Aѕmongold Journey Continues - Beating FFXIV Patch 2.1 & 2.2 | DAY 8

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Sounds like argent tournament to me, but i cant check right now

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Aug 05 2021 🗫︎ replies

Isn't it a tavern song?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/FreestyleiSH 📅︎︎ Aug 05 2021 🗫︎ replies
and dusted dawn break on a realm reborn well that sounds like bro that sounds bad like but where is there is light there is always shadow yeah about to say now what oh fuck yeah okay oh they're all clapping for me yeah yeah i know i know guys i know i know i know i know yep hi welcome back warrior of white we all prayed for us yes i i know all right let's talk to milfina see what she has to say ever since we defeated guys von balsar uh and destroyed his ultimate weapon uh the eyes of the world have followed our every move scarce remembering to blink where we once worked in secret with now precious few friends and now all too many enemies we are now beseeched with benefactors each one more eager than the last to offer his offer us his complete support whenever we formed the science of the seventh dawn it was our goal to serving eurysia not the interests of individual origins our neutrality is fundamental to our cause just like the illuminati our baldessian colleagues have been generous beyond measure but we cannot expect them to forgive me i did not mean to burden you we can't listen we can't take we can't take bribes uh yeah it's my urge to share this dilemma with you that may not be wholly misguided maya imposed you to consult the other so likely to have their own opinions on the matter okay should we accept bribes from angry merchants or not all right what is what does uh the old redditor want the situation is not wholly unexpected i too have given much thought to our organization's future though it would seem to reach the different conclusion mayhap it's time that i made my feelings known to the antecedent come along asthma and gold alpha not asthma gold is something amiss you desired council and so you should have it milfina the science of the seventh dawn must leave udallah what what the fuck so long as this remain that we're in indolin territory we will never be free to act with impunity moving to our headquarters to vesper bay will only delay the inevitable we have demonstrated our capabilities and the syndicate has taken note they will not suffer our organization to remain independent now we are far too dangerous for that if udall was no longer suitable where would you have us go more donna i forgot where that is remnants told to be precise it lies precisely within neutral territory and offers all the essential facilities that require by the way of additional benefit is also frequented by a veritable legion of adventurers who may serve to supplement our ranks i am of course conscious of the fact that we have the point why are we listening to the 15 year old like the only thing that he has to say that's good is his his fucking grandpa was a badass well that was a long time ago and it's not even you i truly believe to be this the best to be the best course of action as yourself observed we have invaluable ties to the local community forged through years of conservative effort and mandala is our home alphanod uh to cast aside everything we built to start a new and that desolate wasteland would be beyond reckless true the decision is yours to make i ask only that you recall the shared purpose of which moved us and found the science science of seventh dawn and which uh moved you to find the path to the twelve air that we aspire to an ideal you and i just as my grandfather did that makes us more than just comrades and arms we're as much family as that will be all outfit oh that's the guy's staff i'm sure you have some familiar fears of your own to attend to oh yeah what happened to his sister your consent is most generous but no i have left them in the hands of men better suited for that task than i i could not very well allow my personal affairs to come before the needs of the order after all so he said fuck that bitch confound it she knows what must be done and set still she hesitates all because of these fanciful rumors i should explain milfina's mother well adopted mother was among the great many who perished during the calamity uh i don't know what that is was her name and though you may know her better as the songstress of udallah she was a performer of the singular talent and much beloved by the people of arizia not to mention a certain challenge mistral as you may imagine the news of our passing was greeted with shock and disbelief among our adoring followers many of which refused to acknowledge what had happened and the body was never found only served to encourage speculation oh like elvis yeah so it's like elvis it's gilfina god okay milfina too she struggled at first to accept the truth but as her absence stretched from months into years she saw that there could be no other explanation until recently at any rate for whatever reason rumors have once again begun to circulate that her mother is alive and well one of the informants father iliad has sent word to a woman matching the song for subscription has been seen of laden a seaside resort of costa with the soul let's reconvene there and inquire with master georgia uh as the veracity of these rumors damn okay so basically what we're doing here is we're looking for information about how to find milfina's mom okay i've got to ask her mom for permission to marry her don't cheat on yourself well i just married both of them what's wrong with that i see you haven't had many grand adventures since we last spoke you must share them with me sometime the girl from a little while ago one does forget a perfume like that one does not forget a perfume like that so robust and intoxicating yes salmonella see familiar reminiscent of a bloom native to these parts in fact i said as much whenever we spoke she complimented my powers of observation and asked me where she might find some of the flowers i told her to follow the rhone down south into rain catcher gully the flowers which grow in the shade of the cliff have the strongest scent you see so if you make haste you may still find her there all right we've got to go find this girl yeah when's the msq recap so basically here's what happened is it milfina doesn't want to move the base of the uh of the scions of the seventh dawn and the redditor wants her to do it because he's using facts and logic but she doesn't realize that and so the redditor has to use facts and logic to get her to realize that her mom isn't dead because she feels attached to that place because that's where her mom was at and she thinks her mom is dead that's what happened okay that that's the story and so we're trying to find uh that person wait we found her already and it's her adopted mother not her actual mother as you can see i am in your deck great stranger i did not realize my activities had around the goo boozy until it was too late their oils can be used to make a perfume you see and i yo bitch what up flamin i'm i don't who are you who do you serve oh shit it appears that you've already found our woman consider me impressed my friend oh my god he's been tracking us the songstress of udawa i presume milfina or should i say ascilia is looking for you who the fuck is that skill you you are the very picture of health milady and the world thinks you're dead i can only conclude that this was by design the question is why not everyone who endeavors to find me does so with the best intentions child you will be pleased to know that i fully intend to reveal myself to milfino whenever the time is right oh well this does please me more than you know but tell me sojourns the forest of necostra aside when exactly will the time be right when i deem it so do you imagine that i traveled all this way on a whim as i was telling your associate prior to your intrusion i came here to harvest these flowers to use in a perfume does that satisfy your curiosity or would like to would you like to interrogate me further damn dude she's not having it my apologies for the interruptions anyway now that we have all that we came for we might continue with this conversation in a more safer locale wine port you sing all right yeah redditor got put in his place dude this is not at all how i envisioned it i can scarce begin to imagine what emotions will go through milfina's heart whenever she reunites with her mother after all these years you say my daughter awaits us in vesper bay yes i have kept her waiting long enough let us be off to the next ferry i can finish fashioning the perfume along the way understood come with me it would be my pleasure to escort you to the walking sands damn not only is he a redditor but he's a supreme gentleman too what a pimp okay he actually is wait what it teleported me right over there oh my god okay owen this is the one i need to do soon too okay enter the solar there she is nofina and see that you have a guest [Music] oh wow oh escalia that's her real name damn oh look at that dude i haven't seen her like this in years asthma gold we did it boys i never truly believed it when they told me you were dead but what kept you away for so long the imperials came for me and as i always knew they would and so i resolved to stay as far away from you as i could lest their pursuit of me endanger you to our cause i could think of no better way to grant you the freedom to continue our work and to continue what you did achieving things that i would not have imagined possible i followed your every success and celebrated in secret i am so proud of you wow i learned from the best that's crazy i have a gift for you what is it is it chicken tenders it's nothing celestia perfume you remember how could i ever forget you worry all the time if i ever lost sight of you i could find you again just by following my nose i did not think it was made by anyone you must have gone through so much trouble it was no trouble to me my darling i feared that i cannot say the same for asthma gold however i could not have made it without him so wait i'm a simp now i'm going and i'm simping out for this girl doing all this stuff for her thank you asmingold thank you both yes yes there's something else what is it this is the cat's eye i found all these years you kept it oh look at that dude my father was a member of the alamegan resistance when i was yet a child he brought me here to odawa the incident which came to his life happened shortly after our arrival it was uh gilfina who took me into them she raised me as one of her own taught me everything that i needed to know to survive i'm no stranger to the facts of your history yet i feel that i've failed to grasp the implications it's clear that there is much that i do not know about you and your mother both one of our first lessons to me concerning mining and i was very dedicated student this cat's eye was the first stone i unearthed it wasn't much of course but i was exceedingly proud to have found it nonetheless so i gave it to lamoni as a gift and she said it was beautiful but i am at a loss why are you returning this to me is there something amiss no exculia nothing is amiss quite the opposite i need you to realize how far you've come and how much further you will still must still go you and your allies have accomplished more than i could have ever hoped you have succeeded where i have failed and you have made me so proud that words fail me but even things even as i marvel at the woman you've become and all the things that you've done i cannot think of that which you have yet to do and what it must entail i skill your daughter you cannot stay here anymore you and the scions must leave udawa damn she wants her to move out you built it once it's going you can build it again and this time we'll do it together oh wow that's crazy truly wow oh she's so happy al alphinaud the time has come for the scions to leave vesper bay oh damn so the redditor got what he wanted we shall establish a new headquarters fuck yeah so much work wise out of us inform our fellow science and send word to the students of baldeon preparations begin at once fuck yeah dude damn smart look at that dude the redditor i mean to be honest he's pretty smart he definitely is now what oh he's going to get it on with his with her mom that's good the negotiations are concluded our friends at the adventurers guild have agreed to furnish us with new facilities and material support in exchange for our assistance in the ongoing defense and development of revenant's toll damn that's pretty good the signs of the seventh dawn shall have a new home and more donna the rising stones don't look at me thala dredd fuck you a bittersweet victory of truth be told i cannot die that i had come to look forward to tarou's tales of many guests and there are many many demands i do have news to share in expectation of this momentous day i personally informed the alliance leaders of our plans and they have each pledged their full support general rauban included moreover i have decided that the time is right for us to cast off the vestiges of our order's veil of secrecy and announce ourselves to the world oh wow are you sure this is wise if anything is a mere formality our existence is quite possibly the worst kept secret in eurasia let us confirm our identity or affirm our identity proclaim our achievements so that all may know what the zions of the seventh dawn stand for to you my fellow scions i would say this prepare for the challenges which lie ahead for they will be great indeed oh shit oh shit great i say no greater than us and we will rise to them as have we time and time again united as one fuck yeah dude so we're going to a different place i always thought this place was a shithole anyway thank god yeah this is great i'm very happy about this there might be some way i can wait is that area to be rich in minerals maybe i should ask filament to teach me the basics and mining too fuck yeah i would like you to deliver these documents to slackboard they concern our forthcoming move do take care on the road and represent us well as mingle okay slapboard would like to show you the scion soon to be honed and revenant's told this is where we're going to live now back to work of a dozen men i see haha but i just only eight men actually even i can appreciate the important man such as yourself has little time for menial tasks really okay that's great i'm sure i won't have to collect three rocks in the next expansion then but since you're here mayhap you'll be keen to have a look around the scions new home see that impressive structure over there that's the place let's see it that looks just like the that it's just another building it was originally built to house a branch of the guild you see as such it comes complete with a tavern where adventurers can come to rest from the road fill their bellies with good food and drink in their ears with tales of fortunes to be had about the realm you may get a bit racist at times but i imagine it'll be good places any to recruit capable men and women to your cause come with me i'll show you around hello oh great it's tataru and is that you guys going to try to interrupt i have most urgent news we've received grim tidings from gridania it would appear that our aid is required at once i must ask you to report back to the waking stands with all due haste is everything all right friend what who is this guy bro this guy looks like a hipster instagram influencer oh my fucking god yeah it's fine bro i can't say i'm privy to the details but it would appear that there's no time for a leisurely tour but no worries rest assured that i'll see all this during arrangements pray return at any time and you'll be seen to your more pressing matters where's tataru oh yeah i forgot tataru isn't really part of the scions guild he's the he's the secretary okay or she's a secretary because you know she's useless because she's a lalafell so unless we need to have something uh picked up from underneath the table or something like that there's really just not a lot of use for a messenger from twin eider came to the waking stands while you were in mordana i wasn't privy to his conversation with the antecedent but i did see the look on her face after she took his leave something is definitely a miss could it be that the exile have summoned garuda again are you kidding me um or may have imperial forces have been slighted sighted within shroud no well whatever it may be i'm almost certain it's nothing that you can't handle now go ask and to see if there's anything that you can do we have reason to believe that another primal or an entity resembling one has summoned has been summoned in gridania what oh it's uber danger thine arrival is customarily timely aspen gold the etheric waves leave little room for doubt thy talents will be needed year long if there is truth in my suspicions tis a familiar foe we face though one unlike the lady of the vortex we dare not draw conclusions without evidence but as uber danger says the readings bear a strong resemblance to the ones observed more than five years ago pray hasten to graduate gold yida and papa um papa rapper the rapper uh we'll rendezvous with you here may you walk in the light of the crystal the other silence have already arrived sir may i show you in yes please proceed to the lotus stand please show me in what does this be oh is this the oh this is the oh wow wow we've got all this oh this is serious we've got the flower girl here yeah that's what i was thinking what the fuck kupo kwop please you have to stop them but you mustn't kill them they are not bad moguls kupo they are just misguided and gentle no firm thrashing is in order so they want me to firmly thrash their enemies call him yourself kulupok could you see that he has the faintest idea of what you're talking about be quietness instant pray forgive his willness outburst sister most grateful i am that you have come has been golden upon such a short notice truly gordanya could not wish wish for a more stalwart ally but you were dealt with eager to know whence forth uh you have been summoned our friend kupo kopp has brought us news of the most unsettling development what's wrong did they run out of stuffing it would seem that the good the good king mogul mog the seventh has returned to aurezia a curious thing to hear i know truth to tell i cannot i cannot myself say if he is a genuine figure from history or some manifestation of mughal mythology cupola would have me believe the former once upon a time we mughals served the gods in the heavens it was quite nice up there unspeakably beautiful imaginably spacious and with indoes literally in the supply of wine kupo in spite of this or possibly because of the last part the gods eventually became discontented and started squabbling which made life jolly difficult for the poor moogles so good king moogle mog the seventh may his glorious name live forever decreed that the time had come to leave koopa the man of the realm of man would suffice he said so all mughals shall live there instead so they literally left heaven on purpose man these guys are stupid why would you do that unfortunately the two realms are so far apart that we couldn't safely fly down but good king mooglemog may his miraculous foresight ever be praised knew exactly what to do kupo he had a rope you see and the longest one ever woven and he nobody held while his subjects climbed all the way down to the world below and it's how we moogles came to this land kupo all of us accept good king mogul maul the seventh may his courageous sacrifice never be forgotten he alone would remain in the heavens so that mughal kind may might at last no peace except that there is not remain except that he has not remained in the heavens and from what i understand that is your reason for contacting us yes oh shit she put her hands together like she's gonna beat the fuck out of a man uh i bet he tied the rope to something good thinking remind me again what the problem was with him returning to aurezia the problem ita lies in the fact that he was summoned it is our belief that good king mooglemog is a myth made manifest vf means akin to those employed by the beast tribes and summoning of their gods so this mughal is a primal so you're saying that a handful of mughals with a boatload of crystals wished really really hard and he sort of appeared would that even work yeah of course it does haven't you read the bible whoever or whatever the king may be it is our belief that he poses a threat to not only mughal kind but to gridania as a whole thus we do beseech you as we gold confront good king moogle mog the seventh and drive him from our midst imma beat the fuck out of that stuffed animal man oh oh my god don't you dare lie to me koopo i know what you're planning and i won't allow it open your eyes koopo the king will never be satisfied no matter how many crystals you bring him yo i didn't i i didn't mean to take out my axe like yo chill we offered you a choice and this is how you repay us by consorting with this higher imperials gradonian sylphs you're no different than the rest of them actually you're worse kupo traitor to the kinsmoogles he plots treason against the crown what the fuck enough koopa cock will answer for his crime soon enough and all will who defy the goodwill of good king mogul mog the seventh may he reign forevermore kupo what is this scientology what the fuck is going on this is not good the king is planning to purge the twelves wood of its enemies kupo we've gotta stop him before it's too late king mooglemog your reign of terror is over the bloodshed must come to an end death and destruction is no place in eurasia your reign of terror is over [Music] now what do i have to do mughal's guard to arms defend the king koopa the fuck that's just one guy okay so we go in and we just get him okay oh bro he's getting destroyed he's getting wrecked oh my god this is not even what is this is it over this is a joke what an easy what the fuck [Music] okay okay okay all right two of them two of them i see how it is it's fine it's no big deal all good to me completely good to me that's fine just two mobs at a time no reason to stress no reason to worry a good player like me never worries about things like that okay go uh charge over there pick that guy up pick this gap right here okay there we go i'll pick up both of them might as well okay good good okay i've got to watch out for that oh he taunted the other one off me that's fine facing this guy away this is easy bro this is easy bro look at this damage do my damage is nuts okay let's go into the middle so we can get over the other ones faster okay there it is right there in the middle oh look at that these guys are getting destroyed march of the mooglys you're not even gonna cast the ability you're gonna die wait why are they all resurrected no no no no no no no no [Music] no no no no are you kidding me is this no this is not real life no way bro what is this oh my god [Music] okay what the fuck i don't know how i got gripped in for that i'm not sure wait there's actual there's vocals for this [Music] oh my god okay we're killing these guys here that's great that guy's dead okay let's move out of that we have a venn diagram of getting fucked in the ass move out of that move out of this okay oh my god look at all these this is disgusting i i i feel disgusting i'm just i'm so taken aback by this whole thing hearken to me mughal's guard oh we're killing him we got his ass easy dude fucking easy so fucking easy dude you did it koopo you did it good king mooglemog the the seventh may his mighty soul rest in peace is no more i shudder to think about what would have happened if had you not stopped the mughal's guard whenever you did thank you asthma and gold perhaps now they'll come to their senses and stop playing with fairy tales rest assured that the chieftain will have choice words for them too you should go and tell punk and paki that the king is no more cupo cheese with rayo and camp tranquil all right let's do that aspen gold you are returned to us unharmed and victorious thus i have two reasons to be glad well that's there are two reasons it happened no scaling and also the echo yet the many questions remain unanswered if you would be so kind to oblige me i would feign here all that occurred in thorne march then it is as we feared the king really is a primal but he really isn't is he i mean the mughals don't worship him for one thing he isn't even a god to them that doesn't sound like any primal i've ever heard of this may have to fault lies with definition the fact lies that through a combination of the power contained in the crystals and the force of their collective faith the mughals called forth a being that by right should not exist moreover when slain said to being left with no corpse the aether which comprised him instead of just being scattered to the four winds according to this accepted definition he may not be a primal but the mode of his manifestation was in every respect the same as sketiance this whole business reeks of their handiwork the asciitions guys for anybody who forgot they are the illuminati my heartfelt thanks asthman gold already the information you have provided has proven invaluable the grand serpent marshall and i have so much to discuss oh before you do my lady i was hoping that we could finish discovering that other matter the matter of which you speak has now been settled the scions shall not want for support we shall be glad to send additional supplies to revenant's toll we knew we could count on you my lady wow they're going to send us free stuff i guess they must be streamers while yida and i remain to discuss the particulars of our arrangement with elder sincere may have you returned to the waking stands and appraised the antecedent of all is what's transpired we have to go back and talk to milfina the time has come at last to leave vesper bay and milfino would appraise you of the final details of the move it seemed only right that i should be the last to leave and i would have you remain with me until the end jasmine gold uber danger shall remain here and devote his energies to studying the nature of the primals by the grace of the twelve he will one day discover a permanent solution uh that we have all sought for so long speaking of uber danger would you inquire of him of any task to remain undone okay let's talk to him wait what where whence came that cried the solar 12th fourth run the antecedent wait what the hell is going on yeah i'll take care of it i'm good no dude no are you kidding me are you kidding me asmingold you must what the fuck happened what is this okay she's just doing her books that's very nice it's very relaxing okay good tell me luis so would you have done the same louisa livamaro is a remarkable man wise beyond mortal measure would that i had met him prior to his passing wait what the fuck oh shit it's the illuminati and esquisition here how how readily you see you are indeed gifted antecedent but you are not like the others you're robes gifted but ignorant yet i shall not judge you harshly the fault lies with your forbearers it is millennia mine are the robes of an emissary unlike he who came before i have no quarrel with you what the fuck he who you speak of la brea la brea is a warrior he fought he fell he may yet learn from his mistakes then he still yeah he's still alive bro of course he's alive i come i can only confirm that what you already know there is no cessation no oblivion only expulsion you what are yeah what the fuck are you talking about what you're not gonna tell me the walla fella has been in on this no we're ready whenever you are my lady if there's nothing else are you stupid are you fucking stupid he's right there she can't see him wait what what i feel the same way after everything that's happened here it feels strange to leave but i'm sure that will soon get used to revenant's toll i'll let you say your goodbyes take as long as you like my lady we shall depart whenever you're ready there's only to be expected she lacks the gift of knowledge both to her we are indistinct i do not understand shadowless fleshless formless what truth there is in each tale is diluted by time and telling knowledge dictates expectation and expectation colors perception thus she did pursue perceive not so it is with all chosen few even you and young could not see not yet see with your eyes unclouded you know nothing of me nothing the gift grants you clarity it grants you focus and with it you may come in time to see us what we are rather than this crude approximation wait they want her to join the aestheticians well jabre did not think so highly of the echo is wrong about a great many things the echo is an indeed a gift a be it one that you have yet to master and if i did there would be no strife between our peoples for we would be one of mine wait what i leave as i came in peace antecedent may we remain fri remain again as friends wait what the fuck wait stay where you are ah why is she in charge it's like every five cutscenes with her it ends with her laying on the ground or recovering from an ass beating she's hot yeah i think that's true that's a good point mayhap i was in delicate to some mercy she shields her children from his grace with such resolve was a dissolved by also by your hand that i survives the ardor i wonder okay just teleports away what the fuck what the fuck groan i take it there's no need to explain that's true very true save your concern he did me a little lasting harm whatever his intention was it was not to kill oh great i heard a cry what happened are you all right you look faint do you need to lie down i could fetch you a flask of my special tonic uber danger send word to the students of baldessian tell them to scour the archives of forbidden tomes in particular if there is any reference to an eskician robed in white however oblique i would want to know of it and eskician my lady what was it that gave you the cause to cry out it was obviously a de-escation what do you mean i did but moments ago a glimpse of a future chad in white set forth from the waking sands yet essecians are our won't to employ teleportation magics why would one be so brazen i know not and care not find him asthma gold turn every stone in vesper bay if you have to okay i can do that so we have to find this guy who's been teleporting into milfina's room where is he then oh i'm told that you're the warrior of light but i would know for myself he's just right here okay i shall walk north and you may choose to follow know however that you will be waylaid if you do you may even perish should you survive we shall speak anon what the fuck okay follow the white robe decision okay let's go ahead and do that let's go talk to this one here there we go you are being judged oh i see that what the fuck okay let me kill these guys here there's a lot of these mobs oh he's casting blizzard uh oh it's not working it's not doing anything yeah i just apparently like their people are walking out and like leaving blizzard and they're just fucking tired of it man i'm not surprised i really am not i i think that that's a good thing people should uh you know they shouldn't put up with that bullshit especially after all the posturing they've done you know it's too fucking much okay where's the guy i have to kill the gruesome gargoyle holy shit okay let's kill this guy easy easy easy [Music] they said no one left blizzard's not working i mean they used to work i know this sounds crazy but blizzard employees used to actually work and do their jobs it was a long time ago a very very long time ago but uh there was once upon a time where uh they would they would make video games and then go to work and uh you know everything was okay you know it was quite a while ago okay where's the last one wait double gargoyles holy fuck okay all right let's deal with this pop over these guys pop some cds too do as much damage as we can just to kill these guys as fast as possible i feel like these mobs aren't really that hard to kill yeah this isn't that bad at all okay we got it great okay let's keep going over here and talking to him okay we're gonna talk to the white robe destin what you want bitch remarkable truly remarkable i thank you for granting me this indulgence none who a bested la brea could endure such examination yeah that's right you bore witness to my audience with the antecedent did you not then you know that i only acted in self-defense i realized the same cannot be said of la brea even amongst his brethren he is considered unique nevertheless i cannot wholly condemn his mind seeds for though for for though through them we discovered you one so strong in the gift that he could cast us out so i alone can defeat the illuminati i am alex jones her mother favors you still that much is plain but surely you must feel it her influence wanes and her strength shall soon be spent these lands these people this world all shall soon change and as it was it shall be again and as it always have been doubt my claims and question my motives if you will only believe me when i say this i am edibus emissary bearer of the word of the one true god and we shall meet again that's really cute he gave me the smile oh that's that's adorable all right we gotta go talk to milfina again thank the gods you've returned asthma gold after you left i began to worry that they've sent you to your doom i take it our visitor approved elusive beg pardon he was waiting for you what did you do what did he say as it was so shall it be again where does he speak and of what exactly the words of aridius portend much and reveal nothing say perhaps a measure of disdain for wabrea i had hoped for answers but it seems like i have to be content with a wealth of additional questions okay so we are discovering the secrets of the illuminati let us set aside the matter of the susquehanna until we have completed our our move to the rising stones there is but one final favor i would ask you of you before i depart i believe i mentioned before that my father was a member of the alamegan resistance the truth however is more complicated than that as far as the empire knew he was their spy he maintained deception on knight for half a decade furnishing the resistance with vital imperial secrets while feeding his pay masters subtly concealed in misinformation when he died some so 15 years ago my father left behind his journal which i have closely guarded ever since it contains every shred of information he and his agents could steal on what they believe to be the single greatest threat to eurizia the primals its wisdom has guided me through the years and there is much to much within that i still do not understand it is my hope that uber danger will fare better tell him to treat it with care it is all i have left to my father the legacy of milfina's father who perished in the parade incident of 1562 when a guber broke free of its magical fetters and ran a monk through the streets of udoha contains a wealth of stolen imperial research so this guy was killed by a guber the father's final bequest the daughter's lifelong labor there's no small thing to surrender such a cherished memento well can i imagine anne to see this pain upon my horror i swear to spare no effort to study in these materials lest my lady's sacrifice be in vain hello asmongold this is milfina i'm in the other room but i thought i would call you on the cell phone instead of actually just walk over there like a normal person forgive me but i could not wait oh i departed the rising stones oh she left okay if you have yet to once you get until you have the journal to uber danger i bid you come to the seventh heavens in revenant's toll to taru will be there to show you inside of our new headquarters assuming you have already attuned to it you may wish to make use of our new aethrite in revenant's toll after all it is right at our doorstep okay makes sense let's go back over here talk to her oh azmin gold you're here good god we were all wondering whenever you'd show up as i was just telling you rep the uh your vista of receptionists here i am pleased to inform you that all the documents have been prepared and all the signatures signed the rising stones is officially yours oh oh look at that dude splendid from this day forward we will spare no effort in seeing this welcoming and comfortable home for us here in the waking sands as ever that said this is all somewhat intimidating is it not so many unfamiliar places so many unfamiliar faces rest assured that this receptionist will work just as hard to see as our efforts do not skip a beat despite this relocation and with that asthma gold i do believe that it's time that you officially announced your presence to everyone inside the antecedent and the others will be surely overjoyed to see you alrighty boys let's see it okay so we'll go back over here and where is it how does this work oh this is it this says no entry because this is scion business only that's what it says oh wow bro this place is way um sean i was first wealth new tomes uh wait that's it that's it oh come on all right yeah josh told us here obviously and then okay we've got the redditor here who's not able to go inside that's good now what okay let's talk to her right now oh wow that's everybody oh fucking phthalo dread oh great just what i wanted to see just the person i was so happy to see well it's certainly spacious that certainly is okay amazing absolutely incredible and there's that guy's staff today marks a new beginning for the science of the seventh dawn for today we declare our independence the fuck well our independence is this how america was formed hell yeah all right we shall henceforce be beholden to no nation and serve all of eurizia's people proudly and openly but this does not mean that we will sever our ties with the arizian alliance on the contrary the antecedent and i will endeavor to strengthen them rest assured however that we will not permit political considerations to influence our decision that's how you know it's final fantasy all right danny remains unchanged as does our cause we are the science of the seventh dawn and our single purpose is to safeguard the future of eurezia yay we're good boys for arizo woohoo wow great yeah get out of here pardon the intrusion my lady but the matter which bringeth me will admit no delay mine every attempt to contact the students of baldassion have been met with science no one will respond how odd allow me to try she's calling a customer service hotline and spamming zero so she's automatically sent to a customer service agent no response surely they would not ignore us oh actually never mind wrong number they've never yet my lady i fear that we must assume the worst no i will not believe it and now post perhaps but not their headquarters the wards are beyond circumvention have they come under attack they would most certainly have raised an alarm none could penetrate their sanctum unnoticed but those who like the gifted knowledge of both oh no oh shit nebrase your intercession was not foretold oh shit you object we question our plans are in motion your intentions unclear they survived the seventh alder and are stronger now in the gift does that unintrigue you no it does not serve as you will so shall i we labor not at cross purposes his wisdom the wisdom of his plan shall become apparent in time when the veil is lifted from their eyes and at long last they will see what the bro fuck illuminati is wildin man oh my god what is this milfina has a new assignment for me thank god what shall i do truly there is no rest for the weary obscurus had i begun to make myself at home whenever i received a request for assistance from mom and joe and son's mineral concern it would appear that their storehouse on the horizon as a target of a series of covert robberies minor as they seem in isolation occasional discrepancies in a manifest were long dismissed as clerical errors it was only during the concerns annual audit that a pattern became apparent significant quantities of crystals and only crystals were missing i need hardly tell you what that may imply let me guess another fucking primal are you kidding me are you fucking kidding me pray depart for the horizon at your earliest convenience rendezvous with your slaughter whenever you arrive she and thaladred will have already begun a preliminary investigation what do we have to do here oh hello there has been gold was it yashelata said to expect you terrible business these thefts we have yet to confirm the quantity of crystals stolen but i dare say it be greater than ah but never mind that i have news to share a short while ago the driver of a heavily laden carriage refused to halt for inspection and broke through one of the checkpoints on the royal alligan sunway the cart bolted off towards restaurants towards western thalidon where thank the gods i hear that our colleagues were able to apprehend them without further incident a speeding carriage that would seem a choice a curious choice for sieves of such proven cunning yet the amanjawa do have a foothold in eastern thalin and one of our cargo did they carry the crystals that we seek we should be receiving a moment a report any moment now but i fail to see what else could what do you want fupalupa what's going on oh no it's thala dread did you miss me friends i'm back but i fear i come bearing disappointing news on second thought perhaps it's good news after all thaladred where have you been off to i figured you had everything under control here so i just took a brief excursion to the east to check up on our on amazon friends and i and you wouldn't believe it it happened to be on a runaway carriage on this way and even and even was able to do my small part to help my friends in a brass boy it's intercepted in all my years i have never seen such a prodigious quantity of psalmists the blades were calling it one of the greatest halls they'd ever seen the stolen crystals on the other hand were nowhere to be found that means we've got another primal boys is that so last we have no choice but to continue our resume our search elsewhere another fucking primal we should reassess our options well come with us asming gold now then tiers i the situation may be more complicated than we anticipated oh really i was about to i thought that was a whole cinematic like we got i shall remain watchful wait i don't remember ever hearing uber danger this is him there thou goest another matter requireth thine attention a young maiden fooled eager to it feels so normal for him to just hear him talk but whenever i have to read it i just feel like an idiot wherefore inquiries now of her fairness okay never mind very well be she damsel or devil i shall direct her steps save thine insinuations for one given to such impropriety thou shalt not find me amino okay now what the fuck are these guys it's chic oh my god those are ears from the land of doma have we traveled we seek audience with the ruler of these lands who here speaks for you uh me i do no no it's not me or what okay it matters not how many times you ask without the necessary permissions none shall pass perry understand good sir we have not the leisure to lodge a formal petition time is of the essence all i ask is you summon your superior allow me to plead my case surely you can grant us with the small kindness away with you you will darken these doors no longer i will not ask again wait is that a girl or a guy is that a guy or a girl with a beard you know not what to do yeah i guess it's got to be a guy that makes sense okay now what i gather your please fell upon deaf ears a royal man with a cold heart i know his kind well i hope that you will find me more to your liking alpha not leaving our at your servants a friend which i believe makes this very unique in this part of the world very at least if you indeed are your allies in indole you will need some kind if you wish to endear yourselves to the wealthy and powerful pray join me and my associate at the quicksand and you may explain your situation to us and we shall see if there is ought that we can do to help okay so we to help them out that's fine my lady we have traveled some several thousand miles across the sea from the nation of a dome to focus on malm in hopes that we might find sanctuary in these lands okay sanctuary lady yukidi i'm not going to try to say that i lying within it's a mile omar was under the dominion of the guardian empire as i'm sure you are aware yes when the war of succession broke out in garland we aspired an opportunity to free ourselves from the yoke of imperial oppression and took up arms damn savage only to be crushed and so i gathered what few domes escaped the reckoning and guided them hither to your shores a war of succession then the emperor forgive me the fuck's going on was under imperial rule did you not we did say that doma is gone raised to the ground as an example to the other provinces damn so they blew up their home oh my god that's sad twelve have mercy and your people geeded and deleted on a ship anchored in vesper bay oh never mind flying borrowed yeah never mind many were complicit in the rebellion or akin to those who were damn they will not come ashore until i send word that it is safe to do so that's smart actually i saw an audience with your rulers but was summarily refused it's because i'm not going to make that joke number one the lords of ulda are not want to entertain because she's wearing purple guys without suitable encouragement yes mayhap i was foolish to expect otherwise but our supplies run low and we have young ones in urgent need of care damn that's sad i have seen the tents outside the gates however we are not the first to seek asylum nor will we be the last well we don't know if she's even hot yet okay like we're not gonna listen we're not gonna this is not our wife we don't even know which is she could she have leprosy that's why she's got all that shit on wait uh no we're not doing that she is nah bro we'll see okay we'll see i already have two wives in this game already i don't know if i need three we'll die actually your tale would stir the hearts of many men and women here yes true the sultana and the syndicate will not be so easily swayed but i shall see that you are granted an opportunity to plead your case i don't know how like guys lost that you know because like you think about it as a guy like what is it wouldn't like if you have three wives that's either the best thing ever or the worst thing ever depending on the wives and like now like you can't do that anymore yeah it's not a yeah you can't do that anymore like how did we lose out on that guys i don't know when this when the gravy train stopped but yeah what is this christianity so jesus is cucking me is that right it wouldn't be the first time the sultana the syndicate would not be so easily swayed okay yes god this is within your power yes he is a master boast manipulator i do have the ear of certain influential individuals i am in your debt thank you lady yukiri forgive me for observing but your choice of attire seems like to evoke feelings of mistrust he's trying to get her to take off her clothes so he calls her milady and then inside of the same sentence wants her to take off her clothes bro this guy is if this was a comment on reddit it would get gold okay oh my god what is this man i won't to fear the unfamiliar we know this from experience true we seek only to spare the people of ordar unnecessary disquiet yes i shall defer to your experience then i thank you for your understanding uh-huh this is okay it seems i have urgent business with the flame general i leave our guests in your capable hands yes i'll do what i must i'll do what i need to i'll do what i have to she's not yeah wait yeah she's not taking her clothes off and he dips out that's actually true wait what the fuck [Music] like that's yeah think about that like the moment yeah he's like oh no you're not gonna do it all right yo i gotta go uh if i may stir as i said earlier we've been at sea for some several moons and our supplies are all but spent i have not the heart to repeat the tales of our tribulations nor would it please me to have you listen to them suffice to say however i think sacrifices have been made though it shames me to beg for more than what you have sufficiently offered much desperation compels me desperate sir gentle sir i am i am a supreme gentle sir i'll have you know uh if you or your associates could spare any provisions anything at all it would go a long way to lessen the sufferings of my people let's go back over to here all right a wealthy merchant in his entourage just came to have a banquet here on mauro's sea but just sent word that they can't come meaning i've got a boatload of food stuffs and no one to feed best of all they paid for the lot in advance ha ha damn okay that's great well let's just go get the free fucking food there's the letter right there you think i'm lying you know you shouldn't encourage them like this they'll start to expect it mark my words hell yeah hell yeah brother true ah i dared hope not for for such magnaminity much less expected mistress mamodi is generous indeed i shall be sure to thank her most humbly look who it is liddy guri i i briefed the flame general on your situation do you think i i think you will be pleased with his reply we have been granted an audience no you're going to jail uh before the sultana and the syndicate both we will return to the loyal promenade at once wow you've done much for us master alpha naught i swear that we shall return the favor damn dude look at that uh not his owed waiting uh linda guri for not has been given the small favor for you is fairly one bite with your words and with words you must win the favor of the syndicate that i then i will choose them with care damn look at them all damn they're all sitting there waiting to meet you at last you guys to mark this auspicious occasion i should like to present to you the finest treasures our humble nation has to offer uh finest treasures what is this alas the circumstances which have brought you here today have divested me of both time and dignity okay i come before you as a pauper in direst need of aid to request that you grant my people asylum so we have to give them asylum what is this 17th in the lineup welcome you to our city be at ease lady you giddy i'm right now i just i cannot i just cannot like this is the one thing like to be honest guys i got over the cat girl thing really quick but this one is just it's really hard for me i i don't know what to say although i myself have heard the tale of your misfortune i would ask that you recounted once more for the benefit of the others here present uh-huh as you race your grace for many years my nation doma suffered under the yoke of imperial rule well shit and my people yearn to be free okay thus when a war of succession broke out in garlenwald we sought to take advantage of the chaos and reclaim our liberty that's good that's very good all right our enemy proved less preoccupied than we had hoped and our rebellion was put down in the most brutal fashion fuck that sucks those who survived how many do they number more than 200 souls huddle within the cramped confines of our own galleon's hold yet this figure accounts for but one of the number of ships which escaped that's a lot of fucking people it is my hope that you will allow us all to dwell within your wars should that prove unfeasible however i humbly ask that you accept as many of my people as your resources allow wow that's a lot he's like fuck pray understand we do not beg but propose instead an arrangement okay we would serve as soldiers or tradesmen until our debt is repaid that's good slavery what are the syndicates opinions on this matter who the fuck are the syndicates i think it's a marvelous idea oh my god we've got benjamin button industries lot and there are parts of the city which have yet to be fully restored if they are willing to work i see no reason not to let them true true i agree that said these are foreign refugees to admit them would require a formal resolution shall we call a vote why would they vote i thought that they were like voting what is this real life like shouldn't the king just decide everything and nobody gives a fuck a vote okay the law is the law oh my god tell me are you blind or willfully ignorant even now our streets are choked with the displaced victims of the calamity and alamegan refugees true yeah they've already got their own fucking problems very true they live hand-to-mouth subsisting on aid provided by the immortal flames the cost of true grows ever higher true preacher brother the wealth of ulda is not without limits my friends true and need i remind you that these refugees are prone to violence and criminal activity you have all read the reports i think i think i've heard this before oh my god it is only a matter of time before men grow desperate and take that which they imagine has been unjustly denied them yet oh shit you would have a swell their ranks may help you think the brass blades and the flames are not hard-pressed enough that's a good point it's a very good point super thanks for 10 subs thank you trading company passes gil thrice daily this may explain how he came to be the wealthiest man in ulda or it may simply be that he's ruthless beyond reckoning all he wants to do is make udawa great again that's all to build a wall to keep the cat girls out and we'll deal with our own goddamn problems i get it he's too based yeah obviously that's what it is surely the sultanate can support the few hundred domains lady yugari represents true that our resources have been taxed i do not deny but we are hardly in danger of financial collapse how do you know that you're five years old i move that an exception be made okay an exception your grace i am suddenly reminded of a similar debate some years ago regarding a number of all-american refugees if memories what now princess potato huh what were your words that day yeah ah yes the law is the law and so our visitors remained in little alamigo yup mayhap our wise and benevolent sultana would be so good as to enlighten us as to which other of our laws should not be upheld damn bro this guy's a fucking pimp dude he's just like he's got his arms crazy look i don't even need i'm i'm i'm just gonna say what it is man this guy is more red pill than anybody this is crazy this guy's brutal he's coming out oh shit the truth i share your concerns true welfare yeah we'll throw you in a garbage can to take a longer view you know as well as i that people can be a resource still more precious than you i think that's going to be a hard sell precious or not they were never yet so reliable and unlike those who frequent your establishment i have no desire to gamble with my future damn doritos greatest asset is and has ever been her material wealth we risk this at our peril so we've got to keep we have to keep the refugees out what could we do to keep the refugees out maybe what we could do is we could build something that's very like a because like it would be hard it would be hard for them to maybe get over it you know because it would have to be a really big you know like a walla fell oh come on one need only look to telegi's example for evidence of the danger when allowing sentiment to dictate policy okay how far the vaunted mirage have fallen both in repute and profitability since he began employing refugees [Laughter] [Music] damn how i choose to conduct my affairs is not your concern my lord damn a proposal has been tabled bro the walla fellas just fuck it yeah business duel i can see that all right we're gonna have it we're gonna have a vote to accept the domain refugees or not those in favor i beat you remain those opposed i bid you leave okay damn damn he's walking it out oh my god wait damn all of them left oh my god shit that's the way it goes we're within my power to welcome you and your people lady as you have observed however my authority in such matters is regrettably limited yeah that's what you get whenever you're princess potato remember how he put her on his arm like a little parrot like that was the funniest thing of the whole game man like and like i think that yeah i was the funniest thing he put her on an arm like a parrot and she was like talking to everybody that shit was funny without the consent of the syndicate i cannot act damn i understand your grace and i appreciate all that you have done on our behalf so the walla fell actually won wow the nerve of the man if that bastard did not forsake in the eastern trade route little alamico would now be thriving now how about that oh that you should have traveled so far under such dire circumstances only to be refused in this manner is utterly unconscionable pray accept my sincerest apologies damn that is sad now that the empire no longer poses an immediate threat they see little reason to maintain the pretense of unity damn that's brutal monetarists have grown especially defiantly lord lord lorito most of all but this is neither the time nor place for that discussion okay so we gotta talk to his ass we gotta we gotta get to the bottom of this situation there it is yeah syndicate has spoken and i see no point in moving the matter to be reconsidered the monetarists have made their position clear agreed udawa is not an option nor lisa laminsa or gridania i judge given a state of their internal affairs which leaves our domain friends confined to a ship gods the thought of them huddled in an airless hold with no hope a better treatment would that i have better time to find of an alternative a place not bound by the concerns of great nations why can't they go live on the moon we can have them live on the moon milfina this is precisely what i wanted to discuss i understand the syndicate's decision i do we all wish to preserve uh preserve that which is ours especially whenever we believe it to be under siege but i cannot meekly accept this judgment not while my people suffer would it be out of the question to substantiate they accept this for a limited time a week may have maybe just a few days excellent i shall keep you informed they just extended my car's long-term insurance policy the headquarters of my order the scions of the seventh dawn stands in a place called revenant's toll in outpost and mordana like all outposts it's frequented by mercenaries and other men of action and lacks the comforts of a more established settlement however the leaders of revenant soul have been doing their utmost to change that to that end they have need of able-bodied individual willing to work as frontier hands hard labor damn this is some indentured servitude shit we got going on here oh my god you know my my great or it might be great great grandfather literally came over from ireland on a potato ship and they sent his ass back back in like you know the 1800s or some shit because they said he couldn't fucking do anything and then they had to send him back again to america whenever he was 12 uh to to come and work here so i'm basically this is this is my people right this is what happened yeah i was in a yeah it was a fucking potato shit from ireland i'm not even fucking kidding you man if they can accommodate us all i shall gladly accept it master alphanod once again i find myself in your debt pray not do not thank me my lady the wife and your people is to go uh is one of hard way born few comforts as i told you and before that there remains it's not listen it's not slavery it's indentured servitude that's a pog slavery is a feels bad man indentured servitude that's at least uh not really a pog it's more of like a feels okay man you know it's like okay it's it's all right you know it could could be better there remains a matter of how they may safely be born to revenant's toll which be no small feat considering the distance of the president's condition we'll just use the crystal uh may have to endowment adventurer's guide be of assistance look to me there a non-asthma goal all right let's go over there seems fine to me let's go lady igari if you and your people would accompany me we may discuss what 80 immortal flames can provide damn so he's going to help him anyway he says fuck that you think i'm gonna listen to that walla fell suck up my dick dorito fuck you okay i'm assuming this is where i have to go right wandering high yeah this has got to be it okay destination let's talk to the wandering eye how are they flying oh the horse uh magic apparently yeah that's the way everything in this game works if there's something you don't understand with the game uh the reason why uh it is the way it is is because of magic that's literally it okay so just just know that okay that's easy survey the road nundala wait that's all i had to do that was a joke no fucking problem there all right now what the wandering eye has been unwandered so there was a beastie was being the operative word huh well thought sir well fought looks like peyo uh if only you're in better health i should have been proud to stand at your side pay my son no mind he forgets his responsibilities preclude acts of daring do he's going to fall isn't he it'd be as made that i cannot help but envy you have we been able to call upon heroes of your strength and skill and dhamma uh things would have been very different true but we cannot change the past those who fought and fell are forever lost to us lost but not forgotten lady ugari's kinsmen least of all they fought fiercest and though they knew full well that it was in vain she had every right to walk away yet she chose to stay food shelter in the promise of a better life all of this and more we owe to her how does one even begin to repay such a debt and kind father she who has given everything we too shall give our all whatever work there is to be done we shall do so without question ditch digging bricklaying it matters not revenant's toll will grow and prosper by our hands damn damn these guys gonna work their damn ass off what is this wait what's going on hey mr asman gold i want to know how you be why you became an adventurer um to win glory to win glory glory oh like bringing honor to your family you mean uh nah just to me just just to me what do you i know it's my turn now excuse me mr asmongold i've got a question what's revenant's toll like is it pretty it's an absolute shithole and you're gonna hate it it's a bustling outpost frequented by countless adventurers it's a bachelor of civilization and hearth and a harsh and unforgiving wilderness you know what i'm gonna give her the worst possible answer i'm gonna go with number four yeah from an imperial costume yeah you're gonna live there ah you can't fool me no one would ever live that close to a castro liar liar pants on fire yeah enough kataru it's my it's my turn again mister asmr whenever i'm older i want to be strong like you what do i have to do um you have to go to the store and uh there's a i think it's for thirty dollars there's a boost and you can go all the way up to level 70 uh for like thirty dollars and you just buy that boost and that's all there is to it seek out new experiences fight ferocious beasts train every day buy weapons at arbor i just fucking just buy this shit on the store i just just buy shit on the store that's all kid rowan is she nice are her weapons cheap i don't have any money at the moment but my father might i'll have to ask him oh great all right all right that's enough questions from mr asmingold that's not fair why does yosen get to ask two questions i want to know about adventuring it just as much as he does oh great i've got to answer another fucking question do you think i could be an adventurer like you one day oh shit wait i didn't get well i don't want the kid to sign his life away to get killed i never agreed to saying that we can't talk about in the carriage anymore on the way will you be joining us no ah shit i get motion sickness great man i'm sure having a lot of fun they better give me that carpet whenever we get there i think i deserve it ah this might be this must be the stanley uh lady yuguri and her associates i greet you all as friends and bid you welcome to the toll i hope you not find our dearth of finer is off-putting poor though as we may seem we have a wealth of spirit and camaraderie despair you see race and creed don't enter it into here we welcome all sorts provided they are willing to learn and earn their upkeep of course we are no strangers to hard work master slurf born we're already calling a master what the hell um you may rest assured that we will carry out your orders with due diligence not for a moment did i doubt your commitment my lady pray understand i did give the same speech to all new arrivals and you needn't bow need or call me master either we are both frontier hands as far as i'm concerned as you wish slapborn may this meeting mark the beginning of a long and fruitful relationship our guests have yet to meet with the antecedent seventh hell's asthma gold why are you wasting time with me see them to the rising stones okay i am given to understand that you were quite busy in vesper bay may have you questioned wisdom of aiding refugees when the primal threat remains undissolved i should not blame you if you did nor would i deny this matter falls outside of our normal purview but as it may i could not ignore the plight of these refugees not when it was in our power to help them true well you agree is here please show her in i should very much like to meet her yeah all right pleasantries are over we have no objections pray do so with our blessing your answer pleases me beyond words m'lady but are you so quite certain we have no way of knowing how many might answer my summons and the need of revenant's toll could not accommodate us all we would need to find an alternative solution should that come to pass we will find it together as ever it has been a pleasure antecedent alas we must take our leave as the first carriages are due to arrive at any moment should you require odd anything else praise seek with slap born lady agree asthma gold okay oh i thought she was gonna take off her uh her hood i really thought it was gonna happen there i thought for fucking sure lee ban and i will make all the necessary preparations to ensure that our domain friends feel at home upon their arrival though i must admit that i'm still troubled about the matter of the missing crystals yes the crack rocks yoshida should be returning soon with a report from the field mayhap you can wait here and speak with her upon arrival yes my wife collection increases this is good this is good dude look at that the harem is coming together yeah exactly uh oh she's mad how goes the fishing oh caught anything slippery damn i our suspicions were well founded the serpent reapers are indeed the culprits wow i would have never guessed that the plot thickens it sure does has there been any movement it has been blessedly quiet which is to say the amalgam of being no more or less of a nuisance than usual emoji [Music] right your explanation for what pray tell pray tell me for the recent spate of crystal thefts in thanolan we naturally assume that the trail would lead us back to the immelsia yeah yet it did not it led us across the sea unto villebrand shit vilbrind oh what there have been reports of increased sahagin activity so those are the fucking those are the fish boys oh gods they mean to summon leviathan that is the way of it i fear oh whilst conducting our investigation on behalf of the mineral concern we came upon evidence implicating the serpent rivers all right with the aid of the maelstrom i was able to verify our suspicions it is only a matter of time before leviathan returns to harrow the seas disgusting but there is more one of the sahagin an elder by my judgment spoke of attaining the gift and knowledge of eternity oh google what is this such a disturbance in the ether if i did not know better i should think this device if i go to the final fantasy fan fest will there be girls dressed up like cat girls there yes where is it it's in las vegas can't you marry multiple people in las vegas too yes very interesting such a disturbance and okay i've read that one she said that actually oh wow that's the summoning stone and there is the explanation yeah that guy looks like an idiot soon soon it shall begin our lord shall rise between ways to wash away the finless one ah it sounds like he just got his braces i remember that and i shall be granted the gift and knowledge of eternity and with the emissary stand equal then shall i know no salvation no oblivion jesus i'm ready to fight this boss man let's go i like these npcs i think they look cool comes this promise of immortality the emissary yes we have outstayed are welcome uh-oh [Music] beat the fuck out of them so we gotta go get that we gotta go get to the bottom of this we gotta go solve this situation we gotta we gotta take care of this problem the gift and knowledge are the two of you quite well uh yeah you you shared that vision did you not yes even before the sahagan made mention of the emissary i recognized elizabeth's words he is behind this elitibus oh he's behind wait so he's getting them to summon leviathan it is not within his power to grant the echo my lady unless we act swiftly leviathan will rise again that sounds like a bad thing has already requested that we intervene to prevent this failing that we are to attend the primals extermination good let's beat the fuck out of them she will have our full cooperation let us make haste to lim salominsa okay let's go i mean to play a part in this mission tataru pray take charge in my absence what da'taru is in charge are you kidding me my lady are you sure this is wise i'm sure it's not i am aware of the risks but there is something i must see with mine i thought we were talking about tataru being in charge that was the problem true nature of the echo very well i shall not stand in your way okay on the condition that you permit me to accompany you as bodyguard okay okay what a pimp dude i take it something ill is a fault yeah i a primal is about to be loosed upon aortia uh primal yeah a god-like being whose very existence is a bane upon the land we scions at the seventh dawn are sworn to put an end to their kind it's an elaborate loop pinata and we're gonna have to beat the fuck out of it yay those are like the worst background characters they don't do anything learn it in the arts of war in return for the kindness you have shown my people i would lend you my blade oh wow great awesome would be most welcome when contending with a primal one can never have too many able allies true if you crave a more intimate understanding of the problems facing aozia this experience is like to provide it be sure to come well prepared she needs to bring the chainmail bikini armor obviously okay we got that one done so now we're gonna fight the fucking primal i'm ready dude i am so fucking ready for this but before we do anything else let us hasten to lisa lamensa and meet with the admiral she must she will not have been uh idle intervening time and will doubtless have valuable information to share let us go welcome friends i take it yes appraised you have the situation did they make your boobs bigger because i feel like isn't this like post content that was added later on i think that no i i don't know guys i think it's possible i think it's absolutely possible let's wait no time then according to our best intelligence the sahagin had not crystals to summon their god alas we did not account the serpent reapers venturing as far as thou land to supplement their cash for their shortsightedness we are faced with the grand prospect of leviathan's imminent return okay so let's go back over there the sea rises as do i do you think i'm really going to be afraid of this chode head do you think i'm really gonna get scared of mr chodehead oh no oh no not mr chodehead oh no primals i want to do i want to fight the leviathan on on fucking extreme i might do that after i fucking kill him here i think that's gonna be fucking soldiers and civilians both true oh shit it's okay m'lady i'll save you is this salad red did i miss much oh damn damn [Music] oh shit dude sheik's coming in hard go this is smash brothers melee chic shit's op god damn look at that salad red helping yeah not really so that is how you fight in the far east mental note pick no quarrel with domains but seriously if i am to keep up i must needs more sake elegance or efficiency okay so is he gonna go fucking crazy [Music] oh shit jesus dude god damn why does he just take care of everything man what am i doing in this cinematic am i just like uh just chilling yeah i'm just like i'm like yeah wow that's crazy wow you guys are really popping off i'm afk maybe that's what it is [Music] jesus there's no blood in the game man that's so weird like imagine if this was gears of war just like literally just cutting their limbs off and shit oh my god to the eighth right okay let's go to the eighth right oh no we've gotta fight the uh the king here wait do i actually fight him or do i fight him in a cinematic let's find out it's me okay hell yeah brother you'll forgive me my lateness hell yeah fucking shot him with a gun man showing up uh oh damn [Music] jesus wait yo milfina can't do anything man all she does is get knocked down and cry yeah good angle agreed liability of late i know this high time i set about making amends uh-huh well now what long have you swiveled he's about to summon the son of a bitch isn't he but no more yep here we go let's see it let's see it dick ass you shall boy with salt in your wounds and see in your lungs damn this guy's an asshole what the fuck is going on what the fuck do you feel that yes i do now what this is scary am i gonna die in real life in the cutscene oh no she's got a headache i know this sensation it's the echo what the fuck what what what this thing has the x yeah what do we wait what were we waiting on really like why were we waiting on this that would have been yeah he got shot in the back of the head dude oh what's that oh shit what the fuck seven health what the fuck strike me down if you will it is a gift i am eternal what the fuck is going on here oh my god okay let us grant them deliverance all right where he be at he probably not even that big he probably not even that big there's three of them just shoot the other ones right now there we go there we go [Music] oh they should have shot him earlier oh what the fuck oh no fuck damn it yeah it's about right holy shit we have to kill this too bad bitch am i not immortal they tricked his ass they tricked his he got debated he got debated into everlasting torment and be servitude to a primal by the illuminati and he got deleted damn i can kill him it's not a big deal yeah it's not that big of a deal what say you narry a single ship hells take that sea demon gather the survivors and get to shore leave the wrecks for the pirates damn they're running away leviathan wastes no time the diversionary squadron is lost holy shit this guy ain't playing he's not playing games primal now makes for open c but why does he not press his advantage unless what god save us he means to unleash a tidal wave damn that was fast oh so he's gonna fucking use the tidal wave and destroy the whole city now what so we we're go assemble the remnants of the fleet all right boys y'all ready y'all let's go who's this who are you what what is it bitch what do you want a message admiral i judge that best be delivered at once i'm listening according to the yellow jacket samantha's appeared who was claimed to defeated leviathan well that okay that makes it easier great one of the company heroes yeah i mean details are quite hazy admirable but we have dispatched one of our own to question the individual all right problem solved all right well you know everything thinks of a way of working themselves out you know what i mean i'm just inclined but put to put any store to this claim but it should be true as joshua said none saved the company of heroes at best of leviathan and we know how they went about it if this man is in their number what could they what could he tell us that they did not already know already and yet having wagered uh lenses survive one two ships some rope and a pile of crystals can we really afford to ignore this man if his testimony could yield us of any matter of advantage should we not hear it damn it all the twin vessel will be shown ready but we have no time to wait in the maelstrom's report on the supposed primal slayer's claims asmingold seek him out and learn what he knows and at the very least it will spare you the torment of waiting for the reckoning and idleness okay so i've got to go talk to this guy hey what up i i can't even explain it i felt like this crazy urge like i was being summoned uh so i yeah i had no choice but to say hello i felt like i was being summoned and i figured that right now i may as well tell you this 100 true thing that's uh not false okay all right so the developer i don't know if you've heard of square square equinox the developers of final fantasy xiv but they hit me up yeah they they said that they would be willing to talk but you have to go lalafell first and this is 100 true and not made up so if you want to have like the best interview ever you have to go lalafell right like right now they're literally watching they're waiting for you to drink the fantasia so stop being a bitch and drink the fantasia dude i i have a feeling that this could be untrue i'm not saying i'm not saying it is i'm just saying i have a feeling that it could be untrue what dude it's me okay all right i'm gonna have to see this email chain and if it's true if this is legitimate i will be going all fell tomorrow in the morning okay i'll send it i'll send i'll forward you the email yeah forward me the email chain and if it's true i will go walla fell tomorrow morning don't do it uh i it's a fake email here's the email it's from rich campbell gmail.com yeah that's where it is okay all right well here's the who's the guy no no no now we'll cure you you have your bloody story right after you carry those sacks of grain over the mill but sir you said this after you have to pick the oranges and after i mucked out the chocobo stables and after i rolled out the millstone over the mill and also before wait what's he wearing what wait what is this y'all can't see this look at this look at that you look at look at that look at that shit can you believe that what is wrong with this game oh my god okay all right all right i'll give you what you want never let it be said that oh track the man our generous soul now prick up your ears because i won't be repeating myself too modest you see besides there's only so much epicness a man can take in one's sitting you can ah the tale of tractrum's epic victory over the dread primal leviabeetus levy a beat whether you what the fuck what the fuck is leviabeetus oh my god now leviabeetus is huge make no mistake and to give you an idea of how big each of his scales are about as wide across as members long and that's no man's feet i'll tell you we must have fought him and barely could see for all brian was helping me with uh must have been lagoon's worth at least he even knocked me pressed the alex out of my hand at one stage of course that proved to be a grave mistake well what happened next well i grabbed him by the tail and i tied him up in knots but not wanting to take all the glory for myself i left my mates and the company heroes handle the rest like i said i'm a modest as well as heroic person mayhap too modest now there's some to say it never be truly you can never truly beat leviabidis that you've got to learn to live with them and make the best of a bad situation not the company though uh it's you surprise bitch no i'm sorry i didn't mean i was just enjoying the attention is all i take back everything i what well he didn't even try to play it off i was never part of the company heroes i'm no marauder i'm actually a complete coward i'm nothing i'm choke about dung no i'm the maggots you find riggling in chocobo dung what the fuck uh i have to lie to women to tumble and even that don't happen much my member is tiny it's bro this guy just went zero to sixty so fast oh wow remember it's tiny it's pathetic yeah i sure as hell didn't fight with diabetes but i have seen him with my own two eyes it was a few years back i was working as a baker sand i was shirking me duties one day loitering about the harbor whenever i saw it a great big massive sea serpent with some moms off the coast with a fleet of galleons making straight for it cannons firing i was so bloody scared i soiled myself right then and there oh god just remember in the day that i made my soul myself all over again wait what oh god if you're asking after why i beat this it means you're planning to fight him yeah well take care he really is terrible dreadful i'll tell you if you're not careful end up and you'll end up in his gullet or at the bottom of the sea damn why you worthless lying whore son i can't believe that you made me handle chocobo dung okay this is milfino were you able to learn what to use against leviathan i beg your pardon well via beetus that's unfortunate any tidings for you the twin vessel is now complete we await you at the moby dicks pray uh pray return whenever you can okay sounds fine i can do that it's expected this is a hagen and their thralls will attempt to come into leviathan's defense accordingly the maelstrom will once again employ diversions thank red and yeshuata uh we i will have you assist in this effort if it's to fulfill its purpose your diversionary force must not want for numbers buy your leave i would volunteer my blade we would welcome it having seen you fighting sap side drc the fish backs would find your presence highly diverting uh thankford and yashwata if you would join the third levy lady you agree and the fifth damn all right so now we've got ourself our new member of the team but what words have i for the man who has made sport of slaying gods only these go warily for the sea is an unforgiving place to wage war may the navigator guide you through the storm warrior of light i would know i i would echo the admiral sentiments and add a few words of my own know that we all have the utmost faith in you asthma gold may the crystal bless you and keep you alright alright what's this we on a ship we own a ship oh shit oh shit oh my god the leviathan yeah this is the fucking fight man oh he's got a shield on him what the fuck oh this is not good at all he's gonna blow up the fucking ship wait no he won't how do you miss all three shots man this guy's dumb oh this is cool what the fuck dude wait wait it's just me by myself it's just me oh my god um okay i've got a big dick it all by myself on final destination jesus all right let's go i'm ready let's go i can do this okay so um basically we just uh we just attack them right i feel like yeah we just attack him let's go let's get on the boss okay big damage here huge damage here massive fucking damage literally unstoppable damage what i literally just popped my cd please see over there where's the i'm going what the fuck what the fuck dude okay all right we're good this is no problem guys absolutely no problem so we just to get with the leviathan's tail wait what the fuck oh my god oh this shit's intense okay i'll just pick up the boss i guess i'll focus on him and then everybody else can kill the adds this doesn't really seem like it's that bad yeah i think i'm doing pretty well here i don't know if i'm supposed to move out of that or not but i'll assume that i am drink deep the sitters bitter draft oh wait he talks how can he talk he's a well snake guess that's the bible the bible had a talking snake too never mind okay nice all right that thing's dead there we go good this is going really well so far dude we're going crazy this boss is fucking easy he's not even doing anything oh my god the elemental converter is all now operatable he's just oh shit okay let's focus what the fuck what what you got a bro you got it this is you bro this it's it's a white okay we wiped uh we were really really close to killing him but um unfortunately we just had a uh we had one person die there at the very end so as soon as he goes underwater i go to the middle i'm not getting any heals i don't know why okay there we go good okay oh okay i was dude i put up my fucking death save in case i died there there we go oh wait okay so we wait right here don't we yeah there we go okay and then i i grip his at i all right i big dick on my big dick on him right here all right let's go let's go let's go huge damage massive fucking damage let's go kill him right now come on nice huge fucking dps massive fucking dicks i feel like dude this one's getting destroyed this shit's easy oh my god he's dead easy fucking boss easy fucking boss wow [Music] wait this is he's dead right we got deleted yeah it's no problem okay well that problem was fucking solved okay now what do i have to do we lominsins are sworn to strive till sea swallows all and swallow all it would have had leviathan prevailed that we still strive now we owe in no small part to you you're welcome not for the first time you have delivered limsa lominsa from the wrath of a primal never has our nation known as doubter ally i did that on behalf of my people i give you my humblest thanks of course of course it was easy i don't even say anything i'm just there that i give thanks to old miss beard too for his fine solution whatever else he may have been it is clear he was a resourceful soul would that i had a man like him in my service damn okay before i set foot in these lands i had no inkling that the people of eorzea contended with such mighty foes true suffice it to say their existence came as something of a shock as did the idea that they could be defeated yeah the giant ass fucking has served to remind me of the vastness of the world and the boundless potential of man true though i am but a refugee in this realm i would feign be of use to you in your fight know that i am tooted in one of the four most combat arts of the fight oh sure it may seem outlandish to the amnesian eye but should any of your people care to learn is this how they introduced the ninja class wait a second is this how they introduced the ninja class yes oh shit that's crazy wow that's cool i will see to it that they are grateful i have no doubt that your knowledge and skills will serve us well of course besides your art is not so outlandish as you think would you not agree master thank great yeah he got shown up not escapes your searching eye few are privy to this information but lim solominsa is home to a certain secret fraternity its members are trained in a form of combat not unlike yours oh this is the uh yeah i've heard about this in the news recently it's a bad place by my judgment it should not be beyond such individuals to adapt to the techniques i witnessed you employing with such admirable deafness of course absolutely i am heartened to hear this i too noted a kinship between your style and my own though it seemed to me that you fought differently in the beginning yeah he leveled up he got a new spell i i suppose i dig what can i say i'm a man of many talents yes though you may labor to believe in it was once something of a scoundrel who fraternized with the criminal class in these parts damn so this guy's a straight up thug damn you're stoler you chest of course wow this guy he's a he's a straight up g dude thug life he might never have left lim solominsa or received an education in charleon or taken up his post in ulda which is where he trained in the blade lest you won wow dude thank red is getting fucking exposed god damn i'm in philia please take the boy out the hood but you can't take the hood out the boy is that right it would seem there is more to you than meets the eye master fan credit yeah shouldn't give a fuck i am told that you and yours came to eorzea seeking permanent resettlement and that many domains have since been engaged as frontier hands at revenant's toll modena is many things but a place of refuge it is not know that i would like nothing better than to furnish your people with a new home here on lominsin soil wow alas wrapped by instability damn our nation is in no fit state to take you in yet i'll not have it said that we turned a blind eye to your suffering until such time as we can do more i pledge to send provisions damn these guys are helping out we are in your debt admiral i realize that it's scarce qualifies as repayment but if it please you i shall set about sharing my martial knowledge with your people at once okay great food for the slaves yeah exactly what is this now what oh you wish the word in private all right the better not to spoil the festive mood okay history repeats itself admiral as the kobold stood before them the sahagan resorted to summoning their god over a territorial feud they acted in self-preservation yeah it may be that the sahagin initiated this particular clash but how it begins does not interest me so much as how it ends [Music] i have not forgotten our conversation yashtola i am aware that man bears part of the blame for the primals existence yeah we fucked up huh no am i ignorant we fucked up they sought to secure a place to breed and multiply that their kind might survive self-preservation as you say yes of course but we have as much right to live and thrive as they true if our own survival is threatened are we to lay down our arms and welcome oblivion true true cat girl that you might live yet if living is a right then that right belongs to all peoples be they men or beastmen oh jeez we're gonna give them rights now the beastmen what are we going soft i'll not deny your reasoning but when a storm gathers it falls to me to see my jesus safely through it that is my duty and i shall do it damn she's pissed she's fucking pissed [Music] as must we all admiral yeah it's exactly right but know that it will lead to no good end [Music] now what oh she oh they couldn't see her because she ever put himself first and foremost bro she was able to stand there and they didn't know why they didn't see her there you know why it's because she's a ninja because she's a literal fucking ninja to justify his actions he clads himself in the armor of righteousness he would be a fancy of his own making in this mayhap the guardians and we domains are not so different what this be yours has become as a raging sea if we are to keep our heads above the waves we cannot scruple to drown the man next to us oh yeah when hopes of coexistence founder strength must determine who has the greater right to live [Music] damn rich tweet what's this nah there's no way there's no way bro like there's no way look at look at what it says a proposal for asthma gold dear rich we have seen the tremendous success of your streams we have never seen a better streamer playing our game nonetheless this handsome and good-looking truly inspiring we would like to formally invite both you and asmongold to an interview this however is on one condition asmond gold must switch his main final fantasy character asman gold bald to a walla fell via fantasia i mean like this is true i feel like this is about a gmail doc i feel like square enix wrestling besides gmail.com though right i mean i don't know guys like is what do you guys think is this one real or not it seems like it's probably not legit man i really think it's not legit yeah 2.2 finished is that right so if i talk to milfina this finishes the 2.2 is that right see what this is duel hack and [Music] holy shit this is huge [Music] oh my god but it's a beefy boy look at this dude dude wait what if i do this with the purple version of this armor [Music] what the fuck oh my god that would be beautiful that would be so fucking beautiful that'd be great what the fuck is this okay um i accurate very very accurate okay i've got to go talk to milfina here apparently this is the end of the entire quest line i have been reflecting upon the events which took place during our visit to villeburn yeah if you have a moment i would share my conclusions with you please bear with me i am bearing when the sahagan elder summoned leviathan he employed the power we have come to know is the echo right though i cannot well explain the how of it it would seem he became immortal in so doing damn when the admiral subsequently slew him his spirit emerged from his lifeless flesh a consciousness shown a physical form thus transfigured he took up residence in the body of his minion with the ease of a man donning a favorite glove true long have i known that the echo allows one to pass through the walls of a man's soul but never did i imagine that it could free us from our own flesh no less that our souls could then occupy the next corporeal vessel to take our fancy so that makes sense whenever i die in the game i can respond because my soul just goes to somebody else that actually makes a lot of sense i understand it now it was of this that elizabeth spoke an existence which knows neither cessation nor oblivion what the fuck do you know had mastered his gift and thereby become immortal he was by no means invulnerable true as we both bought witness he was ultimately absorbed into leviathan yeah he got fucking disenchanted they threw away the shard if the asean's mode of existence is indeed the same it can be inferred that they too are not invulnerable that they can be destroyed true there exists a legend which tells of souls who are reborn upon the cusp of each umbral calamity that they might stay the encroaching darkness people that play every game tonight it is but a fairy tale yet recent events have given me cause to wonder could the legend in fact refer to the echo that's possible much and more yet remains unknown but i am confident that all will become clear in time okay for the present however what matters is that the key to defeating the aseans may at last be within sight great with urianje's aid it is my hope that i shall fathom this mata air long okay oh shit it's uber danger oh i was just about to send who's this what do you want is optimus grave tidings from the charlie and motherland my lady guess who it is it does concern our distant allies is it another primal what of them my lady the isle of val which for many years have been the order's home is no more oh shit what happened to it no more whatever do you mean yeah what the fuck you talking about bro i relate only that which have been conveyed unto me by our agents thanks for my gamer for the fucking five gifted tier two subs thank you soon thereafter it was observed that the isle had ceased to be what what do you mean it despawned it is postulated that a magic was evoked like in power to altima oh shit twelve preserved well fuck dude oh wow okay now what it's the wall of film that today's meeting be adjourned okay now what it's just the one guy sitting there waiting where does he want it yeah he's the walla fell lord dorito oh damn this looks really nice the lighting and everything no is it necession wait no it's not he's done what the fuck is i am forgive my impertinence my lord but these orders i am uncertain as to what end they serve why the fuck revolution [Music] is it are we going up against little che guevara we're going up against little che oh no oh no [Music] bruh [Music] you
Channel: Aѕmongold TV
Views: 425,847
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold tv, asmongold final fantasy, asmongold FFXIV, ffxiv, wow ffxiv, wow final fantasy, asmongold ffxiv, asmongold ff14, final fantasy, asmongold plays ffxiv, asmongold plays final fantasy, final fantasy xiv, ffxiv day 8, final fantasy day 8, asmongold final fantasy day 8, ffxiv patch 2.1, ffxiv patch 2.2, ffxiv 2.2, ffxiv 2.1, asmongold ffxiv story, ffxiv story
Id: veimrKNyRP4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 125min 32sec (7532 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 28 2021
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