dies whenever we don't have whenever he doesn't have the eye because it like empowers him or some [ __ ] i'm gonna be furious make haste and stop the archbishop all right let's go i'm ready so am i doing a teleporter over there i am if he dies i'm gonna be psyched if we lose him i'm gonna be i'm gonna be a mad boy i'm gonna say that right now i'm sad oh man i'm gonna lose everybody again all right let's go go up the teleporter dude i look so good man with that set i look so [ __ ] good it is crazy how good i look bawling out of control that's exactly what i was thinking too welcome to the delta quadrant what methods are developed for for molesting uh for mastering dragons to this day the sector is home for living specimens brought over the southern continent or mercudia uh truly a testament of the greatness of the alligator the that's what they had the name for the dragons that were fighting with baphomet it was like the terror of mercuria or some kind of [ __ ] i remember its [ __ ] name it's the same one okay let's go talk to the uh let's go talk to the ball again that has ill tidings to share with you what could have gone wrong it was three seconds i regret to inform you that a matter uh the matter conduit leading up to the flagship is no longer functioning according to my records it was destroyed by a dragon which broke free of its restraints rather they failed approximately 2 369 years one month 24 days seven hours and four minutes ago [ __ ] please find an alternate route to the air i was thinking myself was that one of the dragons that was in the coils of baphomet probably not uh the alligator research uh council apologizes for any inconvenience cause because i would first think that would be twin tanya right because like it has that thing around its neck and maybe it broke free with that you know what i mean wait [Music] thy journey hath led thee to this accursed place can't thou hear it mortal the ceaseless keening of my kindred steeped in five thousand years of suffering long before the ashgardians in their base betrayal there with still more wicked men whose ambitions knew no bounds fearful of our might and covetous of our power they devised a means to enslave dragonkind their vile misdeeds did set in motion a train of events whose repercussions are still felt to this day beyond thou will find only my first brood heark thou into her words partake thou of her pain think of upon the suffering that the conflict betwixt our kinds has to be gone [Music] all right okay uh let's go over here this is good i'm getting so like yeah look at twin tonya right it's got this weird thing around its neck i assume that like maybe that was a dragon that broke free i honestly think that i think that they should make wow free to play up until level 50. like they should just make it for you to play to 50. there would be so many more people that would play the game [Music] oh my god a great worm is being held in some manner of restraint really i don't know i mean are you sure about that [Music] [Music] who cometh is forsaken place and disturbed my solitude what are you complaining about my child oh [ __ ] he came back [Music] none other my form is such that i may journey with heidel's chosen immortal who desireth to end the war between man and dragon damn dude we'll get her out [Music] melania have passed since i was brought low by the men of allag to think that war rageth still between our kinds oh so alag so allag was actually like allegonians or whatever the [ __ ] they are like they're actual men it wasn't like some weird type of um like other creature thing like that right yeah see like i thought that because like you saw like xerxes right and um i assumed that they were some sort of kind of uh it's like you know like can wow how they have like the vikral where they're like they're human but they're like more than that in a way giga chats yeah basically parking to my tail childhood man i am tiamat midgard salmer's first brood what the [ __ ] in a time before time my father did come to this star bearing seven eggs where do you get the eggs from these eggs did my children hatch and once they were full grown they took wing and spread across all the lands of heideling what were the other ones dragons reproduce asexually um is that true so they reproduce asexually i see that makes a little bit more sense not swede home alabama style together with my brood brother baphomet i journeyed south to arcadia and together we brought forth innumerable children into the world we abided in peace and all was well until the men of allah came some 5 000 years ago they soldered my children in droves and took from me my beloved baphomet [Music] oh [ __ ] the [ __ ] illuminati dude twas then that i had fallen into the depths of despair the black robed men came unto me the aesthetics [ __ ] man i'm like what [Music] oh did the resurrection make him a primal then they offered to resurrect baphomet through their dark arts and i and my grief accepted a decision yes that's what it's gotta be the brought back was a mockery of my beloved worse the aestheticians gifted his murderers the means to entrap him okay so in the same way that shiva was brought back and it wasn't really what shiva was it was just some manifestation of what people believe shiva to be that's what happened whenever they brought back baphomet i okay know this child of man the beings i kind call gods are but specters of thy mind's creation given form at great cost to heideling okay so when a primal is summoned that like so is heidling like the goddess of aether or something hydon is the world so hide one's like azeroth okay all right fine fine fine i'll have to deal with it myself i'll figure it out many such beings yet slumber across the land brought to heal by the self-same empire that bound me they must not be released into the world oh they're setting up for the the bosses that i'm about to kill if that was in the conflict vanquish the essentials and deliver the will the weak of will from the bonds of their dark influence well yeah we've been trying to kill the aestheticians for a long time and i've been 5 000 years my child will thou not forgive thyself well doesn't that contradict with what uh uh [ __ ] harris felgar said about nydog going crazy if it's been so long it's five times as long okay so it's just it's been longer all right different war i know that i mean in the context of dragons perceiving time the release of death is denied to me here yet i desire not freedom yay father i shall live with my regret until the world itself has ceased to be what the [ __ ] that's sad such is my just punishment for consorting with darkness for calling forth a loathsome and lamentable creature which blacketh my beloved's memory wait is this the last one no way no way oh [ __ ] now what i got it back oh my god where's this like a yu-gi-oh intro warrior of light beloved son [Music] the light abideth within thy heart again fool valiantly did thou overcome thy many trials what the [ __ ] but glory not in thy success for the servants of darkness are ever close at hand holy [ __ ] receive of me my blessing once more i'm getting the echo back and go forth to shine thy light on all creation what the [ __ ] i'm the warrior of light again [ __ ] yeah thou hast broken down the wall i built around thee and partaken of thy mistress's blessing once more holy [ __ ] so i got it back again having looked upon thy deeds i am convinced thou art worthy to bear a light damn dog i got approval from the dragon holy [ __ ] so it was just a test the covenant bound me to thee but would seem our fates were mingled from the first though i will not fight thy battles i will yet lend thee my wings what the [ __ ] [Music] [Music] [Music] we go to cast out the darkness all right holy [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah dude hell yeah oh my god let's go i like how he just leaves her there you know dude i want to see this [ __ ] you can now ride mid-card swarmer oh god that's so funny to me it's hilarious aether attunement complete wait does that mean i can holy [ __ ] wow what the [ __ ] i've got to go this i've got to go fly over there and there's the dragon dude this thing looks badass holy [ __ ] hope when we get out of that one wow bro we're in the end game now okay um let's get ready and do it it's a quest name what's the quest called all right the guidance note has been awaiting your arrival at the flagship with customary patience welcome to the flagship master asthma gold you're almost at your destination bleep bloop warning uh intruders detected uh please let them eliminate them if you wish to proceed where they at yeah where they at okay i've got to use i feel like i need to use the dragon for now uh especially for like the whole uh holy [ __ ] wait what the [ __ ] is this what the [ __ ] look at that oh my god what the hell is this this looks like shiva yeah look at that oh my god let me look at the other ones what the [ __ ] is this dude i've never fought this guy at all i don't even know who the [ __ ] that is okay and then there's this guy here i don't know who this guy is either so these are all new characters to me wow that's so [ __ ] cool all righty let's do it we'll go inside here your pursuit of the arc bishop has brought you to the etherical chemical research facility at the heart of the floating iowa of alice law however he and his knights are not the only threat that you must be prepared for shortly before your arrival the sixth imperial legion entered the facility in the search of the secret of mastering primals their presence will serve to complicate matters which multiple factions and their ambitions set on a collision course your mission promises to be fraught with danger and uncertainty both see what this damn this place is [ __ ] huge oh my god that's probably a boss oh wait no never mind apparently not damn damn dude all right actually is massive i see that alrighty guys it's time let's [ __ ] do it okay apparently oh i get 100 tombstones if i do this oh that's so [ __ ] good holy [ __ ] okay yeah this is awesome i love this dude the music for this is [ __ ] oh [ __ ] um okay um we pulled these guys here these guys don't really have that much health it should be pretty pretty easy to kill them okay there we go i don't think i want to do like any other big pulls right now it's okay music is lit yeah it's awesome nice jesus that shit's intense okay this is a big ass pull too all right let's do it stun dyer out yes obviously okay we'll pull this guy he's the caster obviously okay did not mean to do that that was dumb okay big [ __ ] damage on this guy here massive [ __ ] damage i feel like i'm doing really good damage now like i have so many different aoe abilities that i can use it's [ __ ] what the hell is this out of my way i will crush you under foot jesus christ well this guy just [ __ ] killed all of them oh my god dark knight aoe yeah it's really good savages okay popping cds uh i'll just put that down too it might as well dude this guy's going down like a [ __ ] oh my god look at this can you withstand this [Music] okay getting out of that there we go i think they'll probably kill that one while i get the boss i don't know if i'm supposed to help them with that or not but i'll assume that i'm not so it makes it easier that way and i can not have to act like it's my fault if something goes wrong [Music] okay going over to him again got it and then they just go over to this got it okay going back over there perfect the voids boys perfect devoids getting back over to this guy again nice nice look at this look at this [ __ ] damage boys you love to see it okay dude this guy's going down like a like oh my god man no getting destroyed wait what the hell when he's gone now okay uh over here you can't be over geared it locks you yeah it locked you so you can't get over geared this this area is really really big enough yeah of course [Music] wow okay let's go there's a lot of these mobs hit that too there we go yeah dude the dark knight aoe is [ __ ] ridiculous man i love it but yeah this reminds me so much of coils of baphomet man oh it's even got the ball that we attacked yeah i remember this this one's easy okay um i don't know if this is the boss or not but we'll just kill it uh this doesn't seem like it's a boss wait oh i think maybe it is let's see okay got them there we go okay putting oh dude i put i put depth and decay down and then it just hits everything holy [ __ ] this is insane dude oh my god this class is so good this class is so [ __ ] good man big damn insane damn look at this absolutely [ __ ] destroyed nice okay now where the [ __ ] do we go damn dude oh there it is and that wasn't even the boss i like how they have like these little miniature uh like mini boss encounters instead of just like wave after wave of trash mobs i find that more interesting all right boys let's do it i guess this is what the [ __ ] what is this dude okay all right we'll go ahead and uh i guess we'll just pull them who knows okay wedging of the heart i don't know what any of these abilities do oh it teleports [Music] okay there we go again i have no idea if that's what i should do or not oh i'm assuming she's gonna make us turn away yep okay [Music] it's not really too complicated this is the fireballs that she does as well and now what what's this one okay is this gonna do the debuff [Music] uh ballistic missile oh yeah you just get out of that uh the farther away you are the less damage it deals it's pretty simple this is the arbiter [Music] okay no wrong oh really okay i guess i didn't really understand that one that was a melee i was thinking about something else then this one wasn't too bad at all i like how it goes through the other boss mechanics of the coils since it kind of feels the same way down there all right let's go let's go let's go okay guys and i will uh i guess i'll use the lift terminal activate the terminal yes what the [ __ ] oh that's a boss okay i need to put on my uh my ui here okay was not expecting that okay getting back on him okay hitting that one good moving out of that music is good yeah music is great all right now we move yep okay what the [ __ ] this is just like the coils god damn okay uh i could probably see this with my ui off but we're probably not gonna do that give me one second let me turn this back on i just like that i want to turn it off so everybody can see like what it all looks like you know holy [ __ ] these guys gonna aggro to me yes they are okay let's get that guy here point both of these okay cultured oh absolutely they're dead though damn dude holy [ __ ] activate the terminal all right let's uh let's activate it here we go wow oh [ __ ] i'm assuming these things are going to spawn out of here i'm guessing [Music] okay i always feel like i click that and it doesn't go down i need to just like i need to be more used to spamming things i think spamming really helps me out a lot whenever i'm trying to get these things done free trial yeah this is all in the free trial if you can believe that we're getting going right into the middle here i guess holy [ __ ] yeah i love the uh i love the aesthetics of this this is crazy okay let's do it [Music] activate the terminal all you can see inside of it this is it boys this is it let's go oh all right oh this is the [ __ ] boss alright here we go the champion of heidelin oh [ __ ] tell me why do you despise the primals so of mortal desire plainly you desire a foe to despise and as well that you do for it is from the vortex of ceaseless conflict that lord zodiac shall be reborn that's the bad guy the world shall become whole again then all shall be as once it was as it should ever have remained oh [ __ ] for the glory of lord zodiac your meddling ends here and now a warrior of life so we actually have to fight the aestheticians themselves holy [ __ ] okay let's go darkness shall consume light okay where'd the other guy go oh he's over there uh i guess we'll kill this one first okay where's he at he's right there okay okay moving out of that she's getting [ __ ] destroyed oh my god she's getting wrecked okay this is just like ultimate weapon it's the same mechanic okay now we fight him i don't know when i should pop cds i have no idea i'll just use it now i guess i i don't know dude it's so annoying to use that ability okay i'll put it down right here come on click it good back on him chaos you'll not defeat me again okay wait what's that okay i should be fine i should be fine [Music] okay i'll take this damage but it won't do that much it's fine i'm a tank wait what damn we bro we wrecked him holy [ __ ] such strength it defies all reason yeah [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] what's up no i will not be bested by the likes of them oh now we're gonna go into phase two it is time very well let us show these mortals the true power of the echo okay the power to break down the barriers of existence i am become you they get married and we are become one oh [ __ ] this is some dragon ball z [ __ ] let's go what the [ __ ] is this it just became a purple ball oh what the [ __ ] oh [ __ ] holy [ __ ] actual nas ghoul yeah oh my god yeah the aestheticians are almost like the naz ghoul i feel okay a seashen prime let's do it okay [Music] oh we gotta kill this okay blizz sphere all right that's dead basically right yeah it's dead fire sphere okay uh where's that okay we'll get inside that what the [ __ ] is this it's a five man boss jesus christ okay i'll save my uh my jump for the next cast of those universal manipulation um let's see what other people doing nothing okay um uh i don't know what this is gonna do [Music] um oh what the [ __ ] encroaching darkness oh you have to run away i guess i'm pretty sure that's the way it works okay got it dude this is still so crazy to me this is a five-man boss like it's got cinematics and [ __ ] everything man okay kill this one here this one took a while longer to die last time so i might as well use it again okay should be good all right next level where he be at did he be at okay [Music] got him all right so universal manipulation okay i'll go to this one here [Music] got it so that prevents it from happening to me right okay i guess it does um what are we doing with this i have no idea i have no idea what that does okay maybe you just kite them around all right there it is dude it's [ __ ] destroyed got him [Music] damn oh there it is again i thought we killed him jesus oh oh yeah what up bro what he might regain the blessing of light i had foreseen yeah that's right but he has grown so strong in it as to deny us our power yes right [ __ ] that's right [ __ ] [ __ ] you let us withdraw la habrea that power remains to us at least uh not if i have anything to do with it let's get the [ __ ] out of here let's kill him what's the little crystal impossible oh [ __ ] yo did he just use a master ball got him [ __ ] yeah oh i use the [ __ ] eye to destroy it with the ether am i gonna shock put it yes [Music] wait are we we're killing her oh my god yeah surprise so you harness the eye's power the pity you spent it all what will you do now hero i get another one so not even the vaunted warrior of light can unmake an asean without relying upon mortal contrivances oh [ __ ] he's back [Music] what the f what there's a tomb [Music] is that the original king thordan i'm assuming i have no idea i'm just guessing [Music] you oh [ __ ] the coffin dance yeah it's true king thordan and his knights 12 fought and defeated nidhogg oh [ __ ] though the victory caught them dear they were rewarded with a great prize the dread worms eyes both of which have since been held in the holy seas safekeeping he's got the other eye no way the eye you possess was nidhogg's left and long has it served as the source of the azir dragoon's might oh no way for though he learned to harness its power he was ultimately consumed by it [ __ ] even in death his body decays not a pitiful end for a fabled hero what the [ __ ] my asean friend long have you and your kind sown the seeds of chaos by teaching mortals the secrets of summoning oh [ __ ] but if you assumed that we would meetly serve as your cause then you are gravely mistaken oh [ __ ] you would raise a hand against us is how draft gonna come out of the box by taking unto my flesh the soul of the legendary king thorden i can become a god what what where did this turn into the god emperor holy [ __ ] he's gonna [ __ ] kill him isn't he a oh who knows not cessation whose being is sustained by a millennium of fervent prayer and the eyes my bottomless reservoir oh my god what this guy's like what the [ __ ] is going on wait he act literally god king i do hereby sentence you to die he is the god emperor like i'm not even kidding the giga pope yeah what's he gonna do he's just gonna stab him no ah jesus christ it matters not what form that ether takes assumed souls are no exception with this power i shall put an end to a thousand years of conflict jesus christ i shall excise them with my divine blade and bring order to the world i brought back a tapes oh don't this guy is [ __ ] insane this is awesome so am i gonna fight this guy now i shall answer you with my blade holy [ __ ] yeah this guy's crazy are you cool now we killed his ass oh they just teleported away i said [ __ ] it [Music] oh my god god [ __ ] damn man oh apparently there's gonna be a round two all right let's see what this is oh my god so we're just going straight at him [Music] oh those are the 12 nights holy [ __ ] okay brothers the time has come to call upon the true power of the heavens ward [Music] are they gonna go and like empower themselves yep okay that's really [ __ ] cool that is really [ __ ] cool i cannot all stand against me will be destroyed be they servants of the darkness or the light jesus by my blessings shall all men be sanctified with an endless era shall cease to be what the [ __ ] you reject my divinity bitter truth virtue is suffering no matter if you believe your cause just i call upon you to defend it with your life holy [ __ ] okay let's go [Music] all right boys let's pop off let's do what we need to do let's go guys [Music] okay knights of the round what the [ __ ] is this okay kill these [Music] he's going down fast as [ __ ] okay pasquan's mercy avoiding that this guy's going yeah this guy's dying super [ __ ] fast holy [ __ ] dragons i am assuming we turn away right now what wait what the [ __ ] he gonna do now oh last one drink deep the power of slumbering what the [ __ ] [Music] what is this oh my god [Music] this is insane guys i want to say that it's sundering outside if my internet goes off that's why okay he's dead [Music] what do we have to do here i think he's gonna die right i mean he's stuck oh okay moving out of that now what oh [ __ ] we got more of the ads thunder go away yeah yeah i'm just letting you guys know uh hopefully that won't happen but uh fair warning okay okay getting back on this guy killing him avoiding that that's a proximity attack i know that this is [ __ ] insane [Music] okay let's kill these guys here [Music] where the hell is he oh [ __ ] i can't even see that [Music] oh jesus christ that was close holy [ __ ] look up it's just a bunch of a bunch of [ __ ] on the ground meteor circle okay we'll kill this got it okay killing this one too got it the battle fever passes i shall end your veins [Music] what the [ __ ] oh my god [Music] [Music] what the [ __ ] was that survive my divine reckoning if possible surprise [ __ ] surprise [ __ ] [Music] yeah he got limit broke man oh [ __ ] he got disenchanted oh my god that didn't work did it oh how can this be a millennium of prayer and the eyes power combined but still you stand surprise [ __ ] i'm the main character that's your five subs hitbox i appreciate that who what are you the hell was that wow yeah what the [ __ ] was that man there he is it is over then i had hoped that mine would be the hand to end it but knowing you there was little chance of that damn oh we're giving him the eye back yeah it would seem the eye has served you well it seems that way and there's the sword it's [ __ ] massive oh the other eye is in the sword [Music] he's got both [ __ ] eyes it's [Music] oh [ __ ] what's he gonna do now remains is to take them beyond the reach of man and dragon both with this task accomplished my toil shall finally be at an end damn what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] influence bathed in my power and blood does that work oh no alas the knight anticipation of comfort thou has to lower thy guard the keening of my fallen kindred their smoldering desire for vengeance a pain which i shall bestow upon thee it seems that way yeah [Music] drink deep of my rage mortal and become me what what the [ __ ] is he gonna turn it what [Music] what [Music] no [Music] oh my god he there's no way he's actually dead like he's gotta be like inside the dragon like his spirit's gotta be in him or something like that there's no way he's gone there's no way bro i know there's no way oh my god [Music] what in the [ __ ] man there's no way he's gone man i don't believe it i won't believe it it did seem like a mistake to hold both eyes right i mean like yeah it's a bit of a [ __ ] up damn god damn it do you always have to cut it so bloody close wow [Music] damn dude damn dude genghis khan fans number five get the subs i appreciate it thank you very much don't they ask like where i got the flying dragon like it you know like what the [ __ ] it would seem he has done it again it would seem so was there ever any doubt [Music] let us return to ishgard our friends will be eager to learn the battles outcome and welcome back their champion very true absolutely oh my god dude that's so badass i'm flying around doing whatever the [ __ ] do that is yeah good question [Music] yeah great question [Music] we have to do we gotta kill nydog again that's no big deal we just get him again i'm here's a five-man boss let's be honest wouldn't they be upset if a dragon landed in ishgard after like the whole uh you know thousand-year situation well i don't know about that rental thanks to the uh the 10 gifted situat uh 10 gifted subs i appreciate that little situation yeah [Music] oh i dare say you are the first soul in ishgardian history to arrive in our city upon dragon back this scene shall be remembered for a thousand years to come damn [Music] as we had feared the archbishop summoned the soul of king thorden into himself and thence became a primal imagine you just come back you hear that about your dad you know he's like what the [ __ ] he and his knights are no more thanks to the warrior of light your struggles are not yet over mortals oh [ __ ] whom do i have the pleasure he doesn't know how to talk to a dragon killed your dad you're welcome i have journeyed with heideling's champion and observed his deeds in the conflict between man and dragon what the [ __ ] tell me children of thorden do you desire peace what the [ __ ] my people have committed unspeakable atrocities against dragonkind even against our own would that we could undo these wrongs but we cannot wow be that as it may the future yet presents a chance to begin anew our nation has broken free of the shackles of a false faith and neghog shall lead his kindred against us no more [Music] [Music] yeah i doubt not that it will require much effort and perseverance but is my belief that in time ishgard will again become a place where man and dragon may abide together in harmony i shall remember thy words oh [ __ ] so he's actually he's okay with uh making bygones be bygones his unbridled rage hath claimed for its vessel the one thou callest the azure dragoon what wait what what the [ __ ] happened there so he's a vessel so is he dead or not doubt not but that nidhogg will call out to his brood air long nor that they shall answer him yeah i guess so steal yourselves for the true test is yet to come oh [ __ ] [Music] come what may we will never cease to believe upon the souls of they who have sacrificed themselves to pave the way for peace we will never abandon our cause dude this guy's so badass a thousand-year war cannot be ended in a day it may take generations what thou dost begin thy children must continue entrust unto them thy hopes and dreams that peace may reign again and forevermore damn [Music] this is a nice guy [Music] where's my mount going hey hey hey hey come on come on no [ __ ] i thought i had him man oh wow what is this oh there he is they rejoined the alliance [Music] oh my god it happened it finally [ __ ] happened let all hear present a test that sir emmerich acting on behalf of the archbishop has appended his signature oh [ __ ] i do hereby declare that from this day forth the holy see of ishgard shall once more be counted a member of the aortian alliance we did it boys we [ __ ] did it our nations move forward as one and stand united against the guardian empire yeah those guys suck [Music] wow for the future of aorzia damn for the future damn dude [Music] look at him trying to stand next to another girl that little simp dude they have their own formatting group now yeah they have their own white party exactly yeah even hilda's part of it now that's true and there's me with my [ __ ] sword dude that looks so good i'm so [ __ ] good oh is that oceanian's grave [Music] a noble monument to a noble soul [Music] what the [ __ ] oh oh [ __ ] from here lord or chiffon can watch over all of ishgard damn man sure it has been a long and arduous journey and we have lost much and more along the way yet come what may we must stay true to our purpose and press on it seems that way that's right you two it's high time we got back to rebuilding the scions yeah whatever happens we're going to need money and lots of it that's why they brought the store mount yeah that's the way it works damn dude that's so cool man so ends a glorious chapter in their tale however wow tumultuous days yet lie ahead for ishgard so now they're part of the alliance and everything again after a thousand years under the yoke of the church the people take their first tentative steps into the unknown oh my god [Music] and though they spy a glimmer of peace upon the horizon nidhogg's vengeful shadow yet remains yeah i feel like we're playing the credit scene after the dragon that caused them all the trouble just respawned i mean so long as the young commander of the temple knights and his heroic companions are there to guide them the people may hold fast to hope or the hope that one day true peace will return to ishgard and that man and dragon may live in harmony once more damn so like sir is like in wow he said the thing yeah damn dude what a come up my dad turns into the god king and gets killed and now he's literally in charge of the entire city holy [ __ ] god damn god [ __ ] up yeah yeah give me a minute i'll talk about real quick dude i'm actually how's this compared to a round reborn story um i feel like so like the around reborn story it felt like it was like a handful of stories being told simultaneously that kind of came to a climax whereas like with this one it was like it was really two stories right with like the nanamo and like the alda and then there was mainly ishgard right and it was like one structured um like directed narrative right it was like it was a focused narrative around one thing and i think that made it easier to keep and keep track of it and yeah i know it's not finished i'm fully aware of that i'm just saying so far that's what i i've thought okay i like how they just do all the scenes of all the people that are dead okay we'll skip this okay and so now what happens oh where the [ __ ] is he solo have fallen it seems that way he's on the moon that's the first thing i thought how the [ __ ] is he on the moon housing dubai mortals in their attempt to initiate the eight through joining that they should be so complacent oh [ __ ] this is the guy that showed up in uh in milfina's room and now it falls to me to deal with the consequences oh [ __ ] without intervention the balance between light and darkness will begin to shift placing our mission in jeopardy it seems that way yes you're getting your ass made heideland's champion has grown too strong his might encroaches upon the realm of god that is that there's never been a true or true that's ever been true so true that is pretty true equilibrium must needs be restored the time has come for you and yours to join the fray who the [ __ ] is this warrior of darkness [Music] what what how to get on the moon how to get on the moon what the [ __ ] back to the gobbies oh yeah hey guys remind me why is there no rest for the righteous yeah a good question they care master garland oh imagine that what is this wait what the hell is what the hell is happening right now i'm worried what what is this atlantis this technology this looks like the alexander boss it looks like him i bet that's [ __ ] him dude that's gotta [ __ ] be him holy [ __ ] alexander was from atlantis what the [ __ ] yeah it's a bit of a problem isn't it ah of all the things they could have picked to play with that's not a toy you bloody fools it's a primal yeah idiots wait how's that a primal it's a robot isn't it wait oh that's a really big [ __ ] robot what is this what is this dude optimus primal spires of deception crumble the dust delay bare truths long concealed beyond simmering shadow lie a simmering light shimmering light holy [ __ ] [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 648,446
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, asmongold tv, asmongold FFXIV, ffxiv, asmongold ffxiv, asmongold ff14, final fantasy xiv, ffxiv ending reaction, ffxiv ending, final fantasy xiv ending, ff14, ffxiv reaction, ffxiv end, ZackRawrr, final fantasy 14, asmongold heavensward, Heavensward, ff 14, ffxiv heavensward, heavensward reaction, heavensward ending, heavensward ending reaction, shiva, matoya, asmongold matoya, asmongold shiva
Id: boYAbGaZcWU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 134min 29sec (8069 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 15 2021
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