The True Story of Asmongold | Wrath of the Lich King

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there's me right there and then there's jeff behind me and then there's a roach in my bathtub bro dude wrath of the lich king was lit december 10 2008 i like the shirt a lot and i worried a lot what can i say i finally convinced cora to serve her transfer over and i brought her over with me you guys don't remember her really and today i will begin the wrath of the lich king screenshot stream on that day [Music] on that night in 2008 the night that wrath of the lich king was released i had four dollars in my name and i spent two of it on a drink guys i had just finished the burning crusade i want to get everybody caught up at that time i had joined the best guild on the server that guild i had wanted to be a part of since before i even hit level 60 in vanilla while i worked my way up through the ranks all throughout burning crusade and i finally landed myself a slot in that guild at the end of the expansion the guild lost the server first kill alliance first actually i believe sir alliance first killed brutalis we came back that night and we killed it and i was in that raid it was the first raid i was ever in for the guild at that time i became part of the actual core membership of the guild and i knew that at that point i was going to be part of the raid and part of the guild fully in wrath of the lich king and i fully intended to make that happen i had joined the best guild and i was ready excited and prepared i had graduated high school i was taking one class at community college the stage was set for greatness the stage was set for degeneracy i was living with my mother i had no girlfriend no job i was hardly going to school and my life had never been better i was so happy and so a young asmingold on that night at two in the morning at two in the morning i went forward and i took the ship over to borean tundra and you know what i wasn't alone many other people were around with me and we were all sitting there waiting ready excited and happy for our first chance to go over to northrend and i want you to understand something many of you guys might not really appreciate this you might not understand this but back then every single player at that time had almost played you played warcraft 3. the fact that the lich king was coming out was monumental it was massive it was the one thing that everybody was waiting for [Music] my friend zach called me on the phone i was vacationing i was over at a visiting family out of state and he called me and he said did you see it i said no and he showed me the wrath of the lich king cinematic it was what i had been waiting for ever since the end of warcraft 3 and today was the day that it began i waited for the boat and i got on the boat with the rest of my team and the rest of the people on my server on thrall server on the us and as you see one thing that happened i want to make sure one thing is clear driven is overdose we had to reform the guild because the guild master quit the game and we were not able to uh recover the name from the guildmaster it's stupid but there it is and i went for the first time standing on the boat leading the charge over to borean tundra in my full brutal gladiator gear minus the shoulders i was fear respect i was ready i was prepared to mine cobalt because back then i didn't have a bunch of people giving me gold back then i had to earn it on my own back then it was the hard times but i knew because i remember back at the beginning of burning crusade how expensive adamantite and corium was that the first thing that i did every single time is i mined as many nodes as i possibly could and i also did the quests as well i went through them and my character was big dick enough to solo some of the elite quests all by myself as you guys remember whenever we left off i had some of the best best gear in the game and so i took that best gear in the game into wrath of the lich king and i kept it for quite a while i was leveling up i was helping the mammoths i was doing all the quests this was the first time i had ever been on a vehicle like this before it was incredible to even consider this would even be a possibility and i did everything i needed to do i mined the rich cobalt nodes and back then you had to click them over and over and over and as you guys could see as time went on i was flying around that was my first time ever flying on a dragon like that as well later on i would have that mount but right now i just had a chance to do it on my uh on my character it's flying around everybody was just happy people were so glad the world was totally new everything was different we had never experienced something like this before it was completely different than any of the other areas that were in the game and as time went on i finally reached level 71. and my mom was downstairs cody and jeff were probably at their house or they could have been landing out at my house and it was five in the morning six in the morning as you guys can see and i was playing the game i had to go to class in a few hours and i said [ __ ] it i'm not even gonna sleep i'm just gonna play the game until i have to go i started doing it everybody was playing yep 5 57 in the morning that's right and it didn't matter to me because i was ready to play and i was ready to do what i needed to do i kept leveling and i kept playing with my guild as well and it took a little bit of time i do want to say obviously my wrath of the lich king story it was uh a lot of it at the very beginning it took a lot of time for me to get leveled up i was a little bit slow with it but eventually i did get up to level 80. you went to class yeah i did go to class it was the final i had to go to class because it was the final and at the very beginning i was leveling all by myself my guild was all doing their own things and we had one person we had one player who was going to take their shot at getting the realm first level 80. and i remember that person was in you that person was the same guy the same hunter that won the nerubian slave maker at the end of the burning crusade screenshot stream it was that guy that got the world sorry the server first level 70. he got level 70 so fast in burning crusade i never told him this but i actually filed a ticket on him because i thought that he was cheating i was like there's no way he can get 70 like that i'm only 61. like there's no way i literally reported my own guild mate he wasn't my guild mate at the time i reported the guy i thought he was genuinely [ __ ] cheating because nobody else was even like 67. this dude blew everybody out of the [ __ ] water and so nu was going again for server first and this time there were actual achievements that you were able to get for getting server first so i kept leveling i got my little murloc costume as well i was happy about that it was fun and i also did the dungeons as well i enjoyed a lot of the dungeons that rather the lich king had to offer the nexus was great a lot of the other ones were great and i want to go ahead and zoom in on some of the names that you guys are going to see here because you're going to have to keep track of these people spoiled was a warlock he was a very good player i didn't really know him very well atheist was a prop paladin he was the one that tanked i believe my uh my bear run and he played with me every single day s t pali still raids with me to this day in classic world of warcraft and sadren [Music] sageren was a he's a good guy he was a good guy but there was one other one roofian roofian is not in this picture but roofie and he and i had a little bit of a we didn't see eye to eye what happened no everybody here is alive as far as i know [Music] rufian was a piece of [ __ ] and i remember back in burning crusade at the end of burning crusade rufian told me he said i'm not going to let you roll on dragon spine trophy because you're not a real raider i remembered that and i never forget we'll get back to that i kept leveling i got up to 60 72 i was doing my own thing i was doing what i needed to do and i figured i'd add this screenshot in just so you could see that was what my slash played time was all the way back then whenever rapid a witch king came out only 169 days at this point my mom had a higher slash played than i did [Music] it was a good time i enjoyed myself my mom had probably she probably had like 250 days slash played at that point i'm not even kidding i don't even know how it was possible she was leveling and then also we have more people in here this is some more guys next ramos this was a mage in our guild the rest of the people were just random idiots that we were playing with and everybody was cheering on in you and you was going as far as he possibly could to get to level level 80 as a server first i want to see him do it people were staying up because we were excited to see him hit the server or sorry hit the server first that was the way the game used to be and there we are right there looking at an uber rack for the first time a lot of the people there are an illusion that was the guild that was our rival dying of fire was a terrible guild i once called diana fire the brown standard of guilds on the on the server forums because i told people that if dying of fire could kill a boss the boss was easy and then it was me and max ramos and our guild as well that was an [ __ ] and i also wanted to show this screenshot as well to show you guys that blizzard not having things being finished is nothing new this is not a change of pace for blizzard this is just business as usual keep it in mind this is what it always was and there it was on that night i logged off i believe it could have been the day after i don't really quite remember and there i was asmund gold level 73 warrior in my full brutal gladiator gear with all the settings turned all the way down to low because i was still playing on my mother's hp computer that she bought for me in 2004. those are my old original characters el banco crack monkey zach the paladin sneaky mcstab zach rawr and all [ __ ] and balls we'll get back to all [ __ ] and balls later on in the story i saw this different quest it was the first time that it showed my character it was future me and i thought to myself that is going to be future me i'm going to have that hair in real life it's going to be great i was excited for it that was a long time ago i had almost 10 000 gold as well and there's rixa rixo was the best rogue in our guild he was fully sunwell geared he had both of the war glaives of azeroth he was the first player in our guild to receive them rixxa had a big dick he was one of the best players in the guild and on across every single tier that we raided rickshaw was the top performing rogue no matter what he was the rogue yes he had dst he had everything that he needed to have clearly photoshopped clearly not this is just a typical dungeon with me playing i want to go ahead and zoom in on the damage meter here and talk about that for a minute uh so basically what you can see here is me doing top damage and um i want to see this is this is very common uh very common i'll be number one or close to number one i was a god and everybody knew it and everybody was happy about it and that's why they were playing with me and i just hit level 74 as well i was playing with sadren and all the boys man that shaman i played with all the time as well at level 74 or 75 or somewhere around there inu was on the home stretch the last final part of his level 80 server first grind and he asked for people to come and help him with the amphitheater of anguish even if we couldn't do the quest because it was really good experience and he wanted to be able to do it so he could go for his chance to get server first i took my time out of my leveling everybody rickshaw took his time out of his leveling draney took his time out of his leveling he was one of the officers of the guild at that time and we came and made our way to help inu and help him go for server first he was 79 already on the second day i leveled over in grizzly hills as well i finally hit 75. he was 79 already and i don't have the screenshot but i'm sure some people were wondering there was a mage an undead mage i think his name was geist or something like that it's been a long time and with the combined help of three other people helping him mob tag and spam healing him while he was aoe grinding just narrowly beat in you to level 80 round first they stole it from inu but they could only do that when there was three of them against just one of him he actually got boosted ascent was an incredible guild full of amazing players but and you should have gotten the server first i played this other uh i played this other quest as well i thought these were just the quests were just [ __ ] amazing at this point i had never played a game like this the experience was totally new it was incredible and i enjoyed it a lot it was amazing i screenshotted every level that i got pretty much and here's 77 as well and i was making my way up and at 77 i was able to get my cold weather flying i had already obtained a lot of gold i had 13 000 gold going into rather lich king and i got my cold weather flying and for the first time i flew in northrend i flew around the world i looked at it from a different perspective and i saw icecrown for the first time the elite [ __ ] level 83 dragons that were flying around and i'll be honest i was scared but that wasn't gonna stop me from my goal and what was that goal that goal was titanium and while many other people sat around and they tried to farm all the other little bits of [ __ ] and level up fast i said to them [ __ ] you i'm gonna make some god damn money and i stopped leveling for a whole day and all i did was farm out titanium ore to get as much possible amount of it because i had looked up on mmo champion back then and i knew that i needed titanium to make the epic gear at level 80. and i was the only one the only one out there on ice crown on that second day of the game and i got a lot i got a lot of titanium boys and as time went on i went in there with my boys you're envy he was our guild master at the time analog was an incredible shaman healer i've still talked to her every once in a while nemani i'm still friends with as well she was another healer and rixa as well in the background we went into utgard pinnacle i believe that's the dungeon that we're at then and we farmed all of them and with our very good gear it was quite quite easy we were already better at the game and as you can see here we ran this game we were the pimps of the server as you guys can see everybody's got on their big dick mounts and they were ready to go on the calling of strathloem as well we did what we needed to do and i did what i needed to do and i tanked the dungeons i always viewed myself as a warrior not an arms warrior not a fury warrior not a pro warrior but a warrior i did the job that needed to be done whatever it was and to be honest playing a prop warrior back in rapid lich king was pretty [ __ ] fun as time went on where is it here i've got to go ahead and find it there's a lot of these different things oh i made this picture too i i made this picture reminding people that you're in the best guild on the server just elitist things so i used to make a lot of memes back in the day it was one thing i was i was a real big memer i loved memeing and so i did this all the time i really enjoyed it and uh this was pretty much what i used to do i want to go ahead and give you an idea of the kind of person that i was at this time here's a picture of a young asmongold [Music] as you can see as you can see right here i was ready for action i was dangerous yeah that was me back in the day back in the day i did have hair i've got a few other pictures as well let me see i got this one too this is whenever my dad got me an axe that's a young asmongold right at the very beginning of wrath of the lich king i had no idea what the world would uh would have in store for me i was just a stupid-ass [ __ ] kid yeah i was just a stupid-ass [ __ ] kid and you know what back then i did actually have hair i know it might sound surprising but there it is i want to say right here all that titanium that i had farmed out i turned into titan steel bars and i was able to make some of the best gear on the entire server on the first week of the expansion release i had everything ready everything prepared and i was already getting perpped out on week one i was the best geared tank in the guild and you know what that's why they invited me to heroics as you can see there there's st paoli all the other legends of the guild and we went there and we completed all the dungeons and we did everything that we needed to do together and we got everything and all of our badges of heroism and we prepared to go into naxxramas for for me for the first time as progression and for some of the people in that guild they did it back at level 60 and so they're going back to next romance we went through and we crafted all the gear that we needed we got our titan steel armor and i prepared myself and sometimes we just barely survived but we did dekina right there that's paladini this was us almost 15 years ago completing our quests in heroic stone halls that long ago and then just a little bit later after we got just a little bit better gear we stepped foot into next ramus for the first time and we completed the arachnid quarter and we killed more and more bosses don't have screenshots of every single boss kill yes the patchwork kill was a little bit sloppy but that's what happens whenever you try to do level 80 knacks in level 70 black temple gear it was rough it really was but we did what we needed to do as you guys can see i still had berserker's call from za from back in the day always dead i wait just like oh yeah the reason why i was dead is because i pulled aggro and the reason why i pulled aggro is because i'm a god of damage like that's not even my fault man that's just me doing me there's me right there the big [ __ ] king i looked so [ __ ] good i looked like a legend i looked like a [ __ ] wizard i was so happy with myself i had my armor i was taking screenshots of my character left and [ __ ] right i looked at myself in the mirror and i was like god damn i look good i've got the [ __ ] dps gear from next 10 men i've got the axe right there from halls of lightning heroic that's the colossal skull clad cleaver it was one of my favorite axe models in the game even to this day with my tabard of the warm rest accord doing violet hold afking through it while other people do the work for me so i can come back at the end and hit the boss and collect the loot i did what i needed to do and that's all i did and you know what as time went on we went through knacks and we kept progressing through it echo right there if you guys remember echo i had a legendary 45 minute arena game against echo and his druid with me and my druid his name was blackleaf and his druid's name was winry i'll talk about black leaf later on black leaf is actually very instrumental in the way that things went for me very instrumental echo won the 45-minute arena game but we had mutual respect for each other and we tanked next romans together as two warriors going in there and doing what we both needed to do for our guild god damn oh good god matt i look so good man [ __ ] man i look so good dude oh my god i look like a legend and then i've gotten amani there as well the money her and i we hung out all the time she's a very good friend of mine i still keep in contact with her to this day and as you guys can see she did naxxramas with us as well she was a great healer she was one of our best healers actually and we didn't just do next romance we also did sartharian and you know what in this screenshot my character is not dead and we have some of the other legends kryptonites right there the guy who got atiesh who put together the whole raid st pali and at this point i forgot to tell you a little bit of a little bit of a complication talib the leader and the glue that held the guild together he was the heart and soul of the guild and it was a soul of toxicity pure evil and absolute excellence he was the most toxic and greatest raid leader i've ever had i modeled my own radiating off of him at the end of burning crusade he quit our guilt after playing with the guild even through everquest they went from everquest and they came into world of warcraft and he left the guild for greener pastures because he just wasn't enjoying it anymore we had lost our leader i was trying to pick up the pieces and so were the other people in the guild like your envy he was the guildmaster but we had lost the one person who really held us to the highest standard than we had ever been at we were doing our best but without talib something was missing it was not good but we pursued we carried on we did max ramus as well we completed the four horsemen that's me again god damn i look good holy damn god damn i look so good i looked amazing it was crazy taliban he actually had a an alt character named taliban uh it was it was basically he had two b's he just put a n at the end uh it took him years to get that reported yeah actually he didn't care have a character claw this is shaman i believe so many memories yeah so many i i remember as much as i can and there we are for the first time at the very beginning doing max ramus 10 man and finishing the rest of the content and the last two bosses this was the first time i had done this and we had done saffron at level 80. it was pretty [ __ ] hard to do and i also got all the reputation that i needed as well of course i did that look saffron was pretty hard we weren't entirely geared as you guys can see here we've still got a lot of people there we'll get spoiled look at nemani these are still people in tier six we were attempting this content at the very very beginning we were on the bleeding edge as early as that we possibly could we were going into this raid and you know what we had to take a step back and we had to get a little bit more reputation we had to do a little bit more stuff and also i had to get something that was important for me i went into strathum and on my first kill at level 80 the first kill i obtained the death chargers reigns i couldn't believe it i i was like i was genuinely in shock this was the amount that i had wanted for my entire history playing world of warcraft this was the one mount that i had wanted above everything else and i had just gotten it i was so happy you guys had no idea and you know what i wrote it around just a minute let me go back over here i rode it around i told my mom first run and you know what she said congrats she was happy for me i was happy for me too i took multiple screenshots of my character on this mount and i want you guys to understand you're gonna see number of screenshots of my character on this mount but this is only just a small fraction of the amount of actual screenshots i have of my character riding this mount i love this mount so much i was so happy about it it was the most incredible amazing thing that i had ever had i was so happy but obviously there were other things that i needed to do that was my character's armor right there i guess these guys were fighting uh talking [ __ ] at each other i don't really know guild chat was always a little bit toxic that was my character from back in the day critical strike chance 34 i was dangerous and my ui as you guys can see right there never changed it's always been the same no changes baby we went back into next romance and we defeated saffron we beat his dick off we defeated him for anybody who might have played rather lich king many of you guys might not remember but whenever you killed whenever you killed saffron he dropped a special item that allowed you to access the malygos lair the eye of eternity and we took our raid over that day that very fateful night and we went up against malygos and you know what we didn't kill him he was hard we couldn't figure out the vehicle face nobody had any [ __ ] idea how it worked we had literally no clue we only had a few polls i remember it was like very very late at night people had to go to bed and i began my quest over here and this quest right here was for the scepter of the shifting sands at this point i wanted to complete the entire scepter of the shifting sands quest line and the reason that i wanted to do that is because i thought to myself that what if there's a bug that accidentally closes the opening of the gates of the ac the the aq gates again and i can use my scepter and open it again and get my scarab board mount i thought this could happen i even thought about transferring to a server that didn't have the gates open just so i could do it myself and you know what that didn't happen but i did do the quest we did the calling of time with some of the best people in the guild we got the bronze drake i know this might sound surprising to you guys but many years ago the bronze drake was actually quite prestigious it was quite special it was quite important but there was one thing left that we had to do and that thing left was to kill malygos i went in that night i was the raid leader of this raid this was a very big deal for me because this was the first time that i not only this was the first time that i not only was part of a first kill but i led the raid to that kill happening this was a huge big [ __ ] deal for me and us getting this mount or sorry getting this uh this title the champion of the frozen wastes was huge like my ego at this point right now my ego was building to a level that few people don't even they don't even know that this exists i remember whenever we completed this you know what the first thing that i did was i went back to ironforge and i accidentally linked accidentally linked it into general chat and trade chat i said oops i didn't mean to link that everyone was like yeah right you didn't did you actually get it i'm like yeah i did i got it i've got the title we were the first people on the server that completed malygos we were the first [ __ ] people everybody was looking at my title i was like yeah dude i [ __ ] did it i was happy i was at the top of my game and i took my raiding skills and we went around around the world and we took it to the horde and we went and we did for the alliance as you guys can see right there we're probably getting ready to go over to orgrimmar or maybe thunderbluff i looked so good dude like i god dude i look so i was a pimp man i was a [ __ ] pimp no magic seeker it's 10 men uh maligo's 25 man uh was magic seeker you only got the titles for 25 men and uh there's a horde guild that beat us to 25 men so it didn't happen uh yeah ascent was on our server like i said was like an incredible guild like a lot of times that we would like we would like a scent was like a tear above us like honestly like they rated all the time and they were really good so regardless though i was very happy about us getting it and we were the first people on alliance to get it nobody else had this i felt really good about it and there's me we were riding around obviously everybody waiting behind me i was leading the charge doing what i needed to do as a leader we also did orgrimmar as well as time went on we got the black warbear i was very happy about this it was another successful raid that i had done on my own it was beautiful and my ego was becoming a bit of a problem we invited a random guy to do karazhan with us because we are trying to do i want you to understand the relationship between me and kryptonites we had a relationship that was built around our mutual obsession of mounts and items in the game kryptonites he and i agreed together that we would raid and we would do these dungeons with each other for the entire [ __ ] time and i would do it with him on my all he would do it with me on his all to help each other get the mouse so kryptonites were doing this together and we had this one random guy who didn't even have wrath of the lich king because he wanted to fully finish burning crusade first we didn't really know what to say to him we had no idea what to say but i screenshotted it because it was so [ __ ] stupid yeah dude there were some real goofballs back then i know some people might not believe it but back in back in the day this was a totally different [ __ ] world man we helped each other we sure did and then also my mom got flying as well and she took a little picture of her character as well that's her flying around to northrend for the first time there she is and this right here i want to go ahead and show this person this guy's name is jimbo's jimbo's is a hunter and jeffrey jeffrey begged jimbos for gold every single day throughout all a burning crusade and wrath of the lich king and the worst part about it jimbo's gave it to him jimbo's paid for jeffrey's full entire epic flying back in burning crusade and he didn't know jeff but jeff would just randomly beg people for gold and jimbo's was one of those guys and i saw him whenever my mom was playing and i made her screenshot it so i would never forget it i also did all the other mounts as well i got the white polar bear of course i collected all the mounts that i needed to get and my guild was building up momentum building up power and building up steam we had many people in here and we were doing 10 man max ramus this was still at the very beginning of wrath of the lich king we were working our way up and as you guys can see we're almost in full epics the big dick battle master was beginning to rise the moment was at hand i was ready and i was prepared to go into 25 man max ramos but i also went into arena and you know what happened in arena i rolled the death knight because i watched faustus was born i created my death knight after cueing a couple of arenas and i leveled him up all the way to 71 before i just randomly quit playing him i forgot why faustus going into stormland for the first time and i want to show again one more thing that's me and kryptonites again together farming magister's terrorists too man because we promised each other that we would help each other get the swift white hawk strider together and it didn't matter which one of us got it first the other one would come back every day at the end of raid and we would do it together until both of us had them out [Music] i got my argent crusade reputation finished i got my title as well i felt good about myself and i was so good at the game that i was giving suggestions to blizzard i said should make it to where you can't talk in trade chat for the pr the the starter accounts because people kept making starter accounts that were free and they were spamming and trade yet the blizzard gm said that's a very good point and he put a happy face and then i put the little cat face as well i was doing he says that suggestion has actually gone to the developer section we will see if they implement it i hope so and you know what they did they did implement it i would get i would get messages from people all the time they would say dude yes you pon man i said ha ha thanks dude at this point i was getting used to that i would just get messages from random people who just saw my gear and they knew how good i was they saw my titles and they recognized the champion and you know what they paid their due respects i took a screenshot right there of the original death knight talent tree because i need you guys to understand death knights at the very beginning of wrath of the lich king were some of the most broken and overpowered and fun things to play in the entire history of the game it was absolutely [ __ ] amazing i leveled up i did what i needed to do and i was playing with the boys kryptonite still playing with him as well just hanging out in the party talking chilling just dudes being guys guys being dudes and i finally entered after i got enough gear i entered with my 25 man raid and for the first time we did icc or not icc next ramos on 25 men i saw mr biglesworth [Music] i got him i got his ass there are no survivors there are no sympathizers of the scourge allowed in my next ramos i destroyed that little stupid [ __ ] cat and i went there with the rest of my raid that we now were building up our gear we were doing what we needed to do and we were getting prepared to do all the hard modes and complete the achievements for the final raid tier we did the 20 man max ramos as well with all the legends dizzy right there that was the priest bozie dizzy i want to say something dizzy and paladini [Music] dizzy played a dk palodini played a paladin dekina put a paladin they got they almost got gladiator they got the title there was a title called the flawless victor back in rapid lich king and you were able to get it if you were able to win 10 games in a row above 2k rating they got that achievement i [ __ ] hated them for it i was so jealous i was furious because i was i i knew that it was just because they were [ __ ] playing the right comp and i was playing a warrior i was so mad every single time i would see them with that title and then whenever blizzard took it out of the game later on i was like [ __ ] you that's what you get that's what you [ __ ] get but you know what whenever it came to the raids we got together and we got used to each other nemani and kryptonites did not get along very well however kryptonites had just gotten out of the marines and nomani was a 16 year old girl for whatever reason they completely counteracted each other they hated each other and they would get in like two hour arguments over nothing because he would tell her how to heal and she would tell him how to dps and it just went on and on and on until one day rexa said [ __ ] you know whenever you argue with a 16 year old girl you sound like a 16 year old girl that was the last argument that kryptonite's ever had with nemani everybody was quiet that was the end of it those were the [ __ ] days boys those were the [ __ ] days sean kelly this dude actually messaged me a while ago i think he lives in austin and he was in the guild and um i remember i don't remember what it was if i remember right what this was i don't know if this was him but we were about to pull patchwork and sean kelly was listening to dew host and he started saying the lyrics of dew host and he just randomly ran into the boss and aggroed it and wiped the entire raid and killed everyone just out of nowhere and he was typing the lyrics in chat as he was running at the boss stupidest [ __ ] thing ever i still remember it though it was hilarious yeah and so yeah sean kelly was there we got all the boys obviously many people here have their gear and see there's only a few pieces of 70 gear yet this is a couple of weeks in the burning crusade or uh raphael i'm going to say that probably a number of times asthma wrong champion of the frozen wastes and the guild driven in my full epic proc gear i had the biggest dick on the server and i wasn't afraid to remind people that that was the case my ego was on the moon but you know what it could still go higher and i'll tell you something it did i was getting geared i was getting prepared and so was jeff jeff had made his paladin he was leveling it up on the horde he played a blood elf paladin named mclovin his warrior what happened with his warrior is very simple after ninja looting gruel's lair every single week and trying to wipe all the alliance raids over and over jeff had ruined his name on his horde warrior and even after multiple name changes no one would still play with them so jeff had to completely remake a new character because nobody wanted to play with [ __ ] jeff we did the bronze drake as well and after a few wins after a few rolls your boy asmingold came out ahead and i got my bronze drake and back then it was a sign of pride a sign of skill and a sign of achievement although today it's much easier we went back and we did molten core and i want to tell you all of a dream that i had there was once a dream that i woke up and i remembered it was looking up at my warrior dual wielding sulfurous and thunder fury day after that i went into molten core and i took my chances at getting this binding this binding unfortunately would not be mine i gave this to my friend kryptonite's all that was a paladin i gave it to him because he wanted it and that's what we had agreed on and he was doing it for me so i did actually give this one away but i never forgot that dream and i never stopped farming the expansion kryptonites already had the other half of the wind seeker and i thought that was only fair for me to give it to him on his all because that's what he wanted and at the end of the day he was a lot closer to getting it than i was so i masturbated her way because as i've said before i'm a piece of [ __ ] but i'll never betray my friends and i gave it to him and then he and i came together and we continued doing our runs on magister's terrace and time went on and eventually the mount dropped i won the roll on the mount and i received the swift white hawkstrider i was the first one of the two of us that had gotten them out it was an incredible accomplishment i was very happy and i had finally gotten one of the first epic rare mounts that i had been farming at this point the only reason that i didn't reroll a death knight for rapid the lich king is only for the sole purpose that i didn't want to lose my mounts on my main character because at that time they were not account wide if it wasn't for that it would have been asthma gold the death knight also on top of that i wanted to just go ahead and show you guys uh we were done a four horseman raid and uh i probably picked up or i did something really good everybody's messaging me nice pickup bro nice work man thanks listen i was at the top of my game i was at my prime everybody appreciated me i was a great player and you know what everybody appreciated me i'm gonna go back over to the next one here asmin gold champion of the frozen waste doctor good heels ugly in the morning he and i raided together and we played together ever since burning crusade and you know what from back in the day back all the way and burning crusade we went and we played in wrath through king as well he lived in fiji i lived in texas and we became friends through world of warcraft and it was one of the best things and the greatest things that the game ever had to offer it was special 59 fps it was the most that i had ever had in my entire life it was incredible yeah and i still keep up with them every once in a while as well obviously right here i sent this picture count me in [ __ ] cloak stealing [ __ ] i was the one who got the quote from kel'thuzad the first time i got it i got the cloak it was the best in slot cloak neo uh neo did not he and i were good friends a bit of a sad part of this story that's why i added this in uh one time when i was doing stranded the ancients uh uh one of neo's closer friends came in and um i don't remember why but uh what happened but informed us that uh you had died [Music] it's [ __ ] sad it was the first time that we had ever had somebody in our guild that had that happen i still remember it it was sucked and [ __ ] sucked man i'll say that rest in peace yeah i went around and i soloed the different bosses and the different things out in the world i loved being able to solo and i loved being able to do things and play together with other people and that was nice but one thing that i really did enjoy was the idea of being able to go around and fight off and take on some of the hardest and most powerful elites in the game just by myself i loved being able to do that i had multiple videos and multiple things like that that i had put together because i had wanted people to see how good i was at soloing i went and i sold ward like marion i went i did everything that i possibly could and you know what many years ago i did the safety dance as well and our guild was on the way making progress to completing the meta glory of the raider it was our main and primary goal one of these days we were going to make it i didn't know if that was ever going to happen but there's me right there playing with nimani again she would always heal about me in battlegrounds and obviously there were some people in battlegrounds i want you guys to understand there were a bunch of bad players a bunch of really really bad players back in the day some real clowns you're doing it wrong yes they were i also raided and i did arena with tekina as well my character was getting a little bit more of the pvp gear and i was getting some of the 25 man gear too i did just a car as well i got that i farmed that out this is whenever i was playing the game probably 15 hours a day and i never regretted it i even soloed the alterac yeti you know and i in a [ __ ] av very happy about being able to do that and we created the danger zone this is my 5v5 team that i made with my friends and we went into the arena and we big [ __ ] it we only did get 1500 but i was playing with my friends and that's what counted and speaking of my friends i was the kind of person who never went back on a promise and even after i got my side i came back and i helped crypt get hiss we fulfilled our bargain and he and i together got our swift white hawkstriders yeah you think your boy asthma goal was just going to step out you think he was just going to disappear and get out of there yes he got out yes that was part of the last story yes he did and there it is and this is some random other idiot that we just told to get the [ __ ] out of our picture we took a bunch of pictures with each other we were so happy and it was amazing man like we took so many of these it was so cool to have done something like this and have it work out i think that was the best part we did obviously all the different holiday events as well they're really fun and uh i got all that kind of stuff done because if you completed all of them you were able to get a mount and i was one of the highest geared or highest amount of mounts on my server and i intended to keep it that way and i did look dude i am i am what i am yeah i i gave i gave some little little cringey little emojis it is what it is what it is bruh it is what it is i also went in and i began my scepter of the shifting sands quest line and pretty much all by myself i had a few people helping me but i went and i did it by myself and as you guys can see there's my gear i have the 25 man naxxramas gear at that point i had the cloak obviously from kel'thuzad and then i went through all that and then the fateful day occurred the fateful time that i was there and i was ready to receive the war glife of azeroth now bull shifts what you didn't think you have to understand about [ __ ] is this he was just as much of a [ __ ] as i was and yeah we had to roll it off a few times we did but after that time went over i ended up and i got the warg life he looted it directly to me and i got my first legendary this war glaive was my first legendary that i had received so you scanned them yeah we ninja did it [ __ ] them a hundred percent that was my first legendary right there i was so happy i would run around all the time with this on i was so [ __ ] hyped up about it it was absolutely amazing i went and i did obviously the sunken temple thing and there are a lot of clowns as well i was making a group this guy said what do you need i said giraffes he said question mark i said for your group i said i already told you he says [ __ ] you you little prick and he says what that's what it was yeah he wasn't having it he was not happy about my about my antics about my behavior about how i acted he doesn't want any [ __ ] giraffes nobody wants any [ __ ] giraffes he left put me on ignore and i went to myself and i had to do it all by myself i had my ward wave on and i was completing all the quest lines as much as i possibly could and you know what i went in there and i did it myself because i couldn't make a group i had to do everything that i needed to do all by myself i went and i completed the rest of the quest with narian sue fancy i flew out to the far away land for lands and beach and i used a special potion to fly off to the secret island and loot the item for myself and let's go ahead and move a little bit back over to here my guild was getting into 25 man next romans we were completing heroic saffron we were doing everything that we needed to do to become the top guild on the server this was still just a couple of weeks into rather lich king you have to understand and keep that in the context we also went around i did this too this this guy was actually pretty hard to kill i did ward like miriam again and this time it counted and then also on top of that i went back over here i don't know what it is about rep paladins but every rep paladin refused to [ __ ] heal and it's like mcconnell s fan st he would never respec so he just get it eps and go like just go but like no he would not race back he had to [ __ ] sit there i'm like i know dude i i know and that's all it [ __ ] was real haze no this is a different guy this guy was haze because he was uh high all the time it's uh it was a nechka uh you guys will find out more about him later on uh inechka was a huge stoner and his best friend in the guild was a police officer it was great i also went around and i was always a completionist to an extent at this point in level 80 and i collected all of my level uh all my 2.5 gear as well and i got my armor and i got my dark edge of insanity and i had all that set ready back in bur back in rather which i was very happy about that as well [Music] and then right there we got another binding of the wind seeker i will be honest with you i don't know if this is the one that i got or if it's not but i'm pretty sure that it might have been it was either this one or the next one and whenever this dropped i never forgot my dream my dream of dual-wielding slender fury and sulfurous i kept it in mind and also on top of that i did all the rest of the draconic for dummies quest lines i did everything like that and i was playing and i was really enjoying the game i was having so much fun and i was so happy just doing all this stuff and the best part about it is my guild wanted to play with me like we would go and just hang out and vent and just do dungeons together it was such a great experience man it was an incredible [ __ ] experience i can't even explain how good it was i really can we did kill uh kil'jaeden as well kojayden was a pretty hard boss i'll tell you that for sure he was a really really [ __ ] hard boss uh even at level 80 because we didn't uh we didn't have really that good of gear yet but you know what we beat his ass it was fine we did what we needed to do and i got all my little achievements as well that's whenever i first started doing achievements i didn't really take it all that seriously i just did it for titles and for other things like that i didn't care about the number of achievement points that i had i only cared about the ones that gave you something and then a little bit later on heavyweight that's uh kryptonite's all right there did end up getting thunder fury he and i farmed aq together and um he finally did complete his thunder fury as well which is the one that i alluded them the binding for but you know what i still had to go in there and do it myself and at that time i taught myself how to solo gar and for the next two years of my life i would be sitting up against that wall fighting that boss this is what i would do with my time this is all it was going after gar i soloed her car afterwards after that i was getting to the point where i had really really good gear i honestly loved the way that my character looked at this point i thought that i looked like a [ __ ] legend i would screenshot and just look at my character because of how much of a badass i was i was so cool looking look at that oh my god i was so cool like look at that i've got the [ __ ] pvp helmet on i'm dual wielding these two badass axes oh my god man i was the biggest pimp there was i was so goddamn happy you jerk off on your character i probably should have i still have this character right here all right there's a screenshot right here i kept this for a whole long time i had this saved this is one of my favorite screenshots of my character and you know what i wasn't just collecting really cool armor i was also collecting mounts in fact i collected 50 of them it wasn't a big accompli not big accomplishment now but back then it was and i got my albino drake i got my little meccano strider as well and also i completed a lot of the very very difficult five-man achievements that you needed to do my guild at this point was reaching the point where we really kind of need to kind of we needed to do something impressive or not and i felt like we uh we weren't really putting a whole lot of effort into it the guild was being kind of toxic and we were clowning around a whole lot i got my little recipe of a delicious chocolate cake very special there is somebody who's upset at me he says one of you did and you condone the action for not reinviting me this was during wrath of the lich king we had a pug and somebody was unhappy that i kicked him out of the raid or i didn't do something that they had wanted so obviously he wanted me to die in real life now these kinds of comments never bothered me i genuinely don't care but this is the way that people in the other ser and the rest of the server viewed my guild so all you have to do to get into driven is be the piece of [ __ ] in the crevices of my shoe got it and so i thought that was funny and the reason why i thought it was funny is that i knew i was just going to report them my sincerest apologies for any trouble this player has caused as well asthma gold and i said that kid was like really annoying all right thanks so i just reported him i thought it was funny because i knew he was going to get i was he was going to get [ __ ] removed i would farm around also for sarah night as well this is how i made my gold and also wait uh my [ __ ] where is it there it is we were just hanging around having fun and doing what we wanted to do i want to go ahead and draw a little bit of attention here this was the point where our guild turned around this was the point where everything changed and we became whole again this was our first raid in 25 man max ramos with a certain person two people i want to draw attention to the name rob and also a second name belfic belfic was talib he came back he had completed all the uh all of the rather witch king content and he came back to help us to save his guild that he had once been part of and we had once again gotten our leader back and the guild was once again what it used to be i was so happy honestly i was so like i i hated having the raid lead i knew that i didn't know it as well as he did i was so happy whenever he came back and i knew that nothing could stop us we were gonna do whatever we needed to do and that's all we needed to do and i i was having fun obviously you guys can see what the [ __ ] my uh my language has never changed i've always been the same dude and i've always done the same things you solo the boss it's just funny i sold a car how i just hide the swords you are too beastly a lot of people thought that i was very good player back then i was becoming a bit of a legend on the server and you know what i did also i was able to solo onyxia this took me a very very long time and i have a video of that as well also on my channel it took me a very very long [ __ ] time it was like an 18 or 20 minute fight i was super happy about it sick i was [ __ ] badass man and i went and i did all this stuff on my own and there it is there's me killing onixia right there and right there for whatever reason there was an engineering rabbit and one time i think rob let it out and he didn't tell anybody and we genuinely thought that the rabbit was a gm in disguise spying on us during our raid back then people didn't understand the game the way they do now people aren't able to just look things up on [ __ ] wow head and there's like 18 different articles written about brown rabbits back then you had to understand things on a very basic level and you know what a lot of people didn't there's my character right there in my full next rama's 25 man gear with talib's leadership the guild was revitalized and we were farming naxxramas 25 man like it was a [ __ ] joke we were killing everything in naxxramas and whenever i say everything i mean everything also confirmation of the story that i told about the girl aileen bazaron told me emo sent pictures to aileen of his dick with her name written on it with magic marker i love my old guild man it was really it was a beautiful guild and no it no look dude it's the way you gotta do what you gotta do man you just you gotta well you gotta take your shot you gotta do what you gotta do that's all there is to it nothing wrong about that twenty two or twenty year old yeah everybody was online and the guild dude people were playing all the time like this was the best this is the best it's gonna be man and you know what we were farming naxxramas so hard we even did all raids and you know what we ended up doing in those alt-rights we brought our friends and some of us even brought our moms i brought my mom's druid into naxxramas 25 men and while her guild was wiping and clowning and [ __ ] around in naxxramas 10 men she was killing 25 man uh bosses in naxxramas it was [ __ ] hilarious i remember watching her character and whenever we killed kel'thuzad and that achievement popped up that she had killed kalthazad you know kel'thuzad's downfall or whatever the [ __ ] it was they were [ __ ] furious they were actually mad at the fact that she was able to do that it pissed them off so [ __ ] much and you know what that's what they [ __ ] get for being a [ __ ] guild my mom went to the raids every single week and she turned out to be probably the best gear druid on the server and you know what she kept showing up and it was really [ __ ] funny to think that my mom was one of the best geared druids on the server it was we must discuss things i think that shadow i wait i should whisper this rob and i would uh we would talk to a number of the girls on the uh on the server rob and i were becoming good friends they're becoming very good friends and that friendship would uh would lead us to very interesting places let me just say that i want to go ahead and give you a little uh a little window of the way that i used to act back in the day is that a chick on her period because that's how you're acting out my face [Music] that idiot spurge [ __ ] toxic piece of [ __ ] that was me that was my job because i didn't have a job this was what i [ __ ] did that's just a window a window into the mind of asthma gold anyway let's go ahead and move on and so this is a uh a pretty interesting little conversation here i want to go ahead and show this i think this might be a little bit out of order no it's not out of order [Music] so i lost the role on an item and infamous link who was another ninja on the server says asthma explain fights etc he deserves it in my opinion and i said so what if we roll i said so what if we have to reroll like it doesn't matter if we got a rule well we got to get the right result don't we and all you guys talk about rob ninjing and so like at this point i want to just look at the screenshot this screen this screenshot confirms literally three of us are all ninja looting all at the same [ __ ] time okay we were clowns this is all we would [ __ ] do and then boom i got the item you didn't say at the beginning of the raid okay bye guys yup see ya i'm done and i got the item it is what it is and also speaking of getting items i also got the reigns of the twilight drake and i remember whenever i won the role on this i think it was like riksa or somebody everybody let out a collective sigh whenever they saw that i won the role because i was an idiot everybody knows it i was an idiot they said isn't there anybody else that can roll on it is there anybody else that can roll on it so we don't have to give it to asman please is there anybody and i was like no there's not [ __ ] give it to me and you know what they did i also wasn't complete trash either i was number three on the dps meter keep that in mind keep that in [ __ ] mind boys and there i am on my twilight drake and with talib's leadership we were able to do three drake star therian as you guys can see i had moused over him he was obsidian slayer he had already completed a lot of this content before and he knew everything that we needed to do in order to finish the rest of this time went on i had to make my all i had to make a guild bank and i did that as well the height of my fiending career was beginning to occur this guild name was reported i had to make a new guild name i renamed that guild name to something else that was even more offensive blizzard changed that guild name and they sent me an email and they said we will give you a list i said they want me to send them a list of what they want to change my guild name to and the only two or three things i put on the list one of them was asmongold fan club and blizzard would not change the [ __ ] guild name to asthma and gold fan club and so instead they just simply did not change my guild name that's why even to this day el banco's guild exists because i never got a chance to change it they would never let me change it because they were so pissed off because they had to deal with me all the time there were also some real [ __ ] i used to do this all the time i would literally just scream shot people that have bad armor or stupid [ __ ] on this guy had block value gear on and he was a war he was a dk there's no reason that you need that as a dk also as well i was getting this one too check it i got my draconic for dummies and i finally finished all eight of the chapters as well i went and i fought a cranius with this one girl that was in the guild and i had her heal me while i defeated the boss pretty much all by myself it took me a while but i did what i needed to do and i got my gnomish turbine of psych mic a psychic might which i still have in my inventory in my bank to this day i never got rid of it i got my admiral thing as well with again rob and also on top of that i got my diplomat thing too i was farming out all the titles i was farming out everything that i needed to do and unfortunately blizzard did give me a glimpse of the future of what of what life has to hold in store for me [Music] i took a screenshot of this back whenever it happened because i thought it was a funny joke it was just a funny good it was just a good old funny joke and it was a different texturing bug and uh then later on it turned into not being a bug i want to tell you how rob and i became friends rob before after before rob was e-dating aileen i was e-dating alien and we talked about it a lot and the bond the bond between the two of us became much stronger and apparently we found out that everybody was e-dating alien and um she was still around at this point she was still around but uh it was it was really [ __ ] funny yeah yeah and so rob and i we became really good friends to this right yeah dude she's crazy right i'm like yeah dude she's [ __ ] nuts and so we started talking to each other and we became really really good friends man we really did and then also i wanted to go ahead and show you some of the loot rules of some of my uh i don't know if these are people in my guild but these are some of the loot rules from back in wrath of the lich king they want you to have an orgasm on vent or whatever who has the best orgasm gets the loot from the raids that was the way that we were doing loot rules for our raids are pug rates we would get everybody in vent and that's how we would handle things yeah it was fair it's wait listen like the degeneracy i want you guys to understand this this is we're just getting start we're just getting started okay we are just getting started on top of that also we were [ __ ] with people in cg we were just clowning around uh i want to see me i want to see if they get mad we were just clowns that's all we were it was fun it was great and talib also came back to the guild and everything was looking really really good i was happy i was confident and we were ready to move on and move forward but there was one other thing that i still did need to i forgot that i added this so i want you to know this has been an ongoing behavioral pattern for a very long time this is not something that i put on for stream this is not something that oh well he just plays it up for stream no it is not so anyway somebody said i'm like the swifty of thrall i said oh well what i didn't even know who swifty was at that time i don't wait no yeah i did i didn't know who swifty was that but yeah by raphaelitch king i did everybody was happy and then these are the kind of these are the kind of motivational techniques that talib would use on us whenever we were raiding find a checkbox for shitty at the game and make sure it isn't clicked and this is the kind of stuff that he would tell us in the middle of the raid whenever things weren't going well everybody knew it at the end of every single raid after i did the stuff with kryptonites i went with my mom and she helped me every single night every single night and we would do seth calls heroic in order to get them out from anzu and it took a long long [ __ ] time and we would do this together just the two of us me and my mom every night doing this dungeon on heroic this is my life and it was beautiful it really was talib also liked to have fun too he wasn't just a bad guy he liked to have fun he like to enjoy himself and i also like to have fun i like to play a game called the all [ __ ] and balls challenge and it's a game that i play with blizzard and every single new character that i would make i would rename it to all [ __ ] and balls and i would see what level i could get my character to before blizzard reported the cat removed the character and made me change my name i would named every character all [ __ ] and balls and blizzard renamed every single one of them i never got one all the way to max level it was unfortunate but there it is [Music] one fateful night one fateful night our guild decided that we were tired of farming max rama's 25 men and we wanted to take the next step we wanted to go the extra mile we wanted to take that extra leap and we went in there on one tuesday tuesday night and we attempted immortal for the first time we chose the military wing first because resuvious was the highest chance of killing somebody at the very beginning we attempted versus and someone died the morale of the guild had never been lower they had never been lower but we were told that if we had waited for two hours that the instance would soft reset and we would have another chance to go for immortal and we came back and we waited for two hours and we afk together and two hours later we went back into knacks that same night and we killed resuvius and no one died and we killed all the rest of the bosses in the other four first wings and no one died we killed saffron and no one died and we got right here to kel'thuzad and you know what no one died we were the first guild on the alliance to achieve the immortal and we were the only guild that ended up getting it before ulduar came out this right here was one of the biggest accomplishments that i had had from all this time i had already been part of the guild but we were always seen as a has been guild we didn't have that one thing that just showed that we were that much better than everybody else until this night until right here whenever we got this achievement and we accomplished this we set ourselves above every other guilt every guild tried to get immortal and they could never do it they did their best they tried as hard as they could but we went in there and on our first try we got immortal and we regained our place as the top alliance guild on the server for the first time since the middle of burning crusade and i wasn't just on the sidelines watching i wasn't just part of a guild a kill after you know another guild that killed it like a wake-up call i was there on the front on the front lines and i was there in the raid myself and i got it and i was part of that i said look at my title he says wow [ __ ] you so much true very [ __ ] true and there was only one left for us to do there was the malygos speed run kill and you know what i'm gonna be honest it was pretty hard to do we couldn't do it that day but we did go back and we completed glory of the hero and i got my red proto-drake for the first time i did that there with dekina i think uh celebi this guy honestly celebi was a [ __ ] god like this guy was the best druid like the best druid tank i've ever played with he was so [ __ ] good man and valther like these were all the [ __ ] boys i tried using a different ui and i swapped over away from it but i did get glory of the hero and there's my uh there's me on my mount right there i was felt like a boss at this point i was the only warrior basically on the server who was dps who had that title i had the one thing that nobody else had and anybody who thought that they were better than me all they had to do was read my [ __ ] name and they knew they weren't i was proud of myself i really was and there's me right there that's right this is the face of a winner this is the face of a champion [Music] this is the face of a warlord and you know what we went back to malygos and we [ __ ] got it and we ended up getting the black proto-drink the amount that i get on this was back in the day whenever i got it and we completed glory of the raider on 25 men before ulduar was released i learned the mount right there and that's me riding it for the first time 16 fps my computer wasn't that good and there we are all together as a guild taking screenshots in front of aldemar ready for the next raid tier portlies thank you very much the five get the community subs i appreciate that very much obviously a lot of us are flying around we're very happy everything's very very good again that's me screen tanking gear talking [ __ ] to people who have bad gear that's [ __ ] epic staunch signet i just making fun of people just being a general jackass because i didn't want them to roll on my gear i was leveling up my paladin as well i wanted to do that and i also came back and i got the undying on 10 man as well and you know what rob and i were playing again and we ended up getting uh getting all the rest of our [ __ ] done and again rob and i were becoming very very good friends and rob introduced me to uh was it rob it might have been somebody else i met this girl at that time and this is another one of the main characters in the story um i met cora and this was i remember it very very clearly at this point i was an aggressive [ __ ] and i was able to pretty much talk down anybody that i knew and nobody would ever question me or do anything like that and i joined this random raid this random group with this druid this girl and i was talking to her and she wouldn't she wouldn't listen to me i was like why is this [ __ ] not listening to me like i'm literally telling her she's stupid and wrong at the game and she doesn't respect the fact that i'm [ __ ] immortal i've the [ __ ] drake you don't have [ __ ] like what the [ __ ] do you mean and so yeah i'm like what are you yeah team name celebrity status oh oh the other one okay uh let's let's move on i didn't see that um anyway so yeah the uh that's the thing and so this girl i talked to her and it made such an impression on me because she was actually not willing to take my [ __ ] and it was weird because i kind of liked it and i remember what happened was she didn't have a battle res eight she didn't have like the acorns for battle resin and so so she didn't have the acorns for battle resin and later on after the run i bought an acorn and i mailed it to her and i was like there you go this is what you need make sure to hold on to this and we began talking and this lasted for a few days or so going back and forth and i ended up talking to her i was like i was talking to her about like my uh you know my uh my parents and i was talking to her and i was like becoming friends with her and it was really kind of weird honestly because at this point i'm like why am i talking to this girl who i think is a complete idiot and also uh you know doesn't know how to play the [ __ ] game but i liked her i did i liked her i talked to her all the time and going soft you know something like that and uh so that's basically what it was semp it's a dude well listen i wasn't completely i was a completely different person okay i was still yelling and raid warning whenever people were wiping in molten core because nobody would kill the core hounds at the same time okay like listen i i i wasn't gone i was still the same old aspen gold i was still the same old guy and you know what i went back and i leveled up my paladin as well i was playing with other people and then after a while patch 3.1 or 3.2 i forgot which one came out and all the war was released and so was dual spec we got dual spec unlocked and we logged on i want you guys to look at the time right there the servers were down on the ulduar release uh the release day for like 12 hours it was so bad like we didn't even get into uldwar until way like 10 p.m at night man it was so [ __ ] bad it was a terrible [ __ ] time but we did eventually get into all the war the patch came out and i went in there on the first day with my guild and i thought it was really hard i i did i i was like what the [ __ ] man how how can we possibly beat this boss and you know what it took some time it took a lot of effort but we beat it and i went there with my guild for the first night and we did old war together that night and we finished a few other ones but we really only got flame of iathan down that day the next day began one of the biggest raid days of my life we woke up in the very beginning of the morning this 5 p.m i guess it was kind of a while and we raided all the war for hours we raided ulduar from whenever we went to once woke up to whenever we went to bed and we went through all of the bosses it took us a long time it really did any room in old war for dps not for you i was a [ __ ] i still am a [ __ ] i was more of a [ __ ] then we did all the bosses together with my guild and this was us we were the top guild on the server at this point or besides ascent and we were just popping off we were doing what we needed to do and we cleared pretty much all of ulduar on the first day i was extremely happy about it but there was a little bit of a problem though oh yeah i uh look i it you know it is it is what it is and screenshot dead wait was i dead in every picture no man i wasn't dead in this one i wasn't dead in that one i was dead in that one and then that one and okay yeah but like that it is what it is right i mean look i was doing what i needed to do okay and i'll tell you guys why i was dead do you guys want to actually know why i was dead i'll explain it my computer was really really bad it was so bad that whenever i would try to render particles it wouldn't happen and we couldn't render particles and i want you to think about the boss that we're killing right here and the next boss of course is yogg-saron now what particle effect does yogg saron do that you need to make sure that you avoid does anybody know because maybe you don't maybe you're a new player you don't really fully understand it let me go ahead and explain exactly what it is the clouds that's right the clouds guess who had a computer so shitty they couldn't even see the clouds hey guys why are all these mobs spawning what the [ __ ] i i didn't think it's that hard why is this happening and my guild at this point was not very happy with me they they really were not it was not good are you asthma gold he's online you idiot yeah people are pretty stupid and also on top of that i i i my guild decided that i would not be in for yogg-saron progression they decided i would not do it and i ended up playing more with cora as well this is her little alt she played like a a priest and we level the character together as well and um this is whenever i started hanging out more with her missing one bad yep there's cora and cora is going to be a uh an ongoing member of the story for a very very long time actual woman yeah so it was a real girl i know it might be a surprise for you and then there's also the binding of the wind seeker and that's whenever i got it oh yeah okay that's whenever yeah that's whenever my friend got it i guess we got another one of those and i screenshotted it as well and then that's us and the boys over in wintergrasp hanging out me with dr good heels again again like i played with this guy for years it was [ __ ] amazing and there were some bosses that i could still do good dps and i ended up defeating some of the older wire hard modes as well i felt pretty [ __ ] good about that especially doing it so early whenever we did and i also wanted to include this screenshot right here so you guys could see that my really bad inventory management skills this is not something that's new this is not something that like oh you know asmongold just started being really bad in inventory management no this is something that's been going on literally for my entire life this is this is what i do keep it in mind this is what i [ __ ] do and after a while of my mom and i farming and zoo at night at the end of my raids it [ __ ] dropped the reigns of the raven ward [ __ ] dropped it was one of the mounts that i had really really really [ __ ] wanted my mom she passed on the reigns of the raven ward for me i got the achievement and i took a screenshot oh my [ __ ] god oh my [ __ ] god yes and she was just happy for me and there's me with the mount okay come outside i wanted her to take a screenshot with me i was so happy that she she helped me summon because back then you could only sum it if you were druid and my mom happened to be a druid so she was able to summon them out for me and i did it every single night with her later on fast forward seven years later four years later something like that five years later my mom never got anzu herself she didn't really care about it as much as i did but she knew how much i cared about it and i got it for her warlords of draenor came out and the collector's edition gave you a special mount the dread raven which was basically a flying version of the raven ward and back then i had a little bit of money i had just started youtube but i didn't have enough money to buy two collectors editions i could only buy one collector's edition at that point and i bought the collector's edition and i gave it to my mom as thank you for this moment right here for helping me get anzu all those years ago and she still has the mount now yep that's that's the that's the [ __ ] lore boys that's the [ __ ] lore i was very happy to have this mount i had plenty of screenshots on it some a little bit more scuff than others but i did what i needed to do and i also got 2k rating in arena it was pretty good i was happy about it and i also got her to do zg with me as well so after she did that i was like hey mom why don't we go ahead and go do zg instead let's go farm over for the the panther mount or for the tiger amount let's go do the raptor mount too and she's like okay sure and so i just immediately got her to start for helping me farm another mountain as well man i'm doing i'm doing what i need to [ __ ] do and then this is just me talking [ __ ] to some random ass [ __ ] guy in uh in ironforge it's what i did some random guy showed up on the server i thought he [ __ ] bought his account and then he ended up logging out there's me right there on my amani warbear with my furious gladiators bone grinder just pimping out doing what i need to do and i want to go ahead and show you guys this again this is another great comment about me i know man just how i am i feel it makes me look bad to at you and i respect you from one of your reputation you're the whole reason i leveled my warrior i was a [ __ ] i was a legend on the server at that point i was a wizard on the server at that point and i want to go ahead and show this moment right here this moment is what was called the battle of the battle masters many years ago a young asman gold obtained the title battle master i was the first player on the server to have the title i would refer to myself as the battle master it was all i would think about i was so happy that i had it and i was the only one i would show it off constantly and i would ward it over other over other people to just let them know how much better i am than them a druid transferred to our server [Music] and he had battle master i was linking it in chat talking about how great i was he said i have the title too i said no you don't [ __ ] [ __ ] you you're trash i run this server you're a [ __ ] nobody and we start talking [ __ ] to each other in trade chat and i said you know what if you're a real battle master come out to the gates of ironforge and duel me head to head face to face and we'll see who the real battle master of this server is there can only be one battle master on this server so i go outside of iron forge and everybody is out there waiting they're waiting to see this go down they want to know what's going to happen because here it is i mean here's all asming gold is bringing this [ __ ] kid in there and they they knew me but this druid is like an unknown entity like who is this guy and so anyway i was not very happy about it i was a little bit nervous but many people here they uh they had faith and there he is tyranix the other battle master and i dueled him and i i popped perception at the very beginning of the duel and i [ __ ] destroyed him i absolutely [ __ ] destroyed him i called him a poor baby i talked so much [ __ ] to this guy that he quit the [ __ ] game and you know why it's because i was the battle master and he wasn't i beat him in front of everybody on the server everybody in my guild came out there to watch it i told the story this guy logged off and he never logged on again [ __ ] him dude i reduel them again i believe and then he ended up quitting that's the way it [ __ ] goes boys that's the way it [ __ ] goes bullied i believed him nah man he stepped up he stepped up he was talking [ __ ] i was talking [ __ ] and he wanted the 1v1 he got it he lost that's the way it goes [ __ ] him like he's he walked out there himself he came out there himself what do you think he's oh no man he [ __ ] came out there he was doing what he had to do yeah i [ __ ] it up beat his [ __ ] ass that's what you get you try and contest the battle master man i was leveling my uh my rogue as well as you guys can see i have great naming conventions incarcerated was cora big surprise here i was leveling with her again i was playing with her again at this point i also wanted to show this guy right here this guy's name is me sucks this was the worst player on the server this was literally the worst player on the entire server we recruited him in burning crusade and we needed him to tank archimonde and we and we summoned him in to archimonde and we full buffed him up and talib realized because he noticed something a little bit weird on his armor he noticed that me socks didn't have a lot of health even though he had all his armor on so tyler was going through all of his buffs and all of his armor trying to figure out what it was and it turned out that me socks had rez sickness and he was ready and telling everybody he was prepared to tank [ __ ] archimonde no he had res sick he took the summon he joined the raid he's like all right guys we're ready and he was ready to tank it and talib g kicked him on the [ __ ] spot oh my god it was beautiful for me to [ __ ] see that and i screenshot him later on to see how much of an idiot he was but anyway my guild uh my guild did finally take me in and they did me a favor and they let me kill yog saron with everybody in the guild on 25 man the unfortunate reality of this situation i want to see this right here whenever i said that people would refer to me like that i i really meant it like i'm telling you like the stupid [ __ ] that used to happen on my server it was real it was actually [ __ ] real like i'm not like making any of this up it's a totally [ __ ] stupid-ass [ __ ] uh this part right here is going to be uh uh i gotta take a piss i'll be right back give me a second wash your hands why don't i wash my hands it doesn't make any sense yeah what do you mean so look obviously i was uh i was a complete idiot and i was also uh removed from the raiding team i had been removed from the raiding team in all the war and the reason that i had been removed is because i was lazy my mom's downstairs so i don't want to say this pretty loud um basically there was a time on mimiron where i was tabbing back and forth in during the fight and i was jerking off like watching porn or something like that and i remember tabbing out and then the last frame that i saw was mimiron casting the explosion nova and i told people i'm like uh i held down like push the talk game like guys i'm lagging and they're like oh okay and then i died because i knew i couldn't tap back in in time to get out of it so my guild told me in the least nice way possible get the [ __ ] out of the raid you useless piece of [ __ ] and i said okay i didn't want to raid anymore i said [ __ ] that's fine with me i'm lagging no i i was being i was being a piece of [ __ ] it's true i was i mean i think everybody kind of knows that it's not a secret it's not special or anything like that it is what it is so you know what happened slowly as time went on a lot of the people in the guild at this point they had already they have been playing the game for five years super hardcore and many people in five years many of them started off whenever they were first in high school maybe in college and now they're getting out of college and they're getting jobs and they weren't able to rate as much we were losing players left and right it was really [ __ ] sad and i was over there sitting all by myself [ __ ] around doing nothing and i uh i hate to say it but overdose fell apart my guild that i had wanted to be a part of ever since my guild that i had ever wanted to be a part of everson's wrath vanilla wow before i even hit level 60 the guild fell apart and a lot of the members left and it disbanded well i'm gonna leave this guild i would say goodbye but you guys will probably come so i'll see you laters this was me whenever i was about to quit the guild the guild that i had wanted to be a part of ever since the beginning of playing the game i had wanted this so much and at this moment i was about to leave [Music] i decided to take it on myself that i would take up the mantle of being the new guild master of the new guild and instead of relying on other people i would do it myself and i went with my friends rob and everybody else and i made my own guild and i called it something that i thought was very accurate i called it pariah and i made it myself and i made it as the guildmaster with rob is my second in command and we made our guild together and we kept the things going and on our first night of being a guild we raided we raided old war and we killed bosses together and i built up this guild with some of the remnants of overdose and some of my old friends as well but many of them had left and many of them have gone i started recruiting people out of other guilds and i did everything that i could to make my own way and to do my own thing because at the end of the day i was the guild master and i had my opportunity to really take my shot and see what i could do as a guild master and i did and i went and i did you know different other random [ __ ] people in the guild were playing together we killed moz for my little quest line as well i was very happy about that and there's me right there as you can see there's me and cora as well from back in 2009 i finished my quest line pretty much entirely trial of the crusader released and i came in there with my brand new guild as the leader of the guild and we cleared the bosses we actually did it like we were actually successful when and i i was doing a pretty good job everything was great uh people were happy and we were getting our stuff done we were getting our mounts etc and the way that we recruited people was actually very simple explain it will take his friends [Music] the way i used to do things i was i was shameless i was heartless and i was soulless the way that i would recruit people would tell me that they don't want to be part they don't want to leave their guild unless it falls apart and i thought to myself okay that's easy i'll just recruit other people out of the guild that do want to leave and i had no intention of really playing with them but i recruited enough people out of their guild to where the guild did fall apart then i was able to recruit the people that i initially wanted to play with and i kicked out the people that i didn't i poached every guild on an entire server and i collapsed three entire guilds to create the best rating team that i possibly could i did everything that i needed to do and rob and i would sit around on skype or [ __ ] whatever the hell we used back then on vent and we would formulate plans and plots on how we could manipulate the other guilds into falling apart and steal all of their best core members to make our guild more powerful and better this is all we would do is we would think about how to [ __ ] over other guilts and we basically killed the entire alliance raiding scene on thrall like we we actually did like we killed like every other guild minus one my guild was known as the ninja loading guild full of [ __ ] and that's why we called ourselves pariah is because we owned it people were not happy about this at all they were angry at [ __ ] right now why would you want to duel me you're not going to get loot we give loot to those who deserve it let me guess that wasn't him people were angry they would make alts it would make forum threads about me they were furious constantly at the fact that i was able to just go in there and have my guild and do whatever we wanted we were the most toxic guild on the server and there was nobody that was even remotely close that toxicity led us to success but as time went on i actually had to stop raiding or i was late to raids at the very beginning because i had a class in community college at that time and i had to put somebody else in charge i had to put rob in charge [Music] rob was an even bigger [ __ ] than i was and eventually it's not rob's fault all the way eventually our guild uh we didn't really do very well i helped make this guy's uh sulfurous hand of ragnaros this is another girl that we had kicked out of the gill to say something like that again i'll qq and rage quit obviously more guild drama at a certain time this is an idiot that i kicked out of the guild i thought it was funny because i didn't [ __ ] like him i was leveling up i was playing with blackleaf this guy right here we got 2200 together back in wrath of the lich king we were still raiding and playing together and everything was generally okay but there was a very large amount of toxicity that existed in the game and in the guild there's me right there with my character out my face that's dr good heels that's me and my [ __ ] boy he and i were very good friends and we stayed good friends for a very long time but the fact is that um fact is that this this couldn't really last forever it really couldn't and the gill was beginning to show a little bit of its cracks and there were problems but i do want to say to be under the leadership of a battle master just be honest i want to be in a raid listen everybody still recognize me as the uh as the leader but the fact is that i had things that were calling my attention and i didn't have the time to be a guild master as much as i would have it was unfortunate it really was it's sad somebody asked me how much dps do you do i said it depends on the fight and they said patrick and i said what's that patrick obviously he meant patchwork but i just thought that was funny i would add that one in there and there's my character right there and again there's me doing bg's with cora it was good it was very good time i was very happy and everything was good we were playing together she was never really part of the guild that much and the guild was starting to fall apart one day i logged on and rob sent me him i checked the guild bank i logged on and i checked the guild bank and rob had sent me in-game mail he had said to me asmin i transferred servers the other half of the guild bank is yours let's go man so you know what i did he stole one half of the guild bank i stole the other half of the guild bank and on my final day on this server my mom sent me a special little present a going away present i transferred to kil'jaeden with rob with the entire rest of the guild bank [Music] we stole everything out of our own guild and we left i still have the letter yes i still have the letter i transferred over to kil'jaeden thinking that i would have opportunities to raid to pvp to pop off to do things that i had never done before to achieve heights i had never been at before to do something to achieve on a level that i never thought was even an opportunity for me i never thought that i could even do this and i wanted to take my chance i wanted to go out there and i wanted to do everything that i could and really see what i was what i was capable of could i ever really could i ever really do it i left korra behind i left everyone behind i left my mother behind i left everything that i knew behind and rob and i went to this new server to see what we could do and to see if we could join and be part of this new bigger better guild and actually really take things to the next level we got to 2 400 easily we easily got to was yeah 2400 we were popping off farming people like [ __ ] crazy we were gods this was back whenever i was playing the game and i really had a chance to actually farm and do well we beat a lot of really good players we did amazing i couldn't believe it and you know what everything was going really [ __ ] well everything was going amazing we were beating all the best teams but the truth is that at this point i had learned that i didn't have a guild i didn't have any real friends on the server i was by myself and it slowly started creeping into me that i might have made one of the biggest mistakes i've ever made i transferred away from everybody just for arena rating just to beat other pvpers super cool very awesome at the end of the day it didn't matter i was playing with myself and that was about it man i got my special little bronze drake and i want to show this little screenshot here because this screenshot is going to lead the way into the rest of this story what ended up happening here is i um i was still logging back on i found myself not logging onto my warrior anymore i stopped playing my warrior it's kind of sad to say but i i did i just stopped playing it i ended up logging back onto my alts much more often than i was logging onto my warrior because my alts were still on my server with all my friends on it the guild master of the new guild that had reformed with the remnants of my remnants of the remnants of overdose was called phobia the guild master was it was a girl named charmed and she mistelled me baby we're gonna make it work i screenshotted this because i knew who she was talking to she was talking to roofian the warrior who had taken my dragon spine trophy chances and insulted me back in burning crusade i never forget i never forget and i found out that they were in a relationship just by this and so i use that i want to go ahead and show i'll get back to that in a minute okay i'll get back to that in a minute so i don't really pay attention to douche bags when i'm talking but you said i'm looking for a screenshot of the realm forums good luck with that this guy is this guy completely went off the [ __ ] rails i want to go ahead and read you a message this guy sent me because he was so angry at the kind of person i was look i'm just gonna add you to ignore i'll keep in mind that you're an exod member you're like roofian atheists like talib you're a bunch of worthless [ __ ] who met who measure their value by how much gear they have or what content they clear which was true this is totally completely true but you know what we were better than he was we were way better than he was it's clear to me that everyone on the server that i'm a better player than anyone there was ever a member of overdose just because i don't get carried hardcore like you do doesn't mean i can't be in a raid killing yog plus zero also i haven't cleared togc because i don't have 24 other people to carry me but if i did and i'd have a raid to raid togc with i would carry them not the other way around you'll probably say well duel but that's where real skill is measured in a 1v1 arena is a test of competent tests of strat not a test of skill you get carried like crazy and i carry like crazy i think you're just jealous as all the other elitist [ __ ] in your old guild but hey what do you care you don't have to take me seriously anyways you can log the chat now and take screenies and make a forum post then maybe you can turn it into an overdose style thread my guild was so known for drama that we would make threads on the for on the realm forums all the time and we were just known as the drama guild like any anything that's any [ __ ] that was happening in my guild at all it was completely because of that so roofian i never liked rufian i never did and you know why i didn't like rufian it's because he did that [ __ ] to me because he thought for even a second that he can be slightly as good as i am i knew i was better than he was i knew he was a [ __ ] and i waited and i bided my time that's me and jeff leveling our characters together that's me and jeff again leveling our characters together it was fun and that's me right there playing with my uh playing with the nixie as well with my boys and we went into uh uh we went into icc the raid came out and you know what we cleared it pretty [ __ ] easily honestly we really did there's roofian right there he was the loot master he was a raid leader for now i bided my time and i waited and i took my chances and i took my opportunity whenever time time had its place and i want to make sure let me just see where i'm at with everything okay yeah i'm about there and you know what [Music] it's coming it's coming this is me tanking onyxia the raid was i was actually i was the main tank but it wasn't going well and so jeff was like man [ __ ] this i don't need loot not gonna waste all my gold for ani you want to do heroics i'm like yeah bro i'm gonna hurt the [ __ ] out i'm maintaining this [ __ ] i'm out i'm howdy [ __ ] i just i hurt the [ __ ] out while i was maintaining me and jeff said [ __ ] that [ __ ] we're out we're done [Music] we're out that [ __ ] rain man who cares why aren't you joining cuties only cuties only was horde uh we joined uh we're on more serta i think that was the guild that rob joined uh on cue like we had a friend that was in cuties only uh it was a horde gill and kil'jaeden and we could have probably gotten in but i didn't want to uh i didn't want a faction transfer so anyway i was sitting there just showing uh cora they wouldn't even like korra and the guild can you believe that they wouldn't even let korra in the guild it's disgusting you know it was sad and uh i was still raiding with them i was doing okay i was doing what i needed to do do you know who asman gold is and i said best warrior dps on the server i said yeah that's actually me that's because it was i was a great player and i was over there on kil'jaeden on my warrior and guess what kind of a guild this was i got to crayon uh yeah it's a pvp guild big surprise i know you would have never expected that but i was on a pvp guild and uh it was a complete guild full of absolute dip shits and there's me right there playing on kil'jaeden i had all the ruthless gladiator gear pretty much and i was doing really well i was in uh i especially had some of the [ __ ] uh uh raffle gladiator gear even and i was very happy and i had a message i had a message from an old friend a friend that i had known ever since burning crusade he said to me basically all the people who were in overdose and driven whatever were thinking of continuing raiding in some fashion maybe bringing back overdose but that's up in the air i said if that happens nobody else wanted to commit to this nobody else wanted to bring the guild back together nobody else wanted to take the first step the first leap i said if that happens i'll transfer my warrior back after i get 2500 it was time i was leveling with cora again i left my other guild i left i got to crayon i joined and i did icc 2010 10 man heroic i was doing the 10 man her looks very very early on i joined another stupid [ __ ] guild and did it really matter no it didn't nobody gave a [ __ ] i got tribute to insanity as well and i remember this very very clearly i roll the 100 on this [ __ ] item and the item before this that i had rolled on was the [ __ ] mount i rolled a two on the [ __ ] mount and then i rolled a 100 on the item that i didn't want and i remember i slammed my head onto that wall right there so loud that my neighbor turned his light on because he was like what the [ __ ] is going on is there like you know somebody dying over there i was so angry and i screenshotted it because how [ __ ] pissed off i was so i thought that you know what it might be time it might be time for me to make this guild fall apart it might be time for me to ruin the skill and so i posted the screenshots i exposed roofian and that with another bit of a gdkp drama i turned the entire guild against him and i made everybody quit his guild and then everybody else rejoined a new guild that he was not part of it took me three years to [ __ ] him but i [ __ ] him and the reason why i did that number one he sucked dick [ __ ] that stupid ass [ __ ] [ __ ] pull that [ __ ] on me gonna see what happens never forget now on top of that the other reason why i did that is i knew that they would not leave the server some of the people were too comfortable and i broke the guild apart i also got by the way i got baron rivender's charger on my uh uh on my mage too it was great and i left that guild as well and i took one final screenshot i took one final screenshot of my warrior over and killed jaden and everybody things were still really kind of up in the air at that point nobody knew if they wanted to join another guild or anything like that they had no idea and blackleaf the guy who i had played with and done arena with we decided that if we were going to do it it would be on a special other server that he had transferred to that server was kel'thuzad before anybody else had committed to it everybody else was waiting for somebody else to take the leap [Music] i took the leap i transferred over to kel'thuzad after of course i looted myself since i'm the only one that can loot the eye i'll take it if that's cool i can too yeah it's a two-n yeah you're a druid uh yeah i might as well just take that yeah i just take the eye it is what it is right and i joined kel'thuzad and we reformed overdose with all of the old people in my guild everybody came back i took the first step and for the first time i was part of a guild and i was part of my group of friends once again the boys are back in town this was such a monumental moment for me it was something that was so important and so meaningful for me to see my entire guild come back together because we wanted to raid together again in cataclysm i took the first step i said [ __ ] it i don't have anything here and kill jaden even for the chance to be able to raid with all my friends again i will immediately take it and i'll do it i don't care what it takes i don't care what i need to do i'm gonna do it and it doesn't [ __ ] matter and i went over and i transferred to kel'thuzad and i was one of the founding members of the guild and i reformed it over on kel'thuzad and i was trying to bring all the boys back together and you know what we did we [ __ ] did we started making the guild again we started getting everybody back together again everybody was raiding again we only had a few people that were in the guild we were just [ __ ] around and having fun we were doing whatever we could do together we were just happy to be playing together once again there's me tala bryce fell by accident all the old guys that were playing in the old guild they were back together again raiding on kel'thuzad and that's what brought me to my server it's because my guild reformed here because blackleaf was already here and we wanted to join his server we went over there and i got my uh i got my legendary weapons and of course i still did keep in contact with other people but i also started farming and i started playing the game as much as i did there was a point in time in trial of the crusader where i was about ready to quit the game i didn't really care about it that much anymore and after i had left all my friends and i was all alone on that other server i didn't realize how important it was for me to have my friends and have my relationships that i had and i came back to kel'thuzad with the renewed interest of the game and also a renewed group of friends that i was going to play with and take in the cataclysm and really finish the rest of the raid tier with and i also farmed out a lot of the old mounts i got the original zulien tiger i farmed that [ __ ] out all by myself i did it it took me quite a while i think i did all myself it was either me or some other guy i forgot if it was i got my shadow's edge as well i did what i needed to do and then also there's haste the same guy that messaged me and he said that people are going to come back and rejoin and make the guild over again there's us with our black proto-drinks that we had obtained on the old server together again once again in our old guild our new guild on kel'thuzad there we are doing next ramus talib me all the boys teflon that's the uh the warrior or sorry the uh the rogue hunter uh played both of them that uh invited me to the guild me and reiselfeld this is a good friend of mine that i played with back in the day who's also an overdose and there was us taking on icc together in a tin man we didn't really have a whole lot of people back then and we had to recruit people over time swifty by the way that's not actually swifty that was st palin we did everything everything together we were playing together talonnor talenor and reiselfel and me we played the game together all the time and i alluded i think this to or as well somebody else was not happy about me i'm not really surprised about that it's pretty much the usual uh i screenshotted this i don't know why like at this point i stopped screenshotting all the games that i was just top damage and top viewing on like this is just this is a normal battleground for me there's not really a big deal or anything like that this is just a normal bg so yeah it was pretty nice i was a good player and we also killed the lich king now at this time jeff was living at my house jeff would sit behind me on that computer over there well at that desk over there and he would say zach it was 3 a.m i said what jeff he says how's it gonna feel i should say i said how's it gonna feel when what jeff he says how's it gonna feel whenever i kill the lich king before you i turn around and i look at him he's wiping in phase one i said jeff you're not gonna kill the lich king you [ __ ] suck you're not gonna kill the lich king before me i'm a [ __ ] god you ain't [ __ ] he says we'll find out jeff stayed up until six in the morning raiding he didn't kill the lich king i did i killed the lich king jeff was not happy about that but i did what i needed to do and we defeated the frozen throne and i got my [ __ ] i was very happy about that jeff didn't kill the lich king until way later when it didn't [ __ ] matter i got it way earlier and also remember what i told you guys i told this story many times of all of the different players and all the different tanks and everything and how outnumbered the horde was in winter grasp in kel'thuzad and how we had all the tanks just bombarding the one graveyard that the horde had this is literally us doing it these are all the tanks sitting there right at the graveyard blowing up the horde the moment that they step out of the invulnerability zone it was [ __ ] great man it was a it was a great amazing [ __ ] time [ __ ] pvp man it was amazing i was playing the game all the time i was never more excited to play the game i knew that i would log on with that renewed interest for that chance to play with my friends once again once more and i was so happy the boys were back together the guild was back together and my friends were transferring over as well and i was really happy there were a number of people that had not transferred over at this point i don't think my mom had came over and uh cora didn't come over either cora we left her behind we left korra behind but i did not leave the swift versace raptor behind i got this mount as well i farmed out both of those i was extremely happy about that talon or one day he quit the game shortly after this he logged on and he said i've been taking psychology one to meet freshman girls for five years i need to get my life together i'll see you guys later it's been real and talonnor quit the game one of his friends happened to be watching my stream and he heard that whenever i said it and he told me that talonnor is getting married now shout out to my boy i got my 100 000 honorable kills this is never i really started playing together playing the game like i was so [ __ ] serious about playing the game i was a complete massive [ __ ] neckbeard this is all i would do and then my mom my mom i i showed this right here my mom sent me a little pet uh a little pet a little pet for my pet bombling and a special tasty cupcake and some snowballs for my birthday and um i uh she was leveling a new character on on kel'thuzad to play to play with me again so we could play on the same server again and she she would end up leveling up the character and yeah that that's that's what happened we also did uh we did not icc 10 man heroic 2. like we weren't dude we weren't playing games we were here we were here to [ __ ] win we were here to get this [ __ ] done and there we are and we were doing syndragosa this was one of the hardest ones on ten men we didn't have a 25-man group at this point because not everybody had transferred over but at this point we had masaga masaga is rixa he renamed his character krimzer i still talk to every once in a while talib of course by accident dizzy this is the same guy who was the dk who was also the priest that we had recruited basically i don't know if you guys remember from the burning crusade screenshot stream the priest bozey who was originally a horde shaman that kept going into ironforge and dying and we finally just recruited him into the guild well he's still here with us kryptonites quit yeah kryptonite quit game uh i should have actually taken his account he he gave me his account information for atiesh and i could have actually merged my account and i could have ath but i didn't think of doing it i feel stupid for not doing it but uh yeah there it is obviously i did amazing dps of course it goes without saying but yeah there it is i got um a hundred [ __ ] mounts as well let me see if i can find that uh this is the lich king this right here boys this was what i had waited for for all of my time in the game i had waited for this to defeat the heroic lich king and after we killed sindragosa i had my first glimpse of what i wanted to do my first chance to beat his ass [Music] ruby sanctum came out we completed that as well it was quite easy it wasn't difficult whatsoever it was a complete [ __ ] joke we completed all the other achievements for the frost wing halls and we did all the other stuff that we needed to do well i got a hundred mounts i finally completed my 100 mountain achievement we are farming out all the other achievements in uh in old war as well and we also for the first time i got a chance to do algolon and i took a screenshot of that as well we completed observed and this is also i want to go ahead and show you guys many of the people that are in this raid here i didn't do this with overdose because overdose didn't have enough people but there was another guild on the server they were doing 25 man pugs for all the war that guild was indestructible this was the first time that i ever played with them i made friends in this guild now obviously i wanted to stay in my guild because that's where my friends were mostly but i played with them and i did the raids with them i never thought this would come to anything i never thought this would matter but i did so i made some of these me i forgot that i even had these um so i made these memes so [ __ ] zack's dad i told zach's dad that my character's name was asmongold and him because he was drunk and his friends were drunk he heard ass monger that's literally where i got the name it's zack's drunk dad misunderstanding what i said about my name ass monger he called me that for years for absolutely [ __ ] years and i made these little memes from back in the day finally get both cg mounts midlife crisis constantly [ __ ] about every aspect of wow i love this game kill gandria then kill the hunter that was trying to tame it gold capped on food stamps just the usual [ __ ] stuff tab out and get killed by boss aoe i lagged listen everyone in this raid is [ __ ] except me listen [ __ ] constantly about losing an av kill rams yeah these are my old [ __ ] reddit memes from 2009 boe epic drops and random heroic everyone greeds need roll that [ __ ] you know what it is slash 2 why do they call it the xbox 360. girls don't play wow fat ones too cora did not appreciate this this this one this was whenever i became this was whenever i became a real [ __ ] this was never this is whenever my degeneracy reached its apex i was ninjaluding vault of archivon eight times a week i would ninjute it just to do it we were the we i was enjoying myself so much i was so happy there's never been a point where i had been happier with my life than at this point i'll go ahead and i'll read some this is the logic asman why do you press need on everything from the bosses so i can vendor it after the run and why not greed like all of us because when i need i have a better chance of getting it need rolled on both of the items [ __ ] you asman i get that a lot so this was basically the uh this is the way that i would exist this is what i would do it is what it is matt it is what it is and so anyway this is me and all the boys for adrian this is uh this is my friend austin he was a really good friend of mine he and i went to high school together uh we hung out together all the time and i'm still obviously in contact with him austin and i played the game all the time like he would bring his computer over and he would be right there and i'd be right here and we would land out every single [ __ ] weekend and like cody and jeff would bring their computer over and we would all play rather lich king together and we'd also do the same thing with cataclysm too and austin you guys i finally got them to play wow like it took me a long time to get them to play well because i had played ever since like we'd known each other but i finally had done that and yeah we bring our computers over it was [ __ ] amazing it was great missed them days i did too man i really did and um actually i think i have a video let me see if i can find a video all right so here we are uh we're in my backyard um this is what we would do off this is what we would do whenever we weren't playing the game is we randomly caught a raccoon yeah we randomly caught a [ __ ] raccoon and you just got to see the siding in my house like i said we in a [ __ ] cryos right officer yeah we'll off off so here we are uh that's in my backyard um there's cody jeff eddie dude eddie got this girl pregnant and then we never saw eddie again and jeff and cleveland my mom was [ __ ] pissed and cleo dude oh my god these were the [ __ ] boys man we were chilling and hanging out and doing [ __ ] all the time man yeah we were just [ __ ] having so much fun even off stream off wow i mean off wow we were still just chilling hanging out being boys man and squad goals a hundred [ __ ] percent man we were so happy we were just hanging out all the time like people would come over there'd be like five people sleeping in a bed together and like yeah nobody gave a [ __ ] it wasn't weird or like nobody got offended over it or anything like that everything was just totally [ __ ] chill 100 totally [ __ ] chill let me see if i can get some of these other ones playing oh yeah here we go here's another one right here [Music] so we've got there's me right there and then there's jeff behind me and then there's a roach in my bathtub bro dude wrath of the lich king was lit bro wrath of the lich king was where it was at man and then oh no i i forgot about this one um he's been aggroed and i mean you know he likes to choose new targets i literally was trolling the [ __ ] out of jeff i forgot if i said like you know a bad word on here so i can't really play the video uh or the audio of the video so this was jeff at my house and jeff had made a full [ __ ] raid to do um uh to do what whatever the raid is right the eye to do kel'thuz kel'thos so he could take the uh the mount and he couldn't do it with full level 80s and i was video recording him wiping on the raid narrating it behind him while he was wiping and you can see him with the [ __ ] masturbator right there he never [ __ ] got them out man and we were such dicks to each other it was amazing like oh it was so [ __ ] good let's see if i can show anything else here is there anything else here uh nothing else really too much and then there's him dying yeah he's not very [ __ ] happy about it cody cody's sitting there you think that shit's [ __ ] funny man everybody was having fun except jeff yeah everybody having fun except jeff man jeff was pissed he was not happy at all but yeah cody was probably another room playing halo or some [ __ ] dude and so this was like the height of our careers man we were so happy we were hanging out with each other all the time and like oh yeah dude here it is here it is take a look at this take away this that's cody over there in my room [ __ ] playing some goddamn halo on the 360 man the old school [ __ ] and this was our life this was our [ __ ] life we did this together all day every [ __ ] day we were so happy and it was just so amazing man like i don't think i can even express how good everything was we would go to like mcdonald's and we would eat mcdonald's and we would just record ourselves eating mcdonald's chilling doing whatever man and playing wrath of the witch king like wrath of the lich king to me was such a [ __ ] great time in my life yeah this was a great [ __ ] time just to talk to him yeah i do uh i do of course like these are my friends man i talked to cody yesterday actually yeah and um yeah we got the roaches yeah it was the best [ __ ] time ever like we would hang out all the time there was never any sense of like oh you know like there was no stress like we were still in [ __ ] we were kids right we were like [ __ ] at 19 20 years old like i think jeff was like 17 and we just did whatever the [ __ ] we wanted to do and i would give anything to go back to that i really would i'm gonna be on i would give anything to go back to i was so happy then and it's like now it's crazy for me to think to myself [Music] but that was 10 years ago that was 10 [ __ ] years ago man i can't i i honestly i feel stupid i can't let go of it man it was so beautiful i was so happy i was so happy man i never had to never had to worry about anything and it was like austin was hanging out like i remember one time like eight of us got together and we were skipping school and we met and we ate pizza together in the middle of the day and we were talking about like if we wanted like egg cars or something like that it was just so good it was so [ __ ] amazing i was happy as hell this was the this was the pinnacle this was the pinnacle of living life and you know what else was the pinnacle ninja looting thor dial stars fury from a raid there were a lot of people who were not happy about this the fact that i got this bow they were very angry very upset about thorough dog whatever the hell it's called right uh they were not very happy about this but you know what i did what i needed to do and i completed my third legendary i was extremely happy about that and i also went back and i kept playing with the people in indestructible as well because they wanted to farm for achievements in the same way that i did and then as you guys can see i don't think there's anybody actually even in here that you remember actually i can't even tell a story but yeah prius was the one that uh uh she was my connection in overdose like there's this girl and i would like play with her because she would do ulduar every week to get her her shards for valineer and then eventually after time went on i ended up getting my uh my rusted proto drake by playing with them it was [ __ ] awesome and it finally goddamn happened it was amazing i even farmed out other achievements as well and as you guys can see there's somebody that uh somebody that originally wasn't in the story that we left behind that's now back again i finally convinced cora to serve her transfer over and i brought her over with me [Music] to kel'thuzad cora is mcconnell no cora is not mcconnell cora's literally been on webcam you guys know what she looks like like what do you mean there's core you guys don't remember her you guys don't remember her really yeah yeah and so she was the girl that i found and i brought her over with me and let's see i've got a few other real life i got this one too so aftermath was this [ __ ] ass guild and i [ __ ] made this picture because they [ __ ] were [ __ ] ask you after max goes to blizzcon man yeah that's basically what it was i got a bunch of goddamn clowns uh yeah 2 000 viewers whenever she was on stream yeah dude people loved cora like they really liked her a lot let's see i've got um oh yeah there's there's a picture of me um this right here this is the battle master okay like this right here this is a [ __ ] battle master keep that in mind and i took the picture to be fair though i took the picture of the irony of me wearing the fedora so keep that in mind and then also oh i have another picture here to show you guys before i i do have another picture of cora and then i can uh i can move on past it right my mom had only wanted one mount in her entire time playing the game she'd only wanted one mount ever that mount was a swift zebra i saved up my money and on christmas day i gave her a little zebra that came together with the rest of the game and i bought her the recruiter friend mount and i leveled up the character with her so she was able to get the zebra for her character i got that for her for christmas let's see i've got a few more let's see i've got i've got one over here oh that's me and my dad yep me and my dad just chilling uh me looking like kind of an idiot but uh you know it is what it is a good boy yeah it's me and my dad and then another one me my dad this is my dad like this this expression right here this is literally like this is him telling me a [ __ ] story of something that happened 60 years ago same look i mean look it's look what when when this guy december 10 2008 right there so this is right during wrath of the lich king and uh yeah there it is right there the shirt yeah that's the shirt and uh so yeah i've had this shirt for a very very long time i like the shirt a lot and i wear it a lot what can i say yeah there you go this is just it's pretty tired i probably had to wake up at 5 00 p.m man i was exhausted yeah i was exhausted i was like god damn man i gotta i gotta wake up for this [ __ ] what the [ __ ] let's see um oh here's here's another one of cora yeah she's a nice girl and so we brought her over we brought her over the other realm and anyway it took quite a while for us to uh for us to do that let me just go ahead and over here i'm gonna minimize all the rest of these and we'll get back to where i'm actually supposed to be at in the story okay but regardless chill out boys chill out and i remember like her and i were really good friends for like the longest time and uh i still talked to her occasionally yeah i mean obviously this was from 2008 and i had her on the stream like a few years ago okay so she's gonna be a uh she was she's a regular regular character in the story all right so anyway uh she knows how popular you are no i don't go around talking about that kind of [ __ ] man like i'm a normal guy i know this might sound weird but like i don't go around talking about oh yeah you know me followers i have and i don't i don't even mention it like i i i don't know it's just it's not something i do anyway so we ended up doing this and we brought cora over i convinced her to come over to the server and i completed gory of the icecrown raider and you know what i got i got the [ __ ] mount and i know that you guys might not really realize how significant this mount really is why is this mount so significant because this mount is the amount hello everyone that i was riding in the asmingolds layer video so just as a method as a as a measure of scale this is the mount right [ __ ] there i took the screenshot and i made the [ __ ] video that's where it was that is actually yeah that no this is my look dude i had look man it is what it is all right you look i was chilling bro i was cold chilling look at that man god damn i lived like a king i was at the height of my career god damn i was so like i would see there'd be like a little it'd be like a forest of straws that you would see and you'd have to look over them in order to see your monitor and i was just getting started i'm going to say that i was just [ __ ] getting started and it was about to go it was about to go even crazier than that oh yeah this is a it was a good [ __ ] time i'll say that i was very i was very happy everything was going really well uh it was just [ __ ] amazing man absolutely [ __ ] amazing let me see if i have any other ones real quick to show you guys and then we'll move on and uh over there raccoon magnets this is i'll show this one real quick and then i want to move on so anyway um my mother and i we uh we've had a recommend problem and every single raccoon we catch we put a raccoon uh magnet on the refrigerator that doesn't work like a fighter pilot this is raccoon number six and um that's right thug life thug life and so yeah i used to be even skinnier than i am now yeah it's definitely true how many magnets now a lot of them oh yeah let me uh let me show this one too [Music] ah this is the beginning and the none end mortals the master sector i'm lord meroguard that's austin right there hit me with the stick run away little girl run away dylan [Music] i always said these were the days man these were the days bloodborne boss [ __ ] yeah spirits all dropped god man those were the [ __ ] days those were the [ __ ] days that's what we did in wrath of the lich king and that right there was a set for asman gold's lair and at the first first very beginning here i want to show this screenshot initially i did not join indestructible ponytails the current guild master of indestructible at the time he said dude you want to be a main tank for an 11 or 12 25 man icc guild i said to be honest i'm an awful tank but to be really honest i didn't want to join the guild because i thought it sucked like that's really the truth i thought the guilt sucked and i'm like i don't want to join the skill but i didn't want to be mean so i'm like yeah i'm not going to tank it is what it is and so i was invited to join indestructible but i would never leave my boys i would never leave overdose my guild of boys that i had wanted to be playing with ever since vanilla wow that wasn't gonna happen that was not gonna i made that mistake once before so kel'thuzad uh had some real interesting people shut the [ __ ] up you ugly ass fat [ __ ] don't let me catch you working around the place or it's a proper beatdown oh and i'm trinibad i have the most gold on kt don't even bother trying to get a group on kt again this was all after i kicked him out of a pug for bwl and this dude [ __ ] mauled it out on me and i said i [ __ ] took that message and i screenshotted i don't know what trinibad's doing now probably living on a yacht because he sold all his gold but you know dude was pissed off he's a classic andy he's [ __ ] pissed man he's [ __ ] pissed and so yeah that's basically what ended up happening and then a little bit later on and um so i want to talk about a word reciprocity i can't pronounce it but it means paying people back for whenever they do something good for you you suck my dick you suck my dick and you know what happens well i'll suck yours the warg wave of astronauts dropped and the people who ninjuted me thor dial i turned around that i did them the favor of ninjuting them the warg wave back that is fairly messed up you didn't roll i call the [ __ ] roll oh yeah that's why i thought yeah he didn't roll well i did he did roll here's the thing right he did roll but like we had to roll again because he he won the roll so we'd roll again and so i gave it to my boy and then this one i remember this guy was a [ __ ] druid and he was trying to [ __ ] roll on the on the sword and then sell it back to them and i told him he couldn't do it i said [ __ ] that yeah and so anyway i uh i ninjulluted the war wave for them because they they got the bow for me and then it happened the dream that i had back in burning crusade was starting to become real i attained after years of farming the right part of the bindings of the wind seeker and just like what happened in classic wow the last one was gar and it took me way way way too [ __ ] long put masculine what's that it's for the binding of the wind seeker i was extremely happy about it what must be done that's me and i'm ready and i'm getting the quest done and everything like that i'm gonna make sure that i have everything else there uh looks like i am yeah yeah i've got it and then this is oh yeah i was doing threes with talib and uh and hiro yeah i remember that yeah we were oh so i told everybody about this story about the raccoons in my house and we ended up making our arena team called raccoons in the house and you know it was a it was a real good [ __ ] time man level 80 thunder fury hey man i was happy to have it and there it is obviously i was playing with uh i got my essence of the fire lord i i dragged cora along there with me and uh obviously you know we went and did that and then i went back over and on one night myself myself cora austin and our friend exona i got my thunder fury blessed blade of the wind seeker there it is boys there it is where shadow mourn though um shadow morton didn't happen yeah shadow mourn did not happen unfortunately i was very unfortunate i was very upset about that but not getting shadow mourn actually i should tell this story [Music] not getting shadow mourn was such an important event for me because so we did we did icc 25 man pugs every single week talib did the pugs every single week because he needed to get his shadow horn and he got his shadow horn and then he stopped doing the pugs and i'm like weren't we going to do them for me he's like yeah you can you can start the group i'm not going to go through that [ __ ] effort not for your not for your [ __ ] acts i did for me and i'm like what the [ __ ] and on that day i learned that i have to look out for myself i can't rely on anybody else to do [ __ ] for me i can't rely on other people to ensure my success i have to be the master of my own destiny and i have to go and do things for myself that was a very important lesson that i learned it was not a bad thing at all we were obviously [ __ ] around having fun everything was good we were enjoying ourselves a lot i had myself with a thunder fury and i found a mage that also had a thunder fury i thought that was pretty cool bought my wrathful gladiators helmet and then the pre-expansion event began to happen for cataclysm we had the gnomeregan event as well i did the operation gnomeregan this is uh as i said this is as been gold humor from 2010. yeah i i this is i was i was a real funny guy man i was a real real [ __ ] funny guy and so listen dude i made three thousand minutes on my event that's me and uh what he called me and rob as well rob joined the new guild as well so he came over with us i forgot to even tell you guys but yes he did also come over with us as well and also um this guy right here avernus avernus avernus was a russian and he spoke mostly russian does anybody remember reinhardt the death knight uh i'm curious if anybody remembers reinhardt the death knight no very long time ago reinhardt was a death knight and he had a friend of ernest and they would co-lead icc 25 man raids together and i joined their raids every single week reinhardt made youtube videos as well i didn't really know this until way later he started making him in cataclysm this is before any of us made videos or anything like that and him and avernus would get in these arguments and they would start yelling at each other and they would get louder and it would get louder and it would get louder in the arguments and then it would turn into russian and at that point you knew okay [ __ ] now things are getting serious and they would be yelling at each other getting pissed off getting pissed just like just being being angry boys like that's really all it comes down to just being general angry boys and it was actually really kind of [ __ ] funny but after a while it did get annoying because of how uh you know how how much this would go on pissed off pissed on it was a mess yeah exactly and anyway reinhardt would have a vernis explain all the fights but avernus could barely speak english so nobody knew how to do any of the fights and then avernus would yell at people in russian when nobody else spoke russia it was honestly it was funny just to be in the raid like i would show up just for the antics it was great man it was [ __ ] amazing and um anyway let me go on to the next one let's see here okay yeah an another [ __ ] idiot no i've got plenty of plenty of pictures of idiots here this guy with level 59 drinking at level 80 at the end of wrath and then there's me right there towards the end of wrath of the lich king with shadow's edge and brent roll which is heroic by the way is heroic control by the way just just for anybody doesn't know it's like been troll so korra didn't know cora didn't know she didn't know what was going to happen with the mouse she didn't know what was going to happen with the zg mounts she wasn't paying attention she says they're getting removed in a week i said so you have four chances i said oh my god asman you have to run it with me next week so i don't have to share with exona so she wanted me to run her through zg and play with her on zg to help her get the zg mounts before they got removed from the game and i told her i said you should have been on top of this [ __ ] and i said no mounts for cora but i mean look it is what it is and i went in there and i did i did it with her anyway uh yeah i i did a yeah i i did i did do it with her anyway and uh yeah to be honest though i was i was right she didn't get the mouse she didn't get the mount and uh yeah yeah yeah i mean look and then also what's this other [ __ ] here let me go ahead double check what this is um where is the tank tank you need to aggro damn i'm on my prop pallet and everybody else was dead except me man [ __ ] i was probably afk i said dude do my [ __ ] dude is they say kate they're dead yeah [ __ ] them oh my god and so yeah i did i did zg with cora every single day with her on her druid trying to help her get the zg mounts uh she never got him it is what it is but yeah there it is and then this was the fateful day this was the day the day the 4.0 pre-patch came out the wrath of the lich king was over cataclysm had begun everybody was testing their abilities under brand new target dummies blizzard quality by the way that was me and vesuvius later on he and i would raid together an indestructible he was a friend of mine that i made on the way over to uh on the way over there and then there's me right there with my full brutal gladiator gear behind anal leakage i don't know who the [ __ ] that is but yeah there's me right there with all my gear me and st paulie with krimzier as well all the boys there's i think austin in the background both of us got our mounts cora didn't we got champion of ulduar as well i did that with a lot of the people that were in indestructible at the time and we were playing together and hanging out and spending time with each other and doing what we needed to do so remember in you i told you guys the guy and you message me because he he's watching his stream what's up dude um whenever neo like his girlfriend started hitting on him after he died jesus christ oh my god wow wow shamelessness yeah what the [ __ ] that's rough i mean yeah it is sad it is sad but like it is what is and dekina said damn right yeah yeah okay okay so look yeah i got some of the boys what the [ __ ] dude so yep there's me and cora we were uh we're just playing together and we would do different kind of [ __ ] together like uh just do different dungeons or we would go and do just play the game together right it's just a general thing as a general thing and also uh this was me right here and i want you guys to look at the gear that i have right here look at the gear now why would we be wearing all the war gear why would we be wearing all the war gear if icc was already out i don't know want to find out this screenshot is important and i want to explain why blizzard i got this sword i clearly looted it give me the sword appearance give me this sword appearance i put in five tickets to get this sword appearance and you won't give it to me this is literally a screenshot of my character looting the [ __ ] sword and you know what i need it give me the [ __ ] sword and then there's me right there on my yacht cora on my yak talib s t pali teflon he was the guy that invited me to the guild from back and burning crusade and we were all sitting there waiting to contest the uh the stranglethorn arena you don't have it no i don't have it and that's me just a picture on my own me and tylenor right before he had to quit the game and get his life back under control and regain as well now i forgot to actually talk about regain redkem was one of the people that was invited into the old guild on thrall i didn't know regain he was never an overdose but i played with him and i considered him a good motivated player i considered him a younger version of me and i personally invited reg to come over to kel'thuzad and join overdose and be part of it and let me bring him into the group and i would bring him into my uh into my community like my guild and he was kind of on the fence about it but i was like bro you have to do this he transferred over reg and i would go on to play together for the next eight years reg denied mcconnell a raid spot and indestructible because he was a better rep paladin and morrow to draenor is a good friend of mine we got herald the titans i had worked together with a lot of the people in indestructible at that time and i had worked with them to perfect my perfect set of armor to do herald of the titans with them and after attempt after attempts we finally got the achievement and i was a little bit uh i i was a little bit unsure if it was gonna happen for a while but it turned out that i uh i did do it and almost everybody here oh wait oh clinch look at the guild he's in he's an aftermath oh no he was an ass i forgot he was an aftermath oh no oh my god yeah so yeah listen clint that was my boy he was he was so good he was such a good player and anyway um obviously uh the pre-patch was out everybody was playing together i was doing the uh the little the pre-expansion events grown princess thadras right there this guy messaged me he said less time and wow more achievements irl now i want to just go ahead and draw attention to that position that i'm standing in right here look at exactly where i'm standing then go watch my how to be an elitist video i don't just talk the talk i walk the walk yeah that's the flexing that is the flexing spot there's me and rag so we went in and we cleared all the way up to heroic lich king and i tried to make a raid and i tried to get talib to do the raid for me and talib said [ __ ] that [ __ ] i'm not going to do that you stupid f word talib did not come to the raid i had to do it on my own [Music] and this was the first raid that i really had to do for a long time and i had to make my own team and my own group of people to go up against heroic lich king before before cataclysm came out and i had a pretty good pretty good group of people i brought escape this is a good he's very good bear druid i brought reg i brought cora man i said like i it was a stretch i dude people were like man if asthma is gonna bring that girl man i don't know dude like this is bro man like asthma bringing cora the raid like i don't know like doesn't she suck and i'm like nah guys it's gonna be all right they're like okay fine i brought teflon the guy who originally invited me to the guild i brought him to the raid i brought cena i brought winley winry the druid that beat me in 2v2 arena at the end of burning crusade and i brought estivator who still to this day plays the game and is still a friend of mine and still come to my transport competition semi-recently and comes to my raids he and i 10 years ago 11 years ago we killed the lich king on heroic we beat his [ __ ] ass we beat his [ __ ] dick off i had to regulate it i had to do what i had to do and we [ __ ] did it man there's a screenshot right there of all the boys me reg estivator estivator took talib spot and i had wanted to bring him but he wouldn't come back an estimator came in he pulled up and he didn't pull out he went in and we defeated the boss and we got banned the fallen king [Music] it was a very great time i ended wrath of the lich king defeating heroic lich king with my old guild that i thought fallen apart and we were sitting there we were making our other alt characters getting them ready for cataclysm i had barbecue beard somebody else had your mom's beard i got my green proto-drake i was happy about that as well and i was sitting there on my swift alliance steed that i bought from crimson for 28 000 gold i don't know why i don't have the screenshot of that and on the final moment the day before cataclysm there i am right there ready for the release boys i began wrath of the lich king as just a little nub a little piece of [ __ ] nub that got his first shot into raiding and turned out to do okay i then went in and i succeeded and i got immortal with the guild reclaiming our glory with me not on the sidelines but on the front lines we went into ulduar and my computer wasn't good enough i lost motivation to raid i quit and my guild fell apart the group of friends that i had played with every single day that i considered some of my best friends in the game dispersed and fell apart i made my own guild it didn't go very well i ninjad half of my guild bank with my friend we transferred servers together and we went on to greener postures pastors and they were great but it was an empty feeling of success and we came back after a message was sent that there was even the chance the opportunity that i could ever experience what i experienced again with my friends i immediately transferred over to that server kel'thuzad we reformed our guild we came together we killed heroic lich king and we got ready for cataclysm in the way that it should have been that is the story of wrath of the lich king i was looking towards cataclysm with all the boys all my friends my mom cora austin jeff everybody playing on kel'thuzad we had relocated and we were ready to go the battle master man see he even he [ __ ] remembers even he [ __ ] remembers man look at that i i told you man like i [ __ ] i i was so yeah cuz the [ __ ] title the dude i was so pissed off he got that man i was [ __ ] furious yeah he remembers that coral or chill dude chill listen if i can get her if i can get her to to come on stream again i i will do it i'm not sure if she'll do it or not though it really kind of depends this is basically mcconnell will be in the mcconnell is in the misa pandaria story that's another mcconnell and i met and um yeah that was in mr pandaria and wrath part two this was the entire thing man yeah i mean the thing is with me it's like one thing that i'm very lucky about is it like i have my memory and i can remember everything that happened and like all the little things that happened that like weren't screenshotted like that's why i tell the story is because i'm the only one that can like nobody else remembers it the way that i do and i do and that's why i uh i was it was so important for me to tell the story maybe screenshot every moment like this uh nice work yeah because i knew that it would uh like i i i did the same thing with videos right and the reason why i did it is because i never wanted to forget the experience that i had and i knew that like if i didn't have these screenshots i'd still remember it but like it's not real to anybody until you can see it and now you can see it and i recorded everything so i would never forget because even a time like i remember i could i could remember more things i was younger because they were you know like more recent now i can't remember them as well and that's why i want to have the screenshots is so i will never forget because it'll always be there literally screenshots or it didn't happen yeah there's people that thought like yeah oh yeah no you never beat reckful you never beat rifle i'm like [ __ ] there it is there's a [ __ ] screenshot what do you mean like it actually happened like where you never were [ __ ] 2400 yeah i was there's a [ __ ] screenshot there it is like listen i i did all this i kept track of all of it because it happened people didn't [ __ ] believe it and there it is we were farming [ __ ] out we were popping off it was [ __ ] amazing i was very happy like we were we were having a really good [ __ ] time that's it man and honestly like i remember i was so happy that i beat reckful because reckful was like he was like the top like you didn't get there was nobody who there were people who was as good as reckful but there's nobody who was better like reckful was like the [ __ ] guy man he was the [ __ ] guy so yeah i was like so happy whenever i beat him and also oh i forgot to tell like under the little minor story my mom got the server first green proto drake yeah she got the server screen project people like didn't even know what it was didn't even know where it came from yeah she got that so until next time boys [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 443,127
Rating: 4.9399514 out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, world of warcraft, asmongold tv, ZackRawrr, classic tbc, classic the burning crusade, tbc release, asmongold tbc, classic tbc wow, wow tbc, asmongold classic tbc, WoW Burning Crusade Classic, wrath of the lich king, wotlk, asmongold wrath, asmongold wrath of the lich king, wrath of the lich king classic, asmongold screenshot, true story of asmongold, asmongold story, the true story of asmongold 2, lich king
Id: 10M5BW6hwVM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 180min 0sec (10800 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 24 2021
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