Asmongold Epic Journey to His First FFXIV MOUNT | DAY 2

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thus begins once again the adventures of asmin gold bald last time that we left we left reuniting the nation bringing everybody together for a fateful night to give remembrance for those lost during the eve of the calamity i have waited on this for quite a while and it is time today is the day that i begin my mount hunting journey on this game log in with asmin gold bald all right we're in q guys we're in queue then we're gonna begin all right so i need to go to mr chocobo all right perfect you need level 20 msq first hover over the msq it's on the map double 15. so is this level 15 quest is that level 15 what my msq level is okay i understand now thank you okay so i have to go over and where is the main story quest so i have to go to there call the forest and i'm oh wow i'm actually right here great okay let's make it happen we wish for you to nip a potential threat in gridania in the bud beneath the central shroud there lies an underground burial site called the tamtara deepcraft this place was once a gilmore and settlement but the gradonians have long inter interred are dead there of late the shadowy figures have been seen skulking about the deep croft with ever increasing regularity sounds like necromancers to me based off the accounts of various witnesses we suspect that these individuals belong to the lambs of dalai mundo a doomsday cult which sprung up prior to the calamity well i guess the calamity must have been like a holiday for them these zealots have proven themselves dangerous in the past and we leave them to their own devices at our peril that's right ordinarily i would have dispatched my best men to scour the crops the calamity decimated our ranks wow what a surprise a plot device that causes me to be the sole and only ability only person with the ability to solve this problem for this entire town full of many able-bodied men thank god that i have arrived and i am here to solve all of their problems the situation so being we must turn to others to deal with the lambs of dalemundo can we rely on you to undertake this task you have my gratitude once you've seen our preparations make your way for deepcraft be careful out there may the crystal guide you and keep you clean okay good all right so now where do i go speak to quiver marion at the tamtara deepcroft okay oh i have to go all the way down there okay let's go is this another dungeon it is it's got that blue icon oh [ __ ] okay [ __ ] yeah let's do it you are asmon bald i take it thanks for helping us out friend i doubt the board has already informed you but you're tasked to enter the jeep crop and purge it of the lands of dalamundo put an end to their madness all right let's do it here we go tank cue yeah it's nice isn't it it's really nice light party this is four people okay let's see what the lambs down they just don't look like lambs at all those are [ __ ] imps oh my god it's a void lord so we gotta go in there we gotta kill these oh that never know we don't have to kill these guys that's the opposite we don't want to kill these guns all right let's do it boys let's do it not sure exactly how all this is supposed to go but uh we're just gonna play through it so how much aggro can i really just get by chilling i feel like i just get to go and do whatever the hell i want man i just get to do damage as much as possible i might try to do a bigger pull and just see what happens so i go and i pick this guy up here okay uh and i hit him okay pull more big pulls yeah i'm seeing how this works and so can i attack from range too and that way i'm even like reducing damage because they're out of melee range i don't know i'm not sure how much aoe we have so like if this is even worth doing can i open this looks like i can't oh this is the boss okay here we go wait is it a boss [ __ ] dude i don't even know okay everybody's here let's go okay i guess that we have to click all these oh i don't know if i hit him i got him now okay yeah these seem really easy to do got him all right and i click on this one here an enemy approaches wait who oh this guy right here this guy's easy to kill what the [ __ ] okay so i face him away from the raid and then i'm gonna stun him if he does an aoe so i stun him if he aoes bro he could get me in any second i probably should not have done that that was just a cone i could have moved right out of that it's not that big of a deal though okay where we get from this guy greenwood altar is no longer sealed all right so then i unlock this and then i see so each one of these is its own individual boss they're like little mini bosses oh i know what it's like it's like the sunken temple dude oh there's a there's loot i didn't even notice that okay that one's garbage anyway sorry i'm not used to i assumed there wasn't gonna be any loot so all this guy does is a cleave which makes them really easy to deal with actually he might not even oh there he is yeah he just did it i don't think it really even does that much damage it's like pretty much nothing so if you have positional requirements oh i didn't notice that cast i wish there's easier way for me to like notice cass oh i leveled oh [ __ ] level 21 boys here we go dude i'm ready for a boss man i really i want to fight a boss hormone alters longer sealed all right let's open this one up open up the other one oh [ __ ] oh this is the big ball what's in the ball galvant oh my god it's cthulhu [ __ ] dude okay all right we gotta take this seriously plunder trousers that's uh is that big good uh that's about the same as i had i'm gonna just need on that see what happens okay nice i got him okay i think everybody's pretty much here let's go big dick big dick on boss big dick on boss big dick on boss okay let's watch what this guy does he's just casting this water ability can i interrupt the water ability let's see if i can i'm gonna watch it looks like i can't okay all right picking these guys up picking these guys up there we go got em perfect okay ads are picked up and now we get back on boss oh wait can i interrupt this nope okay moving out that's good to know i tried to stun him to interrupt it didn't work okay picking that one up picking these up wait did i miss i did i didn't miss i'm having problems tabbing tabbing picking up all these that's very slow there very very slow i'm gonna rampart here too since i've got all the ads on me use this too i probably shouldn't actually i shouldn't have done that i'm like doubling up on cds for no reason [Music] okay so if they are spawning right here always i should just stand here okay and there it is that's it i beat the game wait i leveled up again get out of here cthulu i don't have time for your [ __ ] i beat the game bro boom [Music] what up [ __ ] oh i got a saboton all right let's see what this is loot player accommodations all right cam soda you're gonna get this for being obnoxious i like that okay uh let's see i'm gonna probably shot char roll on sabatons like why do i want this like i just need on anyway but i don't think i really need that okay so i beat everything here [ __ ] yeah dude asmond ball the literal god okay i gotta go turn the [ __ ] in damn so i beat the whole dungeon okay mother meown i have arrived i have returned welcome back asthma gold i'm reliably informed that your foray into the deep crawford's success wow she's watching the stream that's amazing and nor did i express anything less balderon's ring endorsement left me a little doubt as your capabilities even so you were to be commended beau lord lewin asked me to pass on his thanks i must say something of a relief to call upon such a capable adventurer i know it's really nice oh is she shy sadly death has become an ever more common occurrence within our fraternity of late times being what they are the guild is constantly inundated with petitions and we are hard-pressed to find enough hands to deal with them all while this means no shortage of work for able souls such as yourself it also means ample opportunity for the inexperience to overreach themselves with predictable that's death consequences as to illustrate the point where those stupid little kids ava's gone it's all your fault wouldn't take it age to heal him he'd still be oh this is just like my raids so they're literally showing a party that failed yelling at each other complaining that's great i love it toxic andes but i tried he bolted at a range before i could finish the spell yeah he ran out of range bro i was out of line of sight he shouldn't have been so hard pressed in the first place we should have done more to lighten his burden knob bloody hell is this pathetic excuse for a party i'm leaving and it'll be too soon if i never see your faces again you know what these lava fells aren't that bad goodbye and good riddance wait look at his name look at his name oh my god okay now what i'm leaving as well i doubt this comes as a surprise but i never liked you i only suffered for your healing but you couldn't even do the one thing right cruel though this may sound you brought this upon yourself oh by the way some parting advice get rid of ayer's head bury it cremate it do whatever the hell is you like with it but for god's sake stop carrying it around it's just get rid of it oh they're carrying around their dead party member's head yeah that's a little bit [ __ ] weird wait don't leave me alone i'm so sorry please forgive me yeah back to the [ __ ] dungeon finder [ __ ] that's what happens whenever you don't know how to heal scenes like this become all too common speaking of missions i wouldn't trust you with another current part and udu oh we gotta go back to the other guy udula enter this task say the word i'll be glad to share details with you okay that's the word hi hey potion oh you know what i probably should put those on my bar for health potions i don't know if i need them that much though [Music] okay and this is udula is um what do you call it this is i go here right this is where i need to go take the airship well i just teleport over there it's faster i just do that right yeah yeah yeah teleport's way faster let's do that okay so i need to unlock this like uh this grand this like uh what's it called again the casino yeah the golden saucer i'll do that at some point okay we've got to go turn this one in i do like this uh i do like this area this is very nice and calming it reminds me a lot of iron forge right with like all the you know the circular corridors yeah this is iron forge and i just came from darnassus and my first city was stormwind that's basically it okay memory i take it you ain't here for ale are you called asman gold bald by any chance as a matter of fact i am we only sent word that you're reporting for dude you also made a point of calling you adventurer from the moment ain't no small praise coming from her but he didn't come all the way to listen to my prattle doubtless you're either get started so let's talk business shall we yes wait what [Music] i've got to talk to this little thing i've got to talk to the cabbage patch kids uh excellent time in papasan it just so happens that the adventurer who will be handling your petition is here isn't that great timing so strapping one yeah [ __ ] young lad is much lauded adventurously marvelous marvelous all right uh pleasure to meet your acquaintance uh i'm uh papashan formerly of the sultan sworn mayhap you like to appraise asman gold of his mission yes may have please do okay right so unfortunate development in copper bell mines to be plain giants have seized control of the place what does that mean they're five feet tall it doesn't really mean a lot coming from this guy this giants are the clan known as the the individuals fearsome creatures who seal the way within the deepest depths of the mines during the bygone thorn dynasty they said the mines were being reopened to meet the rising demand for building materials so let me get this straight everybody knew that there were giants locked away in there but they needed more special rocks so they just kept doing it anyway oh let me guess so at the end of this am i gonna have to fight a balrog i think i've heard this one before we do this in real life too it's called fracking gods to think the poor creatures are still alive and kicking after three centuries that's a long time to nurse a grudge they must be they must be seething they must be seething damn that makes them all right all right so i gotta beat the [ __ ] up so wait a minute bro like am i the bad guy here because weren't these dudes slaves and they revolted and they got locked in a mine and i've got to go kill i'm the bad guy here what the [ __ ] all right let's go okay i'm gonna head over there myself we're on an adventure let's go okay so we have more little ladybugs dude i'm a track star man going right over the hurdles okay stone torch what is this here what you're the adventurer yes that's me i didn't think papashan would find someone so quickly if at all giants are content to wreak havoc in the mines for now it's only a matter of time until they come outside all right let's go okay here we go oh [ __ ] the copper bell mines alrighty let's see how this goes they're all ready right oh this guy's afk okay this one's good so two of these people know what they're doing and the other guy doesn't people say it's a hard dungeon i don't think it's probably that hard man it's probably not a hard dungeon at all activate the blasting device yes it's being activated oh [ __ ] okay all right let's go wait there's just one mob here there's just one mob that's easy what's the boss music for wait am i why is it why are they playing boss music what's happening oh okay all right pick this guy up what is this let's just i don't know what it's doing it's bogged down oh no it's not bug picking these guys up these are easy to kill dude like these things die in like two seconds [Music] i'm assuming bigger mobs are gonna spawn because that's the way every single game like this works got him wait what bro how many are there bro how many is this like one of those [ __ ] tower defense games where i just have like more and more mobs coming in that's what i'm kind of worried about okay all right let's kill this guy pulling him away wait bro this guy's getting deleted this guy's getting deleted what is this always got that shield up that's right yeah yeah wait that's it oh i don't think i need that though i'm pretty sure i don't okay open the seal blasting door let's open this one right now you did it that's not that hard all right let's go now we have to deal with these things right here right got him wait oh did i win something wait yo i actually won the i won the item where do i put it where do i put bracelets in wrists maybe oh i see so i get these i have these wrists right here and then i replace them with that holy [ __ ] that's so big man that's actually so big pull the lever all right i can do it while we're going down so recommend the gear wait intelli okay okay damn that sucks i wish i had known that okay we've got everybody here now what so put the powder chamber in there add the 12 ounces there we go and this should blow the the hole open right let's see there we go shaft one is now clear [ __ ] yeah oh another one okay let's do this one as well so whenever i loot this the whole party gets it right yeah whenever i loot this whole party gets it yeah okay i got it wait what oh [ __ ] let's do it crying dog was sealed off okay that's where they all have to move in okay all right here we go i'm fat thank you very much for the 10 subs i appreciate that very much man thank you thank you dude yo this thing has a lot of help improved blasting device interacting with this [Music] before they self-destruct okay let's pull it over there okay so i pull it on top of that right i think that's how it works right here we go what oh [ __ ] there's two of them okay um it seems obvious that these things are not meant to be killed blasting device won't work without fire sent okay that doesn't work okay hitting both of these oh i see so we have to do it again i [ __ ] that one up okay so i kite these around in a circle and then the blasting cap is really what we want to kill the quencher means he's probably going to okay and there's always four of them now oh holy [ __ ] okay got it so i have to kite them around so can we use that yeah we can use it right there got it let me pick this guy up right now come on avoid self-destruct and nice oh my god really wait oh i can kill them now nice that was a cool boss i like that boss it's more interesting than the other ones for sure he lb'd oh wow i didn't even know that that's cool wait did he just limit breaker to pad damage though like those mobs were dying super easy you just do that to pad damage yep all right i thought so living fossil then it's not a fossil so i can just avoid those right looks like i can okay oh this area looks cool this is a nice little area tanky looks fun i like kiting his tank i think it's cool so you get to it's like ring around the rosie you know now what oh [ __ ] i think this the cold throne slaves no more free re free oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] that's a giant boss we got to go up against the minotaur that's the easiest boss in the game dude masters must pay masters must die true man [ __ ] him okay i'm gonna pull him over here wait this guy's got no help hey he's gotta know how he's gonna die in like three seconds this is a joke can i stun him okay he's not stunning he's so he is son of man okay so he's going over to here he's gonna destroy the boulder i'm assuming okay so i'm assuming he's going to unleash other npcs whenever the boulder comes out let's go ahead and see what happens another another giant because that's what happened with the other ones picking this one up oh kind of weird positioning here wait where's he go what the oh my god we gotta get over to him we gotta get over to him get his ass we gotta get his get his ass dude get his ass there we go we got him we got him nice okay i hit him with a tomahawk [Music] okay perfect good so now i know what to do oh there's another one whenever he does this there we go i get on him we set him right here then we cleave this guy down easy wait can i just leave him here and then all the ads just automatically run into here i'm pretty sure that'll work i'm not sure when i should use my cd i guess i'll use it right now since he just used the buff and then stun this guy oh all right never mind oh i leveled up there it is boys get out of here [ __ ] get out here [ __ ] that's how it's done boys that's how it's done boys that's an easy gg so we just had to beat the [ __ ] out of a giant basically we are enabling slavery wait who's the girl that looks hot that one uh yabula okay i'll give her the accommodation [Music] okay so what we got we got the plate belt i already have that and then knuckles do i want nothing this is for monk i'm gonna pass on that i'm gonna pass on this damn that [ __ ] was easy yeah see see look at that see i told y'all that would work pet her can i pet her slash [Music] pet there's a good oh [ __ ] oh now they're wait oh man dude this guy doesn't this guy's just throwing money is that a guy or a girl i don't even it's like this is this this is the only fans experience right here dude you got guys throwing money at you trying to [ __ ] pay your head oh there you go you're a good girl right all right let's go over here i'll pour it out this is a good dungeon okay reported report back over to here all right let's go get that done there we go wait what what the [ __ ] damn that's a that's some big boy look at this look at them big boys oh my god mount off is there a place that's instanced that you can get on mounts on no oh [ __ ] bro then how could we do a mount off eureka actually okay yeah i'll have to find out a place so i figured out in time right just playing through the game what do you want the conqueror of copper bell returns thanks to our mining operations can resume yeah don't worry i've killed all of your revolting slaves the entire nation is in your debt yes no morality my character is now evil he's enabling slavery no what oh oh man he watched the channel 5 video man oh [ __ ] bro it's a pickup artist yeah what is look at that look at his face dude he even look he's about to sing dude that's what he's about he's about to sing to her yeah shut your mouth you thieving little swine you stole from me don't even think to deny it true i didn't steal nothing def look at that look at her name desperate damsel i bought this i paid with my own coin yeah right yeah right let's see do i want to trust a you know an innocent little girl and like a white robe or some weird [ __ ] idiot with a some stupid haircut in all black with his two thug friends yeah i wonder who really stole this [ __ ] am i gonna step for another one you gotta say one more time go back what you stole or i'll make you wish you never set foot in this town and i say no uh it's time to simp out i should turn you over the brass blades help keep the street safe for law abiding citizens but i'm a reasonable man if you agree to serve me in whatever capacity i require the authorities needn't hear of your crime he's actually a pickup artist wait he actually is yeah this guy took the advanced course very funny very funny and with van cleef what's this here oh no won't somebody save me but i ain't done nothing wrong 12 is me mutantness 12 oh is this like the gods or something wait really don't worry i'll take care of this help me please please adventurer help me i beg of you i swear on my mother's graves i didn't steal nothing i bought this with the coin i saved i only wanted to treat me children to a decent meal oh well she's already married what is this all right where's the all right do i have to beat the scuffed avengers here like what is this who the hell are you whenever you're at home the dog's master what the [ __ ] does that even mean yeah i don't even know what this i've had enough of this guy's face you like teach him a lesson oh so i gotta beat the [ __ ] out of him all right let's go scout the vendor it is it's a scuff avengers okay there we go [Music] okay i think i'm winning bro my god i'm a literal god dodge why would i dodge okay here we go what are these oh some more bodyguards okay yeah why would i why would i cast an ability if i could just kill them and they're gonna die anyway i guess i just killed this guy first yeah there we go damn it's okay it's okay i'll take care of you they're still playing the music uh oh wait never mind wait oh now they're laughing i ain't getting paid enough for this yeah go back to westfall go back to the deadmines [ __ ] i don't have time for you [ __ ] you defy his brotherhood where the hell you think you're going oh wait i gotta fight oh my god do i have to fight this guy he got kicked off jersey shore oh no man thank you kind of enterer thank you trice thrice over wait what what am i getting ptsd flashback oh [ __ ] i swear there are more refugees than whenever i last looked and you wouldn't be mistaken it'd been five years since the calamity why are they only now coming here simple really while a number of hamlet survived the immediate aftermath of the calamity many were no longer able to support their communities yeah it's because patch 9.1 didn't come out for a long time and uh there's a lot of people that just wanted to try out the game and see what it's like and so there's just been more than you know usual i see but the calamity affected the whole realm didn't it is it the same thing happening in other cities no actually other other cities were able to deal with covid quite well and they kept up a reasonable production cycle but some were not able to be as lucky and that has reduced some of the production cycles to a very very low amount of resources if the talk is true yes though perhaps our situation is more pronounced udallah has a reputation for being prosperous so it's natural that refugees would try their walk here first that's true it does have a free trial up until heaven awards and you can play for free all the way up to level 60 with no limitations on your gameplay my heart goes out to them it truly does i would be lying if i said i wasn't apprehensive i hope their presence doesn't format lawlessness in the city well you know asthma gold's viewers they're going to come over to the game and they're going to ruin everything i read that on twitter i had to look at an incognito mode because the person who wrote it had me blocked well if things take a time for the worst we always have the immortal flames i dare say the brass blades would welcome their help are the heroes who fought the galilean empire patrolling the streets for riffraff that's right people that were former players with full gear and epic mounts and invincible are now reduced back down to level ones trying to desperately cobble together enough money to afford a chocobo how the tides have turned impoverished and desperate as they are you must make you may be sure that some of the refugees will turn the crime well they've learned that from their mother city they've earned that from classic wow many of them buy gold in large and copious amounts they've been taught to do that you know what this place is like if you have no coin you have no hope and no mage boosting either what will become of our city not all refugees are bad mind you some may be able to find employment and lead honest lives getting a little real yeah we're not going to do this dodo tenderloins get your dodo tenderloins cheapest in thalion oh wait oh this is the girl wait a second is she gonna steal this [ __ ] thank you question please come again okay looking around you think you duo was on its way to recovery but peer through the veil of prosperity and you'll see no end to the misery and suffering it's true corthia there's not a lot of content really we've got to wait till next week tour guest updates are good but there's still a lot of work to be done and it's just stained the same old gear treadmill that we've had to deal with for many years so that didn't tell me anything like that that literally didn't say anything are you all right oh now the damsel is rescuing me and i awake in her bed with her naked okay never mind yeah i'm fine i'm okay everything's totally fine i asked the girl five years later yeah exactly what now you mean to threaten defenseless citizen yeah exactly i'm gonna be i'm not uh that's exactly what i'm gonna do i'm gonna i wanna shave your head saw what saw her by the meat you say that's absurd yes he did as i did i leave the poor woman alone you damnable you damnable vulture holy [ __ ] who said that oh bro look who it is it's my girlfriend she's coming wait what i thought that's her hiding in the corner that's gotta be that's gotta be her right i'll overlook this just this once oh she's at a line of sight he doesn't know where she is god bless the adventurer if you hadn't come along when you did who knows what monster might have done i don't bear thinking about it yeah so where's the i literally saw her in the cinematic where is she okay here we go wait a minute ever the selfless hero i see this is the girl yep i see i saw i saw her hiding behind there bro i knew it yeah yeah she ca she came back she came back exactly it's been a while adventurer please call me bald i've been watching you closely ever since you flew out of lisa lomisa you discharged your duty as the admiral's uh personal envoy with admirable humility and you have displayed unfaltering courage in the face of danger ever since whatever you come upon those in need you give them sucker without no [Music] with no need a personal gain that's right what can i say i love to give i give and i give and i give in summary you have demonstrated all the qualities we seek in an adventure who's we for reasons i cannot explain your every deed seems invariably to serve the general good uh what about whenever i uh killed the slaves because they didn't want to be slaves what about what about that did you do oh she wasn't in the instance so that's okay that's it's okay whatever whenever whether you mean it or not okay it's a happy knack and one that speaks volumes for your character yeah for all your admirable qualities is your gift which intrigues me the most she's talking about my dick not the crystal i speak for the visions you experience visions like the one you had mere moments ago if i'm not mistaken i provide you with the means to understand them oh great an acquaintance mind is blessed with self means talent as you can see if you so desire i can introduce you to her threesome okay all right let's go a cause that would greatly benefit for your support yes let's go but introduce me i want to meet your friend if you would agree to lend us your strength we should be glad to do all in our power to aid you in your personal endeavors yes i'm willing to do that think on my offer a while should you decide to accept it pray speak in with mamodi okay let's go talk to the girl again inform her that you have been chosen by the scions of the seventh dawn and she will tell you where to find us oh my god oh my god dude oh my god this is it bro this is it this is where i joined the illuminati i'm gonna meet hillary clinton let's go okay seems like coming to a comment i'm afraid don't worry though if you work hard you'll probably be all right wait who's this wait that's not me the [ __ ] is that what the hell is this what is that guy trying to get advice on women from like a cabbage patch kid no wonder he's got problems yeah he should have asked the 55 year old punk rocker ah has been gold sorry to keep you waiting i was just providing guidance to a fresh off the carriage adventurer by the gods it's good to see you safe and well and look at you no one would ever guess you'd been hard at it with giants in the dark there's no way they're not doing this on purpose there's no way like brothers there's no way like that's gotta this is this has got to be intentional man your every limb the adventurer rion said you would be the station master will be overjoyed when she hears the news i'm sure she will absolutely oh before i forget here's the last here that wants a word with you what up thank you for sparing time i realize you don't know me but i've been longing to speak with you for a while now okay great so i have a stalker that's nice my name is edda i'm an adventurer like you though i'm not very good at being one if truth be told this is the same girl and the other one that had our party abandon her anyway i was adventuring with my friends in gridania whenever i'm sorry we were in gridania when the leader of our party was killed nice now you get master luger his name was avir and he and i were to be wed in the spring she's looking for a rebound i like it okay this is good you may not remember him but to say that he remembered you would be an understatement he would sing your praises from dawn to dusk he would see you for what you are you see an adventurer's adventurer so i'm so i'm i'm her favorite adventurer's favorite adventurer man this is good he swore to be like you one day i saw i believe that he would have succeeded if a fiend not robbed him of the chance since the day i long hard thought about giving up adventuring but when you think of the man you are but when i think of the man you are and all you've achieved yeah that's true i find that i am inspired just as a viewer once was this very very true so i've decided to start again an adventure i will go out to the village of my birth and begin training anew okay so she's gonna level up a new job but i wanted to meet you first gonna ask you your name my name is long dick johnson i shall not forget no you won't thank you i pray that we will meet again very well adventurer can be cruel bleeding business time was i didn't know why anyone would bother when they first asked me to take charge of the guild here i didn't want to know what to do with the want i thought it'd be a right pain in the arse looking after you all but against my better judgment i decided to accept the post and i'm full glad i did i feel privileged to be part of your lives oh great well why don't you go back into toy box and how about have like a real person do your job about that go back in the toy box if it was me i'd send her back to goodwill what do you say you want to know more about the science of the seventh dawn wait how did uh i didn't how the [ __ ] did she know that you told her oh did i really oh i did okay yeah of course she's watching the stream oh okay i got it they're beginning to move in earnest then listen as well the scientific and ordinary folk the work they do in ordinary work i know full well how capable you are but even you would think twice about something some of the stuff that they do knowing that you still want to get involved to tell you what you can alright let's do it quest complete scions are head headquartered in vesper bay out in western thalan the place you're looking for is the awakened sands give your name to whoever's at the entrance and you'll be let in you're a man in demand and the days ahead promise to be busy drop in and tell them how you're faring from time to time all right let's go five more elvis yeah dude i'm gonna i'm gonna get my mount really soon i'm on my way to my mouth all right i have to kill him this time me and you giant tortoise me and you let's go got him [ __ ] yeah all right so scions of the seventh dawn let's go turn this in okay oh come on there we go perfect all right now what where are they oh there we go deep in the desert of my heart a lonely flower blooms yearning for the heavens above to quench my thirst for you trollo low low low low oh my god i think i just did oh great all right so what's this here i would thank you for not sneaking up online like me like that okay be advised as a private property unless you have pertinent business here i must ask you to it's me at the behest of yeshua oh there we go your slaughter all right there we go nice and serious apologies may i please have your name yeah write it down look in the guest list there you are yeah i'm on the guest list look at that you're on it yeah there we go i bet you welcome to waking sands headquarters at the scions of the seventh dawn my name is tataru and i look forward to assisting you in your time with us yay the antecedent is when the solar i shall let her know when to expect you to expect you all right let's do it so i'm assuming it's down below here right kind of guessing okay enter the waking sands yes okay all right let's see what this is the waking sand oh wow oh this seventh dawn area is pretty cool i take it you're asmon ball zatara sent word that you had arrived uh lady milfina milfina is eagerly awaited you're coming this way if you please okay what do i get here are any of these items any good so i feel like in this situation i just take the gold right because like this isn't useful this isn't useful and this isn't useful so i just take the gold okay let me do that all right let's talk to milfina oh yeah there she is so you are the adventurer of whom i've had so much yes well net friend my name is minpelia and i lead the scions of the seventh dawn okay i have awaited your coming me too was this some weird sex cult the [ __ ] is this please the help you are among friends here yeah i see that no doubt you are right to best with questions but have patience all will be revealed in time yes i do wait are boobs getting look at her boobs they're they're getting yeah look at that they're they're getting bigger and smaller look at that yeah look at oh my god first let me begin by telling you who we are and what we do okay so this is the illuminati oh wait wait yeah it is illuminati look it's got the eyes right there they're right there we are the scions of the seventh dawn an order that transcends political boundaries our single objective is the preservation of the future of aozia what the [ __ ] among our gravest concerns are the god-like beings known as the prophet oh that's like the guy the dragon their existence is a bane upon aortia yeah the world at large and we have striven to find a lasting solution to the threat they pose why just put them in the blue jail like they put the dragon in the blue jail our order is home to a number of individuals who like you possess a rare and special talent yes i know that i know i know i do this talent takes various forms but one holds particular interest for us yeah yeah tell me have you ever experienced a sudden inexplicable loss of consciousness am i getting about to get roofied like what the [ __ ] is this what's going on have you ever had the sensation of being pulled away what is this reality felt as though you were hovering in space a mind without a body ah okay so this is like a drug cult i see all these things are the manifestations of your talent yours is the power to transcend the boundaries of the soul a power known as the echo that's cool the echo allows you to pass through the walls of a man's soul and hear the resonations of his past uh okay you will be there in his memories and see things as he saw so i can read mine you may even interact with that which you see though you cannot change the outcome of events oh [ __ ] okay all right for another blessing the echo will enable you to know a man's mind even if you cannot comprehend his words oh so you could all right so it just automatically it's yeah that's simple the echo is a truly extraordinary power and this power is strong within yes it sure is i know it is it is only a shame that we cannot use it whenever we choose absolutely it sure is oh so it's like random it's rng i too possess the echo with that established let us return to the subject of the primals okay so long as they exist the realm cannot take so much as this just blow them up towards true peace yeah just blow them up how about that be taken measures which transcend boundaries be they a faction race language or creed okay this is all right now we're back to the illuminati stuff yeah the eight of those yeah this is pms jordan thanks for our five subs man appreciate it thank you make no mistake the echo will be instrumental in dealing with the primal threat without it we cannot hope to save the realm okay plot device makes sense i like it i know not what it is you desire for yourself know what it was that first brought you to ayozia yes i was bored of the game i was playing uh that i like i just wanted to play another game see what it's like i mean it's actually really not that complicated but i firmly believe that the power we possess was given to us for a purpose yes of course it is why else would the gods entrust man with the gift so extraordinary if not to have him use it uh that's what they said about weed but god still hates it and if you do it you go to uh you go to jail which is called hell so yeah that's the same logic they use with weed let me tell you something i grew up in texas it doesn't work they're not gonna have it nice try milfina and so i implore you lend us your power okay do i have a choice in this okay naturally your aid will go unwarranted we're fortunate to have a number of influential allies and that award from me they will gladly afford you certain privileges that might otherwise be denied to you okay so nepotism yes these guys are actually they're actually the illuminati great the right to employ retainers for example are you familiar with them their individuals may be relied upon to manage your assets and belongings on your behalf okay so personal assistance the papers you requested yeah come on up over here i hate these things so much man oh there they are there's the papers you guys see him thank you to taru you're welcome the pleasure is mine by welcoming gift i've taken the liberty of adding your name to the retainers registry as of now you're entitled to employ the services of a retainer okay great you'll need to consult a retainer all right so i got to talk to him let this gesture serve as evidence of our commitment to do all in our power to facilitate your personal objectives in return we ask that you ate us the fullest extent of your talents i can do that a mutually beneficial relationship which you will agree and on which one which serves the better greater good is this variable lecture or was it not forgive me it was important okay so i'm i'm part of the uh i'm part of the illuminati now and we should be good that's fine and good faith i shouldn't trust you with our orders password which our members use to reach one another in a field the password is password oh it's wild rose okay um yeah we have wild rose here it's a strip club let's see yellow rose actually that's a yellow rose never mind okay there we go retainers now available i never wore my retainer i'm not gonna wear one now okay let's see here we science have but one objective to safeguard the future of eurasia among our greatest concerns are the godlike beings known as the primal yes yes yes yes okay defend yourself i will go wither the wild rose blooms i take it you will help us yes i will wonderful i knew you wouldn't let us down i know that but come i would introduce you to your friends in the order okay let's meet them tell me does the name charlie and ring any bells no it doesn't it used to be one of eorzea's six city-states and was situated in the northwest of aldenard the charlenes were the keepers of wisdom both old and new their mastery of a magic and ether was unsurpassed and even the garlians knew to fear them that's the that's darth vader's faction that's darth vader among their number there were a noble few who devoted their lives to safeguarding the future of aortia noble brave and pure individuals when the realm began its descent into chaos and their countrymen fled for the motherland they alone chose to remain here these noble men and women were called the archons that's the guts louie that's that's our boy louie he's the archon those same brave souls stand before you oh [ __ ] that's it oh my god the masked woman is eda and beside her is papalimo the two are charged with surveying the twelves wood wait there's five of them there are five history wizards in lord of the rings two of them the blue wizards were charged with surveying the western lands hello there welcome okay my turn to introduce someone is it east is east uriah's east he is our man here in ulda jewel of the desert okay so is this sarman welcome to the team okay if i may the lovely maiden beside me is named yeshtola limsa lominsa has the pleasure of being under her that's the one that i know about yeah that's my wife i i know her i have been expecting you okay last but not least oh we have this guy who presides over all affairs within these halls uber danger who presides out whenever you have questions okay dawn may banish even the darkest night got it the words of a dear friend i'm glad of our meeting what man so nobody even nobody likes this guy no nobody likes him even in his own little even in the alumni like she says that he immediately [ __ ] looks over at her at the battle of carta know our leader was taken from us oh that's the guy we did not stray from our purpose yeah we sought out menphilia and others with her talent and together established the scions of the sun so this is the second illuminati along with the archons those blessed with the echo play a pivotal role in our endeavor too jojo thanks for five subs i appreciate that okay that's badass oh i should also introduce you to tataru our clerk she ensures that everything runs smoothly oh yeah i guess it's a girl just to make your acquaintance great in time i hope you will come to think of us as family absolutely but without fail well actually i would assign you your first okay first task what is it what do you want me to do oriange have the documents arrived from the students of baldessian aye my lady they arrived but recently oh jeez okay all right let's keep going we have received a request for aid from the immortal flames damn okay we gotta do that bankrupt would you do the honors it would be my pleasure some days ago a crystal caravan registered to amergina and sun's mineral concern was waylaid and divested of its cargo well that's not good but there is more within a bell of the robbery several people were reported missing from the shanty town outside the city oh not the shanty town one would assume the involvement of bandits kidnappers and coincidences i'm sure there is crimes are hardly uncommon and the immortal flames deal with them however sorry this time we have reason to believe that a primal is involved wait what well then that's not good like that's like a giant [ __ ] that's like a legendary pokemon how are we gonna deal with that that's like lugia aye the evidence left behind implications this is not good who are known worshipers of efreet okay oh is that it if we then consider the objects that were taken there is no room left for doubt the crimes were committed in the name of a primal oh well [ __ ] that you may better understand the nature of our struggle with the primals i would have you play the leading role of this investigation didn't the last guy that was the leading role with the last primal isn't he gone well i don't know if i want to do this this seems like a bad time yeah he's i don't know where the [ __ ] he is if there is what you wish to know i recommend you speak with bankrupt okay he is well versed in the affairs of ulda great let's talk to phthalo dread we'll see what he wants i'm not used to having things actually voice acted so i click pasta after i read it myself quest accepted all right here we go and let's see where are we at okay there's style of dread we'll talk to him ready to begin are we your message is to investigate the crystal robbery in a spate of abductions crimes which we believe are connected assuming that we are correct is the likely discoveries in relation further our understanding of the other now since the attack on their caravan our friends on john and son's mineral concern have doubled security of all their shipments and why this is my judgment that the abduction should be our priority okay fellow my name is ispard serves as camp's defective leader so i have to go talk to is bard let's go talk to him okay and i don't need to talk to milfina we're good all right let's go over here so now i need to find out where i need to go there but no it's good it's it's not it's bald like it's is i said it's barred like and not it's okay i don't need to go here i just want to see how how all this stuff fits together exit to vesper bay oh wait are these the secret chambers with hidden knowledge uh well there's certainly a secret okay what about this one here okay there's there's yeshua nice okay there's uber danger you uh there's this bunch of other guys there's some other cat guy there okay that's nice now what good all right now let's go let's just leave let's just leave it's okay i'll save you good girl all right all right okay ah man okay i i can't do it i'm too [ __ ] tall it doesn't work all right let's go all right so now what i need to go over to this place and this place is like real far oh [ __ ] damn so we gotta go on a [ __ ] adventure so how do i get over around this looks like i kind of can't maybe i just circle around the other way i think that's what i have to do and we will oh wow this area is really really cool as i said i think these areas will be so cool to explore with flying man like i think and wow like having flying is actually such a really cool element of the game i love having flying in the game it's [ __ ] amazing okay and destination okay we are waiting oh [ __ ] commence battle for reward of the inferno okay play me a song bard before we go out to battle [Music] kill him there it is i'm hiding there is the bait in place yes we need to bait them our man is in position sir good we make our move as soon as the um jawas appear yes sir there he is it's like everybody else has like this medieval haircut and this guy's got a haircut from like literally 2021. wait what the [ __ ] oh my god geez those are some big boys okay here we go what what's going on here all right there we go what's the meaning of this wait where are we going to put them in jail but what why are we even why are we even talking to them let's go something's amiss oh [ __ ] we got the archers too oh we're [ __ ] oh i think i said it's like a youtube thumbnail dude t he he told you i i knew it bro i knew it bro i gotta do this why they're gonna do this to me man all right let's go ahaha traitorous flame soldier i'm afraid i'm afraid your little ambush ends here wait what i alluded the immortal flames clutches for moons before finally being caught did you not wonder how i managed it it was almost as if someone was feeding him information from the inside god [ __ ] damn it ah you're [ __ ] zooming on his face it's like you son of a [ __ ] every movement was known to me ahead of time now as much as out of the chat a while we have appointments to keep they're all yours are we really gonna just let are we gonna just let them run away oh my god all right let's go we should have brought more people man okay let's do it big dick okay pulling this guy pulling that guy big numbers here big numbers here huge numbers here okay another one trying to cleave as many of these down as possible just want to kill these guys as much as i can get them off of my guys okay this is the main this is the big dick of the uh of the organization here so we wanna just ignore him for now and we're gonna kill the rangers too okay huge damage on this guy nice okay next one over here nice yes not really chat no i'm good yeah everything's fine hit him got him and there are some things people like if there's like some story part of it or whatever yeah i'm totally good wait unguess okay give me a second can i kill one gus come on let me just kill him now okay how long will you last i wonder okay so i use this and then i use this and then i use this right dude this guy's got a lot of [ __ ] health man holy [ __ ] okay we got everybody here nice he's half health okay next part of the fight let's do it sharon gord thank you very much get the community subsidy appreciate that very much man thank you no they're all dead wait what put your weapon put down your weapon or your comrade's a dead man don't don't drop it don't drop it don't you drop it behind you wait what the hell wait what this is a really bad time to have a vision bring oh wait oh it hit him oh i didn't know oh [ __ ] we just got roofied by augustus oh [ __ ] all right let's go the rest of you march traitorous scum wait what the hell wait where the [ __ ] am i flam private to enter the bowl of embers you must have made significant progress on word of the inferno what the [ __ ] flame sergeant i fear the injala means to give us this to their god as an offering if i must wait what the um java mean to give us to their god as an offering if i must die then let me die a soldier's death with steel in hand the bowel of embers oh my god all right let me join a battle of embers let me see what it says too owing to a betrayal you have been captured by the amelia and taken to the stronghold of zamarek they are given to an offering to the primal ifrit if you were to survive this fire encounter with the ward of the inferno you and your comrades must fight with no less than every ounce of your strength should you fall your shoals shall burn for eternity it's not good all right let's do it big dick white party white party big dick on the eclipse oh [ __ ] i'm homage always lord of the inferno hearken to our plea ward of the inferno deliver us from this misery oh mighty ifrit lord of the inferno your humble servants beseech you grace us with your divine presence [Music] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] dude this guy literally came out of the moon oh mighty ifrit we bring before you ignorant savages who know not of your godhead if it pleases you lord scorch their heathen souls with your cleansing flame and mark them as your own bloody house that's exactly what i was thinking bring those two as well wait what's going on this is yes dude yes all right we get the set yes bro that i'm so happy now i'm so happy man we're gonna sacrifice him to the blood god this is awesome okay this isn't what we agreed on none but servants of lord ifrit may behold the rite of summoning the souls of unbelievers of forfeit no spare me i beg you no no let's get some pogs for ifrit who's about to kill augustus for sure come on pitiful children of man by my breath i claim you oh my god look at this guy arise once more as my fault as my loyal minions feed my flames with your faith and all who stand against us shall burn okay oh my god wait nice see that's why i wore the good armor yeah that's why i wore the good armor right there almighty ifrit my one true god what is going on wait i thought he just breathed fire on them oh he mind controlled them i see your words are my bread i get it now impossible by what sorcery do you resist my master's will uh i have a chest piece on has 83 armor okay so uh it's kind of obvious could it be your soul already belongs to another yes i'm married to another god that is the only explanation oh they're afraid yeah that's right watch out okay i'm ready force forsooth thy frail mortal frame can serve as a vessel to the blessing of but one what the [ __ ] does that even mean the truth of thine allegiance waxes clear thou art of the godless blessed number the paragons warned of thine abhorrent kind thine it's bro this is dark souls oh my god fine abhorrent cut oh what is this oh oh okay all right i'm ready okay pick him up oh i ain't have defiance on that's right sorry about that that's my fault bro for a primal this guy's easy to kill okay so i want to kind of in the middle so the knockback doesn't kill me well this guy's a joke oh do i move out of that so come to the inferno huh maybe i can't move out of that corruption okay i move out of that cast that's pretty easy to avoid okay there's a knockback that's why you stay out there okay can i stun him wait you can stun the crime wait i can stun a primal god holy [ __ ] i'm awesome god dude i'm so good at this game okay avoiding that whatever that is okay never mind okay i didn't even do anything i guess i'll just use the defensive might as well it's not really doing anything else okay infernal nail should i kill this uh i don't know if i should or not but if i should i probably shouldn't face it towards everybody else using my cd okay all right let's do this i'm gonna pop this cool down and then i'm gonna hit it through that so i'm gonna try and damage it through here see look at that there we go nice burn through eternity oh okay there we go hellfire okay that should be fine thou art strong mortal probably shouldn't be standing in front of the boss okay we got a big heel nice eruption again let's move out of here okay this guy pabushka should not be here okay easy did that hit me how did that hit me okay it did i thought i was out of that okay well we got we beat his dick off we beat him we beat his [ __ ] we took his dick and we put it in our mouth and we just ate it we [ __ ] just see what i'm saying you almost wiped no i'll be fine oh my god more crystal meth wait oh my god this is a different strain of crystal meth this has got the red [ __ ] in it talk to me again oh [ __ ] noble undead besieged the lord soul oh oh wait this is the same place they put the dragon damn dude damn dude look at that bruh what about all the other uh all the other minions pray forgive my lateness oh thala dreads back what up bruh how much i'm gonna take the helmet off who's it at persistent line wait oh my [Music] we got the prince of persia on our side okay i see the bloodstorm wasted no time extracting the captives no less than i'd expect them flame generals hand-picked men he's he yes dude slap his face slap him in the face as for those two it's fair to say their hardships have only just begun they have much to answer for i feel i owe you an apology asthma gold had i known this mission would prove so dangerous i would have never left you to face it alone sure thalid red uh you've been given a veritable veritable baptism of fire [Music] what the hell but let us continue this conversation in more agreeable surrounds camp dry bones how we say yeah exactly this way sir let's go a little care from dark souls 3 nah bro i look like characters in dark souls 2 like let's be honest okay now where are we going so that was the mighty ifrit nero oh wait this was the guy that killed the other guy with the sword who was the [ __ ] he had like the [ __ ] mask on this is oh my god oh no yeah with the eye and what disappointment he was the readings are nowhere near what i anticipated even all done interference into account yeah that way that guy went down like a [ __ ] you should no better rely upon five-year-old data left in the by the seventh legion this nora can we expect any form of support from the motherland given the troubles at court we have only ourselves to rely upon ever the pessimist my dear olivia promise you me you'll never change we've wasted enough time in here that meteor of yours is too old to give any reading worth a damn not that it was not worth a damn to read but i take your point suppose you must contend ourselves with the knowledge that we've achieved our primary objective yet i'm trying trouble to find it the adventurers unexpected show of strength could such a foe prove a hindrance to our plans that's a great question it really is it's uh that's an incredibly great question and the answer is yes obviously yes perhaps but as consideration for another time you'll be given a task that is your priority i suggest that you treat it as such failed failed to do so failed to do as my lord commands and i will spare him the trouble of punishing you oh my god now what with allies like that beware a woman in love i shall need beyond my best behavior i like how he can still be the emperor but he still has a girl he stems to there's still there's still i think he isn't the emperor i'm pretty sure he's the emperor right yeah he's still is not the emperor always no i thought he was oh [ __ ] yeah where's the loot it looks like there's no loot thank you guys we did a very good job defeating that beast we fought well when we fought hard we've won another victory oh dude that looks so badass look at that holy [ __ ] that looks so cool damn bro g [ __ ] g boys g [ __ ] g bro let's talk to milfina yeah we're going to go back to her right now dude cyan of the seventh dawn okay let's talk to her ah the triumphant hero returns dollar dread told us the news about his rival he's presently uh in the solar giving a full report to lady milfina okay so they're doing it so i'm gonna have to get sloppy seconds that's what it is you should join him oh okay all right never mind my late arrival nearly cost asthma gold his life i wasn't there when the amanda took him prisoner and i wasn't there when they served him to ephrath yes by some miracle he survived but that does not excuse the fact that he never should have had to face those dangers alone i failed him utterly just as i'm failing you all what is done is done thalodred you can ill-blame yourself for every oh who is it asthma gold it's so good to see you again yeah you too impeccable timing my friend i had just finished regaling my fleena with your heroic exploits valid dread has told me everything you've done well to return to us the perils that you faced were undeniably great yet part of me believes that i have no cause to fear and now we can put paid our long investigation nor is the tail limited to usalla similar incidents have been rife in both lisa lemisa and gardenia of late oh [ __ ] so we got to go back over there i dare say that you've been curious on how these crimes are linked to primals permit me to explain having manifested in the physical realm primals must consume ether if they are to maintain their presence there and the stronger they become the more aether they require now aether exists throughout creation it flows through all life and permeates the very air that we breathe alas this alone will not suffice to contain the likes of ephrat nay he and his kind require a more excuse me concentrated source of aether crystals so he's not trying to smoke crack he's not trying to he's trying to [ __ ] get up on that that pure crystal meth like that the pure [ __ ] 100 he's trying to get up on that good [ __ ] dude that's what you need to keep this guy alive for this reason the incidents involving crystals can often be traced back to a primal which leaves us with the why of the abductions to understand this you must first understand how primals are born when all was well in the world primers possess no physical form their essence is dispersed through the across the great river of ether however when the world is plunged into chaos those who worship the primals cry out to their gods for deliverance from suffering wait so are these like the shaws oh my god these cries serve as a beacon toward the primal's essence which is irresp irresistibly drawn it is coming together or etheric coalescence which grants them the physical physical form once born a primal gains strength from its followers worship the more numerous and fervent they are the more powerful their god becomes the primals are seldom satisfied with such reverence as their adherents freely give and in order to gain more power they do not scruple to create followers they do this by tempering mortals a process of which you yourself were subjected yet even as efra took your comrades and his thrall you alone remained unaffected this is thanks to the power you possess the echo we may not know the why of it but those blessed with the echo are immune to primal influence yes here's why it would be a very bad story if you just randomly got suffered got sacrificed to the blood god and you get mind controlled and the story's over it's actually yes yes it's it's pod armor yes i mean really it would be a bad it would be a bad story it's like yeah so uh this heroic champion uh basically they caught him and uh they sacrificed him to the blood god and um the prophecy didn't happen and he died wow it's as though it had a greater power to protect us when he first came to us i was told the echo would be instrumental in dealing with the primal threat i trust you now to see why these incidents now share a common trait meticulous planning such elaborate designs of a new development one of which reels me with an unshakable sense of foreboding when i share your concern my presiding feeling is one of relief of your safe return very true ah the immortal flame assures me that they will deal with the aftermath so you need not concern yourself with that we may rest easy for a time i suggest you take full advantage of this respite asthma gold you may be sure it won't last long once the people learn the identity of the hero who fell different i fear you may neary have a moment to yourself well i have uh i i'm fully [ __ ] used to that i just [ __ ] used to that aren't we isn't that great now what now what whether she intended to or not milfina neglected to tell you something something i think would be best that you heard from one of us it concerns the tempered abductees that were rescued i'm sorry to report that all are to be put to death the flames with whom you are imprisoned included needless to say this information must not be made known to the public [ __ ] yes dude okay i knew i was joining the illuminati i [ __ ] knew it man now we get to sacrifice people we get to do human sacrifices we have to harvest them for adrenochrome this is awesome okay i swear to you that will not that we would not do this if there were any other recourse but once a man is tempered he is tempered for life his very existence lends strength to the primal whom he cannot choose but worship and so we scions continue our fight and no more innocence need be sacrificed i hope that you continue to stand with us as mongol but i should be going i must offer my apologies to the flame general for the losses as people suffered till next time it's good i guess it's [ __ ] dead yeah exactly this is good this is very good this is exactly what we wanted to hear god forgive me how many more lives luisa would never have wanted this to happen i have to do better i have to be stronger damn my axe looks [ __ ] good man oh my god it looks good where's my mouth give me my mouth man wait i'm 27. oh my god [ __ ] yeah milfino what do you want me to do milfina is wearing a wry smile may have something to do with your newfound fame okay uh i i'm yeah all right so she now now that the other guy left and we're alone together now we get to uh we have to have some fun this is mount time oh this it's mount right now i hope so let's see until not very long ago europe but one of the many adventurers seeking to make their way in aurisia but you character encouraged or raised the esteemed post of envoy confirming to lachlan that the scions would benefit from your aid and no sooner had you joined us and personally bested the primal e4 yes you have achieved a great deal in a short time and one fame in doing so alas fame does not come without a price as you will soon discover yes i know i will discover that the moment that i zone back into the open world area i'm fully aware of that i don't need to be reminded of it we have guest asming gold or rather you have guests beg pardons what are these idiots doing who are these guys lady milfina radiant as always i am now to give and understand that science and son dawn have recently welcomed a new hero into their midst i am here on behalf of the maelstrom grand company of lisa lamisa to offer said hero a place of honor with our ranks she's like what the [ __ ] as you can see asthma gold your recent exploits have garnered you the attentions of the grand companies of eurasia each organization would have efforts bane for their own to this end all three have sent officers to court you oh great three dudes who would not be ordinary go to such wings to enlist a new recruit that they have evidence is their high regard for you as evidence of their high regard for you i find myself wondering uh how word of asthma gold's deed spread so quickly that the immortal flames should know that this triumph is to be expected but what are the other grand companies eep jesus your reputation precedes you master your reputation precedes you master bald kiss no ordinary man who can face a primal and emerge the victor we eagerly await your answer that's real cute we've got to talk about this we got to figure out who this is going to be oh man nobody picks me i always get picked last none can say uh what mauro will bring but so long as we believe in ourselves there is nothing that we cannot achieve now it's time to make ready for your journey before you depart be sure to speak to tataru she will praise you as to where to begin and remember servants oh oh so i'm about to do it okay [ __ ] yeah all right let's go okay here we go makito's amphitheater okay so how do i do this oh destination okay i'm waiting all right here's the first one [Music] i lost my son to the calamity damn bro that sucks the three seed seers are all together she's hot some say you couldn't take a step without stumbling over a body [Music] damn okay it's the girl [Music] our forebears were once strangers in the twelves wood fearful of the green wrath they hid themselves in the dark recesses of the earth yet they dreamed of basking in the dappled sunlight of the forest through great effort they proved their worth to the elementals and were granted a place beneath the boughs so it was that gridania was born some five centuries ago damn okay working hand in hand the here and the ellison settlers sowed the seeds of our civilization and soon they were joined by folk of all races except dragons there's no dragons here so nourishing a little bit racist of unity and blessed by the light of the majority what the [ __ ] are they gridania flourished into the great nation it is today great speech i love it 10 out of 10. do you see the greganian standard there hanging behind the elder seats here what is it let's see it the entwined serpents represent the unity between you and ellison an elegant symbol do you not agree those aren't serpents those are sperm in accordance with the will of the elementals we have embraced a life of peace yeah alas yeah we're not doing this once have not always sought the same for themselves nor for us this is this is loser this is a this is the loser faction okay though we graduates have no love for war we have still less for those who would threaten our way of life oh great ever have we fought to protect the sanctity of the twelves yeah i can't wait to join the faction full of altar boys and girls with flowers yeah that's that's really where i'm going to fit in the dark knight the marauder the warrior uh-huh these are the people that go on twitter and complain about me when the guardian empire brought its war of conquest to eorzia we rallied under the noble standard of the twin adder that we might push back the encroaching darkness cool and it was we who prepared the ground for the reformation of the eorzean alliance that all the peoples of this realm might stand united against the common threat cool that's very nice wow amazing five years ago the alliance met the armies of the empire upon the fields of cardinal this is uh this is the [ __ ] battle it would prove the bloodiest battle in recent memory countless gridanian lives were lost damn so people got [ __ ] up as supreme commander of the order of the twin adder ever shall i bear the weight of our people sacrificed damn damn alas their loss was not the only tragedy to befall us that day for soon came the calamity the scars born by our forest are a constant reminder of its violence our lives have been irrevocably changed each waking hour a struggle to survive what do you mean you just sit around and eat flowers like what is this it's just a bunch of flowers oh my god driven to desperation some among us have strayed from the path of righteousness you know what this is like poaching you know what this reminds me of an unconscionable deed you ever go to you ever you're like in class and you have to do like a speech and like somebody just goes up there and the speech is supposed to be like 90 seconds and it's like it's six minutes the teacher's looking at their [ __ ] watch like oh god can we [ __ ] wrap it up we really have to talk about this again oh my god and together let us here we go that our progeny might live in harmony beneath these ancient bowels that would have been way cooler if the staff did something purity and sanctity yeah this one sucks oh god this is the worst one what's this [ __ ] what the [ __ ] dude [Music] that's it she's like is that it like yeah i guess yeah okay wait why does she have antlers is that antlers i didn't even notice that okay now what what's this here all right we got the cat girl everybody's walking home oh we gotta talk to the two little twins here what the [ __ ] do they want if you'll permit me alfie no why do i want to talk to these guys at your service cool i saw at a glance that you were a fellow traveler that's correct you might call us students of history sampling the realm's remembrances in pursuit of enlightenment that's nice okay now what the gradonians are unfortunate enough to have to contend with two beasts tribes the x all are unquestionably more troublesome being the more naturally warlike disposition and they want to s and want to summon their primal garduda the stills by contrast are peaceful in nature but being mischievous rather than malevolent and are trying to summon rama well that sounds like somebody else's problem their gardenians have no love for war they consider open conflict the last resort trust me if they didn't they would have told that [ __ ] to wrap it up three seconds into the speech like yeah i know they don't like any conflict we can tell because we had to sit through that whole thing god damn don't they clash with the xr ever more regularly you may assure that they do so in self-defense yeah that's always how it is the 12's wood is so grievously wounded during the calamity leaving ghrdania vulnerable to attack the people are hopeful that restoring the wood thereby the power of the elementals put an end to their woes yet how long will that take centuries i'd wager that's right myself control their incursion spurred on by gerduda her insatiable appetite uh whether gardenians like it or not sooner or later it will come to an all-out war and when it does the order of the twin adder will need all the help it can master how valuable the aid of a capable adventurer can prove to them yeah that would be great i sure hope that they find somebody that can do that yeah uh that really sucks for them that sucks wow okay all right we did that one let's see what's undawa let's do uh i want to do this one now i think this one's going to be really cool and i think i need to go down this way wait what the hell is going on who's calling who the hell is calling me oh guess who it is yo what up hey yeah i'm on stream right now okay i got i got you need to try this [ __ ] man what is dude fantasia do you know what that is yeah yeah i've heard of that you just gotta have a sip and click lalafell dude i'm telling you man my life has been insane since i switched i'm feeling so much better about myself oh yeah dude i've had fun with your character that's shorter than you are so what are you up to man how you doing oh he left the call um okay he left the call um all right so let's see where do i need to go hastings strip oh maybe i need to go that way okay we're here let's see what this next thing has to offer for us oh [ __ ] all right this is this this this our man man this is a man's man yep drawn to the bosom of the desert [Music] see look i mean they're playing badass music how do you ever not pick this one this one's so cool yeah that's right we're since antiquity under the sage and judicious rule of the old dynasty we have brought sand into gold that's right whereby the grace and glory of have our brave sons and daughters flourished and prospered i speak of uldah that's [ __ ] good now everybody's cheering yeah [ __ ] yeah there at the flame general's back flies the grand company oh they've got the thing wait what's this here they turned jewels into into fire the golden scales what the hell that's the jewel of prosperity with the flame of might wow great and many are the gifts our nation has given the realm yes absolutely in eorzea's darkest hour on the killing fields of cardinal they're going to war they're going to battle see this is this is the big dick faction okay was the seventh imperial legion laid low exactly how it happened how soon history forgets man shut up [ __ ] what do you got to say you stupid little elf man never to return that's right let us pray for our absent brothers and sisters that they might know happiness in the great beyond see this one's so good honored guest she's not talking about like oh this is how it used to be is it's like nah it's like man they went out there and they got caught man that sucks bro like like pouring out for our lost homies you know like that's it if the fates were fair the price we paid that day would have bought us victory alas they are not that's right now but five years into this seventh umbral era the spirit of sacrifice which granted us our strength is all but dead uh-huh look around you what do you see are people divided down trodden and enthralled dude this guy's awesome here are the merciful arms of the rich where is the just steel of the righteous yeah true true true great nation our brothers and sisters you who call this living disorder it is but a slow death our enemies surround us the savage hordes of the amalgam wait beside our roads strangling the lifelines of trade disgusting meanwhile the guardians make mark of our borders wow spoil our land of its natural wealth terrible insulting we stand on a precipice yet we do not act [ __ ] whether trader or soldier monetarist or royalist all must recognize that a divided uldah stands to fall true but to the boundless wealth of the world beyond this is great yeah this is awesome time to unite now is the time to ride forth in the name of the sultana i beseech you why are we what's this but what why what does this have to bro what's this why why what is why do why is this involved at all she's the queen man no wonder everything's [ __ ] up like they got like they got a cabbage patch kid running everything of course everything's messed up lying not your own coffers yeah but those of the immortal flames seek not to prosper from ulda but to restore her to prosperity there it is as the realm prospers so shall uda as ulda prospers so shall her people exactly wait he's asking people to pay more taxes [ __ ] man wait what did i sign up for [ __ ] your grace okay where's she gonna pat his head [Music] she's a parent like she's a parent man what the [ __ ] [Music] lies in the health happiness and hopes of her people it sure does beloved subjects i bid you raise a loft the torch of all da that her flames might serve as a beacon for all of yours here [Music] for we are by fire reborn i just i think it's so funny the juxtaposition here right you've got this battle hardened [ __ ] war ward and he's talking about [ __ ] stride fearless into the inferno and the other ones like yeah we're gonna be safe and healthy and everything's gonna be okay you know like what what is this oh my god it's like a yeah it's a parrot man she's sitting like a parrot cool all right now what are the stupid little elves have to say i believe great i i can't wait to talk to you oh wait that's it that's the whole thing okay what do you want you know donald's have a long history of conflict of the um jawa the beast tribe that warch was the primal ephrat judging by your [ __ ] and distaste i'll take it that you have encountered them yes i took care of it the udolphins do not shy from confrontation if god threatens to repress this prosperity they will seek to crush it so they have dealt with effort thus far smothering its flame each time he is stoked to life yet he is one of several problems they have also been quiet these past five years the guardians have not gone away meanwhile refugees come in droves and undawa has no clear policy on how to deal with them for after all the substantiates coffers are bottomless and even assuming that they had the coin resources will ever be finite they should build a wall hey brother why don't you build a wall they ain't they thought about building the wall yet which brings it back to the subjects of effort it's been observed that dam jawa are summoning him with ever increasing frequency each time they do so the amdahlins send their forces to smite the primal and though they invariably succeed every victory is bought with blood it is a victory of attrition that they cannot well sustain small wonder then that the immortal flames are eager to recruit more members such desperate hour an adventure of your experience with most distinction welcome addition to their ranks we're probably gonna go with these guys like we are probably gonna go with these guys however we will go to lisa omisa la misa and we're gonna see what that is okay we're gonna hear them out oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] there she is [Music] all right brothers and sisters of the sea hearken unto me look upon this our mighty crimson standard and tell me your hearts do not swell with pride well that [ __ ] looks dumb [Music] please clap 700 summers have come and gone since our forefathers first ran aground in this has grown from humble fishing village to uncontested ruler of the five seas and beyond here's why i don't give a [ __ ] about the boats and [ __ ] right it's like this is always what i used to do i think this this is always what i used to do in uh in asia empires i would never build boats you know what i would do instead of that i would build my [ __ ] away from the water so the boats didn't matter i see just build the boat you just don't go next to the sea at and like you don't have to worry about the boats like it's like aquaman how can aquaman be a force to be reckoned with you just get out of the water all right yeah right did you look as the admiral bid you it is a rather stirring standard i must say is it really the crimson field is meant to signify the blood of fallen crewmates while the black longship represents a pirate vessel what the hell is that it's like it's the ship is just talking about how much they lose like this is the worst this is the worst flag i've ever seen when the guardian empire marched upon eorzea we assembled beneath the maelstrom standard and our grand company was reborn okay paul answered the call from the knights of the barracuda to healthier's bloody executioners and together we met our would-be conquerors upon the field of cartino that's cute but y'all lost right that day the world bore witness to the united strength of limsa lominsa [Music] i swear to you no army ever fought harder or with more courage yet many of ours did not survive tragic join me now in remembering those who fought in the name of freedom and fell may their souls be returned to the sea dude look at this guy he's ready for fourth of july he's literally wearing red white and blue well this guy's oh look at that that's badass [Music] uh-huh what are they saluting for freedom yes they have always been rather fond of their freedom i want to kill this kid much as the beast tribes have a small wonder beneath the surface one would struggle to tell them apart this this guy posts on reddit he's such a yeah he's a red this is a redditor it has been five long years since the calamity struck five long years of tireless rebuilding yeah cause every patch to replace all my [ __ ] progress and wow the wounds of the calamity fester and weep but when i stand atop the mizzenmast and gaze out upon our battered and broken vessel i see an undying spirit did we not build all this from the wreck of the galadian all those centuries ago shall we not do so again that's cool that's cool all right all right all right yet there are those who would see this ship of ours sink beneath the waves of the restless rotano damn creep ashore seeking blood for their recursive god those fish boxes oh [ __ ] bro not them the minds of ogomarow spew forth cobalts who push ever damn despoiling our lands as they go these savage beast tribes will be the first waves to crash against our creaking hull [Music] and behind them swells the grim tide of the garlian empire wow wow now the curse fly their flags within our borders doubt not but that they will be upon us air long [Music] we are well knight surrounded yet there are those among us who would rather turn their swords against their crewmates than our cannons against our foes god damn can we hope to repel our many enemies when mutiny breathes below deck damn we got some cheaters there is but one course left to us one bearing that will bring us victory over the beast hordes and the empire both and we must oh the calamity has reopened twixt pirate and maelstrom and stand fast with our adventurer brothers against the coming tempest okay cool marquee well a crew without unity is no crew that's true tis but a mass of drowned men it's just a bunch of dick boys a bunch of little dick boys and with the guidance of the navigator this great vessel i double quick i'm sorry the waves till c swallows all incredible sorry i double quick i wish right clicking would take you back one scene that would be cool ah jesus okay all right we gotta talk about this oh no now i've gotta talk to the redditor okay let's talk to the redditor what do you want i can't see meeting you again shut up oh we really have to have another scene do we really have to have fade out for dramatic effect dude look how good my character looks man dude i look like a [ __ ] pimp i look like a about i look so good man at least admiral mentioned her address uh lisa lamisa is played by two beast tribes the first is sagan tohogan yeah we killed them the primal leviathan a second are kobolds who dwell beneath the earth and take the primal titan for their god as beach tribes presence weren't troublesome enough the guardians have also chosen to wreck the fortress right in lemesian's backyard and that's not to say the internal strife a nation of pirates there is no end to the blood feuds between the various factions and while they fight amongst themselves the guardians wet their blades and watch if the lumisons have have any hope to withstanding the empire that must first resolve their own affairs differences must be set aside and the primal threat must be dealt with once and for all to this end i expect that they will soon take divisive actions against the beast tribes mark my words the maelstrom standard will be drenched a deeper shade of crimson year long okay that a capable adventurer like you would be valuable addition to their crew is beyond question okay all right but will you sail with the admiral all right so we have to make our three decision all right we have to make our decision between the three this is a hard call for me to make so okay what's going on oh yeah i got a phone call right this is milfina are you well would i be correct in thinking that primal remembrance has now been conducted yes uh yes it has been moment ago you say what a coincidence yeah it's always on she's listening to my private conversations jesting aside i i trust you remember i guess when the grand company so i had to return to the waking sands it would not it would do not help the community spending longer and short hurry back okay so we have to decide between the three of these okay so let's go ahead and let's talk about what we can do now number one we could go with the uh we could go with the one here all right i think this would be a decent choice so we can go with uh the flower girls we can go with the battle hardened warlords or we can go with the pirates that's basically it so i think here's my opinion right i think that this is not even a question like that there's not even a there's not a universe that we don't immediately go to the [ __ ] to the whatever the guy is that's got the parrot the parrot girl right like yeah that's not ideal but like it's so easy immortal yeah the immortal flames like the big dick of mortal flames like this guy goes in there yeah we've got the pole right there everybody is picking in mortal immortal flames you know what i know it nobody cares about grim adder nobody cares about the maelstrom we're doing oondala and it's not even a [ __ ] question it's not even a chance that we're not gonna go with that we're gonna pick that [ __ ] up we're going there 100 let's get this [ __ ] done all right where's milfina there she is okay welcome back okay tired from your journey won't you rest a while yeah sure whatever quest complete that's very cute all right here we go oh good who it is look who it is only know what grand company our adventurer friend will keep the wheels of change are in motion regardless i hate him so much brother are you certain this course is best whatever do you mean dear sister uh i i want to throw him in the garbage like literally like you know like so-called remembrance ceremonies were little more than standard waving rallies that's true actually they didn't really talk about the people that died at all hardly the calamity and seventh umbral era warranted scarcely and mentioned true well of course they were standard waving ravis [Music] since you're absolutely observant may have you noticed what mention was made of the warriors of light none yeah because all their [ __ ] got deleted the server got wiped [ __ ] them i suppose they must have so you kept complying with those who spared worse than the calamity no dear alize they haven't forgotten these details they have elected oh on reddit uh he posts on our slash conspiracy i see that deep are the wounds yes now it makes sense so deep in fact that the realm still bleeds terrible to say the beast tribes and their primals do little to alleviate the pain true so the task of salving aorzia's wounds falls to the scions of the seventh dawn with a little help from our friends the grand company so that's me i'm a scion i'm one of the scions okay remembrance will yield no remedy if our world is to heal we must put the horrors of the calamity behind us true our grandfather would never entrust the fate of the realm to desperate to rewrite history to their convenience damn bruh she's pissed look at that guy look at his face oh what the [ __ ] dude yo chill out man is i damn there must be another way to cure what ails this world and i need to find it all right you are most welcome to try our paths may differ but our destination is the same in time i dare say we will see eye to eye he's the worst he is absolutely the worst i should hope so damn my lady we are to escort you oh wait pope does not come into it we share the burden of this fate dear sister and we'll prevail together or not at all the salve will serve not only to close up our present wounds but prevent old ones from opening anew okay so yeah i hate that kid a kid's an idiot okay so again guys uh so this guy looks like a [ __ ] this guy does look cool but we're not going to go with him we're going to go with this one this is the immortal i'm like 90 sure this is the immortal flames take yeah general raubon's words kindle the fire within you join the immortal flames e [ __ ] z excellent i feared the incident with the traitor may have soured your opinion of us it gladdens me to see that isn't the case but before we count you with one of our own who must formally be inducted in our own ranks this is whenever we have penis inspection day that's what they're about to do uh moral flames recruitment officer seems to eagle will welcome you into indala's grand company great proceed to the hall of fame dollars merchant ship and identify yourself with the personnel officer okay sounds good so let's see how i can get over there oh it's literally right there oh no there it is okay let's pour it over there it's mount time oh [ __ ] it's mount time [ __ ] yeah dude all right let's go i'm ready yes dude yes dude awesome let's go and watch watch me save time watch me save time look at that dude look at that flame personnel officer [Music] what brings you to the hall of flames to stay adventurer my name is azmon gold bald i believe you are expecting me as i thought as much you were you are just as our man at the waking sands described it's an honor to meet you now in order to formalize your sir who what do you need what's this speak private imperial sir they fired on highwind's skywise airship scouts say she's coming down to the west near horizon's edge bloody hells of all times this to happen asthma goal there's no time for formalities the immortal flames need your help now we're in the midst of a large-scale operation against the amazon we have nowhere to spare in the west alliance get to the ship before the garland do if there are any survivors we must not let any harm come to them now go alright let's go we're going into battle oh that's good they're being sneaky [Music] what do you see oh man okay hey adventure what are you doing out here no wait let's find some cover first would it even matter how the [ __ ] how the [ __ ] get behind are they behind the rock yeah they're behind the rock it's right god damn you [ __ ] head around [ __ ] 30 feet bro oh god man i got sucker i'm gassed out bro she sneak 100 yeah exactly the moral flame sent you how do you know you're not imperial spy you don't even have a uniform uh believe me that's because oh wait oh yo what the hell okay are you all right sir scouts reporting attacking your craft you come to rescue azmonbald yes glad to have you with us yeah exactly so put down your hands hulk now what isn't it weird that the guy that has a mask on that has [ __ ] he's got like a he's got a face mask on and he's the one who's who's supposed to be looking at everything i've not seen a craft this design before the traitor galrond has been busy the servants of matt the secrets of magic deck are ours by right they are not to be squandered upon the savages of this land what's that oh we can kill him it's okay yeah you guys can have him uh dismantling medicine bring the engineer someone must pay for gauran's crimes yeah that's fine just that's a sacrifice they made to take the ship back to castrom uh marindium uh along with your uh engineer oh [ __ ] you have to help him the fool of the lalafell was hiding inside the tiny bronco what an idiot nice looking ship they're not the best place to have taken shelter i agree i also agree it's the first airship we've built since the calamity the first since master garland the first since he went missing after some years of work she was ready for her first test flight and she was soaring she really was those blast those bastards blasted her out of the sky we attack on my command kill them quickly and save the life of the lalafell if possible i'm sorry it's not going to be possible wait they're sending a little they're sitting the walla fell into battle but not the big guy how does that work okay we're gonna kill the caster we're killing that guy right there let's go oh [ __ ] dude look at me man god i look [ __ ] awesome he's a morale booster yeah he'll tell us good job you know okay let's go okay big numbers big numbers let's go bottom okay killing all these here there we go there we go i guess maybe i should get on this guy yeah i'm gonna try and kill this guy right now actually wait wait can i hit all these oh i can nice cleaving damage big dick damage huge dick damage the biggest of big dicks [Music] okay and i can hit this one too right yeah i got him okay perfect nice dude nice wait who's getting healed how the [ __ ] are they getting healed i'm trying to look and figure it out yeah i might as well just let that guy tank no reason for me to tank [Music] oh wait can i use my ability now oh it's not learned yet [ __ ] that okay all right let's kill this thing big damage here big damage on the big boy big damage on the big boy let's go nice circle up yeah i don't know if it's going to do something else though that's the thing is i'm not sure if he's going to cast another spell like there's me another mobs would be harder to kill okay oh i can't use tomahawk because it kills my combos that's right okay it's really not that hard to get out of these abilities level 22 magitek vanguard come here [ __ ] okay and i should bro what is this bro what is this okay here we go got him nice destroyed wait there's no death animation oh it just paused okay now what pigs oh jesus what the [ __ ] is top of his head what's he got a turnip for a head what the [ __ ] is this supposed to be a little turn up head god damn all right let's see what we got to do here that was a close one it sure was too damn close how'd she look anyway auxiliary propeller is a dead loss that's not good a few minor modifications we should be able to fly to the tiny bronco home imperious will come looking for their scouts but we can defend this position until the engineers leave you should go asthma gold you have unfinished business to attend to with the hall of flames you're not quite one of us yet okay i'm uh i just want the story or for calling you an imperial spy and all that i got that one wrong didn't i seriously though if i hadn't been for you in the flames lads here we'd been chained up in a dungeon now yeah a [ __ ] idiot you [ __ ] dumb idiot stupid imagine doubting the hero of the story okay um i'll pour it back over to here easy easy easy time for mount is this my mount time okay all right let's see it oh does this guy is this one of the other ultimate oh that's so cool dude look at that oh it's badass it's a relic weapon oh okay yeah i'm not sure which ones are ultimate and which ones are relic ones okay all right now what let's go talk to the flame personnel officer welcome back asmond gold word of your ds in the field has reached me not long ago exemplary service rest assured gal garwan ironworks engineers are fine your willingness to assist us such short notices to be commended clearly your reputation is well deserved now i believe we have some unfinished business yes the business of giving me the sword and not sword i was thinking of this sword over here which looks really [ __ ] cool um giving me the mount give me the mount continue where we left off induct you yes i would like to be inducted are you ready asthma gold then let us begin yes i'm ready i'm prepared [Music] as mom bald you stand poised to enter a sacred trust the flames of undawa burn bright casting light where there is dark and purging evil wherever it works we are ever ready to meet the nation's enemies in battle be they beast men guardians or worse and a word from the flame general uh aruban uh alden we've gladly lay down our lives to maintain the peace and prosperity of abdullah that's right to join our ranks you must forsake all other nations only then may you commit yourself to the fire and be reborn as the immortal flame be burn is one of us asthma and gold bald and together we shall chase the darkness from undawa will you swear an oath to mark this occasion okay so i pretty much all these are yes right okay um my sword belongs to indala [Music] yeah spoken like a soldier you'll do well here very well your resolve is playing asthma gold bald i hereby confer upon you the rank of flame private third class welcome to the immortal flames private may you fight for the last coin and country [Music] yeah oh damn he does the animation too [ __ ] yeah awesome there we go boys private bald what's this here a phone call milfina again you hear me asmingle this is milfina an officer of the immoral flames contact me with the news of your enlistment my congratulations private bald i have no doubt that you were eager to make the acquaintance of your new comrades about to ask you paid a visit to your old ones first remember though you are now a flame of bundallah you are no less a scion pray return to the waking sands to the earliest convenience there are some friends of whom i would like you to meet we shall be waiting it seems your presence are required elsewhere before you leave perhaps you could find a moment to speak with commandeer swift he is not the he's the one he's not the one to see new recruits going to the field i'm prepared okay good in terms of being oh no no i don't want to have to talk to the little [ __ ] oh thank god okay all right unprepared that means that i'm going to get a bunch of armor boyce boyce you may now accept the quest my little chocobo immortal flames by speaking with swift the quest must be completed in order to proceed to the end of the main scenario for a realm reborn okay [Music] all right grand companies okay swift believes that you should get yourself a chocobo i completely agree i totally agree private bald yes some moment of your time if you please uh you wish to carry out your duty swifty do not well then perhaps you should get yourself a chocobo if you're interested the immortal flames will furnish you with one it's not a complex process but it does require some paperwork first speak with a quartermaster obtain a flame chocobo license then you need to insurance you'll need to exchange company seals in order to do so once you've received your uh your issuance show it to miami gun uh by the gate of mauld uh he'll be at the first to furnish you with a bird all right let's do it you need to buy a license what the [ __ ] do the next msq so i just go over here and i get the coin and country does that complete it this one right here do i i just complete this and i get the seals yes okay all right i'm going to do that right now and then we're going to get our mount voice i'm almost ready okay welcome back as my old lady milfina oh there we go flame seals got it [ __ ] yeah there we go welcome back it seems that you wasted no time putting your skills to work true how do i know why the recruitment officer called me to regale me with your tale of heroics the pride in this voice was palpable we try we scions are truly fortunate to have you with us asmingle i know that when we last spoke i said i want you to meet some friends or did i not i neglected to mention that you have already met tataru please show them in this way sirs oh no oh boy all right uh thanks for getting us out of this mess we owe you our lives i didn't think we'd properly introduce ourselves i'm biggs as the other one smalls god spit it out man will you wedge at your service i'm pleased to say that biggs and smalls will be staying with us for a while oh great imagine if driven contraptions such as airships grow ever more vital to the city states of eurasia as a neutral party i was judged that scions we should be these keepers of this technology of course we needed a knowledge of the experts and so we requested the assistance of the garland ironworks who very kindly sent us two of our finest engineers our happy family continues to grow on behalf of the scions i bid you welcome to the waking sands cool what the hell is he talking about like every soul here i love auresia and i count myself blessed to be given a chance to stand with you and all and fight for the future of our realm never have i known such fulfillment such happiness wow okay let's see so now i need to go do the chocobo thing right because i pretty much got everything else ready like it's mount time right because i already got the [ __ ] that i need okay it's mount time yeah all right boys let's [ __ ] mount up oh there it is okay minigun from chocobo keep what is this what the hell is this i bet that's one of those stupid little things okay here we go let's click on it want a bird issued you say then i'll need to see your license do i need insurance too okay here's my license oh [ __ ] yeah dude yeah yeah everything appears to be in order i know that moment please i'll be right back with your joke about please give me a red one give me one with like the red like [ __ ] armor on it and [ __ ] it's uh what the [ __ ] you actually you know what this one's not that bad here he is the fellow has been in high spirits for the past few bells he must have sensed that his master was coming oh wow i took a screenshot look at that though now make it official you want to give your noble steed a name wow present the flame chocobo issuance oh there he is quack okay so no i'm not gonna i'm not gonna name a mcconnell i'd be riding mcconnell that's weird let's try something different mcchick do i call them mcchicken that's a pretty good one what do you guys think about mcchicken all right guys let's go let's name it mcchicken that's fine chocobald is good but i think this one's better make chicken is this good guys are you happy all right we're going with nick chicken name your chocobo mcchicken yes all right you are now mcchicken okay we've done it it's it's finished guys alright let's see the mount minigun what do you have i dare say he likes his name or he won't after he sees what happens to mcchickens uh what's he's your very own free chocobo whistle simply blow on it and your feathered friend will come bounding to your side but do forgive him he doesn't respond over someone in crowded city areas or monster infested layers chocobos are stout harder creatures but they have their limits okay uh lastly i promise you a choke of a rider's license as is required by law do i have insurance though yeah i have my license i have my registration but i don't have insurance i don't have inspection either okay it doesn't matter it's fine okay let's put this one right here personal chocobos you can use a chocolate with uh whistle to acquire an action to summon your personal chocobo unlike rental chocobos there's no time when regulating how long you may remain on choco back i may remain on choco chocoback great all right it's on my hot bar i've already keybound it that's fine it's good to go chocobo armor or barting can be equipped in the character menu what does the barding do does it make it like run faster or something okay let's go out here and i'm gonna try it here we go it's cosmetic okay i see that all right boys let's do it you move over here okay here we go [Music] wow wow dude look at that dude look at that dude oh my god [ __ ] yes dude that's my first mount this is so good this is the first of many by the way this is the first of many first of many many many mounts eventually it can fly i don't know his wings aren't really that big but i guess yeah probably oh yeah they use magic i forgot about that holy [ __ ] man [ __ ] yeah dude i got my goddamn mount man yeah a tank flying ah it's magic dude you gotta remember that see it's all magic that's how it happens oops i forgot to do that i'm used to using the uh the keybind for removing ui for wow and apparently it does something else instead holy [ __ ] man this is awesome dismounting personal chocobos okay it just runs away it's not that big of a deal okay that's actually really [ __ ] cool man that is so [ __ ] badass by the gracial greens i don't know what the hell that is and yeah obviously gracial green and your bird will fly with you oh oh right okay so i'll deal with that at some point let me see does it jump on it's oh nice okay that actually is really really [ __ ] cool man he can't yet oh okay no i can't do that all right so let me go over here let's go and pour it over there dude this is so badass man i'm so glad that i have my mount this is nice congrats on your first mount thank you man i appreciate it thank you thank you thank you dude at that look at that dude look at look at me dude look at me on the mount look at me on the mount dude holy [ __ ] wow this is nice man it really is like being able to mount actually helps so much man it's great so remember how i told you guys i had a fourth of july party to be at well uh i i think it i i put six as my kind of cutoff time it's 5 53. i got to get ready and uh get started to go see some of my real-life friends and uh we're going to be doing that so yes thank you guys all so much for watching today i really really appreciate it so until next time boys so until next time boys let me go back over to um i'll go ahead now actually do i want to return yeah i guess i should return now so until next time boys until next time boys [Music] happy fourth of july and peace [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 1,200,287
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold tv, asmongold final fantasy, asmongold FFXIV, ffxiv, wow ffxiv, wow final fantasy, asmongold ffxiv, asmongold ff14, final fantasy, asmongold plays ffxiv, asmongold plays final fantasy, final fantasy xiv, ffxiv first time, ffxiv first, ff xiv, asmongold ffxiv day 2, asmongold mount, asmongold final fantasy mount, asmongold ffxiv mount, chocobo, chocobo mount
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 143min 15sec (8595 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 05 2021
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