Asmongold Reacts to Preach Roasting WoW's Ending Cinematic

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preach reacts to the new jailer cinematic it's just true very very true oh there's an intro cinematic there's two cinematics i thought that was cool okay i was glad i was glad they had two cinematics i i was i have to say that watching this makes me more interested for the game on the side than than the one in the middle do cinematics right then put subtitles on hold on okay here we go i want to watch him do it god what have people been watching on this pc changing the world order wait what the [ __ ] [Music] what the [ __ ] jesus that's a hard pass for me bro so we've got an interest here we go okay okay cool all to claim the power what the soul of azeroth see i actually really thought this part of it was kind of cool how they used the old halls of uh was this what was this the forge of souls how they used it and they actually had the gears turning for the first time ever because it actually did it provided like context for like well what were those and like it's like it's it's like finally that unanswered question happened first internet was okay yeah i thought that was cool it is and then it came through icc like that was so badass this was badass too and it connected them like a conduit claims the soul of your world oh it's just moss swarming i'm confused really why he attack the wound itself why is there a big mach what's this machine for i thought oh that is a good point yeah why wouldn't he attack the wound yeah because like sylvanas probably told him about the sword right i mean like she had to have told him about the sword so yeah yeah now that i think about it like that is weird like um because like the wound would be closer right but like maybe it's because of the conduit what sword bro like yeah what sword what sort what do you mean what sword dude like what do you mean are these are these more sword truthers in chat oh my god i guess like it kind of makes sense because like the forge of souls in the war i guess was like made for this purpose souls just ripped souls out what does this do what's this big turbine that's underneath icecrown well it's like it it's it's it's pulling it's the ict yeah but that's not what the forge of souls was the forge of souls wasn't to tap into the power of azeroth right they never really said and that's the thing that's why it's cool it does look cool it does it's badass turn on volume okay i mean that certainly was it's under icecrown citadel yeah there's been no mention at any point that there's something under icecrown like there's a big-ass machine under icecrown that's designed to tap into the world well even more so that it was not mentioned it's that it was mentioned and it was mentioned that what was underneath ice crown and all of northrend was uh yogg-saron that was my understanding and that's why you get saronite because that's the blood of yogg-saron yeah so i i don't know what the [ __ ] that was well it's azeroth itself right yeah yeah he's taking a soul of azeroth but is that ever gonna mention that this machine exists under there yeah but the forge of souls wasn't for that there's law for the forge of souls that's not what the forge of souls was for like i know it's the dungeon i recognize it i've ran it a billion times but that's not working for okay i don't i i feel like you can multi-purpose it like having the turbines turning for the first time in the dungeon i actually think this was cool and i don't feel like they needed a lot of lead up for it because it's almost like one of those things that gets put into the game and it's like there have been some cases remember where it was like they had like that gigantic gun in uh ashara and alex afrasionabi probably never going to happen now right said that you would eventually fire the gun it's like you have like these massive things in the game and it finally lends purpose to these massive things in the game and i think it's fine like that's the only part of this that i'm actually generally okay with um so i mean okay there's a big machine under there that does this oh they've they retconned it a bit for what the forge of souls was supposed to be so he's using the power of azeroth to unmake reality that's so icecrown citadel is kind of going a bit ghostbusters yeah and the ego ego shangdore built icecrown citadel in order to power the gate to let zuul through zuul aka zaval oh wow i mean that's what i'm getting right that's the vibe is the whole building is is basically a giant conduit so let this through yeah yeah that's effectively it and like i thought this part was really cool too because it actually like the reason why i thought it was so cool is that it had and it provided actual context for like why the two of these things are like basically they seem to be mirroring each other yeah i thought this was really cool and how it came through icc and everything like this was awesome in my opinion it's really not cool at all to be honest i don't know i thought it was cool like yeah i mean is this like next level storytelling no it's not but i just thought it was cool like this is fine yeah it doesn't have to be not everything has to be game of thrones like it can just be like wow it's cool tower that's actually what he's going to use it for oh that's really cool so this really was a plan right it makes sense are you the key master yeah i mean it does feel like getting a ghostbusters vibe from it uh i wish it was i wish it looked a bit different i kind of would have preferred him to fight without armor than be one of the most one that was just wandering around i feel like i liked whenever he put on his armor but i didn't really like it all that much because it just seems like i i don't know like i remember the original concept art for the jailer i actually thought was cooler than the original jaylor uh than the actual jailer that we get um yeah let me see if i can find a picture of it yeah i found it okay so let me see if i can find it right here okay um open image a new tab yeah so this is what the jailer was originally going to look like like i kind of like that more in my opinion i do i do kind of like this more what do you guys think he's got chains all over them and like yeah i think that is that looks really really [ __ ] badass it's just it looks like zeus well i think that like really what i looked at the jailer as is like in the war of the game the jailer was like the antithesis of almonthul thul was kind of like the leader you could say of the titans or he was the one that was kind of the you know he was the one that had all the voicelines so this is almost like the evil version of almonthul yeah way more elegant looking yeah i think so and also another thing that i like about this is that he looks like an actual king right like this looks like almost like an like a an evil version of poseidon or something like that this guy just looks like he's the big bad guy like there's there's not really a lot of nuance to the way that the character looks he looks like an arbiter does he look like an arbor let me see um yeah yeah the master of death i could see this guy being the master of death yeah definitely like i'm not saying that jaylor looks he looks cool like i do think he looks badass but also like if the if getting the arbiter's soul and the power of the arbiter back like isn't it weird that like he's got skulls all over his face like i mean isn't that kind of morbid like did did the shadow lands go through an emo phase with zoval like how did this happen primus yeah i guess the primus has skulls too that's true coffee here so much in tallghast yeah he looks cool he looks cool enough i haven't seen this fight yet i know i watched uh big dumb guild and liquid doing heroic rival and lords of dread that was fun but i know some guilds uh went straight into normal to kill the jailer i haven't seen it i want to wait for that okay this is the bit of noise okay here we go oh boy here we go [Music] that's what i thought has threatened the cycle of life and death entirely you could have sought another way brother imagine what we could have accomplished together that was the weirdest part to me is like so whenever danathirty has said we could have what we could have accomplished together and then they end up teaming up together and then on top of that it also means that dinatherius and all of the people there know what the jailer's plan was you see what i'm saying like it's like they know why he was doing it it's like they did everybody knows what the plan is except we'd accept us that's it that would have made sense we saw his memory before we knew danatherius and and he was working with the jor now it's weird yeah i know uh blizzard forgot about the first tier yeah they're making the game like people play the game castle nathria no man that that's the storyline no no no no those were the rules in the story in uh in 9.0 uh no no no no no now we're on to something different we could have accomplished together why what drove you to this end oh you want to explain his motive that which is doomed a cosmos divided will not survive there's a bigger body out there no man no yeah yeah [Music] no dude no you can't no dude the [ __ ] am i understanding this right oh hello it's just somebody's taking pictures of me you can't have his motive be he wants to dude i really thought that i i thought to myself there's no way whenever i saw the data mined image of the jailer like that robot like looking down sad and stuff i thought to myself there's no way they're actually going to play that there's no way he was actually just like a a weird defective robot that's ridiculous like how could they possibly do that who says cosmos divided will not survive is he referring to the alliance and the horde being unified in 10.0 uh no i don't think so because we're not the cosmos we're just like one planet who is the last shadow towering over and talking to the jailer it was the primus i'm pretty pretty sure unmake reality and dominate everybody in the universe because there's something else coming that's going to dominate the universe that doesn't work that doesn't work they can't do that you gotta be like well i need to [ __ ] crush you all and not make reality otherwise something worse is going to come and crush you all i don't make reality that's what i'm getting right is that the idea uh yeah that's what he's saying he's like i need to do this because there's something worse coming i need to kill you guys so this other guy doesn't come over and kill you guys wow uh that's that's basically what it is right there it sounds like doctor who yeah i know it's just i just can't believe this man i i cannot [ __ ] believe this he wasn't bad at all yeah so turn it up yeah sorry it's a um uh the volume for the the this and like him are very different so i'm turning it up and down that's what he's saying right i need to dominate you all i need to unmake reality to unify you it's for the greater good baby it's not a greater good cause and there's no like and he doesn't say like oh this is why he doesn't say like oh well it's like wouldn't that kind of help people understand where he's like hey this is why i need to do this but he just never explains himself holy [ __ ] oh there's somebody else coming he's even worse hmm okay i see why people were pissed at this yeah that that's garbage yup i still don't get why he's evil i mean he still wants to dominate everybody and crush them all and make reality but whatever [ __ ] make reality means oh my god it was just a prank yeah i just oh that's bad i feel like it like maybe i'm wrong about this but it does make me less motivated to want to like play the raid or or play the game if this story is like really really bad like am i the only person that feels that way like or do you guys feel like yeah it's extreme bad yeah it just like it it's it's like demoralizing it's like oh well you know why why am i going to go and do this or do that like what's the point of it almost that that's kind of the way that it makes me feel you pay lost ark and the story is bad um carmine's a better character than the jailer so is father armin like i mean that's yeah but i mean there's like it yeah you see what i'm saying like it's still trash yeah well i don't think it's like super amazing no it's not super amazing but it's good enough it's fine that's bad they're both dog [ __ ] stories he says all six realities will never come back to being one it's just so poorly told that's unfortunate sargeras was the same story i don't even know sargeras's storyline yeah at all i can only base it on this i really can't boot like sargeras they're just getting rid of him he's the garrison of villains you are unfortunately powerful the garrison of villains holy [ __ ] oh my god oh my god that's that's a bad one like this would have been okay this would have been like my perfect ending for uh for [ __ ] shadow ends right like this is what i wanted to see more than anything what i wanted to see was i wanted to see the jailer at the very end do the exact same ability like the fury of frostmourne and we fight him and he actually just kills all of us except for this time nobody resurrects all the players the players don't all get resurrected they're all just dead and then he goes on a monologue where he tells us that we've been living in a false reality azeroth has been destroyed by n'zoth and the reason uh you know the entire reason why we're in the shadow winds is because our characters are actually dead and he's going to remake reality to try to stop n'zoth right like that would have been [ __ ] cool because like here's the reason is that if the jailer had just randomly killed all of the players like at the very end you get a 10 health and he just kills everybody instantaneously and they don't get resurrected that's different that's interesting right because he just genuinely [ __ ] wins and then on top of that he sends everybody back to azeroth he becomes the arbiter again and then we never hear from him and then we fight the old gods we go back to azeroth it gives blizzard away to like completely redo azeroth and the jailer could completely break the cycle of life and death and you know how he could do that he could do that by never allowing a player to corpse run again you understand that like a player cannot die anymore in warcraft because it it makes sense out of respawning it like it turns respawning into uh an actual like logical game design mechanic uh it turns the player's experience into having less down time it just come you know it's like your character dies but it doesn't go to the shadow ends anymore you see what i'm saying like it just instantly resurrects at the graveyard or at the beginning of the instance or something like that so your character would never actually die like you would never actually have a have a dead character and so like then after that you'd have to fight back nazar's influence and the jailer would truly be like a um a neutral evil character they were like he killed everybody he sent all of them back to azeroth he became the arbiter again and that was it it's done that story is done like how it works in the mod yeah exactly yeah no more red sickness nothing corpse rocking is in the war nbc named fatescribe and orbos recognizes you what i'm saying is that it they could change and reinvent and completely uh what's the word for it not normalize a modernize the game by just removing and saying that the jailer is unmaking reality that's all they could do but you would have a reason to it yeah they could completely revamp it and they missed the opportunity to do that and like also it would be something because like it doesn't make sense in my opinion that we were able to beat us off like it just it doesn't make sense n'zoth like a you have to understand like yogg saron in icc or sorry in old war was at like point one percent of his power like you were effectively fighting a pimple on yogg saron and and that's what you beat and that's how hard it was to beat it an actual fully powered old god even if it's the weakest old god that there is it's still [ __ ] an old god like how could you even have a chance like it's the same with like ashara ashara is like this super power she's like the most powerful sorceress in all of the warcraft story and nazar [ __ ] picks her up like she's just a [ __ ] like a doll she's like get the [ __ ] out of here [ __ ] what the hell were you thinking and that's it and so like how is the power scaling on this off so much higher which makes sense by the way because he's like a [ __ ] eldritch you know lovecraftian beast and and we just beat him how the [ __ ] did that make any sense no way the thing's as big as the [ __ ] sky box give me a break i was frustrated what about c'thun c'thun also we we fought like basically an emergence of c'thun but not a like with n'zoth we fought an old god at its full power that's the difference i know i'm going off on a tangent here all i'm really trying to say is that i feel like the jailer storyline actually could have done so much for the game it could have allowed them to revamp the world to modernize game systems especially around dying it could have allowed them to actually have an interesting new character it could have done all these things and none of that happened you are the garrison of the village they're just getting rid of you get the [ __ ] out of there you you are warfronts of villains that's what you are yeah they pop the plug it's emmett coming for azeroth dude i would [ __ ] my pants if emmett sulk showed up in ezra no because who's writing him who's writing the emmett stark story for azeroth i don't need that in my life who's writing the emmett's self that's wrong story that's the guy from shane villains like just get out of here bye i think it is right yeah yeah the real story is anduin's what a wasted potential man yeah do you remember when charlotte was coming and we saw the pictures of the jailer and how hype everybody was about who the jail was yeah where's the original cutscene yeah where's the shadowlands original cutscene yes those were the days man those were the days uh that's already a picture of just oh [ __ ] can we get it for the thumbnail chris you ready wait like i need i need my full zac face right it's right hand [Laughter] okay so so his thumbnail was making fun of my thumbnail and then i started making fun of his thumbnail that was actually making fun of my thumbnail that's already a better story than 9.2 holy [ __ ] there we go there you go right hold on what was the setup for this expansion what setup what do you mean what setup thing homies this cutscene was sick i remember being so hyped about this is he gonna show it okay yeah he will i i wasn't hyped at all i don't want to watch zach's reaction he'll probably end up bleeding ice crown oh you can't see sorry dudes yeah a monument to our suffering there she is dude this was so good no it the veil between life no it was so bad and where are you server sits on a frozen throne this is so bad dude it was visually awesome you're right about that to see what relevance it had to the actual story rules forever how did she just walk in what about lord merrilgar this is the beginning and the end mortals none may enter the master sanctum remember that bone storm remember that we kill them so let me get this straight it's like also bolvar the only npcs the only bodyguards that all of icc has are a bunch of ghouls what about the four horsemen uh she showed up whenever they were asleep and they came back to our boss what happened like she got the helmet guys i [ __ ] up oh there was a giant machine under ice crown did he go downstairs and like this was really cool that was so [ __ ] badass this was so [ __ ] good when he took over you think he would do that [Music] here we go i think the only thing that was good about this cinematic is it showed how how slow dks were like there's no charge they can't do anything just sit there and go ugh you know like that's what it was that is not what that thing was here we go so much about the law back then yeah there were a lot of souls this part was really cool too yeah same games there says rather king is not true they can wreck on it now and say that's what it was but that's not what it was i just feel like bolvar would have broke it if he found that yeah turned it off you unplugged it or something yeah it's like why didn't bolvar ever tell us about the jailer like i mean you talk to bolvar all the time even when he's the lich king why didn't he say like listen uh you know you thought it was it was actually like there's actually a little bit more to it like uh there's this other guy and it's like he didn't exist yet yeah it's like [Music] here we go yeah he went he did go down like a [ __ ] he 100 went down like a [ __ ] this was just this was wear ridiculous crown wait bulvar looks really cool i'll i'll say the the visual for it is [ __ ] badass two wheeled so much power well apparently not you just beat him that power yeah you just beat him true that's true that made sense this world is a prison i actually thought this particular that this reality is a prison i really thought this part here was badass because everybody right here thought that this was the moment where sylvanas becomes the lich queen everybody thought this is what was gonna happen and like this is what a hundred percent like everybody had talked about this since after icc it was like this is it's finally going to happen and like this was actually the best subverting expectations that i think blizzard's probably ever done in the cinematic before it was really really good because nobody [ __ ] expected her to just break the [ __ ] in half and like she also by the way looked into the camera there's a little little fun fact here she looked into the camera and put the helmet on in the exact same way arthas did in the warcraft 3 cinematic she did the exact same thing so it's like holy [ __ ] it's about to happen and then people like wait what the [ __ ] and like that was cool like in my opinion i thought that was cool because nobody expected this [ __ ] to happen [Music] [Music] if you assume she's under the influence of the jailer yeah it fits it does it does it does what i would have preferred to happen in this cinematic is i actually think it would have been way cooler if uh if bolvar had destroyed her human form and she had taken it off of his head at the very end and broken it anyway because like realistically like i think it would make sense that sylvanas would be faster and more like agile than bolvar it just kind of makes sense for sure but like her being able to beat him like that would have been ridiculous yeah she's an elf like sylvanas is enough like what this scene should have reminded me of is like fingolfin versus morgoth where like he's one of the most powerful uh elves of all time he's a legendary warrior but morgoth is a god and it doesn't matter what you do it doesn't make a difference at all and i think that like at the uh in my opinion the this should have ended either with that happening or sylvanas breaking the helmet and then bolvar killing her because that would have just completely ended the sylvanas story it would have ended the problem it would have made sense because he's the [ __ ] lich king and then it would have been totally over like that's what should have happened so elves are op is what you're saying yeah all i'm really trying the mountain versus the viper yeah yeah i think that's a good way to look at it sure i mean maybe achilles versus the river god humans can't kill a god no matter how [ __ ] juiced yeah it's just like you can't that's what was so weird to me is that like the lich king it's like of all this time like obviously this really annoyed me too right it's like obviously bolvar has powers right bolvar clearly has powers like is how is he how is he casting remorseless winter right how's he doing this it's clear that he's the lich king how are the lich king's powers this week it doesn't make sense it's given her power too he could take away bolvar's powers as well yeah i i saw that right and i i feel like the the reason why that was dumb is that it makes sense that bolvar is more powerful because bolvar has the helmet and he's the lich king it doesn't make sense that sylvanas is more powerful whenever arthas became more powerful and he had frostmourne it made sense because he had frostmourne there's no empowering device that's on the screen that makes uh [ __ ] sylvanas way stronger it's the same as whenever thanos is really powerful in uh what do you call it thanos is really powerful in infinity war it's because he has the infinity gauntlet it makes sense right so like you have to have some sort of empowering device that happens like her using this kind of magic like sylvanas has used weird [ __ ] like this before throughout the game there's no reason to know that this is some kind of separate you know demonic power i have no idea so it's just yeah it's weird uh she was empowered no i understand what the reason was i just think that it was stupid uh but off screen the jailhouse dispelling bolvar's raid buffs and sylvanas kept hers yeah that's exactly what happened is sylvanas went in there with world buffs and bolvard didn't have any and she came out ahead it makes sense i mean like [ __ ] like it it does it was powered by helium jailer uh it's just told really [ __ ] badly yeah that's what i'm saying right i'm not saying in my opinion i still think the lich king should have won because he's the [ __ ] lich king and realistically uh to even tyrion whenever he shattered frostmourne he got a lucky hit on the lich king like he did tyrion forgering versus the lich king just mono a mono tyrion would lose in a second like he would lose in in like a fraction of a second and he was holding the ashbringer i didn't have frostmourne any souls to empower him i was just still an argument uh well he still has the helmet though and it's obvious that the helmet gives him powers that's always casting all these frost abilities and he can just take arrows after arrows you see what i'm saying yeah i don't know like all i'm really trying to say here is that uh this whole thing was ridiculous let me go back and i'll watch the rest of it okay [Music] i'll finish the the video because there's some other stuff i want to watch today too and i will set us all free [Music] arthas was distracted yeah it was if you assume she's under the influence of the jailer yeah it fits it does it does it does yeah it does fit free from uh i mean free from being yourself right yeah it's all mystery yeah it's so vague that's the thing it's so vague that it's like yeah you can twist it to make it fit and that's why they make it vague that's what i was saying before it's like it it's made to be vague intentionally so that they can give people uh so they can just change the story whenever they want like it's intentionally vague to give them breathing room to do things differently that's what my opinion is i think that's why they do it whatever well it's over now we could all rest easy that's what you think isn't that cute that preach thinks it's over isn't that so [ __ ] cute that preach actually thinks that it's over man man i just how could you ever believe that even when next expansion coming out on the 19th of april chances are we won't get to cinematic because of covid well i'm sure they could have made a cinematic in that time they could have made i mean the cinematic could be done for all we know yeah i have no idea it's over for him because uh he isn't buying the same [ __ ] expansions like you well yeah the thing is to me like i don't really i felt like i got my money's worth with shadow ends whenever it came out i did i i really did if you if you look at it as like one dollar an hour for entertainment i feel like i got my money's worth with shadowlands whenever it came out i did that that's all there is to it and like again i don't think that it's uh you know you got scammed i don't know i i feel like i easily did i got hundreds of hours of fun out of shell lens i did i enjoyed the game a lot yeah i mean am i without monthly sub i don't know i mean you can just unsub if you're not happy with the game like i think that makes sense that's fair i i do i think that's totally fair if you want to unsub if you're not happy with the game and uh i feel like it was worth it but i feel like it could have been more worth it true that's what i think really matters and that's the way i feel about it too first two months were okay uh yeah i would say so too [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 499,471
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, ZackRawrr
Id: nY04Q2BPByw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 28sec (2128 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 09 2022
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