Asmongold First BIG RAID in FFXIV | The Coils of Bahamut

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conquidus is not playing games guys yes yes yes yes watch that ronaldo watch that ronaldo we got this it's over so i've heard the coils of baphomet are very hard and that's why we will be doing them at minimum item level no echo just like we do with everything else so this is it imperial exploratory site two thousand yawms okay item level has been synced to level 70. look at this point the scars left behind by the calamity i skin i can scarce breathe for the surface of ether tell me have you ever seen corrupted crystals such as these such crystals manifested across realm when the course of the great river of ether was irregularly altered five years ago behold one of the objects that calls the alteration a fragment of the lesser moon dalamundo ancient allied created dalamundo or meteor to use the guardian name to serve as a celestial prison for bama its fall inflict the grievous wounds upon the land wounds that have yet to heal as is evident from the corrupted crystals it's a red ball oh no oh no it's a disco ball downwards internal defenses are still in function in spite of everything it's estimated the ingenuity of the algorithms the garlians seek to appropriate their advanced technology i'm certain of that but we can't stand for cultural appropriation can we gentlemen we've got to stop this immediately we'll cancel this ball on twitter we're about to come face to face with secrets that have been long weighing buried within the sands of time great dangers may lay behind may lie beyond but we have come too far to turn back the truth of the calamity is within reach okay so let's look [Music] it's a ball it's just a ball move up move up guys let's do it it can't be that hard it's just a ball wait his his name is literally ads what if he has ads what do i call him okay interrupted the cast he's already 90 [Music] okay this is easy somebody get next interrupt by the way [Music] this is it bro we got it this is easy that's not good i didn't even do anything [Music] it's yeah wow wait what the is this no way that's a dragon [Music] holy gods preserve dark wings that would engulf the very heavens these could only belong to bahuman the primal who laid arizona the waste five years ago and carte now my grandfather sought to imprison bahuman anew by invoking the power of the twelve alas the dreadworm proved too powerful and he soon broke free of his confines yet instead of resuming destruction he had begun but whom it vanished wither to know no one knew until this day but i do not understand if baphman is truly primal how is it that he retains his physical form did grandfather defeat him or is there some other explanation we must press on if we are to learn the truth let's do that let us press on oh oh is it the illuminati again god damn it okay so there's some boys over here let's go guys we're on our way dark matter mantis can i jump off here no okay let's pull these kill the adds and then we have to jump down right [Music] dude we're handling it easily though this is not a big deal at all [Music] this is like dude we're clearing trash like it's a joke okay dark matter gold one let's kill this guy let's go you sing it to 60 or 50. it's at mid-eye level guys it's at midnight level like guys yeah you can clearly see chill okay we defeated the mini boss i like this i think this is cool man what is this [Music] ah oh [Music] what's this [Music] danger boys it's a danger noodle his name is cockados if he's anything like the first boss it'll be a joke oh yeah dude he's getting destroyed wait [Music] conquer this is not playing games guys conquidus does not play games he is a dangerous spider snake holy what did i not have my armor on how's this guy not taking any damage can't assume we have to get onto these right uh okay yeah that's why i figured okay go over this way all right coconuts is doing really well he uses cds you just rotate them over and over all right let's go let's go let's go i'll figure it out after this oh it's big damage nice dude who the did that wait double cockiness double cockiness double cockiness i'm getting the other one i'm getting the other one i'm getting the other one double we got it guys we got it poppy cds poppy cds keep it up boys keep it up double of this double cockiness let's do it using that where does this circle no a circle's fine okay remember watch those avoids guys watch those avoids alrighty double of this guys this is where things get serious [Music] use your cds use everything you got i'm taking him as best i can i'm reprising i'm almost out of cds i actually am out of cds i can't do anything avoiding over to here i'm avoiding the here [Music] there it is keep it up keep it up cockadoos is dangerous [Music] give me up give me up give me up i'm taking rest taking rest taking rest taking rest taunting whenever i can taunt him whenever i can i'm gonna taunt tony with home game tony with home game it's fine it's fine it's fine we're good we're good everything's fine okay wait what's happening wait are we gonna be able to kill it run away run away bro run away bro run away bro run away bro you got it you got i got i got i got i got i'll kite him i'll kite him i'll kite him i'll kite him i'll kite him he can't get me he's gonna get me so as soon as kakadus is as soon as cockatoos becomes double cockiness i have to spread him apart okay i understand double cockiness mode get ready for double cockiness mode got it i got double cockiness let's go [Music] all right all right there's one slime he was hungry and he got it he got it he got it all right let's go delete cockatus take him down let's go why ubi yubi don't die please don't die use a potion or some man please do not die guys please do not die this is completely fine guys everything's totally okay this is the kill remember even dps they have to die at the same time or some [Music] thrill of the battle thrill of the battle master [Music] good come on guys let's stay three percent guys three percent kill em evenly there cockiness number one is down i'm using home game he's mega dick cockiness mega d yes yes yes get out of here of this suck my dick you [Music] yes that's how it's done boys that's how you beat cockadoos what do we get what this holy dude we beat the out of cop of this so what does this do leave duty does this mean we go to level two party i feel like it would be unfair to them if they if they like they that i feel like we're just going to do the little shri these aren't as long as the bosses right i think give them like at least one or two right i mean come on yeah give them at least one or two chances to get in their imperial exploratory site what the hell is this i'm so glad with you oh [Music] okay let's beat it oh this thing has a lot of health oh never mind keep it up guys keep it up okay bro this is easy after cockados this is nothing trust me like bro this is such a joke [Music] this is such a joke i watched ritz wipe on caucus and he was so sad and depressed imagine wiping on top of this couldn't be me we go here okay can i jump off here no i can't okay this is number two this is double this is double ball all right you guys know what to do let's go okay that's an easy avoid that's an easy avoid guys let's go they don't know what do i not know don't tell me got him nice job we go down here let me guess is it another is another voltorb that we have to destroy disposal node disposal node what the hell is this okay pull this one we're being repelled okay look at that oh my god okay we gotta make sure we avoid that it's dangerous i'm taking a lot of damage here i'm have to pop the cd i'll be fine okay i can't interrupt good good interrupt good interruption okay we go this way now all right let me guess is it this is the first one that we fought on the other one so whatever the mechanics for the first one was we just do this one now all right big dick big dick on ads let's go guys big dick on ads keep it up guys we're doing great great interrupts let's make sure we keep up those interrupts [Music] we're doing really really well wait what's up is that a ball galvanize what the is that uh it doesn't matter it's fine [Music] wait there's more after this no way there's more after this no way no way i don't believe it i can tank it first no way okay good job avoid that great work great work keep it up we're killing it boys we're killing it nice job he's almost dead i need a taunt i need to talk about six stacks where am i debuff i'm dead ain't a rez you guys got it you guys got it you guys got it this is it okay avoiding okay i'm gonna just debuff him i'm gonna debuff him right now get out of that get out of there get out of that [Music] yes tier three is gonna be hard no it'll be fine bro it'll be fine dedicated what is this all righty engine room 1233 yams oh that's us [Music] okay um go this way i guess i'm looking at the map oh we have all right so we have birds down below here what what is this sonic dread guardians let me pull this one on this side i'll pull this one on the side it should be fine okay all right nice you only okay never mind okay getting all these mobs easy clicking yeah i mean it's a i never really turn it off or on so i don't really see the reason not to just keep clicking it yeah that should be fine right good so is this does this jump me what what [Music] it's this one it's this one i see it okay i get it there's nothing here yeah there's nothing here this is easy [Music] i guess i go i should go this way right all righty oh wow that's a big boy okay let's kill the big boy yeah let's kill the big boy we don't have everybody here but it's okay maybe it's like one party goes one way the other party goes the other way or some like that that's what i'm kind of assuming because it like it swap people back and forth [Music] nope okay i guess not well we'll figure it out it's not that big of a deal this guy's pretty easy to kill anyway like we already defeated this guy on the way over to cockatoos anyway it's no problem okay dark matter golem is destroyed perfect let's keep moving silent terminal oh we should probably click this right interacting the ethereal participates the telepredation terminal is now active okay wow now we have to jump on this one again okay this place is crazy look at this okay let's pull all these there's never been like an area like this that i've done before so it's very it's very new and this should be the end right oh there's one more big boy we have to beat the final big boy wait what oh okay all right we have another one we have to do don't look down there's nothing there's nothing down don't worry about it okay just pull those that's no big deal like these ads are really easy to kill i'm not worried at all guys not worried at all this is just normal behavior he's doing on man i level yeah this is on minimum item level everybody is synced and there's no echo on nothing okay let's click on this this is completely normal and absolutely fine okay what the hell is this what the this dude what the is this i think we have to click on this wait oh no no no no no no silent terminal okay let's click on this one this should be very easy i'm not a quitter guys oh what's this drive cylinder 1524 yams what the is this they're just little canisters who gives a they're little bugs just pull them and kill them it's a joke they'll just kill all that this is easy look we just pull everything here there we go nice look at that look how easy this is guys look how absolutely easy this is oh i don't have tank stance on i was wondering why i i wasn't taking any damage sorry dominic that was my fault got him okay all right pulling these [Music] okay i'm gonna get both of these mobs got him this shit's hard yeah this this actually does a lot of damage okay there's that one dead i guess we do two at a time right i don't know i'm so confused at how this is supposed to work [Music] okay i'm gonna pick i'm pick up big boy i'll pick up big boy it's okay i'll pick up big boy there we go oh wow that's a lot of damage on me that is a lot of damage on me guys i've got my cds up it's okay four stacks for what keep it up wow that's a lot of damage am i gonna die here no i barely lived okay now we have to kill these here i guess they're fast [Music] okay and now these are dying these are dying it's okay no no it's okay i just i'm not gonna get another sack of the debuff i'm just gonna run away just gonna run away see look at that easiest boss in my life okay now what okay and he's dead okay picking up everything i can i'll pick up everything except for the dreadnought [Music] clean up everything except for the dreadnought [Music] all right this guy's dead good all right now this yeah this is no problem can i stun this i cannot okay now we have clockwork soldier as well yeah this is no problem this is absolutely no problem we're getting it right dude i don't know what's happening here like are we winning this or not [Music] okay dreadnought is dead if dominant gets low i use the debo good job healing dominic dominic almost got his ass beat there but you prevented him from getting his ass beat which was good what are we playing halo what is this covenant fortress central core 1910 yams oh my god he's huge bro this dragon is gigantic holy yeah we're already dude this is the this is the beta for halo infinite what the is this my item all got sync for level 82 that's not [Music] this is gonna this is going rather more smoothly than i had expected true i i agree with that it is indeed convenient to have a hero on hand gods the cavern should open up again even at this depths ha this resembles a finger yeah we're on his hand and this this is bahamut balm that's him and with the wings it seems to be frozen and for that that i count my blessings and i find myself wondering how is it able to retain its physical form i assume that whom its reversion of the aether was caused in the widespread changes of the realm but if he is still here then the theory no longer holds what was it that brought about the realm suddenly sudden regeneration there is still so much we do not know about cardinal i haven't the slightest inkling how deep these caverns run but we must continue i'll just look it up for you if you want it's not a big deal just look it up on the google okay uh what the hell is this just walk down here uh the this uh what's this okay all right all right all right okay so let's talk about this this is a dragon i will fight the dragon everybody ready good i'm gonna pull now oh god i i that was oh i didn't mean to do that okay all right i'm pulling you in the middle [Music] okay bro this is such a dangerous animal okay holy okay death sentence what's that that's a lot of damage holy why is she humping me what is this i didn't sign up for this okay they're killing the dragons good job guys good job nice job okay there she did it again okay so for decisions i have to use the cd next cd i'll use will be vengeance okay i'm popping cds now nice this is no big deal there's no damage it does no damage okay i can't get caught here see that i almost got got but did i i didn't because i can't get god uh what's this never mind okay we're fine okay avoiding i almost get got but almost is not enough okay this is going really well guys just keep it up i'm gonna i'm gonna use a reprise i'm reprising i think she's gonna do the thing again yeah i knew it i knew it i'm gonna use my cd here okay there we go wait why is it fire huh why is there fire i'm gonna move her off the boss let's think about this this is a dragon now we have to watch out for the dragon's attacks i understand many many of you might not understand the way this fight works guess what i don't either it's about learning it's about succeeding it's about overcoming 99 health keep going keep going keep going resume resume resume if we can't res me if we can okay we got it dominic good tank swap good tank swap great tank swap okay let's stand here with the group i shall stand right over here i'll stand over here it's okay weakness okay this is completely fine what's the triangle [Music] okay wait what the what the what the what the dude okay we're good we're good we're good we're good what's the magic triangle okay we get out of that perfect okay what the where's she where'd she go where'd she go where'd she go okay we go over here yubi is dead we need to res wyubie where the is it seem to break me out of the con flag this should be no problem nice okay good okay [Music] nice spider spider i'll get big boy i'll get oh my god it's it's a it's a guy what's his name it's cockados it's cockados round two okay stay focused guys let's do this i'll stay over here on caucus myself i'll i'll deal with his in his cockatoos ways okay there's nothing else we have to worry about right it's just this one mob uh i wipe them how yes yes yes yes i got it i got it i got it nice boys nice we're swedish fish i'm going to taunt this one taunting this one taunting that one i'm trying to taunt trying to tell as much as i can i can't get everything oh no i got it i got it i picked them up i picked it up what is this what the oh my god it's the dps check jesus christ okay everybody focus up we're gonna be able to beat this okay good moving again nice job nice job it's only three of them right yeah it is okay echoleptus let's get apple up this down i'm just gonna use the cd now since we have the other adds up this is the easy part of the fight all we have to do is delete the delete the the cockadoos mini cockpitus nice okay i don't think i'll need another cd i'm pretty sure i won't okay nice nice nice nice okay stronghold damn damn bruh damn bruh twister twister twister let's go i get i get i get his ass i get his ass it's fine it's fine i gotta i got his ass i taunt his ass i can't you can't taunt him okay killing it killing it killing it swedish fish is dead dominic taunt let me know whenever you need to be okay you need me to taunt now that sounds good okay i got it twister again what the move during the cast okay so there's a cast and we have to move during it is that right is that how it works survive survive yes let's go let's go let's go twister i'm moving i see okay [Music] killing this thing stunning low blow good job let's do it big dick back on boss uh he should have all of his cds up he should be okay dominic should be completely fine i'm going to go ahead and i'm going to see you to the next one i'll see you to the next one all right moving moving twister asmongold bald has aggro let's go i'm ready i can handle it i can beat his ass okay i'm gonna use my cd right now i'm gonna last stand the next one i'm gonna last stand the next one just to be safe that's the wrong button okay i'm gonna do this one too i'm just doing big cds okay i'm doing big cds here big cds so we don't die big cds so we don't die big cds nuts let's go 28 percent i'll have vengeance up for my next one we should be completely fine okay focusing right now dominant explorer do i have it there's dominic kevin does dominic have it dominic's got it all right dominic's got it go go dominic do what you need to do dominic okay i'm not gonna pop my cds swedish fish is dead we might want to save lb3 in case we have a wipe just stay alive just stay alive taunting tony tony it's okay it's okay it's okay it's okay i have my cd's up it's completely fine this is totally fine this is totally fine i know everything's on fire you might think it's not fine but it is i had to use homegang there i thought i was gonna die okay i've got vengeance up for the next one come on yes yes yes go go go five percent five percent five percent let's go let's go let's go let's go kazuki dead pazuki dead go for a dominic go for a dominic what's this triangle it doesn't matter i just got out of the raid take it home take it home yes [Music] holy oh my god binding coil of that format complete where's our perfect voice wow that's crazy man i was so worried that we were gonna dude i thought for sure that we were gonna lose i take the portal right [Music] let's see here great what the silent terminal mr pinchy how did he get here activate the lift yes this contraption it's used to control the saturation of aether i suppose there's only one way to find out the dragon you vanquished earlier doubtless you noticed a particular contraption around its neck yeah is likely a receptor or some description used to enslave the creature ancient alloy possessed the means to control dragons it would seem the asgardians would kill for this knowledge though for sure it could be easily brought to bear against them an army of dragons could turn the tide of any battle as the guardians once learned to their sorrow i would not be the least bit surprised if they now sought to exploit this power whatever their plans this serves another reminder of the might of the elegance one cannot help but wonder how such an advanced civilization came to fall what the is this what the is this oh my god cortana can you read me do you copy cortana i've just made it on to the truth and reconciliation gods be good holy back from its head oh my god what the and that enormous crystal it pulsates as if it were a heart then the primal had awakened was it baphomet all this time how could it be him he's dead well he doesn't they literally cut his head off no it cannot be true this mean the grandfather died for nothing the is going on khan found that we don't know enough to strike at it now we must withdraw no i'm ready to beat the out of it what do you mean who who's that it can't be wait what grandfather is it truly wait what that's that's the guy what the no don't leave me again please grandfather oh my god i know we can do no more for now damn i want to go over to him what is this okay it's the girl what do you want hmm but this looks like how do we come to be in northern thalin of all places but such details matter little grandfather's alive as been gold baphomet did not defeat him but why won't he return to us i don't understand the expedition has yielded more questions than it did answers at any rate we would be rather give it a rest let's return to the waking stands and reflect upon what we've seen thank you asthma gold without you none of this would have been possible we will pray return yes we're about to pray return right now holy wait i was like man we gotta fight him again after baphomet disappeared five years ago he hid himself deep beneath cardinal and is since then laid dormant regenerated two more like fragments of dalamod pierced the earth when the lesser moon fell one we have seen if we can find the other two i am certain that we will find grandfather as well so let us leave the diplomacy to the diplomat while we continue our investigation of baphomet i swear to you no matter what it takes we will find my grandfather and uncover the whole truth of the calamity as aurelius as aurezia's sword in darkness i would have you once more lead the charge i call upon only the greatest and most incredible champions the last boss when tanya was a legitimately challenging boss and i had a hard time doing it okay the second coil baphomet turn one objective loot let's do it boys oh okay as a rock guy this doesn't seem like a problem dalmon's shadow this seems fine to me this area looks wait what oh i gotta kill oh my god i actually did get food i got food yesterday i got people to trade me food so that's gonna help me a little bit too yeah i got food what the wait what what what the hell is going on how strange how could we not see this all before uh you need to buy a better graphics card i suppose it's only to be expected to corrupt the crystals should accompany a disturbance of this magnitude after all the fragment likely pierced the ground to a depth many hundred yams the swirling ether awaking from the wound must be warped the very air creating a veil that hides these formations from view well if it is not to be expected to be a straightforward task let's tread carefully shall we ask mongol tiss imperative that we win through the depths of this structure and disable the mechanism that powers back from its regeneration of course if we should chance to the encounter that my grandfather upon the way i shall not let him go again not while there is still hope that he could be saved but may have we should put such thoughts in our minds until after we have successfully gained entrance to the place that opening up ahead appears to have a suitable point of just say entry i look like i've got a bunch of high school kids raiding with me like look at this it's just a bunch of high school i i just brought a bunch of high school kids into the raid i'm like yeah all right let's go guys let's go i'm ready oh triple a triple these guys are going fast these guys are dying real fast okay easy game nice all right let's go it's a dubby there's a dub it's a w guys it's a w dark matter cluster wait what should i pull those over to you guys picking this guy up so you break these guys out oh that's cool damn okay what is the what does this be what does this be [Music] he's gonna come out of the ground doesn't he okay it's a piranha plant now i fought these for 15 for for 25 years i fought these piranha pants for 25 years guys i'm gonna explain what you have to do i'm gonna face the boss away from the raid i want everybody to get their mushrooms and then get you need to get not just one mushroom you have to get two because the second one will allow you to uh shoot fireballs and then use the fireballs on uh raphael here and we're gonna kill him yeah we're not waiting at all oh he's our duties dying so fast dude he's dying so fast there's no way we don't there's no way we don't one shot him there's no way we don't want shot him okay vulnerability okay so let's see what he does okay he does a little bit of that maybe we taunt swap at three how you guys feel about time swapping at three [Music] okay i'm gonna do a little thrill here oh we're talking about it too okay that's fine okay go watch out watch out this is the big attack i tried to interrupt that because i'm dumb okay we have to kill these bro bro we have to kill these maybe we do maybe we don't okay let's just keep playing it's fine they stopped moving it's okay [Music] okay as soon as i got another stack somehow that could have been my fault as soon as my stacks drop i'm going to go ahead and i'll do the thing wait oh i got aggro again uh i am the worst player in the game dominic so just keep that in mind i'm so sorry that i exist i'm honestly so sorry for you that i exist oh everybody else is dead for something else okay it wasn't my fault yeah i don't know what happened there guys okay what is that that's killing us let's get oh oh i see i see we rotate around okay [Music] dominic's got three i'm tawning tony right here i should be good i should be good okay we're doing really well guys keep it up we're doing great amazing job amazing job we cannot lose we can't get god all right we gotta make sure there's a hornet get that hornet there we go get people up if we need to this is completely fine this is the easiest boss of my life [Music] i need to get a heal here i'm worried that i'm not going to have the the health to survive the third one i'm not sure if i should use a cd or not i'm gonna use a small cd using a small cd there we go i should have used the big cd all right keep it up damage dealt has increased he's got four stacks this is totally okay let's talk about what we need to do [Music] don't do any spells and don't move on bokeh cass the boss is getting stacks okay let's just keep practicing guys practice makes perfect you've got it dominant you've got it get zyandiano good job acid rain avoid avoid picking these up [Music] all right i'm picking this up too there we go i don't know if we're supposed to kill these or not we've got double slugs double slugs i'll pull these on top of the box yeah i'll pull these on top of the box cleave everything down let's go guys let's go we got it we got it we got it we got why is everybody dead [Music] i killed them the slugs explode okay i'm gonna reposition them to the other side of the room and then everybody can swap over them and kill them while they run over to the slimes that sounds fine i reprise i reprised i'm reprising okay i'm good my sax got cleared i'll keep tanking it dominic you can pick up the ads acid rain [Music] let's go guys keep it up get on those ads get on those ads deep dick those ads let's do this stay focused 27 avoiding the slugs make sure to get those slugs down get those slugs down let's do this a lot of debuffs a lot of debuffs i don't know what any of them do and it doesn't matter just keep killing them all right i've got yang gang up i've got yang gang up let's go 22 percent stay alive boys stay alive i can i can rotate cds all day not about for a while longer but like you know it is what it is okay after the next big cast i'm gonna go ahead and use my debuff here too never does next big aoe keep it up boys this is the kill this is the kill debuffing debuffing him now debuffing him now come on guys let's take it home show him what it's like to win [Music] yes come on come on one percent yes yes get out of here if somebody had a fire flower this would have been way faster [Music] oh what the that what the that [Music] what is this i throw this in the garbage do i want to use those poetics for anything else like yeah i'll buy a level 60 gear oh maybe i'll save some of it for 60 gear then i'll cap out then i'll start spending okay we've been synced to item level 95 that means that this is no joke this is not [Music] easy who the is that who the is that that armor no it couldn't be beyond your guard asthma gold though defies all reason that you should live i know of only one who wears such armor it is whom the empire raises high the black wolf himself the legolas of the fifth league what i speak of the madman who brought the meteor project to fruition we face the right raven neil von darnass harbinger of the seven umbral era neil varn darnass that was the name of the fool who perished upon the eve of the promised age of gory that was the guy in the cinematic that must have no it wasn't it was the 1.0 last boss i okay never mind then um there was the name of the full parish by the evil apprenticeship it should not be uttered within these hollowed halls the hell is he doing what's he gonna curtsey me now oh out of his love for his loyal servant the one true deity named me neil deuce darnass the one true deity bahumat he speaks a bahumat o lord bahumat thy name is a sweet water to parched lips how my heart swells at thy sacred touch [Music] yeah i think he's crazy too blessed sanctum is the domain of my god and all his beloved children seek to defile its glory and you will have to answer to me what the it's lee shen's platform oh oh how is this possible from without what the redditors told me nail was slain on the eve of the calamity whatever the truth and matter we must be on our guard there could be no reasoning with the worshipers of a primal let's go guys i'll take off my helmet right now so i can see better oh what's this [Music] the outer coil i jumped all the way down damn okay wow [Music] oh okay let me go ahead and food real quick so what we have here is we have a death star we have uh two um uh two uh succuby and then we have a bird let's go this is an easy easy fight here there we go good job oh yo guess who doesn't have tank swap guess who doesn't have tank stance on guys does anybody want to guess hey emilia do you want to guess who doesn't have tank stance on emilia who do you think doesn't have tank stance on okay where's the next step oh dude that's like the chimera that i did for my relic quest okay let's kill this thing here and i mean is he going to do the breath too i'll face him away from the raid i'll pick up the big chimeras i can handle chimeras the rams voice yeah yeah yeah that's the same thing he cast before now what now what i'm so afraid got it all right picking these up picking those up there we go nice good job guys let's keep it up this is cool man okay we have to kill these uh yeah there we go good nice job i like this this is very relaxing we're just clearing trash get ready for the boss though if we need to get ready for the boss we have to be okay all right we this is a mini this is a mini cockrus a mini cockrus guys he whips his hair back and forth watch out okay it looks like he's just gonna die i thought he was gonna do something crazy but he didn't okay that's just a debt that's a dead ass caucus sector eight let's do this stay focused [Music] bro this place is so cool is this neil it better not be neil it's lady vosh what the [Music] or medusa one or the other all right okay so let's talk about this boss [Music] now look up what the [Music] what the let's just go ahead and pull [Music] he'll be fine let's get her oh she's dying so fast dude it's gonna be so easy this is gonna be so easy dude [Music] cursive voice okay what does this do petrifying curse [Music] okay you have to face away whenever you get that cast it's like medusa yeah it's just it's like a medusa boss you see what i'm saying yeah as soon as the cast is over face off the edge of the room okay we've got uh we've got big boy over there everybody has different durations so watch watch me do mine fast [Music] okay we're doing really really well dominic you can just pick up ads if you want good job guys keep it up very proud of you everybody has a different duration of their diva and some people don't get it at all come on guys let's do it right we don't need derrick it's fine it's okay we've already okay moving out of that i was a little bit slow hopefully that was i messed that up i was too slow okay what is this here [Music] huh why does that happen [Music] huh what we have to do here is we have to kill the boss faster and avoid more abilities we've got the ad right there deep dick on ad remember deep dick on ad guys never forget deep dick on ad [Music] okay [Music] i think i'm gonna start facing her this way it makes it easier for me to move out yeah positioning is bad in that case this is way better cursed voice let's go come on guys you can do this this is where you win achieve overcome let's go guys come on 68 this is our best attempt guys keep it clean and keep it good [Music] nice job nice job let's go alrighty we've got another ad another rad this is so easy guys this is so easy [Music] good job okay we have a lot of ads coming out here a lot of ads okay let's see can i pick this ad up i think i can i'm not sure pop your cds if you need to i don't know really what that did seem like it didn't really do much of anything just kill those ads guys kill those ads keep it clean and keep it safe [Music] i guess i can just kill this one first right i should just focus on killing this okay is it gonna be like uh this is gonna be like heroic rag no it looks like it's not okay [Music] good job great job great job good job good job great job all right we're almost at 50 health keep it up rinse and repeat rinse and repeat gentlemen stun stun the ronaldos stun the ronaldos let's go get sag up get sagged up res savage if we can great job on the stun great job i'll use a cooldown if i can i'll use a debuff too on her yet let's make sure that we're staying out of range too that's really dangerous this is the big this the this is a big run big run big one come on focus focus focus face away make sure you don't run those into the raid okay all you need to do now is do everything right without doing anything wrong we have a ronaldo that's active never mind we're fine it's fine it's fine it's fine just keep me alive i'm gonna home gang right out of this if i need to okay i used it but i didn't need to use it that was a complete waste of my ability [Music] keep it up guys keep it up we're doing [Music] great [Music] we're doing absolutely incredible keep up the good work okay i'm using a cool down here i don't do that usually so that's serious 30 percent [Music] be spread out with those those are so dangerous to watch out for great oh okay it killed us um let's see i can maybe uh what can i do out of this i can reprise a lot of this that's about all i can do okay good everything's fine i'm gonna move her away a little bit we've had two stuns in the raid we can still recover from this three stuns i might die here big heels on me i need huge heels uh i'm not gonna cool down at this anymore never mind no i won't okay guys we have to make sure we get these ronaldo's under control okay we're getting chains stunned we can't let that happen petrification okay that's six seconds okay um am i dead here i don't think i am i think i'm fine good job dominic i'm gonna taunt again i'm tawny again just to get her back in position i got it man i got it i got it we're fine [Music] face away boys face away this is it watch that ronaldo watch that ronaldo take it home take it home let's go play to win [Music] repositioning okay got it come on boys face it out of the raid there we go nice job we got it we got where's everybody else okay red eye look away okay red eyes look away thank you i appreciate that it's just like medusa then great so whenever she does the red eye you turn away okay i've got my cd up petrification turn away that's a turn away that's a turn away is it okay i should be fine here i'll be able to survive yeah did i turn away i don't know what that was okay keep it clean everybody is alive let's keep it that way curse voice keep the ronaldo cc'd we've got a new ronaldo new ronaldo keep them cc keep it clean keep it safe boys am i feeling a kill right now i think i am i'm stunned for 10 seconds i might not be feeling a kill i need to heal 200 health i'm dead res me res me res me res me that's the way she goes let's come back and do it again remember to turn away whenever we need to there's the ad remember this is the ad that we need to turn away from be aware of that be aware of this face away great work guys keep it up [Music] great work this is the easy gg okay remember now she's gonna do this debuff too so just know that okay great job with that line of sight we can do this petrification turn away turn away and there we go okay good so yeah i think you need to face away longer that's what it is watch out we've got a ronaldo that's a danger ronaldo not just a normal one [Music] get those stuns out on the ronaldo's facing away keep it clean guys keep it clean we can use the limit break if we need to okay [Music] i'm gonna use a cd just to keep things okay focus up guys focus up just do the exact same mechanics remember to turn away with petrification again 10 health face away from her face away face away excellent skill continue face those off let's take it home let's get the kill right now let's go [Music] go go go you got it you got it you got it yes [Music] nice job guys nice job what's this here i'm gonna put all these on greed look at this place holy [Music] look at that oh my god that's a lot dude that's a whole lot all right so let's go back over here we're gonna leave duty and we're gonna queue up for the next one boys repair i don't need to repair i'm not gonna die oh no not another one of the balls what's this dubby balls oh no dubby balls i'm reminded of the passages beneath castromaccidents we must have traveled quite some distance below the surface damn i look so cool more down the same tunnels 12 be good they surely cannot continue all the way down from the upper floors it's difficult to stay inside but i have a terrible feeling to those corridors how is more of a dreadful guardians than you've already faced it's said that the elegance excelled in the commission of the creation of chimerical beasts and that the red moon teamed with thousand thousand fantastical monstrosities uh to prevent all the enemies of the ancient empire uh from releasing the elder primal what the i wonder the creatures that prowl these halls could they be the beloved children of which nail spoke well this is another mystery to ponder upon our return shall we continue onwards ye he e we do we do what we need to do okay watch out watch out watch out it's a death star do i jump on this [Music] what the i didn't even do anything who gives a yeah we just kill the ads whatever that's fine just kill these guys it's okay absolute joke gameplay we're the best run away from mr ball sprint away from mr okay uh we aggro mr ball david watch out david david come back come back come back boys come back boys come back where's the bad boys where's the bad boys get these guys it's okay oh yeah and tank stance that's right yeah thank you guys for all the gift this subs i really really appreciate and all the twitch prompts thank you thank you thank you so much okay let's go down this one okay so i guess it's over this way right put your jump down [Music] okay never mind okay thinking about thinking i see we have to go up here this makes sense you know what game i'm really excited to play lost ark i was thinking about that the other day like apparently like there's gonna be a beta or an alpha for it coming out semi soon and we're gonna be able to play that i don't know when that's gonna be i wasn't really told a date so whenever that happens i want to pop off dude ashes well i mean like yeah but ashes is like way farther out than the lost ark like lost ark is already a finished game it's just getting ported over to western audiences that's all frontal forehead [Music] okay the avatar now let's talk about this boss he has four arms that's twice as many as usual that's the only thing i know about you guys ready to go let's do it he has eight heads yeah but we have eight oh he has as many heads as we have people this guy's got a lot of health that's a lot of damage holy [Music] god damn okay debuffs gone good what do those do not really sure what those do um okay my debuff from there this seems to be fine everything's going fine so far let's keep it up everything's great this could just be a tank and spank i don't know we'll find out reinforcement dreadnought okay that's a big boy we gotta yep get that on top of the boss face it away let's kill it get that dreadnought [Music] yep this seems very very easy so far guys very very easy this boss has a lot of health this is no joke okay there's some couple is that like a tracking beam or some i don't know what the that was okay last stand here we go 79 i should be able to survive the next one too as soon as it comes up i'm just gonna use my cds [Music] okay actually i'm gonna hold off for a second then actually i'll use it right now okay we have double things we have double things get ready for two things i'm gonna move them to right here okay since these two things are gonna spawn probably on the side good job good job keep it up [Music] two things at the same time this fight seems like this is such a sleeper fight man i'm waiting for some stupid to happen i'm waiting for some stupid ass to happen man i'm so worried keep it up guys keep it up it's a lot of damage on me i don't really have any cds right now land mines have been scattered okay that's bad that's what i was talking about how like some stupid this is exactly what i [Music] meant okay all right that's a lot of damage i'm gonna go ahead and demo shout him he's already half though like keep that in mind we're doing very well [Music] ballistic missiles okay that's yeah just move out with that that's pretty simple can we get res out it's okay i'm gonna go and just use cds there too as much as i can brain jacket okay got to run against that obviously dominic's got it good job good job what's this debuff here all right dominic you can tank it for a while that seems fine with me [Music] let's try to recover here guys we can do this emilia uh accidentally resurrected outside of the instance so we're gonna be doing this a player down just do what we need to we got dreadnoughty let's go okay i'm gonna face him right here this is big dick damage mob yeah they up man it it it's fine doesn't matter we can still do this okay [Music] good job so far [Music] oh uh i don't know what just happened there yeah i don't know what that was i'm gonna demo shot him right now it seems like he's doing an attack ballistic missile get away from that al again field what the is that try to avoid that what the okay dominic let me know whenever you want me to taunt man it's okay guys it's okay everything's fine everything is totally fine i got it i got it i got it i got it i got it all right yo's on me boys let's do it i use the cd right now keep things safe he's got double he's got the things on him watch out for the things that are on him [Music] all right we're missing some person get them back up we're doing this a player down this is obviously not ideal but we're learning and we're figuring it out this fight is a long dick fight okay [Music] okay good i'm going just demo shot [Music] you can't invulnerability the mines if you get allegan field you need to not take damage at all so what that means is if you get alligan field you need to not take damage at all you guys understand good okay that's a lot of damage going on right now alligan field you cannot take damage if you get this diva you cannot take damage we get the steve up please zaidian do not take damage [Music] last stand right there good work good work just keep it up guys keep it up 31 health keep yourselves alive play it out do what we need to do [Music] maximum dick big damage there we go there we go there we go he's mad now you alligan field again who's got it swedish fish pay attention bro please pay attention [Music] the papa cd right here land mines land mines let's go out dominic oh dominic took a hit there it's okay dominic's a god he'll never die stay focused guys this allegan field can us in the ass and we don't want that to happen i'm in a demoralizing shout we got this it's over run back we do it again we do it again 30 30 great job derek keep it up not up we got it we're fine land minis okay good alligan field next one here next one here let's see it who's it on exitian exitian exidianne focus exidian focus and survive 24 let's go take it home guys we can do this [Music] just keep heals on me i don't really have a whole lot of cds right now i can use my death save but i don't want to use that right now 19 okay zidian great job keep it up we're doing amazing okay we're probably gonna get another allegan field soon so get ready for that allegan field all right who who does it go on swedish fish let's go 14 play it simple play it safe don't be a hero if i hit that button there we go keep it up guys keep it up do everything right and don't do anything wrong [Music] keep it up guys keep it up [Music] okay alligan field again this could be our last one zidian zidiyan it's all about you man come on you can do this stay alive and let's get this right we're at three percent pump this boss we can do this stay focused one percent [Music] point five yes yes yes nice get him out of here good job boys great job boys amazing job boys very proud of you guys absolutely amazing okay now what the what the the what the hogwarts the is what the there's the moon holy oh my god [Music] what the do what this surely cannot be dalla mundo the final resting place of neil von darnass who is it it's neil barn darnass the grave for an undeserving dude look at his helmet man and for the crime of trespassing upon my god sanctuary this place shall serve as your grave too what the no oh wait they're casting a spell dang yeah wait what at the hour of his failure neil varn darnass felt the currents of aether begin to bear away his essence and before oblivion could claim the last of them a divine will reached out and i was wait he turned into a girl and then the words of my god resounded mine ears wait what bring unto my enemies crushing defeat name i know the spirit without end and claim thee thus victory which art thou wert once denied what the it was always a girl oh i thought neil was a guy's name what the what the what oh oh so it seemed like a little remainder of neil's essence after the bahamut plucked him from the blink of oblivion and the result was strange similar crime uh nevertheless her orbeez speaks great power she channels the rage of the elder primal herself oh or bama this wish is my command none shall escape the unquenchable fury bro this looks badass come ye dolph un-thinking beasts bury your teeth they will avail you and not in the calamity to come uh oh yeah right yeah right yeah right let's go all right so [Music] um all right uh let's go ahead and give this a pull let's see what happens all right i think that's the smartest thing to do let's go ahead and get our food buffs let's make it happen with defiance okay that's a lot of damage it's okay she's already 96 we're destroying her we're destroying her guys people thought this was hard it's not do i move out of that a debuffing net okay people have to move out for that ravens peak i don't know what that is take the res i'm taking the res i'm taking the res it's fine that's fine okay [Music] let's go guys let's go keep it up dominic it's on you man it's on you dude this is all you you got it man you got it nice job nice job boys you're doing amazing so what does this do it's like a a debuff here that yeah watch out for lunar dynamo what the how the does that work how the does this work oh my god okay facing your way i'm gonna just pop cds to stay okay i'm dead all right um why did i get one shot tank buster all right guys raven's beak is tank buster swap good job lunar dynamo so what does lunar dynamo do okay there's a debuff on my head then we have to spread out for that okay i understand that now okay you watch your head for that and this is the tank so raven's beak is a okay okay okay i i'm starting to understand [Music] stardust as well i don't know what that does but it's supposed to do something keep it up guys keep it up we're doing amazing [Music] okay keep it up keep it up keep it up keep it up spread out for these spread out for these good job spreading again okay what's she doing what's she doing okay there's three seeds there's three seeds what do the seeds do what do the seeds do i don't know what the seeds do what do the seeds do we have to find out what the seeds do what do the seeds do okay the seeds do meteors all right okay now we have abs okay let's pick up this ad here okay dominic's got that one okay there's another dolla mundo spawn i'm gonna pick that one up getting that picking up using cds using cds to stay alive okay that's a big boy that is a big boy um this is a big demolish that sounds like a bad thing okay oh you got to keep him separated got it all right so we have to burn down one of them that means that we burn down one of them and then somebody else off tanks the third one until the the first one dies then the other tank that dies on the first one picks his third one up okay that makes sense tawny again got it lunar dynamo okay we spread out [Music] we burned down one golem guys okay kill this mob okay avoiding that probably should kill this guy here emilia res amelia whenever we can dalamundo spawn receive new abilities he's casting demolish he's probably not going to do as much damage this time yep it's fine because he's not empowered [Music] okay just kill this ad just kill this ad we got it we got it guys we got it nice job nice job now we killed this one good good work good work nice nice nice we got them all down perfect i'll pick her up i'll pick her up what the is going on what [Music] stay focused stay focused just keep everybody alive we can do it save everything for like a level three res save everything for a level three res double dalamundos [Music] i got this one get it right guys get right can i stun these let's get it right do not die let's get that one on dominic down as fast as possible okay they receive new commandos they're subversive this one is subversive i'm gonna pop my cds on this to try and kill it as fast as i can you got it i almost that one up i was almost a bad but it wasn't it was it was still a good okay good all right now what happens nobody knows raise everybody up raise everybody up we're good we're 100 good 10 seconds to mega flare let's go guys five seconds let's do it here we go nice this is fine guys this is fine it's all a learning process guys this is an easy boss disguised as a hard boss 10 seconds to megaplayer can i demo this all right no i can't target her okay i'll pick her up i'll pick her up heavens fall that's the expansion all right let's [Music] res me res me res me res me res me res me it's fine it's fine it's fine okay let's go i'll i'll pick up i'll pick it up i'll pick it up i'll pick it up i'll pick it up i got it i got it i got mr bird i have mr bird i what the binding chain there's no way this isn't in a rage there's no way i'm popping cds to kill this for the enrage got it avoiding that cast all right dominic i'm gonna taunt off of you tony for dominic tony for dominic there we go i got it get dominic back up get dominic back up now get dominic back up now copy my cd heavens fall what does this do is it right here is it knock you back is that right okay yes it does okay and now we have to avoid there we go it's pizza who's hungry good avoids great avoids guys great avoids the easiest boss in the game dominic's back up [Music] pump the damage i don't know what that is but i'm assuming it's some sort of it's like a thing i popped my cd i didn't need to do that uh yeah okay i definitely should have used that okay good last standing keep it up keep it up we can do this all right spread out get ready for lunar diamond oh there we go got it perfect keep everybody alive keep everybody alive 40 do all of the mechanics right and don't do any of the mechanics wrong i'm gonna pop everything for this next one which is nothing except for one thing avoid go go go go [Music] keep it up keep it up dominic i got you got it man you got it you got it this is still a kill this is still a kill believe believe believe [Music] believe do not do not end it do not end it push for the limit break three push for it that's fine we're not dead are we i think i'm about to be dead push hold out hold out as long as you can guys stage it's me and you bro we're dead that was big progress massive progress all right let's go we're gonna beat him i'm gonna use my food just for this goddamn pull get together everybody get together everybody get together everybody get together [Music] okay [Music] do it nice let's go let's go let's take it home boys let's take it home i got her don't get knocked back don't get knocked out of the arena don't get knocked out of the arena i said don't get knocked out of the arena not get knocked out of the arena i'll move out of that i'm gonna demo shot that let's get on that ad really soon let's get on that ad really soon okay stay focused get mr ad there stay focused this is an easy kill moving out of that i don't know if that's gonna like empower her or some it doesn't okay this is where we do it heavens fall again get ready get ready don't get knocked away that that there's no way you should get hit by that bro but come on man get saggy up we might have to do a trippy we might do a trippy if we need to don't be afraid to do a trippy if we have to just do normal resist now until we really need to do a trippy okay i've got all my cds up okay good nice job nice job i've got my death save up for the next one this is big good this is big good guys let's go ahead and take it home right now it's going do this let's go we got the winter dynamo it's going to spread out right now let's go get the out of there let's go 39 everything you got guys i can tank the next one with my desk safe let's do this you got this you got this move out move out without a void perfect avoid good job get out of that she's going to do the heavens fall again get ready for that [Music] great job great job everybody's everybody listen you need to not die you need to not i'm dead res me res me res me res me [Music] taking the rest taking a rise taking the rest everything's okay master has now mastered now master is now after this master is now after this [Music] do it hit it let's go let's go it's not over it is not over let's go take those rez's let's do this watch out this is all you dominic use your death safe [Music] big dick on dominic big dick on dominic you guys can do this keep them up great job shriek the head shrink it to me if i if you need to there we go avoid that lunar spread out spread out after this there we go good perfect get everybody back up get everybody back up re-stabilize dominic is dead it's fine just i'm i'm here i'm i'm dead taking rest taking rest taking rest taking rest taking risks taking rest taking res okay picking boss up picking boss up picking boss up picking boss up i've got it i've got it i've got it this is it come on come on i'm going to add every single one of them we're coming back and we're killing this boss everybody knows that we would have killed it before like we need probably realistically 30 more minutes to a half hour yes about 30 minutes to a half hour more time to kill it but we've got to do all craft we're going to do all craft this is listen we've wanted to get belle you're on all kinds of so long and it is finally here the day is finally here that we have bell you're on all craft it's been a long time boys about four years and we have a lot to talk [Music] about [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 562,233
Rating: 4.914371 out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, asmongold tv, asmongold final fantasy, asmongold FFXIV, ffxiv, wow ffxiv, wow final fantasy, asmongold ffxiv, asmongold ff14, final fantasy, final fantasy xiv, asmongold first raid, asmongold ffxiv raid, raid, coils of bahamut, coil of bahamut, coil of bahamut turn 5, coil of bahamut turn 9, bahamut, ffxiv bahamut, asmongold bahamut, asmongold coils, binding coil, second coil, final coil, bahamut coils
Id: GMBoqYbFrG0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 104min 15sec (6255 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 16 2021
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