Asmongold Shocked By FFXIV A Realm Reborn ENDING

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after a week of debating after a week of not being ready we finally are today gentlemen today we are going to be going over to heavensport all the time that we put in for the past month has all come down to this gentleman are you [ __ ] ready don't turn your back on family very i've heard truly bothersome business oh no it's george soros what do you want again george no i do not foresee a problem on that front yeah the main concern is robun there is no telling what the brood might do bro we have to throw this kid in the garbage and the flames day or night you may leave the sultana to me i shall personally attend her grace what the [ __ ] [Music] for my sake pray be a good little sultana to the last what the [ __ ] what's he gonna oh no is he gonna kill her oh my god considering who stands to profit from war oh it isn't hard to imagine who her other masters were george soros i [ __ ] knew it seven hells you mean to say that she was a double agent he's pissed dude he's mad all these years i've been made to dance to their tune i know you can hear me monitor his scum your crimes will not go unpunished all right all right yeah damn purge this land of your sickness before the eyes of the twelve i swear it that's [ __ ] right dude [Music] that's [ __ ] dude man we're gonna throw him off that we're gonna throw him off the wall man we're throwing him off the [ __ ] wall wait oh no oh no i shall have no further need of you this day your grace okay has the situation grown so grim oh she's there okay ever since he proposed the carton of reclamation bill taleji adeleji has risen to greater prominence upon the backs of impoverished refugees you shoot them the monetarists were ever united in their pursuit of what's the problem the man's actions have torn a rift in their ranks they snap at each other as rabid dogs my friends it was for no other reason than to make known to you my intent that i requested your presence here so she's gonna step down make my declaration to the people chaos shall inevitably ensue wow as the last monarch in the line of ul i make unto you this request what the [ __ ] oh my god help robon to preserve order and protect the people she's gonna step down forsake them and you forsake yourselves for a strong aosia will ever have need of a strong ulda the nation shall become a true republic both royalists and monetarists shall cease to be ulda will no longer belong to kings or queens or merchant princes but to her people forgive me for casting aside all that you have toiled for in my name beyond this gesture i am powerless to help my subjects [Music] what the [ __ ] if i may your grace i wish to propose a redistribution of forces if we entrust the security of ulda to the brass blades for a time we can dispatch a larger force to ishgard oh grace uh oh yes yes of course do what you will okay does he know that she's gonna step down he's upset it's a grace not feeling well oh [ __ ] to the best of my knowledge her grace is in perfect health that's great i see carry on well [ __ ] oh sultan tree hallowed spirit of my line oh jesus okay she's she's okay like it's she's not that bad through my weakness the glorious house of all has all but disappeared beneath the sands damn for want of the strengths to raise it up again it worked better that it fall [ __ ] man forgive me but i know not what else to do [Music] [ __ ] i kind of feel bad for her in a way i do all right guys here we go would you believe that while you were away another message arrived for you well one did one delivered by the sultana's handmaiden no less seems where grace desires a private audience her handmaiden will meet you on the royal promenade and escort you to the sultana's chambers what are you waiting for go on then go [Music] damn you needn't trouble yourself so your grace is most kind but it is no trouble to me rather an honor okay if your grace is ready i shall summon the warrior of light summon me need another person to hook on the stone uh oh she's preparing herself oh this is a nice place a little banquet everybody's there having fun oh look at that look at that dude wow oh isn't it nice oh the guy's there look at that yay ouch everyone looks to be in high spirits okay with good cause a common victory may serve to unite even the most unlikely of allies so how is this guy like completely [ __ ] oblivious that his subreddit is just running wild science sign come here help i need you what is it what the [ __ ] cut it like a hog and not by one no these wounds are made with a blade i've heard nothing of the crystal brave operations in this area what cause has wilfred had to come here what should we do wait wilfred's dead but he's not like passed out he's actually [ __ ] dead hey and the boy's remains he should return to the rising stones and the scene would want to know what happened here bro this is [ __ ] man and so do i yeah that was my boy bro that's messed up that is messed up dude asmingle is that you what brings you out this way what's up lawrence what's up [ __ ] lieutenant elaine well no i haven't seen her about has she come this way i guaran guarantee we would have crossed paths i must have passed this spot a dozen times where to patrol the city's invariants on account of royal banquet captain's orders you understand speaking of which isn't it about to begin you should be with the other honored guests enjoying your well-deserved respite uh yep i'm aware of that all right pray return to and also gold if i have a chance to meet the lieutenant i will tell you that you are here okay well uh you know the ominous music and everything like that uh while i'm running away just really uh really doesn't do me any favors what the [ __ ] his subreddit is it's just it's going wild and he's just not even like he's in he's just he's an idiot yeah he's such an idiot you've brought us one step closer to a united ayosia yeah um uh he has yeah it's because of him your modesty knows no bounds antecedent worried not for your efforts so emmerich would never have become such a steadfast ally when he convinces his countrymen to rejoin the alliance we shall all reap the benefits military and economic yeah he's he's the coolest one like he's my favorite because he makes her him this guy looks stupid i tell you we are on the cusp of a new era of unity and prosperity wow territorial disputes are all that divide us now yeah but i have faith that we will find an amicable solution in time well considering there's three expansions and the fourth one being planned for the game i feel like all of our problems are not solved at all and failing that i'll have my trusty warrior of light box the ears of all concerned speaking of whom what the [ __ ] yeah where am i he will be joining us shortly a mata at the quicksand required his attention but it did not sound serious okay [Music] banging the princess no that's not happening you're the redditor's mod yeah apparently i'm one of his head mods i'm not i'm the mod that bans people apparently right except for instead of banning people from the subreddit in this game i just banned them from life i have a feeling like we're pretty much like this is the finale i'm pretty sure until we get to heaven's ward all right let's do it oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] all right boys let's do it let's talk to her thank you for coming sir her grace is most eager to speak with you upon proceeding to sultana's bed chamber several cutscenes will play in sequence okay is recommended that you set aside sufficient time to view these scenes in their entirety well i don't know guys i'm pretty sure we're busy uh yeah we're really busy we don't know how to um uh yeah i i don't know if i can do this yeah i'm really busy guys i'm worried dude i'm worried that well the the george soros is gonna stab her like i'm worried he's gonna like [ __ ] come in and sneak in and kill us your guest has arrived because he said leave her to me you know i'm here pray come in and take your ease okay oh look at everybody chilling having fun enjoying themselves it's all a good time there's well that the steps of faith held against the horde true the alliance is the best in the [ __ ] we sustained some few losses but the heart of our nation yet beats with vigor i am not certain i could say the same had we not received your most generous aid damn that's a nice guy an attack on ishgard is an attack on the realm we stand together or fall divided true rabbon was the one who was willing to send in guys to actually do [ __ ] too such noble words after the fact well wait a minute are you little [ __ ] i had hoped to speak in the presence of her grace but it seems she has been delayed that being the case now would seem as good a time as any okay is he gonna rejoin your alliance honored friends pray allow me to convey ishgard's warmest gratitude for your part in the defense of our lands oh yeah you're welcome [Music] it is upon the success of this very alliance that my recommendation to throw open the gates of judgment shall be founded with the blessing of the archbishop it is my hope that ishgard will soon be reunited with her long estranged sister nations and that eorzea shall once more be as one damn all right that's pretty [ __ ] good there we go yay yeah yay wow [Applause] why is she not caught why is why is your slaughter not clapping oh very well okay what's this is all to miss yeah it's shit's [ __ ] up nothing to worry about i shall return enough oh my god i i'm just so sick of this like are you kidding me bruh are you kidding me what the [ __ ] is she doing okay oh no you wished a word you yuhase the [ __ ] that's how to say his name oh okay yeah uh this is what i'm curious about right what does she want to talk to me about oh she's dismissing her okay your grace oh damn we're having wine [ __ ] bro all right you must be curious as to the reason for this private audience yes i am that i would discuss however will soon make a parent the need for discretion makes sense we have to kill telegi elegy i'm ready where is he i'll do it right now in front of everybody i intend to abdicate the throne and dissolve the monarchy this is such a mistake this is such a mistake dude like democracy would never work i mean there's no way base yeah right this is a no bro like this is a [ __ ] up i'm like what the [ __ ] why you have seen for yourself the storm of turmoil that howls through our streets yes the government fails in its responsibilities and my subjects suffer the consequences of our incompetence i can guarantee you that the same thing will happen with democracy i i i really i can i can guarantee you that will happen but i will see them suffer no longer the victory feast shall provide the stage on which i declare the dissolution of the sultanate jesus christ what a mistake it is mine intent that the ruling class of our golden city should take its place beside the common man in a fair and equitable republic no more shall this nation bow to the whims of a privileged view oh come on come on yeah oh [ __ ] this dude oh this is the worst what the [ __ ] new oh democracy yeah sure yet that which i propose will entail the tearing up of this city's very foundations true and even roban with all his strength and influence will be hard-pressed to keep his footing on such treacherous ground that's true democracy that's good can i ask you to lend him a steadying head well of course i mean that's my boy like i mean like i'm part of the immortal flames you know this right like that's part of the story but i'm literally part of the immortal egg duh you who have endured the wrath of innumerable foes are the one hero in whom i can place my trust will you do this thing for me yeah yeah i'll take care of him but i have to be able to execute anybody i want at any time that i want to do it that stuff that's my only that's my only uh negotiation [Music] i am truly grateful more grateful than i can well express that's nice much of my dread for the coming days has been quieted okay [Music] damn she didn't get poisoned did she what oh my god another false flat yo grace are you kidding me george soros planted a false flag again there's no way she's there's no way she's dead i don't believe it there's no way her grace the sultana is dead no no no no poison in her wine you you did this they're really gonna do that they're really gonna [ __ ] play this [ __ ] on me they're really gonna put this [ __ ] on me is that right spare us your denials i see no other suspects and the room has but the one entrance what the f what do you mean the wine could have been [ __ ] poisoned a week ago but hereby accuse you of a regicide men arrest this viper what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] dude this is why'd you do it man shut up sir borrowing a few exceptions we have detained all those with allegiance to the scions the rising stones is also under our control oh my god he the separate has been stolen man bro this is [ __ ] up oh my god the mods have been conspiring against them oh my what the [ __ ] dude this is man this is [ __ ] up this is [ __ ] up man and what do you hope to achieve with this mutiny it's always a walla fell isn't it why that which we have striven for all along commander the salvation of eorzea oh shut the [ __ ] up what a lion ass [ __ ] what a little lion ass [ __ ] what the [ __ ] dude this is [ __ ] man doesn't it strike anybody as odd that like the uh the [ __ ] princess isn't here oh [ __ ] what is the meaning of this the [ __ ] knights from the homeland this cannot bode well what the f what the [ __ ] lord commander we have received an urgent message from the holy see what is it i am grieved to report that your serpentine foes have resumed their assault needless to say your presence is urgently required these nights have come to bear you swiftly home to ishkar nah bro nah bro that's fake that's a this is a double false flag a surprise attack we've had no such word from our men and the timing is most fortuitous to catch us away from the city true most fortuitous indeed lord commander we must away shut up [ __ ] you have been a most gracious host i hope that i might one day return the favor okay come lucia yeah he's this guy is really what a great what a great host the [ __ ] yeah what the [ __ ] is this well you're not going to tell everybody i swear to god like can we just shoot him can we please just shoot him all right yup what a pamp dude what is going on in there what a [ __ ] pimp dude what the [ __ ] uh-oh ah the ever dutiful brass blades i must apologize but my dance card is rather full another time perhaps uh-oh thank grid of the scions of the seventh dawn you stand accused of committing acts of espionage in service to the garlian empire how can you see that you wearing a mask [ __ ] shut up shut up [ __ ] espionage what in the seven hells are you talking about i wouldn't put it past stalwardred man like this guy's already [ __ ] he's already been la brea before bob i bet this is [ __ ] though if you're referring to that business with the ultima weapon then you must understand i i wasn't myself yeah sure bro under interrogation an imperial prisoner revealed your involvement in numerous dealings with the enemy we've also been investigating reports that you are a practitioner of forbidden arts what the [ __ ] you best come along with us oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] they're gonna [ __ ] kill him you invite me to your party and now you want me to leave i do so detest receiving mixed signals oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] then i believe i've lost my appetite for this farce of a celebration what that's a good f that was a good cut scene dude yeah i think you probably beat them all well now what he's pissed he's pissed he's pissed you go too far lord adelegee by what right do you march armed soldiers into a royal banquet and eject state visitors without her gracious consent true you'll treat the brass blades as your personal army and show contempt for the throne with your every act leave us now damn he's not putting up with any [ __ ] huh is that an order general may have you have mistaken me for one of your flames you will find i am not so slavishly obedient as you lecture me on personal armies as for your outrageous claim that i have shown contempt for the throne let all here observe that it was not i who feasted while an assassin removed its occupant oh [ __ ] he's just announcing it to everyone oh i expect this is your idea of defending the nation is it this and diluting our forces through these distractions incarnate and curses what the [ __ ] to see how the ranks of the immortal flames came to be riddled with guardian sympathizers you are plainly unfit for command what the [ __ ] dude wait wait gods damn you your words make no sense what a satin you mean to say you don't know we caught the vaunted champion of the scions in her grace's private chambers not moments after the deed was done yeah right yeah nah bro that was not me that was not me man nope no no this cannot be true as fake ass [ __ ] [ __ ] save your breath you will need it to plead your case you and your entire order are to be tried for this atrocity yeah right this is trying [ __ ] this emperor palpatine [ __ ] get the [ __ ] out of here this fake news yep bring in the prisoner this is me isn't it oh it's wait what the [ __ ] this man stands accused of poisoning her royal majesty nanamo ulnamo and his suspected accessories to the crime all members of the scions of the seventh dawn will be detained for questioning yo [ __ ] this is madness what the [ __ ] what a pity who'da thought your tail would end like this no i don't no man should you demand further proof a vial with traces of the substance used to poison her grace was found upon the assassin's person are you kidding me brawl no oh [ __ ] dude are you no man this is are you kidding me that's fake how very convenient you would speak of convenience who persuaded her grace to host this celebration a diversion which presented you and your confederates ample opportunity to commit the crime and a crowd within which to fade from view a more convenient occasion i could scarcely imagine i'm so sicker i'm so sick how dare you after all we have done for all da good your top witch i'll not be in the sauce i know all about the dark gift that you and your disciples wield i cannot wait to kill him man oh yes i've observed how you worked upon the minds of the alliance leaders bending them to your will that's just cause she's hot that's all it's not it's not the dark gift yeah it's just because she's talking about your relationship with sir emmerich for years ishgard absorbed all contact with the outside world and now the lord commander of the temple knights treats you with the familiarity of a childhood friend what are you trying to say tell me what i think i think this desperate defense of ishgard was but a ruse to deceive us into dividing our forces what the [ __ ] man your next move will be to charm your curtain allies into invading our lands get the [ __ ] man this is now that is truly ridiculous um i'm about had enough of this how do you even think of this stuff she she cannot be dead no man stand aside elbert i want to see the sultana yeah spare yourself the pain brother i saw her with my own eyes [ __ ] man for a mercy the poison took her swiftly her handmaiden can attest to that dude is she in on it too this cannot be f man i feel bad for him [ __ ] man this is sad [Music] plainly the royalists can no longer be relied upon to keep our nation safe and so it falls to the monetarists of the syndicate to govern ulda but should you wish to help us general we would be more than happy to entrust the task of planning her grace's funeral to you that's man that's [ __ ] up seems only right that you should bury your precious sultana and we will be glad to be rid of that burden that is [ __ ] up i'll bet you will you more than any man whatever do you mean oh [ __ ] i mean you had her killed you black-hotted bastard oh right yeah what rot though i did have sufficient motive tis true that young lady caused me no end of grief she always was a most unwilling puppet i dare say her grace was grateful that someone thought to cut her strings what the [ __ ] just kill him you would mock her then mock her from hell what yes yes dude [ __ ] yes man that's how it's done oh my god man see that's why i joined the immortal white knight bravon's a pimp [ __ ] yes dude have you lost your mind general it is forbidden to draw steel in the royal chambers much less slaughter this is not looking good for him you're one of them you've been in league with the scions all along uh-oh you you're next to scheming bastard [ __ ] yes dude what the [ __ ] what oh ravon what the [ __ ] seven hells it cut off his [ __ ] arm admiral we must leave yeah right what they're leaving how unlike you old friend i did not expect to take your arm so easily what the [ __ ] what take the scions into custody they have conspired to commit regicide oh he's in on it too and arrest this traitor as well [ __ ] that i ain't going to them this man this is [ __ ] up are we really going to get arrested by some [ __ ] random ass policemen after we defeated primals is this really gonna happen does it better not [ __ ] happen i hope you choke on their coin this is oh my god just better than the dirt i have sucked on these long years we can't all abandon al amigo and become great war heroes as you have oh my god you are not the man you once were rabon since that girl strapped the yolk around your neck you've become docile what the [ __ ] alberto are you kidding me she took the mad bull and cut off his balls and a bull that cannot rot is fit for naught but slaughter what the [ __ ] bro what the [Music] [ __ ] they better not kill him man i swore to [ __ ] god if they kill him shall i tell you who really killed your precious sultana who it was me wait i thought it was the other i thought it was too edgy why you you die [Music] oh [ __ ] jesus christ [Music] god damn this guy's powerful oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] i never doubted you not for a moment there is more to this than i yet understand oh my god flee this place clear your names find out who's behind this plot it is the only way now go bro this [ __ ] was this [ __ ] went zero to 60 real quick well he's gonna fight this guy by himself with one arm [Music] uh seems like a bad idea where the hell are we going what the [ __ ] ah there you are okay okay okay all right sancrid where have you been i just took care of them huh avoiding the fumbling advances of some very persistent admirers but when i realized the celebrations had turned sour it seemed prudent to slip away and take stock of the situation it would appear that much of the city is already under tight guard it occurs to me that expanding the brass blades authority may not have been such a wonderful idea after all what the [ __ ] the success of this plan was contingent upon those thugs having the run of the place just how long has this scheme been in motion oh what the man this is [ __ ] up careful preparations the maneuvering of forces i am inclined to agree with the general's insistence that a deeper plot exists here i can see that so would i be right in thinking we now have an excuse to pummel as many brass blades as we like yes that's correct unless you plan on pummeling them all i'm not sure that will greatly aid our cause well there's no aoe cap in the game let's do it the sultana's assassination was but one part of the scheme we too were its targets and though we did not share pononimo's fate we are yet hobbled by the charges laid at our door where now might we seek refuge where indeed we may safely assume that our foe is thought to have the rising stones watched true absolutely true forgive me for stating the obvious but our choice of destination will matter little if we cannot secure an escape route out of ulda how do how is this a problem i thought we're supposed to be like this elite group of champions why can't we just defeat defeat like the [ __ ] common storm troopers just fight our way out i believe i can provide one papashan once told me about the passages hidden in the walls of the palace oh here we go if i recall correctly the fireplace in anonymous chambers conceals the entrance to a tunnel okay it should lead outside the city and allow us to avoid any messy confrontations that's convenient for sure oh uh oh oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] the rest of you go on ahead i'll handle this lot oh wow she's got the brass knuckles [ __ ] is crazy huh i suppose i shall just have to join you oh wow okay they're gonna fight him off crystal braves too huh now this should be interesting why is that not a surprise eda papalevo if he could just cast fireballs why are they worried we will hold our pursuers here these guys just have swords who cares crystal [ __ ] boys true menphilia we cannot linger yeah what are you doing what are you doing just get the [ __ ] over here oh my god there's like five guys it's not even a big deal now what this isn't the wallet fell is it yep it is there he is oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] what the [ __ ] what what's this ah now look what you've done oh wow it's your face damn jesus peter are you all right there are just too many of them this is not looking good for them at all i'm fine i could do this all day damn nearing the end of my tether uh oh that's not good at all that's a lot of [ __ ] mobs man they're out of mana this is so stupid we're the scions of the seventh dawn the ones who stand between this realm and the evil that's trying to destroy it true and if you think we'll leave the stewardship of eorzea to the likes of your masters then you're solely mistaken i don't think they give a [ __ ] man they're just getting paid sorry i dragged you into this papalimo just hardly the first time and i'll be damned if it will be the last oh [ __ ] [Music] what the [ __ ] [Music] what the [ __ ] is going on oh my god let them have it when he gave her a buff i was hoping you'd say that this lb3 oh is it that's cool holy [ __ ] god damn all right well problem solved i guess these must be the catacombs i never knew such a watercourse existed beneath ulda the architecture is of the sildine style if i'm not mistaken the ancients plainly foresaw the need for a ready means of escape i can see that oh you're [ __ ] the [ __ ] cat ears the [ __ ] cat ears bro this way there it is dude yep the little cat ears that didn't take long it seems these tunnels were not as secret as i'd hoped apparently not you two go on ahead thankford and i will deal with this okay what do you mean to do [ __ ] stab him what do you mean what do you think only that which is required to ensure that the dawn's light survive to brighten the morrow damn fear not antecedent you haven't seen the last of these fair features okay i guess not yeah my friends that'd be fine don't worry about it i mean you could always help them and be useful for once i mean you really could do that if you wanted to leave us i never mind jesus yeah yeah never mind so i have to run with her what is the plan milady shall i take the dozen on the left and you the dozen on the right the odds are not exactly stacked in our favor numbers will count for little when i bring the tunnel down upon their heads though i cannot say i relish the thought of being entombed with you for all eternity yeah yeah true you wound me i will have you know that many a maid would kill for the chance to spend forever at my side now may i have the last dance i think dude though it's actually kind of a badass what the [ __ ] yeah this he actually kind of is i'm after the whole getting possessed by the essecian guys not ideal but still damn jesus christ oh [ __ ] [Music] well this is going splendidly now would be a good time a lady they got him in an arrow dude yeah hit arrow to the knee exactly just done oh wow what the [ __ ] forgive me mitra who the [ __ ] is that farewell philia wait what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] hi don she speaks to me how convenient why couldn't you just tell us this [ __ ] was gonna happen ahead of time yeah how convenient no what'd she say i must remain behind but you cannot stay with me oh that's too bad please you must go on you are the warrior of light you are hope for the scions and for all the realm oh my god as long as your flame continues to burn the light of the dawn may ever be re-lit oh my god you must escape and save eorzea from those who would plunge it into darkness i guess so man i guess [ __ ] so oh my god tis the only way he's losing all his friend i'm losing all my friends man now i'm all by myself man this is sad all right i made it outside okay good now what i'm just chilling now what's this okay so i'm just all right i'm outside that's great wait how did he get here what the [ __ ] wait is this his sister i'm i'm so confused right now i am glad to see you no it's not a friend what of the others what the hell is he wearing that stupid [ __ ] for they're all gone damn that man wow telegi played me for a fool i thought the crystal braves mine till the very moment i felt the blade at my back jesus there will be ample time for soul searching later for now we must put some moms between us and ulda what about everybody else man dude this is [ __ ] up well would you look who it is need a ride i doubt it'll be half as exciting as the last trip we took not if i have anything to say about it okay all right so yeah this guy yeah this is the guy this is a tutorial guy exactly what up bro what up bro how you doing oh my god let's not totally all aboard that's a lot of [ __ ] people jesus wow i i don't even really know what to say here i'm gone and it's only me and the redditor left oh no oh no i forgot yeah as well yeah man i'm stressed out i'm so stressed out i was stocking up on supplies over in vesper bay you see when your sister come up and begged a favor said her brother was having some trouble down in ulda likely needed a helping hand getting away makes sense i think in them ruins would make a fine hide in place i decided to try their first and lord behold there you were oh wow how about that hi i'm judging by them soldiers as we're pouring out of the city i arrived not a moment too soon it would seem that way yes must have been fake that we happen to find you there though eh it seems that way i had thought to look out for ali zay but would appear she was the one watching over me oh wow such a mess of things bro this [ __ ] is [ __ ] up this is actually [ __ ] up here i don't even know what to think honestly i have no idea and who might you be young sir yeah who the [ __ ] is this guy he's just some random ass guy like how did he even get away i'd often not even get away i'm so confused vice marshal of the immortal flames what pippin i had been on the alameegan front these past few moons but an urgent communication called me back to ulda okay scarce had my boots touched the cobbles though when the streets erupted with cries of assassination i immediately went in search of answers and came across master alfino here needless to say i did not think his imprisonment justified so this guy broke him out on his own the blame plainly lies with the monetarists their greed and corruption are well known to me but for them to take advantage of the situation with such alacrity well it was planned out was that pippin you said ain't that the name of general aldin's lad oh yes i am his son adopted of course it was only as we were leaving ulda that i learned a father's fate wow once i have seen you a safe distance away i mean to return to the city and extricate him from this madness dude wait yeah that is wait raubon is a general you know what this this law fell isn't that bad i like this guy this is our what the [ __ ] then you needn't travel no further than black brush our fugitives have a friend yeah this guy's all right oh my god i dreamed of bringing about aorzia's salvation but in the end in the end you [ __ ] up it was i who needed saving true true i mean he just like i mean honestly like the redditor is just he is not doing too well i must say that he is not doing too well soldiers keep searching for a while yet reckon we'll take the carriage back to a dollar and lay the land maybe provide a distraction if need be you three wait here i'll be along shortly stay strong friends the real fights to come bro what the [ __ ] is gonna happen like like we i want we lost everybody man but every single person in the story is [ __ ] gone except for me and the redditor which if i was to make a list of all the people that i was hoping not to see okay let's talk to pippin and to taru the most unassuming folk can prove to be our greatest allies the focus but a passing merchant yeah he let it save and then a moment's headed station or any hand of concern of his own safety though i can well imagine how a man could feel inspired to risk all in your presence father spoke often of you aspen gold and long have i looked forward to our first meeting needless to say this is not how i envisioned it what the [ __ ] are we gonna do now master off and on it's best not give up in despair that would only play into our enemies hands so long as you and asping gold are free we may still set times right or sorry things right forgive me marshall top on but i alpha not my boy sorry to keep you waiting wait sid oh yeah i forgot all about sid oh my god pulling you out of the fire usual uh your merchant friend told me everything uh truly then there is no merchant but an angel and peddler's clothing but uh tell us how do you intend to bear our friends to safety i hid the enterprise a short distance away all i need is a destiny we must find a place beyond the ridge of both the monitors and the crystal braves kawarthas uh ishgard will not suffer the intrusion of foreign forces in their territory that settles it with me everyone i must remain here i dare not abandon udallah to monitor us in their cronies you may be certain that they seek to defame you both here and in the other city-states but know that i shall do my utmost to thwart through every effort frankly i do not expect it to be much of a challenge the small folk uh do not so easily turn on the warrior of light and his allies no matter what the monstrous claim monster toupon i do not know what to say huh now that father would labor to belief but enough talk you must go master alpha no your airship awaits so we've got to go rescue everybody oh my god what the [ __ ] man up up there's no rest for the righteous we're gonna fly the [ __ ] back over there we're gonna get our ship back where we go we got to go back over to ko arthas and then we're gonna we're gonna come back and get everybody back we're gonna save everyone we have to so he flew away now i'm assuming we're in the snow yeah we're in the snow okay so where do where the [ __ ] do we go now james crimson dragon with five tier two subs thank you so much i appreciate that too thank you thank you thank you very much what the [ __ ] so now we're here and it's literally just me and the redditor i i i don't know what to say i i do not know what the [ __ ] to say wow that's crazy oh there's another airship over there look at that so now what do we do we should make for camp dragon and speak with lord horsefart perhaps perhaps he will know what to do well yeah we gotta come back in there [ __ ] bust that [ __ ] down man kawarthas central highlands holy [ __ ] man dude like we lost all the scions and everything man this is [ __ ] up this is some like i'm so glad that rauban killed that guy though i am so [ __ ] glad about that if you talk about the rest of the [ __ ] it's whatever but the fact that he just [ __ ] chopped that [ __ ] up like right in front of everybody that's what it was about there has been word from the capital ishgard has weathered another assault i can see that and to said several wyverns broke through into the city proper why vernos wyvernos this guy is actually pretty nice the temple knights succeeded in slaying the beasts but the intrusion prompted orders to further strengthen the god and to place the city under a perpetual state of alert i can see that how keenly we feel the loss of our wards at the gates of judgment yeah those are the things that got destroyed our misfortune so emeric is safely returned from ulda and once more leads the defense of ishgard okay as for the matter of your asylum i am afraid no progress will be made until the threat to our nation is diminished well [ __ ] but do not despair you are not without allies yeah i have the redditor thank god for that you are more than welcome to shelter here for as long as you wish pray think of it as a new headquarters of sorts the falling snows or some such what the [ __ ] i'm get i'm moving again all frivolity aside any who come here in search of you okay will receive no aid from house for tom for once the asgardian reputation for inhospitality shall work in our favor oh all right well how about that agents of ulda will find their every inquiry dismissed and their every request for entry rebuffed until such time as their masters have acknowledged your innocence damn he's not happy you almost feel bad for him to preserve the honor of mine almost it is a blessing that i may now repay that debt and kind but let us dwell no more on this pray join the rest of your companions it is bitterly cold this day i suspect there are those who might welcome the warmth your present springs well how about that this guy's pretty he's pretty nice guy we talked to the wait talk to him who managed to escape and what are those who did not yeah so he's not very happy the intercessory awaits asthma gold pray do not keep your companions in suspense i am certain their hearts will soar at the sight of you okay uh let me go talk to the uh the oh it's it that one place on the side of the wall isn't it yeah yeah that's what i thought okay here we go house four temps guard greetings sir shall i show you inside upon proceeding to the intercessory several cutscenes will play in secrets okay that's sea lion yeah [Music] all right here we go [Music] here we go boys oh it's tataru alphanod asmongold is it really you yes it's it's really us oh she's crying i'm so happy that you're yeah we survived it's okay i tried contacting milfina and the others but no one would respond and the crystal braves our own people turned on us in the marketplace uh gilfina told me to run and so i did and i ran until my lungs burned and my feet ached but i lost my way and then fortunately i observed some of the braves behaving suspiciously beforehand who the [ __ ] is this is this who i think it is it is oh [ __ ] wait what's with her face yes my mask it was lost in a struggle oh my god pretty isn't she yeah anyway after you refined me we traveled to vesper bay and met up with uber danger we told them that what happened and he used his magics to weave a glamour around the waking sands from the outside our old headquarters now looks like an abandoned storehouse the transformation didn't take long either apparently uber danger started making preparations after the imperial attack just in case the empire ever chose to pass another visit good thinking huh ah sorry where was i oh sorry uh we waited there at the waking stands hoping others would come but no one else did my people are searching for the other signs even as we speak but we have met with no success yet i had hoped that you might be able to suggest further places to look but as you should know rising stones did not share the waking stands good fortune only crystal braves await you there be that as it may we have yet cause for hope do we not if the two of you escaped it's not impossible that the others could have done so as well uh i mean maybe uh you may have been able to forsake my men and women believe true but rest assured that the people of doma stand with you we welcome this opportunity to repay your debts and shall continue our efforts to locate others and see scions restored to the rightful place of honor that's nice damn what happened to her face though that's what i'm kind of curious about it is all my doing yep it sure is you [ __ ] everything up you [ __ ] literally everything you [ __ ] everything up this is the you are the plot device you are the plot device i believed myself the only one who truly understood aozia's woes and look what that arrogance has wrought that's right i gave commands influenced governments with my certainty yep i treated the crystal braves and even the scions themselves as pawns in my great scheme to save the realm and how'd that work out huh in my headlong rush into imagined glory i paid no heed to the ground upon which i trot damn went down the salvation of eorzea got banned off his own ready what was it that i hoped to achieve did i believe that i could rid the realm of every danger and difficulty that i could defeat the empire and the aseans and find homes for every refugee yeah i mean why not it's gonna take a few expansions but you just gotta work on it one day at a time right obviously yes i was so very clever banned from his become a guardian of aorzia i implored and sat back to watch my perfect army cleanse the land of chaos of course yeah that was his goal it was all but a means to feed my own vanity only when all is lost do i finally realize the truth that's true [Music] don't even try it who's this all right what are you oh bringing them a little bring in some hot cocoa oh so master alfie are you content to remain a broken blade is there no flame hot enough to reforge you yeah true you know sit around and cry about it all day find companions who yet stand at your side i dare say the fires of their determination will soon have you slicing the air again with your customary wit of course i hardly deserve such friendship and besides where are we to go okay tanya thanks for five subs i appreciate it thank you alphanue if i may you may not should this place not serve our purpose then then we shall go to ishgard oh great menphilia told me many times as long as we stand fast against despair the beacon of hope will never be lost to sight okay be it in the snow or in the clouds we few will see that the dawn's light shines again oh isn't that nice you are right tataro thank you and thank you for your kind words lord orshfong it is true that aozia yet has her guardians man like this guy [ __ ] some serious [ __ ] up like i ki i feel bad for him in a way but there's another big part of me it just kind of doesn't you know like it's just like because he [ __ ] all this [ __ ] up on his own like he did this to himself it's really not that big of a thing you know what i mean the scions have achieved much and would be remiss of me to discard it all in a fit of self-pity let us then resume our journey together one step at a time damn so wait a minute so since we recruited let's think about this just for a minute okay so since we recruited people from all over uh the [ __ ] aorzia for the crystal braves for his little special subreddit and then they all got to go collectively together and betrayed him he actually material materially made things worse because those people would just still be sitting around in gridania on a bench or sitting around and lisa lamassa role playing with the cat girls they would have been fine but he he brought them together and [ __ ] had this happen [Music] holy [ __ ] i skip okay all right let me skip this right here oh wait a second oh yeah all has been arranged as you desired my lord what the [ __ ] bro like is she really stepping for the wall of fell though all of those are the evilest race in this whole game they are whenever you think about think about all the bad things that happen it's because of them oh [ __ ] this is oh my god [ __ ] man they put him in jail oh [ __ ] it's the illuminati again i knew it rookie thanks for five subs i appreciate that thank you and villana same thing thank you guys so much nebralius is no more the ardor was not his to invoke his demise was of his own making is of his own making nevertheless it concerns me they have extinguished that which rightfully should be eternal mayhap he was not wholly mistaken greater haste must be warranted we are of one mind the northern lands then oh that's where they were taking over the arc bishop the earth is fertile and the seeds are well sown by my will they shall reap salvation unlike any world is known by his will by his will what the [ __ ] bro the illuminati is actually uh pretty scary wait oh who's this so oh my gosh i've answered thy summons emissary speak and make nine intent known no man no no man i would speak of fate archon yours mine and the fate of this very star no bro no i'd i i cannot [ __ ] believe it oh my god oh my god are you [ __ ] kidding me are you [ __ ] kidding me man it's me and it's a dragon thou thinkest sanctuary lieth beyond ah ye i know ye doom i don't know delusion despair death thou shalt find not else here well let's go let's go somewhere else we'll just yeah we'll just go somewhere else it's fine holy [ __ ] oh my god man to preserve the dawn's light the heroes journeys north their hearts filled with hope and eyes fixed heavens [Music] heavensward [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 509,111
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Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, asmongold tv, asmongold final fantasy, asmongold FFXIV, ffxiv, asmongold ffxiv, asmongold ff14, final fantasy, asmongold plays ffxiv, final fantasy xiv, ffxiv ending reaction, ffxiv ending, final fantasy xiv ending, a realm reborn ending, ff14, asmongold final fantasy day 11, ffxiv day 11, final fantasy day 11, 2.55 ending, asmongold ending, ffxiv dead reaction, ffxiv reaction, ffxiv end
Id: IO6jV5U8IQc
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Length: 78min 25sec (4705 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 02 2021
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